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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Conmhara
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Conmhara The Bubble Magician

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Zami - The Bubble Magician
With Master Jamie

Happy to see how friendly the master was, Zami gave a big smirk. "Are these guys really that accepting of new members? I have good feeling about this guild". He had to put some thought into his answers about his preference for his guild mark. He debated with himself whether or not to get it in grey or orange but then decided a teal-blue colour would better represent his magic since that's typically what his magic circles look like. As to where, he knew very much what he wanted.

With a proud smirk showing his conviction, he wrote onto his left forearm with the light pen. Then Zami raised his right fist in front of him, pulled down the sleeve and pointed to his right forearm before revealing his left which now said "TEAL-BLUE" in light pen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Still stuck, Ariel watched as Tidius gathered up the other fruit. She couldn't quite tell what he was planning to do with them. However given that she juat ate one and it restored some of her magic she suspected he may try and eat one. As far as Ariel knew it would work though. The only trouble was that some of the magics were more destructive than others. "Whoa whoa, hold on a second. If you're planning to eat one of those at least let me identify them first. I'd rather not die in here because you set the place on fire."

Having said that piece it occurred to her that magic was being use again nearby. It must be daylight. And whatever event of the Magic Games was going. In all the chaos she was going through it only now dawned on her why Tidius would bring her here of all place. It was the completely opposite reason she wanted to avoid the games. Although now she actually wondered if it was really such a bad idea. Sure she felt sick most of the time but it meant exposure to a lot more magic. Which could be helpful in the long run. But if the Green magic was any indication there was more to gaining magic than just being able to use it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Marlene Evangeline

Marlene smiles in confidence as she looks at Sasha, "I'm sure you guys will win. I can feel it in you all."

She then gets up as she finishes her meal.

"And even if you guys don't win," she continues, "I'm sure there's going to be a next time."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 31 min ago

Trinity Stratos

What... where? Hetero-chromatic eyes fluttered open to meet the room before her. It was a bedroom? Not hers, or... the hotel. That's right, she was in Crocus. Or she should be, but that was yet to be seen. She pushed herself into a sitting position on the bed she'd been deposited onto, looking around before rising to her feet. She should figure out where she was so she could get to the games. Before she crossed the room to the window, she stopped and gazed at her hand absently. Something was wrong. She gasped as she realized. Her bow and quiver! She dropped her bow in the alley when Ryan attacked her. Did he take her quiver? Well, it wasn't like the young mage needed them anymore, anyway. She should still find them, though.

Trinity moved to the window, peeking out. She saw a cliff side. Not incredibly helpful, but was she close? Thinking about it... She must be on their airship! Which would mean she should go while they were still on the ground.

The young lady raised her hands in front of her. "Energy Make." An orb of golden light forms between her hands, but it popped almost immediately, giving Trinity a backlash. The minstrel shook out her hands, and she was rubbing her wrists when she noticed the small bracelet adorning her right hand. It was a solid circle, and snug. It couldn't be removed without cutting it off, or a key of some sort. The door and window were both locked, and she wouldn't be able to unlock them from the inside.

She'd have to try and prepare to escape, when an opportunity presents itself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 5 mos ago


He huffed. "Hey master... isn't Ammy taking this a little too casually?" He questioned before yelling out. "COME ON AMMY GET MOVING AND WIN THIS THING!" He sat back down, straightening out his clothes, returning to a calm state.


He smiled a little. "It is human nature to compete with each other." He sighed. "At one stage I didn't think anything like that mattered. I'd like to think I would do something for honour, or heaven." He grinned cheekily. "But now I'm here I want to win it." he chuckled. He watched the young girl which had taken Sasha's place in the event. "There's no need to be concerned. She's got plenty of help in there thanks to her magic. She's much stronger than when we traveled to Edolas." He folded his arms and nodded.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Tidius shot Ariel a glance "I'd rather not kill myself. I wasn't going to eat any of them, not without proper testing. I might be crazy, but I'm not destructive. And I'd rather not step on any of this" He collected up the last few, giving a sigh. The problem with these fruits was that Tidius suspected they would have a limited effect if he did ingest any of them. And the Master wouldn't let him keep a Phoenix Wing Wizard forever. Not that he knew about Tidius kidnapping Ariel.

It was merely a stop gap to an answer, he suspected. He could learn something, he had no doubt. But would it be worth it? He didn't know. Putting the fruits down, he pondered it all.

"How long does the magic usually last, when you absorb it?"

Master Jamie

Jamie smiled, watching Zami, and then nodded to show he understood, using the guild marker to place Zami's guild Mark on his forearm, And then stepped back, saying, "A little hint with those Pens, Zami. You can write with them in the air. In my homeland, there was a curious language could sign language. I never did get a chance to learn it. Anyway, I'll take you to Penny. Welcome to Phoenix Wing!" Jamie looked through the crowd for Penny, seeing her nearby and watching the Lacrima screens.

Rather then walk through the crowd, Jamie called to Penny and waited for her to come over.

"This is Zami, Penny. I need you to make sure he's alright, while I deal with some of the other issues we are having. He uses a light pen to communicate, so be patient" Jamie was shamelessly using her S class mages more. Let them see the power Phoenix Wing had, and that messing with them would be disastrous for them. Jamie suspected that soon he'd have to work out another S class mage.


Penny approached Master jamie and the boy beside him when she called her over, wondering what possible task the Master could want of her, unless it was to send her out to look for anywhere that their missing members could be. But no, it was to babysit a new member. Who couldn't talk it seemed. Penny didn't let her disappointment show, instead, she gave the new member a smile, Zami, Jamie said he was called.

"hi. Normally, this would be the time where we show you around the guild, but that clearly isn't going to happen so that will have to wait for later. But I guess I can say that if you need a room,t he guild has some, and they take a percentage of your job earnings each month as rent. I think it's something like 15 percent." She explained, "right now, there isn't really much to do, but do you have any questions?"


Sasha nodded at Marlene, but gave a sigh at Lazarus's words. She knew that he was just trying to make her feel better, but..."What if she gets hurt? Then it will be my fault. I should have just done this. Jarvis will kill me if something happens to her," She said with a grimace. She knew that Amelia would be safe enough, but she couldn't help but worry. She also knew that if she had participated in the event, she would have lost it. Beyond her generally aches and pains, it seemed to be taking a long time for her magic to return. Maybe it was the presence of so many other mages, but Sasha wasn't too sure.

She tried to remember the last time she had completely exhausted herself, but even int he S class exams she hadn't. She gave a frown, as a memory, long forgotten, a few years before she came to the guild, surfaced. She must have been ten.

"Are you sure you know what you are doing?" the voice echoed through her mind, child like, and she recognised it as her own. Her eyes were closed...or was there a blind fold on them? In the memory, Sasha couldn't tell. "Of course I do, Sasha-Chan." The voice was even younger then her own, and almost familiar. "Sensei taught me well"

"Why...why are we doing this though?" She sounded scared, and Sasha couldn't remember what it was they were doing. Who was that little boy? Why did his voice sound familiar? What Master? The only master she had had before Phoenix Wing was the one who had taught her ice make. "Because, more power might be needed one day" The familiar child voice said, sounding oddly adult, for a kid she suspected was younger then her. "but...you're powerful, Otouto" Little brother? the only younger brother Sasha had had died with their parents. Ben hadn't survived. Was this just an honorary title?

"Only in time, Sasha-Chan. Time is my power. I can't do things like you, not really. When the dragons come, all I'll be able to do is give us time. You have to do this, Neechan. Second Origin could mean the difference for everything"

the Memory faded away, leaving Sasha frowning.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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Jack Goran|Dragon Fang seating

Jack chuckled as Shujin yelled for Ammy to pick it up. "Shujin, she's already caught up to the leaders and is close to taking the lead. Her magic allows her to move quickly or at her own pace. She'll be fine." He smiled to himself. She was also much stronger than almost everyone in the guild knew, Jake and himself the only exceptions.

Ammy Silver|Streets of Crocus

Ammy spun away from the armored construct, putting her twin scythes together and slices through the shaft of the the construct's ax, making it useless. "Time for you to meet your maker." Spinning the scythe in the palm of her right hand a moment, she catches it with both hands and leaps up towards it's chest. "Form of the Reaper!" Her body was enveloped in purple magic energy, blinding the onlookers for a moment before it cleared. She was wreathed in a robe made from the energy with skeletal bat wings coming from her back and she seemed larger.

Her scythe swung downwards and sliced clean through the armored construct, reducing it to several pieces of metal. Returning to normal, she resumed her walk through the streets, looking for more opponents or other competitors from the other teams to go toe to toe with.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by soren
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Member Seen 8 mos ago


Soren and his team made it to the arena just in time for the announcement of the people participating. They were almost late and had issues getting to the places because Merlina wouldn't wake up for anything. Finally Soren put her in a sphere with everyone one and warped to the arena. Hearing her name called by the Games Master she popped up somehow full dressed in normal clothes. Soren had a confused look on his face and was ready to smack his forehead until it was announced that the game was a maze. Merlina had this in the bag no matter the obstical or monster. Unless the walls of the maze ascended to the clouds in which case she might get a little lost. Merlina smiled and got into place. Finally it was announced for them all to start but Merlina just stood there... She did nothing but look about the stadium.


Merlina was standing at the starting line and was looking around to see if she could find Jacob she didn't see him and just gave up as she looked at her starting point. Suddenly she heard sounds of battle and laughed. She was going to enjoy this. She activated he Phoenix Flight spell and took off into the maze leaving a trail of fire hanging in the air. Once in the maze she just got progressively lost. The town no longer looked as it did so she curled up into a ball sat there and rocked back and forth.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Conmhara
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Conmhara The Bubble Magician

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Zami - The Bubble Magician
With Jamie & Penny

Zami narrowed his eyes briefly after Jamie told him how to use a light pen as if he didn't know. However he knew no offence was intended so he promptly wrote in front of him "I didn't want to write backwards in mid air between us or turn my back to you to write which would have been rude. Also...", Zami began to make various hand gestures which in sign language meant "I'm very rusty but I know sign language". Afterwards he repeated it with the light pen in quotes.

Jamie beckoned over Penny and introduced her. She seemed friendly. Zami nodded with understanding as she spoke and when she asked if he had questions he thought for a moment then shook his head. If he did have questions, for some reason he couldn't think of them at the moment. He did feel he should give her the customary "It's nice to meet ya!" in light pen. Then he finished with "I look forward to supporting the guild as best I can."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Collab between Myself and Burthstone

Luna stopped in the middle of a small intersection of alleys, and looked up at the now-overhead sun. Her solar magic would be at its strongest right now, she noted to herself, so she should save the stored lunar power until it was absolutely necessary. Taking a breath, she continued on. She was starting to be able to see the wall around the grand castle, maybe it was in bounds after all, and it had just been closed off so that they could prepare in advance. If that was the case, what terrible beasts lurked in there, waiting for the first unfortunate contestant to head into the castle.

As she took another corner, she found herself on the main street that lead directly to the castle. That didn't seem quite right, but maybe there were pockets in the maze where people didn't want things happening in front of their house. Or maybe they wanted people to head to the castle. Regardless, she was on her way to the gate, and there didn't seem to be any obstacle to stop her from entering like she had anticipated. In fact, she made it to the gate, opened it, and went into the courtyard without any resistance at all. It put her on edge. In her head she had imagined at least two gigantic stone guardians on one side of the door. But as it was, the courtyard was almost eerily quiet, and the young sorceress steeled herself for something, anything, jumping out at her at any time as she began wandering towards the entrance of the Castle.

Amelia wondered through the streets at random. She seemed to be getting lucky, since she wasn't coming across anymore wild animals that had been released into the streets. She took her time, enjoying the sights and keeping an eye and ear out for her competitors. From the sound of the announcements before they had started, it seemed like they could take each other out if their paths crossed. She lacked confidence in her ability to take on another mage, but if it came down to that, she had to try.

After a few minutes of wondering, she found herself in front of the castle. Looking up at the impressive building, she took a few seconds to admire it before noticing one of her competitors was already there. Amelia was going to leave until she noticed the guild mark on her opponents neck. Iron Enigma. The guild that took Trinity and Mithera. Realizing she might be able to get answers, she walked into the courtyard, preparing for the possible fight.

Luna went over to one of the trees in the courtyard, about halfway to the doors to the castle, and she gently pulled a branch down to look at the leaves. She smiled as she remembered that one of their previous hideouts had a forest of trees like this growing near it. She and Melina would play hide and seek in there all the time with a couple of the other kids in Iron Enigma. Luna had been the oldest of them, besides Melina of course, and she wondered what they were up to right now. Probably being a nuisance for the guild members taking care of them, but maybe they were watching Luna.

After a moment, Luna heard footsteps and she immediately glanced over to see a girl that looked younger than herself. Was she another trick or magical construct here to attack her? No, Luna remembered seeing this girl with Phoenix Wing the other day, she must've been taking the place of one of the people that were supposed to be a contestant for Phoenix Wing. The white-robed girl quickly pulled her hood on, and muttered a spell before her face was hidden in shadow again. Not speaking a word, Luna waited to see whether this girl meant to fight, or would do something else.

"You're a member of Iron Enigma right?" Amelia asked, trying to hide any nervousness in her voice. The woman in front of her wasn't very tall, and she seemed to value hiding her face, as she pulled her hood up and seemed to use a spell to cast a shadow over it. There was no way it was hidden that well by a hood naturally. Taking her mind off that, she focused on her objective."I heard your guild took some of my guild mates. I want to know where they are."

Luna blinked when the girl accused her guild of having kidnapped some of Phoenix Wing's guild members, and she shook her head. However, when Luna spoke, her voice was calm, almost cold. "My guild has done no such thing, and I don't appreciate you accusing us of doing such a thing." She crossed her arms, looking like she had no intention of changing her answer. If Amelia hadn't seen Luna with her hood down, it would be easy to mistake her as another magical being created to fight contestants as she was now.

"Then why was one of your members in their room this morning?" Amelia asked, her eyes narrowing. She knew she had no evidence to back up her claims other then what she had heard but that meant nothing. She needed something obvious, otherwise it could've been a guild like Frenzy Plant, Rider's Blade, or Tough Love. She doubt Dragon Fang had anything to do with it, as they were close to Phoenix Wing and she didn't know enough about the other guilds to think one way or the other about them.

Luna sighed softly, and her slight smirk was hidden under the shadow that covered her face. She had just misinterpreted a situation, and her voice was bordering on relived as she spoke again. "Deyja was there to tell your guild master that it had come to our attention that Trinity had been kidnapped last night by Nightshade Silphum. We're good sports, and we want the games to be as fair as possible, so we thought we'd inform you that it happened and who did it. I figure Deyja probably climbed into her room from outside to avoid whomever was in the main area. He's pretty shy about people." The mage let her arms fall back to her sides, relaxing her posture some, anticipating the Phoenix Wing mage to understand and back down.

"Telling us would be a good way to throw attention off yourselves." Amelia said, trying to think on her feet. She normally hated talking, but she had to keep doing so to try and find something out."It could be that you sent him there to try and throw us off while you keep both of them. I don't know why you would want them, but I know that you're guild isn't my guild's ally. And I will take you out if it means getting my guild mates back."

Luna gave a confused look, and pulled her hood down, figuring that if this turned to violence having it up wouldn't help anyway. "Both? I had only heard of Trinity's kidnapping. Regardless, I'm pretty sure I would've been told if we'd kidnapped any of your members." The Eclipse mage unintentionally clinched her fist, but she made herself relax. This was all just a misunderstanding, right? However, this girl seemed to believe that fighting her would help get whomever the second guild member back. While Luna couldn't deliver on the guild member, she figured she'd be forced to deliver on the fight. Who knew what she would face in the castle, and the girl was between her and the exit.

"How's to say they wouldn't tell you. Maybe you're not trusted enough to be told." Amelia said, though she was frowning at this point. If this woman was telling the truth, then maybe there was nothing to be gained by trying to force it out of her. On the other hand, she had a chance to take out the Iron Enigma mage in the current event and possibly score some big points, thus helping her guild. Not only that, she could prove herself to other members of her guild, like Rose, who doubted her abilities. To her, those possible rewards outweighed the risk of being eliminated from the event herself.

Normally, she would rather avoid a fight, but in this case, she would have to make an exception.
"Either way, I'm not going to just let you leave. We're also obstacles to each other, and I hope you won't hold it against me if I take you out."

Luna shook her head, and moved back into a combat-ready stance. "I'm S-Class, the only things I'm not told about are the Guild Master's own projects." Regardless, this girl seemed like she wanted a fight, and with how she had been accusing her guild, Luna was ready to oblige. She had to keep herself from grinning when Amelia practically declared she was going to fight her. "Well, I guess I have to oblige you if you're looking for a fight. But you're in for a disappointment if you think you can take me down. Blade of Sol!" She held her hand up, and a very bright flaming halberd formed in her hand, and she held it with the shaft against her back, the blade and point behind her and close to the ground. "Your move first." Luna had planned to avoid fights, but her back was against a wall, and this girl had practically insulted her guild. Cathris felt as if she had to show that was not OK.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago


"She isn't one to be careless metal head. There isn't any need for her to rush around hastily like a chicken that lost its head. Everything she does is calculated in a way that she doesn't over exert herself and falter when she has to face a powerful foe. You could learn a couple of things from her instead of rushing in head first." He said partly with jest. If Shujin thought things through instead of acting so hot headed then he probably could've won his match against Sasha. The metal mage was strong, but he was still too reckless. "It's a cake walk for her to remove against most obstacles in path so I wouldn't worry too much about her.

"Isn't this an impressive display of magic! In events like these we see how the competitors overcome the challenges that they are faced in their own unique ways! Heck I've never even seen some the magic that the competitors are using. I wonder what else we'll see!" What caught his eye was the potential skirmish between two mages. One from Iron Enigma and one from Phoenix Wing. Now things were really starting to get interesting. "Oh and what is this? It seems like Amelia of Phoenix Wing and Luna of Iron Enigma are about to clash! Who is going to win folks? The astral mage or the spirit mage?!

When...When was he going to fight?! Silently he stared out at the lacrima screen that showed the events happening around them and his hand was starting to shake. He wanted to show how much he had grown over the past two months and show what kind of power he had obtained in that short span of time. God dammit he worked so damn hard with Karn with getting over his ridiculous fighting style that left him in shock and mental exhaustion. He even got his ass handed to him by the Yokai Village's stronger warriors just to become strong for crying out loud! He let out a long, heavy sigh and looked out at the event.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zephyr hardt

Zephyr looked at Mikey a little shocked at the fact he didn't really care what he just said. While in his shocked state Mikey would talk about being stronger to which Zephyr shook himself out of the state and wrapped an arm around Mikey's neck giving him a gentle noogie. "Well you are getting one step closer to being stronger, you are already pretty much calling people out. So me a punching bag eh? What a rude thing to say, i'll have you know that I got stronger within those two months. I'm sure I could give Hunter a challenge! You know what! When the games are done I'm calling everyone in the guild out including you Mikey!" Zephyr proclaimed letting go of Mikey as they got too the games and awaited the start of the event.

When the games master told what it was then called upon people Zephyr gave Amy a thumbs up and would watch her quite casually just annihilate everything in front of her. Zephyr laughed at this snickered at Shujin's comment. "Yeah, its times like these that I wish I knew what Amy was capable of. It would have saved me a shit ton of time of getting my ass kicked by her, when I joined. I'm sure shes got this though, besides in the end its all about having fun." Zephyr then looked at Mikey and lightly elbowed him. "Hey if you want to be stronger why not ask Amy to tutor you? She clearly is the strongest under Master."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Tidius posed a question to her about how long her magic lasted. So he didn't quite understand how it worked. "I don't lose my magic until it is used up. And the more I am exposed to and practice with it the longer it lasts. Over time it build back up on its own. But without someone else to get it from that is very slow. I don't like slow. Takes too long."

The position she was it was beginning to get uncomfortable and she did her best to stretch. While being strapped to the table. "Do you have anything more comfortable than this table? It's getting really hard to just stay stay still." None too surprising Lighning had quite a bit of energy. Clearly it didn't mix well with staying still.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Zander Louvier – Frenzy Plant Camp

On a day that most of the guildmembers had journeyed to the colosseum called Doma Flau to watch the day's events unfold, several members had stayed behind for practice. Though all of Frenzy Plant's soldiers used magic, this session involved purely the art of martial melee combat. In attendance were Zander, the instructor, Hyun, Cecilia, Heisty Beardo, and Mercury. Zander, as usual, wore his armor, and he'd instructed the rest to do the same. The day was beginning to warm, and already everyone here was beginning to perspire. According to talk relayed to them, the streets of Crocus had been converted into a maze for the competitors to face, but such proceedings would not interrupt here unless the warrior guild suffered a profoundly unlucky stroke.

Zander drew his gleaming ruby sword, looked at it for a moment, and lay it on the ground. ”Though I have magic, I have always been more interested in pure weaponplay itself. It is what all magical weaponship is built upon, and it is what the world will return to if ever magic leaves us, as it threatened to do in the Tartarus incident a hundred or so years ago. Nowadays, most magical warriors use power over skill, making everything flashy and impressive rather than effective. We cannot be those people. We never know when magic will fail us, and so we must train ourselves for every detail and perfect our technique rather than rely on magic. Take my trademark ruby blade for instance. It is a two-handed longsword. I wield it in one hand sometimes, but that is wrong of me. Longswords, with hilts of this length, are meant to be two-handed. It is also too heavy, poorly balanced, and too thick. Size doesn't make a weapon strong. Furthermore, since this crystal is inflexible, it will break under pressure instead of flexing. I only use it when I'm not serious.”

The knight spent a moment scrutinizing the weapons rack before selecting a thin, tempered steel sword with a slightly rounded tip and a wide crossguard that branched off to the center on one side. Brandishing it, he showed the others. ”This is called a messer. It is technically not a sword, but a long knife. This metal outcropping, here, is called a nagel, which means nail. It allows for a versatile fighting style. Mercury, you're roughly on the same page as Cecilia given you usually fight with kamas, so take a blade alongside her and strike at my armor.”

Predictably, the soldiers were a little hesitant to just hit him. Zander, however, was insistent. ”Just do it.” At his bidding, the pair swung their swords at him, and were surprised to see their weapons bounce right off. ”See? That is armor's purpose. Properly made armor cannot be cut. Try this instead.” The knight maneuvered the sword in his hands with deft quickness until he was holding the blade itself with both hands and the hilt was extended. He moved forward and swung, a controlled strike, that brought the handle into Cecilia's helemt. The young woman staggered backward, her head ringing and her helmet dented. ”The way to deal with armor is with blunt force—to crush it. Hammers, with or without spikes, maces, and this technique, the Murder Guard, are effective against armor. With blades, the only way is to thrust between the gaps. Hyun, put aside one of your blades for now. Your dual ronin style has peaked. Two blades is not necessarily better than one.”

”You sure?” the swordswoman wasn't convinced. ”I beat you with two this morning.”

Zander performed a double practice swing with his weapon. It moved fluidly, able to change direction without expending time or effort. He did not smile. ”That you did. Now, however, I have a real weapon, and we're not using magic. Test yourself once more.” The other soldiers stepped back to watch the clash. It was brief; Zander found blended patience, finesse, and strength, while Hyun favored a stylistic offense. Each time she attempted to spin to bring both swords into play, Zander was there to punish her. It took a surprisingly small amount of extra attention to deal with two blades rather than one. They simply got in each other's way. When the duel was over, Hyun was shocked to see that the man she'd beaten had turned the tables. ”Now, we do it my way. “

Xyster- Crocus Streets


For the fifth time, Xyster darted in, sliced at the creature's ankles, and backpedaled. In a one-on-one battle royal with one of the largest carnivores to ever live, every move was dangerous. Despite being born for the weapon, Xyster could not be as effective as other melee weapon users due to the sheer nature of a scythe. It was unwieldy, plain and simple, even in the bony hands of one exceptionally talented in its use. The muscle and bone of the Majungasaurus did not sever easily, and the monstrous dinosaur's brain was hardwired for carnage. It was fast enough to pluck her out of the air and bite down if she attempted to flip, as new wounds in her side could attest. Her darkness was not proving as much of a help as Xyster had previously thought.

Narrowly avoiding a snap of the atrocious jaws that would have crushed a human head like a fruit, Xyster saw an opportunity. She quickly raised her scythe upward, balancing it carefully, and dug it into the dinosaur's flank. With one tug she hoisted herself up onto the thing's back, and quickly got down to business before the beast could locate her and shake her off. Putting her muscles on overdrive, Xyster grabbed her scythe near the head, making it into more of an axe than a polearm, and cut back and forth like a swinging guillotine, slicing into scaly flesh and piercing the spaces between vertebrae. The Majungasaurus roared in pain and began to collapse as its vertebra was severed. With the danger severely reduced, Xyster leaped into the air, muttering ”Floating Death oughta get me a lot.”. As a black aura emanated from her body, she hovered in midjump, suspended as if by puppeteer strings. Crying, ”Yagh!” she swept her scythe in a powerful horizontal cut that let off a whoosh as it bit into nothing.

A moment later, the dinosaur's midsection blew apart. The two halves of the dinosaur lost their texture, turning gray, and burst into clouds of dust. Xyster landed on the ground, smiling grimly while the dust settled on her and the cracked cobblestones surrounding, and the Harvester slipped from her fingers to rust rapidly and age away into nothing. With nothing further to do, the Dullahan continued on her way.

By happenstance, in the next two minutes of wandering she happened to pass directly in front of where Merlina currently hid, unmoving in a fetal position.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Michael blinked wondering if he had said something wrong, or out of context. He squired at the noogie, "I meant me, being the punching bag" he said with embarrassment, waving a hand at his scraps and bruises, blushing deeply at both the noogie and the mistake. "You'll flatten me" He said, shaking himself when Zephyr let him go, smoothly his erratic hair down to no effect. Michael let his eyes flick about, sitting down. "Maybe you shouldn't have challenge someone right away when you joined" Michael said absently, watching the lacrima, watching the battle on screen between the Phoenix Wing and Iron Engima participants.

Then looked over when Zephyr suggested asking Amy to help him. He gave a quick shake of his head, "I wouldn't want to bother her" he said, "I don't...want to bother anyone"


Penny read what Zami was writing, somewhat curious about why the boy couldn't talk, but didn't ask. "You don't really have to worry about it for now, mostly its just cheering the guild on here" She said, looking to the screen, seeing Amelia engaged with an Iron Engima member. She gave a glare, hoping that Amelia would be alright, and that Iron enigma wouldn't do anything, wouldn't risk doing something.


Tidius gave a slight frown. He supposed that Ariel hadn't tried to escape, or do anything that would be dangerous to himself. He gave a sigh, before approaching the table, and undoing the straps to let Ariel go. "So there is no limitations on the magic?" he summarised

Announcer Jessie

Jessie gave a nodded, watching the several different Lacrima screens, "So many talented mages, o many different magics, its amazing! I tell you, if I was in a guild, I'd be thrilled to be apart of these games! there's so much talent here, its just A-Mah-Zing" She said in agreement, practically dancing in her seat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ferrin's search for the creature was interrupted by the announcement of the next event which would be taking place in the town. Damn, The scar-faced man thought. Of all the days, I can either stay and cause a commotion or wait for the event to end and continue my search. He sighed and decided to put his search on hold and hope whatever it was is all right. He made his way back to the arena and took a seat to watch the games unfold. As the guild wizards dealt with the maze in their own unique ways, Ferrin found himself wishing he was competing too, and strategizing. Like any maze, it has to twist and turn and double back on it's self. I would drag my sword on the ground to make a line on the floor everywhere I went, drawing symbols at intersections so I know where I am at all times. Realizing what he was doing, Ferrin shook his head to clear his thoughts. I am too competitive for my own good. He thought. Sitting next to him was a dark haired young man reading a book. Seriously? Ferrin thought. Why would he be reading a book during the Grand Magic Games? Curious, Ferrin leaned over and asked the kid just that; the noise of the crowd forced him to half shout his question. The kid looked up in annoyance. "I want to." Valak said shortly, before trying to go back to his book. After a moment, Ferrin asked, "What is it about?" Valak eyed him, then sighed. He closed the book, holding his place with a finger and began to speak. "It is about a man who became a hero, and did many great things, but when he did he lost a lot, and acquired many mental scars in the process. The book starts with him trying to fade into history as a barkeep to a small out of the way tavern under a different name. Eventually, a man who records history finds him and knows who he is. The history keeper begs the former hero to tell his own story from his point of view. Grudgingly the hero agrees. His story is the rest of the book." Ferrin thought about it for a moment. "That certainty sounds like a good read. He said honestly. So, what is your name?" "Valak Solidor." He answered. "Ferrin Astra, yours is a good name, kid. It has strength. Not really knowing what to say to such a compliment, Valak tried to give his own. "Yours has steel in it." He said. Ferrin chuckled, "Iron actually." He said with a boyish grin. Valak nodded, appreciating the pun. Ferrin returned his attention to the event going on. "Who do you think is going to win the whole thing? He asked. "Phoenix Wing." Valak said simply. Ferrin nodded. "I agree, the only other guild that could challenge them is Dragon Fang." Valak shook his head. "Rider's Blade, better wizards." He said. From there, the conversation turned to the strengths and shortcomings of each guild.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Conmhara
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Conmhara The Bubble Magician

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Zami - The Bubble Magician
With Penny

Zami gave Penny a reassuring nod to show he'll cheer on the guild too. After he stared at the lacrima screen to see what Penny was glaring at. Zami many things happening, but his new guild mate seemed concerned for one wizard in particular. Zami pointed at Amelia and looked towards Penny with a quizzical look to show his curiosity in this person. "I'm rooting for her yeah?" was scrawled into the air in front of them as she answered.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Marlene Evangeline

Marlene looks over to see Sasha frowning. She was unaware at what was running through her head, but she felt that something wasn't running too well in her mind. Surely it wasn't about her... at least... she hope it wasn't. She leans over to figure out whats wrong.

"Uh... Sasha-san?" Marlene asked innocently, "Is everything alright?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Near Dragon Fang

Nero - Eve - Time Lord

When Ayame had left the bag with the necromancer and the genie she left of to sit a bench near the wide open area at the entrance of the arena looking at multiple people leaving for the day, studying their appearance and how they could possibly behave by their appearance like clothes and their faces. Despites her curiosity towards others it still was a problem for her when they looked at her. Whenever anyone looked over at her she would glance the other way or she would completely disappear into the bushes or under her seat in a matter of seconds.

only a while later she had found Nero and Eve walking together out of the arena. They didn't look like anything special had happened or that they went to go home. It looked more like they were searching for Ayame. They noticed her sitting on the bench but Ayame didn't take a single step towards them. She patiently waited for them to get to her since her shyness towards Eve, she wouldn't dare to come close to the girl. As they arrived Ayame softly said her hello's and tried to avoid Eve by quickly walking over to the opposite direction of her with Nero in the middle, she kept at the same side to avoid Eve as they started walking away from the arena. Ayame stayed quiet during the conversations between Nero and Eve and mainly during the whole walk. The night had mostly finished when they brought Eve home and left for their own sleeping place. Ayame had become somewhat livelier when they walked alone but only simple topics came to mind. The two arrived at their sleeping place and the lights went out rather quick for Ayame at least leaving her in a deep slumber.

It was yet another bright warm day, the next event of the Grand Magic Games was approaching with everyone who was excited for it of course. Ayame had been walking along sides Nero to get Eve from her apartment in the temporary Dragon Fang residence. Ayame didn't mind for Eve to skip along the two but she would have prefered to go with Nero again so she could talk some more. Ayame widened her eyes as she realised they were already in front of the Dragon Fang housing. It was more like they had warped there then walked. Ayame quickly walked from Nero's side to his back clinging very close to him. She didn't peek or anything but just kept quiet as she listened to the deep humming from Nero his vocals cords through his back as he talked to Eve.

Ayame was a little startled when Nero began talking to her with the presence of the other two. Ayame softly talked back to him just hard enough for the other two to hear too "I played before... b-but I don't really l-like it when you're the s-searcher since it sometimes t=takes me more than two d-days. Soccer is more fun." After it didn't seem like Nero was referring to Ayame any further she decided that staying quiet was a safer thing for her to do so she wouldn't end up with the other two talking to her. As Nero pushed the Time Lord aside Ayame was caught in the push and stammered backward even almost falling. She looked over at Nero and noticed the bubble around him, at first it didn't look like anything special had happened but once she wanted to approach him she noticed that he wasn't moving and not making any sound "Nero?" Ayame moved in closer with her voice raising a little "Ne-..." Ayame turned silent as she reached for Nero through the bubble. Only a little touch put her to stop.

"Ro..." she blinked twice and tucked on the back of his shirt. Ayame her time had continued again as the bubble disappeared. Her face was somewhat worried but only a little. Everything seemed to fine with Nero and he was happily moving and talking again she gently smiled and was about to follow Nero and Eve to the near dinner place but Time Lord was thinking about it elsewise. The games were taking place in the city so they couldn't move for at least a hour. Well it wasn't a problem for her she would do whatever Nero would do.


Near Frenzy Plant

Drow had left Hyun her side to go train some more before they went to go and sleep at the camp again. But a little birdie flew by to tell Thor that they had to replace Hyun for the upcoming week. Thor had been hoping for this moment to be in the games for at least 2 months. Thor gave a happy smirk and continued training during the night not closing a single time. Thor had chosen to resort on plan B. It wasn't completely healthy but it gave energy if they almost nodded off to sleep. Light shocking to the brain helped a lot to stay awake for at least two hours more until they had to do another shock to the brain. The sun slowly started to rise with Thor still training in a little park nearby the Frenzy Plant enforcements. It was mainly martial arts training since their magic was already pretty good itself. The hours quickly went by with sometimes someone from Frenzy Plant coming by to get Thor some food or just seeing if they were okay. Thor took a quick bite and gave another shock to the brain to stay brightly awake. Their muscles also started to feel heavier by the minute but it was all for the sake of showing how good Frenzy Plant could be.

A loud bonk came from the forest as the third tree had fallen down. Thor had been endlessly punching and kicking trees at the same spot resulting in the tree falling down. Despites the protection Thor was wearing there were still scrapes and bruises all over Thor's body. Thor was about to continue to kick down the next tree while lightly panting but was interrupted as the local officer from the city came up to Thor particularly asking if they wanted to stop with breaking down the park. The police had been receiving multiple complaints about some murderous person cutting down trees in the park. Thor gave a cold look at the officer since the lack of sleep and the tiredness and surprised the officer, of course the officer was terrified at first but quickly spoke up again. If they didn't quit the vandalism they would be arrested. Thor gave a understanding nod and walked off elsewhere to train again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zephyr Hardt
"You aren't a punching bag, even I would get thrashed around easily if it wasn't for my armor. Really its all about skill, of course overwhelming power is another thing. Yet what I'm saying it you ain't a punching bag." Zephyr said giving the nervous man that he proudly called his teammate a thumbs up. "I wouldn't say I'd flatten you, you are skilled with your friends. You would give me one hell of a rumble. True I probably shouldn't have fought Amy though. In my defense I wanted to enter with style." Zephyr said watching Amy with a nervous laughter pretty much stating he had no idea she was like this at all though. He then frowned a bit and ruffled Mikey's hair. "Wanting to improve yourself isn't a bad thing, its a good thing! If you don't want to bother Amy though, then I will gladly help you become a better fighter, although I really recommend Amy if you want weapon training, I'm only good for brute strength."
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