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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt headed to no particular spot on the bar and asked for a drink. He had told Sasha his head felt fine, if it did hurt a bit. He gave her a thumbs up as she went off to talk to Lazarus. His thoughts wandered. He didn't have anyone in particular to talk to, or anything to say. He already had plans for almost the next week, most of that.would be resting and hanging about the guild of course. He leaned back in his chair, hoping a little bit he might end up fighting Angelo. But since he had a win and Mayt didn't, that was an unlikely matchup. He just yawns and sighs, waiting for his drink patiently. He eventually leans on the counter and puts his head down, feeling oddly tired, and closes his eyes, letting out soft little breaths.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Jarvis poked Mayt, giving his shoulders a shake. "No sleeping for you" He said "Not fo a few hours yet" The bartender said this sternly, but with some concern. "Sit up. Tell me where you are. Who you are. Who I am. What we have been doing today. Just keep talking, please" Jarvis had learned to notice concussion and there symptoms-with this guild, knocks to the head were quite likely to occur daily. "Tell me what you're feeling"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt groaned and sighed, sitting up. "Fine. We're at the Guild, I'm Mayt, I never quite caught your name. Today we've been doing a tournament to determine two S-Class wizards, talk talk talk talk talk talk." He paused for a moment. "Right now I feel kind of tired, and I kinda want to fight Angelo. Since I know he thinks he's better than he is, and his easy win with Sasha would've merely reinforced this fantasy. But I'll probably not get picked to fight him, as he and Lazarus have both won. So they'll go up against each other, and Angelo will most likely lose. Lazarus has some sort of emotional investment in Sasha, so he'll fight harder to try and make her feel better about losing. Not to mention Angelo's lightning only works if he can aim it properly at the target. Lazarus is fast." He looks at Jarvis with a bored expression, suggesting 'are we done yet'?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jarvis sighed. "Good enough, but you still aren't sleeping. And I wouldn't recommend alcohol" Jarvis said, "Larazus isn't fighting Angelo next, I believe he's fighting Damian, and Angelo will fight who wins from Wes and..I believe it's Scier. I doubt it was an easy win-Angelo didn't escape unharmed, and Sasha did put up a good fight, despite being injured. I suggest you eat something, it you can stomach it, and rest" Jarvis shrugged, and filled a drink, giving it to the guilld member who ordered it
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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Once Sasha had sat down with Lazarus, Damian let a tired sigh escape his lips before going up to his room and sitting on the bed to remove his combat boots and officially look at the cuts he'd taken to his legs during his fight with Sasha. Wiggling his toes once they were free from the boots, he took off the leather armor he'd been wearing and his pants, looking over the cuts. The one from the bird bombers was shallow. having skimmed his leg when he was pulling, for lack of a better phrase, offensive defense and dodging while attacking the birds. The slash from the tiger claws, however, were considerably deeper and hurt a bit more. It was nothing he couldn't ignore in the fight, but he didn't want to risk infection.

Finishing undressing and grabbing a change of clothes for the next bout, he steps into the shower and sighs. Lazarus... The man was more powerful than he let on and could even access what he was calling Devil Transformation magic until he was informed otherwise. "Two types of magic...one common weakness..." He relied on a heavy amount of magic in most of his spells that he'd seen, with the exception of the flame enveloped fists and the beam he'd used. He had a couple spells that might be able to hold against the Tower of Judgement, but he wasn't sure he should employ any of the Alpha or Omega spells too quickly. He certainly didn't plan on staying stationary if he didn't have. Grabbing the soap, Damian sets to washing the cuts and inhales sharply when the soap started cleaning them, the stinging unexpectedly painful.

Finishing in the shower after just a few minutes, he gets out and gets dressed and armed again, going down stairs and taking a seat next to Lazarus and Sasha while keeping an eye on Mayt and listening to the two speak. Something still didn't sit right with him about Mayt's condition.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt groaned when he was prohibited from sleeping, then nodded to Jarvis. "Then I'll take water and food, any kind that isn't fish will do, I'm allergic. That should help get my strength back up, neh?" He rubbed his nose, making little pops as he rubs skin against the cartilage of his nose. "And I'd like to be able to take it outside to watch the next fight." He added this as an afterthought. He was curious as to who would win, Lazarus or Damian. He had done damage to Lazarus with his sword if he remembered right, so a sword master could do a bit, but Lazarus also had likely learned to deal with swords by their bout. It could easily go either way. Well, depending on how good Damian is. Mayt expected quite a fight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Go ahead" Jarvis said, "I'll bring it out" He already turned to grab Mayt a plate of food and some water.

Sasha looked up when Damian returned, seeing he had showered, and changed. "Oh, good. You can watch them now, and I'll go shower. Or try to" She said brightly, getting up, "I'll be back before your fight" She said, or rather hoped. She went to her dorm, setting out a change of clothes, she discarded those that she was wearing, very carefully taking the bandage off her side, she set the bandage aside to reuse, and headed to her shower.

She didn't have the water too hot, nor too cold. Instead, she had it just right, letting the water flow over her and ran her hands through her hair until she was satisfied that sshe was as clean as she could get without damaging her injuries. She dried, careful not to open her stitches. She took the time to put some more salve on the wounds, grimacing at the blue and black patchwork of bruises over her body, before dressing.

She sat on her bed for a moment, before sighing and heading back downstairs. She frowned, and went over to Mayt as he spoke with Jarvis. "Why don't you use a swallow of the health potion? You'd still have one left, and you won't be concussed" She had only just remembered the potion
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt stood up as Sasha started talking, and turned towards her. "I mean, it's a good idea, but I won't. Jarvis has to put up with what I did to him, it'd be unfair not to do the same, Besides, a concussion isn't the worst injury I could have. I'm not bleeding, even if my clothes are burnt a little from his attacks." He looks down at his tattered clothes. "I don't look that great though, I'll go clean up after this next fight." He nods, as if confirming to himself that was his plan. He slid his hands into his pockets. "I also assume you're going to watch Damian and Lazarus fight as well? I didn't see Damian's fight with you, so I'm not sure how good he is, but I'm certain it'll be a close match." He smirks amusedly, then nods to her. "Why don't we go grab seats before it starts?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Okay" Sasha said, nodding. It was probably best anyway, they might have need of it when attacking the ninja guild, "Still, if you get worse, I'll have the others hold you down and pour it into you mouth" She said jokingly, but there was seriousness in her tone

She nodded when he asked if she was going to watch the fight, "Yeah, it should be a good fight. I look forward to it. They could probably start soon, if Larazus can stand without falling over I guess" She said, "Sure, but it might be best to stay a bit back" She said, grabbing her satchel where she had left it by the bar before the fight, and slinging in over her uninjured side, starting out, looking back to wait for Mayt
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt kept up with Sasha, walking somewhat slowly. He still wasn't entirely sure of his balance, and didn't want to embarrass himself. "We're not attacking the guild, we're scouting. Attacking would be suicide with three people." He would look around the area for a nice spot to watch, and head for it, still at his slow but diligent pace. He looked very casual, and he ran his fingers through his hair. "Also, I'd prefer if Lazarus stayed back until we needed help. His abilities generate a lot of light, which is extremely visible when you're trying to stay out of sight and find the location of something. I hope he'll be okay with that. If he isn't... Then we'll see what happens." He sits down slowly, crossing his legs and leaning back on his hands. "We'll attack with the rest of the guild and when we've scouted out the enemy."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

. Sasha matched Mayt's pace, not wanting to push her friend, sitting down beside him. "a just in case we end up having to attack. This is a ninja guild. They might see us coming" She said, "Lazarus will stay back, ready to help if we need it. I'll see that he does, although he seems to be worried that something will happen to me if he isn't there" She said, watching the fight with Wes and Scier, which didn't seem to be ending, and then Wes was on the ground, a shocked Scier turning towards him, and Sasha feared the worst.

"Oh, no."
Master Jamie was too slow to stop what she saw was going to happen, and she shouted, but it was too late. He was already half-way towards Wes and Scier as Scier realsied what had happened, "JARVIS!" Master Jamie shouted, sounding frightened as he reached Wes and Scier, only to be pushed back at the light. Her eyes widened and she tried to reach for Wes, but then he was gone.

Master Jamie looked about widely, kneeling down, trying to figure out what happened. She grabbed Scier to prevent him moving. "Scier, this wasnt your fault...I don't know what happened. I don't know what's going on here" Jarvis had run outside, but seemed confused, unsure what had happened.

"Take Scier inside. Give him a drink. The tournament is over for today. Damian will be fighting Lazarus, and by default, Scier-Angelo. If Scier is up to it. Otherwise..." Master Jamie didn't know, and she dropped her head, closign her eyes, a tightness across her chest. "I don't know. Just do what needs to be done, Jarvis" Her voice was soft.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

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Scier just stood there with his shocked expression still remaining on his face and his eyes wide, he hardly noticed that someone started pulling on him saying stuff. bout then what he saw before him was not even human any longer... it was a Deer, the first one he animal he ever took down. He remembered it so well for a moment, how he as a kid had felt such sad and grief that an animal had to die back then... even if he had hunted many times after without feeling remorse... a slight change of pace sure brougth back strange memories. Yet he suddenly felt so warm... so light headed, the sun beating down on him... his arm throbbed, his head throbbed... but most of all... his very heart and soul throbbed hard. He haden't really realize how hard the adrenaline were coursing through his body, his mouth was all dry and he couldn't even speak because of it, all remaining was the knowledge that he would have done the same if the situation happened again... yes he would kill... kill to survive... that was what imprinted in his very soul. Yet he just stood there, while looking like he would topple over at any second.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Damian heard Master Jamie bellow for Jarvis and couldn't help but race outside to find out what had happened. He got there in time to see Wes vanish in a strange light and the new guy, Scier, standing shocked, almost like he was about to fall over. Racing over to him while Jarvis spoke with the master, he guides Scier to a spot off the field to sit down. "Easy, buddy. It wasn't your fault. Trust me, you did well. Just relax." Making sure he wasn't going to pass out without warning, he quickly goes over to where their fight had happened and started looking it over. It then occurred to him he'd never tried to determine the events of a battle involving magic and that he didn't know what kind of magic either one used.

"Right then," he muttered, "this should be interesting." Going where Wes had been lying, the red stains were hard to miss, which worried Damian. That much blood meant a connection with nothing short of a major artery, if not The heart... Refusing to think that had actually happened, he keeps trying to figure out what had happened based on the scuffs and other marks on the field.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

MAyt covered his eyes when the light happened, and gasped. After a moment he brought his hand back down. He looked a tad worried about Was and what happened, due to all the yelling, but he didn't get up and go over to them, not wanting to get in the way. He looked over at Sasha, confused. "What happened?" His voice wavered slightly, and he lifted up his head to try to see, but the angle wasn't god enough, and he sighed. "Where's the other guy?" Was all else he could think to say. He was pretty sure you needed two people to duel. Unless the first had illusion magic, which the winner didn't seem to have. He looked at Sasha, now completely confused, and hoping she can answer those questions for him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Master Jamie knew what the blood meant, there was too much to be anything but an artery. Yet as far as he knew wizards did not disappear in a glow of light as they died. So what was going on here? She looked up to the sky where the light had come from, frowning.

Master Jamie had a feeling he'd be doig some reading tonight, to figure out what had happened. He was pretty sure it didn't have anything to do with heaven or hell, but se still called out "Lazarus? A moment please" if anyone had an idea what the glowig light had been, stealing Wes away, but she needed to cover all bases.

Sasha pushed herself up in a standing position, horrified, shocked and confused. "I think...I think Wes died...and then the sky ate him" she said, realizing that she probably sounded crazy. But she looked around, and the others seemed just as confused. So she knew she wasn't crazy. She sat, taking out her sketch pad, she quickly began to draw what she had seen, but even then it still didn't make sense.

It was just Wes, blood sweeping over his chest, as like formed around him. It didn't reveal anything, and it just served to make her more confused. She shook her head "what do we do?" She said to Mayt, worried and frightened.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Lazarus was shocked. He was watching the fight like everybody else. He just disappeared. It was almost like how a celestial spirit returned home. He was confused. Wes was no spirit. He immediately hobbled over to the master. "Yes master, I have no idea what that was if you were wondering." He paused. "Well..." He pondered for a moment. "There is one thing..." He paused again. "Midnight blitz." He said it very coldly. It was a dark spell he had seen whilst walking the church library. "Fooling everyone with it warming appearance, it is very powerful dark magic. Only one of the wizard saints would have to power to use such a spell. The idea is that is brings instant removal from this universe." He sighed. "Nobody here is powerful enough to use that, except you master." He frowned. "It can't be that."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt shook his head. "I have no idea what we could do to help. I say we let Master Jamie handle this, even he looks confused by this. I hope he'll be okay, but... I have my doubts." He starts to slowly stand up, almost falling once. He grabs onto Sasha unintentionally, hoisting himself up. He seems a little pained. "Guess we'll have to come back tomorrow to see Damian and Lazarus though. I'm going to go take a nap." He started walking back towards the guild, seemingly unworried about anything now. He doesn't stop when he enters the guild, and it's evident he means to leave. He almost walks into a couple people, but dodges them last minute and continuing to the door. He does, however, manage to clip a table, and he stops for a moment, rubbing that spot before continuing on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Hey!" Jarvis called after Mayt, "you walking into tables, you aren't going anywhere until we know you're okay" a healer was just coming in from outside, and stopped in front if Mayt. "Are you experiencing balance issues?" The healer, a kind looking woman, asked.

Sasha sighed, rising once more, she went over to Master Jamie and Lazarus, as well as Damian, seeing him there examining the spot as well.

"That's all I needed to know. Then this isn't heavens intervention. There's only a few things it could be. Go rest Lazarus. You'll need it for tomorrow" Master Jamie was saying, and Sasha thought there was a weariness she could never imagine feeling in the masters voice. Master Jamie made no move to leave, and Sasha stepped up, taking Lazarus hand in hers, "let's go sit down, go rest" she said softly, kindly, if only to give the master some space.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt sighed as he was stopped. He just wanted to take a quick nap, and looked annoyed. "Maybe a little, but my entire body is sore and I'm tired, so of course I'm a little unbalanced." He crosses his arms, looking the healer over, then he snaps. "I forgot my coat anyway." He turned and started to head back to the bar to grab his coat, taking extra care to maneuver around tables to get it. "I'll be fine, I'd just like to take a quick nap okay? Jeez. You act like I got a limb chopped off or something horrible like that." He pulls his jacket back on as he says this, and turns towards the door again.
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