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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Ezekiel's wanderings were abruptly cut short as he felt someone ram into his side. Quickly regain his balance, he turned to see that the offending person was a little girl leading an elderly woman, with a man following a small ways behind. Looking between each of them, he saw the connections and emotions laid out before him, easily seeing they were all related. But what intrigued him the most was what he could read from the man. An strong magical aura that easily identified him as a mage, though he wasn't too familiar with the forms of magic he had on him. All he could discern was that one had to do with summoning and the other was some form of metal manipulation.

So engrossed was he in studying the man's magic that he didn't respond to his apology for a couple seconds. However, when it finally did registered in his head, he blinked slowly before shaking his head, trying to focus his attention back on the current situation.

"Ah. . . it's, uh, it's no problem, Sir. I should've paid more attention to my surroundings. I'm new here, so I can't tell where anything is. Actually, maybe you could help me find out where I'm going, if you wouldn't mind." Ezekiel said, his attention being stolen momentarily by the sound of purring at his feet. A small tabby kitten had seemed to appear by his side, and would soon find itself lifted into Ezekiel's arms, mewling in delight as he gave it soft pats upon it's head. This would continue for a short time before his head suddenly rose, turning with a timid smile back towards the family before him. "Um, sorry . . . got a bit distracted there. I was wondering if you'd, perhaps, be able to show me where the hotel that the Dragon's Fang guild is staying at for the games? I was thinking about joining them."


Argus Leandros

The following morning met a very irritable Argus, who still felt the aches and pains of the other day. The light of day slipped through the flaps of the tent he slept in, seeming to almost maliciously seek out his eyes with the sole intent of trying to ruin his day before it began. With a groan, the red haired mage rose from the cot he laid in, his wounds more or less healed for the most part, but the dull, throbbing pain still settled firmly in his gut. Whether he was alone or Tsubano was still watching over him, he'd get out of the cot and walk out the tent with nary a second of hesitation. He did have to summon his staff to help him walk, as his legs still couldn't completely hold his weight at the moment.

As he walked through the camp, he came upon some other guy he didn't recognize coming out of his tent. Given that he had walked with the group for a day, he was pretty familiar with everyone in the guild,by appearance if not personally, and was a bit suspicious of this newcomer. However, due to him being much to tired to start anything, and having gotten into enough trouble for starting conflict already, he decided that simply engaging in conversation would probably be best. Walking up to the cloaked stranger, raising a hand in greeting.

"Hey, what's up?"
@The Wild West
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Joshua cast a casual glance at Amaya and immediately grew concerned. He gently placed a hand on her shoulder and studied her.
"You need to get some rest. After this whole thing is over, I'll watch over you while you grab a quick nap, if it'll make you feel better." He said in a concerned tone before looking at Cecilia. "I doubt I need to say this but keep an eye on her Cec. If she started to fall over, try to keep her from hurting herself."

Hoping Amaya would be safe, Joshua jumped into the arena and walked over to the rest of the team. He didn't bother with a cape, as he felt such an unnecessary thing might actually turn against them. A member of the enemy team would grab it and use to hold them in place while attacking, which could be a problem.

Glancing over at the other teams, his eyes landed on Frenzy Plant and his frown deepened. He had had time to contemplate General Sander's words and he had come to one conclusion. It was not a guild he would ever acknowledge as a guild of good unless they proved it. And he was willing to cut some of it's members down to size if needed.

Rider's Blade

The guild Rider's Blade entered the arena without much fan fair. They weren't eager to win but they weren't eager to lose either. They were just focused on showing what they could do. If they didn't do well, it just meant they had a long way to go. If they did do a good job, good for them. It didn't really matter for them.

Fraquar Alinstar


"I'm guessing you wanted to see me. Maybe finally have a civil conversation?" Fraquar said without an ounce of hostility in his tone when Jamie approached. He managed to give her a small smile. "If so, I'm willing to listen."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ariel - PW Hotel
Waking from Nolan's prompt Ariel stretched and yawned. Getting up didn't really sound all that enticing. Having slept in a cold, semi-comfortable cabin bed for what felt like a month the hotel beds were like clouds. Heck they were so nice she'd fallen asleep before Nolan had even gotten back the other day and hadn't woken until now. She gave Nolan a kiss and reluctantly got up. It was the final day of the games and after a few minutes Ariel's excitement became apparent as her Lightning magic surfaced. "Last day of the games. Hopefully I'll actually be able to enjoy the event today." That would be something. Every other day of the games had been one crazy adventure after the next. Heading down with a skip in her step she got something to eat, the food was better too. Everything seemed better after that last ordeal.


Deciding to stay with the guild this time Ariel walked next to Nolan to the arena. To anyone that knew Nolan they would probably notice the lack of any adverse reaction to her presence which was his usual M.O. Being around for the announcement of one guild backing out, leaving Phoenix Wing with no choice but to cut a team themselves. That was probably for the best, meant they wouldn't end up fighting each other. As the remaining Phoenix Wing contestants went to await the start of the event Ariel wished them luck and headed to the stands.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The Wild West
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The Wild West Lone Star State

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Flint Dunigan - Frenzy Plant Camp

Taking only a few steps away from his tent, he could already feel someone's eyes staring at the back of his head. Well, it wouldn't be normal if people weren't staring at the strangely dressed mage in their campsite. Ignoring those eyes for the time being, he started to pack up his small living quarters with his horse soon moving to his side as the animal caught sight of their master. Flint was only just about to fold the tent together before the closing eyes started to say some words to the stranger, he expected them to be some sort of high ranking individual or the guild master themselves, but it seemed that their very informal words was someone of the common core of the guild. He paused for a moment after their words, taking a short glance at the stranger behind him before getting back into packing up the small tent. In that quick glance it seemed that the person had been heavily damaged during the previous fight with the pained stance of the body and a staff holding up their weight for the damaged figure. The look in his eyes suggested that he was in some pain, most likely from the fatigue of the fight with the wounds sustained as well, but they also hinted towards the slight distrust of the man as well. He wasn't too sure in how to interact with the fellow, small talk wasn't really his forte but ignoring him wasn't going to help either in this case to "build" relations with other mages within Frenzy Plant.

Finishing up with a tightly packaged tent, he walked over to his horse inserting the tent onto the crowded saddle before finally acknowledging the presence of the most likely impatient stranger. "Nothing much is up, I'm just packing away for myself," Flint said, his normally gruff attitude coming onto a disadvantage in the conversation. After a short silence, he soon turned around to face the guild mage and nodded to the man, "The name's Flint, and... it's nice to meet you."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Damian Gerard|Grand Magic Games Stadium

Damian didn't say anything when Joshua left without a cloak, but he did shake his head. The idea was to show the guild was unified when they walked out on that field, but already Phoenix Wing looked like a group of individuals, despite them all having the cloak. Well, most of them. Penny hadn't even given the others a chance to match her step or her pace and was the first, with Nolan close behind and then Trinity. Joshua had been the fourth out to their insignia, but Damian lingered in the back, looking over the other teams before settling on his own. Nolan had said that cloaks were flashy, which might have been true to some degree. They certainly stood out amongst the more or less disingenuous competitors there. But every guild stood out in their own way, Frenzy Plant for the militarism that had them calling themselves the War Guild, Phoenix Wing for it's familial qualities that made it welcoming to young mages, Dragon Fang for strong bonds and power hitters with finesse, to list a few. In the end, it would come down to trusting your team, and Damian trusted his.

He smiled though, patting the cloak on his back and stepping out, walking out to join his team where they stood about half way across, he undid the clasp for his cloak and held it up into the wind and let it go, allowing it to be carried away. The motion would surely catch everyone's eyes, and as they followed it up into the air, Damian kept walking. When his right foot hit the Phoenix Wing symbol, however, it erupted into brilliant flames, showing not the lone Phoenix Wing emblem that everyone had been expecting, but the emblems of all the completing guilds lined up under a single word in ever shifting flame:


He stood at the front of his team with Penny and looked over each person on the other teams. His stance said he would give it his all, but his demeanor said that the winner didn't matter, so long as they stood together when the dust settled. "Good luck out there today everyone. Give it your all." And then he waited, silent and ready.

Jack Goran|Grand Magic Games Stadium

After a discussion with his competitors, it was decided that Shujin would be allowed to sit out for the day while Jackie too his place. He did, however, put her twin in charge of keeping an eye on her wounds and to inform him if they started to act up. With that decided, Dragon Fang arrived at the Stadium in a timely manner. Jake, Ammy, and Hunter lead the way into the stadium, with the Jade Dragon Slayer unable to help himself and doing a sprinting backflip to get the crowd going. As they reached their spot, they watched Damian's cloak fly up before erupting into a show of unity and Jake grinned. "Well, if that's how the man feels about it."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Well, I am contemplating punching you in the throat for that remark, but, mmm, too much effort for little satisfaction" Jamie replied in an amused tone. yet it soon turned serious once more, quite an odd tone for the normally mischivious Guild Master. "Recent events...well. I can see that Sanders isn't here, so we may have to continue without him, for now. No doubt he is aware in anycase of what I know. We've recetly been...plagued by a man that goes by the name Time Lord. Somethings coming, something that will bring about either death and destruction, or peace. Or both. I'd much rather peace with battle then total annihaltion, wouldn't you? If that means making peace, then so be it"


Unity? But what was that, when most of the games, one guild had been at the others throat the whole competition? What did that mean, if they couldn't treat the games as what they were? A chance to test yourselves against others, yes, but also a chance to show the world what magic truly was these days. There's still too much fear about magic, and rightly so. But there isn't enough trust in it... Penny thought to herself.

Unity to Penny was Ariel seeing that she needed someone, going with her to Solias's cave. Unity was those that had her back, without having to ask or be told. The guilds couldn't be united, until their personal grudges were dispelled.

Penny let her gaze roam over the other guilds. Frenzy Plant, perhaps the polar opposite of Phoenix Wing. They care about each other, though, and perhaps that's all that matters. It fell over Riders Blade, the guild they seemed to have had so much trouble with. They are trying, although sometimes old wounds can never heal. Yet you can understand them. They might not be the same as they were, but...Jamie is protective. It fell over Tough love, and Pirate Lord. Both guilds she hadn't been aware of, yet they had done a good job so far. Finally, her gaze landed on Dragon Fang. Perhaps the closest to them, Dragon Fang had some powerful members.

And yet, for all they had in common, there was a...tension in the air.

Penny kept the cloak. It wasn't simply wearing it for the guild, but it was almost a final farewell gesture for Solias. She doubted anyone would particular understand that, but it meant something to Penny.

She looked over as the Games Master, Sheldon, approached the middle of the circle.

"Well, here we are! The last day of the games, anyone can win today! Last constestant or team standing earns their guild just enough points to secure a win! Today, will be, Pandemonion! An all out battle, with the city as your field, but do try and not destroy it. Most buildings are protect, but still! You have five minutes! Plan as you will, but on the bell....you will begin!'

"Does everyone have a communication Lacrima?" Penny asked, as she turned to the others.

@Zarkun@Joshua Tamashii@hatakekuro@oblivion666@lugubrious@CirusArvennicus


Gabriel woke once more to Leo poking his cheek. Gabriel groaned, almost like a child saying to their mother just five more minutes. Leo continued to poke him and Gabriel snarled, swatting the spirits hand away, which earned him a chuckle.

"come on come on, Gabe, up and at 'em!" Leo's voice was much too cheerful and loud for the morning, and Gabriel growled at the spirit. "you didn't eat, so get up and have something" the spirit said, almost sounding like a mother hen.

The mention of food made Gabriel feel both starving and nauseous. He sat up, a little dizzy, rubbing his stomach. The events from the day before came back to him, and he grimaced, before signing and crawling out the tent he didn't remember righting but must have done.

He swayed slightly, still lookin dangerously pale. He blinked around, noting that it was early morning and that the sun wasn't even rising yet. He blinked, seeming for a moment to forget where he was. Leo shoved some food into his hands, something that Gabriel was sure hadn't come from the camp. He stared at the quite delicious looking soup, and back to Leo.

The spirit shrugged "you pick up a thing or two as a spirit of various wizards." Gabriel thought back to the last spirit who had wielded the zodiac keys. Lucy heartfilla had seemed to disappear from the face of the earth when whatever happened happened.

Gabriel sighed softly and ate the soup, drinking it down straight from the bowl to appease the spirit, before he began packing up his tent and other things, readying himself to move out with the rest of the guild
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ferrin Astra Colt and Claire

Mors Vincent Omni

Yesterday, Aftermath of the Battle.

He said "don't worry about him. I remember getting that speech a time or two as a kid. That's just how he is" he mused on that a moment, before shrugging, and studying the destroyed building. He walked on over.

A chuckle escaped him at the mention of the destroyed building, "the magic council is what it is, and that is why I am here. Even now, I'm around to clean up your messes, Ferrin" not that Ferrin would even know who he was, but he amused himself by playing with him.

Raising a hand, he closed his fingers one by one and Then opened them one by one, like their own miniature Mexican wave. The building restored itself, and then in a blink of the eye, Timelord was gone.

Ferrin's look of puzzlement morphed into a scowl, and he glared at the empty space where Seth had vanished. He muttered some ungracious things about where Timmy could stick his messes, but his anger was subverted by the feeling that he was simply getting some cosmic payback. The I-know-something-you-don't-know routine was something he did a lot to other people.

Then, the possible implications of what he had said dawned on Ferrin.

His headache intensified.

Ferrin shook his head and growled. "I don't have time for this."

Ferrin missed what Sora said, and he was only slightly aware of him moving to rejoin the battle that was currently going on. Ferrin wanted to help, but he took a step forward, and the world started swaying nauseatingly. Ferrin's headache mutated into a full-blown migraine. [color=silver][i]What?[i][/color] Ferrin thought, his mind fuzzy, and slow. He could feel huge waves of magic coming from across the park, but even they were dwarfed by the massive amount of magic Ferrin could feel, grating against his skull. His gaze was drawn to the east, where, unknown to him, Grane and Saya were facing down Frye. But he could feel the magic, all the way over here. Beyond that, there was some presence wrapped around his mind, squeezing it, stifling it. He struggled the put up his mental barriers, a familiar ritual that he had developed to block out over stimulus for exposure to large quantities of magic. After a brief struggle, it worked. The pain receded, and his thoughts cleared. He was left panting, feeling strangely out of sorts. "What is going on...? He wondered, trying to make sense of it. He had a feeling like he was staring at a strange puzzle with two pieces swapped, as if one small change could make the entire picture recognizable. He shook his head, and immediately regretted it as the ground did a few one-eighties around his head, then threw in some loopty-loops for an encore. He staggered a bit. Calm down He told himself. Think, there has to be a reason for this... But any attempt to put together a coherent train of thought was foiled. It was all he could do to maintain his mental walls. There was commotion on the other side of the clearing, but that wasn't his concern. His first priority was...he wasn't sure. A kid? His kid? No, no kids. The Twin. Right.

As he thought of them, Ferrin was gripped by a sudden sense of foreboding. He turned to the direction he had left the Twin in, and drunkenly staggered that way, no one tried to stop him for whatever reason. Have to...find...them... He thought. He came to the spot where they had arrive, and looked around, but they where nowhere to be found.

Of course, he realized. They must have put some distance from them and the battle. He staggered away plodded in one direction for a few minutes, before he realized that he had no idea where he was going. The city was vast and without some way to locate--

Ferrin put his head in his metal palm and groaned. The ring of course.

His headache throbbed. He felt even worse. This...ailment is...magical in nature. I know that much...but...what..... He dearly wished to find somewhere dark and lie down for a bit...or a month. But he had an obligation to help his client...and hell, if he was being truthful with himself, liked the kids. Then there was their wild story of some madman's plot to destroy the city. That would be rather inconvenient. So he hauled himself together, stuck some mental tape on his fragmented mind, and set to work.

He fumbled in his pockets, and pulled out a silver ring, identical in every way to the one he had given the Twin, even cast from the same chunk of silver ore. He held the ring up to eye level and started muttering. The actual words didn't matter, only the intent and willpower behind it. A stream of nonsense syllables flowed from his mouth, some English, some Latin, some Greek with the occasion bit of Russian and German interspaced by grunts in a vaguely arcane sounding babble. Had he been in his right mind, he would have almost been proud of it.

It took less then a minute for the magic to take effect, the ring pulled gently in a certain direction. It was strong, the pair was close. Ferrin slipped the ring on, and followed the pull.

The magic had no concept of obstacles, and Ferrin's head hurt too much to triangulate, so he mostly stumbled forward until something got in his way, then he took a detour, reoriented himself, and stumbled forward again. Some people asked if he was okay, others just gave him weird looks.

He ignored them both.

Some time later, he slipped between two buildings, and entered an open space, an empty lot that had been overlooked when the city was planned and built.

And it was just that. Empty.

Ferrin gave it a lidless glance over, and passed through it. At the other side he stopped. The ring was pulling back the way he came. He turned around.

The last rays of the setting sun glinted off of a tiny circle of metal, lying discarded in the dirt. Ferrin stumbled over to and he carefully picked it up, and held up the other ring. They matched. "No..." He gasped.

His mental barriers fell, his mind shattered and was swept apart by the assault. His head swam, and he felt dizzy. Words echoed in his head, and memories of another time and place flashed through his mind. He started shaking, he felt feverish, and his breath sped up. The sunlight hurt his eyes, as the world spun around his head. His head throbbed and he felt like it was going to split open, the migraine intensified with every throb. He thought he could hear a voice singing, as if from far away, calling...calling to him. He became aware of more phantom sensations, things that felt real, but were not. He could feel what felt like a centipede crawling up his leg, his hand felt like it was on fire, and the inside of his mouth felt like dry leaves. There was too much going on, his brain was overloaded, trying to sort the out whirlwind of the sights, sounds, smells, feels, or distinguish from past, and future. It was too much, too much!

Ferrin tasted blood in his mouth, and he felt a slight pain in his tongue. He felt a mountain of guilt pile up. He inexplicably remembered her, painful memories that will never fade with time. Blond hair. Blue eyes. The smell of strawberries and sunshine. I failed...again...

I'm sorry, Ashelia

Then the ground hit him with an uppercut, and everything went dark.

Time passed.

How much, he didn't know.

Ferrin drifted. And it was nice.

He drifted in a void, he could taste nothing, smell nothing, feel nothing, see nothing, and he could only hear a voice singing, as of from a great distance...Memories that might have been his own drifted by.


A Voice, melodious and powerful, split the void, and resonated with Ferrin.

...leave me be...

Self-pity does not become one such as you, Magus.

Do not call me that. That name is no longer mine.

Magus Ferrinas Astra!

Each syllable fell like a hammer blow. Magus's mind shook with the intensity of it.

Your name and power were given to you, and they bore little responsibility other then to bear them wisely and honorably. Do not malign them.

What do I care? All they have brought me is misery and sorrow. Besides, I was born with this curse. You merely enhanced it, and trained me in it so that you may continue existing. I owe nothing to you.

There was a sigh, of titanic depth and width that reverberated through Magus's soul, carrying an unspeakable sadness within.

You have not changed, child. Ever the stubborn one.

I learned from the best.

The Voice chuckled. You did indeed, child, you did indeed...

Now, I grow weary, child, and my time grows short, so I shall come to the purpose for which I contacted you. To offer advice, and lend aid.

Was this your doing?

Nay, the one who caused you ailment lay far over the continent to the north. Though I sensed no ill intent, instead, it seemed like an attempted form of long range communication. I believe that it was improperly done, causing your collapse.

Why me?

I know not. Only that it was specifically drawn to you, yet you were not the intended receiver.

Very well.

My aid is thus, to repair your mind, my advice is thus, to stay thy course.

The Voice's presence withdrew, leaving Magus alone in the void, in the silence, he could hear a distant voice singing.

Wait! What about the Twin?

The Voice rumbled in what might have been laughter.

You know all that you need to know.

And it faded out.

Damn...damn it all. Just comes in and goes out at their leisure, cryptic as always. Ferrin thought, his reasoning functions restored. He pondered what was said, and the implications thereof. Great, more on my plate. Just what I need. He thought. But he could feel his excitement rising at the prospect of an adventure. A bright light shone through the void, and Ferrin felt himself drift toward it.

Well, at least I will not be bored.

Ferrin Astra

Mors Vincent Omni

Fifth day of the Grand Magic Games
7:30 a.m.

Ferrin woke to pain.

Given how his week was going, and how this day was looking to turn out, it was par the course.

Ferrin groaned as he sat up, his face half covered in dust, and the morning sun's rays hit him in he eyes. "Ow...note to self, spending the night face down in the dirt is torture on the body." He said. Despite that, he was feeling oddly refreshed, in mind and body. The brief aches vanished quickly, and Ferrin realized that the collection of wounds and bruises he had accumulated over the last few days had healed to scars, or disappeared. He sprung to his feet in a burst of energy. He stretched a few times, and rolled his head. "Well, what do you know, maybe sleeping face down in the dirt is good for the body." Although he knew the real reason.

He strode out onto the street, and took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. A smile split his scarred face. For the first time since coming to this time, he felt...calm, and centered. His mind was cleared and his spirits high. He looked at his mechanical arm. Honor, huh? He thought, and he began walking.

Strangely, he didn't feel hungry either, but he knew he had to eat. Magical healing may dampen appetite, but his body still needed the nutrients. He pulled out a wrapped sandwich he had made...one...no two nights ago, and started tearing into it. It was gone quickly, and Ferrin let out a contented sigh. He then pulled out a canteen of water, and drank.

His needs taken care of, he started walking in a direction, letting his feet take him wherever. I "know all that I need to know"...obviously that mean that I have all the pieces of the puzzle, I just need to put them together... He thought for a moment, before finally coming to a conclusion. I have nothing. He was distracted by a loud voice, coming from several places at once.

"Well, here we are! The last day of the games, anyone can win today! Last constestant or team standing earns their guild just enough points to secure a win! Today, will be, Pandemonion! An all out battle, with the city as your field, but do try and not destroy it. Most buildings are protect, but still! You have five minutes! Plan as you will, but on the bell....you will begin!'

Ah, of course. The Grand Magic Games. Ferrin had been so wrapped up in this business, that he had forgotten the original reason he had come. To watch the Games, and perhaps join a guild.

Although, he had reservations about the second part.

He hadn't been keeping up with them, so he took a brief moment to check the scores on a nearby lacrima vision, inside a bar. It looked like a close game, it could be anyone's win. He dearly wanted to stay and watch, but his friend and perhaps the whole city was in danger, and he was, possibly, the only one who could stop it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 1 day ago

Cody Bloodstein and Jasmine Lockwood

After doing what had to be done for the burial with Penny, Jasmine was silent as they returned to the hotel once more. After bidding Penny a good night she returned to the room which she had been freeloading sharing with Cody. Cody wasn't back as what seemed to be the norm even though she had only known him a few days.
She crawled into bed and eventually fell to sleep shortly before Cody, himself feeling exhausted after the events of the day, returned and soon collapsed and tried to fall asleep in his own bed.
However that night he barely slept a wink as his dreams were filled of the nightmarish memories of his foster family being burnt alive in their mansion at the hands of Shadow Heart. However that same, mysterious ancient sounding voice seemed to echo throughout these memories as well. Offering him power and whatnot, you know the usual evil spirit nonsense like mocking his 'incompetence' while dragging up the memories of the last few days. At least that's what Cody thinks it was saying. Once again he wasn't sure how he understood this voice, but he just....seemed to be able to understand it.

Eventually it was morning and Cody reluctantly dragged his tired ass out of bed. There was no point in staying in bed all day, especially if he was just going to have more nightmares. And he wasn't too sure how to view this voice in his head.
Despite how much he wanted to gain power to protect those he cared about...something about the voice was off putting. There was a nagging thought in the back of his mind about this voice which he couldn't quite focus on, maybe because he was too tired to.
Perhaps he should speak with James about this? No. Cody was sure it was nothing, just his own doubts and subconscious trying to get to him again. No need to bother James with this issue that Cody needed to sort out himself.
Having now completed his breakfast Cody decided to watch the last day of the games with the rest of the guild. He needed something to get his mind off the events of the previous few days and this was just what the doctor ordered.

Upon reaching the arena he decided to seek out the two wizards he knew the most; James and Amaya. He would feel more comfortable around one of those two so whichever one he ran into first would suffice for him. Of course it wasn't that difficult to find Amaya since she was one of only two people with a flying, talking cat. Cody did learn however that Nolan guy had one too, so the more you know. So with that in mind he decided to go find Amaya first. He was sure James would find him anyway, the guy had some form of tracking device or something implanted on Cody.
"You look like a bigger mess than me. Everything alright?" Cody tried to sound playful but his loud yawn which followed sorta ruined any attempt of that. Not that talking with people was a strong point of his anyway.
However he was totally, 100% completely and utterly worried about Amaya. While she still took Cody's breath away with one glance, there was an obvious exhaustion to her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 9 days ago

The Mechanical Composer
Phoenix Wing Hotel Lobby | Interacting with: Jane Addeson @Zarkun

The tournaments closing day brought up many different emotions among all the members of Phoenix Wing. No doubt their guilds efforts would incite pride and respect in anyone who looked upon the participants. Everyone wished the best for them; sharing in their eagerness and feeling nervous with them. Even Isabella, standing in the hotel lobby all dressed and ready for the day, had butterflies in her stomach. Though she was not nervous for the reasons that everyone else might be. She rubbed the sleep from her tired eyes, covering her mouth while she exhaled a drawn out yawn. The previous night had been restless for Isabella. How could she have slept after a day like yesterday? All through the night she had been thinking about the person she now called her friend, Jane Addeson, and how marvelous the idea of spending the rest of tournament with her would be.

The young lady helped herself to a slice of toast at breakfast, spreading the bread with a heaping of strawberry jam before heading over to a vacant couch. She watched the crowds in anticipation, hoping to spot Jane among them. Occasionally she would swear that she'd found her, only to be disappointed when it was someone else. In the back of her mind she knew how ridiculous she must look, waiting on another with as much eagerness as a dog to their master.
I must be out of sorts to be acting this way, she thought to herself. She nibbled on the crust of her toast, reminiscing over the last few months she had spent with Bullet. His companionship had been well appreciated, and he was Isabella's very best friend, but she couldn't help but feel it was different with Jane. There was nothing wrong with having a guy as your best friend; but there was just some things you could only bond over with another girl.

In her unusual mood, Isabella hadn't even realised that Bullet wasn't in the lobby. She was about to ask around if someone had seen him when suddenly she noticed a familiar face descending the stairs of the hotel. Swallowing the mouthful of toast she was currently working on, Isabella stood up and practically glided over to the bottom of the stairs.
"Gooood morning, Jane!" She proclaimed, a bright smile plastered across her face. "Today's a big day, I hope you rested well."

The Beast
Crocus, Street Markets | Interacting with: Marlene Evangeline @Lmpkio

Much like his partner, Bullet had not slept at all the previous night. His thoughts kept going back to the day prior, where he bitterly wished it had all been a dream. The time they had spent with Jane had shown the boy a side of Isabella he hadn't seen in a long time. The way she looked at Jane with such intrigue. There was a time where Isabella used to look at him like that. How could he possibly have slept with the thought that his best friend might be starting to outgrow him?

Bullet had spent the morning wandering around the markets near the hotel. Stalls were still being set up, with aroma's of various street food wafting through the air. Unfortunately, Bullet did not have much of an appetite this morning. Like a spoilt child, Bullet was resentful of the fact that someone had come in and taken away her attention from him. He hated himself for letting himself feel this way, especially after he had made a few rude outbursts in front of Jane yesterday. He had woken up early in a cold sweat, deciding that he had needed to clear his head with a walk.

While wandering through the stores, his attention was brought to a young lady with glasses and brown hair. She looked as though she had just run a marathon. There was something familiar about her, but Bullet was certain they'd never met. Perhaps he had seen her at the hotel? Was she a member of the guild? If so, she must have been new.
"That must have been one hell of a morning jog. You doing okay?" Bullet smirked, turning to face Marlene. Perhaps socialising with someone new would be just what he needed to get out of this rut.

The Demon Hunter
Crocus, The Loom Cafe | Interacting with: Ethel Storm @Lunarlors34

Rosalina lifted her cup of tea up to her lips, blowing the aromatic steam off the top before taking a sip. The strong, bitter flavor was just the right perk up she needed to face the final day of the games. The amount of work she had to do, all obstructed by the event. She could simply not attend, but to do so would not reflect very well on the council. Looking around her, Rosalina noticed that there weren't many other patrons at the cafe with her this morning. The thought of almost the entirety of Crocus gathering in the stadium brought an amused smile to her face. While she was not one for large crowds, Rosalina had to admit that she enjoyed seeing Fiore unite over a little friendly competition.

Rosalina finished her drink and placed a few jewels on the table, tip included. Seeing as there was no one else at the cafe, the waitress was quick to clean her table. Departing the cafe, Rosalina was barely paying attention when she felt someones presence near her. Her gaze shifted to a young girl who she was about to collide with. As if on instinct, Rosalina immediately halted before she walked into Ethel.
"Pardon my carelessness; my thoughts were elsewhere." The older woman gave Ethel a quick look over, feeling something strange about her.

"I'm sensing quite a substantial amount of energy from you. Similar to a mages, but also unique. How strange." Rosalina's mouth clasped shut before she slowly bowed her head. "I'm sorry, that was a very rude outburst. Please forgive me. My name is Rosalina Idwal." Rosalina removed the glove from her right hand before extending it out to Ethel. Normally Rosalina wouldn't have the energy to want to stay and speak to strangers, but this girls unique presence intrigued her.

The Hawk
Crocus Stadium Council Quarters | Interacting with: Sayatachi Nijiko @Lmpkio

Walking with a brisk sense of purpose, Constantine was ever eager to fulfill her duties to her captain and then promptly leave the stadium. Despite being told to pretend to be amused, the Knight saw no point in acting as if she cared for these games. The Grand Magic Games always meant crowded streets, increased crime rates and a lot of snot noses wizards trying to pick fights out of some guild pride bravado that only reinforced just how childish they all were. If there was one thing Constantine couldn't stand, it was immaturity.

She swiftly made her way up a flight of stairs, greeting other knights and officials along the way with a curt nod and nothing more. She didn't even bother to smile at them; not that they'd know with her wearing the full face visor she usually did. When she reached her desired floor, she took a sharp left and made a bee line straight for the council chambers. She stood outside the door, letting herself sigh. Constantine would need to prepare herself for interacting with the person Rosalina had sent her to find. With a quick turn of the handle, Constantine pushed forward into the council chambers where Sayatachi Nijiko sat in preparation for the games.
I hate this woman, was the very first thought that had come to Constantine's mind when she had laid eyes upon the council woman. Rosalina always showered her with praises on her she was a valuable member to the council, but that was not Constantine's issue with her. A very stubborn old woman, Constantine usually never moved past her first impressions of a person. It just so happened to be that her first impression of Sayatachi was that she was a gaudy narcissist, and she wanted as little interaction with her as possible.

"Lady Nijiko, I require your attention." Blunt and demanding, Constantine possesed none of the careful politeness of her Captain when she spoke. She was an honest woman, so she saw no need to hide her displeasure at the fact that she was asked to fulfill this task. Without even giving Sayatachi a chance to respond, Constantine placed a clipboard and pen in front of her on a desk.
"Captain Idwal requires your signature and approval on this report of the events yesterday involving two Knights and a young mage named Nolan Waltz. I must insist on this being done promptly; my Captain does not like her paperwork to be late." There was a sense of urgency behind her tone, as if she was more interested in being able to leave rather than Rosalina's reports being filed promptly. Constantine took note of a few other individuals in the room, but she felt no need to address anyone that wasn't Sayatachi right now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Despite having only a little more then two blocks to her guild's hotel, Marlene was utterly drained from the punishment she had from Damian. Already her legs were beginning to give up, even though she rested a bit during the carriage trip and the encounter with Erika... despite still standing up. As she continues limping back, one of her legs suddenly gives up as she falls to one knee, panting heavily as she tries to regain her strength. It was embarrassing to see her in such a depleted state, but at the same time, if one does this every day, you might as well think Marlene never skipped leg day...


After a few seconds of taking a breather, she begins to stand up again, grunting to get herself up on her feet. She then approaches a shop building and tries to rest her balance. As she rests however, she suddenly sees a young man begin to approach him, mentioning how tired she looked. He also catches her eye... She could've sworn she saw him somewhere in the guild before. Wasn't it with that one girl? Isabell was it? She didn't know for certain, but after taking a deep breath, she answers to his response.

"*pant* *pant* Yeah I'm fine..." she utters as she straightens out by the wall, sweating furiously,
"And yeah, let's just say I had an extensive work out this morning, heh heh. *pant* And uh, wait, uh... you-your uh... oh god what's your name...? I've seen you around with this one girl... y-you guys like siblings or something?"

Dumb question or not, she was a little disorganized in the head. And who could blame her? All she wants to do now is sit down somewhere and rest...

@Leslie Hall
Sayatachi Nijiko

The crowds cheer wildly outside the quarters as Sayatachi looks at the mirror in the bathroom. She was simply touching up on her face with some pale make-up, preparing to overlook the crowd and the battles below, as well as preparing for the arrival of her guards. This will be the first time she'll show them in public, for they've been rather low these days. After applying the last of the powder, she steps out into the main living space and stops to look outside the patio. The woman was several feet from the entrance, just taking a glance at what was going on, as if she was deciding to go out or not.

She turns around to her private desk and checks her purse behind it, mostly filled with her wallet, other forms of make-up, and other essentials a proper, wealthy, woman would have. But as soon as she opens it, she suddenly hears a feminine voice call out behind her. Was it Rosalina? No, her voice was more sincere and slightly quiet. This voice sounded a little older... and much more demanding... with a hint of displeasure sprinkled in it. Saya rises up to full height as she turns around to see the speaker, a rather tall woman, though shorter than herself, with a thick, heavy duty camouflage coat with a hood and full faced visor, which practically covers her entire body. She looks more like a soldier than anything else... should she be even here? Of course, if she came from the Council, and Saya assumes she has, there is business to be done.

However, before the Majesty could speak a word of greeting or even a questionable "yes", the woman placed a clipboard and pen right in front of her on a desk. It appears she comes on the behalf of Idwal after all, simply asking for her signature and approval based off the event with Nolan yesterday, involving the two knights. She takes a brief glance at the clipboard before eying the woman with a communicative expression. She sounded urgent in her tone... but if it's what Saya thinks it means, perhaps a bit of friendly audience could "calm her down".

"Ah yes," she answers affirmatively as she sits back, "I was with her when this happened... good friend Miss Idwal."

As she picks up a pen, she glances up to see the woman still looking rather uncomfortable.

"No need to feel distraught and rushed," she says to her politely, despite having the feeling on her actual mood, while writing down her signature, "Idwal told me earlier that she has some business to take care of and won't be back here for awhile."

She then finishes writing her signature and places it on the desk, slowly standing up and walking to the nearby high cabinets.

"You look a little stuffy in there. I suggest you should relax here for a bit before going back out." she says softly as she approaches the kitchen counter and takes out a fancy wine cup and some red wine to match. She pours herself a cup, until looking back at the woman.

"Red wine, perhaps?" she asks politely as she holds the glass for her to see.

Dreadlin Nauss

Walking carefully into the Council Headquaters (not to be confused with the Arena Quarters), Dreadlin Nauss tries to act calm in such a high-disciplined building. He wasn't a troublemaker at all, rather the opposite, but being a lizardman wearing a brown hoodie and clothing to disguise most of his identity from the public eye, he didn't want to catch too much attention. In fact, the only reason he's here was simply due to check on Grane. He heard about the battle that took place and from overhearing a conversation nearby, apparently he's in pretty bad shape. He'll heal and all, but regardless it'll take some time. Dreadlin did see his fellow lizardman in tip-top shape back two days ago or so, but the councilman was in a rush to get somewhere. Perhaps he can spend a little bit of time with him in the meantime. Besides, all he was doing was just renting a hotel here anyways... and ironically today is his last full day before having to check out the next day.

He walks up to the visitor counter, almost timidly, but tries to act casually as possible. The woman looks up at him, almost startled, but still keeping a friendly attitude.

"Hi can I help you?" the deskwoman asks.

"Oi yah," the lizardman speaks with a heavy cockney accent, "Oi balieve moi good chum Grane Falco be takin' residance here in the medicol bay. Heard he be chummed up real bad, ya know? Mind if I come and uh, chat with me ole' friend please, ehy madam?"

"Uh yeah, let me just check where he is." the deskwoman responds, and after a few seconds she comes back to him, "Yeah, he's in door number 108 on your right down the left hall."

"Thank ya mate~ er, scuse' me, madam." Dreadlin responds with a bit of hesitation and slight embarrassment as he walks down to Grane's room.

Once he finds room 108, he taps the door to see if he's awake and available.

"Oi matey," Dreadlin responds calmly, but also with slight nervousness, as he puts his head in through the crack, "It's yer mate Dreadlin. Sorry for de intrusion, but I heard you be takin' residence here from a couple o' birdies. Mind if oi hang out with ya' for a bit? Won' take too long."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Joshua Tamashii@Zarkun

Zephyr Hardt

They made their way to the stadium for the final event with Hunter being a bit of a showoff at the very start. Yet the final event was a free for all, as long as you were the last contestant of your team standing then the winner of the games were decided right then and there. It pretty much allowed those in last place a last chance at winning, so a last chance for Pirate Lord and Tough Love. One of the Phoenix Wing members did a flashy thing, which caught the attention of others yet was that wise? One of the top teams here so would drawing attention to yourself be the wisest course of action?

Looking at the rest of the teams, he looked back at his own. "So what should we do? Stick together for power in numbers? Split up with two teams? Or split up and stick solo? Each plan has its benefits and penalties, mostly when we know that some of these guys and girls have some devastating wide spread attacks."

Malice Hardt

Their team arrived on time and while the others were cheerful she wasn't entirely thrilled about such things. They were last freaking place, they were given pity by not having mercy invoked onto them. So when the last event was told she knew why. One last shot at winning by being the last one standing. The others on her team seemed intent on sticking together to get through but she slowly slipped out from the back. She had five minutes after all plenty of time to get away and let them come to her, if they even decided to go out and hide that is. Yet while the time was ticking away she was out and about in the city now. To hell with sticking with a team that would end up getting steamrolled by well rested monsters. She would let them tire out before striking them, besides gave her time to prepare.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ethel Storm

@Leslie Hall
Ethel and Sora had awoke to the final day of the games to the concerning news that Jess and Mai had yet to return. As much as Ethel had wanted to return to the Phoenix Wing hotel to check on Shiro, she was just as equally concerned that her friends had yet to come back. They were pretty much a family to her and she to them.
Sora tried to convince her they had simply gotten lost again, but even she could sense the concern he felt. So while he told her to go on ahead to the Phoenix Wing Hotel he would look for them. He hadn't given her much of a chance to voice her disapproval however before he took off and now Ethel was wandering around the city.
She had no idea how to get to either hotel now, nor could she find Sora. She was well and truly lost in the capital city and it seemed much bigger when she was alone like this. However not one to panic from a situation like this, she simply used this as a chance to explore the city and perhaps she could find something which looked familiar to guide her back on track?
That's what she told herself anyway. Deep down she was kinda scared by herself...

Ethel had been wandering for about an hour or two when she almost collided with Rosalina, who had been too caught up in her own thoughts to notice Ethel. Ethel too had been caught up in her own thoughts, though they were more centered on how lost she had gotten.
"Pardon my carelessness; my thoughts were elsewhere." The older woman gave Ethel a quick look over while Ethel simply blinked absent-mindlessly at her before focusing in on the rune knight medallion on her chest.
So this woman was a rune knight? Ethel wasn't too sure, nor would she recognize the magic council brooch she wore simply because Ethel wasn't familiar enough with the council to know their emblem. Sora tended to try and avoid the council due to his..antics. Thus Ethel was also told by him to avoid them, lest she get in trouble for being acquainted with him.
"I'm sensing quite a substantial amount of energy from you. Similar to a mages, but also unique. How strange." Ethel stiffened up slightly at Rosalina's remark. The slight widening of her eyes a slight indication to Rosalina that perhaps Ethel was not all she seemed to be.
"I'm sorry, that was a very rude outburst. Please forgive me. My name is Rosalina Idwal." Rosalina removed the glove from her right hand before extending it out to Ethel.
Ethel had remained quiet throughout this encounter with the only emotion showed thus far being when Rosalina mentioned the energy she felt from Ethel. This comment had made Ethel concerned...surely she couldn't figure it out.
Sora had told Ethel to make sure no one else found out because people might come after here if they found out she was a walking bundle of magical energy.

"Rosrina?" Ethel cocked her head to the side slightly as she completely mispronounced Rosalina's name. She had never been good with names, especially anything with an L. Naturally she didn't have this problem with her own name simply due to the amount of times she said it. Which might've also been the reason why she had started that strange habit of hers in the first place.
"Ethel doesn't mind...Ethel pay more attention next time." Ethel gingerly held out her own hand before lightly clasping Rosalina's hand in a very soft and uncertain handshake. To Rosalina she would've looked much like a small, lost child who had been separated from her mother. Which funnily enough that was all true. Well besides the mother part, but Sora was close enough.
Ethel's face and eyes gave no indication to the anxious feeling welling within her, however her hand did shake ever so slightly.
Ethel was not only afraid of this woman finding out about her body, but was still scared and anxious about being alone and lost in the city.
"Ethel is lost. Separated. Find Sora." Ethel explained in her usual short and confusing sentences. While she did skip a lot of detail, Rosalina probably would've understood the gist of it. Especially since this time Ethel had actually mentioned the more important details of 'lost' and 'find'.
Normally she skipped over such a thing but if this woman was a rune knight then surely she would help Ethel if Ethel stated her intentions clearly? This is her form of clearly. Sad I know
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Fraquar Alinstar


Fraquar chuckled at Jamie's threat before noting how serious Jamie got. He listened to what she had to say before sighing.
"Well, if you're looking for what that possible threat might be, I might know one possibility." He said before pointing in the direction of the capitol's prison. "He's less then a mile away and even in prison, I would still consider him free. Just biding his time.

By the way, I'm referring to the man that ordered the hit on your now adopted daughter. I'm sure if you wanted, you could go visit him. I'll accompany you. I'm sure you can handle yourself, especially with the man's powers being limited, if not flat out negated. But safety in numbers.

Jack, the Maiden of the Mist

@Zarkun @Oblivion666

"I work better alone." Jack said to Zephyr. She noticed Malice leaving but said nothing about it, figuring he had his own reasons. "The rest of you can do whatever you wish. I'll stick to what I know best."

Joshua Tamashii

@Caits @Zarkun @Hatakekuro

"So, how are we going to go about this? I frankly work better alone, but if needed, I can try working with someone. Though, I can guess someone who would rather avoid working with me, not that I would blame him." Joshua said, his tone different from his usual nonchalant one. He sounded serious and despite addressing his team, his eyes never left Frenzy Plant. It would seem he was intent on taking them one, whether it be all of them or just one had yet to be seen.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Frenzy Plant's Elite

After a few moments, the six soldiers drew apart. Silence reigned for a moment, but Dmitri could not suppress himself forever. A low chuckle escaped from his lips, and his shoulders shook in laughter. ”So that's the plan, huh? I'm full of energy...fit to burst with excitement! Seriously, I'm amazed. How do you come up with this stuff, Zander?” A wide grin adorned his face as he held his hands up in wonder at the Ruby Knight.

While Zander's face only shifted slightly, gripped as it was by his overwhelmingly serious attitude, he permitted some satisfaction to slip into his voice. ”I'm not the guild's Number Two for nothing, hot shot. This plan of action, executed in coordination by all of us, will ensure a tremendous triumph. That said, keeping the five-man team limit in mind, not all of us will be participating. Xyster, you fought bravely yesterday, but I ask you to bow out of the arena this morning.”

”What?” The Dullahan's wan face turned from eager anticipation to pouting. "Put me in, coach! You know I'm good for it!” Imploringly, she glanced around at her teammates for support. ”Why me?!”

Zander frowned. His comrades couldn't see the expression behind his new helmet, but they could hear the edge in his voice. ”Can you truly think of nothing?”

Suddenly realizing, Xyster slid a hand up toward the right side of her face—or rather, the lack thereof. Yesterday, an ash-imbued uppercut had blown an entire third of her head, including her right eye, into smithereens and then cauterized the wound. Even now, her injury was rife with ash. Had she not been a deathless monster, Nolan's overblown attack would have killed her then and there, though no doubt he only used the move because of his opponent's undeath. ”Oh! My face. Well, I might not be as pretty as usual, but you know what they say: in the land of the blind, the one-eyed...” She withered beneath Zander's gaze.

He shook his heat gently, clasping his hands together. When he spoke, he endeavored to keep all traces of condescension or meanness from his voice. ”From a critical standpoint, Xyster, you would offer the least utility to our strategy. Besides, we do not wish to test your endurance any further. We'll be counting on you, our only supporter, to cheer us on from the sidelines.” For a moment she considered his words, but it was a brief one. Filled with a sense of duty and understanding, the Dullahan tossed her head up, caught it on her shoulders, and nodded resolutely. Then, calm and serious, she returned the way she came.

That left five soldiers on the field: Zander, Indigo, Hyun, Dmitri, and Owen. They listened closely the the proclamations of the Game Master. Resentment smoldered against Sheldon's remark that the match today would decide the winners—it meant that none of what Frenzy Plant, or any of the guilds, had accomplished in days prior would matter. Indigo gave a bright, cheerful laugh when he said that the city of Crocus would serve as the battleground today. ”As if! We have everything we need to win right here.”

A sagacious grunt marked Zander's affirmation. ”Indeed. Ours rivals do not fight as guilds, but as collections of individuals. Perhaps two or three may band together, but none have lived the lifestyle that will allow them to work in harmony as we do. Because they fight alone, or as loners forced to compensate for one another by circumstance, they will hinder one another, become frustrated, and in the end, bitterly blame each another for their defeat. Today, Fiore's guilds will receive a stern reminder of what truly matters as they face the well-oiled machine that is Frenzy Plant: unity! And it will go down like clockwork.” He fell silent for a moment. The very atmosphere of the arena was full of tension. ”The bell will toll imminently and our battle will begin. Indigo, you know what to do. Everyone, get ready.”

Instantly, a cracking noise rang out—the sound of crunching stone. As Dmitri cracked his knuckles, heatwaves emanated from his igneous forearms, and droplets of lava fell to sizzle on the earth. With long, delicate fingers, Indigo slipped a tome from her book bag, and it fell open in her hand. Owen went to work strapping his buckler to his left hand and adjusting the ties on his clothing and armor. Not a moment's hesitation prevented Zander from drawing his ruby arming sword, which he held in a reverse grip with two hands. Hyun slowly slid her sword from her left scabbard. Rather than a katana, she instead held a flamberge. This 'flame-bladed' weapon, with its unique jagged blade, was an instrument to counter other sword users. Its many edges would saw right through clothing and into flesh, while the jagged steel would send numbing, painful reverberations into the hands and wrists of swordsmen who tried to lock blades with her. In the place of her second katana was another new weapon: a parrying dagger with an upturned crossguard and basket grip. Today, it seemed, Frenzy Plant's supreme swordswoman had relinquished her traditional weapons in order to gain more effectiveness.

After this, the elite of Frenzy Plant stood still, poised and waiting. The game was ready to be played, and each of the players knew his or her role. All that remained was the bell.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Argus Leandros

"Argus, and I guess I can say the same." Argus returned the stranger's nod, looking him over for a moment before turning his attention towards the town of Belka. "Were you apart of that shit-show yesterday? If so, must've been one hell of an introduction to the guild. . . you are joining, right?"

Argus looked the man over once again, a little unsure if his assessment was accurate. He didn't seem the guild type, had this whole 'lone desperado' vibe going for him that Argus had seen a lot of in the times when he used to freelance requests. It was the only reasonable thing that came to mind, considering he was offered a tent, but then again, he had no idea how this guild really operated aside from his own experiences. Maybe he was assuming too much. Figuring he'd have his answer either way, the red haired mage took the moment to sit down, needing to get off his feet for a bit. His staff would vanish in a brief flash of light, and he'd take the time to simply lay down, relax, and wonder with dread when they were going to start the trip back to Crocus. While the seal and lack of Damian meant it'd be less of an annoyance, the fact that he could barely walk for shit as he was would definitely be a pain in the ass.

@The Wild West
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Damian Gerard|Grand Magic Games Stadium

"Does everyone have a communication Lacrima?" Penny asked, as she turned to the others. Damian immediately shook his head.

"We don't split up, we don't ignore the others. We need to talk with each other, cover each other, and most importantly, stick together." He made a point to indicate Frenzy Plant with his head. "This event caters directly to Frenzy Plant's strengths. And I've been watching all of you in your matches and I have a decent idea of your strengths and weaknesses. Josh, you're a swordsman, straight up. You can change your swords to match the occasion and that will give you an edge because they can't predict your next blade."

He turned to Nolan next. "Nolan, we may not always see eye to eye, but it's time you acknowledged something I think you already know. Your power lacks focus. Your strongest moves always hit their hardest when you're in a time of emotional duress, typically when you're really angry. You shouldn't rely so strongly on those emotions to bring your everything to bear otherwise any match up against any mage could end just like your fight with Indigo or your fight with Xyster and Zander. When you use a hidden art, don't treat it like it needs to cause damage in a swath unless it's meant to. If it's meant to cause damage against a single opponent," Damian tosses up a stone and draws the cutlass at his hip, slicing through it quickly and letting the two halves hit the ground, "then turn it's power against that individual opponent. Make of it what you will, but don't take it as me making a personal attack. Because I'm here to win as much as you."

He turned to Trinity and Penny. "Energy Make and Fire Manipulation and Phoenix Slayer magic. Trinity, I can't say much other than you seem to have some solid defensive moves. Penny, you're stronger offensively than anyone will expect not to mention you can fly, so that aerial advantage is important." He sighed, running a practiced eye over his team mates. "We need to cover each others weakness, bolster each others strengths, the whole nine yards. But most importantly, we need to split up Frenzy Plant. Agreed?"

Jane Addeson|Phoenix Wing Hotel Lobby

Jane had had a slow starting morning, between her jolt awake from a nightmare with that dark guild's leader in it to the lack of coffee waiting for her in her room, when she managed to make her way downstairs, she was partly caught off guard Isabella's hello. "Oh, morning Isabella. Yeah, should be a crazy day. There any coffee made?"

Jake, Ammy, Hunter|Grand Magic Games Stadium

Jake shook his head. "I'm not sure anyone going alone is a good idea. We all know Frenzy Plant's reputation. The moment they see someone go off alone, they'll hunt them down." Ammy already had her scythes drawn and was looking around at the other teams.

"Perhaps baiting them would be a better move. Let them think one of us has gone off alone, perhaps Jackie since she has the most experience being solo?" Hunter nods in agreement.

"It'd be just like Jornum Valley, only instead of Vulcans, we're ambushing another guild." A sharp look from Jake made Hunter shrug. "An ambush is an ambush, no point in calling it anything else." With a sigh, Jake turned to Jackie and Zephyr, looking at them.

"Any objections? Ammy can cloak us with one of her spells."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

@Zarkun@Caits@Joshua Tamashii@CirusArvennicus

"Enough with the theatrics. We need to focus on Frenzy Plant and Dragon's Fang. The rest are fodder as far as I'm concerned." Smoke poured in streams from his lips and he tapped the burnt tobacco out of his pipe before he placed it in his pocket. He certainly held his own grudge against Frenzy Plant for his defeat yesterday though he did not let it cloud his thoughts, unlike a certain Phoenix Wing samurai who was staring at their competition. Nolan slapped the back of Joshua's head to bring him back to reality. "I know what you're thinking and you're more of an idiot than I thought you were. They are a guild that excels in teamwork with a seasoned strategist to boot and this event gives them that advantage. Do not go head first into a battle you know you can't win just to make yourself feel better...

Nolan was going to continue to berate Joshua, but was silenced by Damian's words. He bitterly looked to the side, knowing that Damian was right about him. The only time he really hits his hardest when he is fueled by frustration and rage, just like what happened yesterday when he fought against Frye or the previous days when he had fought against Frenzy Plant. If anything, it was as if he was subconsciously limiting his full strength and it only came out in random bursts of rage.

"He's right you know. For someone who tries to remain calm and collected, you're quite a moody young man." The goddess teased, her voice echoed in his head as he was visiably annoyed by her words.

"Shut it." Nolan responded to her telepathically only met by her laughter.

"See, see! You;re a brooding twerp!~" She kept on laughing to Nolan's dismay as he tried to keep his thoughts straight.

The slayer looked back at Damian who seemed quite confident in that they will be able to separate Frenzy Plant up. They will be expecting us to attempt to divide them. We're walking on a tight rope if we want to execute this.


Huh, what an odd kid. He seemed to be very socially awkward around other people as if he was not in many situations that placed him in front of people. All he did was stand there staring into space and when he spoke, he was soon distracted by a cat that he was now holding in his arms. However, a grin spread along his face when he heard that he was looking to join Dragon's Fang. "Well you're just in lucky kid. I happen to be a member of Dragon's Fang and one of its top mages might I add." He looked very proud of himself though his daughter looked straight at the white haired boy with a dead panned expression on his face.

"No, Daddy is weak sauce." She stated ever so bluntly and it hit Zev's pride hard in the gut, making him physically bent over in pain.

"S-sweetie, that wasn't very nice..."

"But it's true." She folded her arms and pouted while Zev fell to his knees as if he felt his pride shatter.


Ferris was pulled along by Jessie out of their room, the short woman was very excited to see what the day had in store for them. "Yeah, fun days watching people beat each other to near death" He chuckled as he was dragged out of the hotel, but soon pulled her back before he waved for a carriage. "Yo, a ride to the stadium!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Jamie shook her head, "No. Best not. One wrong move, or word and I might just kill him. And I'd rather not have my guild taken from me again. There are otherways of getting information, and I already have quite a bit. I imagine Jack has more, if he joins us. Sanders probably has some as well, but I'm given to understand his guild won't be here until the afternoon. There's not much any of the guilds can do at the moment, unless you have members with Fairy Tail blood. We need to find thei island.

The reports of increasing numbers of Dark guilds, of an army being developed far away, will have to wait. There's been reports of earthquakes in the sea. We don't know what happened there 100 years ago, but its clear that whatever did, it's going to happen again"

Jessie looked back at Ferris and grinned. "Any day is a fun day with you, Dear Ferris" She said, "Whoop! We're going to be late! One sec" She climbed onto the carriage taking out a lacrima, and of all times, a Microphone out her bag, smiling happily, she activate the vison lacrima, and using her Charm magic, had the microphone working. She chuckled, her laughter echoing across the stadium.

"Sorry about the delays, ladies and gentlemen! well, it looks like the teams are gearing up for an excellent, exciting day!" She said, nuzzling into Ferris, she handed him the microphone, holding the lacrima carefully.

@zarkun@hatakekuro@Joshua Tamashii@CirusArvennicus
"I'm aware of the need to stay together, I merely thought it would be good to have communication if we do get split up." Penny pointed out, but she let Damian talk, glancing over to their opponents. She looked back when Damian spoke to her, appearing slightly uneasy, but nodded. She'd do what needed to be done.

She hadn't fought in the games yet, not truly. The last event hadn't really been about fighting, the other contestants hadn't seen what she could do. And now...she was even stronger. No one had seen that. No one truly knew that, except Ariel. And that was only because she had been there. Penny's gaze roamed over the stands, searching for Ariel, for Jasmine. After yesterday, Penny wanted to make sure Jasmine was okay. And she hadn't spoken to Ariel at all.

She glanced to Nolan and Joshua, not amused by their behaviour. "Sometimes Joshua you have to do things you'd rather not. In this situation, working together will mean that we can protect each others backs, and give a hand when we need it." She said, "You're right. They'd be expecting that Nolan. So then they'd be expecting us to do something different. So what do we do? I'm guessing we only have two minutes and we are still standing here"

Pirate Lord
Blair watched as Malice went off. With barely a sound, she followed after her, the Celestial wizard leading the others, who fell into step beside her. "Malice, it's best to step together" Blair said, Merlina, the emerald Phoenix Slayer, innocently slipped her hand into Malice's, looking up at her, she smiled.

"Ther's a young Phoenix Slayer here, isn't this going to be interesting!" Merlina said cheerfully.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Malice Hardt

As she was walking away she felt a hand slip into her own, causing a startled reaction, as she looked to see Merlina and the rest of Pirate Lord behind her. She stared blankly at them suggesting to stick together, while Merlina seemed more enthused about the other Phoenix Slayer. Sighing at this turn of events she looked at the others and tried to think of how to go about this. "Fine we can stick together but we are going to be playing by my rules then. If you all followed me then they without a doubt noticed our guilds absence, or didn't. Might think were not worry to keep a tab on. So the plan is going to be as followed, we find a location suitable for an ambush, and whenever they stroll past the spot, we all pounce at them with our strongest attacks. So that means we find this spot stay hidden in this spot and make no sounds in this spot. We clear on this?" Malice would ask but it was more so a statement that they would listen. If they were going to lose then she would be damned if they were the first team to go down.

@Zarkun@Joshua Tamashii

Zephyr Hardt

Upon Jackie saying what she would do kind of irked him a little, sure he asked if they would split up but she didn't have to be so blunt about it. Then a plan from Ammy was to use Jackie as bait, so they could ambush them. He understood these were the games, but this seemed a bit evil in a way to him, using their own as bait. He remained silent as he pondered if he wanted to go through with the idea. "Only if Jackie agrees to it. If shes fine with being bait then okay, but if not then I personally don't agree with the tactic. Yet how would we even go about this? Would we scurry off then have Ammy cloak us? If we did that right here and one of us isn't with us, I feel as if the ploy won't go so well. However if worse comes to worse, one of you can charge up one of your hard hitting spells, I can turn into Loki and make a portal for you to go through to attack them from where they least expect it."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Joshua listened to his teammates, not minding the verbal beat down he was getting, though Nolan couldn't be further off the mark if he tried. He listened to them talk strategy and continued to remain silent as he thought about their dilemma. He wasn't sure how they would go about it either. If they charged Frenzy Plant head on, that would likely be a disaster. If they tried to separate the army guild with some sort of barrier, Zander was likely to just break it down.
"Short of separating them with some form of teleportation magic, we're unlikely to separate them." He said. "Even then, their first priority would be to group up again. If we end up fighting the other guilds while they're grouping up, that would put us at an even greater disadvantage. So, if we do separate them, we need to hold off each member individually to keep them from grouping up again. However, since it seems unlikely that any of use have teleportation magic, all I can say is that we're screwed if we take them on without help from the other guilds. Which is unlikely, since it's every guild for themselves.

You're all more experienced in the world of magic then I am, so you're all in charge for this one, far as I'm concerned

Fraquar Alinstar


"Fair enough." Fraquar said in response to Jamie saying no to visiting the prison. He didn't blame her and he would gladly support her in killing the man if given the chance. Listening to what else she had to say, he sighed and shook his head. "It was inevitable. The light guilds, while few, are strong. Thus it's no surprise that a large number of dark guilds are going to pop up. The world has a funny way of trying to balance itself out.

As for the other two masters, if Jack is here, why don't we go to him together. That way, we can all collaborate. As for Sander's... we'll see how things play out. I'm not a big fan of military men

Jack, the Maiden of the Mist

@Zarkun @Oblivion666

Jackie frowned at her teammates' reactions. Some approved, others didn't. But it seemed the team's main concern was Frenzy Plant. After that was likely Phoenix Wing. If that was the case.
"Does anyone have some way of isolating the members of Frenzy Plant and Phoenix Wing. If they could take each other out we could focus our efforts on Rider's Blade. We can't afford a free for all scenario." She said. "If not, I'm fine acting as bait, assuming anyone will take it."
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