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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Fleo Plector – Phoenix Wing Hotel


A moment after Nolan seated himself, a familiar friend plopped down at his table. Fleo was, as one might expect, in a jolly mood, and the colorful arrangement of fruit and jam-spattered toast on her plate confirmed that she was feeling energetic. Today, she wore a dark blue zip-up blouse with black patches and a similarly-colored peaked cap, along with her typical bandages. Her hair was bunched up in the hat instead of worn loose, giving her a somewhat tomboyish look. ”Good morning, Nolan, Dalton! You guys sleep well? There must have been a huuuuuuge crow near the hotel, 'cause I heard the rat bastard squawking way past curfew. After that, it was good. No dreams. Day two of the games is here, I'm so excited!” She was practically dancing in her seat. ”Do you think you'll be fighting today?”

Zander Louvier – Frenzy Plant Camp

”Are you sure you want to do this?”

The sun had barely started to rise, certainly not high enough to shine through the trees of Crocus's park and illuminate the Frenzy Plant camp. The rhythmic rustle of the trees had been a soothing lullaby for many of the soldier guild's members, but there had been at least two hearts that the whisper of the leaves wouldn't becalm. One of them belonged to Zander, whose oftentimes-overcautious nature had remained on edge even after his patrol with Magni last night had turned uneventful. Volunteering for the late shift, he'd walked the perimeter of the park at a leisurely pace. Twice he'd been interrupted. The first was the arrival of Ludo, who by startling Zander nearly incurred a grievous wound, and who afterward explained his encounter with Jack the Jester. Later on, Zander could have sworn he saw the same woman, a comely and full-figured redhead in a strange hat, walking by the park on three separate occasions. It left the Ruby Knight uneasy, even as he drifted into sleep.

The other heart belonged to Hyun.

Her arrival and miracle recovery had caused the guild to go, for lack of a better word, nuts. Friends she didn't know she had came up, enveloped her in a bear hug or insisted on shaking her hand, and wished her well. Her tried and true companions, meanwhile, were even more ecstatic to see her. The change in her eyes and general presence were, if ever noticed, completely ignored. Everyone, including Zander, was just glad to have her back, even if she came back different. Many had inquired, with more or less tact, exactly how she'd regained the will to live. Unfortunately, Hyun could not explain it to them, feeling that her strange dream was not something to be telling everyone who came her way.

Now that morning had come, she had arisen bright and early and requested Zander's presence. Once the two had suited up, Zander taking some time to get over his early-morning blindness, Hyun had requested nothing less than an S-class trial then and there. Predictably, Zander was worried. She'd been beaten once before, by him no less. He feared for both her body and her mind.

Hyun, however, was not afraid. ”Very sure. Shall we dance?”

”As you wish.” Zander stepped forward, drawing his sword and slashing in the same motion. The swordswoman answered it in kind, drawing a katana straight up, blocking with it before hopping back and fully removing the blade. She performed a wild, telegraphed swing, one that had no hope whatsoever of hitting an experienced opponent, and Zander was quick to capitalize on it. The thought flashed through his head that it was odd for Hyun of all people to be doing such a novice move. He did not expect that she might have done it on purpose.

It happened in an instant. A golden magic circle appeared on the ground beneath Hyun's feet for a split second, and in that time the woman disappeared. She reappeared several feet above, already executing a falling turbine slash, and with Zander committed to his punishing strike he himself was an easy target. Startled and confused, the Ruby Knight jumped backward. ”What was that? You couldn't do that before.”

Hyun's eyes glinted and she smiled. Seeing her smile was strange in and of itself: she practically never did so. ”Simple. I canceled my move into another one. This magic skips recovery, setup, and repositioning. I knew you'd rush to take advantage on any perceived error. Aren't we going to keep dancing, Zander?”

The Ruby Knight breathed out a heavy sigh. Something weird was afoot. Hyun was smiling, using new magic, and referring to him by his first name. He suspected he might be in for a challenge.

Ten minutes later, the flaps to General Sanders' tent opened. The master of Frenzy Plant looked up from a game of chess with himself to see Zander in a state of disarray. He was bleeding lightly from a half dozen cuts, sporting several new bruises, featured dented armor and even cut hair. ”Louvier? What happened?” After Zander, Hyun entered the tent. Her brown hair had been pulled back and tied in a ponytail, and her eyes gleamed a satisfied, metallic gold. These were the only things different; she didn't have a mark on her.

”Sir. We've got a new S-class wizard on our hands.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Amaya Tamashii
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Amaya Tamashii

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Amaya Vanisisand

@Joshua Tamashii

"you sound' like my mother Joshua...I am fine and it sounds like my tracking skills might not be needed...darn...these games have me bored but excited at the same time" she said putting her hands on her hips "I survived YEARS without human help...I managed to find this guild without a map or knowledge outside my winter homeland. she added before sighing as she turned around to the stairway, managing to walk down without killing herself as she tripped over a bucket face planting as she laid in a daze and a hurt face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Marlene Evangeline

As Marlene was heading towards the exit, walking down one of the hall ways, she sees a rather distressed woman, Master Jamie, talking to several other people. From the distance she was in, most of the words came out in mumbles. However, as gets close enough to successfully eavesdrop on the conversation, it appears that someone, or two someones, have gone missing. She can hear the names... Mithera and Trinity... those must be the two who have gone missing. Even though she doesn't know them, she does realize that those two were part of the guild the woman was in, whom she thinks to be Guild Sensei. She then approaches the master slowly, yet politely. Now was not the time to act all goofy n' shit.

"Excuse me..." she asks as she taps Jamie's shoulder, "Did you happen to mention two missing people? I believe they are from your guild yes?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago


Nolan had grabbed himself a cup of black tea with black honey and milk and a bagel with lox, onions, and cream cheese. A light breakfast, but if he was going to fight today then he didn't want to have a stomach cramp or vomit an entire stack of pancakes out. Meanwhile Dalton had an entire salmon, the actual whole fish, half way through his mouth. Their attention was turned to Fleo wearing a different attire from her usual desert trekker outfit. As usual she was peppy to the point of it being a headache for the morning though with her he at least learned to put up with it. If anything after that fiasco in his room previously this was a breath of fresh air. "Morning Fleo. Slept like the dead." He sipped his tea and glanced at Dalton who was struggling to eat the entire fish in one go. The Exceed turned to look at the dusty woman and said, "Ahf swelpt weall!" Nolan rolled his eyes and with a sharp slash he cut the salmon with a knife so that Dalton could swallow. "Ah thanks! I slept well! Nolan makes a great pillow." He received a glare from Nolan at those words.

"I'm not sure if I'll be fighting today. I do hope I get to soon and against someone strong. Fame only means better jobs for the guild and better jobs means more income." He opened his mouth wide and ripped a large chunk of his bagel. After swallowing he said, "Aside from fame I want to see how much stronger I've become in comparison to an S class if I do fight someone like Zanders or Ammy."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Eve - Grand Magic Games

Eve had a pretty intresting day yesterday. It involved almost having yet another breakdown, Nero consoling her, and then the crushing depression that weighed upon her for quite some time was finally lifted from her shoulders by Nero. It didn't really strike her that Nero had used her powers on her at first, but lying in bed with only her thoughts made her brain finally turn for once. What she didn't realize that when Nero used his Law of Manifestation on her, the curse had also been sucked within the physical manifestation of sadness. However, it would take some time for the curse to find its way to Eve's mind as no one can really forget the presence and the effects it had on her. So, the Necromancer would be able to free of its grasp, for now.

Soon enough, it was morning and the Necromancer was already up than most people inside of the hotel. She had never really felt this great before, she usually spent her mornings reving herself up with her happiness and trying to put the heaviest locks she could on her attitude. Now, she only needs to dress herself up like normal people in the morning! It wasn't too long after she got dressed before Time Lord had knocked on her door, and she smiled brightly to start a new day.

Eve walked towards the door, not really thinking who would be at the door as she was just too dang excited to start the day with her new view of life! She opened the door to find Time Lord standing on the door looking funny as ever. She waved at Time Lord with a smile on her face, a smile that looked different from all of her other smiles that he had seen before as it was actually genuine. The Necromancer still remembered the conversation the two had inside of the holographic arena, but that was all behind her. Eve was about to question why Time Lord was at her door before she forgot something of extreme importance! She couldn't speak anymore.

She wasn't exactly sure what had happened to cause this sudden muteness, but she would glady trade away her voice for the way she was feeling at the moment. Now, this didn't mean that she couldn't make sounds with her voice, laugh, or anything else similar to that, but it just meant that she could no longer speak. So, Eve looked at Time Lord with a slightly embarresed smile and soon pointed at her neck and making 'X' symbol with her arms.

Magni - Grand Magic Games

Magni had been slightly saddened by the uneventful evening inside the bustling town. He had been pretty sure that something would have happened inside the bustling town, but it seemed the patrol had been for naught. However, this didn't really keep the Antimage from being too discourged from finding one of these Beasts. It would only be a matter of time before he could go toe-to-toe with one, he just hoped that they wouldn't warp him out of exsistince before he could get that fight. So, as he normally awoke early in the morning, it didn't take long for him to realize that someone had beat him to the clock, it was Hyun. Her apperance at the camp had been quite eventful, but Magni had simply nodded towards Hyun rather than break her personal space like many others had done. It was strange though, his eyes could barely recoginze Hyun at first, it almost seemed that she was a completly different person. He dismissed it as he was pretty tierd, but the problem persisted... Magni needed to figure this out.

The Antimage, like his normal self, followed people. It was simple, for him at least. He had been doing this for some time and it was almost second nature to him to be sneaking as he would normally do this to all the prey that he hunted. However, what he witnessed completly and utterly disturbed the man. The power that she possessed and achived in such short time completly stunned the Antimage as the entire fight that he watched had been completly one-sided against an S-Class Mage of Frenzy Plant! His eyes hadn't lied to him, it was just that Hyun had achived some sort of break through after being beat to the ground and then used that break through to empower herself to insane measures. After the two left, the Antimage retained his hidden position inside of the shrouded tree and just remained sitting there, thinking to himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Nightshade Silphium? Penny frowned. She had never heard about that guild, never heard of anything by that name. She glanced around at the others gathered, looking back to the intruder. "When was this? When did she get taken? Where did she get taken from?" She rattled off the questions, thinking that maybe they could get a general idea of what had happened, watching the stranger.


Jarvis still thought it was a foolish rule, but didn't say anything more as Mayt seemed to fall asleep. He gave a soft sigh, and looked about them, warily. The danger seemed to have passed now, but Jarvis wasn't willing to let his guard down.

Master Jamie

Jamie looked over as a girl approached, narrowing his eyes suspiciously, before saying "yes, they are. Do you have any information on them? Trinity typically uses her re-equip magic if she's in danger-a bow and arrow, and Mithera might have had her claws. If she had food, she could transform...She's normally in a small, white fluffy dragon form" Jamie said, willing to take any information if it would help to find them, glancing over as Penny got some answers from the Iron Enigma intruder.


Tidius gave a shrug, sighing softly. "magic is...very adaptive. It changes within us to how we use it-for example a fire mage changes it to fire for their attacks. You, however, don't seem to have a set magic. You take the magic in, accept it...and your body changes with it. Essentially, you are acting like magic. At least, this is my theory" he explained, pondering what to do next.

He hummed lightly, "Does that make sense?" He said, knowing he might very well have to go into a full description of magic, which he didn't particularly mind, but he wondered if there was time for that.


This getting up early was not something Gabriel enjoyed, but he struggled up, packing up his gear once more. He looked around at the others, stroking Koda who had come rambling into the camp behind Huyn when she returned. Gabriel hadn't wanted to send the bear back, and instead had curled up to sleep with him.

Gabriel gave a heavy sigh, and after giving Koda a hug, he sent the spirit back home. Despite being in the guild for a few months, Gabriel hadn't really made any friends. He thought he hadn't really made any progress either. He glanced about, shoving his hands in his pockets, he walked off a little way from the others.

I think I could go all the way to A Class...but...is it me, if I use my spirits? that was the thought that trouble him, yes summoning his spirits took his magical energy, but beyond that, Gabriel didn't provide much else. He looked back at the camp, pondering for a moment.

would anyone teach me how to fight properly with a sword?

Time Lord
@Invisible man

Time Lord offered a smile to Eve, but frowned slightly when he beheld her. While her smile seemed quite genuine, something just didn't seem right. Time Lord knew that if Eve had stretched the boundaries of his spells, he would know. He would have appeared by her, if she had. he couldn't figure it out, and so he just stood there looking at her, trying to figure out what had changed.

As she made a movement to indicate that she couldn't speak, Time Lord gave a nod to show he had understood. He said "Are you unwell?" He asked with concern, forgetting for the moment the lacrima with the rose in it.


Michael once more was up on the roof of Dragon Fang's hotel, this time, he had summoned both Balthazar and Uriel, and had some basic armor on. Both spirits had seemed reluctant to do this, but Michael had persuaded them.

it wasn't the best idea. Michael ended up with more cuts, scraps and bruises then he could count, and he sat, on a butt that was sore from falling on it several times, staring at them.

He sighed, grimacing and pushing himself up, running a hand through his shaggy hair. "Maybe doing this on the roof wasn't such a good idea" he admitted, as Balthazar scoffed. Michael rolled his eyes at him, and dismissed them both, started downstairs to see if the rest of the guild was up and about.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The explanation wasn't entirely clear. But it made enough sense that she wasn't completely lost. There was a word that she'd heard about before that was supposedly the source of magic. "I guess I understand what you mean. Instead of having my own magic I become whatever magic is around me. I've heard that magic comes from... What was it? Uh..." She tried to remember what it was exactly. "Etho-something. I don't remember the word exactly. But it's where everyone's magic comes from. I wonder how that works for me if I don't have a magic."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Damian Gerard|Phoenix Wing Hotel

Damian nodded. "That I can. Someone will need to take my place for the games for today though." Before he left, he took a moment to scrutinize their informant as Penny and Master Jamie laid into him and realized what guild he was from. I've no proof, but that warning before we all parted ways after trying to save Hemlock... Shaking his head, he head out towards where the pair had gone missing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Deyja Bult --- Phoenix Wing Hotel
Deyja sighed softly before speaking. He was getting a little more confident now that not everyone is staring at him. "Trinity was taken in an A-alleyway somewhere in d-downtown Crocus. I d-don't know anything other than that! I-I was supposed t-to tell you so th-that you could get T-trinity back in the games, th-then I'd go back to my guild." He still sounded smewhat distressed, and his shadow was doing all kinds of weird phenomena behind him, but not forming any coherent shapes. "A-alright? But I need to get back b-by the time the games start because L-laynette broke her ankle and I'm the r-reserve person." The mage shifted back and forth, glancing at his feet once before looking back at Penny.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zephyr Hardt

The next day would come and Zephyr would wake up without being shouted at through the door. So he simply got changed and put on his headphones like always and walked to the lobby of the hotel. He could hear someone doing something on the roof but he didn't bother to go investigate it, if anything it made him think to go have that rematch with Jackie before Mikey would come along and yell at them for settling whatever differences they had. Although no differences existed unless Jackie secretly hated him, yet then again if she did hate him then he doubted she would come just to beat him up. So he was fairly certain she didn't hate him.

Footsteps would sound and Zephyr would look to see a cut and bruised Mikey. "So that's what those sounds were. Im surprised I woke up before most of the guild with that going on. Now Mikey I need you to pray for me today, because if I don't fight something soon... I may do something very stupid, and we all know that when i do something stupid that it is really stupid."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Ryan Kregor

They'd secured the girl, but he hasn't been able to raise the Doc yet. An attendant at home base told him that the man was away, orking in some some external lab. He should just bring whatever it was he'd collected back to home base and they could talk about it later.

Before Ryan could protest, the attendant signed off, and after he protested anyway, he caught on that she just wasn't listening. Well, if that was how they wanted it, that's just what he would have to do. It was a problem, though, as it wouldn't do to get spotted. Trinity had shouted his name and guild pretty loudly, so they could be ID'd. He hung up on the radio and proceeded off into the complex of their forward base. They needed to prepare to leave and rendezvous with their mother base.

Trinity is secured to a chair with silk underneath iron clasps.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Tidius gave a soft sigh, before saying "Magic is the physical embodiment of the spirit. When the physical spirit of an organism connects with the spiritual flow of nature, the spirit forms Magic as a product of the connection." He waited to see if Ariel was followiing this before continuing, "To utilise Magic, a Mage must use Magic Power in their body. Magic Power is the source of Power for all Mages, it is composed of Ethernano. Every Mage has a container inside their body that determines the limits of their Magic Power. In the case that it becomes empty, Ethernano comes from the atmosphere and enters the Mages' body and, after a while, their Magic Power is returned to normal." Again, Tidius stopped to see if Ariel was following this before continuing

"All kinds of Magic are used in Earth Land and formerly in Edolas, and they can be used for many purposes such as offence, defence, supporting, and healing. Magic is used by exerting their Magic Power as a wide variety of spells or by focusing it into an external source.In order to learn Magic you must train your intellect and spirit

Tidius paused this time, and looked to Ariel with curiosity "All sources agree that those who are weak minded and spirited will have their magic control them. This does not seem to be the case with you, though. You appear to be strong minded, and willed, and you have spirit, there's no doubt about that. But, you don't really have a trained magic. You take in an already differentiated magic, and t adapts your body, but doesn't take you over. So, yes, in a way, you are magic. Your own magical energy just isn't differentiated, until you can that magic absorbed within you" He seemed absolutely delighted about that prospect, and seemed to be on the verge of saying something more, before falling silent.


Penny sighed. They couldn't keep him, she knew and it seemed like she had exhausted all the information she was likely to get from this. But one thing stuck in her mind. One of their members had hurt themselves. How? Were they involved in trinity's kidnapping? Maybe this...minion wasn't high enough on Iron enigma's ladder to be told things.

She gave another sigh, "Alright then. Go. But you should tell your master this. If he has either of our missing members, the retaliation won't be pretty for him, or your guild"

She looked to Master Jamie, who didn't seemed that concerned that she was letting the intruder go, before following Damian out, "Somewhere down town" She said "Something isn't adding up. I want to find Iron Enigma's hotel, or where ever they are staying. One of their members is out, hurt apparently, but it doesn't seem that likely-if they were hurt, a healer could have fixed their broken bone enough to fight, right?"


Michael was glad that Zephyr didn't ask any more questions. He gave a smile as Zephyr spoke, and said, almost cheekiy, "Without Me, or Master Jack's....back lash, you'd do something stupid all the time. I'm sure you'll get to fight soon" He said, wondering if his fight with his spirits had really been that loud.

He wondered if he really looked that bad that it had made Zephyr comment on it. He looked about, seeing that most of the guild was up and moving, and that there wasn't long until the games began.

"We should head to the arena, right?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Marlene Evangeline

Marlene thought for a moment... a long moment... but then suddenly, her face lit up like a lightbulb!

"I believe I do as a matter of fact." she answers confidently with a smile, "Let's see... I was walking down a street, uh, Spring Street, not too long ago, when suddenly I managed to glance at two people. Ok? So there were two people walking the opposite of me in the opposite direction, eh south was it? One was a male and the other one a female. One of them, the man, was carrying a girl with white hair and an outfit. The other girl had a over large, pale green and yellow scarf, and the man is wearing a purple, white-pinstripe suit. One of them also happened to be carrying a bag... which I could've sworn to have heard something inside. And that's all I know..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Tidius gave her quite a bit of information to deal with. Nodding several times she at least seemed to get most of what he was saying. Magic was quite a lot more complicated than it appeared on the surface. But like he said, she never trained in any particular magic. Which was apparently quite unusual. "So it's not just some kind of Mimic magic. Not I'm even more curious." Probably not the wisest thing to say in front of a man performing experiments.

She was however was paying attention and noticed the slight uptick in his excitement and almost hesitant end to what he was saying. "Is there more? It seems like you stopped talking for some reason. Did you think of something?" Her voice sounded like trying to get the words out of a child. Even if she had a strong spirit and will the magic clearly had an inescapable influence on her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Joshua Tamashii

@Amaya Tamashii

Joshua mentally facepalmed himself as he watched Amaya trip and stumble down the stairs. Sighing to himself, he went down and helped her into a nearby chair before remaining her again, to make sure the fall hadn't caused her any injury. Once he was sure she was okay he felt her forehead again and simply shook his head at what he felt.
"Okay, you are not going anywhere. You are going to rest so that you can feel better tomorrow. No arena, no games, no nothing. Just stay in bed until you feel better. I'll ask Master Jamie to excuse me for the day so I can be here to help you if needed." He said. Normally he would've said his piece and left by now, but Amaya was a special case as she was the only guild mate he actually spent any time with and he worried for her wellbeing sometimes, especially given her kind but stubborn nature.

Lucus Griffonbane


Lucus had just entered the hotel Phoenix Wing was staying in hoping to check in with Rose to see how she was doing after the being in the first event of the games. Before he saw her though, he saw Damian and saw a look that suggested something had happened to someone in the guild. Just as Damian was about to pass, Lucus grabbed the man's shoulder to stop him.
"Is everything okay here Damian?" He asked, remembering the man's name from his match yesterday."You don't look so happy right now. Are Rose and Elyse okay?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 5 mos ago


Finishing breakfast, he forced himself up to stretch. He returned to his room, leaving the door open, just in case anyone needed him. He made his way to the sink, removing his shirt. He unwound his hands too. Looking in the mirror, all he could see were fresh burns accompanied by old burn marks. It looked awful. He shook his head a little, filling the sink up. He grabbed a cloth, soaking it, before starting to dab away at the fresh burns, wincing quite loudly at the touch.


He couldn't help but stare when Sasha was nude. It was perverted, but the childish part of him didn't care. He too got dressed. And they made their way out of the room, walking down the corridor to the main section, he saw master Jamie talking with someone. He didn't recognise the girl. He stood next to them imposing on the conversation. "Master those two can look after themselves. After all, they are Phoenix wing wizards." He grinned clenching his fist. He gave the girl a glance. "You can always rely on a phoenix wing wizard." He reassured her, before noticing her guild insignia. He didn't actually know she was in the guild. He took a step back. "You must be new that means." He extended his hand. "Lazarux Rex. The light god slayer." He gave her a stern look. "And that right there," He nodded at Sasha. "Is Sasha Shin. Ice maker." He awaited the inevitable fan girling, as new recruits often did.

@caits @Lmpkio
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Marlene Evangeline

As she finished talking, Lazarus came up to the two and exchanged a few words towards Master Jamie and then glanced at Marlene. She shrugs as she mentioned to 'rely on a phoenix wing'.

"Eh," she shrugs, "Sometimes you gotta let a mage a hand ya know?"

Lazarus then asked Marlene if she were new here and introduced himself as the Light God Slayer.

"Oh!" she replies, "I've heard of you a few times, nice to meet ya. And yeah, I'm new here, heheh. I've been here for the past few days now."

Then she was introduced to the mage, Sasha Shin, the Ice Maker. Wait... Sasha Shin? THE Sasha Shin?! She couldn't believe it! First she saw an Exceed, then an Ash God Slayer, THEN a Light Gold Slayer, and now she saw one of the most popular mages in Phoenix Wing! She couldn't believe it!

"Your THE Sasha Ice Maker?!" she asked almost unbelievingly as she stood there with a pause, "Oh my god! I've always wanted to meet you in person Sasha-san! The name's Marlene."

She then grabs the Ice Maker's hand and began shaking it rapidly with a grin on her face and a few chuckles. Even though it was still more exciting to see a real breathing Exceed, which again she adores, meeting Sasha was also up there too! She must be incredibly or stupidly in luck to meet two of her biggest wishes in the flesh!

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Lazarus held his hand out, everything on his face twitching. He had basically been blanked. Nasty thoughts started to creep into his head. Maybe he wasn't a popular mage anymore? He sulked. His image had always been important to him. The day in which a new female recruit didn't go crazy to meet him was the day he wanted to dig a hole and bury himself. Master Jamie knew him more than well enough to find his reaction funny. He did however reply to Marlene. "Yeah... well keep an eye out for us in the arena today..." @caits @Lmpkio
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


If Ariel was watching Tidius closely, she would see a pained expression cross his face, before he sighed heavily, and said "it was just wishfulness. I do not think this would be something you can teach. I think it is something unique to you, and you alone" he said, going over to his store of lacrimas, he paused for a moment, picking one and returning.

"shall we see what wind magic does this this form?" he asked, clearly ready to continue his experimentation once more. If Ariel thought in it, she would see that he hadn't actually used any of his own magic on her, and perhaps wonder why.

master Jamie

Master Jamie frowned, taking this information in and wondered who was responsible. There wasn't much to go on, but...maybe. Nightshade Silphium. Jamie knew a little bit about them, but only a little. It was clear trinity had been taken by them, but Jamie suspected it was iron enigma who had taken Mithera.

he looked over as Lazsrus and Sasha joined them, and wondered what more could go wrong today. Glancing at the time, Jamie sighed again. "we have to go to the arena and hope that Damian can find them, at least until the first event is over, we should pretend that everything is okay"

If they weren't found by then, Jamie would have to send more of the guild out, searching for them


Sasha blinked at the girls reaction to her, not having having react quite that way to meeting her before. She didn't know what to do, and was yanked slightly as the girl shook her hand, "oh. Wow. Hi?" she said "pleasure to meet you. Ah. Why have you always wanted to meet me?" she asked with curiosity.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Marlene Evangeline

"I heard many stories about you!" Marlene will answer back with enthusiasm, "And your powers are so wicked cool for an ice mage! You could be like, the new Grey Fullbuster or something!"

She then lets go of Sasha's hand and puts her hands on her own hips.

"And I, if you are wondering am a Crystal Make mage," she continues, "And our powers should be quite similar no? Even though we have two different elements we control, we should totally go partnering up on some missions someday don't you think?!"

As she finishes, she looks over to see Lazarus sulking in the background, who said to keep an eye out for him and Sasha in the GMG today.

"Ok!" she replies in the same happy tone, "Do good Lazarus! I'm rooting for you, Sasha and all of Phoenix the best of good luck."

Marlene then winks at the Light God Slayer, partially to make him feel better.
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