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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The healer sighed, and came into the guild, approaching Jarvis, she couldn't force him to stay, "You guild members are all so stubborn. Are there any injured that actually want to be looked out?"

Jarvis sighed and shook his head, "we have a guy who seems apt at healing himself. He bound the wounds that occurred, and everything seems to be okay. I'm sorry you had to come for nothing. Let me get you a meal, and a drink"

Sasha tugged at Lazarus's hand, leading him inside, "Damian, you should come inside too and rest" She said over her shoulder to Damian looking over at Scier, she sighed, wishing she knew what was going on. She bit her lip, pushing Lazarus down in a seat, sitting down as well. She dropped her head into her hands, wondering what had just happened. Had Wes died? But what was that light? Would they ever know? Or would it just be a mystery? She didn't know.

"So, what do we do now?" She said softly
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Scier followed in silence as he was led to a chair inside the guild, his word was still spinning slightly and he was not feeling to well. It was to the point where he half laid down on the table and shut his eyes to rest for a long time. After some while he thought he heard a voice of a healer, and glanced over too a somewhat foggy view "I... could use... healing..." he said, still feeling everything hurting, by now his left arm was probably rather bluish from where the bullets had hit him, as well would he have a bit of trouble standing on his left leg, it may be a somewhat temporary muscle paralysis, but still enough to cripple him for a while. He could also use some relief from the pain, as the adrenaline was calming down it was hurting like hell.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Sorry" Jarvis said, nodding towards Scier, the healing rushing over and began to work on Scier, cleaning them and patching them up, using her supplies, and instructing Scier to rest.

Master Jamie came back inside as the day was fading to night. Sasha had fallen asleep at the table, leaning on it, her arms pillowing her head and making no move to wake nor leave the desk. She breathed as deeply as her side allowed, and her eyes moved in sleep. Her body was slumped, and it was clear she was deeply asleep.

She woke up in her own bed, and blinked around blearily, wondering how she had gotten to her room. She was still dressed in the clothes she had changed into, but was covered with a blanket. Sometime during the night she must have bundled it over herself, and gotten tangled, one leg thrown over the side of her bed, the other tangled completely in the blanket.

She blinked, rubbing her eyes, and yawning, she rose. She didn't want to risk getting her stitches wet again, so she had a simple wash with warm water from the sink, and tied her hair back, dressing in clean clothes. She wondered again how she had gotten to bed, then sighed, figuring it was one of those things she would never know, unless someone told her. She took the time to look in the mirror, grimacing at the bruises covering her body from the various knocks and bats she had received in her two fights. But her colour had returned, and she felt stronger then she had the day before.

She headed into the guild hall, yawning, and claimed a table, ordering a light meal and a juice. She thought on what had happened yesterday, and wondered if there was anything on what had happened to Wes. she wondered what the fights would be like today, and thought that they were bound to be amazing. She looked about, seeing who was in the guild.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt had gone home and passed out, but he came back to the guild early-ish the next day, wearing a long grey coat and long sleeved shirts underneath. Looking carefully, one may also see a new dagger on his side under his coat. Seems he went shopping the previous day before heading to sleep. He seems a little worried about something, contantly glancing around and biting his lip.

Ordering a non-alcoholic drink and sitting down at a table. Mayt would've leaned back, thinking for a bit. It's almost as if someone offered him a choice and he's deciding. He pulls out what looks to be a letter from his pocket. It's about three pages long, and he begins to read it. The paper, from a distance, looks to be normal, and the hand-written scripture on it is more along the lines of calligraphy than writing. When Sasha comes it it seems he's getting more and more anxious over the letter, fidgeting with his hands and with the hilt of his sword. He slides he second page under the third as he starts to finish the letter. His breathing accelerating some as well, and beads of sweat forming.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha frowned, seeing Mayt, and how he appeared. She hesitated, before rising with her plate of food and going over, sitting down without asking. She could see the letter, but couldn't see anything strange about it, and she wondered what was in it that had Mayt acting as if he was in a tricky situation. She didn't ask about the letter, but did ask, "Are you okay?" When it appeared that he had finished th eetter

She took in his appearance, the dagger, the coat, his fast breathing and fidgeting, and she grew concerned, wondering if Mayt was in trouble, or if something had happened when he went home for the night. She was concerned that he was still...unbalanced from yesterday, but she didn't say anything else, waiting for him to answer her, and just hopefully trying to be reassuring. She calmly began to eat her eggs and toast as she waited.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt glanced up at Sasha when she spoke, flinching slightly and moving away. "Oh, hey, I'm doing fine." His hand goes to the pocket with the letter for a moment, then back to the table. He glances to his right then kind of looks around a bit. "Everything's just dandy... Oh, I bought some things that may come in handy when we get around to scouting out the dark guild." He reaches into his coat pocket, and pulls out a small knife and hands it, hilt first, to Sasha. "Can't risk relying on magic alone, we don't know what we'll be up against." It's a pretty simple and concealable knife, but looks wicked sharp. "I've gotten extra protection for myself as well, but I couldn't afford to get something for Lazarus too, but I doubt he'll mind." He shifts uncomfortably, and takes a sip of his almost untouched drink. "Shoulda ordered something alcoholic... So Sasha how was your night?" He leans forwards and rests on his elbows, still looking anxious.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha frowned, but didn't press it, deciding if Mayt wanted to tell her, he would have and that he would when he wished to. She blinked, seemingly shocked when he said that he got something for her, taking the small knife when he offered it to her. She was oddly touched, as she studied the blade. It was small, but seemed deadly, and she couldn't help but smile. Just like her. She slipped it into a pocket "thank you" she said softly.

She nodded as he continued on about protection Lazarus is a big boy. He can protect himself, especially if he's in the air" she said, shrugging when he asked how her night was. "I fell asleep at the table and woke up in my room. It was like being back with my parents as a little kid, before..." She trailed off sighed, then continued, "I'd fall asleep in the living area then my dad would carry me back to my room" she smiled sadly, before looking back at Mayt "are you sure you're okay? You seem anxious. You don't have to tell me, but the offers there" she said softly
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt nodded. "Heh, falling asleep in the living room..." He smiles, then frowns. "I'm fine, perfectly fine, one hundred-percent fine. Don't worry." He bites his lip again, and looks around. "So when do the fight start again, I wanna see Angelo get his a- I mean, the fight between Lazarus and Angelo." He gave a meek smile, and rubbed the back of his head. His jaw had a large bruise on it, from Lazarus obviously, and he leans back in his chair, looking around, almost paranoid about something. He looks back at Sasha, not really having anything left to say, and s letting her ask a question, other than if he's alright. He adjusts his jacket and continues to look around, his eyes occasionally settling on Sasha, but only for a brief moment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Obviously Sasha wasn't going tiger anything out if Mayt and so she sighed. It was clear to her that Mayt did have a grudge against Angelo, but she couldn't figure out why. The fight between Angelo and her while perhaps not strictly fair, given that she had been injuried, wasn't anything Nayt should be holding a grudge against. She looked down when she realized she was blushing.

She swallowed and looked back up "it should be an interesting fight. I imagine it will start when they are both here" she said, managing to keep her tone normal, watching as Mayt looked about the room, sometimes looking at her. "You know" she said easily, "someone that says they are fine that much, is clearly not fine. Now if you said okay, that would have been good," she shrugged, then finally asked "is it the letter that has you all...skittish?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt sighs, and rubs his hands. "Look, I'm okay, okay? Just... People trying to get an edge that isn't there on me." He bites his lip again, indicating that isn't the case. "And yes, the letter doesn't help. P-please don't talk about it." He shifts away from Sasha a little. "I wonder when they'll get here." He looks around again, wishing the two would walk in so he'd have something else to talk about. "How are your injuries holding up?" He says suddenly, trying to change the subject. "They must hurt still..." His voice trails off a little, and he bites his lip again. He looks over Sasha, his eyes lingering on the injuries he can see on her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Paingodsson
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Paingodsson A Dreamer

Member Seen 11 days ago

Kelthar lay in bed it's what he has been doing ever since he got back from the island. He couldn't help but think about all that went down. While he was a fool and fighting minions Damian and the Master had been off fighting the real enemies. He shook his head, How stupid of him to not be there to back them up. He was so angry with himself. He had spent the past couple days training and just keeping away from everyone. He had even been avoiding the guild, in fact he hadn't even went back to the guild since he came back.

Kelthar stood up and walked outside it was a bright day as he could feel the sun beat onto his skin. He heard sounds coming from the guild. But he didn't want to go over there. He'd rather train, he didn't want to bother them with himself. Kelthar knew he was just going through a stage, and so did a few people at the guild. It was just his life with his depression. He would be fine for awhile then he would just tank in his emotions. He only knew the way to solve it was to train. So he walked toward the forest outside of Magnolia. He was prepared to spend a couple days out there if he needed; however, he knew he wouldn't. Instead he would be spending the night back at his apartment by himself probably for another sleepless night. He was just happy the guild understood his issues and didn't just ostricise him.

So he walked past everyone as he made his way to the forest and entered in. From anyone elses perspective they'd see a man walking into a forest and simply fading away into the dark forest. He had made sure he had left rent money for his landlord and left a note in case anyone was curious on where he had gone. The note was on his door and read, "Went to forest come get me if you need me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Damian had been up late into the night trying to see if he couldn't figure out what was going on with the light that Wes had disappeared into, conversing with Master Jamie briefly to make sure that none of the other guild members had some theory. After learning about Lazarus's theory and the reason it wasn't feesable, he returned to the spot where they'd battled, running his combat familiar eye over the area, but still not finding anything of use. He'd finally gone to bed after midnight, when Jarvis came out and basically made him. He hadn't cared, he was far to tired to put up any kind of debate.

When he woke up, he found he must have forgotten to completely undress from combat attire because he was still wearing his armor, though his swords at least were in their corner where he wouldn't trip on them. Yawning widely, he gets up and stretches before getting undressed and getting in the shower, pushing tentatively on his ribs as the warm water washed over him. He grunted slightly, but it wasn't anything that he couldn't handle during his bout with Lazarus today. Washing off and checking the cuts, he nods and climbs out, drying off and getting dressed again in the clothes he wore the day before. Putting his swords in place, he heads downstairs and gets a drink from Jarvis at the counter.

As he sips at it, he looks over the guild hall and realizes he hasn't seen Kelthar in a couple days. Spotting Sasha and Mayt, he walked over and gave a smile. "Morning! I was wondering if either of you has seen Kelthar lately."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha let him change topics, deciding it was best, and not wanting to push him. She looked down at her hands, which where grazed from sliding across the ground. "They're okay." She said. She had the slash only her forehead, her side and leg, there were numerous small cuts, grazes and scratched over her body, and one side of her body was covered in bruises from smashing to the ground with Angelo's lightening. She was surprised that she hadn't broken anything to be honest. "Sometimes my side hurts when I move, but otherwise I don't really feel the injuries" she said , looking up as Damian joined them, "morning" she replied, shaking her head "not since Aroway. He was on the boat. We can go look for him, but you have your fight with Lazarus soon"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt looks up at Damian when he speaks, after nodding to Sasha. "Morning. I also don't know who Kelthar is, so I couldn't help you there." He leans more on the table, looking Damian over. "How're you holding up? Though out of all of us you probably are doing the best. As far as I can tell you've been hit the least." He smiles a little. and leans back again, still looking very anxious. He bites his lip, then instead of waiting for Damian's answer, he gets up. "Actually, I need to go buy some things, try not to start without me please." He starts moving towards the door quickly, leaving his unfinished drink on the table. His hand moves to rest on his weapon as he heads to the door.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Damian catches Mayt at the door, eyeing him up and down before shaking his head and redirecting him towards his drink. "Ah no you don't, soon as Lazarus wakes up, we're getting rolling. I don't want you to miss it if it means that much to you to see it." Reaching the table, he takes another sip of his drink before looking over the two. "As for finding Kelthar, it's fine. I just hope he's OK. I didn't see much of him on Aroway." Sitting himself, he stares into his drink for a long time before suddenly looking up at Mayt.

"Mayt, if I may, what kind of magic do you use?" It had been bugging him since he'd watched him and Lazarus go at it the previous day. Damian could sense that Mayt was using magic energy, but he simply couldn't see anything happening to his magic energy. Perhaps it was an illusion magic or something like that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Lazarus had slept well at his home that night. He had taken a warm bath to sooth his cuts, and wrapped himself up in bandages. He wasn;t really the type of person to let physical injuries hinder him too much. He stood at the entrance to Phoenix wing for quite some time, before swinging the door open and walking in quite delicately. His hands were wrapped in bandages, as well as his body. His chest was covered in bandages clearly to support his ribs. He wasn't even bothering to wear a shirt. His jacket would be just enough.

He spoke softly, yet both passionately and angrily. "Damian. Are you ready to be judged by heaven?" He looked in Damian's direction coldly, before moving a move for the court yard. Once arriving at the furthest end he turned back. "Come... and receive your judgement." He looked at the gravel, and slipped his jacket off of his shoulders and onto the ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt sighed when he was stopped by Damian. "Right, okay, I'll stay here." He went and sat back down where he was, taking another sip of his drink. He looks around nerviously until Damian asks the kind of magic he uses. "I control energy." He said simply, thinking on how he should elaborate. "Heat, movement, light, that kind of thing. Though, It can be unreliable at times, especially when I try to use it on the spot. Say, an arrow is flying at me, I can potentially stop it mid flight, but if I don't see it, or I don't have enough time or I'm just not lucky, it'll still hit. I can also only use it within a short distance of myself." He doesn't have a way to demonstrate this, so he just holds his hand up and tries to generate a small fire like he did before with the heat he has gathered around him. It fails this time, and he looks a tad embarrassed. "Though, for some reason, I can sort of use my sword as a conductor for my magic. An extension, of sorts, and it tends to work better through it. I can also use people, but that's less effective. But it allows me to drain people of their heat if they get to close, and I have reason too. But, I still don't have complete control, so I may do more than I mean to, or less. It's interesting at times, but I try not to rely on it too much, I have a couple scars from when it didn't work.

"And it looks as if Larzarus is here, so we can talk more after the fight. Good luck with Lazarus, he's tough." Mayt stands up and heads for the courtyard, making his way to a spot to watch the battle that's a bit back. He didn't give Damian any hints, he doubted he'd need them. This would be another one of those close and difficult fights, like his with Lazarus had been.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha sighed as Mayt went ot leave, watching him worriedly, seeing Damian stop him. Sasha stayed where she was, and laid her elbows on the table, and leaned her head in her hands. She watched Lazarus come in, wincing at the bandages covering his hands and ribs. She wasn't too sure if he had done that deliberatly, or if he was just trying to protect his injuries, but she was glad she wasn't fighting him. She rose after finishing her eggs, and carried her drink outside, ready to watch the fight. She chose somewhere where she wasn't likely to get involved in any flash back from their attacks.

Master Jamie sighed heavily, rising from the library desk, and stretching. It would be clear to anyone, she thought, that she had spent the night awake, so she muttered a few worlds, and changed her appearance, making it seem bright and perky,even if she was weary and worried about what had happened the day before.

He headed outside, seeing Lazarus ready to fight. "Start whenever you are ready"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As Scier opened his eyes he quickly put his hand on his head, then he looked around and realized he was somewhere within the guild. It took him a while but he figured it was some kind of extra room or something and he could only partially recall how he got there in the first place. Sitting up he actually felt a whole lot better now, the bruises from yesterday was gone and it didn't really hurt anywhere any longer, stretching out his arm he felt a bit of muscle stiffness but nothing he couldn't deal with. Looking around he soon found his stuff and put them back on, everything he needed was there... except for one thing, his precious dagger... opening the door he walked outside into the main hall and then looked around once more, it took him a while to gather his thoughts but he soon realized that he were in a guild now... and a lot of things had happened.

Walking downstairs he figured he would just order something to eat if possible, yet he couldn't help but wonder where his dagger might be... it was not like him to loose something of his own like that... especially nothing as important as his dagger, it was kinda his most important tool too... seeing as he could use his dagger to make both arrows and bow if needed, but it was difficult to do the other way around. "...Have anyone seen my dagger?..." he asked casually, he recall the Wes incident at the moment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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