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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Damian looked apprehensive for a moment before letting out a sigh and sitting forward, resting his arms on his knees. "Because I didn't place the skill locks on my magic. I found them when I was in near death and fighting wizards who were at least ten times stronger than I was. And I'm not convinced my magic is done surprising me." When she looks at him quizzically, he shrugs. "It feels incomplete, like there's something the spells are missing to put out their all, no matter what skill lock I'm on." He sighs again and summons the knife blade again lets it float in between them, slowly rotating in a circle.

"See what I mean? I mean, the handle is a given, but besides the point. I guess I shouldn't ask if you see what I mean, it's not something you can understand on my level, but it just feels," Damian shrugs in defeat, dismissing the knife again, "incomplete."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Paingodsson
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Paingodsson A Dreamer

Member Seen 11 days ago

Kelthar started to walk, "I hope you have your stuff ready as we are heading toward Web Valley near Clover Town. I already have a suitcase ready at my apartment so we will have to stop by there before we go." Kelthar said as he took a drink from Jarvis and slammed it down. "That's some good drink." he exclaimed, "I'm gonna take one for the road." he said as he got another and downed it. He hoped that whatever was in the Labyrinth wasn't too bad, but then again, an echo in a labyrinth would still be perfect for him to take it and amplify it. And with Angelo there there would be no way they could lose.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Angelo sighed but smiled at the guy downing two drinks easily. Angelo jumped up to his high beam and he got his stash of money before coming down, he doesn't know how far it will be or what they might find but money can loosen peoples tounges and make them button their lips if needed. Hopefully Angelo wouldn't need to use to much on the trip seeing as how he needed to pay back sasha for giving his mother first months rent at a nice place nearby. "lets just make sure to come back alive, the last thing I want is to have the guy who can make sound waves die. Honestly I suck at puzzles and without your help ill probably end up getting lost in the maze to" Angelo said laughing a little at the joke
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Paingodsson
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Paingodsson A Dreamer

Member Seen 11 days ago

Kelthar opened the guild hall doors, "BYE ALL!" he yelled loudly. He grinned at Angelo, "No worries, we have this completely under control I believe in both our skills." Kelthar said as he walked towards his apartment. "Besides honestly I can't think of anything too dangerous in a place like that." He walked up to the apartments as he opened a bottom floor door there it was, his apartment. It was rather simple. A bed, a chair, small fireplace, a desk, the only things that really made it unique was the books that laid everywhere through the apartment. He beckoned Angelo in, "Just give me a sec." he said as he walked into the kitchen and came out with another ukulele. "Can never be to careful you know." Kelthar said with a grin. If someone were to pay attention to the books they were all about sound magic. As well as quite a few of them were about how to increase your magical energy. The books were everywhere, however, even worse was the papers that were all over the floor and pinned on the walls written down with notes. "Do you want anything to eat?" he asked Angelo as he grabbed his suitcase. "If not, then we should get going to the train station don't you think?" He said with a smile. "Also sorry about the mess, I kind of just get focused and don't pay attention to how messy this place gets." he said looking at the wall next to Angelo that was filled with notes on how to increase your Magic Power.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Angelo followed him towards his apartment which ended up being a real mess. Angelo wouldn't say anything mainly because he didn't want to be rude as he walked inside, since he was their however he did look around the place to see what books the guy would even be interested in reading. Angelo attention soon made him look at the wall about how to increase ones magical power and that made Angelo look curious thinking maybe if he could learn beyond his limits he could create something even stronger then his Zeus armor mode. Knowing that he will be able to make S rank next time for sure he comes in busting out a brand new technique he came up with to beat the competition.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Penny frowned, thinking. She wasn't too sure what he meant, but she could at least understand how he felt that his magic was incomplete. She looked out the window briefly, before saying "I think magic is all about surprises. We aren't going to know everything in the hold world all at once. I think magic is the same meat. You might not know things about your magic how, but you might know me in a week, a month, a year. You just have to be patient" she said, "and then it will be complete. Well, that's my opinion at least" she said, rising as the train slowed.

She slung her pack over her shoulder, keeping her balance as the train stopped, "maybe it just means you aren't ready for what "giving it your all" means" she said "we had to be prepared for the power we are given after all" there was an announcement to say they had reached Crocus station. She smiled, and waited for Damian.

Back in the guild, Jarvis was putting up some new jobs on the job board, as Master Jamie came out from the library with a map in hand, going over to Mayt. She snatched a drink from the bar as he headed over, sitting down. "I can pretty much give you one of a few locations this letter came from, but can't give you an exact location" she said softly, making sure no one over heard, opening the map.
Sasha and Lazarus

Sasha and Lazarus arrived at Balsam village, and Sasha looked around, soon finding the FOREVER magazine building, and spoke to the director, Monsieur Aristide Ange, who studied them, and Sasha squirmed, feeling as if she was being measured like a cut of beef.

"Well, aren't you just a pretty little thing!" Monsieur Aristide Ange. "You're big dark eyes. You're hair could use a bit of care, but we can provide that. I wonder why we have never seen you in a guild magazine before! The people would just eat you up!" Sasha blushed, "And you!" Monsieur Aristide Ange said turning to Lazarus "who would not know Phoenix Wings Player boy? You two are perfect, dark and light together it's brilliant! Here, this is your room at the hotel, and passes for dinner and the spa treatment"

It was all a whirlwind, but Sasha was glad when they arrived at the Royal Spa hotel, heading into the room. She should have guessed that there would be only one bed, given that it was a couples job, but she still found it a surprise, and she looked to Lazarus, blushing some.

She swallowed, cleared her throat and started to unpack her things, before looking at the treatments avaliable
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt looked over at the Guild Master, nodding. Even if his blackmailer was only in one of a few spots, he figured if someone waited in one of those places they could find them. He looked over the map, speaking just as softly as the Guild Master. "Well, couldn't we have people wait in one of the towns until they showed up again? The problem is, we don't know who the blackmailer is, or what magic they have, which could prove dangerous. They obviously have some way of tracking me, So, that's good to know. I can't go to any of these places myself. So..." He bites his lip, thinking. "I don't know. Maybe someone could go and hunt him or her down, then follow them to where they're operating from?" He looked a little hopeful. Wishing this could be over soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Damian stretched as he stood, scratching the back of his head as he grabbed his pack and headed to climb off the train to start their job. "Maybe. Guess I'll know for sure when it up and surprises me again." Nodding to the conductor as he climbs off the train, he looks around the station, trying to remember what he could about Crocus City and it's residents, the job he'd done for them having been some time in the past. "Now then, let's see here...The Merchant's guild we need to talk to is on the west side of the city and we should avoid using magic too openly."

Damian glances back at Penny to make sure she was following and then headed out towards the merchant's guild. "The reason for not using our magic too openly is because it's still regarded with extreme suspicion here. Or at least it was when I was here for a job a few years back. I'm sure these thieves have reset the status quo again." He could still remember how quickly the mayor had handed him his reward for taking care of the monsters and then told him to leave. "In fact, when I was here last, they called me a demon loving piece of filth. If things have changed in the time between now and then, it'll be nice."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Paingodsson
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Paingodsson A Dreamer

Member Seen 11 days ago

He also noticed Angelo looking at the wall and grinned, "It's pretty powerful stuff." he said as he walked out the door, "It's all about how if you push your physical body to the limit as well as your magic power, then you can almost double how strong you get over time." Kelthar said with a grin, "I was training in that way but Master Jaimie showed up and thought I was trying to kill myself. It is quite taxing on the body though and I guess it can be dangerous if you aren't careful, but I think it explains that the dangerous part is in the physical body, because you see you do both at the same time. That way your body grows as your magic does." Kelthar explained "I also have multiple herbs and drinks that are rumored to as well." he said, of course it's over time and not instant but it's still a chance." He said now as he locked his door and headed to the train station. "What about you Angelo? What do you think about all that?" he asked with a grin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Paingodsson said
He also noticed Angelo looking at the wall and grinned, "It's pretty powerful stuff." he said as he walked out the door, "It's all about how if you push your physical body to the limit as well as your magic power, then you can almost double how strong you get over time." Kelthar said with a grin, "I was training in that way but Master Jaimie showed up and thought I was trying to kill myself. It is quite taxing on the body though and I guess it can be dangerous if you aren't careful, but I think it explains that the dangerous part is in the physical body, because you see you do both at the same time. That way your body grows as your magic does." Kelthar explained "I also have multiple herbs and drinks that are rumored to as well." he said, of course it's over time and not instant but it's still a chance." He said now as he locked his door and headed to the train station. "What about you Angelo? What do you think about all that?" he asked with a grin.

in all honesty I think its pretty interesting. My jolt magic could be pushed to a new limit and maybe even give me an ace in the hole if something bad were to happen to the guild hall someday. We don't know when those ragged brotherhood members may show up again and I want to play a bigger role in taking them down then I did last time." Angelo said thinking of a scenario when everything rides on him and he attacks one of them in a duel and is pushed to a limit Angelo can see himself in a new untapped form of his Zeus armor thinking that something set him off to push him past the edge like with Damien but with a real risk of death. Angelo followed him to the train station imagining his new form and what it would be over and over again thinking of a way to train himself to go past that threshold and into a new fighting tactic
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Master Jamie sighed softly, rolling up the map, "the ones I would send are all out on jobs. Sasha would have been good-she hasn't appeared in any magazines, and outside of this city, no one would recognize her as a Phoenix Wing member, unless they saw her mark. But she's on a job. So it must be me then. I can just change my appearance and no one will Recognise me" he said, "it will be okay, Mayt" she gave him a smile
Penny sighed softly following behind Damian "people fear magic, and yet, they will ask us to do something. They see the usefulness of us, but fear we are a disease or something" she said "we also shouldn't use magic, to let the thieves assume when we are tracking them that we can't fight with magic. Make them feel over confident, and then tear them down!" She said thoughtfully, sticking close to Damian as he seemed to know where to go, and she could easily get lost.

She knew there was adequate reason to fear wizards, but most just wanted to help. It was just a few that seemed to want to abuse the power that comes with being a magic user. She despised those people. "We will be careful, I'm sure we won't cause people to chase us out of town with pitchforks and torches" she said, looking about
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Paingodsson
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Paingodsson A Dreamer

Member Seen 11 days ago

As Kelthar walked into the train he sat down, "yeah that's why i've been training as hard as I could lately. I've tried to amplify my own powers and when I just cant take anymore they go off by themselves, yeah it hurts, but that's when I try to reach a full extent of myself physically. Therefor it is even harder. He sat down in a car as he pulled a drink out of his bag. He tossed one to Angelo, take that, as well it's suppose to do wonders for us magic users in increasing our magic power overtime. Some people don't think it works. I personally don't care, to me it taste good even though it's pretty bitter to others." Kelthar said with a grin. He laid back and looked out the window. He waved to Magnolia as they left it behind. "I'm gonna miss everyone in the guild I hope that they all take care of themselves." Kelthar said. "Aw who am I kidding they will be fine." Kelthar continued. But in his head he thought about how they would be better off without him holding them back. He shook his head and brought out a ukulele and started playing a soft tune that others found relaxing. So much so others around them seemed to start falling asleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt nodded, smiling back at the Guild Master. "Thanks for the offer, and I really appreciate what you're doing. No one would recognize Penny as a member either, and doubtful as far as Damian goes. Neither have been here for very long, and their marks aren't in an obvious place..." Mayt was lot in thought for a moment, then shook his head. "At any rate, I'll try to avoid doing anything bad, but I can't ignore the letters." He nods slowly, and sighs. "I want this over with as soon as possible, but I fear the blackmailer may have tricks up his or her sleeves." He remembered the fight with the other group a while prior, and didn't put it past murderers to also blackmail.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Damian chuckled at the pitchforks and torches comment as they exited the station and headed down towards the west side of the city, watching children play and adults go about their business. "No one uses pitchforks and torches anymore, not with the Magic Council around. Of course, they're about as good at their job as you'd expect, their soldiers only being called in when a wizard in a known guild acts up and if the soldiers arrive on time, they rarely even catch the wizard they were called to catch." He shakes his head. "Overall, I feel the council's a joke, at least the Royal Army was always on time."

Stopping at a shop, he looks up and down the sidewalk before stepping inside, beckoning Penny to follow. "First things first, let's see what the store owners have to say first."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Paingodsson said
As Kelthar walked into the train he sat down, "yeah that's why i've been training as hard as I could lately. I've tried to amplify my own powers and when I just cant take anymore they go off by themselves, yeah it hurts, but that's when I try to reach a full extent of myself physically. Therefor it is even harder. He sat down in a car as he pulled a drink out of his bag. He tossed one to Angelo, take that, as well it's suppose to do wonders for us magic users in increasing our magic power overtime. Some people don't think it works. I personally don't care, to me it taste good even though it's pretty bitter to others." Kelthar said with a grin. He laid back and looked out the window. He waved to Magnolia as they left it behind. "I'm gonna miss everyone in the guild I hope that they all take care of themselves." Kelthar said. "Aw who am I kidding they will be fine." Kelthar continued. But in his head he thought about how they would be better off without him holding them back. He shook his head and brought out a ukulele and started playing a soft tune that others found relaxing. So much so others around them seemed to start falling asleep.

Angelo shrugged as he drank the odd drink and found that it had a bitter aftertaste it wasn't all bad listening to what he saying wondering what he meant by he hopes the guild will be okay, Angelo didn't think much of it as he heard him play his little ukulele thing and smiled as the soft tune played and instead if falling asleep he started to sing "somewhere, over the rainbow. Way up high, theirs a land that I dream up once in a lullaby...."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Penny an Damian are out on a job" Master Jamie said "and you want this done as quick as possible. You're one of mine, Mayt. There isn't anything I wouldn't do to protect anyone of you" she said, changing her appearance as she rose

And smiled "I'll head out. Any trouble, speak with Jarvis. He normally knows how to contact me" he turned, heading over to the bar, and telling Jarvis his plan, before packing some
Stuff for a journey and heading out the guild.
Penny nodded "the council is there to make it seem like someone is control us" she said, studying the merchants shop, before heading in. She looked around the store. It was a small place, yet seemed pretty much stocked floor to ceiling with merchandise and she stared around wide eyed. "Wow" she said, before approaching the store owner, a portly man with a kind face.

She smiled, and leaning on the counter, and said "hi. We heard about the thievery and were interested in helping" she said, knowing her guild mark could be seen easily enough, just on her shoulder. "Can you tell us what happened?" The shop keeper seemed a bit shockedc but managed to stutter out.

"I w-was h-here dealing with a c-c-customer, w-when this band came in and a-a-started throwing magic around, taking w-what they w-wanted and leaving" the merchant seemed to speak more strongly as he continued
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Damian listened to the story and frowned, walking around the shelves and looking at each area that might have had something specific taken, but unsure of what the thieves could have even wanted. And the fact that the store owner had confirmed the use of magic...Wait a minute. "Sir, what did they steal, exactly, and did you see if they were wearing any odd jewelry or anything like that? Things that, while they seemed perfectly normal to be wearing, had some kind of odd looking gem or marking." Charms could have been used to perpetrate the crime and those required no magic energy at all, since it was all stored in the charm itself, along with the charm.

"Oh, and what kind of clothes they were wearing. Cloaks and the like, along with color."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt nodded. "A-ah..." He couldn't hide the blush that snuck into his cheeks as the Guild Master changed forms. "I will definitely talk to Jarvis if I get more letters or need to talk to you." He nodded to the Guild Master. "And... It would ease my mind if you, at the very least, didn't go alone. Even the best wizards can fall to a surprise attack, you know?" He was obviously trying to indicate that he didn't mean any offense, but knew that now wizard was perfect. He looked down a little, then back up, unsure the proper posture to take after saying this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The store owner seemed a bit shocked to be addressed by Damian, and Penny looked towards Damain, thinking fast. If they used magical items, then it would mean that they were nothing but frauds, tainting good magic users everywhere. "Oh. Ah. Four men-no, three men and a woman. They had uh, animal masks on their faces, otherwise they were wearing normal clothes. The men had jewelry on, the woman didn't. Uh, they took the few magical items I had, and ah-" he ruffled behind the counter, taking out some bound together pages, "and some of my other stock. A few valuable pieces"

Penny took the paper from the merchant, reading it, frowning, then she looked to Damian, biting her lip. "Thank you" she said to the merchant "we will do everything we can to put a stop to this, and return your goods" she went over to Damian
Master Jamie smiled, an easy grin that looked out of place on the shy face she wore. "Don't worry about me, Mayt. Just sit tight. I have friends to help me" he started to whistle, an easy merry tune, heading out at a quick walk, and was soon out the city
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

"Thank you sir." Leading Penny back out of the shop, Damian takes the papers and looks them over, trying to figure out a particular pattern. "Well, he said the men were wearing jewelry, but that the woman wasn't, which means at the very least she is a wizard. Doesn't change anything though," he says, beckoning to her as they head for another shop between them and the merchant guild, "we'll catch them, we'll bust them and we'll get our pay. For sure it sounds like the men are using charms." He rested a hand on the hilt of one of his cutlasses and looks around at every alleyway they pass, ever alert.

Just whatever magical items are available in the shop and some spendy flashy pieces. There's got to be SOME reason for it, even if it isn't evident now. Maybe after we talk to a couple more shops and the guild... Shaking his head, he stops out front of the shop and frowns, the thieves having obviously been much rougher in their robbery of this one. "What do you make of this, Penny?"
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