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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ferrin--Magic Shop

Ferrin looked up to see who was talking to him. He looked the stranger up and down. "No, you probably can't, unless you work here." He said to the man, with a slight smile to show that he was joking. "The real question is, why are you asking me?" Ferrin said as he walked past the man and bought the ammunition he had picked out. Turning back, he frowned "My name is Ferrin. So, what is your name?" He asked casually.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"A lot of magic is nearby. Some of it is different from the others. I don't... I don't know what to do with it." Before she could really say much else she passed out again as when she first arrived. Seemed she was a lot more susceptible than originally anticipated.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

time lord
@Crimson Raven
Time lord chuckled and said "I merely thought that I could help. I have a working knowledge of most magics and magical artifacts" he said quite calmly, "and I thought I'd save the owner from your bad manners too. He's a nice guy. I am Time Lord"he said, looking around the small shop.

"oh. And i was curious as to why you seem strange"


Tidius gave a sigh, "I suppose the magic of the games is too much" he said to himself, "but still...such wonderful magic" he approached Ariel again, taking some vital observations, watchful to make sure the girl was alrigut
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Kumbha Yatta – the Stands


”Hah hah! Now this is a match to see!” It had been an intriguing match from the very start. Having never heard of either Iron Enigma or Pirate Lord before now, Kumbha had been filled with expectation, practically demanding that the two live up to the image they'd created for themselves by getting into the games. Merlina and Jacob had not disappointed. Shapeshifting, being so far removed from any magic that he'd ever be able to try, and not within the realm of most Frenzy Plant soldiers for one reason or another, always piqued Kumbha's interest. When the excitable former mercenary saw the lunging snake morph into a swooping hawk, a seemingly inescapable maneuver foiled by his adversary, he nearly rose from his seat.

The fight went on, neither competitor relenting and both quick to show just how far they were willing to go. Though boisterous and loud, Kumbha had a keen eye for the art of combat, and could tell after just a few exchanges that neither was holding back. Even the announcers were having a tough time calling the match, which was a sentiment the Gel Magician temporarily shared. Finally, the duel came to a single point: a point-blank status match between fire and poison. Which affliction would burn strongest? Was one of them willing to burn themselves out reaching for victory? Kumbha's heart, and that of thousands of others, craned his neck to see.

Then, after a few more moments, the combat broke. Jacob took on the form of a bird, weaving around Merlina's avatar. A single strike for either meant defeat -a stray bolt hitting the sparrow, or the phoenix letting her guard down- but this evasive dance fascinated Kumbha less than previously. Noticing a fellow Frenzy Plant soldier intent on the fight, Kumbha shouted to Ike Riven over the general roar, “Heck of a match! Up til now, I thought Demetri's brimstone burned the hottest, and that Xyster lashed out the quickest, but these two might give each of our friends a run for their money! What do you think, rookie?” He used the nickname common to all new guild members in their first few months, more a term of companionship than derision.

Nero the Genie – The Stands

@Invisible Man

As Eve approached the infirmary, she caught sight of a familiar, raggedy purple cloak and combed-back mop of stark hair, their owner leaning on the railing near the stairs that led to the infirmary area. Evidently, he had been watching the matches from here. Once the necromancer made her way over, Nero noticed her presence almost immediately and treated her to a grand smile, as if he were on top of the world.

”Hi there, E! Enjoying the matches so far, I hope? I've been having a whale of a time! Magic is truly a wonderful thing, don't you think?” Of course, she probably didn't quite pinpoint his context. No matter. ”I am honored and truncated...wait, was that the right word? I dunno. Anyhoo, I'm super duper happy you sought me out. Either I've finally earned my first friend, or you want something from me. No matter which way, I'm a happy man. Or kid. Or genie. Whatever. What can I do for you? Something on your mind?” He still hadn't heard about her experience with the so-called Time Lord last night.

While all eyes were on the spectacle currently taking place in the arena, a late arrival was making her way through the stands. So packed were they, and so universally despised was her enormous, view-blocking hat, that even when she found a seat she decided to relocate so as to not get in anyone's way. Ultimately, she found herself in a crowd that the general consensus deemed less than savory: Iron Enigma. The late arrival, intensely curious as to the nature of dark guilds, as this one was rumored to be, was not at all dissuaded by her new company. The tales one told about guilds such as these were wild. Were they really full of criminals? Of wackos, maniacs, weirdos, murderers, and the scum of the universe? Well, how then could they work together under a single banner for a common purpose? Stacy craved the knowledge.

She seated herself with her back to a wall, meaning that her head ornament wouldn't be ruining anyone's view of the match between Jacob and Merlina now underway. Next to Stacy was a being of indeterminate feature, though she guessed female judging by her proportions. Her shimmering, all-covering robe gleamed white as the sun, but even in the broad daylight her face was indecipherable beneath a face-obscuring shade that must, Stacy decided, be magical. Between this hooded girl and Stacy was a young man, slender and very tanned, and rather attractive in her opinion. Brushing a thick, bright-orange strand of hair out of the way of her glasses, she crossed her legs and said brightly, “Hope you don't mind me parking myself here!” even though she'd already seated herself. “Y'know, I must say, I'd heard such awful things about this guild, but here I am and you guys are just like everyone else! I bet you're all just misunderstood.”

As she was talking, she kept her eyes mostly forward. Rather than looking down at the wizards, however, she looked up. By squinting, she was able to make out two dark figures on the edge of the opposite colosseum roof. One stood tall and rigid, like a black pillar. The other sat with his legs over the lip, his arms back and supporting his head lazily. Well, that's not creepy at all, Stacy thought.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ferrin--Magic Shop

@Caits Ferrin arched an eyebrow at him. "Bad manner? Yeah, I have seem to forgotten social niceties like that. But, on the subject, is it not rude to give a false name, 'Time Lord'?" Ferrin pointed out. A time mage, if the name is anything to go by. I wonder... Ferrin mused to himself. "And, it is also rude to go up to someone and call them strange." He added.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mark Zerrit --- Grand Magic Games
Mark glanced over as a new arrival sitting next to him began talking. He was just starting to admire Jacob's speed, he had grown up a lot when the S-Class wizard wasn't looking. The first thing he noticed about the woman was the gargantuan hat on her head, and he had to take a few long moments to look it over before being able to focus on what she said. He had to keep himself from laughing at it, and when he got around to replying, his face was split into a smile. "Nah, I would've only minded if you sat right there." He pointed at the seat directly in front of him. "As for being 'all misunderstood'... If I'm being honest I can only name one person in this guild that hasn't killed someone at some point, and she's the fifteen-year-old sitting on the other side of me." He motioned towards Cathris, the girl in the shimmering cloak, sitting on the other side of him.

After a deep breath, Mark appended his statement. "However, most of the stigma about killing people comes from Delilah and Grant." He pointed to two individuals towards the front of Iron Enigma. Both were blond, and the woman, who looked only to be twenty seven at most, was arguing with the Guild Master, whose features were invisible. To the right of the two was Grant, who was talking with a couple of the other members. Delilah and Grant were obviously related, and they look more like brother and sister than mother and son. "They're both killers in their hearts. Mother and Son. I give Grant half a pass, since he uses blood magic, but his mother is just plain bloodthirsty." He chuckled softly, relaxing back into his seat. "And after the games we're going to go and find his sister, who left the guild eight years ago now."

The girl dressed in the cloak glanced over at Mark, and when she spoke her voice was very cold and even. More like a trained hit-man than a supposed fifteen-year-old, but her youth was revealed in the natural pitch of her voice. "She didn't run away, we had to relocate the guild hall before she finished her job. We're not the easiest to find you know." Mark waved the girl off, and sighed softly, looking back at Stacey, lowering his voice. "Luna and Grant's sister were really close, so when she ran away, we had to tell Luna something. I just didn't expect her to believe it and latch onto it like she has. Or the Delilah for that matter." Mark rolled his eyes some, glancing between the fight and the person he had spontaneously decided to strike up a conversation from just a comment.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Time Lord
@Crimson Raven

"time Lord is as true a name as my true name. It's the name I've worn for ten years. I've worn it longer then my birth name. So, in a way it isn't a false name" Time Lord said with amusement. "I'm only a young boy, but I was taught to tell the truth. Should I have gone up to you and said You aren't strange? No, because then I wouldn't be able to ask just...how old you are. Wait. let me rephrase that. When was your birth year?"

Time Lord expected a false answer. But then, he would know the mans worth. He wondered what would happen if he cast the time event spell, if he'd see anything that could help him, or if the mans life had just been insignificant, and knew nothing of important.

"maybe this would help you to answer truthfully. I am a chronologist. I search history for answers to what happened with the dragons, among other things. I search for answers, for clues and for insights. I have learned a lot, and know more then men thrice my age. I merely...hope you could answer some questions"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 22 min ago

Trinity Stratos

@Silver Fox@Burthstone
Trinity gave a thoughtful, though dissatisfied, hum as Karn continued to try and distract her with tails of his time spent training. "I suppose I just didn't notice you were gone because I took a job with Fleo and Ariel. We went to Omnibus. Such a cacophonous place... I don't think I could go to a place like that often. We went to a bar, got a lead. There was this peculiar barrier we had to disable before we could resolve things, it had some six layers to it. Fought a couple wizards and saved a young lady's life." The minstrel watched Karn for a moment while she pet Mithera, considering how long she should pursue this right now. Really, she should wait until after the fights were done, but who knows if he'd let her catch him. Would he avoid her like that? She wasn't sure.

"It would have left a bad taste in my mouth if we hadn't been able to save that woman..." The petting stopped and she looked aside, thoughtful, remembering how she felt when she thought they had failed. She took a slow breath before looking back up at Karn. "Karn, I only want to help you. Please? You," she paused only long enough to quickly glance at her surroundings and remember where they were, "don't have to tell me about it right now, but... please." She started scratching lightly at the side of Mithera's neck and she nuzzled her cheek against the fuzzy creature's side, but she still watched Karn.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ferrin--Magic Shop

@Caits "That's is quite personal. Chronologist or not, do you think I would tell just anybody who asked?" Ferrin said calmly. That settles it. He thought. "Well how about we turn this into a wager? We go somewhere that isn't so breakable, and we have a little dual, if you win, I will tell you my history and a great deal more. And If I win..." Ferrin grinned ferociously. "If I win, you show me the basics of your magic! So, He held out his left hand. "Do we have a deal?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 5 mos ago


He rubbed his forehead, watching the iron enigma mage walk away. "Master... the two he talked about... those names... They are dangerous people. I tried to track them down a while back and if I still had the authority, I would be bringing them down as we speak. We have to watch them carefully. If Delilah and Grant are truly here... anything could happen." He sighed.


He grinned. "Even so, it was a great fight." They were now watching the current battle, which ended with flirting and romance. "Huh. Cute." he chuckled. Some children cheering in the crowd caught his eye. "Ah... the joy of youth..." He closed his eyes smiling. "Do you think you'll ever have children Sasha?" he looked her firmly in the eyes, the invading question piercing any silence.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ike Riven

What Ike had thought would just be a regular match between two not so well known guilds came and shocked him. This was incredible, Merlina made up for her small frame with great skill and techniques. While Jacob had demonstrated that he held a ton of power in those giant takeover of his, and that one shot would be devastating to take. This would all just come to make things an even match-up, and he couldn't help but cheer quite loudly during this. He didn't care who won, but he also didn't want to see it end either. If no one knew of their guilds today, they would be remembered after this kind of fight.

Back and forth they kept taking the tide truly a marvelous battle and now it would come down to which would put who down first. Jacob's Poison or Merlina's Fire. This fight would certainly be the highlight of the first day of the games that's for sure. Over the cheering he heard the nickname he got called due to being new and looked over at Kumbha who wanted his thoughts on the match. He could see it on Kumbha's face that he was also excited about the fight. "Its damn impressive, never heard of these two guilds yet they have two members like these! It gets my own blood pumping for a fight! So pretty much what i think is that these two are amazing!" Ike said as the battle would rage onward.

Yet it didn't quite have a epic ending like he thought. Both of them agreed on a draw which was okay in its own aspect they were both probably exhausted from fighting yet.... Did they have too kiss? They just beat the crap out of each other and now they are kissing? Well it was still epic for the most part. "Give them credit... they know how to put on a good fight and leave you wondering what the fuck in the end!" Ike shouted over the crowd that was eating it up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Damian Gerard|Armorer's Shop

Damian chuckled and shook his head. "Nah, I'm not the prying type. You're my guild mate and while history is fun, I don't ask if I don't need to. Though I'm happy to sate your curiosity if you'd like." At that point, the armorer had finished the repairs and gave Damian his armor back, who took a moment out of Amelia's sight to put it back on before leading the way out of the shop. "So, what are you feeling like? Food wise that is. Could go for some myself after that fight."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Sasha was slightly taken aback at the question, surprised at it. She squirmed slightly, and had to look away. "I want kids" She said softly, trailing off, she didn't know what to say. be bold. Just say it. she thought to herself, but she bit her lip, taking a deep breath, and looking back at Lazarus.

"But I think the question is, do you want kids?" Sasha could imagine her life with Lazarus, and without. The latter wasn't something she relished. But...Sasha had never dreamed of having kids. At least, not before Edolas. Now, though...not having kids seemed like a nightmare. "And if so, will we ever have children?"

Time Lord
@Crimson Raven

Time Lord chuckled. This man had some guts, he had to give him that. "It is impossible that I will lose. And my magic isn't just something that you teach, that you can learn. It comes from my heritage, and a unique combination of two magics. But alright then. I can win the fight in...I'll be generous. Two minutes" With that, time Lord exited the shop, leading away from the people and buildings.

Games Master Sheldon

Games Master Sheldon seemed taken aback at the ending of this fight. He wasn't too sure what to do. Never before had two contestants willing chosen a draw. There was silence from the Games Master as he stared at the two.

"Erm. Alright then. It appears this match has ended in a draw. Leave it to these guilds to bring about some truly amazes mages, that know when to quit! In a few moments, the final battle of the day will be started! We've had some amazing battles so far, can the last one live up to it?"

"HEY! Now you're just trying to take over our jobs, Shelly!" Jessie cried from the announcers booth.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zephyr Hardt

Zephyr continued to watch the fight all while he was sure Mikey was staring those worried eyes straight.Zephyr eventual caved from Mikey's stares and looked at him. "Seriously, don't worry dude. I know how strong Loki is, and Im not sure what his game is letting me do takeover on him is. Yet I know my own limits and I will surpass Loki's will with my own. Thats just how Takeover goes, who's will is strongest. So relax Mikey, in the end I always come out winning." Zephyr said giving him a thumbs up, as he looked back at the fight too see it come to an end as a draw willingly and then end with a kiss. Zephyr couldn't help but laugh a bit. "That seems like a Prince move doesn't it Mikey? Kiss the opponent even when you are suppose to battle one another.... Huh, that could actually be very effective as a distracting battle maneuver." Zephyr said tapping his chin as he waited for the announcement of the final battle.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 27 min ago

Amelia Averyonna


"But now I feel in the wrong after asking you questions that might've been personal." Amelia said. She watched as Damian got his armor back and left a bit, she assumed to put it on, before returning. He then asked her what she might want to get to eat, as if he was going to treat her. This only resulted in her looking a little miffed."I told you, I take enough from the guild, I'm not going to take from a guild mate. Besides, I'm not even hungry."

As if to contradict her at that very moment, Amelia's stomach let out a low rumble, causing her face to go bright red.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

A anger mark like from an anime pulsed on Ferris' head and clapped his hands together, small squares of data appearing around the model's hands. "Digital Make: Guardian Angel." From his hands formed a sphere of pixels hovered in front of them and became larger until wings spread wide opened to reveal an angel in white with no facial features. The angel flew down towards Sheldon and dragged him out of the battlegrounds. Ferris cleared his throat and leaned into the microphone. "Sorry about that ladies and gentleman. We will proceed with the next round briefly."

Well...that was an interesting end for a battle. He's never seen a draw from two mages that no longer wanted to fight before let alone kissing after that. Personally he would've kept on fighting until either one of them were nothing but a pile of broken bones or ashes, but hey to each their own. Hopefully the next battle won't end with the opponents going out on a date again. Enma turned to Ike and Kumbha with a smirk on his face. "I guess romance can happen even in the oddest of places."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Jacob --- Magic Games Arena
Jacob glanced about the crowd, and saw that a decent potion of his guild were making their way to where he had originally planned to exit the field, and he glanced back over to Merlina. "Hey, actually, you mind if I head out with you? We don't have to be holding hands or anything, but a couple of members of Iron Enigma don't have any filters and I'm not in the mood for their shenanigans." He gave the Phoenix Slayer a bit of a sideways smile. "Heck, we can just sit together by your guild for the final fight of today, and go get drinks or something afterwards. If that's alright with you." He put his hands in his tattered jacket, and glanced over at his Guild, then up at the very top of the Arena where his Guild had been siting. He waved at the black-garbed figure sitting with his legs dangling over the edge, and they waved back before disappearing back over the edge so that no one else would look at him. Deyja was uncomfortable with even being here, and he didn't want a bunch of people looking up at him.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Eve - Grand Magic Games

Eve felt her spirit rise as her eyes focused on Nero's grand smile. The gruesome match between Frenzy Plant and Phoenix Wing added with the raising negative feelings after the match made the Necromancer feel quite terrible. When Eve had finally reached Nero through the sea of sitting viewers and his ramblings had started to come out once again, her face was downcast through the horrifying realization that she couldn't smile. Her muscles almost felt like they were resisting the smile that she would give to anyone. Eve had never had the problem of producing a smile, even forcing one if necessary. The ticking time bomb of evil energy and emotions had started once again as the unstable girl couldn't find the will to smile, odd thing to almost have a breakdown.

Once Nero had finally stopped his ramblings and other adventures with the Grand Magic Games, the crazy girl felt like she was going to explode. However, she couldn't really tell if it was going to be dark powers or sadness. So, with the conversation with Time Lord, the vast amount of negative energy that had come from the actions and reactions from Frenzy Plant and Phoenix Wing, and finally not having the ability to smile any longer, Eve just needed to vent to someone before something more drastic than all of those things combined poured out of her. "No... N- No! Everything is not alright!" The Necromancer tried not to make a scene, but it was hard trying not to yell with all the pent up energy inside of her, "I expected these games to be fun, but... but this is not fun at all! Everything is just terrible!" At this point, Eve was just going to let out all of the things she felt at the moment.

"I felt like... Felt like I was going to vomit from what I've just seen. It was like I could almost feel every negative emotion within myself, all the anger, hate, and sadness gnawing away into me. I can't even smile anymore... Me." Eve chuckled madly, and she was about to end her rant but she didn't know how to stop screaming away the rest of her problems, "The whole thing with Time Lord. I mean, how can I make him happy? The only thing that could make him happy was for me to go with him on his journey like he said and leave everyone behind. But... but I can't do that. I don't want to leave you, but I don't want Time Lord sad. I just, I just want..." Eve suddenly felt light heated and stumbled forward slightly. She had forgotten how exhausting it felt having emotions pouring out of herself, and she hadn't even scratched the tip of the barrel yet with that tiny rant. So, Eve just silently tried to use Nero as some sort of support so she wouldn't fall down onto the ground like some sort of klutz.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Tidius watched Ariel for a time, before deciding that the girl wasn't waking anytime soon. he went over to a container, and took out a few lacrima, humming and harring, debating about which one to use.

He finally chose one that was large enough to fit in his hand, but not smaller enough to be useless. It had a brown shade to it, and the magic within seemed...hard. "Perfect" He said, grinning and moving back over to Ariel, he began to try the lacrima on her.


Penny got distracted from what she was doing, as she sensed the Phoenix Slayer magic. She spun about, shocked that someone else actually had the magic. How did they get it? Penny darted out the hotel, back to the arena, looking about but the third fight was over, and Penny had no idea who had been in the battle.

She gave a sigh, figuring the answers would just have to wait. A little down, she looked up at the sky, the changing colours, and moved away from the arena again. She found amelia and Damian, just as Amelia said she wasn't taking from the guild anymore. "it's not taking if it's offered, and besides, it's what the guild does. You haven't really had much time to go on jobs, not that that matters. You haven't taken without giving, you've been helping Jarvis and Jamie, right?"


Michael nodded, "I know. I just...spirit's can be so...unpredictable" He said, but nodded still. He looked back to the fight, a little taken aback by the end of the fight. "Unless you get paired with someone who will just kick your butt if you did it" Michael pointed out, with a soft laugh. He spent a few moments trying to figure out which teams were left to fight. The sky was just starting to fade to orange and red, the sun descending through the sky


Things seemed to be drawing to a close, the last battle coming about as the first day etched towards night. and Jarvis was taking stock of things. So far, both groups seemed to be doing well.

"We've given Mayt a lot of time to get here, but it's been two days, and we expected him to be here" Jamie said, and Jarvis nodded, rising without having to be asked.

"i'll find him. Chances are, he's just caught up in his job." Jarvis said positively, but there had been more and more reports of dark guild attacks. jarvis moved aside, taking out one of his many lacrima.

Jarvis made every member of the guild carrying communication lacrima. Part of it was to have that connection, the other part was for situations like this. He could use it to track members, and this is what he did, but first he tried to contact him


Announcer Jessie

Jessie giggled,a sickeningly sweet sound, as Ferris removed Sheldon. It didn't last, as the Games Master trudged back out, glaring at them both. Jessie just giggled some more, and cleared her thought. "Such a sweet way to end a fight! It shows how...well, close you can get fighting!" She laughed again, "it's certainly shown another side, and perhaps some good relations with the guilds!"

Nash Vs Phyrra (Tough Love Vs Pirate Lord battle four

As the last battle for the day drew closer, the teams waited to see who would fight next. Those with enough wits would figure out that the only two guilds with yet to offer a combatent were Rider's Blade and Tough Love, meaning the fight would be between them.

The gargantuan lacrima screen lit up, with names and portraits while the Games Master preened, who, once the shouted out "Pyrrha from Riders Blade, versus Nash from Tough Love! GET READY TO RUMBLE! he ushered the others out, once more leaving the two combatants in the field

As Sheldon vacated the arena, leaving only the competitors behind, one of them offered the other a wave. Nash, like most of his teammates, had not at all expected that his little, new guild would even get into the qualifying round much less the full Grand Magic Games. Both masters Henrik and Morrigan, now sitting in the stands, had been floored to discover that their friends proved not only strong enough, but clever enough to become full contenders. Of course, they did not exactly have high hopes for their ability to fight such renowned guilds as Phoenix Wing, Dragon Fang, and Frenzy Plant, but nevertheless they -and especially Nash- saw even getting in as a crowning accomplishment.

Due to this, the portly middle-aged sailor seemed rather relaxed and cheerful as he greeted his opponent. After seeing what had happened in the first round, he was more than a little determined to spark and maintain a friendly, sportsmanlike attitude; he did not fancy getting his shoulder dislocated or his spirit crushed. "Good afternoon t'ya, lass! Looks like the admins saved the best for last, eh? I never heard-a Rider's Blade before now, but 'twould be foolish-a me to underestimate ya." He maintained his warm smile as he flicked out a card from his pocket. If Pyrrha's eyes were good, she'd see an image of a blue and green sphere on it, and in fancy text 'The World'. "Don't go too hard on me, eh?"

Pyrrha stood across from her opponent with her arms folded, seemingly lost in thought. Before the match she had talked to Master Fraquar for an prematch advice. Other then to not underestimate her opponent and keep her head about her and give it her all, he didn't say anything other then that the result didn't really matter to him in the end. Pondering why that was, she only snapped back to the present when her opponent began talking.
"Don't call me lass. Either call me by my name or nothing at all." She said, reaching for the hand-and-a-half sword strapped across her back. After a second though, she lowered her hand. Best use it only if she needed to. At Nash's last comment, she gave him a small smile."I'll go as hard as I want or need to. Just don't underestimate me because I'm a girl, or I'll kick your ass all over this arena and into the sea."

After a moment Nash shrugged. "I thought I just said I wouldn't? Ah, well. We can't all be sportsmen." He straightened his cap and cracked his knuckles. "Guess I'm ready then..." Flicking his wrist, he tossed the card into the air. "How 'bout you, Salvoy?"

There was a rumbling bellow, a colossol noise that reverberated through the ground, spectators, and whole arena as the card exploded into an amorphous mass of gleaming water that resolved itself into the shape of a humanoid whale, no less than forty feet tall. Once fully summoned, the whale looked down at his friend and grinned, exposing teeth of baleen. "Hi, Nash," he rumbled, and cracked his massive knuckles in a manner identical to his master's. His big, dopey eyes landed on Pyrrha. "Aw, we gotta beat someone up? Well, okay. But we'll go do something fun after, right?"


"Bye then." Very abruptly, Salvoy leaned forward and dove into the ground. Rather than smacking comically against it, he actually dived right into the hard-packed sand as if it were water. The ground closed up behind him, without a single disturbance, as if the World had never existed. Nash put up his dukes. "First move on the little lady," he said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Fleo Plector – the Stands

Fleo cringed. She turned quickly back and forth, trying to see if anyone in her immediate vicinity was in a similar state. Did that really just happen? One minute the Pirate Lord witch and the Iron Enigma wizard were locked in brutal combat, dealing shattering blows against one another, doing everything they could, seemingly, to incapacitate the other. For a while, Fleo had been pretty convinced that each actually meant to slay the other. Somehow, when the dust cleared, the fight ended not with a fatality but with a voluntary draw, and on top of that, the two combatants had taken the phrase 'kissed and made up' to a whole new level.

Such a thing, Fleo thought, would have been embarrassing if either of the two had been in Phoenix Wing. Even now, the dusty woman squirmed a little. It didn't seem possible. In small, controlled doses, Fleo could understand how casual fighting could bring two people closer together, but not in a single fight between complete strangers, and not one of this magnitude! If she had been impaled with an enormous snake fang, or cooked with emerald fire from the inside, she would have been angry and resentful provided she'd survived. Until now, she thought that anyone would have. Intense pain did not biologically correlate to any good emotional reaction. But these two not only made out in the middle of the arena, but left together shortly thereafter. ”How...bizarre. Normal people don't do that sort of thing...?”

As the next match got underway, the lesser-known guilds of Tough Love and Rider's Blade, she absently constructed a dust yoyo and started goofing around with it to pass the time. The whale-man summoned by one of the competitors caught her interest. Was it like a Celestial Spirit? She'd never heard of this one before.

Indigo Afina – the Stands

Upon seeing the current fight concluded, Indigo almost cooed with delight. It was a matchmaker's dream come true! ”Ah, love at first sight!” she declared. ”Who would have thought an enflaming poison and a searing inferno would have created such a burning passion, and between two rival guilds, nonetheless! This has the makings of a starcrossed lovers story. Two enemies, grudgingly united by a single love, brought closer together and made stronger by the efforts of their two finest warriors! Oh, it's so wonderful!”

Mark's suppressed mirth did not go unnoticed by Stacy, who chuckled a little to herself. His comment about killing didn't dispel this good mood. “Eh, who hasn't? Wizardry is a dangerous line of work. Personally, I don't know where people get off sticking a stigma to just you bunch, when two of Phoenix Wing's top members -Damian and Lazarus, actually- have killed dozens of people.” She paid special attention to the deadly members that Mark indicated. Vales, eh? Fascinating. And the tale about the sister, too. “Well, I know who to keep my foureyes on.”

She laughed, and leaned a little closer to Mark -purportedly to hear better- as the crowd went wild for the end of the Iron Enigma/Pirate Lord match. Right about now, she gauged it would be difficult for Mark to ignore the tightness of her red shirt. Behind her glasses, her eyes glinted, and she wore a curious smile. “Is Jacob the only one who kisses girls he's just met?”

Nero the Genie – the Stands

@Invisible Man

As Eve gushed out her emotions, Nero listened with wide, increasingly worried eyes. How could he not have picked up on how unhappy she was currently!? Even given his general level of incompetence with the emotions of others, the time he'd spent with her should have clued him in to what would make her distressed. Seeing her so conflicted, and full of dangerous feelings ready to bubble over and react explosively with her powers, the dark mage had no idea what to do. His usual reassurances and jokes wouldn't shore up this dam. Even as Eve's rant tapered off and she leaned against him for support, which sparked a slight tumult of emotions inside of him as well, he could feel the chaos within her growing. A definitive solution was needed.

”Hey, hey. Don't quit on me now,” he tried for consoling, but knew that he must have sounded a little strained. He found himself angry at the Time Lord as well, for helping her to reach this state. From the get-go he'd assumed that the man was a manipulating scumbag with too much power, but this...was he trying to set her off? The color drained from Nero's face as he considered the terrifying possibility. If the Time Lord has attached, leechlike, onto Eve and influenced her in order to rile her up, knowing full well that her unstable psyche was connected to her very unstable abilities, he might have willingly been converted her into a walking, necromantic time bomb. When Nero spoke again, his voice was shaky. ”I-I know what will help. Jus-just take a breath, or two, or th-three, and think happy thoughts."

As discreetly as he could, Nero wrapped his cloak over Eve's shoulders, and beneath it reached into her back. He rummaged around inside, seeking, and almost recoiled when he found what he was looking for. Stealthily, he pulled it out, and examined it in his palm. ”Holy sh...cow!” he muttered, looking at the thing. It was a round crystal ball, hopeless gray in color, with one side eroded. The inside was covered in spikes, making the whole side look like some unholy maw. It emanated a foggy black aura, a presence that Nero felt could smother and suffocate all happiness. Eve's sadness was immensely powerful—injected into anyone else, it could kill them easily. Nero suddenly realized that all the happiness Eve had cultivated was the sole reason she was still alive. And I thought I had it rough...

He slipped the thing into his pouch and held Eve close to himself, and arm around her waist. Right now, she would be beginning to feel a little better hopefully, now that her sadness had been removed. This time, Nero's voice was slow and calming. ”Shh...it's fine. Don't worry about the Time Lord, or Dragon Fang, or any of the people in this whole darn arena. Just focus on you and me. It'll all be dandy. You've been doing a wonderful thing, trying to make everyone happy, but you've forgotten about the most important person. You.” Nero wished he could do something more to help her. At a loss, he tried hugging her instead. To anyone else, the genie and the necromancer must have looked like just another couple. ”Try, uh, try to focus on yourself for now. How do you feel?
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