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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Marlene Evangeline

Marlene sighs after Sasha "corrected" her over what she said about the exceeds.

"I know I know," she answers as she takes another bite of her food, "I didn't mean to put it that way. It's just that the bond can be so great at times that they can almost be inseparable you know?"

Soon after, the names of those competing in the tournament were announced. Marlene already knew she wouldn't be put in, considering she came into the guild just a few days before the GMG. It made her slightly sad that she wouldn't be able to use her magic powers as of now, but none of the less she didn't complain... aloud at least.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

From the first bit of his response she picked up that he'd tried some of these experiments one others. It also implied that they did not go well.Her expression showed a little concern for a moment. Tidius didn't linger on it very long though and pointed out that she was different.

Being offered the lacrama again she stared at it for a few moments. He was right though, Ariel did want to know more about her magic. And while Tidius hasn't quite told her much, he did give her an opportunity to expand the magic she had. Ultimately it may lead to something much more informative. Like how she is now. She never knew her physical body could change with the magic. "I am interested. But I also would like to help you if I can."

Finally she took the Light lacrama and like expected it was absorbed. For a while she didn't seem to react and actually looked a tad disappointed. After several minutes though the Earth, Water, Wind, and Light magic all reacted with the Green magic. However with the restraints still on her the magic had nowhere to go. Groaning slightly more plant life started to sprout from her. Small twigs began to grow from her arms with a few leaves attached on the ends. Her legs and feet began to try and root to the ground. Perhaps Tidius' praise was a little premature because it appeared that the magic was starting to take over.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

[b]master Jamie[/i]

@amaya Tamashii@joshua Tamashii

Jamie looked to Rose and gave her a smile, saying "I understand your concerns, but Amelia is stronger then you think. I think she will do well in this. I could give one of the others this chance, but...I think Amelia could be brilliant in this" he said, looking over as Amelia came over and nodding "sometimes those we least suspect can be the stronger of us all"

Jamie stepped to Amelia, and smiled "I trust you'll do us proud. Come, we should tell Games Master Sheldon about this change" she said, starting down to the arena, approaching the games master. Jamie told him what was happening and why Amelia was taking the place of Sasha, and the games master seemed satisfied with that.


When Jamie returned to the stands, after giving Amelia a hug, and noticed that someone was watching the guild, and seemed extremely nervous. Jamie approached them, and gave a kind smile "hello. I'm master Jamie, are you interested in my guild?" she asked


Gabriel was taken aback by the girl who lay her head on his chest, by its ribbons. Gabriel knew Xyster, at least as a part of the guild, by hadn't had much to do with her yet. And now suddenly she was just there. He didn't know what to do. Hold the head? That seemed rude. The normally easy going boy now just seemed confused. Xyster was babbling away happily, apparently not concerned with his behavior. She lead them to the arena, where she seemed to find it frustrating that she was participating in the maze event.

Then she seemed to accept it, and seemed ready to begin. "just find people you can scare then, and work through the obstacles. You'll be great!" Gabriel said, with a smile.


Tidius watched with curiosity, but noticed that the magic did seem to be taken over. Would it be a permanent change? Not wishing to risk the chance, Tidus pressed a few things about, taking out an empty Lacrima, which was infused to suck magic out of a person, he hastily trust it towards Ariel, hoping that it would stop the magic flow, but grabbed a fire lacrima was wel, just in case-hopefully jet worked like he thought it would but he wasn't too sure.


Sasha was relieved that things seemed to be alright, and she settled back to watch the games, she was sitting beside Lazarous, and shifted to speak with Marlene "when did you join the guild?" she asked curiously, figuring she might as well try and learn something's about their potential team mate.

games master sheldon

Those participating, once they were gathered would find that they were suddenly transported into Crocus, away from each other and a timer would show they had one hour. "your obstacles include, but are not limited to, boulders, buildings, constructs, animals and of course each other. Begin!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


"Didn't I mention that already?" Marlene asked with an eyebrow up, "Or no I think that was exclusively at Lazarus. Like I said, I've been in this guild for only a week now. I'm pretty new here, let alone attending my first GMG as a mage."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The twigs rapidly grew into branches which spread out around the room. The infused magic seemed reluctant to be drawn out into the lacrama. More flowers bloomed on the branches before a dozen withered and dropped their petals. In their place small pods began to grow, eventually forming into soft round fruit. They were somewhat translucent and almost looked like lacrama, with each having a different magic swirling inside them. Ariel couldn't expend the magic, but the Green's response was to move it somewhere else. In this case the fruit.

The process must have taken most of the magic she had been accumulating though because the leaves began to yellow and the branches started to dry up. Ariel opened her eyes for a moment and glanced at the plant growth. This magic may not be one she uses often. Seemed there were particular magics that even she couldn't entirely handle. At least not with it boosted so much and so little experience. "I'm okay. I'm okay." She felt drained and didn't notice the different colored fruit until now. "What are those?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 5 mos ago


He shook his head at Marlene. "This is all of our first grand magic games." He sighed. "You'd have to be pretty damn old to have seen the last one." He chuckled. "That's why it's so important for us to give everything... We are the first wizard to compete in this competition for years... and we'll damn well show the world the beauty of magic." He bushed slightly. Magic was a beautiful thing. Just as life was. Somewhere along the line he'd forgotten that. But not today. If he had to fight today, he would win no matter what.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

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Amelia Averyonna

Amelia was happy to hear Jamie was going to let her compete and followed her Master down into the arena. The butterflies in her stomach grew as they got closer to it and she held her locket for comfort. She was prepared to do this but that didn't make her any less nervous about it. She stayed silent as Jamie explained things to the games master. She was surprised when Jamie gave her a hug before he left, something which bolstered Amelia's confidence.

When she was teleported out of the arena and into town, she took a moment to gather her surroundings before walking down the street. She knew that rushing ahead was going to be stupid. She remembered the event from yesterday, the maze with the obstacles that showed everyone their worst fears. You never knew when one would show up and if you were too far in when it finally sprubg, you might be in trouble. So she was content to take her time and enjoy the scenery without anyone around her.

Delsin Jones

Delsin took to the teleportation with calm. He strolled through the streets, a goofy grin on his face and his hands in his pockets. He whistled as he walked, seemingly caring very little, if at all, about the game he was in. However, he was more alert then he looked and was well aware of his surroundings and ready to react to any attack or obstacle.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Tidius watched the transformation, unable to do anything now. The lacrima seemed useless, so all Tidius could do was watch as his hope seemed to fade away right in front of his eyes. Then it seemed to slow, and Tidius let out a slow breath, relieved. He studied the fruits curiously, as Ariel asked. "They look like Lacrima" He said, fascinated, and approached one, studying it closer, gently touching it.


Sasha listened to the conversation, watching Lacrima screens, and seeing Amelia somewhere in Crocus. She hoped Amelia would do well, and that she wouldn't be hurt. Sasha didn't know if she could stand knowing it was her fault if she did get hurt.

"The last games was roughly 100 years ago, 793 I think. With Magic being mistrusted the way it was, and guilds only just starting to come back the last 15 or so years, the games haven't been held. This is a big event. it signifies the...trust of magic once again" She said

Games Master Sheldon
@burthstone@joshua tamashii@burthstone@zarkun@soren@lugubrious

The timer began to count down, signalling the start of the event, and the ground began to shake as if something heavy was being moved, and the cry of animals could be heard. The roar of the lion. The snarl of a jungle cat, the screech of a monkey, and more.

Each made their way to a contestant
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Eve - Dragon Fang Hotel

Just as Eve finished her tracing within the air, the girl was suddenly startled by a loud noise which came from nowhere. She turned her head over to the direction of the noise quickly to find the source, and she breathed a sigh of relief to see who had made the laugh. It was Nero of all people who had came just at such a convenient timing, but as she tried to control her beating heart as he talked, her eyes shifted over towards Time Lord. The two didn't really like each other, she knew that, and the only thing keeping the two from attacking each other was herself. She really needed to find some type of way for the two to like each other or at least tolerate each other when Eve was not around.

As Eve finally managed to control the beating of her heart, Nero seemingly pushed Time Lord away with her gaze now on Nero. As he reuglarly started to speak in his well crafted sentences, Eve smiled at the sound of his plans. It was true that she no longer wished to watch the Grand Magic Games for it was on the of the reasons she felt very crummy yesterday and breakfast sounded pretty good too. As she opened her mouth to respond, forgetting once again that she couldn't speak, Time Lord did something to Nero.

The Necromancer had never really seen much of Time Lord's magic at work, but it seemed that he finally decided to show one of his tricks on Nero. He seemed frozen in place in the bubble? Trapped within another time zone? She had no idea, but it couldn't be anything too bad, right? She knew that Time Lord wouldn't do anything drastic to him, but friends were still something hard to come by even with her new attitude adjustment, and she didn't really like to see one of her friends in any kind of danger. She was about to touch the bubble before Time Lord gained her attention as he pulled some strange lacrima out to give to her. It was a rose, dying and living in a constant loop. Eve was pretty sure it meant something metaphorical, but she didn't really know what it meant, however, she knew if this was somehow conntected to his life, it must be something pretty nice to give to someone.

So, as the the spell wore off on Nero and Time Lord giving his last words on the situation at hand, Eve smiled at the two. The two may not like each other very much, but it seemed like it was her job to get the two to accept each other. It would be a challenge, but something that would make Eve feel quite happy if this was somehow achived. So it was like the saying went, Rome wasn't built in a day... Wait, when did she hear that again? Whatever, she nodded to Nero's idea to get some food and gestured the Genie to lead the way.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Marlene Evangeline

Marlene listened to both statements of Lazarus and Sasha as they told about the GMG. And its true... around 100 years ago was the last recorded GMGs before the dark times of magic. And this was indeed a big event, which unfortunately she will not attend this year. She sighs as she sips some water.

"That's true..." she answers to both, "But you guys will be attending the games though. Due to my recent entry, I guess I'm not able to join this year. But that's ok, like I said, I wish Phoenix Wing all the good luck."

Marlene then looks at Sasha and smiles hopefully. She had full confidence that the guild will indeed win the GMG.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Serma "Luna" Cathris --- Crocus City
Luna was a little jolted as she was teleported out of the Arena and into the city. She panicked a little at first, but made herself calm down and looked around. The robed girl saw nothing she could recognize around her, and like the rest of her guild, she didn't know the city at all. Thinking, she decided she should pick a place to try to go, somewhere towards the center of the city... The castle! She was sure getting there would be a good idea. She walked along the street she was on, and spotted one of its spires through an alleyway just as the noise rang to indicate the game had started.

Luna started down the alleyway, taking another deep breath. Anything went from this point onward, and she knew that she should be able to handle it. However, about halfway down the alley, she stopped. There was laughing, terrifying, unnatural, laughing. After a moment both sides of the alley were closed off by a large pack of mangy Hyenas, all of them growling as their laughter stopped. They looked cute, save for that they clearly were very hungry, and Luna was food. The Girl, panicking slightly, looked around for an easy way through. She assumed that destroying buildings was off-limits, so that wasn't a way out. Both entrances to the alley were closed off by the hyenas as well, and there was no way to go up. She would have to go through them.

Luna used the first spell that came to mind, "Solar Flare!" holding her hand out as if she was saying 'stop' towards the group in front of her, a pulse of extreme heat and light launched from the magic circle in front of her hand. The leaders of the group on that side were singed badly, and some of their fur caught on fire. They whimpered away, whining loudly, but the rest of the pack was still about to launch into an attack. Forcing herself to remain calm, Luna cast another spell. "Ecliptic Glare!" A magic circle appeared beneath her feet, before the entire alley would go dark. She would then follow it up by firing several more Solar Flares to clear out the Hyenas in front of her before running out of the alleyway and into a full-sized street.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Xyster – Frenzy Plant Stands

[@All Competitors]

When confronted by Delsin, Xyster was surprised and delighted to find another person who spoke in the same manner as her friend and teammate Owen. She laughed, tossing her head up and down in her hand like a soccer ball. ”Haha, nope! Not even close! I'm a Dullahan. We're like ghouls, but waaaay rarer, and we for contracts with spirits of death to use Reaper magic! Hah hah...I have no soul. Is having a soul nice? Tell me!”

Any further conversation with the southerner was, however, abruptly interrupted by sudden, forced teleportation into the city. The unexpected shift caused Xyster to momentarily lose track of her head, and it bounced to the ground and started to roll. ”Ah, fu...uh, I mean, fiddlesticks.” She chased after it, ignoring everything else, including the beginning and subsequent mounting of sudden footfalls.

Her head came to a stop in a massive shadow. Laughing, the Dullahan scooped it up. ”You're not going anywhere else today, me. You're coming with me.” Without very much ceremony, or regard for anyone possibly watching her, she popped her head onto her neck-hole and gave her jaw a push. Her head began to spin, tightening as if screwed on by a drill, and after a moment she grabbed it to stop it moving. ”Ah, perfect. Since this is a maze and all, it's smart not to try and juggle my head all the time.” She smiled jaggedly upward at the gargantuan creature in whose shadow she obliviously stood. ”Don't you think?”

The next instant, she leaped backward to avoid the monster's crushing jaws. Seeing the nearly-fatal attack filled Xyster with enough vengeful rage to let her overlook its magnificence. On cue, the harvester appeared on her back, and she gave it a flourish, creating a black aura that emanated from her. Good. One hit of armor. Moving out of the way of the Majungasaurus's next brutal attack just in time, she considered her game plan. Abusing her powers' prerequisites seemed like a good idea. Overuse of her most powerful abilities would, certainly, cause long-term ramifications, but what the hell? The Grand Magic Games was probably the most significant event of Xyster's unnatural life; so what if trying hard knocked years off her life? If it put her down in the history books and made her friends proud, so be it.

She cackled and stood still as the monster lunged for her and successfully bit down on her with teeth like bananas and enough force to crumple a car. It raised its head into the air and shook it from side to side, attempting to dislodge whatever life remained in its prey before chowing down. Instead, it got from her a most disagreeable taste and texture -a lot more like a recently-rotted skeleton than a tasty slab of meat- and spat her out. Xyster's mangled body crumpled to the ground, limbs in horrifying positions and surrounded in her own fluids.

Her eyes, however, remained open, and she smiled as wide as ever. ”Ha ha!” She giggled into the ground, her voice somewhat muffled. ”Mmph mmm mph mmmpha!” Xyster's body suddenly melted away, layer by layer, and reappeared a few feet away, fully healed. Her eyes were toxic green. She span the harvester over her head, and recited, ”Walk through the valley of the shadow of death” before slamming the weapon into the ground. Instantly, hairline cracks spread from the point of impact and spread across several streets in the span of seconds. From within they glowed a deep turquoise blue, and a misty darkness spread from them to cover the streets in shadow.

In the sudden blanket of night, the Majungasaurus was confused. It couldn't see or smell much of anything, but it could hear. By sacrificing a fair bit of both power and vitality, Xyster had both given herself a great advantage and sabotaged the other competitors, and she was feeling exceptionally proud of herself. ”Time to go to work.”

Nero the Genie – Near Dragon Fang

What just happened? Was that magic? From Nero's point of view, everything had been one way one moment, and then another way the next moment. Either he'd spaced out on a mythical and most likely remarkable scale, or the Time Lord had done something to him. It didn't take a genius to suppose that the strange man had frozen him in time, either literally -in the same manner he'd frozen Ginger- or metaphorically, via actual Chronos Magic. Neither possibility inspired Nero with anything but a greater distaste for the man. And was that a self-cycling rose that Eve now held? Novelties like those didn't come from your everyday corner thrift store.

The realization was clear: the deplorable Time Lord had resorted to using magic to sabotage his opponent for Eve's attention. That at least sparked some happiness for the Genie: it meant he'd outclassed the Time Lord in more normal departments enough for the man to do something paramount to cheating. Well, if this guy wants to strike low blows with magic, I have him beat there. My sabotage is the best there is. I could snap a finger and leave this guy a hairy, loose-boweled seven-year-old made of cardboard. Hm...too easy. Might as well give the guy a chance. Nero smiled warmly to see that Eve had decided to accompany him for breakfast. If he could prove himself the better man by not resorting to magic, he would certainly attempt to do so. ”Stupendous!” he declared, reaching out a hand with which to lead Eve along. ”I know just the place! Well...don't get your hopes up too high, it's basically an omelet house I saw on the way here, but who can say no to eggs with onions and sausage and cheese in 'em? Not this guy! In fact, I'd say it sounds pretty...wait for it...egg-cellent! Nya ha ha!” Nero chuckled, and led the way. Man, was he excited that he was spending quality time with Eve! It was such a new sensation to see her actually able to take part in the happiness she strove to bring others. With a feeling like that, his ever-present grin had become a genuine one.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Even though it appeared to be a lacrama, it had a thin skin and soft texture like a plum. It didn't stay attached to the dying tree though and dropped to the floor with a light thump. Beyond that though it seemed to be no worse for ware. Each had a different color, likely representing the different magics she's had. The others started to fall as well and rolled around on the ground. "Be careful with those." Her brief excitement was stunted by her lack of energy. After a moment Ariel recovered her faculties and held a hand out. "L-let me see one please."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Tidius gently picked up the 'fruit', studying it curiouly. It seemed soft, and yet undamaged from the fall. They seemed to have the colours of magic. Tidius looked over when Ariel told him to be careful, holding the one he had picked up when she asked to see one. Tidiu didn't seem to wish to do so, but then he went over, and handed her the one he had picked up.


"You shouldn't be diappointed. There's several people in the guild who have been apart of it for a while who aren't participating. There's only five members from each guild" She said, trying to cheer Marlene up as she seemed a little down about not being in the games. "The guild will do well. We already are, but anything could happen I suppose" She said thoughtfully.

Time Lord
@lugubrious@invisible man

Time Lord didn't give Nero a chance to move passed him, stopping the Genie with a ahnd on his shoulder. "We can't go out for an hour, we'll have to eat here in the hotel. The games are using the city itself, and it wouldn't be safe to go outside for the duration of the event. Games Offical's were clearing the streets when I came up." Time Lord said, keeping his tone neutral. He could understand why Eve seemed to like Nero, but for now, Time Lord wasn't going to harm Nero. A little time out wasn't harm. it just gave Time Lord relief. And prevented him from doing something more disastrous.

"This Hotel has a good cook, and I'm sure they know how to make omelets" He continued, and waited for an argument or a disagreement from the genie. or some smart ass comment disguised as something else.

Announcer Jessie

"AND the first event begins! Iron Enigma's member has already began, as has Frenzy Plant, both facing monsters of some sort! They are really showing off their powers and earning points, with Iron Enigma in the lead! How amazing is that? Frenzy plant has a cloe econd, and the other guilds are....well, it appears they haven't started yet." Jessie laughed
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Conmhara
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Conmhara The Bubble Magician

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Zami - The Bubble Magician
With Master Jamie

Zami's nervousness was briefly subsiding while he panned around looking for Isla but it would come back whenever he looked back towards the guild. To try keep his nervousness in check he kept switching between looking around and looking at the guild. It would seem that while he looked around once more he failed to notice that Master Jamie had approached him and greeted him with a friendly smile. The smile put him at ease and then Jamie asked him about his interest in the guild. Zami took a moment to process how easy this made things before nodding and returning a smile. He then presented Jamie with with his letter. The letter was a full page in size with half a dozen paragraphs explaining his situation, interest in the guild and his abilities. As he watched the master read his letter Zami realised something that perplexed him greatly. "What the hell is this person? I can't tell what gender the master is! Now he/she is gonna think I'm stupid and may get offended and then I can't join the guild and I'll have to try one of the other guilds OH GOD HELP ME!". This left Zami with a silly expression on his face that he wasn't aware he was pulling. When he snapped out of his stupor he reached into his bag for his light pen so he could respond to any questions Jamie may have after reading his thorough letter.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

She takes the fruit rather slowly, hinting at just how much magic that took out of her. This one was a bright yellow and had what looked like little bolts of lightning jumping around inside. She first turned it over curiously, trying to understand what it was she'd unwittingly created. Clearly it was housing Lightning magic but there was no way to tell how this was different from any other lacrama. She didn't seem to be instantly absorbing the magic though.

Bringing it her lips Ariel took a bite out of the fruit and felt some of the magic return. It had a odd sweet yet tangy flavor. It made her a wonder if the others had a different taste. But this one would do for now. Rather hungry for both food and magic she ate the rest of it rather quickly. After a few seconds Ariel switched into her Lighning magic and stretched a little. A smile flashed onto her face and seemed in a much better mood. "Ah, much better. That was pretty cool though. I had no idea I could do that."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

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Amelia Averyonna

Amelia didn't make it far down the street once the animal noises started before he came across some of the animals. A pack of female lions, three in total. She frowned as the creatures turned towards her. She knew that lions where fierce creatures but beyond that, she knew nothing. However, she also knew animals hated the dead and could sense them for what they were. Still, she didn't see how either of those facts would help her. She didn't get to think much further before the animals began moving closer. Sighing, two magic circles appeared in front of her, from which two of her spirits rose.

From the circle from came a cowboy armed with a rifle and two pistols.
"Houston." She said to the spirit

"Ma'am." The cowboy replied with a tip of his hat. He didn't waste any time. Raising his rifle, he pulled the trigger, taking down one of the lions with a bullet to the head. The other two let out roars before charging the spirit. Dropping his rifle, Houston drew his pistols and quickly downed the second lion before the other got to him and pounced. The cowboy managed to raise his arm in time to stop it's teeth from sinking into his throat, buying him enough time to shot the animal in the stomach, pushing it off, he quickly put the poor creature down before turning to Amelia.

"Will you be okay?" She asked, looking at his bleeding arm

"I've suffered worse, you know that. I'm good enough to keep going, if you wish." Houston said.

"No, go back. I'll call again if I need to." Amelia said. The spirit just nodded before sinking into another magic circle, his rifle vanishing with him. Sighing, Amelia set off again, wondering what could be next.

Delsin Jones

Delsin's approach to the animals was to simply avoid them. He quickly got to the roofs of the buildings surrounding him, keeping him out of reach of most of the animals. He was also able to keep an eye out for is competitors from a height advantage. Running and jumping from rooftop to rooftop, he came across a pack of gorillas on one, though he quickly dispatched of them with a bullet that released knock-out gas on contact with a solid surface. Once they were out of the way he continued on, wondering what else would be thrown at them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Ammy Silver|Streets of Crocus

Ammy had taken the field with the rest of their competitors for today, her dual scythes hanging from her waist as she walked. A maze with the only point being to overcome any obstacles thrown at you was a simple enough game, one that she could do well in a number of different ways. She stood silently. observing her opponents as they talked among themselves and deflected any attempts to socialize with her by drawing a scythe and absentmindedly spinning it around in her hand. This was more than enough to discourage the two who approached her, and she was ready when they were teleported out of the stadium into the city. Her demeanor changed slightly as she walked, drawing her other scythe and spinning it in the opposite direction of the one she'd had in her hand when they teleported. She then started singing a song to herself

"Ring around the rosy
A pocketful of posies
"Ashes, Ashes"
We all fall down."

As the song finished, a nursery rhyme to those who had bothered to pay attention to her over the flamboyance of the other mages, her scythe blades gained a purple glow and she smiled to herself. "Reaping Wind." The two blades continued spinning, but a pair of purples cyclones shot out of both and shot forward, slamming into a large bear and putting it against the wall. It was clear it was still alive by it's growls of anger, but every time it tried to get up, it's legs wouldn't cooperate. She kept walking, right past the bear, even as the announcer said none of the other guilds had started yet. Well, if they had favorites, let them watch them. Dragon Fang would be the guild to come on top.

As she walked, dispatching a group of wolves in similar fashion before the encroaching darkness settled in. Her smile never wavered though as she kept walking in the direction she'd determined for herself. "Eyes of the Reaper." Her eyes glowed purple and she watched the confused animals wander around, their essence revealed in the darkness thanks to her spell. Under normal circumstances, she'd hunt down the source of this spell of darkness and defeat them, but in this case, she could use it to her advantage. And she continued on her way, humming Ring around the rosy to herself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Serma "Luna" Cathris -- Streets of Crocus
Once Luna had made sure all of the Hyenas were now coming from one direction, she made sure that they weren't going to bother her anymore. She hated hurting animals like this, but she was sure that these weren't real animals. Just magical constructs meant to test them. Taking a breath, Luna made sure her hood was still on correctly as she continued down another alley and towards the Castle. She estimated it'd be at least a twenty minute walk to get there, but she figured the game would last at least half an hour, but probably closer to a full hour, or even two. Long enough for there to be clear winners, if anything.

Luna was surprised at how pretty the city looked when no one was around. But it also looked foreboding all the same. Danger lurking around every corner as well as other contestants that wouldn't hesitate to beat the snot out of each other. She made a note to herself to avoid other contestants if at all possible. They were a drain on her magic energy, and would make this entire challenge all the more difficult. She bit her lip, and looked up at the castle again. She could see it clearer from here, it was a lot closer than she had first estimated. But then again, she didn't have crowds to compete with like she did every other day she's been here.

Her next challenge came in the form of some sort of magical construct. It was made with a set of plate-mail armor that was colored such a deep purple it was almost black. On it's back was a long cape that would've looked kingly if it wasn't in tattered ruins. The helmet was spiked, but was dented and scratched terribly, and there was nothing visible under it. Held resting on it's shoulder was a massive sword that looked like it could cleave through a solid rock or a person without much trouble. However, it seemed stationary, standing in the middle of the road as Luna approached it carefully.

She thought about going down an alley and avoiding it, but that would mean backtracking a fair distance, as the stretch of road she was on didn't have very many alleys, so she decided to approach it head on, and fight it. "Blade of Sol." The girl held her hand up, and a long sword made of fire a light formed in it. She held it in a way where the tip was almost touching the ground as she approached the construct of Armor and Magic, but she wasn't prepared for its sudden attack.

When Luna was about fifteen meters away from the armor, it suddenly launched into motion. With speed unbecoming of something its size, it dashed forward and sliced at Luna with its massive two-handed weapon. The young girl barely managed to jump far enough back that the attack missed her, and she brought up her sword to stop an overhead swing downwards at her. Her opponents blade would slide down her sword and off to her left due to the angle she was holding her sword of fire, and she took the moment she had to attempt to stab the blade through the haunted armor. While the attack succeeded in piercing the plate mail, the foe was not vanquished, and she leaped away as it made another slash for her. It attacked with such speed and ferocity, if she didn't know it was a magical being, she would think her attacker a berzerker. It moved and sliced without seeming to care about protecting itself, though it's offense was deadly enough that one wouldn't dare to move in to attack.

Skirting around it, Luna looked for an opening. It continued to do fast, mobile strikes at her that would cleave her in two if one landed, but the girl managed to dodge or deflect her opponents attacks well enough to not be killed. Every single strike she managed to get in back left gashes in the ghost-warrior's armor, but that didn't seem to do any real harm to it. Fighting this was wearing her out quickly, and that wasn't good. If she met more of these later, she wouldn't be able to fight them if this one exhausted her too much. She jumped backwards after the armor did a heavy downward strike that she had learned left it open for a moment, and held her hand out. "Beam!" A white magic circle would appear in front of her hand, and a beam of sunlight would focus through it, quickly melting a hole through the armor. She then used it to cut her opponent in two diagonally, causing it to finally stop attacking, and dispel into magic dust. Taking a deep breath, Luna dispelled her sword and returned to her trek to the Castle, hoping that wasn't an enemy she'd be fighting again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

master Jamie

Jamie read the letter with interest, reading it quickly, she looked back to Zami, and smiled. "well, Zami it's a pleasure to meet you." he said, chuckling at Zami's expression, seeing the boy staring at him. "I'm a shape shifter. I can change my looks with ease. If it makes it easier for you, you can just refer to me with the gender I'm currently wearing at the time. Most of the guild just chops and changes between male and female terms. I have my reasons for why I keep my gender hidden." Jamie explained, "the only thing I really need to know now is where you wish your guild mark, and what colour. Then I'll hand you off to Penny, she's currently my only S class Mage around. She does have a bit of a temper but as long as you don't tick her off, she is very patient. I have a few things I need to check, or is welcome you more warmly to the guild then simply passing you off for someone else to do that, I am sorry"

From a pocket, Jamie took out a guild marker and waited for Zami to give her any indication of where he wanted it.


Tidius watched Ariel with the fruit, a slight hungered expression on his face as he watched her eat the fruit, the magic taking her over again. Tidius looked to the other fruits, picking up another one be studied it with a curious expression, almost...lustful.

"we often do not know what we are capable off until we try" he said musingly

Without waiting for anything else from Ariel, he began collecting the fruits up, studying each one, he let nothing show what he was truly thinking
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