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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ferrin--With 'Time Lord'

@Caits As Time Lord left, Ferrin said to his back, "Two minutes? I will hold you to that." Ferrin then caught up with Time Lord and purposely walked beside him. They made their way to a large open area, on the outskirts of the city. It was wide open, flat ground, mostly made of sand and grass. There was one small tree, off to the side. The only person in sight was a black haired man under that tree reading a book. When the entered, Ferrin walked a few paces away, then turned to face Time Lord. "Well, this looks like a good spot." He said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

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Amelia Averyonna

@Zarkun @Caits

Amelia jumped a bit when Penny spoke up, having not noticed the older girl's arrival. At the girl's comments, Amelia simply looked at the ground.
"You don't understand Miss Hoff. I don't like taking without giving back equally." She said."The guild gives me good food, good shelter, and good people to be with. Things that are of value. A value I have yet to pay back. To me, nothing is free. What you take, you must give back in equal measure. I have done very little to help the guild. I might've helped Master Jamie and Mister Jarvis with paperwork on occasion but that is barely anything to be thankful for. If I could help in the games I would but I doubt Master Jamie believes I'm any good and I doubt Mister Jarvis would even let me."

Lucus Griffonbane

@Amaya Tamashii

"Ah, Pyrrha is up." Lucus said, looking a bit nervous."Pyrrha joined after you left. She's Fraquar's protégé and a fire mage. However, she uses the Flames of Emotion. The angrier she is, the stronger her flames are. Though there can be draw backs to it from what I hear. She tends to But damn, that whale will either hurt her or help her. Probably a bit of both."

Jack, the Maiden of the Mist


Jack stirred in her sleep, letting out a yawn and stretching.
"What happened?" She asked, looking around before looking down into the arena."Oh, Master's Fraquar student is fighting. I've never seen her in action before. This should prove to be interesting."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zephyr Hardt

Zephyr nodded in agreement to the spirits being unpredictable, Loki was very unpredictable why he willingly let Zephyr do the takeover was a shocker in its own. "I'll just remember the time limit I have with using Loki. So rest assured that I will be fine for when I do use him." Zephyr said and laughed himself at what Mikey said. "Ahhh but those are the best times! They never see it coming!" Zephyr replied with and watched the next fight of Tough love and Riders Blade. Again two not so well known guilds but this man had some fancy magic where he summoned a giant whale creature. "Well, lets hope this fight doesn't end with another kiss and date." Zephyr said as he watched as the man taunted the girl into attacking first.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Michael nodded, looking to the fight, but his thoughts strayed once more. By himself, Michael wasn't a very formidable opponent His spirits did the fighting, really. Michael just...summoned them. Which was impressive, but Michael himself? Not so much. These fights, these combatants were the real deal, were impressive, and powerful. Michael didn't see how he could ever get there, unless he wielded spirit magic himself.

He sighed softly.

"probably not. Have you heard of Tough Love before? I haven't, it doesn't seem like a known guild"


Jarvis sighed when there was no reply. Either Mayt had lost the lacrima, or he couldn't respond. Using the connection between the two lacrima, Jarvis quickly used his magic,turning his into a teleport lacrima, and using the residue connection to teleport to Mayt. Or rather, Mayt's Lacrima. Chances were Mayt had forgotten he even had it and didn't think to use it.

He appeared by Mayt, and that he was thankful for, but the younger Mage appeared to be unconscious. Jarvis sighed, and knelt, another Lacrima in hand. "Mayt, if you can hear me, this is a healing lacrima. I'm going to try and use it to bring you round" He said, figuring that it was worth a shot to speak with Mayt, and not end up being attacked.


Penny sighed softly. The use of her last name was rather annoying. "It's Penny. Just Penny. Please do not call me Miss Hoff. I hate my last name" It reminded her of everything, and if she was more creative, she would change it. "You're right. Neither will let you fight one on one. Because it's too dangerous-some of the competition here...they are really powerful mages. You weren't chosen for the games, not because you aren't strong-you did really well in Edolas, but because both Master Jamie and Jarvis merely want to keep you safe, if only for a little while longer. You've been hunted down twice, after all.

As for giving back equally...all of us have times when we don't give back what we get. Your time will come. After the games, we can go on a job. You could probably take a job by yourself, but with the dark guilds, it's better to have some backup.

If you don't want any of us to buy you some food, how about we cook? You can help me make it, and then you're giving back. The hotel has a kitchen after all"
Penny smiled, thinking that that was a good idea, a good compromise.

"We can go to the kitchens, if you're finished getting your armor" She said to damian
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Things had settled down but Ariel continued to rest. Her body was trying to adjust to the amount of magic she was accumulating. Most of it would likely be temporary. Tidius' actions did wake her though. It was like a shock of electricity shot though her. Ariel's first reaction was to try and puch the lacrama away but that of course was still touching it. "Agh. What are you doing?" In short order the lacrama was drained and the multi magic mage looked rather sick.

After a few moments though her features turned brown from Earth magic. After a moment she calmed down and took the time to understand the new magic she had. "Wh-whoa. How did you do that?" This was the first time she'd gotten a magic from a lacrama. Usually it acted like a small boost. Glancing at the lacrama Tidius held it was empty. "Did the magic come from that?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Damian Gerard|Streets of Crocus

Damian had been about to answer Amelia and tell her she wasn't taking when Penny arrived and did it for him. This prompted a short debate between the two so while they argued, he got a flier with all the restaurants on it and was reading it over. Hmmmmm....that one looks good, like a good steak, oooohhhhh lobster...burgers, like a good burger too, but where has...PIE! The Fiore House of Pie! That's where-wait, what?! He'd been half listening to their debate and when Penny said they were going cook back at the hotel, he mentally groaned and just nodded his head.

"It took a week to find someone to make this armor, I was just getting it repaired." There was a melancholy note to his voice, but he wasn't about to argue. Every time he'd ever been in Crocus, it had been fleeting, for he was just passing through and had no time to eat at the restaurants. And now he finally has the chance, and it sounded like he would continue to get denied. "Come on, let's go before the games wrap up for the day."

Jack Goran|Arena Stands

"I'm fully aware of who Iron Enigma's members are and what they're capable of. As for arresting them, even if you had the authority, so long as the games are going, it wouldn't have done any good. They've protection as a legitimate guild, meaning past crimes have been forgiven." Jack stands to go back to his seat from before. "Just help me make sure that Delilah and Grant play by the rules of the Games, and be ready to contain them when they don't."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mark Zerrit --- Grand Magic Games
Mark smiled as he saw the end of the match, and he could tell the kiss wasn't just for romance. He had seen how Merlina had recovered quickly from her injuries, as well as the venom from Jacob's bite, and so he assumed she probably helped Jacob with the injuries in his mouth. When the woman who had sat beside him spoke again, he turned his head towards her, and chuckled softly. "Yeah, I knew about Lazarus already. Didn't know so much about Damian. But neither of them have killed in cold blood since joining Phoenix Wing." He watched Luna get up and head to go see Jacob with some others. They were most of the way down before Merlina and Jacob both left through her exit, leaving Iron Enigma without their fighter. Mark chuckled at that.

When Stacy made her not-so-subtle statement, Mark looked over at her and raised his eyebrow just a little. He thought a moment, and decided he hadn't been out with anyone for a long while, so it'd be a nice change of pace. "Well, personally, I'd kiss a girl I've just met if I got to buy her dinner first." He said this conversationally, waving his hand semi-dismissively, a smirk playing across his face. "Unfortunately, I wouldn't know where to take here in Crocus, since this is my first time here. It's pretty difficult to sneak into the Capital when you're part of a 'dark guild', after all." He glanced over to Stacy again, waiting to see what her response would be.


Mayt --- On a Train
The people gathered around Mayt would gasp when Jarvis suddenly appeared. Some were ready to tackle him when he indirectly made his intentions clear that he was going to help their savior. They all took a step back to give Jarivs some room. Once he started using the healing Lacrima, it wouldn't be long until Mayt groaned himself awake, and sat up with help of the sofa he had been laid on. He smiled meekly at Jarvis. "Hey Jarvis. I uh, overdid it on my magic a bit handling some bandits." He gave the older man a thumbs up, before looking at a random person in the crowd. "Hey, are those seven guys locked up?" The man he had picked at random nodded. "We've tied them up and we have a couple volunteers watching them. But if they're wizards they might get out." Mayt nodded, moving into a sitting position.

"Well, tell me if any of them escape, or if someone comes for them." The man nodded, and went to go tell the people making sure the former didn't happen exactly what Mayt had said, while the S-Class wizard turned his attention back to Jarvis. "And yes, I know I'm late to the games and all. As you can see, the train chose to break down conveniently while I was riding it." He waved his arms in a 'look around' fashion, and leaned back against the back of the Sofa. He knew better than to get up right this moment. "Sorry again about over-using my magic though. I overestimated myself."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Tidius let out a satisfied sound, as Ariel changed again, seemingly unconcerned that she had appeared sick. "I just used the lacrima on you. It had earth magic stored in it" he said, chuckling softy, "it's like...you absorb the magic. Curious. Can you use other magic, in these forms, or just the one type?" He asked, moving over to exam other lacrima's.


Jarvis glanced around at the crowd, not concerned, and looked back to Mayt as he woke, nodding as the S class mage spoke, frowning at the mention of bandits. He shifted, taking out another lacrima, and holding it out to the person that had spoken, "This is a prison lacrima, it will trap them. It already has the magic in it required. You just break it, it reforms with them in it" Jarvis explained, looking back to Mayt.

He sighed heavily, "This is why we have been telling everyone to take someone else with them, but no harm done." Jarvis said, "What's wrong with the train?"


Penny was taken aback by Damian's tone. Had she done something wrong? It seemed the only way to make sure Amelia got food, short of shoving it down the girls throat, and that just seemed violent. She hesitated. Things had seemed so easy, when they were training, but now it seemed like she sucked at relationships, just as she did at friendships.

But then she suddenly smiled. "I can cook, you know, if that's what you are worried about" She looked back to Amelia, waiting for her response.

Nash vs Phyrra battle part two

Pyrrha watched as Nash tossed his card up into the air. She had been expecting it to explode and lauch some sort of magical attack at her. While it did explode, she had not been expecting the card to turn into a massive whale-man thing. She heard the crowd behind her gasp and some kid shout something about a 'giant fishy man' but she didn't have time to pay attention to them. When the creature began to dive, she had to move out of the way way to avoid being crushed by the creature herself. When Nash got a clear view of her again, the air around her would be moving, not unlike heatwaves deep in a desert at midday.

"I was going to just test you a bit first. But now, I guess I just have to go all out from the get-go." She said, holding out her arm. She snapped her fingers, causing a ring of fire to appear around Nash. He had a split second to react before the ring erupted into a collum of flame that would do more then singe his cloths and hair.

"Whoop!" Much like his partner, Nash executed a dive to escape the rising flame. Rather than entering sand like water, the man smacked into the ground face-first, though with the added bonus of not being burnt to a crisp. In his current position, however, he was in no shape to attack or defend himself.

Fortunately, with a great BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH, Salvoy the World came to his friend's defense. He erupted from the ground directly beneath Pyrrha in an explosion of sand, flying into the air and taking the flame wizard with him. He landed at about the same time as Nash rose to his feet, though that itself occurred a moment before Pyrrha hit the ground. "You're now..." they began. Man and whale struck a pose: standing perfectly rigid with the right hand in a salute, though with fingers positioned in an L. "...in a World of hurt!" Both suppressed their laughter, well aware of how goofy they looked and fully prepared to roll with it.

Pyrrha instictively looked at the ground a split second before Salvoy erupted from it like a geyser. The impact sent her flying up into the air and stunned her, creating a bruise nearly the size of her whole torso. Shaking it off and trying to ignore the pain, she looked down in time to see Salvoy strike his pose and hear what he had to say. She immediately became enraged, both at the fact that they were taunting her and that the two had the gall to do that in the middle of the match.

Above the whale-man, what looked like a small ball of flame formed before rocketing down towards Salvoy. Pyrrha landed on the creature's head, surrounded by flames, and drew her sword, also encased in flames, before stabbing down, to see if the weapon could even harm the summon.

"Ow, ow, ow!" Salvoy yelped, dancing around. The layer of blubber around his skull meant that the thrust hadn't hit anything important, but that did little to assuage the hurt. "Poor manners to hit a man while he's taunting!" Bunching his muscles, the World dove for the ground again. It was a toss-up, however, if he would simply smush Pyrrha beneath his weight, or sink through the earth with her on top of him.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 5 mos ago


The counter questions caught him off guard too, his face colour filling red. He opened his mouth to speak, but closed it to think for a moment. It seemed Sasha was completely clear what they were to each other. He wasn't so sure. "Yes. I want children some day." He didn't know how to answer the other question. "What are we Sasha?" He didn't divert his attention from the fighting in the arena.


He nodded at Jack. "Yes master. Don't worry the second they slip up I'll be on the case." He grunted. They must have had a reason for becoming legitimate and entering the games. He doubted they had all had a change of heart and wanted to atone for any sins. Something wasn't right here, and he smelled foul play.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zephyr Hardt

They sat in silence a bit while Zephyr like a regular crowd member gave the typical ooh and ah reactions at some attacks. The Nash guy seemed more comical than serious, as he demonstrated with his performance. While Phyrra seemed to be sick of Nash's shit already. Mikey would then ask him if he ever heard of Tough Love, too which Zephyr shook his head. "Nope, I lived out in the good ol country side. Only news of guilds that ever reached my town was the big shot guilds like Phoenix Wing and Dragon Fang and Frenzy Plant. Every other guild is very faint in my mind, yet after today I don't think I will ever forget any of these guilds." Zephyr said and then chuckled a bit after Nash and the whales little posing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

So she did drain the lacrama. Now she was rather curious. "I've only ever been able to use one magic at a time. I've never been able to figure out why." Despite the situation she was in it occurred to her that now, in theory, she could use a powerful enough lactama to gain access to new magic. Though as of yet she didn't know if there were any side effects. "How did you know to use a lacrama? You seem to know things about me that even I don't."

Again she looked up at the large lacrama above her. It did seem to have magic in it but exactly what kind she couldn't make out clearly. Reaching up she stopped herself short of touching it. While she wanted to know what it would do but probably should wait to find out if there were any negatives first. Besides it looked as if Tidius was searching for another sample.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Conmhara
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Conmhara The Bubble Magician

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Zami - The Bubble Magician
With Isla

When Isla said that those people were from the guild Phoenix Wing, Zami had to process that for a moment. He found himself trying to get a feel for what kind of people they were. It's at this point he was basically gone. He had forgotten that Isla was there, right next to him. His eyes taking in any detail he could. He felt oddly compelled to find out more about these people. Maybe it was because they were apparently famous and he was completely oblivious about it until now. Maybe he was more impressed by Damian than he thought. Regardless, there was a sense of destiny with that guild and he felt it was maybe a part of his also. Question is, would they accept him? Would they mind having a mute, who can't really fight, within their ranks?

A minute of this distraction went by before Zami started paying attention to his immediate surroundings and noticed out of the corner of his eye, Isla next to him looking frustrated with his little moment and was about to paint on his face again but he swiftly left the bubble on the seating between them and grabbed her wrists, not too tight but firmly, just before paintbrush touched skin. He looked into her eyes with a stare more serious than before. This seemed to catch her off guard a little. With her at attention, so to speak, he smiled once more. This time a softer smile, one with purpose. He then moved her arms back to right in front of her and he released his grip only to place the bubble in her hands. Then he placed his hands on the bubble to make the paint swirl into multiple phrases. *swirl* "Sorry but I have to go now" *swirl* "It was great to meet ya and I hope to see you again soon" *swirl* "Take this gift as a souvenir". The paint then scattered along the surface into many different shapes, swirling into colourful patterns. Zami's eyes were now open and concentrating entirely on the bubble. It began to get warmer, then more solid, then smaller as Zami pushed the bubble against Isla's hands, colours swirling randomly as they got stronger and more vibrant due to the smaller surface area. Within seconds, Isla was holding a colourful orb made of what seemed like solid glass, almost like a giant marble the size of an apple.

Zami got up onto his seat, gave the Phoenix Wing guild one last look full of determination before he hopped off and ran off to find a pen and some parchment or something. He needed to write a letter for the guildmaster...and his trusty light pen was not gonna cut it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by soren
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Member Seen 8 mos ago


Merlina smiled at Jacob. "I understand Jacob. I think holding hands makes everything easier for them to get why you would be leaving with me sooo..." She grabbed his hand blushed a little and walked right on passed his guild members and up to where here guild mates were sitting. "So your going to be guild master of Iron Enigma huh?" She asked him as she sat down and offered him a seat next to her. She ignored her guild mates, especially Soren who was well had his jaw on the floor.

As the battle between Merlina and Jacob had ended Soren had gotten up and just gawked at what she was doing and then as they had walked out she grabbed his hand. Then for whatever reason she had he now was going to sit with them! Soren didn't know what to do or say so he just plopped down in his seat with a good bit of uncertainty.

BOOM! BOOM! The cannon of their ship sounded in the air advertising Merlina's color in the air. The captain still viewed it as a win either way. "Well seems Merlina has taken a fancy to the Iron Enigma kid. Hope she knows what she is doing. Salem said as he took his hands off Blair and sat her down in his seat. Blair's eyes rolled into the back of her head. "Thank you my dear for filling in for Malice while she is gone. I tired not to take to much but you will still live. He kissed her forehead and sat on the floor beside his throne. He would let her rest there while the last battle was going on but then he would take her to her cabin to sleep off the fatigue.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


It was rare to see Lazarus blush, let alone appear off guard. Sasha would have laughed, if it wasn't so serious. "We're partners" She said, not really seeming to think about it, watching Lazarus, not particularly interested in the fight, now. "I really like you"


Michael nodded at Zephyrs words, thought for a time, looking at the fight. So many magics, it was hard to understand them all, and so many guilds. Michael had chosen Dragon Fang, because he had liked it. He had thought Gabriel would join him but Gabriel had thought Frenzy Plant would be good for him, and so far, things had worked out.

"The guilds are all impressive. What made you chose Dragon Fang?" he asked, curiously


Tidius gave a shrug, "You said you change with new magics. So I was testing it out. I didn't know if it would work. Let's see...How about wood magic?" He said, turning back with another lacrima, this time a mixture of brown and green swirling within, appearing Ariel again with curiousity blazing in his eyes, holding the small lacrima out
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Grand Magic Games

The second day of the grand magic games was pretty exciting. They had done a maze of fear which wasn't all to special but still fun to watch and after that several fights between the strongest wizards of fiore. It was very fun to watch the fights but Ayame had to look away a few times to avoid seeing blood or just a little too much violence. Between the third and last round Ayame had suddenly lost track of Nero.

She couldn't find him anywhere and started to worry about him. Thinking about it she wasn't suppose to be the one to worry but she still did for some weird reason. Ayame wildly looked around the crowd and had at least circled the spectators seats once. Her face clearly filled with worry and her hands trembeling out of fear. What was she suppose to do. During the last 3 months she hasn't been alone so it was pretty scary right now. Ayame had been depending on others way too much, only making it more difficult for herself. Ayame gave a tired sigh as her stomach seemed a little upset from the lack of food by making a awfull loud noice leaving Ayame with a blushing red face. It was about time Ayame should get something to eat at least and then find Nero.

Not much later Ayame walked around the food stand area and greedly looked around for tasty food that came to her liking. It didn't take a moment for her to decide. Crepes was it gonna be. Ayame ordered two crepes with strawberries and whipped cream so that she could eat together with Nero once she would find him. Although crepes were for little girls it didn't hurt for her to serve Nero to some since he would probably eat it anyway despites that fact. Ayame immediatly went off again to find Nero with the bag hanging in her hand.

It didn't take long for her to find Nero short after she got the food. She snuck upon him and Eve and wanted to scare them but was stopped after hearing the conversation. Ayame listened a while longer and saw how Eve felt. Ayame refrained from interfering for now and quietly took a few steps back. Ayame quickly took something to write from the nearby infirmary and wrote in bag letters on the bag "NERO" with a little heart on the right top of the bag. Ayame placed the bag down on the floor filled with the two crepes close behind them and left the two alone for now.


Grand Magic Games


Sitting on Zami his lap didn't seem to mind him all that much but looking over at him made Isla notice that he seemed rather intrested in Phoenix Wing. She stared at Zami who stared at Phoenix Wing. He was alone it seemed so maybe he wanted to join a guild today by seeing how strong they were in the arena. Isla gave. Cheeky smile at him whe releasing a small laugh out of her mouth "Nihihihi." Looked like she got his attention. But he seemed occulied with something else. Isla angled her head in confusion a little before zhe felt the big hands of Zami grab her wrist and stop her from painting any further. Isla was starled for a minute but managed a small smile on her face. The bubble he was holding was placed into her hands. Zami started writing in his bubble again with the colors which made Ilsa stared in awe. It sure looked pretty.

Once he was finished with talking Isla gave a understanding nod and sat down onto her seat again. The bubble wizard seemed to be doing something more to his bubble this time. It became small and more solid and soon it felt like glass in Ilsa her hands. She was surpirsed he could do something like that and started to study the colorful ball carefully. Before she knew it he was off. Isla gave a happy smile "Bai, Bai" and started waving widely after him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zephyr Hardt

Upon being asked why he joined Dragon Fang, Zephyr instantly shrugged with a smile. "I wanted too. No real reason, no story about Dragon Fang helping my town or one of their members are my role models. I joined because they seemed like fun. It ain't everyday where you could possibly be woken up by Prince kissing you on your forehead, or getting roared out of nowhere by Hunter. Its even better when master tries his hardest from backhanding us when we do something stupid. To me Dragon Fang is fun, its like a home away from home.... That and its funny watching everyone try their hardest not to beat me when I purposely say our guild name wrong." Zephyr said with a mischievous smile, as he ruffled Mikey's hair. "Same for you right? You stuck around because it's just fun being here."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

For a moment it looked like Ariel might cooperate but then the new personality revealed itself. "I'm not going to just take more magic like that. I don't even know if it has any side effects." She crossed her arms and turned her head away a bit. Her face looked determined and wanted nothing to do with Tidius or his crazy ideas. Sadly only her arms were free and the other restraints had locks that she couldn't pick or break.

Tidius was likely going to get his way, but for now Ariel was going to resist. Almost at the foot of the table she noticed an open book. Had it been there the whole time? Being in an out of consciousness did not lend well observation though. There were a lot of notes, most she couldn't read from this distance, but they seemed to be loose theories about obtaining magic. Just how crazy was this guy?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

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Amelia Averyonna

@Caits @Zarkun

Amelia listened to Damian and Penny. She liked the idea of cooking and helping out with it as a way of paying back, since she actually got to help out for once. However, she quickly caught onto Damian's tone and his expression seemed to be one of disappointment. She bit her lip and looked a bit nervous now. While she didn't want to take from her guild mates, she didn't want to be the reason another one possibly got upset. Taking a few seconds, she weighed her options before sighing. Much as she hated feeling in debt, she hated being the reason people got upset even more.
"We can go to a restaurant. I don't really eat out much anyway, so it might be a bit exciting." She said, hoping that Penny wouldn't get upset now. If the older girl did, she would be really torn and see no way of getting settling this.

Joshua Tamashii

@Amaya Tamashii

"Whoa, looks like it might get a little hot in. Wonder how well she can actually use that sword of hers." Joshua said as he watched the battling going on. He had visibly flinched when Pyrrha had been hit by Salvoy, though he also had to admit her form of pay back looked like it would've hurt anything other then a giant whale rather badly. He glanced over at Amaya."Bet you're very happy you aren't in there right now."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Hunger won over him and Nolan left the stands to go grab whatever grub he can get in the stadium. Even vengeance seeking, cold blooded God Slayers needed to eat after all. He went to the first stand he saw and grabbed a cheese burger with mayo added into it and a tall soda. The burger seemed to be quite depressing to look at; the beef paddy was limp and not all too thick and the rest of the burger drooped as if it lacked any joy. Then again that was fast food in general save for some of the actual good places that didn't sap the joy out of their own food.

"Psssss! Psssss over heres!" A voice whispered loudly from behind a column. Nolan stopped walking and arched his brow wondering just who could it been and what did this person want. If this was someone participating in the games that wanted to take Nolan out without anyone noticing then they had another thing coming. He laid his hand on Kaso's hilt and saw the figure's shadow move, ready to attack at any moment. Then he saw it was a cat... A bipedal cat with a pompadour and sunglasses as well as a stereotypical high school thug outfit. "Ya Nolan right? The God Slayer?"

Nolan removed his hand from Kaso and laid it on his side. He has seen strange creatures such as the yokai and divine beings such as the god's messenger, but a talking delinquent cat was a first. "You've got the right person. Just what do you want? Are you lost or something?" It seemed like this feline didn't have intention of giving him trouble though what did he want from him?

A glimmer of light shined brightly from his sunglasses followed by a wide fanged grin. "Well today is ya lucky day! From this day forth I'm gonna be ya partner! Dalton at ya service!" The feline gave Nolan a thumbs up with dazzling lights shining around him.

The God Slayer stared at delinquent feline silently for approximately ten seconds or more. "Not interested." Nolan walked past Dalton, who's jaw dropped and the dazzling lights fell to the ground. The feline sprouted wings and quickly flew in front of him stopping him dead in his tracks. "I said no. Bugger off." If his words didn't spoke loud enough then his glare spoke louder.

"Wait wait wait! That's rather hasty don't ya think? Ya a slayer and all slayers usually have some Exceed partner! Ya can't be a real slayer without one!" Oh how he wished he could take that back. He was pushed away by Nolan's hand and he kept on walking only to have Dalton tackling Nolan's back and cling on to him. "Please let me join ya!"

"Get the hell off me!" He tried shaking the Exceed off, but his hands were holding his food so he couldn't grab him unless he used his magic though he wished to keep it as a secret weapon. After trying to shake him off he didn't care about keeping his magic a secret. A hand made of souls grabbed the exceed and held the annoying feline in front of him giving him the dirtiest look he could give. "I'm telling you only once more. Leave me alone."

Dalton looked down at the floor quite dejected. "I just wanted to be like those exceeds that partnered with the Dragon Slayers...I wanted to live up and surpass them. I mean, if someone can slay gods then it must mean they are real bad asses!"

He stared at the exceed and sighed, dropping him on the ground. "Follow me." Nolan began to walk back to the stands with the exceed sitting behind him with shiny sunglasses. "You mean we're partners?!" The God Slayer didn't even look back. "I never said that." The exceed didn't listen as he bounced around in joy all the way back to Phoenix Wing's stand.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt --- Train
The man who spoke would nod to Jarvis as he took the lacrima, and headed to the train car where the bandits were being kept. Mayt watched him go before turning back to Jarvis. "They don't know why the train isn't working, but they think it's something to do with the engine. Problem is, they're not allowed to take it apart to try and fix it. Company regulation or something. As for not taking anyone, it was mostly because I wanted to get the job done as fast as possible, and another person would've slowed me down as communication takes time." He smiled a bit, putting his hands behind his head and relaxing. "The people that're supposed to take everyone to the nearest major town should be here tomorrow afternoon at the latest."


Jacob --- Grand Magic Games
Jacob blushed just a little when Merlina took his hand, and nodded. "Yeah, I guess it would make sense." He'd smile and hold her hand tightly as they went to sit together. When she asked about the whole going to become Iron Enigma's guild master, Jacob rubbed the back of his head. "Well, yeah, assuming nothing happens to me or the guild that is. The last guild master was actually teaching me to become a guild master before he... Passed away, and the current one took over." Wetting his lips, Jacob looked down at his feet and then back at the fight. "So it's going to a bit harder to get to be Guild Master, but I've got a good twenty years before I get a shot, which is plenty of time to surpass everyone else in the guild!" Jacob would look over and smile at Merlina as he finished talking. Clearly very enthusiastic about it.

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