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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zephyr Hardt- Grand Magic Games

Zephyr was cheering like a madman despite his guild receiving the least points from the fight between Sasha and Shujin, yet it was too awesome to care who won really. He would snap out of his fanboy mode to listen to Michael who acme over to him and asked a question. Zephyr shook his head and smiled. "Nah, So many strong people are here, its like a playground for me! You see Mikey. I have this dream to be the strongest mage on the world, I know it sounds cliche but I really want to to be the best there is. As for my new takeover you know about, don't worry about it. I can handle it long enough before I have to stop. I guess that's the side effect to getting it so late before the games." Zephyr said making it sound like having two separate takeovers is not a big deal, when in reality it kind of is since its not really recorded of someone possessing two takeovers. "What about you? You worried that Im going to get my ass kicked in?" Zephyr said with a teasing voice as he looked at Mikey.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Tidius chuckled lightly, leaning back with a grin, "If I want to make friends, I would make them. I don't." He chuckled again, and moved around Ariel, trying to take in the whole change. "Where's the fun in knowing what I'm going? i'm learning. How exactly has your magic changed, over the time you've had it? How many forms do you have? Do they have different abilities?"

He fired the question rapidly, wanting to know the answers then and there, and stood expectantly, waiting for Ariel to reply. So far, she seemed to be cooperating, and that suited Tidius well,


Zephyr seemed confident, and that was all well and good. "I'm sure a lot of mages have the dream to be the strongest mage" Michael pointed out after a moment or two, thoughtful. "Are you sure you'll be okay, with the take over? Playing around with spirits isn't something to take lightly" He said worriedly, wondering if Zephyr had had more time to train would it have been better? "I'm not worried you're going to get thrased. You'll be fine. I just worry about you losing control"

Merina Vs Jacob (Pirate Lord Vs Iron Enigma)

Two battles had come and gone, both leaving the guilds, the crowd, and the teams fired up, and ready to prove their worth. Once more, names flickered across the large screen, and once more Guild Master Sheldon danced, and twirled. He spun about, finally coming to a stop and shouting "Merlina, from Pirate Lord! And Jacob, From Iron Enigma! Come up, and get ready to rrrrrruuuuuuuuummmmmmbbbbbblleeeeee!" Once more he ushered the players that weren't involved from the arena, which was starting to look a little battle worn.

Once he was called to fight, Jacob would slowly walk into the battlefield, smirking, and wrapped in his wings like they were a cloak. Once he was near the center, he let his wings fly out, the lift would immediately launch him several feet in the air, and he watched the opposite entrance. "So, I hope this opponent is tough enough to withstand the might of the future Guild Master of Iron Enigma." He grinned, and dropped back to the ground, clearly confident in his abilities. He rose one hand into the air, shouting "Grand Animal Soul: Cobra" Jacob transformed into an enormous Cobra, easily two stories tall as he reared up, tongue slithering out of his mouth. He didn't attack though, waiting for the official announcement to fight.

Merlina smiled as the boy stepped forward and lifted up into the air on his wings. "Oh hello there. My name is Merlina." She said as the boy spoke and then turned into a Giant cobra. [b]"Oh my." [/b[She said as the thing was huge. "Takeover magic huh? Very interesting." Merlina rolled her shoulders back and a set of wings made of feathers and long tropical leaves. The instant they extended to full length a green substance dripped from them onto the ground and the spot burst into flames. Merlina then shook her wings and the convulsion cause the wings to burst into and emerald flame. She then rose into the air as if she weighed nothing and was now eye level with the snake boy. Let's see if a snake can stand up against bird?" Her fists burst into flame ready to fight when it was called.

The serpent's mouth twisted into an odd smile. A bird? They're my favorite kind of takeover." As it was announced for the fight to start, Jacob launched himself at his opponent, mouth open and fangs wide, though he was slow on the attack. This was intentional however, and he fully expected her to get out of the way before he struck, and just let himself fly into the air, where he shouted. "Grand Animal Soul: Hawk!" He turned from the snake into a giant Hawk, and dove rapidly towards Merlina, what would normally be razor claws extended. Jacob had gained enough control over his forms to modify them softly, and he had made this form's claws dull for this fight. He didn't want to kill anyone at the games. The Guild Master had made it very clear that was unacceptable.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zephyr Hardt- Grand Magic Games

Zephyr rubbed his head with a chuckle. "Yeah they are difficult, its different from machines. Unless they have some sort of A.I. then I always have control, but the spirit one proved to be far harder than I thought. While I don't have total control I pinpointed the time I can use it before losing control. Three minutes, so don't fret I wont lose myself to my own takeover." Zephyr said then watched with wide eyes at the next fight, with the Jacob man using a Grand Animal Soul takeover. "Woahhhh so cool!! Man now Im getting too restless at who I could fight! So many good choices!" Zephyr shouted as he watched the fight before looking back at Mikey and rubbing his head. "Yet after the game today, I wouldn't mind help with bonding with spirits. Maybe I can extend the time that way?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

One question after another with this guy. Finally clamming up she turned away. "I'm not going to tell you any more while I'm strapped to a table. I still don't know how you think I can help you at all with getting magic. Not like I can just give it away." Looking around she tried to figure out a way out of this. There didn't seem to be anything in reach though which was problematic.

There was still the larger lacrama above her. What exactly it was meant for she was unsure. But now she actually took a closer look at it. She had come in contact with some smaller ones in the past and ended up draining them of their magic almost on contact. What a truly powerful one would do was a question she'd rather not have answered. At least not like this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 5 mos ago


He nodded as Ammy spoke to him. "She was better than I expected." he sighed. "However... if I face her again in the games... I'll destroy her." He said darkly, taking a seat a few rows up. He felt a tap on his shoulder before a voice questioned him. Shujin didn't bother to turn his head, he didn't need to. The presence of certain wizards was recognizable. "Mark Zerrit... Yeah... I watched you for a while on assignment." Being responsible for a squad, he was also in charge of recruitment to that squad. "You don't want to be learning metal make Mark." he coldly stated. "It requires a great risk on using it." He unwrapped cloth from his hand which he had burned in the fight on his sword, showing the nasty marks. "Metal make requires a great deal of time to learn to a high standard... but if you are serious, you should talk to the first officer of the magical unit in the royal army. He's the man that taught me." He returned his gaze to the match in progress.


He punched Sasha in the arm. "Well played. I thought he had you for a moment at the end there." He grinned. "I haven't seen that side of you in a while Sasha... I like it." He beamed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mark Zerrit --- Grand Magic Games
The Maker Wizard chuckled. "I can probably handle whatever danger there is to Metal Make, I already use five other maker magics, each with their own difficulties. As you would probably know if you really had been watching me." He smiled a bit. "I've always had a talent for Maker Magics, I'm just a tad sad that your fight means I won't get to go against one of you." He dropped down, and took a seat next to Shijun, just for the sake of continuing the conversation. "Anyway, do you, perchance, know where the first officer of this 'Magical Unit' would've learned it? I prefer to avoid... conspicuous people whenever possible." He looked down at the fight, and chuckled softly. "Looks like Jacob's got his work cut out for him."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Jack Goran|Arena stands

Jack had, for the first few minutes of their conversation, been unaware that one of Iron Enigma's members was conversing with his own, focused as he was on gauging the strength of the other guilds. The fight between Phoenix Wing's Damian and Frenzy Plant's Hyun had been in interesting show of Martial talent over magical skill, but he knew magical negation when he saw it used. Glancing back to check on Shujin after his match, a whirlwind of Maker Magic that was impressive for sure, he narrowed his eyes at the dark mage and stood and maneuvered so that he could reach them.

"Anyway, do you, perchance, know where the first officer of this 'Magical Unit' would've learned it? I prefer to avoid... conspicuous people whenever possible." Immediately after asking, Jack allowed his magic energy to signal his presence before speaking.

"You would, Dark Mage. Now it would behoove you to leave my guild and it's members alone except for the competition. I might not know how you managed to fake becoming legitimate, but if I or one of my members catch you doing anything...illicit, we will expose you. Now leave." When the Dark Mage left, Master Jack turned to Shujin and sat next to him. "I suggest you be wary of Iron Enigma's team and of the guild. They're a well known dark guild."

Damian Gerard|Armorer's Shop

Damian smiled when she said she liked hearing stories but frowned slightly when asked what his life as a kid was like, among other questions, so he decided he'd do his best to answer her questions in order. "A bit about myself...well, let's start with the magic question. I use Blades Magic and Blade Change, the first which lets me summon my offensive and defensive spells and the second, a more refined version of the first, lets me summon my swords." For emphasis, when explaining he summoned a sword blade that would fall when he cast a spell like Blade Rain, and when explaining the second, he summoned an Ares Blade and dismissed both when he was done.

"My life as a soldier, well, I wasn't your normal soldier. See, my parents were both fairly important in Fiore's Royal Army, my father a captain in one of the regiments that my mother was also a part of. Of course, this was after they found out she was pregnant with me and I'd been born. Before that, they were in separate units. Met during some down time between offensives to keep other countries out of Fiore. But well, after I got old enough, my father started teaching me how to fight, blocking a slash from a sword, a thrust from a spear, hand-to-hand stuff, a lot of things most kids don't know at age six with my mother helping. Being I stayed with the regiment, they figured it was the safest thing to do.

Anyways, I was about nine when my parents were in a loosing defensive battle and the call to retreat had been given. Being a little kid who was scared no matter how brave I tried to seem, I was running around trying to find my parents and the enemy broke into the camp. I remember watching what I can only presume was a Beserker cleave through a pike-man from the regiment with a demented grin on his face, and then he turned towards me. I had a short sword that had been made specifically for me for training on me and, knowing running was pointless, I stood my ground and drew the sword. This guy just kept coming and then...he ran at me. It was so sudden I was paralyzed with fear and I only just barely managed to move forward as he swung down with my eyes squeezed shut.

When I opened them, the shortsword was driven into the guy's chest up to the crossguard, blood, well, that's a touch graphic, let's just say I opened my eyes cause there was suddenly warm liquid on my hands. I let go, he stumbled back and fell over, then my parents found me and we fell back. After that, I joined in on every battle I could, unofficially officially joining the Royal Army at fourteen. So, I guess what I did was fight as a swordsman."
Taking a deep breath, Damian waited a few moments before continuing, this next bit clearly shaking him.

"A couple years later, we were dispatched to the border with Minstrel, rumors saying that monsters along there were disrupting supply lines. Command found it odd that they were so specifically targeting military supplies. We...walked into a trap. My parents both died that day, but we broke the monsters, who were being controlled by some mages. I...was in anguish and unleashed a massive rain of blades, killing them and several monsters. None of the regiment was hurt, but...I didn't care. My parents were gone. I promised my mom I'd find a guild and left the next day, after they were buried. For the next few years, before I joined the guild, I did odd jobs, worked as a freelance wizard. I had a few run ins with the Council and their Rune Knights, watched them take other Freelancers in for no good reason, but it was pretty, well, repetitive.

Do a job, get paid, do the next job, get paid, move on to the next town, find work, find a place to stay, do the jobs, get paid. Life only got really interesting after joining Phoenix Wing."
He sighed and leaned back again, looking at her. "That answer your questions?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Michael looked at the arena as the next battle started, "Spirit's have minds of their own. It's the same with animal take over-you can't just control them. Spirits...they need that bond, to be able to work with someone. It's hard to explain, really. But I'm sure I could help you bond" Michael said, sure that he could help, but knowing it would take a long time.

"Which spirit have you bonded with?" He asked, knowing the Zephyr would probably say that he'd just have to wait and see. Micheal just supposed he still sucked at conversations, because he couldn't think of anything else to say. He sighed softly, thinking "who do you think will win, at of these two?"


Sasha wasn't about to admit that Shujin probably did have her at the end. She had used a lot of magic, a lot of powerful attacks. She just gave a shrug, "A few more minutes, and I would have beat him" She said instead, not even knowing if that was true.

She smiled, and said "There hasn't really been any reason to totally go all out" She pointed out, using ice as bandages on the few cuts that she had, to stop the bleeding as well as on a few sore spots to prevent bruising and swelling.

She was tired, and so she took the first opportunity to sit down


Tidius chuckled lightly, and shook his head. "If I unti you,you'll try and flee. Do not deny it. I can see you already trying to figure a way out. As for what I can learn....everything. So many magics, it's intriguing, but you may just be the answer I am looking for. How, for instance, can you have what seems like a combination of magics, despite being of Edolas birth? Is it because of your earthland heritage?" He mused to himself, his tone thoughtful.

Tidius noticed her interest in the lacrima, and chuckled again, "Answer my questions, and I'll undo your hands"

Merlina vs Jacon

Merlina dropped down towards the ground and then heard the boy transform into a hawk. Still falling she stopped as she saw him diving at her. "Big mistake bird boy." She said her tone suddenly changing. She breathed in deep as her body went horizontal in the air facing his claw head on "Phoenix Squall!" She yelled and then a burst of green flames began to spew from her mouth towards him. She then flapped her wings toward him and a wave of of green flames fused with enzymes flew along each side of the flames that came from her mouth. She hoped this would hit the boy or maybe that her enzymes would splash on him. The enzymes would burn skin and anything else it touched and when exposed to enough light and heat it would combust. After she produced enough she dove again and then began to run on the ground circling around for another shot. The Captain told them that they could do as they pleased with how they wanted to fight to win but not kill. So it was a good thing that if this boy got hurt she could take care of any wounds he might have.

Jacob banked hard to avoid the shot, and as some of the enzymes hit his wings he was forced to revert to his human form for a moment so that no real damage was done. "Grand Animal Soul: Raven!" He turned into a Raven, and dove directly for Merlina, hoping that the continued attack despite hers would catch her by surprise. He was hoping to knock her down, and then hold her down in a way that would win the fight and prevent her from attacking him. Jacob knew that winning this fight quickly would be the only hope he had, judging by whatever it was that hit his wing a moment ago that is.

Merlina didn't hear a screech of anything so she assumed he wasn't hit and was coming after her. As she was circling around she felt him on her so she took off in a flash into the air. Flying up high she turned and saw him below her now. He was after her and it seemed he had switched to a raven this time. "I see you are quick to change. I used to know someone that fast. It has been a long time since I have had this type of challenge!" She then arced he wings back and shouted as she flipped in the air, "Phoenix Feathers!" her wings arced forward this time and feathers coated in enzyme and flame shout toward him at an alarming speed. Not waiting for him to dodge it she dropped to the ground and vaulted towards him. "Phoenix Claw!" Her fist blazed up as she rocketed towards him. In her own head she began to wonder if she would win this but she wasn't going to be giving up anytime soon.

Jacob continued his dive towards the ground as Merlina began launching feathers at him, pulling up just before he hit the ground, but getting slammed soledly in the chest by the second attack. Forcing him to revert and throwing him into the far wall of the arena. After falling out of the small crater he had made, he stood up and looked at Merlina, that one hit clearly having done a lot. "Damn. You hit a lot harder than I expected." He grunted, looking down at the burns on his chest, and the new hole in his shirt. He shook his head, and refocused on the battle. "Grand Animal Soul: Lion!" He changed into a giant Lion, and charged Merlina again, dodging this way and that to avoid her attacks, still trying to get in close.

Smiling big that her hit connected she jump back as he landed on the other side of the arena. Was he down? No...He emerged scathed from the claw attack. "Well everything beautiful in nature packs a punch!" She said right before he changed into a giant lion. She froze. Cats didn't didn't bother her but this was a really big cat that she had run in with in a jungle before. Horror spread across her face and as he dodged across the arena he came closer to her. She had to shake the fear and quick. There was no escape he was to close. So she did the only thing she could do. She wrapped her wings around her. "Phoenix Aura!" She then glowed green as her regeneration picked up speed and her flames would now burn hotter. She was prepared for a big hit as she could hear him almost upon her.

Jacob couldn't help but be amused at the comment about nature, it sounded something like what Deyja would say, but he pushed the thought out of his mind as he continued to advance one Merlina. He could only revel in the clear fear on her face, this next strike would decide who was the victor of this battle. Once he came within striking distance, he shouted what he hoped would be his final transformation, "Grand Animal Soul: Cobra!" He turned into the giant cobra again, and launched himself the last few meters at blinding speed, trying to pierce Merlina with one of his comparatively small fangs and inject a paralytic venom into her. He put out of his mind how much the fire was going to burn him and his mouth, and hoped that the infirmary was equipped to handles those kinds of things.

She heard him shout his transformation and the fear was gone, but it was too late for her to move so she ignited herself. Which was the only thing she could do in a split second. The enzymes that covered her wings and body burst into flames and it was almost like a small explosion had gone off. He was going to bite the hottest bird he had ever sank his fangs into. Finally she felt it. Fangs pierced her skin and she felt a sort of paralysis fighting against her own healing. Damn that shit was powerful. It made her slow to move. As her muscles grew stiff but not unmoving she reached out with a burning arm to grab his snake body. "you won't take me down without going with me beast boy..." She said loud enough for him to hear. She wasn't going to loose. She would make it a draw but not loose unless he made a killing blow that was.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

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Amelia Averyonna


Amelia listened to Damian as he talked, never speaking up or moving from her seat. She had suspected he had been in some sort of profession that involved death. Being able to see the dead had the added perk, sometimes curse, of seeing an Aura of Death around people. Normally she needed to concentrate to see it, usually because a person rarely if ever killed. However, those involved in war, contract killing, or some activity that involved a lot of killing personally had the aura around them constantly. Damian, with his past of war and killing, was one such person, as an aura of black energy surrounded him, like a heavy cape draped around his entire person.
"I wondered why you had such a strong aura around you. To be a child soldier, willing or not, must've been hard." She said, having a sad smile on her face."But you should be happy. You got to know your parents and you have happy and sad memories of them. Family should share that kind of thing. I... don't have any. I never knew my parents and the closest person I had to a mother is dead. She might still be with me, but it was better when she was alive rather then dead.

I suppose you'll want to know a little about me now? It's only fair, given how you've told me about yourself. Ask me anything you want. I will answer truthfully and to the best of my ability
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zephyr Hardt- Grand Magic Games

Zephyr nodded at his soon to be spirit friendship instructor and shrugged. "Depends on how hard it is to bond with a god. Well.... I would tell you but its fun to have some secrets.... but I've been holding this in for so long, he is called Loki." Zephyr said chuckling like a little child would almost like he was telling something so big that he would get everyone's respect with what he knew. As Mikey gave his next question though he looked at the fight and tapped his chin.

"Depends really. That Merlina seems to have the experience but not the power to make any big blows. And Jacob seems to have the power to land those big blows. Unless Merlina can pull off something big I have to give it to Jacob, mostly after that last blow she seems a bit slower now too. So if she has the moves she better start using them." Zephyr deduced the fight, and he knew she had to have some sort of big attack. She seemed to experienced to not have one.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Grand Magic Games


After speaking with Sasha, Karn went off to take a seat and was happily choosing down on food. His appetite never leaving him as he devoured various plates filled with food. For a small guy, he could fit a lot in him. It was then Trinity came over and sat beside him, his emerald eyes flicking toward cheerfully, cheeks puffed up from a mouthful of food. As she greeted him and asked if he was alright, he swallowed before smiling happily.

"Great! I was a little tired after Claire ate almost my entire magic supply yesterday, but I'm fit as a whistle today!" the blonde chirped before taking another bite of a loaf of bread. Either not catching on to her meaning or was simply pretending not to notice.

As Mithera landed on Trinity's lap, the feminine male smiled brightly, wiping his fingers before gently petting the top of her head. "Hi Mythy! Nice to see you!" he cheered before blinking toward Trinity as she spoke.

Tilting his head in confusion, one could almost see the gears go in his head as he thought about what she meant before a lightbulb popped up over his head before cracking. Right, she saw the blood. He smiled cheerfully though his face obviously scrunched up as he thought of a answer.

"Oh yeah, me and Nolan went out for some special secret training for the last two months. It was pretty fun and we made a bunch of friends too! Haha! How was your two months? Busy training too?" Karn cheered, trying to act like he didn't get what she meant and act like nothing was wrong. By his expression though, though smiling, it was quite obvious he knew exactly. He was a horrible liar.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mithera --- Magic Games
Mithera made a very happy purring sound as both Karn and Trinity petted her some, and she ended up on her back towards the end of it, hoping for a good belly rub. Once it was clear it was serious time, she rolled back over and jumped up onto Karn's head. "I'm still mad you left for two months without even letting me get a proper goodbye in!" She would lie down on his head, and make a cute little pout. "But, I'm just happy you're back now!" She'd curl up, purring softly, whatever anger she had was dispelled. She wasn't ever really mad in the first place, just sad that she hadn't gotten to say goodbye personally.

It didn't take her long to read that Trinity meant something else though, and that Karn was avoiding it. Her nervousness set back in. Was this something she should be here for? Was it something between just her and Karn? She swallowed, and did her best not to show how nervous she had suddenly become. Something she lacked any practice in ever, but her many non-human attributes probably helped hide it.

@Silver Fox@CirusArvennicus

Mark Zerrit --- Magic Games
Mark chuckled softly to himself as the Dragon Fang guild master came over, and Mark respected his authority, standing up. "I mean, we've all done our share of unscrupulous activities. I like to learn Maker Magics, but preferably not from someone who's probably going to arrest me first." He chuckled again, before turning and starting to walk away, but he spoke a few more words of wisdom. "And the two you really want to watch out for are Grant and Delilah. They've killed for the fun of it before, and I wouldn't put it past them to do it again. But, not during the games." In a moment he was away from Dragon Fang, and on his way back to Iron Enigma. He found his eyes drifting back to the little white dragon, who was now sitting on top of someone's head. He shook his head a bit, and once he had returned to his guild's spot in the stands, he watched the fight more closely.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

She seemed to consider the offer for a bit. There was no telling what he would do with the the information. However being stuck like this wasn't that great of a situation either. "You aren't giving me that many options." For a few minutes Ariel debated on whether to say more. This personality seemed to make her rather... defensive. But she also had very little choice.

"Fine. The magic doesn't really change much, just get stronger the more I'm around it. And forms. I guess I have eleven now if that's what you want to call them. each one is a different magic as far as I can tell." Having answered the question she waits to see if Tidius would keep his word. Ariel herself tried not to give away too much information. Particularly about the personality changes. each new magic was really hard to judge how she would react. Her Siphon magic would be very bad right now with it's more subversive tendencies.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Loki? To Michael, that wasn't good. Loki was full of mischief, and didn't like to be controlled, to hear Uriel tell it. Of course, Balthazar thought he was the best thing in the world. But Zephyr had, it seemed, managed to cow Loki, if only for a few moments. So Michael didn't say anything, but hoped it wouldn't end in disaster.

Michael was thoughtful as Zephyr spoke. "I don't know" he said, "I think Merlina could win it. I guess we will never know the results of a battle until it ends. So many powerhouses, and so many with lots of skill here". But then, what did Michael know of fighting?


Tidius listened as Ariel spoke, but knew that she wouldn't give away much of her abilties. Still, the doctor could deduce some things. First, her demaenor had changed slightly when the form change. Did that mean her personality itself was changed with each magic? So many questions. Eleven didn't types? Clearly being in a guild had exposed Ariel to many different types of magics.

A man of his word, Tidius approached and untied Ariel's hands, but wasn't foolish to let her think he was at ease. If she made any sign to attack, Tidius would have her subdued again.

"How fascinating. What do you know of these forms? Do you know anything about your magic? If I exposed you to fire magic, what would happen?"


Not particularly interested with the next battle, Penny only returned to the stands to ensure that Sasha was okay, leaving her with Lazarus knowing she was safe then. Penny told Jarvis and jamie that she was heading off. Doubting that anyone would attack Damian while he was getting his armor fixed, Penny headed back to the hotel.

That morning, just before they'd headed to the arena, the hotel manager had given her a letter. SHe hadn't opened it yet, puzzled as to why someone would want to get in contact with her here.

Now, she opened it, and recognised at once Solias's hand writing. No doubt Solias thought, correctly, that Penny wouldn't speak with him if he came to her. She sighed and read the note through, but it just searched to make her angry all over again.

she discarded the letter on her bed, and then went down to the hotel's bar, to pay for the damage to the vase.

Time Lord

Time Lord sat, studying the images still as they moved through the dragon event. where did the final showdown happen? he thought to himself, as he always did. The young man wasn't concerned with the games, and knew Eve was well looked after and safe at the moment.

Sighing softly, he rose smoothly, pulling the hood of his cloak up, and moved towards the inner city. Crocus had a large library, and Time Lord was taking the chance to access it, but today, Time Lord didn't go to the library, instead, he went to a magic shop.

Merlina Vs Jacob

It was all Jacob could do to not retreat and think of a different tactic to beat her, but he knew that if he ended it here he wouldn't have to worry about screwing up in the long run. He bit down harder, pushing his fangs deeper into Merlina's skin and pumping more of the paralytic venom into her system, trying to shut her down. As her fire and the enzymes started to leave blisters on his mouth, he managed to hold on until his venom sacs had been mostly emptied into her, and he reverted back to his human form, falling back away from her quickly, coughing and hacking. It didn't occur to him to watch and see if she had somehow not gone down from that, and began spitting. Blood, saliva, and some of Merlina's Enzymes all came out. "God... Damn that hurts." He muttered as he kept spitting.

Merlina felt the venom pump into her as he bite down harder. Her healing still kept fighting back the venom as she staggered but stayed on her feet. Blood seeped out of the bites but green fire sealed the wounds which was good and bad. She wouldn't bleed to death but the venom would now stay in her system. "What do you say we call this a draw?" She said. Her head was about the only thing that wasn't going stiff. Her healing made sure to keep her able to think at least semi straight. This was her second to last resort before she tried one last thing on her opponent.

Jacob scoffed, and managed to stop spitting, looking up at Marlina. "You just wanna call it a draw because it's going to be hard as hell to fight with my venom running through you. Besides that, how the hell are you still standing? That was enough to paralyze a dozen full grown men. Maybe not body builders, but certainly a normal citizen of Fiore." He coughed, and spat again, wiping his mouth, and facing Marlina. "So are we going to finish this fighting? Or do you give up, and I can get you the anti-venom?" He sounded a tad tired from transforming so often, but he clearly had fight left in him, despite the burns all over his upper body.

Merlina cracked a smile at what he said. "Poisons and venoms are very hard to work on me boy. I've had more than my far share of them running through my veins to ensure I survived against anything I came across in the harsh environment I used to live in. My enzymes do most that just bring the heat but they heal as well. So as we have been talking the venom has been losing its affect." It hadn't totally but it was enough and she still have plenty of magic power left. After all she had lived a long life time. It was time to stop screwing around. Her muscles ached but she had felt worse. "Emerald Phoenix Slayer secret art: Ancestral Avatar!" Power flowed through her as a giant flower came from the magic circle that appeared below her. She rose high in the air on the flower until it snapped shut on her. The flower the burst into emerald flames and then form around Merlina the form of her mother Delonix. The Green flames that formed her surrounded Merlina who was now glaring down at the boy. Merlina felt the power of her mother and for a brief second her emotion. Tears formed on Merlina's cheeks and with that tears fell from the avatar itself. With every drop grass and flowers burst up from the ground. Some where one fire but didn't burn away and other let lose a pollen into the air that seemed to shimmer. This had only been the second time she used this spell and had forgot that she could feel her mother all around her when she did. She then looked down and saw the patches of things growing here and there. Finally she let out a squawk and dove toward the boy.

Jacob muttered explicitness softly, there was no way he could hit her when she was like this. "G-grand Animal Soul: Lion!" He transformed, then barely got out of the way of the initial attack, yowling at the pain in his tail from her dive. "Almost got me to reconsider that draw offer with that by the way!" He jumped to the side before shouting again. "Grand Animal Soul: African Swallow!" He turned into the bird, and launched into the air, hopping he could outrun or outmaneuver his opponent until they ran out of magic power. This form was much smaller than both his hawk and raven forms, so he was harder to hit. He thought that he just might get out of this, if he was careful. As he flew, he could hear his guild cheering for him. Another thing he had to push out of his head, it was getting hard to stay focused on this fight. Especially with all the pain in his mouth.

Though the boy was now smaller she could still see him easily in the form she was in. As he flew she staid still. She began to track him and tried to predicted where he would fly to. She then fired of a couple of jets of emerald fire and enzymes in places she thought he would bank to. After all they only had a limited space to fly in and if this didn't work she would over power him with speed grab the little bird in her claws.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ferrin--Magic Shop

Ferrin browsed the goods for sale in the large shop. He wore his large white coat, despite the heat of the day and had one hand in his pocket, completely hidden by his sleeve. He had enjoyed the spectacle of the games, but he had to leave before the noise gave him a headache. While trying to find somewhere quiet to go, this building caught his attention, and he decided to go inside. Once there, he found the largest magic shop he had ever seen and he set immediately to looking around. Ferrin noticed an odd looking sword. He picked it up and studied it with a discerning eye. "This seem interesting, but not really what I need." He muttered to himself as he set done the odd gizmo. He walked over to the front "Hey, shopkeeper, where do you keep your magic ammunition?" "Right over there." The shopkeeper pointed. Ferrin glanced that way, "Oh, one more thing," He said, "Do you happen to have any spare parts? You know, just junk, broken pieces, that sort of thing?" The shopkeeper looked surprised, "What an odd request. Hmmm...Yes, I do believe I have some thing like that out back. You can have what ever you want, ain't nothing there worth charging you for." Ferrin smiled, "Thank you." He said. He walked over to the magic ammunition, still browsing. As he browsed he began to reminisce. I guess something like this still hasn't changed, shops will always be shops. And the Grand Magic Games, ah, just being here is so nogalistic, I wish I was the one down in that arena. Still, watching others fight is a treat all its own. So many varied magics, its a dream in a nightmare come true. He smiled sadly. A moment later he shook off the memories. Not time to space out. He thought. I came here for a reason. Ferrin heard the bell above the door chime as a new customer came in. Ferrin paid it no heed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Her hands free she raised one arm up to remove a bead of sweat. So far cooperating was working better than resisting, oddly enough. This thought turned out to be a mistake though as her Siphon magic surfaced. Hearing the questions she seemed to relax a bit and answered right away. "Each form is a different magic, but also has a different personality. Most of the time I know what a magic is right away. I can't always use it well though." Ariel wrung her hands a bit but otherwise seemed calm.

Once again she wiped her brow and glanced at Tidius. "Well, if I hadn't already been exposed to fire magic then enough of it would give me fire magic. But since I already do have it then it can make the magic stronger." Giving it a little thought she glanced around again. "I feel something like fire magic right now. Is that not you?" Now Ariel was quite confused. But the constant flow of magic was beginning to take a toll and she shut her eyes to try and rest a bit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

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Trinity Stratos

Uhg. He missed the point entirely! She looked to watch Sasha's match against Shujin, for just a moment, before her attention returned to Karn. Aaah, it seemed as though he understood her intention now. She appraises him, and then her surroundings, considering discretion.

Nope. It was his health they were talking about, and he should definitely talk to them about it! The fact that he avoided the subject so blatantly and desperately only told her it was more serious. She gave a dissatisfied growl and folded her arms. "Karn. Your health is very important, and it doesn't do to hide these things from people who care about you, especially when we might be able to help. We're mages. How long has it been a condition?"

She looks up from eye contact with Karn to see a nervous, fluffy dragon on top of Karn's head. She holds her arms up and motions for Mithera to jump into them, so she can hold her against her shoulder. It wasn't long before she turned her eyes to Karn again, however.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Time Lord
@Crimson Raven

Time Lord was not surprised that there was another customer in the store. It was, after all, a magic store. Time Lord browsed the selection, glancing around. The man seemed a little rude, forgetting his please's. There was also something strange about him.

Time Lord couldn't put his finger on it, but he watched the man. The man also seemed to be lost in thought. Time Lord stepped up the the registered, and said to the owner, "Hello. I hope you're having a good time, with the games. Do you have any Lacrima? I'm looking for something small, that I can still use, if you have something like that, please!" Time Lord Smiled, and soon had the Lacrima, "Thank you very much"

He looked back, and saw that the man seemed to have come out of his thoughts. Feeling that it might be quicker for the store owner, Time Lord stepped up. "Excuse me? Can I help you?"


Tidius watched Ariel, curious. she didn't try to escape, nor really do anything, but there did seem to be another change. Tidius walked over to a Lacrima, turning it on, he studied the image on screen, and smiled, turning back to Ariel.

"no, it's not me." He said, watching as Ariel seemed to slump, as if she needed rest. "Is it tiring, the magic?" he asked, slightly concerned, more worired that he might lose the chance to study such magic, then anything else.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Grand Magic Games


Karn rubbed Mithera's belly before he glanced up as Mithera landed on top of his head, scolding him for leaving without a word other than a letter. He chuckled and reached and scratched under her chin. "Sorry, Ashy sort of dragged me out the minute I got back. But I'm happy to be back as well." he said before looking at Trinity as she further questioned him while her eyes seemed to stare at him in order to make him crack.

Face scrunching a bit more as he tried evaluating his thoughts, he gave a soft laugh and waved a hand. "Awe come on I'm fine. Ashy's training was pretty harsh along with the residents of the island we were on buuuut I made it through. Feel pretty good after all that training." Karn said with a soft cheerful hum.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mithera --- Magic Games
Mithera would happily jump into the Minstrel's arms once she was beckoned to do so, cuddling up. She would curl up in such a way that Trinity could hold the tiny dragon comfortably, and Mithera could look at both of them. When Karn explained why he didn't stay to say goodbye, Mithera pouted again. "Well then 'Ashy' has some splainin' to do!" She pouted for a moment longer before giggling. She wasn't really angry, she was just trying to feel less nervous about what Trinity was trying to get Karn to talk about. Mithera snuggled up against Trinity, deciding just to listen from here on our.

@CirusArvennicus@Silver Fox
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