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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"So we have a case of a missing person in our hands..." he muttered as the master left with a person, probably another guild member, to talk privately somewhere. With missing people, you don't know if they are dead or alive and so you don't know if you should grieve or hope. It's a pain that eats away at you until you find out the truth. Sho didn't know the guild member that went missing but he was sure it was someone they all loved, since so many people tensed up when the master mentioned him earlier.

After a while, the man that went to talk in private with the guild master came back to the bar and sat down on a chair next to him, got something to drink and half-attempted to speak to Sho but instead decided to gulp down the drink the bartender had presented him with. "From the looks of it, he really needs someone to talk right now..." Sho thought and adjusted his position to look directly at the man. "If you want to speak, speak! The name's Shoichi and I just joined the guild. Are you good at fighting?" he immediately asked the man in-front of him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt was a little startles by Sho suddenly talking to him, and he looked over. He took a small sip from his glass as Sho introduced himself. Mayt held out a hand to the individual. "Welcome to the guild. I'm Mayt. And... Fighting? It depends on my opponent, their magic, and so on." He glances at Jarvis. "If you need a place to stay or someone to show you around, Jarvis is your guy." He points at Jarvis, then rubs his face. "Anyone here will gladly help you find things if they know where it is. But I think Jarvis knows everything about the guild, so he's always a good guy to talk to." He leaned back and drinks the rest of his drink.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"That's nonsense. A good fight can happen only of both fighters know nothing about each others magic and skills. You can't beat the element of surprise in the eyes or the opponent when you crush them into pulp without them knowing how" Sho said, having gone into his own little world but quickly came back to his senses. "Ah, ha ha don't mind me, I'm just rambling on my own..." he laughed awkwardly. "By the way, did something happen to you, if you don't mind me asking? Just say the word and I'll rough anyone up for you anytime!" Sho said and grinned.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Paingodsson
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Paingodsson A Dreamer

Member Seen 11 days ago

Kelthar sat over looking over the Job board as he listened to Sho ramble on, he looked at one of the jobs, "Replacement Librarian." "Hahaha," Kelthar chuckled to himself, he knew there would be no way he would ever or could ever take that job. As he scanned the board he looked at on of the jobs was, "Lost in a Maze" he read it and thought to himself, if I could focus well enough I may just be able to hear them out. He grabbed it quickly as he brought it over to Angelo. He honestly couldn't believe he was going to do this. He hated bringing people along but if he couldn't weed out the sound of the people in the maze, having someone extremely fast would help a lot. He set down the job in front of him, "Hey Angelo." Kelthar said with a grin, "Wanna take job with me?" he said

Inside Kelthar hated himself because he didn't want to ask for help but he knew he would have to. It was better this way though, it was more logical to take someone else who's magic had the potential to help a lot. Not to mention their magic would work well together, with the thunder that followed lightning, Kelthar could use that as a boost on his own powers by amplifying the sound of it. He just hoped Angelo would accept his offer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Damian had been lost in his musings with how he could further refine his magic when Penny asked about how it worked, playing with flames along her fingers. He had to stop to think about, since he'd only ever been asked what it looked like before, not necessarily how it worked. "Well," he says, summoning the knife blade he often played with absentmindedly when he was really thinking about something and flipping it in the air and catching it, "I summon blades, like this, only much bigger usually, for a variety of abilities, offensively and defensively. Typically, they're orange like this blade here, but I have to other skill levels that I 'lock', or block my access to, in order to both reserve magic power and keep from going overboard in a fight with someone.

The first, Skill Lock Alpha, turns the orange blades and magic energy from orange to green, which means I've unlocked more powerful versions of the spells I usually use, plus access to a few I couldn't before, like Sonic Thrust or Ragnarok Blade. They're extremely powerful spells, though not my strongest. After that, there's Skill Lock Omega, which turns the magic energy and the blades from green to black, allowing me to use even more powerful versions of my normal spells and more locked spells like Judgement Strike." Damian takes a moment to let it sink in, still tossing the knife blade into the air, before continuing. "Put simply, I summon blades that can rain death, erupt from the ground, sail through the air or even come out from my cutlasses here."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt sighed. "I didn't say I had to know what my opponent's magic was, but if it's something that causes something physical to happen, I'm more than likely to lose that fight. If it's something more akin to energy, I have a better chance at winning. Simple as that." He lets out a breath and takes another sip. He wasn't sure if he liked or very much disliked how everything this guy said seemed to have something to do with fighting or beating someone up. "I'm fine, Master Jamie said he'd help, thanks for the offer though." He finished off his glass, looking around the guild hall quickly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Well...even if Boss said she'd help you, if ANYTHING happens, don't hesitate to ask for my help!" Sho said smiling. "By the way, It seems that everyone is stopping by that board over there. What is that? They seem pretty excited after looking at it for some time..." he said confused. "This is my first time doing this guild stuff so I'm pretty much new to everything. You said earlier that i could find a place to stay here if i asked that bartender. Does that mean the guild hall is also where the guild members live?" he asked Mayt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt nods. "Thanks for the offer, and the board over there is the request board. You can go up there and find a job to do. For the most part, they seem to pay very well, and there are interesting jobs there." He chuckles a little when Sho asks if people live in the guild hall. "No, there are dorms that you can rent cheaply. I don't personally know how that works, I own an apartment a little ways from here. I had that place before I came here, and I didn't want to move all my stuff from the apartment to the dorms. So I personally don't live here. But if Sasha or someone is around, you can talk to them, they can tell you more. Or talk to Jarvis, I think he's the one that rents them out." Mayt waves Jarvis over to refill his glass. "And don't worry about being new to the whole guild thing, I've been here all of a month and a week or so."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny listened as Damian described his magic, and how it worked, nodded, "It sounds a bit complicated but then I imagine mine would to someone that doesn't use it" She said, "It sounds like it would be very effective against most people though" She said, letting her flame disappear "Mostly my attacks are phoenix related. I can create flames around my body, and then I attack in that form. Stuff like "Phoenix Blast" And "Phoenix fire" things like that. It works" She said with a shrug. "I can fly though in my fiery form. When i first discovered that, I couldn't do it for more then a few minutes, now, I can fly for a few hours before needing to rest"

She smiled, and shrugged. "It must be awesome to summon blades though" She said, "How do you do that? are they somewhere, or do they exist in like an alternative reality or something?" She asked curiously, trying to figure out how it would work, but unable do. Her magic just came from within her, she didn't have to bring it from anywhere else. "And obviously you know how to use the blades too"
Master Jamie sighed, setting down on his bed. He studied the letter, then closed his eyes. He was sure she could feel some residue magic, but it had dissipated between being sent and Mayt coming to her. He sighed, thinking about how to track the magic.

it would be complicated, and take a bit of time, but Master Jamie set to work doing it. As near as Jamie could tell, it had been sent from Acalypha Town, but Jamie thought that wasn't where it originated, and she went to the library, taking out a map of that area.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"I see..." Sho said and jumped off the bar and stretched a little. He then walked towards the request board. It seemed that every job that had to do with fighting was taken by someone else; "Man, everything i could possibly do Is already taken" he sighed, "and everything else is so boring..." he sat down on the floor in front of the board, thinking what he could do. He would have to find another way to pay for the rent, if he wanted to stay in the dorms. "Hey Mayt, is there anything like an arena or something in this city? All these jobs are no good...i really suck at anything other than martial arts and beating up others..." Sho was embarrassed to say that but it was the truth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt sighed, and wished he had spent more town exploring the area's bars. "No, I don't think there's an arena in this town. And if there is, it probably isn't legal." He says, thinking. "And if you're good at martial arts you could always do some menial labor like carrying something or escorting. And beating up people... I'm not sure. I haven't visited the board recently anyway, I've been... Busy, with other things." He takes a sip of his newly refilled drink, starting to feel a little bit of the relaxing buzz he was after. He reminded himself not to drink too much. He still had to make it home that night. "If one of the people that took one of the jobs you'd prefer, you could talk to them and ask to come along."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Damian listened to Penny describe her own magic, filing the information away for in case the master pit the S Class contenders against the S Class wizards in the guild for the next test, something he could see happening. Then she went on to ask how he summoned his blades and where they came from, which drew a smile from him as he floated the knife blade he'd been flipping in the air over to her. "Well, that one's easy. I create them out of my magic energy, with the lengths, sizes and shapes envisioned in my mind." As Penny looks at the knife blade, she realizes that there's no obvious hint of metal in it, that it's completely magic energy, which is the entire reason it's orange in color.

It floats back to Damian and he shrugs, dismissing it as he rests it's tip against his finger tip. "At least, that's the way it seems to me. I've never had any reason to believe differently." Leaning back, he closes his eyes as the train moves towards Crocus, humming quietly for a few moments. Then he faced Penny and frowned slightly. "You know, how did you come to find out where Sasha was? It's not like she gives everyone her name."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"That's pretty cool" Penny said with a smile, but she fell silent when he asked how she found sasha. she bit her lip, and looked away. "I followed her trail from her old master, to towns she visited, to finally, I reached the city without sound" Penny said, "And this doctor told me about an ice mage named Sasha from a guild in magnolia" she said, "it's been a few years of following and tracking" She said, "It was a lot of asking questions and paying bribes, but it was worth it"

She smiled and shrugged, "I don't regret a moment of my travels, because this is the end result. I found her, and I got to develop my stamina with my magic while doing it" she brought her legs underneath her, curling slightly, and watching Damian, "Heres the thing, you can find anything if you try hard enough" She said
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 31 min ago

Paingodsson said
Kelthar sat over looking over the Job board as he listened to Sho ramble on, he looked at one of the jobs, "Replacement Librarian." "Hahaha," Kelthar chuckled to himself, he knew there would be no way he would ever or could ever take that job. As he scanned the board he looked at on of the jobs was, "Lost in a Maze" he read it and thought to himself, if I could focus well enough I may just be able to hear them out. He grabbed it quickly as he brought it over to Angelo. He honestly couldn't believe he was going to do this. He hated bringing people along but if he couldn't weed out the sound of the people in the maze, having someone extremely fast would help a lot. He set down the job in front of him, "Hey Angelo." Kelthar said with a grin, "Wanna take job with me?" he saidInside Kelthar hated himself because he didn't want to ask for help but he knew he would have to. It was better this way though, it was more logical to take someone else who's magic had the potential to help a lot. Not to mention their magic would work well together, with the thunder that followed lightning, Kelthar could use that as a boost on his own powers by amplifying the sound of it. He just hoped Angelo would accept his offer.

sure why not, got nothing else to do" Angelo said simply as he got up stretching and mark got onto his shoulder ready to help. Angelo really needed a distraction right now so taking on a job would be a good thing for him to do right now and just get back to work. Although Angelo hasn't meet this guy before he had to be a member of the guild so that was enough for him at least "so tell me what job did you decide to take anyways?" Angelo said knowing he needed a distraction but he wasn't stupid in taking a job without knowing what it would entail of him
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"No arenas huh...tch, I guess I'll take this one then" he said and unpinned the flyer from the board. "This old man needs someone to deliver some wine but really, who pays 60,000 jewel for a delivery...oh well, not gonna argue if you're willing to give me your money, right?" he said, raising his shoulders. "I don't like doing boring stuff but It's not like i have a choice on the matter. Aw man and It's going to be a bother getting to Onibus town from here. I guess I better be on my way then...see ya later" Sho said and waved goodbye.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Damian chuckles and leans back again, closing his eyes and smiling. "That might be true. Who knows. But as for somethings out there, no amount of looking will find them. Sometimes you just have to wait for them to find you." He let silence fall over the cart and he kept thinking on what he was missing in his spells to give them all the increase in power he'd need, so he didn't need to unlock the skill locks so often. He knew how strong they were, how much power he had with them. But the biggest concern he always faced when using his magic was when he'd first discovered the locks, because he hadn't put them there.

He could still remember when he'd first unlocked each lock, each time he'd been pushed to his limits. The first, Alpha, had come unlocked during a fight with a wizard that was using insanely strong take over magic. He'd almost died in that fight and would have if the skill lock hadn't unlocked when it had. Omega had been in a fight against a Heavenly Body mage, which had pushed him to his limits when he'd unlocked the Alpha lock. If he hadn't used bunker block when he had, that ray attack would have obliterated him. "Penny, do you ever feel like your magic is keeping secrets from you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny looked out the window as they fell in silence, feeling comfortable and watching the landscape go buy. She wondered briefly what Sasha was doing, but didn't dwell on that too long. She smiled, looking over when Damian asked about magic hiding things for her, and she shrugged "of course it is. I don't know everything about my magic, and I know I never well. But each knew thing I find is like a little surprise. If it wasn't hiding secrets from me, it would just be boring" she said shrugging, "why?" She asked curiously

She sat up, turning to look at him, her dark eyes alight with curiosity, but she knew they would be in Crocus soon, and she found she was reluctant to be there, happy just sitting here talking with Damian and enjoying just sitting, discussing things. She hadn't had much hance really to talk to anyone for more the half an hour, and she was enjoying ir
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Paingodsson
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Paingodsson A Dreamer

Member Seen 11 days ago

Kelthar grinned as he agreed. "Oh it'll be one that's great." He pointed to the piece of paper that said, "Lost in the Maze" I think that with my control of sound and your ability to move super fast. We can probably get it done quite easily. He said with a smile. I mean all we gotta do is find them right? Well that shouldn't be too hard! Even in a labyrinth. Kelthar patted Angelo on the back, besides if there is anything to worry about there, I'm sure we will be able to handle it no problem. Kelthar already had a bag packed in his apartment though so all he had to do was go there before they left.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 31 min ago

Angelo sighed a little honestly he hated puzzle games but a job was a job "well if you can get us to them then it shouldn't be to hard. Make no mistake though I can only move super fast when im in my Zeus armor and that takes up a lot of magical energy. Hence the reason I only used it during the battle with Damien yesterday however if we end up having to fight a badass creature then I can easily take care of it" Angelo said shrugging a little smiling slightly as he gestured for him to lead the way since he had the job paper to tell them what maze they were talking about
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt nodded, looking at the person. "Yeah, cya around, though you don't need to stand there like you need my permission to go do a job." He smiles a little, then it drops like a stone. "Maybe when I'm feeling better we can spar, but as for now I have a concussion and don't want to risk making it worse. Would be interesting to say the least." He glanced over at the door to the Guild. He wondered how long it would take for Master Jamie to determine the location of his blackmailer and find a way to silence them. Either by force or turning them into the authorities. But he was certain the Guild Master would do it, and that he would be told when it's over. He tried to relax, drinking more. Somehow, knowing the Guild Master was on the case didn't make him feel as good as it should've.
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