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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

General Cormorant Sanders – the Stands


Sanders dropped his hand from his beard. He looked suddenly weary. Was this shapeshifter trying to provoke him? She would have no luck in that regard. Truly, he hadn't expected the master of such a powerful guild to be so aggressively assertive. Looking up for a moment at the blue sky, Sanders wondered if there was any point in talking to Jamie at all; she seemed so convinced that she knew it all. She knew better than Sanders how his guild felt, evidently, and knew that their training didn't mean whit when it came to restraining their emotions, and a whole host of other things that made the general want to throw up his hands. He did not want to speak to this person anymore, but he felt an obligation to at least try and defend himself.

”Alas for you. You assume nothing but the worst about my guild. I have given you my word that they will not seek revenge outside of Damian's challenge or duels in the arena, but it seems what you think trumps what I tell you. Look around at my soldiers.” He pointed with his staff at several of the nearby members of Frenzy Plant, including Kumbha. ”Their fury has already ebbed. A mere underlying resentment will not trump their training. And what is it you mean by 'the authorities won't be able'? My guild is law-abiding, Jamie. To perform a single criminal act would be anathema to the warrior's code of honor.”

“As for Hyun, she is more than unconscious. As much as we'd like to think otherwise, she is deaf to anything we'd say. She wouldn't want us wasting our time clustered around her bed. She'd want us to be out here trying to win. You struck a low blow, telling me we don't know the meaning of family. It makes my old heart hurt, but I suppose that is what you wanted. If you feel it necessary to try for moral superiority, or to prove a point, please do visit Hyun. You've come to me in the wake of a dream deferred, thrown dirt upon my soldiers' code of honor, and then told me I've wasted my life forging this guild's bonds. Even if you weren't listening, I've promised you that my soldiers will seek no unjust revenge. I beg you to leave, and to not inflict any more damage.”

He turned his eyes back to the arena, hoping that he wouldn't hear Jamie's voice again, still trying to assert herself and her guild. I will not humor her by responding again, he decided.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 45 min ago


Nolan didn't wish to butt into his master's conversation with Frenzy Plant's master. Instead he sat down next to his long time friend and rival Enma. He smirked at the oni and received a smirk in return from him before the two burst into laughter. The two of them held a fist up and bumped them together. "It wasn't a question that you were going to get in you horned bastard. How have you've been adjusting to human civilization? I would've thought that you were be participating in the games this year." No matter how cold and callous that many believe him to be he still had a heart. It was a heart mostly encased of icy chains and kept on a lock, but when it came to close friends he relaxed somewhat. The God Slayer was still a stiff just from being surrounded by people that he didn't know at all. It was an introverts worst nightmare.

Enma smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head. "I would be lying if I said I adjusted seamlessly into human society. I am still trying to figure out why Owen talks the way he does and why humans deep fry everything." He chuckled and looked back at the fight going out in front of them. "I thought my guild was filled with monsters. Who would've thought that Hyun would've lost in a battle of blades? Not even I can get out of a spar with her unscathed. The ice woman is also pretty good. I wonder if you'll have any luck with getting someone that won't curb stomp you." The oni smirked and pat Nolan's back.

"Tch, sorry for Damian's challenge. I didn't think he would've been that arrogant to say something that stupid." Nolan sighed through gritted teeth. It probably wasn't the most well kept secret that he disliked Damian. All the talk about friendship and bonds was just simply aggravating to him and grated on his nerves every god damn time. It's fine to protect friends, but when it turns into an overarching theme then it's just simply annoying. Not to mention he seemed to think he was above killing even though it's common knowledge that he killed dark mages and seemed to think it he should announce it to the world to ease an easily guilty mind. That being said he respected that he was a powerful mage and an excellent swordsman that even the God Slayer had to admire. His swordsmanship was an art in itself. Fluid and swift as a river, yet comes down hard like lightning.

"It's fine. A battle is a battle and I feel no need to battle that monster. Aside from that holding a grudge wouldn't help Hyun a bit anyway. Everyone in my guild could be as frustrated and angry at Damian and your guild as much as they want, but in the end they are angry at their own helplessness. They can't help her now. She can only help herself." He help up a container with a straw in it and took a sip from it. Apparently humans called this sweet, bubbly concoction soda and there were many variations of it. So far his favorite soda was something called Coca-Cola. His face brightened up and he pressingly said, "Hey how about I introduce you to my master? I'm sure he would love to meet you!"

A bead of sweat ran down his forehead and he looked back at his master who seemed to be quite agitated. "Er, I don't think that's a good idea..."

"Nonsense! Come on!" Enma grabbed onto Nolan's hand and forcibly dragged him along down to his master. He greeted the old man with a wide friendly grin. "Hello master! How are you enjoying the games so far?" Obviously the oni didn't know how to read the mood or else he would've gone back to his own seat. "I wanted to introduce to you my long time friend Nolan to you. He's from Phoenix Wing. Come on, say hi!" He nudged Nolan hard with his elbow.

"...Um, hello there" was all he could muster to say. He really just wanted to go back to Phoenix Wing's side of stadium, but he was forced into this awkward situation. He cleared his throat and held his hand out for a handshake. "How do you do?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

General Cormorant Sanders – the Stands


"I'm enjoying the games less than some, but more than others. I expect that it'll get better soon." Sanders said, gesturing to the current duel. Rather than feeling intruded or put upon, he was more than a little happy for the distraction. Any chance to speak to someone else, even someone from Phoenix Wing, was a great alternative for him. Looking at the young man now, Sanders saw a great many dissimilarities between the master and the pupil. The boy was lean, with a face much like a fighter's, who had carried himself so solemnly a moment ago but now seemed to be taking to an awkward situation with the skill of any teenager's. He seemed like a man down to earth, with a head unclouded by principles. Sanders knew the 'doer' type well, for there were more than a few in his own guild. Their ranks included Enma who, despite being a different species completely maladjusted to human life, had managed to fit in well with the guild over the last month. Combat skill and a warrior's nature had defined the Oni; everything else had followed. With a little patience for his flaws, Sanders had realized long ago, there could be few better allies.

”Ah, good day to you, Nolan. Any friend of Enma is a friend of mine.” He reached out for Nolan's hand and shook it. ”I'm doing...passably. A little better now, to see a bright young face interested in old men's affairs.” The general uttered a grunting noise that might have been a suppressed chuckle, and his dark brown eyes were shining. ”No need to be so stiff. Jamie and I were just concluding some...unpleasant business. I trust I can depend on your and your friends in Phoenix Wing to not take the competition to come so seriously? I hope you know that, despite the manner in which Hyun lost, none of my soldiers will come 'round roughing for revenge.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nolan as brought up, and Jamie had no desire to interrupt, but...Frenzy plant was never a guild that Jamie liked. Jamie didn't like the way they just seemed to put aside emotions, didn't like how the guild was more army then anything, to his eyes. It didn't mean that they weren't close, but...

"You say soldiers, instead of members. You say you have been forming this guild throughout your life, That may be true. But to me, you saying soldiers means that they are expendable, and your actions prove that. So she might not be able to hear you, she could just as well be able to. Discipline means nothing, if you don't prove that you care.

My guild isn't disciplined. Because doing so would destroy their...passion, their desires, their...bonds. That does not mean that they are unruly, no more then it means that your guild will stay by their training. What happens when one of mine, or one of the other guilds takes down one of your members again?

will they break? Can you honestly say they will respect their training, and maintain discipline? Because if you can't, then you need to take a good look at your methods. Humans are made to be emotional. No ammount of discipline can help that,in fact, it might just hinder it.

She might be deaf, but bonds don't need words"

And with that, Jamie walked away, moving out of the stands and to the infirmary. Jamie knew a little something about the loss of dreams. And about gaining them, reaching dreams you didn't know you had. Jamie entered the infirmary, and nodded to Thor. He studied Hyun, "I'm going to be harsh here, even if you can't here me. Dying will just prove that you are worthless. Dying is cowardice, when you just give up. Courage is proving that you can step up, and continue. And there is no shame in asking for help. Or accepting it." She looked to Thor, "When she wakes, if she hasn't heard anything, tell her Phoenix Wing will help her, and your guild achieve what she wants. We may be opposite guilds, but we need to be allies"

Jamie arrived back in the stands in time to see the end of Sasha and Shujin's battle, in time to see Penny leap into the air, and to the arena, to Sasha.

Sasha vs Shujin Part five

He was wrong, maybe she was capable of moulding more attacks at a time. The club came down quicker than something of that size ought to. He formed his armadillo, clashing with the club, just above his head, slightly crouching due to the weight of the ice on top of him. It was heavy and it wasn't easy work. His body dripped with sweat, however he'd sustained no major injuries. His eyes met with hers as he held off the club of ice, noticing the blood from within her armour. He thought to himself, maybe he was wrong, maybe it would go to the timer. No. He would have to try his best for dragon fang. He wasn't out for himself anymore. He had a team relying on him. "I can't lose! I wont lose! Because I'm a dragon fang wizard!" The weight was almost unbearable now. "Metal make... tower!" Beneath his feet iron rose, pushing against the weight of the club, supporting his body providing an upward force. He gave it everything, before even more iron burst from the ground breaking free of the club, pushing it upwards. He rose into the sky on a 'tower' of iron, his bones recovering from the massive weight of ice. Once he reached his peak he wound up his hands. "Metal make.... Super molten cannon!" by casting such a large cannon, it was so hot that some of the metal it was made of was molten. The cannon was huge, extending from his tower. From its barrel came a huge ball of molten metal hurtling towards the arena. The ball would probably take up a third of the ground, hence its heat radiating from it. Casting such a large attack took a lot, and blood trickled from Shujin's nose. He didn't care. Everything he held hateful about Lazarus or Sasha didn't matter. He was fighting for his new family. Dragon fang

Sasha didn't stop her dash towards Shujin. None of her ice attacks came close to her, as she focused them around Shujin. She wasn't going to stop now. She dropped the sword, going for the staff, and giving it a quick twirl, she Attacked. Her great shield was with her, Lance still stuck in it, and she knew that would protect her from the metal.

How could she lose, how could she be the first to lose? No. She simply couldn't lose. The master thought she was up for this and she wouldn't prove him wrong. She had thought he was foolish. Penny would have been better. But now...she was not going to lose. She hadn't worked hard for months to lose. She brought the staff around, to smash it in his face, his stomach, his knees, anywhere she could.

The staff came from nowhere, and dazed him a little, but not too much. He wiped his mouth, before slamming the same fist covered in metal into her torso. The platform that they were standing on wasn't the biggest, so there wasn't much room for movement. "Metal make... hammer." A short blunt iron hammer formed in his hand. He had no problems with fighting it out in close combat up here. Maker magic wasn't design for this close range, considering it does take a few seconds to cast. He still had his armour, but now with hammer in hand he took up a fighting stance. He was a high class imperial officer for crying out loud. Fortune had tipped into his favour. As long as they remained up here to only thing that would save the phoenix was the clock. With all of her ice still active, he doubted she still had it in her to get down, just as he probably couldn't now. He swung the hammer into her shoulder as hard as he could before taking a step back, being careful to not get close to the edge

Sasha had no idea how long they had been fighting for. She had used more magic than she had ever had before. She didn't know how much longer she could last, and she tried to hold her own, but knew sooner or later, she would fall.

The bell saved her.

As her ice gaint swung the club towards the both of them, the timer rang, signally the end of their allotted time. The club sent them both flying, and Sasha twisted in the air, shouting, "ice make: hawk arrow!" it formed beneath her, and she held on, to land smoothly on the ground not hurt that badly.

The games master was speaking, but Sasha didn't hear.

The timer rang, and he spiraled through the air. He did have the sense to form metal boots to land safely. but with a huge thud, crushing the ground where he landed. He tsked and turned on the spot, walking back towards his team's section. He cast a call over his shoulder. "Not bad. Not bad at all." He wiped any dry blood from his nose, continuing to walk.


Sasha sank down to the ground, her Ice Queen armor disappearing, the wounds she had sustained now bleeding freely, her head bowed. She hadn't won. But she hadn't lost either. Just a few more minutes, and she was sure she could have won.

She looked up as Penny landed beside her, and accepted the hand up, She slumped into her sisters arms, and cried on her shoulder. "I...I failed. I knew I shoudn't have been here. You could have done better"

Penny hugged Sasha tight, "No. I couldn't have. That was more then amazing, Sasha. When did you get so strong? It only seems like a few months ago when you struggled with the dragon! And to do all these?" Penny looked about at all the ice creatures, as they disappeared. Sasha sniffed, and looked about as Master Jamie laid a hand on her shoulder.

"You do us proud, Sasha. You have shown that Phoenix Wing isn't a guild to be messed with , and that we are here to win. Look at the point distribution. You won"

"In the event of a tie, the battle is reviewed, and the ten points split, usually fifty fifty, but this battle was amazing, a true show of how molding magic can work, and how a fight between molders can be...amazing. Sasha had the disadvantage against the metal, but she certainly showed amazing skill, talent and power. She coordinated so many attacks, that I feel she should have six points, leaving Shujin and dragon Fang with four." Games Master Sheldon shouted, walking across the field.

Sasha stood there for a moment, uncertain.

"You might just surpass us all, Sasha. Now come, I'm sure the others want to celebrate too. Such amazing battles." Jamie nudged Sasha forward, and the three of them left the field.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Eve - Grand Magic Games

After the whole talk with Time Lord, she felt weird around him now. The whole talk with leaving people behind and going with him to explore grand places left her feeling strange as he acknowledged that he was sad, but chose to stay that way. People are weird. At least things got a little cleared up after they went to eat something together, but she sadly couldn't hang out with Nero due to the day going away so quickly. However, today was not the day to be missing one of her friends. The entire guild was back at the arena and new challenges awaited the contestants such as mazes? Ugh, is this entire thing just going to be puzzles? They are good for the brain and all, but she would rather just be somewhere else doing something she actually felt that meant something. However, it seemed that everyone loved this kind of stuff including Nero and the entire guild which made her stay due to their excited and happy selves intoxicated her. Things were looking great for her until the fighting started.

Sure, she has seen people fight in her village. However, they always made up at the end with friendship blossoming between the two! At least that is what she always thought that would happen. This time, this wasn't the time for friendship and happiness. Everything was grim, silent, and especially gruesome. The two people fought with such brutal methods that she thought that they were trying to kill each other just to get a win within these games. Eve could barley watch what was happening in front of her eyes, people were actually cheering at this. She couldn't even look for Time Lord or Nero at this time, she was so transfixed on the idea of such a fight going on with people thinking this was for fun!? When the fight was decided after a painful looking move was done to the woman called Hyun, she could feel the anger and hate coming from the guild of Frenzy Plant. The anger, it fueled something else within her. The cheer from herself was draining due to the grim nature of this fight and the current attitude of this place was bound to head into death and chaos. The Necromancer was just about to leave this stadium before something bad could happen before the tension started to go down, relatively.

Frenzy Plant seemed to calm down, their hate and anger seemed to lessen making the mood of the arena lighten up from its previous grim aura. Eve deeply breathed in and then out, she was glad that everything seemed to settle down, but she still felt horrible at the fight that had taken place. She could barley even watch the fight as it might just be worse than the first one. Eve quickly looked for Nero, and he was gone? She could've sworn she had seen him in a nearby stand, she was going to move over to his location after the fight. She continued to look around as some donking noise was sounding in the background as Hyun was being taken away. She needed to not feel horrible again, and Time Lord would just make her feel weird again, she needed to find him. The Necromancer got up from her seat and started to walk for the infirmary. She remembered something about Nero saying that he had met with the guild of Frenzy Plant, maybe he went to pay his respects for the poor woman.

Magni - Grand Magic Games

The Antimage had joined in with the donking, it was the right thing to do for their fallen teammate in such a broken state. He fully knew that the entire guild had felt what he had felt, the deep residing anger for something to happen to that Damian. The anger would not control him, not like before, but it would be easy to get rid of such a mage. All he would have to do is blink in, slit his throat, and then blink out. However, Magni would merely just watch the fight at hand between the other guilds.

Well, that would have been the case until his eyes saw the presence of a great mage meeting up with the guild master of Frenzy Plant. He wasn't sure if anyone else noticed, but it seemed that they were going to talk about the incident that had just taken place. He rarely felt curiosity, but the circumstances that led him to be this riled seem to make him feel more emotional than usual. He was just close enough to listen onto their conversation, the fighting and the cheering were making it rather hard to listen, but years of honing every skill that would assist him in hunting people down made him able to dull down all the sound around him except for the conversation.

Honestly, after listing onto that conversation, Magni personally wanted to smack Jamie up the head and teach her about all the things she had just gotten wrong about Frenzy Plant. He was surprised that Sanders managed to have such discipline into not doing that as that much ignorance would truly be the test of his will. The Antimage was just glad that the shapeshifter had left the presence of Frenzy Plant as Magni was sure more people than him had listened onto that conversation. The Grand Magic Games seemed to be something that Magni never desired to ever go back as everything seemed to be too chaotic between guilds and just the emotion that everyone put into these fights was exhausting to the Antimage. So, he merely just continued watching the fight until it ended with some sort of tie and then someone winning by merely having more points... weak.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 45 min ago



Oh god please make Jamie stop talking oh for the love of all that is sacred do not insult Frenzy Plant's guild master. And yet the androgynous mage essentially told Sanders that his way of thinking was wrong and that he was a terrible master. Nolan just stood there cringing inside and heaved a heavy sigh of relief once his master walked away. "My apologies for my master's behavior. I didn't expect him to be so...assertive with her beliefs. Do not think that she represents all of us for I don't buy all that he preaches." Nolan turned his eyes to the battle and saw that the time had run out. Luckily for his guild they gained the most points out of the tie. There was some pride knowing that his guild was strong enough to give one hell of a show, but right now there was some embarrassment in knowing that his own master couldn't be civil with the rival guild's master. Perhaps he would have to have a word with Jamie later if he continued this hostility towards Frenzy Plant.

With him gone he would be able to have a conversation with Sanders. "I have no ill feelings towards your guild sir. No matter who my opponent is and where they're from I'll fight with every ounce of my strength. I'm simply a greenhorn mage that wants to leave a mark in this tournament." Nolan said with his usual deadpan expression on his face. He observed Sanders and to be quite frank he expected Sanders to be much taller and muscular. Instead he was an elderly man that had seen much battle over the years and had an intimidation that could only come from seeing war. It may have been possible than Nolan respected the man more than his own guild master.

Enma arched his brow at Nolan and chuckled. "I never thought you were the kind of person that wanted fame ashy." After spending two months on Yokai Island with Nolan and Karn the oni had grown accustomed to calling the God Slayer ashy just to tease him. He was disappointed that he wasn't apart of the games. He wanted to fight Nolan in this stadium but they would have to fight for another time.

"It helps pay the bills." Nolan smirked and leaned against the railing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Ariel - Unknown Location
The man's approach put the young woman on edge. She was just teleported to who knows where and he was quick to make that detail clear. But she couldn't admit that. "Someone was with me so they saw that I disappeared." It wasn't much but it was what little she could come up with in a pinch.

Glaring for a moment Ariel's expression wilted slightly when he mentioned her being from Edolas and Earthland. How did he know about that? The only people that should know that are a few in the guild and her parents. "How do you..." Her sentence was cut off by a new wave of magic hitting her. Where was that coming from? It didn't seem to be any of the lacrama around her. After a moment the feeling subsided. "Why am I here doctor? What are you planning to do?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

the doctor

"truly? I wish to understand how you can have such magic, when you are of both worlds. I am an intellect. Don't fight me, and I'll try to return you in one piece" the doctor said, "I crave earthlNd magic and you might just be the answer I've been looking for"

Tidius moved about, doing some things and preparing what he wished to do. He spoke calmly, every word chosen with care and as he finished speaking he stopped again beside Ariel, watching her with intense curiosity

announcer Jessie

Jessie was once again silent, as the battle drew to a close with a tie, it seemed. She cleared her throat, and took a sip of water "well: the second battle draws to a close, and we can see that there are definitely some powerful players here. Sasha shin...such wonderful ice creations that can be so deadlock Shujin...that metal make was extremely powerful. For a while there there seemed to be no clear winner, and at times a clear winner! In the end they run at our time, but it was still a fascinating battle!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 37 min ago

Ammy Silver|Arena Stands

As Shujin came back over to the stands, Ammy rested a hand on his shoulder. "You both gave it your all. Don't think any less of yourself just because it came to a tie." And then she was silent again, still observing for the next fight. The fight between Damian from Phoenix Wing and Hyun from Frenzy Plant had been enlightening to say the least. Phoenix Wing's Blade had proven himself quite formidable and he hadn't even used his magic yet. If he got another opportunity, you could be sure that the Death magic mage would be watching him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Gamble- Grand Magic Games

Arriving in time for the first challenge to the games, he took his seat in the stands while observing the fear challenge they were under going. He arrived late missing the preliminaries but he pretty much figured who most of the teams would be. Phoenix Wing, Dragon Fang and Frenzy Plant were ones he expected to get in. He never heard of Pirate Lord nor Tough Love and the Riders guild was very faint in his mind. Yet the Fear challenge made him shudder a bit all these people going in and conquering their fear was impressive, he only wished he had that kind of courage. Probably like many others he was here to observe not which guild was the best but one that would probably be able to help him out the most.

As they would finish with Jack from Dragon Fang claiming first place, he would watch each guilds reaction. So far it seemed like Phoenix Wing and Dragon Fang were the most supportive of their guild members. So they were on his watch list, then came time for the first round of fights which involved Damien from Phoenix Wing and Hyun from Frenzy Plant. He was in awe they were both impressive and yet no magic was being used, they either were trying to one up each other or had no need to use it. After a bit Damien would claim the win with Hyun wishing to never wake up again, Damien would lay a challenge down to Frenzy Plant which made Gamble have some doubts about the guild until he saw Jamie's reaction at Frenzy Plant not really caring all that much about what happened to Hyun. She truly seemed to care just about anyone, and so that fixed any doubt he had about the guild and watched the next fight with it ending in a tie. "Such powerful wizards are from Phoenix Wing... maybe they could help me." Gamble would mumble to himself as he awaited the next battle.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Despite her captor clearly being a little unhinged he so far hadn't done anything terrible. Taking more time to look at Tidius and the room they were in she finally connected the dots. This was a magic lab. Though apparently the man did not have magic himself and wanted it badly enough to kidnap her. "I-I don't know how it works. What makes you think I can help you with Earthland magic? How do you even know about me anyway?" Being held down she had to turn her head at an awkward angle to keep an eye on Tidius.

The apparatus around her seemed to be feeding her magic from somewhere. It was more of a slow trickle at the moment. Feeling a cold chill, Ariel shivered. With Tidius watching a new magic surfaced. Her eyes, hair, and clothes turned gray. Of course the change was of little consequence since she couldn't seem to use any magic anyway despite still gaining more. Her expression was stern and she stopped talking. Were she more open in general she would have pointed out that she was curious how her magic ability worked as well. With everything hooked up no doubt the Doctor was waiting for just this opportunity to study her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mark Zerrit
After the second fight, Mark's curiosity was piqued, and he began walking towards where Dragon Fang was sitting. He hadn't ever come across a metal make mage before, and that seemed like it would be another useful magic to have under his belt. In a moment Shujin would find Mark a row up from him leaning down, having found a spot that wasn't blocking people's view. Reaching down, the many make mage tapped Shujin on the shoulder to get his attention. "Excuse me, Mr. Metal Make? If you don't mind my asking, where did you learn that particular magic?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Online

Trinity Stratos

@Silver Fox@Burthstone
Trinity greeted the Mithera in her lap with a smile and petting. She rubbed her side and under her chin and on the side of her neck before hearing her and responding, "hmmm... Well, even if he wants to keep it a secret, I think he should tell us anyway. Or me, at least. It makes me worry about him..." The archer looked up from the creature in her lap to gaze at Karn again, entreating him to talk to her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

the doctor

Tidius watched fascinated at the change in Ariel: "I have my own little birdies, and most guilds are exactly secret, nor are their members. Although Master Jamie and Jarvis have kept you quite for a while, not much stays hidden from me" he leaned closer watching the change, intrigued

"ah. So you react to magic. How interesting. You probably have many different forms. So...fascinating. Are you aware of the changes, Ariel?" he asked, completely absorbed by the transformation


The battles so far had been so...full of life, strength. It was saddening to know how far Michael had to go, to be on a level with the rest of his guild. Could a spirit Mage ever been more then B class? He didn't know. He gave a sigh, and looked about, he still had Akila formed, but Michael was a little afraid of her. She had seemed angry that he hadn't summoned her for so long...

His eyes landed on Zephyr and Michael lept at the chance to interact with him. "are you worried about the battles, Zephyr?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Amelia Averyonna


Amelia was surprised when Damian held out his hand with some jewels in it before telling her to go have some fun. Without any hesitation, she shook her head and gently pushed his hand away.
"I take enough from the guild as it is. I will not ask for money from a guild mate." She said before finding a place to sit and making herself comfortable. She watched Damian closely, her cherry red eyes never wavering. She would remain perfectly silent and still for several minutes, although her shirt would occasionally move when she moved her wings that where hidden underneath it. When his armor was getting fixed, she shifted her attention to the process, watching curiously. Unable to stand the silence for too long though."Damian... how did you end up in Phoenix Wing?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

General Cormorant Sanders – the Stands


Sighing deeply, Sanders attempted to tune the opposing master out, but he could not prevent her rebuttal from getting through. The part attacking him about what he referred to his members as was particularly cutting. It seemed that it was physically impossible for Jamie to not have the last word, or to respect another person's wishes. He made a mental note to visit Hyun later and, if her condition was unimproved, to use his own magic to increase the odds of a recovery. The general didn't know what, on earth or beyond, could heal a broken heart, but if a remedy existed he could help find it.

Hearing Nolan speak did, however, grant him a little gratification. It seemed that he wasn't the only one who found Jamie's attitude at least a little bit caustic. ”I'm glad to hear that she has not forced her ideals down her own guild members' throats. Though I must ask you a question, one that has me curious. I know Jamie is a shapeshifter, but why do you, and many of her members, constantly swap around what pronoun you use in reference to her? It all seems a bit...confusing. Today she's in the shape of a woman, so I see no reason to refer to her as anything but. Maybe that's just my age talking, though.”

At that moment, the duel was resolved, not by a victor, but by a timer. Sanders couldn't help but think that such an ending was anticlimactic, but he did not care so much. Personally, he thought that both Make wizards had done a fantastic job, and that breaking the seemingly intuitive rules of a 50-50 split on a whim seemed a little unfair. No matter—it was only his guild that concerned him.

”Again, I am glad to hear that you will remain a sportsman to my soldiers. There are no more burning obsessions that must require a match to be so serious in the future, so the way is paved for friendly but intense challenge, with neither side holding back. That is what it means to compete.”

“Meeting you was a fine experience. I won't keep you away from your friends any longer, so let me just say this: you seem like a man who would thrive in a guild like Frenzy Plant. That is all. Hail to you,”
he said, ending with a somewhat uncommon expression for 'good luck'.

Kumbha Yatta – the Stands

No contest? What a rip! With powers like those at play, Kumbha thought, to not declare a winner seemed like a big mistake. He did feel vindicated, however, when Sasha the Ice Make mage got off with the lion's share of the points. ”I was half-right, then,” he told the person sitting to his immediate right, a certain Bytan Brass, who didn't know what the Gel wizard was talking about.

He thought about getting up to fetch Jillian and bring her to talk with Shujin, but he couldn't help but feel that now wasn't the right time. It might seem...well, awkward. He had to admit, though, that Shujin had style. Until now, Dragon Fang had been a hazy, distant entity to Kumbha; experiencing their power and skill firsthand brought those far-off legends to life. For a lover of competition, such a thing was exciting to the max.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 37 min ago

Damian Gerard|Armorer's Shop

Damian had taken a chair near the door and leaned back with his eyes closed, letting the armorer work in peace. The silence was nice, but it wasn't meant to last. Damian... how did you end up in Phoenix Wing?" He opened one eye and looked over at Amelia. He actually had to wonder himself why he hadn't gone to Frenzy Plant or Dragon Fang or Pirate Lord or any of the other legitimate guild. In the end, he figured it was because none of the others really appealed to him.

"Well, I didn't go to Frenzy Plant because I'd already spent a life time as a soldier, didn't want to go back. Dragon Fang, well, I was miles from Shirotsume and didn't have any desire to join them at the time. And then I heard about Phoenix Wing and something felt...right. The first few days were something of a whirlwind for me. First the guild fended off an attack on an island village from a dark guild known as the Ragged Brotherhood, who've fallen awfully quiet, then there were the S-Class exams, during which Angelo and I tied, but I was given the position for rendering First Aid to the guild members who were wounded during the matches." He stops and chuckles. "Sorry, got carried away. The answer to the question is mostly because it had something the other guilds didn't; my attention."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Leaning her head up she looked at Tidius who was getting closer every moment. Somehow she doubted that avoiding the question would make the situation any better. "Most of the time." Being forced to sit still after a change was quite annoying. There was always a boost of energy along with it that often made her want to move around. Which meant she was stuck having to squirm where she was. "This isn't a good way to make friends you know."

The inability to discharge any magic was also quite uncomfortable. She really had no idea what the result of bottling it up would be. "Do you have any idea what you're doing anyway? So far you don't seem to know a whole lot about how I gain magic."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Amelia Averyonna


Amelia listened to Damian and couldn't help but giggle at his last two sentences.
"No, it's fine. I love hearing stories. I hear them all the time and some of them help spirits move on." Amelia said." My life was rather bland and one note before joining the guild. But it's been exciting at times since then, though I do prefer peace and quiet."

Glancing around the shop, she thought about possibly topics to talk about before deciding on a simple one. After all, it was one she hadn't asked anyone else in the guild before but she figured she should start to get to know them a bit better.
"Can you tell me a bit about yourself? What kind of magic do you use? You said you were a soldier, so what did you do in the army? What was your life like before the guild?" She asked, one question quickly becoming more as she thought of them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 45 min ago

The male model frowned at the results of the battle. "An amazing battle like that should've been split evenly, but I am only a commentator so I don't have any sway of the results. Aside of the results both mages were nothing short from incredible and left the audience in awe with their fast paced molding. Even I was inspired by them. Perhaps when the games are over I could challenge them to a battle of molding magic?" Ferris chuckled at the idea. He was sure he could go head to head with them despite them being guild veterans at this point. It made his blood pump with excitement at the thought of being able to duke it out with mages again. "The next battle should start very soon. Let's see what kind of battle it's going to be this time."


Nolan rubbed the back of his head at Sanders' question. Not even knew why he did it. It just seemed that he picked it up from everyone else referring Jamie to multiple genders. "Er, it's a Phoenix Wing thing. I can't really describe it other than that. Sorry for the vagueness. " He stood there and listened to Sander talk on about what the games are truly about, but he stopped himself from talking and told him that he would stop taking so that he could go back to his friends. What stood out was Sanders telling Nolan that he was the kind of man that would thrive in Frenzy Plant. He bowed his head politely towards the elderly man. Originally he was aiming towards Frenzy Plant, but because of his magic he was discouraged to make any attempts of joining the guild and went to Phoenix Wing for better or for worse. "I'll keep that in mind if Phoenix Wing doesn't work out. I hope you enjoy the games sir. Have a nice day." The God Slayer turned heel and made his way back to his guild to watch the next round.

Enma chuckled and shook his head. "Still a tight ass as ever. Well, I guess that's his nature." The oni leaned forward against the railing and looked out to the empty battlefield. "Whoever he fights it's going to be one hell of a show."
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