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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mithera made a purring-like sound as Trinity came up and began petting her and scratching her. The sensation was very enjoyable, and she mewled in displeasure as Trinity headed off. She settled back normally on Master Jamie's shoulder, but she only caught the very end of the conversation, and she made a small shrug before jumping off Master Jamie's shoulders. "I think I'll go hang with Karn. I haven't gotten to catch up with him." And he'll pet me more. She gave Master Jamie a respectful nod before slowly heading off to find Karn, which didn't take long, and Trinity was there as well. She floated down to a safe spot to stand a moment, hesitating. She didn't want to evesdrop, but she had really missed Karn while he was away with Nolan. All at once she also remembered that Iron Enigma may be after her, and she quickly made her decision.

After a moment, Trinity would find that she had the little fluff-ball of a dragon sitting in her lap, looking up at her. "I'm not butting in on anything am I?" Mithera's voice would be almost inaudible in the stadium, but she'd try to make it easier to be heard by standing up on her hind legs, her top ones folding against her chest. The black guild mark of Phoenix Wing would be plain as day on her stomach for a moment before she would be forced by gravity to sit on all four legs on Trinity's lap. "I would hate to make you and Karn uncomfortable, or hear something I shouldn't." While Mithera didn't appreciate secrets being kept from her, she understood their importance sometimes, and wouldn't want to force someone to tell her something they didn't want to.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Conmhara
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Conmhara The Bubble Magician

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Zami - The Bubble Magician
With Isla

This girl was clever. She caught onto Zami's meaning very quickly. When she had figured out the question he nodded to confirm her guess. She asked him if he liked the circle to which his answer was "kind of" because he didn't really know what it was meant to be yet. Regardless he thought it was adorable so to humour her he smiled and nodded again. Without hesitation she started on his face again. "Hehe...she's going a little mental now isn't she". She painted one thing, then another and before he knew it she was climbing onto his lap painting his forehead. Paint was flying everywhere yet miraculously his clothes remained paint-free which he took as a comfort.

After she introduced herself, Isla offered him some paint. He reckoned that she was giving him a means to reply, which he appreciated. Then again, he felt there was enough paint everywhere so he just gave a heartfelt smile for the gesture and declined the paint. He put up a finger. He knew what he could do. She seemed to like his magic so he figured he'd use it again. After taking a good look at the canvas that was his face with the bubble... "She overdid it" he thought to himself, once again giggling away the worry. "Let's see how she likes this". He held up the bubble in front of him, focused and it turned clear once again. Then he placed it on the smiley face on his cheek because it had the most paint. He closed his eyes and the colours were sucked into the surface of the bubble. The colours swirled beautifully around the surface into a variety of abstract shapes. Still with his eyes closed, he held the bubble in front of Isla this time and as he focused, the swirls of paint began to form letters. Now Isla was looking at a bubble with red and yellow letters that said "Hi! I'm Zami".

Out of the corner of his eye he noticed that Damian was walking about the stands and he made it over to a group of people. To avoid jumping to conclusions, he thought that maybe the girl would know who they were so he changed the letters in the bubble again. This time it read "Isla? Who are they?", he looked to her and then to the group Damian was talking to. His look had lost a bit of it's friendliness now and was replaced with a look of curiosity.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 5 mos ago


Sasha and Shujin had been called to fight. He was somewhat nervous, yet relieved. He honestly believed that somehow the organisers would know about his and Shujin's pre existing relationship, pitting them against each other. For that he was relieved, but for Sasha he was concerned. Shujin was a ruthless criminal killer. He put those thoughts aside. "Come on Sasha!" He cheered for his team mate. True, ice probably was a really bad match against metal, but he had heard somewhere that moulder magic strength is based on the feelings and emotions of the caster. In that respect the two of them were very similar. It would be a close fight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Amaya Tamashii
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Amaya Tamashii

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Amaya Vanisis/ Magic Games

Amaya enjoyed her time watching the battles. Kinda wishing she was in the games but was also kinda glad she did request to keep her magic on the down low but she knew she didnt have to keep hiding her magic because her guild accepted her. She listened to the announcement of the next battle "Wow she has ice make...So cool"Said Amaya to herself as she wondered about the other opponent.

Rose Yashia/magic Games

Rose managed to calm herself down finally calm herself down by holding elyse and listening to all the things she and jamie has done while she was busy in the games. she listened to the announcement "Beat him sasha."She said gently watching silently
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Ariel - Unknown Location
Getting teleported disoriented her briefly. Her recovery was short lived though as looking around the room didn't help explain anything. Around her were all kinds of magic tools and weapons. The place was a weird cross between a workshop and a lab. Lacrama were everywhere to be used with different things. In the back of the room was a medical looking table standing up. Catching motion from the corner of her eye, Ariel turned and lit her hand on fire. This didn't look like any place she wanted to be. Two people were approaching.

Before getting a chance to do more though a wave of various magics washed over Ariel. All this magic she'd never come across before made her head spin. It was far worse than at the guild when everyone teleported in after returning from Edolas. What was going on? Before that question could even really be asked though Ariel stumbled in place before collapsing. Her body just quit on her, numb from head to toe. Not that her mind was clear enough to really tell. However she did have the faculties to know that she was being lifted up and carried over to the table. If her mind wasn't in such a fog she would attempt to speak and resist.

How long was she slumped there, shackled, before her mind cleared enough to discern what was going on? Seconds, minutes, hours, days? It was really hard to tell in a room with no windows. Leaning her head up she realized that she was strapped to the table she saw earlier. An attempt to use magic failed. The room was quiet and as far as Ariel could tell she was fine other than being a might dizzy and held against her will. Around her were many different lacrama with lines running up to a larger one above her. Her attention was directed toward the door as it opened. "H-hey! You better get me out of this or I'll make sure you regret it!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

"It was nothing less from awe inspiring, especially if it was able to make you pipe down Jessie." The pretty boy chuckled and leaned forward with his arms resting on the counter in front of them. "But in all seriousness folks if a battle without magic was this amazing to watch then prepare yourselves for one hell of a show. We have Sasha's Ice Make Magic versus Shujin's Metal Magic Magic. It's a battle between two powerful molding mages. As a molding mage myself I am quite excited to see what these two are capable of."

Nolan sat up and approached Master Jamie's side. "I hope you don't mind if I come along master." From the look of Nolan's face it was obvious that he was discontent with how Damian handled Frenzy Plant. Only an idiot would challenge an entire guild after defeating one of their own in battle. It just adds salt to wounds that they were already licking and in turn made Phoenix Wing an enemy. To him there was no greater disrespect to a guild than challenging them to a battle after defeating one of their own. It seemed arrogant to do so.

As awesome as this was...why the hell did his boss send him off to a magic's festival when he specialized in fashion? Sure this was fun and all, but he didn't have anything to write about. These mages didn't wear anything that really could've been deemed fashionable or very unique. In a tight situation he could always find something positive to write about or just write about the games themselves. Don't get him wrong if he wasn't a write for a fashion magazine then he could write all about this, but his readers were more interested what was being worn by the contestants, not the games themselves.

Okay now this is his speed! Sasha's Ice Queen appearance certainly got his attention and Shujin's golden armor certainly was something of a thing of beauty. This was something he could write about! He took his camera out and with expert precision he got clear, ideal pictures of Shujin and Sasha. Oh man if his sister was here she would be having a field day with Shujin's golden armor due to her love for armor and all things made of metal.

He whipped his notepad out and began scribbling down quick notes for the story. He could only imagine what else he may see during the rest of the games.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Malice Hardt- Grand Magic Games

Malice personally didn't care how well her team members did, if they did good then fantastic. If not then oh well no skin off her bones, she was here to study up on other magics so she could work towards combating them. The fear test was a good start with multiple people facing their fears at once. The one that stood out the most was the mist girls one, Jack was her name she believed, she already knew Soren's magic so she didn't care about his performance yet a member from Frenzy plant was quite intriguing to watch. Her team did fairly well but Dragon Fang took the challenges win for today.

Next would come the fights, one being a Phoenix Wing member versus a Frenzy Plant member. These were what she had came to see, two people trying desperately to beat the other with all of their skills. In this case she would learn further and just how dangerous said magic could be if she fought against it. Although it seemed like they were both just really damn good sword users, but Damien would secure the win against Hyun and it would seem like Damien would then go to the members donking and irritate them? She didn't really care to be honest and when the next fight started she already heard of Shujin and had already expected a win from him. Malice just sat there in silence drowning out most of her team members.
Ike Riven-Grand Magic Games

Ike watched the first challenge with wide eyes as he watched each combatant do their best to overcome a fear and come out first. The one to claim this honor though was Jack from Dragon fang although she came out of it on a worse end than their member did. So they dint come in first but they were smart enough to not put themselves into dangerous spots. The battles would then commence with their guild member Hyun fighting Damien and man was this shit epic. Neither were using magic yet they were displaying such great skill and power. Alas Hyun would lose to Damien and most of the members including Ike would start using the donkers they received to give props to both.

Damien would then to what Ike thinks was a call out to the entire guild. Ike just laughed and rubbed his head. "Don't think that's wise dude. My ass got winded after two of them." He would say though he was certain his voice wouldn't get through over everyone else. Yet the next match would come with two makers fighting, and a makers magic was kind of like his, just he couldn't use his emotions to power him up, he had to do that himself and then be careful with it. Although getting ideas of some attacks wouldn't hurt.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha Vs Shujin Battle part 2

Shujin released his magic as an aura. The ground around him trembled and a few rocks levitated around him. A shady black/gray glow came from him as his put one foot forwards, crushing the ground downwards. Nobody had actually ever seen Shujin in combat. He didn't used to be fiore's number 1 wizard criminal killer for nothing. He also hadn't been doing nothing over the past few months either.

She had cast her floor of ice across the battlefield, which would be an inconvenience. "Heh? Oh dear... Metal make.... floor!" He wound his fist up, smashing it into the ground, causing a certain radius around him to be covered in iron. That'd stop him slipping. "Let's face it..." He formed a hammer in his hand, smashing a boulder of ice coming his way to pieces. "... I can do everything you can do...." He took another step forward, before leaping into air. "Metal make!" He shot out iron bars from his hands, firing through the boulders that had been formed, forming a sort of suspension, holding the boulders in place in the air. He landed on one of these bars running along it towards where Sasha was standing.

Sasha didn't move. Her Ice Queen armor was very similar to a take over magic. She wasn't sure how it worked, but it threw out any worries she might have had about the fight. Cold logic controlled her right then. She didn't speak, but she did smile, just slightly.

"... Except.... metal is harder than ice." He lept from the bar when he was close enough. "Metal make... Impact!" He brought his hands downward as he traveled through the air towards Sasha, bringing down a huge metal block on top of her. "You're fighting the big boys now.... Sasha Shin."

Just before the blow would have landed, Sasha leaped backwards, but then darted forward again as the impact landed, to smash Shujin over the head with her staff, leaping into the air, her snake stairs formed, and she stood there

"Heh. "big Boys"? well. I'm the Queen of Ice, Shujin" She smiled once more, and then continued "Ice Make: Dragon Slide!" The dragon formed above Shujin, it's mouth opening, the rocks, boulders, of ice falling down on top of him.

Master Jamie

Jamie nodded at Nolan, he couldn't very well tell Nolan to go back. "Just be careful. They might want to try and take you out, given you are in the games" She said, moving smoothly through the crowd, and reaching Frenzy Plant.

"Guild Master Sanders? I believe we should talk"

Announcer Jessie

Jessie hit Ferris over the head with a light slap, watching the battle, "You would think that Metal would beat Ice, but so far Sasha is holding her own. So far, this battle is quite fascinating." Jessie said, "Sasha's abilities seem well honed, and she does seem to have a variety of skills, and her power seems very very high. It's amazing, so many powerful mages in one guild! And Shujin use to be a commander of the royal guard, his metal make magic is...well, brute strength. And that's exactly how he fights"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Joshua Tamashii

@Amaya Tamashii

"Yeah, she does have that magic. But she's improved since our time in Edolas by the looks of it." Joshua said, watching Sasha begin by taking the offensive against Shujin. he had heard this man from Dragon Fang had a thing against Lazarus. Lazarus was Sasha's boyfriend, which meant she was going to give it her all against him. Compared to the last match. Compared to the last match, which he had watched with great interest since he was a swordsman himself, this one would probably be just as intense but the reasons would be a lot more personal, something people in the audience might be able to pick up on if their excitement didn't cloud things.

Glancing over at the Frenzy Plant guild, his grip on his katana's sheathe tightened. Something about that guild gave him a very bad vibe and he knew it was best that he be on guard, both for himself and possibly his guild mates sake. He felt he should stick close to Amaya since she would be hesitant to fight.

[center][h2]Lucus Griffonbane
@Amaya Tamashii @Caits[/center]

Despite being a member of Rider's Blade and not well liked by the Phoenix Wing guild as a result, Lucus escorted Rose back to the guild's area and stayed with her to make sure she calmed down. He saw that Elyse really helped his ex calm her nerves and laughed at some of the things his daughter said. He watched the first fight and seemed a little melancholy as a victor was decided. He quickly felt the tension rise between Frenzy Plant and Phoenix Wing. He knew immediately that he would be sticking close to Rose and Elyse all day, to offer some extra protection, even after he heard Jamie say that Jarvis would look after them.

Lucus glanced over at Jarvis
"Please allow me to help you watch over Rose and my daughter." He said to the Ace, hoping Jarvis would understand. He then glanced over at Elyse, who had fallen asleep for her afternoon nap. He knew nothing would come to harm her but the more the better.

Jack, the Maiden of the Mist

@Zarkun @Oblivion666

Master Jack had to practically carry Jack back to the stands, as she had lost a lot of blood in the maze and was rather exhausted as a result. Once she was in a seat, she closed her eyes in an attempt to sleep. And sleep she did, through the entirety of the first match, only waking up with a start when the crowd cheered for Damian's victory. She rubbed her eyes and managed to become away enough to hear what Zephyr said to her. Yawning, she took a second to reply.
"If I don't hold back, I could end your life. Everything that illusion said was true. I have to hold back so I don't accidently kill however I'm fighting." She said, struggling to stay awake."Also there is always the risk of that side of me coming out. Give me time to temper myself. Until then, grow stronger, so you can put up as much of a fight as you can."

With that, she dozed off again, a rest that was well needed and deserved.

Amelia Averyonna


Damian wouldn't get far from the arena before someone grabbed his arm.
"You know, going out alone might not be a good idea right now." A young voice said. Amelia had followed her guild mate after he left, concerned for him. She knew she might cause Jarvis to worry, but she didn't want to leave Damian without back-up. She might not know the mage very well, but he was a guild mate and therefore she wouldn't leave him alone since he might be tired from his match and there seemed to be an entire guild after him. Moving so she was standing beside him, she smiled up at him."Please allow me to accompany you, Mr. Gerard."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Damian Gerard|Outside the Arena

Damian had been lost in his thoughts as he walked, trying to figure out a way to convince Frenzy Plant from holding the rest of his guild to his level. Whatever his level was. It's not like everyone in the guild is S-Class or has extensive martial skill... He continued with that train of thought right up until his arm was grabbed and then he nearly jumped out of his skin, an Ares Blade forming in his free hand before he realized that it was Amelia. "You know, going out alone might not be a good idea right now." He sighed and dismissed the weapon as he turned to look at her.

He didn't know the young girl well and had only seen her a couple of times since he got back from the job with Hemlock and maybe once since he got back from training. Still, he saw no reason to argue with her when she said, "Please allow me to accompany you, Mr. Gerard."

"Please, we're guild mates. Call me Damian. And I'd enjoy the company."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Amaya Tamashii
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Amaya Tamashii

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Amaya Vanisis/ Magic Games

@joshua Tamashii

Amaya looked up at joshua before pulling him down to her side " Mother always told me that no matter what type of ice magic that I consume it so watching Sasha use her magic makes me wanna go down and fight herself myself for a yummy meal but she and basically almost anyone in the guild could beat me just because I cant just willynilly fight out of the blue with no purpose like Hunter the jade dragonslayer. I wouldn't do well in the magic games" She said with a sigh resting her elbows on her knees and her chin on her hands. she noticed his stance and where his eyes were watching " in a way, I feel their guild is like an army not a family...they remind me of a moment i wish to forget, but you don't have to worry, i don't think they will bother attacking anyone else...unless they want a war with us..."She added pushing some of her white hair back behind her shoulder as her blue eyes watched frenzy plant closely before returning back to the fight.

Rose Yashia/magic Games

@joshua Tamashii@Caits

Rose was a little confused at all the choas and tension as she wasnt too worried about frenzy plant acting all hurt because one member was defeated...so what, rose would be worried if that member was the very guild master of that guild then okay she would be worried but what happened happened and it is all the past...no one planned it to happen. These games weren't about making enemies, it was all for entertainment...right? Rose noticed Lucus was slightly tense and could tell now that jamie told her that Jarvis was going to watch over her and Elyse before she heard lucus requet to watch over her and elyse. She sighed before saying "I am but an ordinary member like everyone else...only thing that makes me different is i can be ticked off very easily. I have a child by a member of another guild...therefore, I do not need protecting but it is truely up to you all if you wish to protect us but I can handle myself if that Frenzy Plant guild were to attack."She commented holding elyse keeping a blanket over her so she could sleep without the sun in her face to wake her
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha Vs Shujin Battle part 3

"You move well. You'd make an excellent officer." Shujin saw the dragon form bringing debris down on him. "Metal make! armadillo!" He formed a huge curved shield across his arm, and held it up, leaning backwards. It deflected pretty much all of the ice which made contact with him.

Sasha wasn't foolish enough to think that that would be the end of the fight. She shifted, and shouted "Ice Make: Tiger Impact!" The tiger formed, and slammed down like a hammer, as Sasha leaped down to the ground.

Shujin deformed his shield casually, before seeing the tiger hammer coming down on his to his shock. "Fuck! Metal make! Lance!" he pointed his hand upwards, sending a metal pointed bar straight through the tiger, halting its movement.

"Ice make: Blade" the sword formed, a hard, compact, glistening form of ice, that by rights, should shatter on one impact. But Sasha knew better. It was stronger than it seemed.

He dusted himself down. "Swords?" He chuckled. "Metal make... titanium sword." It formed and floated in front of him. He hesitated a little, before grasping a hold of it, wincing at the sound of skin burning and fusing to the metal handle. Metal maker wizards were cursed in the fact that the stronger the metal they use, the hotter the metal is. Titanium was the strongest element he knew how to make. He brought the sword in front of him. "Come."

Sasha smiled, almost sweetly, but it was hard to tell with her ice queen armor. She had been practicing several skills with Lazarus the last two months, and had dedicated a lot of time to weaponry. She probably could have gone to someone like Damain, or Mayt, but Damain had been gone, and Mayt had S class duties. Plus, she liked working with Lazarus.

And she had also taken a little bit of pride in being able to do what her Edolas self was able to do. So she had worked hard. She stepped forward, staff across her back, sword in hand.

She saw the wince. And guessed that the metal was hot. She chuckled "oh, you're not very good at science at you?. You're sword is hot. Mine is cold. Will your sword shatter?" she started towards Shujin. She had no style of attack, no proper training, and yet, working on ice trained your reflexes and instincts. She slashed towards Shujin, also shouting "oce make: bird Bombers!" the birds formed, large, round boulders with ice wings, falling down in a hail storm around Shujin.

"Science?" Shujin pondered this "Oh yes. The density of our blades." He thought. "Both are just as likely to shatter. It depends which density has the greater change." He grinned a little, locking blades with her. She had cast her bird bombers. Smart. Not really anything he could do about them being locked with her blade. Neither blade shattered. He did notice a small edge start to melt in Sasha's ice sword where the two blades had met. The only thing he could do was take the bombers. "Eugh... mph..." He muffled as quite a few hit. He was thankful for his armour at a time like this. Still with both blades locked, not allowing her to slash, he clenched his free hand. "Metal make... Hammer!" It formed and he swug it into her lower chest, aiming to try and damage some ribs.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 29 min ago

General Cormorant Sanders – the Stands


So far, the sights of the day had been met with silence by the commander of Frenzy Plant. He had successfully predicted that Zander, seemingly a man so worrying and fearful, would have no problems with the trial of fear. It was as the Ruby Knight had always insisted: cautiousness didn't mean being scared of whatever was out there, but rather, being prepared enough that no fear of the unknown was necessary. Sanders's wrinkled, craggy face was unchanged, but his eyes had narrowed slightly to see Zander coming in third and standing above the others, whose fears were more visceral. It wasn't done in skepticism or disappointment, but in the way that eyes narrow when one is smiling, even if the face's own wouldn't permit himself a smile.

The first duel of the day had warranted the closing of his eyes in meditation, however. From a very short period of time after finding Hyun onward, he'd been aware of her goals. Sanders was not opposed to the idea of using his guild as an army, but from the outset he knew that this wasn't the solution Hyun needed. The swordswoman needed to grow stronger, not only physically but mentally, to be able to find reasons to live if her grand purpose was denied her. Then the Grand Magic Games were announced. From his conference with Morimato Tsubano, he knew that Hyun hadn't quite grown to the level she needed to be at. As was only natural given her obsession, she had focused on combat mastery before opening up to her allies. It was too soon. And so, everything had turned out as expected. If Hyun had not been so focused on her dream, she might have even beaten Damian, but now it was all over. For once in his life, Sanders didn't really know what to do.

He felt one of the soldiers -Kumbha- at his side shift, and discreetly looked to his left. Another guildmaster was approaching, with a grim-looking swordsman in green just behind her. Kumbha was looking too, his prominent chin pointed in Jamie's direction. On Sander's other side, Leixia had noticed them too, and was watching them with a steely expression. When Jamie arrived and spoke, Sanders frowned. ”Oh?” Leaning on his staff, he took another look at the current battle. It was a clash of ice and metal, and Sanders felt that the odds were in Sasha's favor; she was, after all, one of the top members of Phoenix Wing, and that guild had already demonstrated that they'd be pulling zero punches.

Sanders did not rise to his feet, but turned Jamie's way. Noticing this, Kumbha made a 'hmph' noise and stood up to find another seat, allowing Jamie to take his. The Gel Magician found an unoccupied aisle seat a few rows back, and as he sat back down, it was fairly clear that his attention was on Phoenix Wing's master, rather than the fight. For most of the soldiers, however, the intrusion was ignored. ”Sit, and please, call me Cormorant. Or Corm. What is it I can do for you?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Grand Magic Games


Ilsa noticed how he was watching her paint his whole face full and saw how he reacted to it. It didn't look like he personally minded all that much so she gladly went on with it. After she had finished her job Isla pressed his face into his to see his reaction. He inspected himself and seemed to like it which also made Isla quite happy. Isla hyperly gave him a smile and moved frantically around not being able to sit still. After her small outburst Isla gave Zami the paint to draw his name somewhere but to her surprise he declined. Even though he didn't want to talk he was still gonna show his name to her in some way. He readied his bubble again and pressed it against his face in which Isla let out a gasp and reached out to him to removed the bubble "Don't! You'll ruin the paint." But Ilsa was to late as Zami pressed the bubble against his face.

A few seconds later he removed the bubble again in which Ilsa immediatly poked her face towards the space between his face and bubble that was slowly opening up. She gave a sigh of relieve that the figure on his face was still intact and moved back again. Her attention immediately went over towards the bubble in which she angled her head in confusion. Her face slowly went over to the front of the bubble to see all the paint spread over it. As the paint started moving and slowly started to turn into a orangy color she poked her head along the bubble to see what Zami was doing. He had his eyes closed and seemed to be concentrating pretty hard "Hmm?" Isla curiously sounded as she moved to lean on his lap with both her hands. A few moments later he opened his eyes again and at the same moment Isla's face was only inches away from his face. She grinned and moved back to look at the bubble again. It was displaying yellow, red and orange letters that were created by the movements of the surface of the bubble "Zzzzzzzzzami" she smirked again and gave a slow sounding giggle "he... he... he..." yet another smirk reappeared on her face. As the letters started moving again she lightly poked into the bubble out of curiousity how strong it was. As the letters were readable again she chiquelle sat in front of him on her knees reading the bubble it's letters "Huh, who are they?"

Ilsa expected a finger pointed over at the people but frankly he was only staring at them. Ilsa crawled closer to him while still on her knees and stood up on the chairs. Ilsa turned 180 degrees and sat herself down onto his lap with her butt and rested both her small hands onto his leg on the part where her own legs were at. She momentarily looked over to his face as to where he was looking at and followed the trail of his eyes. Ilsa was staring at the members of Phoenix Wing and had to think a little. As she suddenly saw Damien, the winner of last fight. Her expression changed "Ohhhhhh! That's one of the guilds that's participating in the games! Phoenix Wing!" She looked back at him and gave a cheeky smile "They are pretty famous."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by soren
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Magic Games --Reaction to Blades and Hyun battle--


Soren sat in his seat most of the time but the battle took a turn that he might not have expected. He jumped up as Blades asked for the last time if she would yield. The woman was beaten and didn't seem like she would come back from this. Blades was not a person to be messed with it seemed. It almost seemed like he might have been holding back for the most part. Soren turned to Merlina and gave her a warning glance that they needed to be careful with this one if the Captain decided to pull something off here at the games.


Merlina had been sitting up on the top off the little box area that the contestants got to use away from the others. She was glad they had made it through the prelims and was out of the first round. Though she was unsure of their points Merlina was certain that their was going to be great struggle in the games. Merlina herself hoped to fight someone as strong as the fellow fighting the woman right now. He was handsome and glad he gave the woman a chance to give up rather than strike a fatal wound but to this woman defeat of any kind seemed fatal. He hoped down when Soren had jumped up to get a better look. Then she noticed him turn to her and then his face. She knew what that meant. Be careful. Captain Salem had brought them to the games to test their strength and to find clues of the demons. Where ever magic power gathered the demons shouldn't have been far behind. But Merlina and Soren both knew that the Captain might have another reason for coming this far, if he did they he wasn't telling anyone. Well not them but maybe Bel? Merlina turned and looked at him wondering if their was a second plan. Soon there would be another battle announced and they both sat down and waited for the next names.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tidius Reinor was neither young nor old, but he did have a geeky look about him, and as he walked towards Ariel on the table, he gave a light chuckle, something that wasn't amusement. "Yes yes, you are part of a powerful guild, but they don't know where we are, and I'm sure I can have you returned before they begin to search, so focused on these games of theirs. For now, dear one, you are mine."

Tidius stood just over Ariel, studying her with curiosity, not doing anything just yet. 'You are quite fascinating to me. Part Edolas, part earthland. You have no idea how enticing that is, for me" Tidius spoke almost eagerly, and could perhaps be seen as slightly unstable. really, he was focused.

Ariel seemed unaware, truly, of what situation she was in. The Doctor truly didn't wish to harm the girl, but he needed to know just how Ariel could have earthland magic, or magic here in earthland itself, when she was born of Edolas stock. And perhaps what he would do would give him answers, as well as give the give more of a chance at stability here.

"Forgive me. I am Tidius. Most people just call me the Doctor"

Master jamie

Jamie watched as one of the members rose and went to another seat, clearly not happy about it. Jamie sat down when offered, and studied Cormorant, before saying "You guild appears to have taken an immense disliking for Damian, and subsequently my guild, because of the results of Damian and Hyun's battle. The games are meant to be a competition, and their battle was indeed competitive. But the games are also meeant ot be able developing bonds between guilds .I do not wish any harm to come to your members or mine, because of the results of a battle. Damian merely does not wish any harm to come to his fellow members, because of any backlash or any attacks on them. I wish that as well, and if any harm comes to any of my members because of this, I will be forced to step in."

Jamie spoke softly, non-threatening, calmly and waited for a response.

Sasha vs Shujin part four

There was a ripple effect on both Sasha's sword, and her ice queen armor. Both withstood the damage taken and repaired itself quickly, without Sasha saying a word. Sasha shifted back her back foot, and twisted, breaking the sword clash and hopefully causing Shujin to stumble, in which case, Sasha moved swiftly, and slashed at him again.

The ice mage was becoming a nuisance now. True, she was good. But she wasn't anything on what he had faced in the past. Sure, she had immeasurable potential, but he was confident he could wrap this up before the timer ended. She was probably at her limit now. 4 different forms active including her armour

"ice name: hawk arrow!" the hawk formed, and sped towards Shujin. Sasha hoped to pierce his armor. She had the bird Bombers going still, the gorilla, and the dragon. She hoped the weary Shujin down so she could take him down easily. She knew her own magical strength, and hoped it would be enough to outlast him

Sasha had fired her icey arrow. "Metal make! Armadillo!" Again he formed the huge curved shield, leaning backwards as to deflect any incoming ice. However, the barrage of ice didn't stop, seeing how her other attacks were still active. "....ENOUGH!" He threw the shield up into the air, it deforming. "Metal make... fissure! Cannon! cannon!" He made several hand movements, before slamming both fists into the floor, sending a shockwave across the battle field of immense pressure.

This time, when Sasha smirked, it was clear that she was smiling. Shujin appeared to be getting angered by her barrage of attacks. Right them, Sasha felt like she could go on forever. Magic potential shimmered through her, and she knew that she had never really reached her potential before. Never really reached her limit.

The ground around Shujin rose like ripples in water, but far more aggressively. Metal shards came from the ground, and the ground shook once more, before rising with these metal shards getting larger everywhere but where he stood. Two massive metal cannons formed in the sky, before firing iron masses. They hurtled into the ground either side of Sasha. Sweat glistened his forehead as he breathed deeply. "Metal make... Lance!" He fired again a pointed iron bar towards Sasha, who hopefully would have been tossed it the air by his fissure.

Sasha dropped to the ground, maintaining her balance, and as the Lance barreled her way, she said "ice make: bear shield!" the bear rose, large and looming, and caught the Lance, so it stuck through the bear but didn't shatter it.

She followed it up with a quick attack "ice make: swordfish Lance!" it flew towards Shujin, even as her other attacks kept on falling. She was essentially making it impossible for Shujin to get near her. Some of her ice sculptures were looking a little worse for wear after Shujin's metal attack but they still functioned. And as quick as Sashas armor was damaged, it fixed itself, although now there were spots of red underneath the ice.

"you're right. It is enough. Let's finish this" she had one last new powerful attack up her sleeve. "ice make: Giants club!" the gaint formed, 15 feet tall, a very large club in its hands, which it began to swing at Shujin, never moving far from where it had formed. She increased the attacks of her bird Bombers, her gorilla and dragon, so falling ice was pretty much everywhere, adding in a Tiger impact, throwing most of her magic into one last attack, and when they were all formed, she darted to Shujin, fast and nimble, blade in hand, staff at the ready
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Joshua Tamashii

@Amaya Tamashii

"They do remind me of an army as well. But the thing about armies: Those you serve with become like your family, no different then members of any other guild. However, armies tend to be pushed harder and forge their bounds under more trying conditions. Sometimes, their bounds go beyond that of family." Joshua said, remembering some of the warriors from his home town. Some of them had bounds stronger then any he had ever seen, even after coming to Phoenix Wing. His own siblings had been no exception.

Looking over at Amaya, he placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. He wanted to know what the event was that she was speaking about, but he knew better then to pry.
"Relax, nothing will happen. Would you like it if I stayed with you for the rest of the day?" He asked.

Amelia Averyonna


Amelia frowned at Damian. To her, it was proper to call senior members of the guild, which was almost everyone to her, with honorifics. However, she knew it was rude to call them by something they preferred not to be, so after a few seconds she nodded.
"Alright then... Damian." She said, sounding a bit hesitant to use his first name."Please lead the way."

As Damian led the way through town, Amelia stuck close to him, one hand always on her onyx studded locket. She knew the expensive piece of jewelry was likey to be a target of thieves but it was central to her Necro Spirit magic. Without it, she'd be forced to use her less predictable Elemental Spirits, something she wanted to avoid at all cost. The only time she relaxed or left Damian's side was to rush a small distance ahead when there was a candy shop in order to look at their wares. She didn't have any money to buy anything so she had to settle on window shopping.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Damian Gerard|Streets of Crous

Damian watched Amelia dart to the candy stores and smiled as he walked. So this was what it looked like to live the life of a normal kid, though from what he remembered, she wasn't any more normal than he was, she just got another chance to live it. As they neared the armorer's shop, he pulled out some spare jewel he had on his person, about three hundred, and handed it to Amelia. "Go have some fun. When you're ready to find me, I'll be in that building there, " he points to the armorer's shop, "getting this damage fixed up. Fortunately, the guy's a wizard himself, so it shouldn't take too long before we get back to the arena."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 29 min ago

General Cormorant Sanders – the Stands


After spending a few moments watching the duel, Sanders turned back to Jamie, his face impassive. “Are you asking that if our guilds compete again, my soldiers should not attempt to harm your members? In a competition, both sides must give their all. If your guild is not going to pull punches, neither will we. However, if you are thinking that my soldiers might try an underhanded approach to...what's the expression? Get even? If so, you are quite mistaken. We are warriors, not a street gang. I have trained them too well to try and take personal revenge against any of you. If there is even a hint of them doing so, I personally will discipline them. Any reckoning will occur inside the arena. Only three of them might even attempt to take Damian's challenge, and if so, they will be sportsmen about it, rest assured.”

He rested his chin in a palm, tugging his white whiskers. ”Your statement is curious, don't ya think? You caution us not to take revenge on your wizards, and you say the punishment is you taking revenge on avengers. If there is any foul play, the authorities will handle it. Neither of us need get involved.”

His next exhale carried a tony of melancholy. ”You know, I just heard back from my healer, Tsubano. Hyun has lost the will to live. Know that if the situation were reversed, and it was Damian who wished that he'd never awaken, I would not seek you out with thoughts of backlash, harm, and bonds. If you want our guilds to share a strong bond, it is up to you, the perpetrator of the mistake, to reach out, not with a challenging, assertive fist but with an open, healing hand. Will that be all, Jamie?”

Kumbha Yatta – the Stands

As much as he wanted to be vigilant for Sanders during his conversation with the opposing guild master, Kumbha could not keep his focus off the current battle for long. No lover of competition could! The blond-haired brawler roared along with the rest of the crowd to see Shujin throw his shield into the air and transform it into not one but two enormous, floating cannons. It was a display that caused the Gel Magic user to gasp in awe. He hoped Jillian was watching this; if she could begin making cannons like those, he knew, the guild would be unmatched when it came to sieges! Perhaps, Kumbha thought, he could invite Jillian to visit the Dragon Fang team afterward. Knowing her, she'd be too focused on either a box of popcorn or flirting with someone from another guild to realize that there was an opportunity to increase her skill.

Kumbha refocused on the fight. He watched Sasha as she prepared to unleash a devastating attack. Though metal was harder and stronger than ice, he knew, it seemed that Sasha would win the battle. Shujin had talent, but he was thinking one-dimensionally, and allowing Sasha's living ice sculptures to perform continuous actions. Even if nothing else, Sasha was filling the arena with ice animals and constant ice attacks while defending. Sooner or later, the combat enthusiast thought, the Metal Maker would be overwhelmed. Despite his newfound bias against Phoenix Wing, the sight of Sasha running toward her opponent, surrounded by her own ice, made him think that she had this fight in the bag.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jamie gave a sigh, "So the threatening atmosphere I felt from here, the restraint to attack, was what? Anger at your fallen comrade? if that was so, then you aren't a guild worthy of the name. No, I think your members would love to tear Damian apart. I do not mean the battles-although I know chances are, they will try extremely hard to take Damian down, which won't be easy as you saw. When any of our members fall, we are there for them. You say only one of your members has even been with Hyun. If she has lost the will to live, surely then your guild should be with her, encouraging her? Not looking for revenge, which is misplaced. Damian fought with his whole strength, as did your Hyun, and there could only be one winner. Revenge for a battle pre-decided, is not revenge. If Damian had jus t attacked her with no reason, then yes, I would agree. No revenge should come out from the games though. If you can't see that then you are not a worthy guild master, or leader for this group. If any of your members attack mine outside of the games this week, I will retaliate. You and I both know that the authorities won't be able to do anything to stop it from happening, and thus it means I must step in."

Sasha was fighting exceptionally well, as Jamie spoke, he watched her. She could remember a time when the ice mage would barely even create things more complicated then her bear. Now, Sasha's skill had developed amazingly well, and she seemed to be able to co-ordinate several attacks at once, something that Shujin just didn't seem to be able to counter. And her attacks had varied to. Jamie had never imagined that Sasha could have such power, such skill. The guild members had all certainly grown.

"As for Hyun, its clear that she has a goal in mind. I could find out what, but I'd rather not pry. The fact that Damian beat her is merely proof to her, i imagine, that she isn't ready, although Damian's skill with blade goes beyond anything I have ever seen before. She shouldn't be ashamed to lose by him. She should be proud at what she did, how she fought, at her level of skill which very nearly rivals Damians. She may not be a member of my guild, but "Avenging" Her lose, will not prove anything to her, rather building her back up will be more beneficial. I will go and see her, as it seems like you guild doesn't know the meaning of the word family"

Jamie rose smoothly, clearly ending the conversation there, but looked to Sasha once more.

"You see my Sasha there? If she were to lose to Shujin, I wouldn't seek revenge on him. I would go and tell Sasha how proud I am of her, and how far she has come. I would help her. And that I will help her become stronger, if that is what she wanted. There's no shame in losing to an opponent, there's only shame is you don't learn from the experience"
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