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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Damian Gerard|Phoenix Wing Hotel

Damian turned and stopped Penny as she started to follow him. "I need you to fill in for me at the Games, in case I was supposed to participate. Plus if both attending S-Class mages for our guild go missing, people are going to know something is up." He wasn't trying to piss her off or make her feel bad, but they needed to keep up appearances if they wanted the crowds to not wonder.

As he headed out, he was stopped by the guy that Rose had been hanging out with the last few days. "They're fine, just upstairs in the hall, least Rose is. It's someone else who's gone missing."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Lucus Griffonbane


"Someone from your guild is missing? If you're as worked up as you seem about this, I doubt they just went out for a leisurely stroll."Lucus said, sounding a bit concerned. He thought about it for a few seconds before having an idea."One of my guild mates is a former bounty hunter. He might have a few contacts in the city that can help. Plus, he might take up the chance to do his old job for old times sakes. I know your Master doesn't trust me or my Master, but I still think we should help out. I know Master Fraquar won't object, as he doesn't really care about winning the games. We just want to show that we have what it takes, despite there only being six of us.

So, what do you say. Want some help from our guild, to hopefully make this search quicker. The first forty-eight hours of a disappearance are critical after all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zephyr Hardt

Zephyr raised a finger to defend himself but lowered it and shrugged with a smile. "True, but in my defense the stupid stuff is nine out of ten more fun to do. And I hope so cause if not I might just have to persuade Hunter and that will be easy to do. I just throw my fists up and say lets fight bro. and sure enough he will start attacking. And not even your scolding will be able to stop it." Zephyr said standing up and stretching his arm and started towards the door. "Well lets get going little warrior." Zephyr said opening the door and walking right on out and towards the arena.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Again, Sasha wasn't to]o sure what to do. She gave Marlene a smile, but seemed a little bit shocked when Marelene mentioned grey filibuster. She said "sure, we can, if you don't mind Lazarus tagging along. We're one of Phoenix wings teams" she said brightly, looking back to Lazarus, who seemed a little out out that Marlene wasn't going crazy over him.

Sasha would have gladly traded positions. She wasn't too sure what to do with a fan


"I know that, I just thought you'd want the information so you aren't looking all over crocus for the abduction site" she said, giving him a smile, looking back up the stairs. There didn't seem to be anything more she could get out of the intruder even if he was still there, and there was too many people on the hall way landing as it was. So she waited, leaning back against the wall


Michael just nodded, but sighed at the comment, "more like punching bag" he said, looking about when they headed outside, the day was warm, and seemed to be quite promising. There were a lot of people heading to the arena, clearly ready for another day of the games. "I just thought I should...do more then summon spirits, but I'm not that good at fighting" he gave a shrug
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Amaya Tamashii
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Amaya Tamashii

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Amaya Vanisisand

@Joshua Tamashii

"stick me in a freezer for an hour and I will be fine. Plus why is the lone wolf like yourself worried about me as if I meant something more then a average team mate?"she breathed on her hands covering them in ice before putting them on her head. After a few minutes her temp was back to its cold feeling self"told you I will sleep when I am not wond up like I am. My fever is gone so you do not need to worry I am going to search for trinity's smell."[/Color] she said walking just fine towards the exit.

Once outside she yawned still tired from the lack of sleep but the sunlight felt good and helped wake her up
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Eve - Dragon Fang Hotel

Eve quickly shook her head at Time Lord's question as she was feeling quite the oppisite. She opened her mouth once again before closing it once again with a finger on her lips. She hadn't really realized that being mute made it quite hard to explain long spouts of information to another person, but it would just be a minor inconvenience in this good life. So, the Necromancer continued to think about the ways she could explain to Time Lord about the journey she had without speech. Suddenly, she got a great idea, or a mediocre idea at best. Eve just needed to get Nero to explain the stuff that had happened, but she knew that the two slightly did not like each other, so she would have to find some sort of way for the two to find some sort of middle ground. Now, how to tell Time Lord to go find Nero... Ah!

The Necromancer raised her hand in the air and started to write letters inside of the air. "F...I...N...D...N...E...R...O."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Oh, I see. I wouldn't know how to teach it even if I wanted. I don't understand it enough myself." She frowned slightly since Tidius appeared to be disappointed. Did he want her ability to improve his own magic?

He then offered another lacrama. This one was wind and she took it without question. So far since getting Green magic the further experimentation had been less taxing. The wind magic was much like the last. She felt the magic mix with the Green magic. Leaning her head back slightly and closing her eyes Ariel seemed to enjoy the sensation. After a while she looked back at Tidius. So far he'd only given her lacramas, but also she wasn't feeling any other mages in the room. There was a pause as she seemed to confirm her initial observation and tilted her head to one side. "Are you a mage Tidius?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Marlene Evangeline

E-EH? D-Did Sasha say I can actually team up with her?! Marlene thought to herself in total shock. She couldn't believe it! She can actually be part of Sasha's team with Lazarus? It's almost as if this was a dream! A very REAL dream! She couldn't put aside that offer!

"R-really?" Marlene asked with a slight stutter, "Then yes! I accept the offer! It is truly an honor to tag along your team Sasha-san!"

She then puts her fist over her chest as if she was saluting.

"I will be the best mage that you have ever served with!" she finishes on a very, VERY confident note. Today seemed to be her upmost lucky day!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Fleo Plector

@Amaya Tamashii

Fleo grinned. ”Sounds like a good plan! Since I'm not doing anything today, I thought I might as well expend all of my magic power at once doing something fun. So you know how the Doma Flau is on the top of a small mountain that sticks out of the middle of the city? I'm gonna make an entire array of dust pillars and jump between them to get to the top! Once there, I'll dissolve all but the last one. Should be a crazy view from up there.” She wolfed down a plum and deposited the core onto her plate, before spotting Damian trundling past and out the door. The dusty woman's dirty-blond eyebrows furrowed. ”Damian looks awfully serious. Has something happened? Did someone from that Frenzy guild come and challenge him?” These questions were addressed to nobody in particular, and since at the moment Fleo was thinking about approximately the same thing, she stood up from the table absently and walked toward the door to look outside.

As such, she was in Penny's way, and was nearly pushed aside as the redhead rushed after Damian. What was that about? It had been heavily rumored as of late that she and Damian were an item, but everything about this situation screamed official business. She turned back toward Nolan and gave him a shrug, as if to say, I dunno what's going on

Next on the Phoenix parade was Amaya. Being something approaching friends with this girl, and thinking that she might have a clue to the current events, Fleo followed her outside the hotel. Just as the Ice Dragon Slayer finished yawning, Fleo came up behind her. ”Good morning!” she almost shouted, deciding that if Amaya still felt sleepy it would be smart to speak loudly. ”What's the deal with Damian and Penny, do you know?”

Nero the Genie – near Dragon Fang

@liferusher@Invisible Man@Caits

What a dismal morning.

Everything was so bright and sunny and cheery. Not enough people knew the value of a nice, damp rain, Nero thought. Sunshine was so boring—it happened so much! Rain was a heap more interesting and a world more pleasant. With the heat, the genie had discarded his purple cloak, leaving it behind in the under-construction apartment in which he'd been squatting. Nothing like the Grand Magic Games to draw away attention from everyday duties, Nero had gleefully observed. Now, he was en route to Dragon Fang to find Eve. Though optimistic about her 'treatment' Nero was still anxious to see if she might have developed any side effects, like that Hyun woman. The psyche, as it turned out, was more like a tower of sticks than a field; rather than simply plucking out whatever he pleased, he had to be careful, lest the tower wobble.

And of course, skipping alongside the dark mage was his favorite ray of hope and innocence: the enigmatic and adorably trepidatious Ayame. The two traded back and forth casual conversation covering numerous topics, led mostly by the young girl and followed along with by the older boy. In good company, the trip -never that long to begin with- turned short indeed, and Nero soon found himself approaching the Dragon Fang residence.

And who should there be outside the door, talking to none other than Eve herself, but Nero's favorite person in the world? Just the sight of the Time Lord caused a slow burning in the genie's mind. He had no proof right now, save of course for his own infallible conclusions, but he suspected the Time Lord of purposefully amping Eve up to turn her into a living, necrotic time bomb. As much as it pained Nero to admit it, he'd never been best of friends with this bizarre individual, but now Nero had decided that this person was a definite adversary. Even if he didn't mean Eve deliberate harm, he was a competitor for the girl's time and attention, and after saving her life Nero thought he deserved more favor than this guy.

He squinted to make out the words Eve was tracing, then broke out into a laugh as he closed the last few yards. ”That would be an easy search indeed! I didn't know we were playing hide-and-go-seek. Ever played, Ayame? It's a grand way to spend time with friends, but on such an important day, we've got better things to do, eh Bizarro?” The genie chuckled at his new nickname for the Time Lord. He rather rudely moved past the other man to stand before Evelyn. ”Sleeping beauty has arisen at last! Perhaps you'd care to join me and Ayame for a nice little breakfast? Afterward, I was thinking of finding something to do in Crocus instead of watching the Games. Too much tension and violence to really be enjoyable to people like us, don't you think?” He hoped Time Lord was paying attention; it wasn't every day that Nero was condescending to someone while simultaneously appealing to someone else, and the dark mage would have liked to know his effort wasn't wasted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@invisible man@lugubrious

Time Lord was about to say that he didn't think that was such a good idea, when Nero turned up. Time Lord gave a sigh at the Genie's antics, as he pushed Time Lord aside, and narrowed his eyes. Every time Time Lord tried to do anything with Eve, Nero seemed intent on interrupting it. Annoyed enough to actually do something against the Genie, Time Lord muttered a few words. Nothing appeared to happen, but if the spell had worked right, Nero would be in a time bubble for a few moments, enough time for Time Lord to get a few words in, and give Eve his present. "Well, something happened, I can understand that, obviously it wasn't anything bad, because my wards weren't activated. I made this for you" He said, holding out the lacrima, with the rose in it, constantly dying and re-growing. "Just a trinket, really, but...someone once told me that flowers say a lot, but they die. This one won't. As long as I live, it will continue it's cycle" He explained.

He gave a sigh, as his spell on Nero faded. "As much as I hate to admit it, The...genie is right. A day away from the games would be good" Time Lord had no leads to follow today, and apart from the fact that he wasn't going to leave Eve in Crocus, even if she was with the guild, he wanted to spend time with her. Even if it meant putting up with the pest.


Sasha smiled, Marlene seemed to think she was toying with her, before seeming to decide that she wasn't. "I'm sure you'll do fine. In the mean time, I need food. My battle yesterday took a lot out of me, and if I have any hope of competing today, I need food" She said "Would you like to join us? We don't have much time before the games begin for the day" She said apologetically, as she started down the stairs again.


Tidius watched as she took the Lacarma, seemingly without question it. hm. It seems she's as curious about her magic as I am, enough so that she's willingly working with me. I do so love it when they co-operate he thought to himself, wondering what other lacrima he could try, avoiding anything that would damage the green magic. And then she asked that question. A shadow passed over tidius's face, before his expression became blank. "Of course I am a Mage. I just don't have any earthland magic" He said, slightly stiff.

It would appear that this was a sore spot with Tidius, and he turned aside, busying himself with the lacrima. "You can see why your magic interests me so much, then. A mage, with Edolas blood, who can use earthland magic without intervention? Amazing." He held out another Lacrima, this one with light magic within it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Doesn't have Earthland magic? That would explain the apparently large collection of lacrama. So he wasn't looking to make his magic stronger, he was looking to get magic for himself period. "So you want to know how I can use magic so you can find a way to use it too? You could have just asked for help instead of kidnapping me." Ariel didn't take the lacrama just yet, wanting to see how Tidius would respond.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Marlene Evangeline

"Absolutely!" Marlene answers with a huge grin, "Heck I'm actually pretty hungry myself. Lets go!"

She then hurries along with them down the stairs and where they can eat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 5 mos ago


Cleaning out his burn wounds were the worst... but that was the price you had to pay to bend metal to your will. He sighed, muffling his cry when wrapping a rag around his sword hand. The pain when he had grasped the searing hot sword in battle wasn't that bad due to the adrenaline. But now... he was just glad he wouldn't be fighting today. He wondered how Sasha was recovering from their fight.


He folded his arms. "I'm starved." He grinned, leaving the hall to their eating area. He slumped down, grasping at the food already out. God slayers had to eat large amounts of food to energize. He paused momentarily. "So tell me a bit more about yourself Marlene. I like to know everything about my team-mates."

@caits @Lmpkio
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Marlene Evangeline

Marlene sits opposite from Lazarus as she adjusts the hairband to her ponytail.

"More about me?" she asked as if she was confirming the question, "Well, as I said before, I am a Crystal Make mage. I can control almost any crystal in existence and even create anything from swords, shields, objects, and even beams. From Jade, to Quartz, to Ruby, heck man, even diamond, which happens to be the strongest gem power I have. I've discovered and taught myself allllllll of these things myself you know? I love gems in general, but the usual crystal I use for many of my attacks is pink quartz, since pink is one of my favorite colors."

She takes a quick bite from her meal.

"On a more personal note..." she continues, "I've happen to adore cats, especially exceeds. I actually ran into this one exceed, uh Dalton I believe, a little earlier today. His master though seemed a little... how would I say... grumpy of my presence... though he's pretty cute."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


sasha followed them both, sitting down, and chosing what she wanted to eat, eating as Marlene talked, but she said softly, °Exceeds dont really have masters. They have partners. You can't really own another numan being, and exceeds aren't ownable either. They are their own" she explained, looking up as Mast Jamie came to usher them onwards.

still feeling very tired, Sasha gave a sigh, but nevertheless started to the arena with the others.

Games Master Sheldon

"as the last of the teams arrive, we are eagerly awaiting the second day of tne games! The second event is a game of...tactics you could say. Yes. A mage has to be able to adapt to mamy situations, and thats just what is going to happen here! Today we have a maze, this being Crocus itself! Most of the city nas been cleared, enabling the participants free range. There will be obsticles, many in fact, and of course tnere is then the fact that they have to avoid each otner, or battles will spark! So, the names of those particpating? Well, im glad you asked!

Namrs flickered on tne large lacrima screen, flickering for each team, finally revelaing

"Second event






Delsin@joshua tamashii




sasha let out a little groan when her name was chosen. She didn't think she could do the event today, didn't think it was possible. She hd sonlittle magic...she looked to Master Jamie, biting her lip uncertainly, before speaking up, "can someone sub in for me? I am still tired from yesterday" she admitted

master Jamie seemed tomponder that a moment, before looking about. She seemed to think who to chose, "Amelia?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Amaya Tamashii
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Amaya Tamashii

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rose Yashia


Rose got Elyse and herself something to eat as they headed out to the arena with everyone else. She made sure to bring a blanket abd pillow just incase she could get Elyse back to sleep or at least laid down for a nap.
"I wouldn't put Amelia in...I don't think she can physically handle her magic fully... I say put in one of our young slayers or maybe Joshua or Nolan or maybe one of the newer members...I would volunteer myself but Elyse isn't in a good mood for me to be away to fight" rose commented sitting down by jamie. She wrote down possible members who she had noticed who wanted a chance or those who would just have fun in these games. She looked around making sure those who she put down would be already in the stands "Jamie can you call a meeting for whoever wishes to participate in sasha's place?"

Amaya Vanisis

Amaya stopped when a familiar voice asked her a question."Word has it that two guild members trinity abd mithera have gone missing I feel that since my magic heightens my senses I might be useful for tracking but Mr.worry pants over there thinks due to me having a nightmare I need help but since two of our s-class wizards are dealing with this I might go exploring or to the arena" she said putting a finger to her chin thinking of what to do as she was tired but was fine to fight if needed maybe she should go to arena just incase.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Conmhara
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Conmhara The Bubble Magician

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Zami - The Bubble Magician
Grand Magic Games

Zami had spent his evening and following morning preparing a carefully worded letter for the Master of Phoenix Wing. An application essay more so than a letter in all honesty. It couldn't be helped though since he had so much to say as an introduction. He sat in the stands reading over what he had written over and over again. He was a bit nervous, getting even more so as the crowd waited for Phoenix Wing to show up with their team.

After what seemed like an eternity, Games Master Sheldon bellowed an opening speech as the guild finally showed up looking ready for the challenges ahead. "OK, Zami...you can do this. Just go up when the guild master has settled down to watch the second event. There'll be some time between then and the event starting." Zami couldn't sit still anymore because the guild showed up so he decided to wander the stands while waiting for his opportune moment to give the master his letter. He looked around to see if Isla* was around. He felt he might calm down a bit with the familiar company.

* @liferusher
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Tidius gave a sigh. "no, I couldn't have just asked" he said, his tone telling Ariel to just leave it at that. "I invent ways of being able to use magic for myself, but...I can't use magic without them. You could be the answer, but then I thought that several times before. What would be the point of someone knowing where you are if you had just turned into another failure?" he said, quite coldly, holding out the lacrima again. "but you are strong, and your body seems to adapt quite well to the magics. I can learn a lot about you. And have, already. And the only reason you haven't tried to escape yet is because you are quite interested in your magic as well"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Fleo Plector – with Phoenix Wing

@Amaya Tamashii

Fleo's eyebrows shot up. “Missing!? Oh, man! I bet they've been kidnapped to be held ransom. Or for weird magic experiments. Or by another guild to sabotage us in the games! Or...*GASP* eaten alive by giant Crocus sewer rats! Um, all of which would, you know, be awful. Who's Mithera again?” She wasn't quite sure if Amaya was paying attention at this point -she herself certainly wasn't- but still, despite her goofy optimism it was quite the cause for alarm. Then again, magicians went on personal quests all the time. Vendettas, funerals, weddings, very important birthdays...all could demand someone's presence faster than they could notify the guild master. ”I guess we might as well go to the arena. There's this thing, I want to do, see...” as the guild began to move, Fleo began to explain.


Mission success! And, Fleo had to admit, the view from up here really was marvelous. Using enormous pillars of dust and her innate hops, she'd carved her own route up to the arena and found a nice, solitary perch to watch the action unfold from. Whether or not Amaya had accepted her invitation to join her up here (”The fresh air might do you some good!”), Fleo knew she was in for quite a treat. Plus, she wasn't so high that hearing the announcer or contestants via giant speakers would be improbable. With the revelation that today's group challenge would be a maze, all the dusty woman had to do was to flip one-eighty degrees and she'd be looking out over the vast city. ”A maze, eh? It sounds boring, but knowing these wackos, they'll be sure to make it interesting!”

Xyster – Frenzy Plant Stands


On the way from the park to the Doma Flau, Xyster found herself strolling alongside the familiar, gaunt face of Joakim Fortinbras and two of the guild's newer arrivals: Gabriel and Enma. Always feeling chummy, she threw an arm around both of their shoulders, holding her head by the ribbons in the hand she'd placed on Gabriel. The Dullahan's unnerving, bonelike face lay negligently on Gabriel's chest, and her brilliant but ghoulish green eyes were only a couple of inches away from the Zodiac Summoner's mouth. ”I've got a hunch that today's gonna be a really exciting one! We didn't do too well yesterday...second-to-last kinda sucks, actually. With Hyun feeling all better though, we're more focused than ever! I really hope I get to jump in today, I'm just itching to give someone a good spook. A good show in the grab-bag round, a win in the duels, and we'll back right up at the top, babeeee! Hah hah hah, can't you wait?” Almost pulling her companions along, the inhuman was one of the first to enter the arena, such was her hype.

As such, her spirit fell faster than a chunk of depleted uranium when the flamboyant announcer Sheldon informer her that she'd be getting her wish...by running through a maze. ”Really? Really?” she questioned Gabriel, Enma, and a sighing Joakim, before throwing her head into the air in bafflement. She didn't seem to concerned about catching it again; she simply went on complaining. ”I can't scare a maze, I can't learn anything groovy about humanity from it. What a rip! At least that Nash guy gets a mongo whale to carry him around. I won't even be able to use my speed-ups unless I run into someone.”

The next instant, her mood changed completely. Wherever her head had landed or been caught, it broke out into an unnaturally wide and jagged-toothed smile. ”Whatever. I'm gonna do us proud, no matter how lame the game. Bring it on, Games! I've got game too!”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Amelia Averyonna

@Caits @Amaya Tamashii

Amelia followed the rest of the guild to the arena. She was expecting nothing more then another day of watching her guild in the games and wondering what it would be like to be strong enough in them herself. She took a seat near the back, like usual and watched and listened. She became concerned when Sasha's name came up. She had noted that Sasha still seemed rather tired. She had a feeling that Sasha might back down and ask for someone to take her place. Believing that Jamie would call out someone other then her, she turned her attention to the arena only to be shocked when she did hear her name. Getting up, she headed down to where Jamie was in time to hear what Rose had to say. At the older woman's words, Amelia clenched her fists and looked Jamie in the eyes for once.
"I'm ready." She said, her voice steady, showing no hesitation."I can handle my magic just fine. I'll be able to handle myself. After all, I'm not alone and never will be. Please, let me take part in this Master Jamie. Let me pay back the guild for all it's done for me."

Delsin Jones

"Well, guessin' it's my turn then." Delsin said, a big grin on his face. Giving his guild a wave, he went down to the arena and was the second to arrive after Xyster. He took one look at the Dullahan and let out an impressed whistle as he approached."Well now, wait you an interestin' one. Don't reckin' someone hurtin' your head would stop ya considering it aint attatched to your body. Are you even human?"
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