Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Paingodsson
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Paingodsson A Dreamer

Member Seen 11 days ago

Kelthar awoke once again abruptly to the yelling down stairs. Most of the guild knew he was not a morning person but to be awoken like this, he was angry. He amplified his voice as he yelled, "Don't you people know it's too damn early for this!?" he shouted as he slammed open the door to the room and started to march downstairs. As he got downstairs he saw a mysterious man standing there with the Master in Front of him, "Who the hell is this guy?!" he asked aloud. If there was anything else Kelthar was known for, it was not beating around the bush. "Is this the bloke that woke me up?" he asked as he walked over now also interested in the new Jobs opening. He patted Damian on the back as he passed by him.

Kelthar didn't care who he guy was he knew that the Master was obviously about to take care of it, and poor unfortunate man, because the master looked like he was ready and rearing for a fight. Kelthar chuckled to himself as he shook his head. "Poor poor man." he said so softly that no one could hear him around him. He grabbed some Jobs and looked at them as he thought about doing each one, he started to calculate the amount of time and money each one might take.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Nullification magic...No, Wave magic?...this is turning more and more interesting by the minute! he thought. "Hah, you are gonna have to do much more than that if you want to catch me, Master....what was your name again?" he asked as he pulled his finger from the mans hand. He didn't even turn to see who was the guy that started shouting something about waking up and other stuff. "Hmm, so If i want to fight I must join the guild? OK. I'm in then" he said before the master even finished what he was saying. "The names Shoichi, but people call me Sho for short" he introduced himself gleefully.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Master Jamie glared at the man, "Jarvis, deal with him. I don't have the patience for him right not" He said, turning to the guild as they slowly gathered in the building, effectively dismissing Shoichi from her attentions. She changed her appearance again to his typically guild appearance, and climbed the bar so the members could see him, as Jarvis took out the guild's marker and asked where Shoichi wanted it.

Sasha and Penny looked up when Damian came over, Sasha looked over to the job board, "Alright, thanks. That would be great" She said with a smile, looking over to penny as Damain asks her to go on a job. Penny seemed a bit taken aback. "You'll have more job offers soon then you can take, but Damain's a good guy" She told her

"Uh, sure" Penny said, "what job is it?" She asked curiously. "And Crocus? I haven't been there yet" She said, as Master Jamie called for attention, falling silent.

"We've had a rough few days" Master Jamie said, "With Aroway Island, and with losing one of our own, even if we don't know what happened. We've had a good time, with the S Class exams, and congratulations again to Damain for reaching S Class rank. I know you'll do us proud. I know I was meant to announce a second S class member, but I've decided to postpone that for now, in lue of events that I suspect will occur. I'm sorry to disappoint you all there"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt looked up when the Guild Master began and visibly shook a little when he talked about expecting things to happen soon. He quickly folded up the second letter and shoved it in his pocket, getting up and quickly making his way towards the exit. He hoped the Guild Master didn't have anything more to say, especially if it was related to him. he hesitated at the door and looked back at Sasha, before heading out of the guild, pushing past anyone in his way. He went straight to the market place, looking for one last thing. He shifted around nervously. Maybe he should tell Sasha? Mayt shook his head, knowing that wouldn't end well. She'd try to help, and get too many people involved. All he could do was hope for the best, right now anyway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"You're no fun miss..." Sho said and turned his attentions towards the bartender that came towards him with a guild marker. "Ohh so this is what a guild marker is huh? I heard guild mages tattoo the symbol of their guild on their bodies. Pretty cool if you ask me. Now a place for this could be...Hmm" he thought for a while about where he would put it. "I guess my back would do the job" Sho said and pulled his gi down, revealing the countless scars his body had accumulated over the years of hard training and fighting. "Right about here" he said, pointing at his left shoulder blade.

"Hey..um what was his name again?...Garvis? Yeah. What happened and the miss is so serious? Am i gonna get to fight now that I'm a member? Who is the strongest mage in the guild?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 19 min ago

Angelo watched it all unfold with the guy that wanted to pick a fight with their strongest and Angelo found it a bit annoying that the guy would barge in and demand a fight, thankfully our master was more then strong enough to kick the guys ass if he got out of line. Angelo looked when he saw the master go onto the bar and talk about the S ranks but that just disappointed Angelo knowing he was going to have to wait longer but its not like Angelo was going to get that second slot. He did hope however that master Jamie would give Angelo an S ranked mission or put him through some sort of trial to show that he was still worthy of the rank. Angelo lifted his finger up to catch mark on his finger, Angelo started to feed mark more pieces of bread glad that mark was still his best friend through everything that has happened with him. Now Angelo simply needed to wait and see what would happen with their newest recruit and the S ranks, although Angelo needed to be careful of the guy thinking he would do anything to pick a fight if it meant he would get a strong opponent and while Angelo wasn't an S ranked wizard he was still one of the strongest in the guild regardless...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Listening to the master's announcement, Damian bowed his head while blushing, using it to hide his embarrassment. "I will do my best master." Then he frowned when the master said there'd be no other S Class wizards for the time being and kept his opinion to himself, noting that Angelo was slightly discouraged by the lack of another S Class. No need to aggravate Master Jamie anymore than the new guy already had. Turning back to Sasha and Penny, he grins impishly at Sasha. "There's a job for wedding pictures up there, all expenses paid for plus the most expensive hotel to stay at with free meals at some fancy restaurant. Pays one hundred thousand jewel for you both. At least I think it's both of you." Grinning ever wider at the blush on Sasha face, he turns his attention to Penny.

"We'll be stopping thieves in Crocus who are stealing from shops and merchant guild halls. We got the request because there's evidence to show the group uses magic and who better to fight magic thieves than a magic guild?" The truth behind Damian's statement was easily countered with the simple 'what about the magic council' question, but most people who used magic had very little love for the magic council, guilds especially since they had extra rules to abide by. "Think you can handle it?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha did indeed blush, and her eyes roamed over to Lazarus. Well, they were a team..."it's probably the best job right now anyway. Don't want to split my side open again" She said with a soft sigh, Sasha despite being with the guild for a while now had never participated in a photo shoot for any of the wizard magazines, but she wanted to go on a job, so...if this was the easiest one to prevent more damage to herself, then perhaps it was the safest option.

"Good luck" She said to Penny, starting over to the board, to take the job down. It wasn't that hard to find. She frowned as she saw that the other models seemed to have run into trouble. Would the same happen to them? She didn't know, but they would handle it. She went over to Lazarus, "I know its a cheesy job and all, but it's probably the best one for me right now. I'd rather not have more stitches" She said to Lazarus.

She did wonder what things would happen and what the Master was talking about. Clearly the master had found something, and she wondered what, but decided a job was a good idea. The master could always contact them to come back if need be. Soon, she was coming back down the stiars with her satchel, and a pack, waiting for Lazarus.

"We'll be gone for about three days" She told Jarvis, "I have a communication Lacrima, if need be"
Penny frowned, wondering what she had missed by not being here sooner, but she sighed, and turned her attention to Damain. "Sure, sounds like an easy job. Just stop them, right? Uh. How will we get there? I usually fly, but....you can't, right?" She said, "I'm pretty strong, so you need not worry about me. I can handle it" She said with a smile, "when do you want to leave?" She hadn't unpacked all her clothes yet, so she could be ready to leave in minutes. She clutched the drawing Sasha had given her to her chest, wanting to put it in a safe place.

"I mean, I might not be S class or anything, but I can hold my own" She added
Master Jamie sighed. "Okay, Fighter Boy. Rules. No fighting in the guild. And no fighting today either. Most of the guild needs to rest, from our s class exams and I won't have you hurting them. So cool it" She jumped down from the bar, accepting the drink Jarvis offered her with a thank you. "This isn't some sort of fight club. Here we are family. We protect each other. We don't go just pulling our swords out for no reason, waving them around and whacking people over the head with them to provoke a fight. Yes, there's fights between members, but not just because they want to fight" Master Jamie waved a hand, "Everyone in this guild is now yours, in some way or another. They're friends. They laugh, cry, hurt, and give strength when you need it. If you can't understand that, I feel sorry for you"

Jarvis set a plate of food down in front of Jamie, choosing to stay quite.

"I mean, the girls could wear swimsuits more often" Master Jamie took a sip of his drink, and sat down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Damian laughed and took a moment to think about how long it should be before they leave. "We'll leave in a couple hours, give you time to get yourself settled in and figure out what you need to take before we get under way." He debated on how they would travel then nodded mostly to himself. "We'll take the train to get to Crocus, fastest means of ground travel plus we can rest up some before arrival." He watches Sasha and Lazarus getting ready to leave and waves at them, letting them know he wished them luck on their mission.

Turning back to Penny, he smiled at her. "And I don't doubt your strength, not at all. Especially since you're related to Sasha. I'll see you in a couple hours." Resting a hand on her shoulder good-naturedly, he smiles again. "Welcome to the guild." He walks past her and heads upstairs to his room, where he sat down to clean up his armor and swords and then sharpen the two cutlasses. Never hurt to be fully prepared. Of course, that whole process would only take around forty-five minutes. He planed on using the last hour and fifteen minutes on researching how to summon different kinds of swords, something that one of the history books he read as he cleaned called requipping.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny nodded, "Alright" She said, "i'll meet you in a few hours then" She said, going to the dorm room she had claimed. She changed into some travel clothes, tying her hair back, revealing her orange guild mark on her left shoulder, smiling to herself as she grabbed her pack, packing a change of clothes, and a map, just in case she had to find her way back to the guild by herself.

She set the drawing Sasha gave her on the desk, staring at it for a minute before sighing, and pulling on comfortable walking boots. And I don't doubt your strength, not at all. Especially since you're related to Sasha. So her sister was strong. That was good to know, it meant she could look after herself, and Penny was relieved at that.

It didn't take her long to finish getting ready, and she frowned, looking about, before slinging her pack over her shoulder and heading downstairs to wait. She looked about, but it appear Sasha had already left with Lazarus. She wondered what Job it had been, and wondered why it was a good job for them. Penny had so much to catch up on, she felt as if she was being pulled along, trying to find her barrings but continually losing them again.

She sat down at a table to wait for Damain, absently playing with a small flame, flicking it from one finger to the next with practiced ease, looking about the guild.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Whaaat, no fighting? Boooooring!" Sho sighed but It's not like he was going to force them to fight him if they didn't want to. "Okay Boss, no fighting" he said with a big smile in his face. He shifted his body around, trying to get more comfortable on the chair but it only ended up frustrating him, "Pff, these chairs are no good" he said and proceeded to climb and sit on the bar cross-legged. "Much better" he murmured.

"So, what happened and everyone is so serious? What is an S class exam?" he asked, clueless about what was going on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Two hours later, Damian comes down stairs with unsinged armor and perfectly clean cutlasses, along with a little more knowledge on his own magic, though he would need more time to practice and refine it. He also toyed with the idea of buying a more protective set of armor, since he was quickly discovering his leather armor wasn't helping nearly as much as he would have liked to think it was. That articulated plate armor is popular, and they sell suits of it made of light weight and sturdy metals. Maybe... Then he remembered his match with Angelo and realized that if it hadn't been for the leather armor that he'd have ended up extra crispy a lot sooner. On second thought, I'll keep this armor.

Spotting Penny at a table observing the guild, he approaches her and taps her shoulder, smiling excitedly when she turned around. "Alright, Penny, are you ready to go kick some thief guild butt?" He couldn't help but get sort of excited at the thought of doing something to help improve the reputation of magic in Fiore. One thing Damian could never shake from his memory was the looks of hate he'd received from members of villages he'd helped and cities he'd helped, despite being helpful, like he was a dog that could go mad any second. But when he'd arrived in Magnolia, no one had asked about why he could use ethereal sword blades when they'd seen him in with the guild. No one doubted the guild, even though Fairy Tail, where many of the Slayers from one hundred years ago had come from and had been based in Magnolia at one point, had arguably been to blame for the dark time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny looked up when Damian tapped her on the shoulder, and nodded rising, slinging her pack over one shoulder, "more then ready" she said happily,, giving him a smile and started out the guild, looking for the direction of the train station, and eventually arrived there, moving through the crowd easily to secure tickets, and led Damian to the train, finding them a compartment. She settled down with a smile, and leaned back against the seat. She knew it would be a few hours before they reached Crocus, and she was going to enjoy it.

She pondered what they were going to do, hunt down and fight a bunch of thieves, which in theory sounded easy enough and yet she knew it could be very hard, given how big a city Crocus was, and she sighed softly, and started to play with her flames again. "So, how does your magic world?" She asked him curiously as the train began to move, smiling and waiting for the answer as the flames flickered and danced over her fingers
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt stumbled into the guild hall, the door bursting open. He stumbles a little farther then straightens himself, putting his foot up on an empty chair and rubbing his toes with the palm of his hand. "Ow... Ow... Ow..." He bit his lip, holding his toes for a little bit longer before putting his foot back down and closing the door. Not even registering he just stumbled in after stubbing his toe in front of the whole guild. He quickly navigated the people and tables to Master Jamie. "I need to... I need to talk with you in private please." He seems a little anxious. "It's important." He shifts back and forth on his feet, looking around. He seems a little disheveled, and he walked over with a slight limp, due to the stubbed toe. The ultimate effect was somewhat satire, but the sense of urgency in his speech makes it more than evident this wouldn't be the time to be joking around about how he looks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Master Jamie sighed and addressed Sho. "We lost one of our members. We don't know if he's dead or not. Light engulfed him and sent him away before we could find out" he said, looking up as Mayt stumbled on watching him.

"Alright then" Master Jamie said in response to the desperation in Mayts voice, "sorry Sho. You'll have to find out more on your own" he said, "this way Mayt" he said, heading back to his room. Jamie's room was small, but stuffed fulf of stuff. A bed, her desk covered in books, and some other bits and pieces.

Master Jamie sat down and turned to Mayt "alright"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt follows Master Jamie to his room, and nods, hesitating for a moment. "I'm being blackmailed. I don't know by who, but I know they have magic of some sort. They have irrefutable evidence that they're holding at least one of my birth parents hostage and they know several things about my past that I wish to stay there." He lets out a shaky breath. "They seem to be sending the letters from Acalypha Town, but that may be a ruse. I want to find this person, but they'll... They'll probably know if I leave town. So hunting them down personally is out of the question." He lifts his finger up to his mouth and bites on the knuckle. "I was wondering if you could trace them through the magic on this paper. If that's possible at all. Otherwise... I don't know." He pulls out the third page of the first letter he was seen in the guild with. The page seems to be a list of objects to get, followed by a set of instructions on how to construct some sort of ritual.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Master Jamie listened as Mayt spoke, staying sent and not interrupting, appearing thoughtful. She didn't know what to say, but sighed. "Mayt, I would do anything for you, or any of the other members" he said, running a hand through his hair.

"I can and will check this out for you" Master Jamie continued, "but how sure are you that this isn't a trap? To lure you? How positive are you that they have your birth parent?" She held out a hand for the paper, "it is possible to trace them, if there is magic in the paper but it's hard. I can do if, but you'll need to give me time"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt nods, and bites his lip. "The blackmailer sent a brooch. It was my mothers, I remember it." He closes his eyes for a moment. "And I'd be happy if you hunted down the blackmailer and stopped them, before they do something drastic. I don't want to see my birth family get hurt." He leans back a little bit. "Also, if the ritual... Thing, would help at all if you saw it, I'm sure you know where to look." He shifts back and forth, half wanting to just leave this awkward position, and half wanting to see what other information he could provide that would help the Guild Master hunt down his blackmailer. "And I'll tell you when I get another letter, maybe the magical energy left on that will be stronger." Mayt backs towards the door a little, thinking he's provided all the information he can.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Mayt, someone tries to harm any member, and they will face the wraith of Phoenix Wing. You aren't alone anymore. You have people willing to help you. Leave the letter with me and I'll get back to you in a few hours. If you get another, leave it here and tell Jarvis you left somethingn for me. Jarvis will make sure I know quick enough" Master Jamie said "go. Rest, relax and know I will help" he said
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt nods. "Thank you." He heads out and sits down at the bar, ordering something with a little buzz to it to help calm his nerves. He looks around, and notices Sho. He immediately connects that he's a new person to the guild. He started to go to say something, then shakes his head. And leans back in the chair. His hand rests against the hilt of his blade, and he looks a little calmer than he did when he came in. Once he gets his drink he downs half of the first glass in the first go, and resting one elbow on the bar, staring off into space, thinking.
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