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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Trinity Stratos

"I've got mine." She pulled the small crystal out of a pocket to show before depositing it again. Before she could say more, Damian began. She didn't think the idea was to split up, but she couldn't disagree with him, either. And yet, "just because we don't intend to split up doesn't mean we won't get separated. It's a good thing to check for."

As she listened to Damian continue, it got her thinking. She turned to Penny, smiling softly. "Hmm. Offense, and Defense? Penny, maybe we should start teaming up?" She gave the woman a smile, before she lifted her hand toward the shining, blazing golden emblem. Enough theatrics, then. She shot it with a finger gun and the emblem explodes prettily into sparkles, which then get sucked into her outstretched hand. A golden orb formed, a brighter color than it was before. She would absorb it slowly, while they talk.

"Sounds like we all agree we should use the buddy system. Dibs Penny. It's a great chance to scope out our teamwork potential." She nodded matter-of-factly, before Making herself a low ledge to lean on with her elbow.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cherrywitch
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Cherrywitch Fufufu~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Location: Grand Magic Games, Dragonfang member audience, not participating
Interactions: None

Erika sat on the very end of the edge of their little viewing booth, swinging her legs gently as she watched the games. She wasn't afraid of falling off, as she had fairly good balance anyways and wouldn't be startled off the edge either.

The girl didn't understand these 'Magic Games.' Why does it matter who is stronger or not? Most of the battles were individuals fighting, but wasn't the whole point of guilds to be stronger as a whole? The idea made her head hurt to concentrate on, so she just stopped thinking about it. Erika wasn't keeping score of the whole ordeal, nor was she really watching the games themselves. She was more interested in the audience. All different kinds of people, different appearances and opinions. It made her happy to watch crowds, even if she was hesitant to be a part of one herself. Still, it was a nice view, and since she was fairly new to the guild and small the other members wouldn't bother her too much. Erika could sit back and watch the interesting array of people all day, and listen to their excited cheers as their favorite guild pulled through, or some would boo or get upset if it wasn't their guild quite on top. Emotions were quite interesting that way, weren't they?

Eli Longuefellow

Location: Grand Magic Games, general audience
Interactions: None

Haha! This place is the jackpot! A bunch of unsuspecting, absorbed idiots with their money sticking out their pockets. It's almost too easy!

It was hard to not allow the Cheshire grin to expand from ear to eat on Eli's face, his nimble gloved fingers slipping into a woman's open pocket book and retrieving a piece of jewelry before sticking it into his coat pocket along with all of the other swiped treasures he had picked up today. The Grand Magic Games were always such a great time for the thief, he would always get at least double the usual pay from his victims because they were always so busy actually watching the waste of time. Guilds? Who the hell needs'em? Eli found guilds useless, personally, unless you were some wimp who was too afraid to be alone. Eli thrived in solitude, it was his domain along with his sneaky hands. It was stranger to always be around a bunch of people, in his opinion, especially if they take some of your hard earned cash— not that he knew anything about working for your money, that is. His work was simply to snatch what he wanted, and what a thrilling job that was!

Eli tucked his hands into his black jean pockets in the front, whistling a quiet joyful hum as his yellow eyes flashed around for the next catch of the day.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 5 hrs ago


Chuckling slightly at Elise's reaction to her father's claim, he knelt down to her level for a moment. [b]"Whether or not that's true, little one, you should always respect your father. I'm sure your father is plenty strong as a mage." He'd give her a smile and a pat on the head before turning to address Zev. He;d look at him for a few moments more, his eyes trying to parse out a plausible connection to Dragon Fang, wanting to make sure the man wasn't lying to him. While it was hard to discern from just his sight alone, he could see what looked like a number of strings heading back to the Arena that held the distinction of guild member. Seeing as how Dragon's Fang was part of the games, he deemed this as proof enough of the man's words with a quick nod.

Standing back up, he helped the cat up onto his shoulders carefully before addressing Zev again, still petting it as he spoke.

"Well, how lucky of me to run into a member within minutes of arriving in town. If you could help me get there, it would be much appreciated and if I get accepted, then I look forward to working with you in the future." He gave Zev a short bow with his head, not wanting to disturb the cat on his shoulder too much before his thoughts turned to other questions he had in mind. "Also, if you wouldn't mind mind me asking, what is the Guild, and the Guildmaster, like? And what do people really do in a guild when they don't have jobs? I'm a bit ignorant to most of the intricacies of the world of mages, being from the country, so any information would be very helpful."

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Roseletta


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Amaya Vanisis and Cecilia

"my past and this sudden attack of those mislead Dragonslayer hunters. The past wont die and neither will my feelings about this borrowed life I live."She said between a few yawns "any ways, be safe and have fun and please don't kill anyone...I might attempt to head back to the hotel to either sleep or try relaxing..." Amaya replied to them bothgiving a half hearted wave as she slowly moved through the crowd towards the exit of the stadium. Cecilla helpe navigate with leaning in the direction to assist Amaya the best she can so the poor girl doesnt ram into a wall.

Rose, ryu and Raiden Yashia


Ryu and Raiden stood at the back of the phoenix wing stands to watch their new possiblity of a guild. Ryu personally didn't care but It was his Father that would bury the fires of hell if it meant to still have his daughter and granddaughter in his life. he wasnt going to lose them again.

Rose watched Elyse go to Sam as it caused her to smile. It was good to see that her Elyse was so open to making friends so quickly. She watched Jamie and Fraquar speak as she watched their lips before she sighed. The man they spoke of should just stay in his cell and rot if he didn't want a ghost of the past after him. She still had some bad blood from her past to settle with the old members of the Riders but she has made amends with some of them. Like jack, as much as rose should destroy the girl for what she caused to happen, in a way Jack helped saved Elyse's life. Just like she should destroy Lucus's Very existence, He has helped her not feel so afraid of returning to who she once was.

"He should remain dead and not known to the world...He doesn't deserve the air he breaths."She said to herself heading to the stands, keeping an eye on Elyse and Sam. She saw her father and Brother out of the corner of her eye before moving over to them already knowing why they were there. "Come this way, Master Jamie will want to meet you if you are deciding to join phoenix Wing. Don't messed up and don't embarrass me or I will bury you both in my shadow realm...Don't try me."She said

"oh rosey has some thorns..."taunted ryu before Rose picked him up by the collar of his shirt
"Just try me Boy...I am not afraid to destory my half brother"She threatened
"Fine fine, let go of my shirt, I just bought this."Said Ryu before Rose let go leading them to Jamie. "Hey Master Jamie, This is my father Raiden 'the Golem' Yashia and my half brother Ryu Yashia"Said Rose introducing the mountain of a man and the young teen beside him "Also It seems we now have two exceeds parterning up with two slayers in this guild, so they might need a guild stamp" Said Rose just remembering that fact
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 9 days ago

The Mechanical Composer
Phoenix Wing Hotel Lobby | Interacting with: Jane Addeson @Zarkun

Jane's question about coffee had barely finished leaving her lips before Isabella's hand reached out to grab hers. With a gentle grasp on her friend, Isabella swung around and begun walking towards where the rest of the guild was having breakfast. The other members were quick to step out of the way of the human bulldozer known as Isabella Pinelli. The sight brought a smile to her face. It had only taken a few short days for the Guild to become accustomed with her very demanding and eccentric presence once more.
"Yes yes! There is coffee over here. It's not very good though." A few members of the hotel staff shot Isabella a hostile look, offended by her blunt criticism. "I suppose when you're desperate it all tastes the same."

While she was here with Jane, Isabella decided to make herself another cup of coffee; being sure to add more sugar than most normal people would deem necessary. She glanced over to Jane with a smile, taking a large sip of her beverage.
"I'm more looking forward to that large party tonight, to be honest." Isabella dabbed at the corner of her mouth with a napkin, removing a drop of coffee that had spilled from her cup. "I can't wait to dance with all of our friends and even the members of the other guilds."

The Beast
Crocus, Street Markets | Interacting with: Marlene Evangeline @Lmpkio

Bullet's face lit up with a wide smile at Marlene's mention of an intense workout. She gently patted her on the back whilst letting out a chuckle.
"Man, gotta admire that determination. Even during the games you're still training." Bullet turned away from Marlene before shadow boxing with himself; throwing out a few straights into the empty space in front of him.
"It's not a bad idea though. I got my ass handed to me the other day by some weirdo Dark Guild twins. Maybe if I was as dedicated as you are I would have won." There was a slight hint of annoyance in his tone. Of coarse, it was entirely directed at himself and not Marlene. He was so absorbed in thoughts about that day that he had almost forgotten Marlene was still there with him. That was until she spoke up about not remembering his name.

Spinning around with a rather perturbed expression, Bullet pointed his thumb at his face.
"My name's Bullet! Come on, it's kind of a hard name to forg-" Stopping mid sentence, Bullet had finally registered the other thing Marlene had asked. His face went red and he began to get incredibly flustered. "Bella and I aren't siblings! We're friends! Just friends." His voice trailed off quietly, his attitude becoming somber. Quickly changing the subject, Bullet knelt down in front of Marlene and looked up at her panting face.

"Are you gonna be okay? I can carry you to the hotel if you're feeling light headed."

The Demon Hunter
Crocus, Outside the Loom Cafe | Interacting with: Ethel Storm @Lunarlors34

It seemed as though Rosalina had encountered a lost child. At first glance, the girl who referred to herself as Ethel seemed to be a bit older than she acted. Nonetheless, Rosalina wasn't one to judge; at least not openly. When Ethel's hand wrapped around her own, she could feel that the girl was shaking slightly. Of coarse this was only natural for a young person who has lost their guardian. Rosalina slipped her hand back into her glove, looking around to see if there was anyone nearby who appeared to have been looking for Ethel. The streets were empty.

Sighing at the thought of having to delay her work, Rosalina looked down at Ethel before speaking up in a confident, reassuring voice.
"Well then, Ethel, we should hurry and find your guardian as soon as possible. Where are you currently staying while in Crocus?" Rosalina wasn't sure if Ethel wanted her around anyway, but the council woman's curiosity over the young girls strange presence was too intriguing to let go.

The Hawk
Crocus Stadium Council Quarters | Interacting with: Sayatachi Nijiko @Lmpkio

Even thought Sayatachi wouldn't be able to see it, Constantine was glaring at her from behind her visor the entire time she was speaking. With every word that left her lips the Knight only found herself begging for this encounter to end quicker. After what Constantine viewed as far too long, Sayatachi had finished signing the forms. Constantine had quickly picked up the clipboard, poised to leave as soon as she could, before the Council woman stopped and offered her a drink.

Constantine's body tensed up, her gaze shifting slightly to stare at Sayatachi as she poured herself a glass.
"I'm on duty, Lady Nijiko." She protested, but that didn't seem to stop Sayatachi from preparing another glass.
She won't take no for an answer. Constantine thought bitterly, removing her visor to reveal beautiful, smooth, dark skin. There were a few wrinkles here and there, but they only served to add character to the aged face of this old warrior. She walked over to the bar, sliding the wine glass away from Sayatachi and pulling out a tumbler instead.
"Scotch on the rocks. I don't care for wine; too sweet." Constantine knew that if she was even ruder to Sayatachi then Rosalina would never hear the end of it.

The Sparrow
Crocus Stadium | Interacting with: Eli Loungefellow @Cherrywitch

Bayard spent his morning with a big smile on his face, his naturally gruff expression softened ever so slightly. Dressed in one of his best suits, Bayard was invested in his duties while he walked through the various stands of the Magic Games. Every guild had it's own unique way of cheering for their respective teams, but their chants were all filled with pride. Bayard loved getting to work the games; they were such a morale boost among the citizens and fostered a bit of healthy competition between guilds.

Having seen nothing out of the ordinary, Bayard was preparing to sit down at the entrance he was assigned to so he could watch the games. Yet before he could, he caught something in the corner of his eye. Turning his head, Bayard could see a young man slipping another woman's purse out of her bag. He shook his head. Thievery was a rather common occurrence here in Crocus, especially during the games. Bayard stood up and began to move in a way that would allow him to cut the young man off. Stepping down a set of steps, Bayard found himself directly behind Eli. Close enough. Reaching out, Bayard placed one of his large hands onto his shoulder with as little force as he could muster.

"Pardon me, Sir." His rough, gravelly voice contrasted with his usual polite manner of speech created quite a jarring contrast. "I'm going to need you to come with me." Bayard pulled the young man's shoulder towards him, spinning Eli around with more force than intended. The two were face to face; or would be if Bayard wasn't taller than he was. With his other hand, Bayard removed his pocket watch and flashed the Rune Knight insignia to the thief.
"I would not advise causing a scene."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ethel Storm

@Leslie Hall
"Find Sora? Hmm..." Ethel paused momentarily, seeming to take a moment to process such an idea. She had been trying to do so for the last hour or two, and hadn't be able to find a trace of him. If he didn't want to be found then Ethel knew she wouldn't be able to find him.
Then again he seemed in such a hurry before he left. She wandered what was up with that. That coupled with the fact he had quite literally abandoned her to her own devices made Ethel feel quite uneasy. Sora was one of the biggest, most self centered jackass anyone could ever possibly hope to never meet.
However straight up abandoning a girl with abandonment issues? Even he wouldn't do that. Not without a reason.
"Guardian? Sora isn't Ethel's guardian." She stated bluntly, blinking absent-mindedly up towards the older woman. Ethel had never once hear Sora refer to himself by that...although he had definitely referred to himself by many a name.
"Sora says he is Ethel's 'master', teacher, god, supreme overlord of the world, strongest wind mage, supreme harem king, monster, king of the wind, most handsome in the world, strongest wind disciple, 'Perfection itself'. Sora has never called himself guardian. Ethel doesn't need guarding. No need for guardian." Ethel had been counting using her fingers as she rattled off the self bestowed titles Sora had given himself. Even then she stopped once she ran out of fingers. He had certainly used more words and titles to describe himself, but Ethel didn't want to stand around all day naming them all. Though she was certainly capable of doing so.

Not that anything she had said about Sora thus far would've left a good impression on Rosalina at all. Although one thing was clear. Ethel seemed to have misunderstood what Rosalina had meant by guardian
"Ethel can't find Sora. Sora cheats, fries and hides. Searching impossible. Find Jess and Mai much easier...." Ethel mumbled softly into the oversized collar of her jacket. Whether Rosalina heard her or not didn't seem to be a concern to Ethel.
"Ethel hasn't seen them since...yesterday afternoon. Sprit up at park. Ethel and Sora with Phoenix. Jess and Mai chase Shadow. Haven't seen since. Sora went to rook for them. Told Ethel to go to Phoenix Hotel and see sister. Ethel wanted to help...got rost." Ethel made some hand gestures as she spoke in what might be perceived as an attempt to help Rosalina understand her cryptic way of talking. The hand gestures probably would've made even less sense than what Ethel actually said, since they seemed to be more wild, exaggerated movements of her arms than a message with any real meaning to them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ariel - Phoenix Wing Stands
Hardly able to contain her excitement Ariel walked around the area that Phoenix Wing was going to be watching from. Too bad she wouldn't be able to see the match directly, it being throughout the city they were ure to be watching through lacrama vision. The teams were gathering for the start of the event. Speaking of she saw Penny looking around in her direction. Raising a hand she waved back with a smile. Though the team couldn't hear her she yelled out. "Go get 'em guys. Let's win this!"

It looked like Nolan and the others were occupied, probably planning. Seeing that Ariel sat down and closed her eyes for a bit. Even though she was full of energy she still was a bit tired. The whole painting adventure had be quite exhausting. Maybe she could get a moments rest before things started up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The Wild West
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The Wild West Lone Star State

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Flint Dunigan - Frenzy Plant Camp

Well, at least it didn't seem that the Argus fellow disliked him for his rather regular act of the lone bounty hunter. It was just quite hard to revert back to his old ways when things were once fine in his life, but now Flint is just some person that would rather not be named while on his lonesome travels of blood and money. The Argus fellow seemed a bit strange in his own manner with his rather devilish appearance, but the mage soon directed his attention to the town of Belka and the past engagement that had followed yesterday. He also questioned him on entering the guild as well, it seemed that he is getting to the point rather quickly, Flint liked that in a conversation. "Yeah, I was apart of that conflict here, I'd say that I didn't too much to the beast though compared to the rest of your folk," Flint answered, his gaze looking over the still camp morning, "And to answer the later, yes, I'll be joining for the time being. Though, can't say for sure I'd want to spend my entire life with y'all in this little guild, no offense, just want to keep my options open 'cause I can't be burning all my bridges at such a prime age."

It seemed that Flint wanted to see if the guild life would suit his taste, the guild leader did seem to make his point rather tantalizing to the bounty hunter, but in the end just wanted to see if he could get along with others before dismissing the idea of working with groups rather than working alone. And so it seemed that it was this guild that would perfectly suit his needs as it both provided him steady jobs in this foreign environment and followed most of his beliefs in contrast to other previous guilds that Flint had encountered throughout his life. "So, Argus, what's your take on this here guild? Can't say I know too much about these people here, and it seems that your a regular in this here establishment." Flint questioned, watching Argus lie on the ground to ease the pains of the damaged body.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cherrywitch
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Cherrywitch Fufufu~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Eli Longuefellow

Location: Grand Magic Games, general audience
Interactions: @leslie hall

The blonde scoffed, attempting to shove the large bear paw off his shoulder with a rude shrug. "Would you get off me? Who the hell do you think you a-?" Eli was jolted out of his sentence by the rough turn, almost losing his balance if not for the sturdy grip on him. Instead of a face, Eli was greeted with a chest that was far too wide than needed for a human being. The yellow eyes slowly raised up to the man's neck, then face so Eli had to crane his neck all the way back to barely see his features. "Oh... You're a big guy, aren't'cha?" The lightning serpent chuckled nervously, sweat dripping down the side of his face. Hes going to kill meee! When did they start hiring Titans to monitor this place?! This guy could crush me with one fist!

The eyes flashed widely from left to right for an escape, praying that this monster wasn't faster than him. "I'd love to stay and chat, but I think it's time for my leave~" The blonde spun on his heel quickly, throwing two silver coins in his tracks. The space between them shot up into an electric barrier, crackling with energy. Meanwhile, Eli made his escape hopping over people's heads and chairs with blinding speed. "Scuse me, pardon me, coming through! Scuuuuse me!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Marlene coughed when Bullet mentioned that she was "training", but regardless she didn't bother answering what really happened. After all, maybe next year she might be in the games after all. And speaking of Bullet, that sounds like a pretty badass name in her opinion. She did chuckle to herself however, when the man blushed in response to the two being 'siblings', or at least according to him they aren't. Then he changed subjects and offered her to be carried by him if she was really that exhausted and light headed. Despite a cough and wobbling legs, Marlene just raised her hand in front of him as she stands fully erect.

"T-Thanks." she replies, "But I think I can manage myself."

She then flings her hair over as she fixes her ponytail. She then looks at him curiously.

"Speaking of her," she says, while putting a finger on her chin, "Where is she anyways?"

@Leslie Hall
Sayatachi Nijiko

Constantine's face was both exotic and surprisingly young for her age. Saya didn't know her actual age, but she took the guess that she was around her age. And she looked pretty well, save for a few wrinkles, which not at all deteriorates her look. What's also obvious is that her character looked warrior-like, which mostly from the way she dressed and also due to a look similar to that of battle-hardened male soldiers. Saya was curious about her already.

"Gorgeous skin..." she thought to herself in regards to Constantine's beautiful dark skin.

But before she could pour her a glass of wine, Constantine took out a tumbler cup and slid away the wine cup. Wine didn't fancy her tastes, rather she would enjoy a glass of "Scotch on the Rocks". The Rainbow Majesty was taken a bit off guard by the request of a hard liquor, mostly to the fact that she wasn't much of a hard drinker, let alone rarely even tasted Scotch Whiskey.

Alas, after a very brief, but not rude pause, Saya nods and acknowledges Constantine's request.

"Very well then." she simply responds as she looks for a bottle.

She looks in the upper cabinets and managed to find an unopened bottle of said beverage. She takes it from the cabinet and pours it into the guest's glass. Then, quickly, yet delicately, she grabs a few ice cubes from the nearby freezer and adds the 'rocks' into the scotch. Hence, "Scotch on the Rocks". Saya then hands Constantine the glass with a smile.

"Your drink." she replies with a polite smile, "Cheers."

After the two would clink glasses, the hostess takes a sip of her wine. Now it was time to ask a few questions that were running down her spine.

"So..." she begins smoothly as she lets the red wine run down her slender throat, "Mind if I have your name? You already happen to know mine so let's exchange no?"

The following question was then this.

"You sound to be very close to Ms. Idwal. From the looks of you, you're clearly no simple messenger, let alone a secretary of her's. I take it that you're an escort of her's?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Damian Gerard|Grand Magic Games Stadium to Crocus City

Damian knew that they were right about Frenzy Plant, but he needed more time to figure out a way to split them up and they were almost out of time before the fighting actually started. Rather than reply to Trinity, he lead the way out of the Stadium into the city, making sure to take them towards areas he hoped would provide more opportunities to split up groups of opponents, not just Frenzy Plant. Once they were a decent way into the buildings, he glanced at Trinity. "This is a mock battle, dibs on anyone is unrealistic. The best we can hope for is that most of us will have buddies. That said, we might just be able to split them up now that we're in here. And Trinity, you might be our way to do it."

Jake, Hunter, and Ammy|Grand Magic Games Stadium to Crocus City

Jake nodded, leading the way out into the city. They went one alley way in before stopping and he turned, Hunter watching behind them in case someone tried to follow them. "Alright, the four of us will cloak, Jackie, you lead the way, pick someplace where you think we can take people and wait. We'll follow you."

Jane Addeson|Phoenix Wing Hotel

Jane followed Isabella, letting the other young woman keep her hand until they reached the coffee, at which point she quickly poured herself a cup and added equal parts sugar, creamer, and whipped cream. Upon completion of addition of it all, she joined Isabella at a table and sat, not responding until after she'd had three drinks from the mug in her hand. "Long as Lightning Boy from the other day stays away from me, I think I can enjoy the party. Never actually been to one before, so it should be interesting."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Pirate lord.
The rest of the pirate lord team nodded, and Merlina smiled cheerfully, "Sure we can do that! But I still wanna talk with Phoenix Wings Phoenix Slayer, do you think we can arrange that?" She looked up at Malice innocently, as if they weren't just about to be in a battle royal. She let Malice lead them where ever she wanted.


"No, neither am I. But he gets the job done, and his guild has the same thing ours does. Family" Jamie said, looking down into the grounds, She sighed softly. And we will all need to be apart of it, no matter what" She glanced over to the dragon fang area, seeking Jack. "Then lets find Jack"

As Rose came over to introduce the two people with her, Jamie smiled "a pleasure to meet you. Two exceeds? Interesting. I'm Jamie, one of Phoenix Wings Masters."


Penny was a little taken aback at Trinity's words, and then Trinity Dibbsing her. She followed Damian, unsure of how to respond to Trinity. People wanting her still baffled her, after everything. She looked up at Ariel's call, and smiled. "If I'm going to be in the air, I won't be buddying up unless you join me" She said to Trinity, actually not knowing if trinity had any flight abilities or not. Damian could use one of his blades, as he had done previously with her, but she frowned preplexed that she didn't know truly everything her guild mates was capable off.

Damain seemed to know, and that made Penny frown even more. Maybe she should learn more about the others. Yet it wasn't like she had expected to even be apart of the games. "Although...you could compliment my magic on the ground" She said thoughtful, falling silent as Damian spoke. @Zarkun@CirusArvennicus@joshua tamashii

Let the Games Begin-Ding ding, time to play!!!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Trinity Stratos

The young lady rolled her eyes. "Life's more fun without the stick, y'know." She shook her head, turning and smiling at Penny. "I'll have to write a song. ...?" She saw the frown on her guildmate's face and gazed at her thoughtfully. Slowly, she lifted a hand and then pinched her cheek. "What's the long face? C'mon, now." She would drop her hand and offer a smile, before turning her attention back to Damian.

"Oh, me? I'm the key to your strategy? Ah, do tell."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Frenzy Plant's Elite

When the signal came, it took the form of an asinine shout rather than the toll of a mighty bell or the explosion of a cannon, but it was all the impetus Frenzy Plant needed to begin. No sooner had the announcement of the game's commencement been given then the sky above turned cloudy. In the palms of her hands, clasped together, a blinding bright light formed like a star being born. It grew, forming a basketball-sized orb that to all onlookers seemed terribly familiar. Air streamed toward her from all directions, rushing at the sorceress as if in a vacuum. It whipped at the hair and clothing of all in its path. To stare into the sphere clutched in the Librarian's hands was to stare into a raging, tumultuous manifestation of the primal power that surrounded the planet—a fearsome tempest, coagulated atmosphere, a world's worth of extreme weather in miniature. Every breath in the arena was held, if not stolen, as Indigo's Whitesky Eye came to be. A roar of effort escaped her lips as she rose into the air, buoyed up by power while her Eye vibrated violently, and with all her strength she bent down and brought her arms up so that her head and the Eye would meet.

Instantly, a wave of the accumulated wind burst outward. At the beginning, it wasn't strong enough to throw her allies to the ground, but as the gale spread it picked up speed and force. Only a second later it reached its limit and began to turn, creating a column of whirling air in the colosseum with Frenzy Plant's elite as its center. With the image of an apocalyptic storm fresh on the minds of those who'd witnessed the Whitesky Eye yesterday, this more tame turn of events constituted both a relief and an oddity. Above the noisy torrent of air the voice of Indigo came, somehow amplified. ”The true power of the Whitesky Eye! I can sense everything in a fifty foot radius. This is my domain!” Floating in the air and with eyes as brilliantly white as the clouds of a snowstorm, the sorceress punctuated her proclamation by performing a dramatic sweeping gesture with her hand. Abruptly the twister 'closed up', its vicious rotation increasing in speed and density so much so that nobody within could be seen.

Inside, closed off from the rest of the guilds by Indigo's tornado barrier and sheltered in the eye of the storm, the other soldiers went to work. Dmitri, not eager to be outdone, called, “Asura!” to summon forth four extra magma arms from runes on his back. His brutal magic power burned to be unleashed, but in accordance with the plan the flaming brawler reined in his lust for battle. Concentrating deeply, he channeled his power into his summoned arms. Intentionally he separated their runes from their convenient locations on his body to float in the air as the arms became larger. When Dmitri willed them to, the great arms beat the earth, scooping chunks from the ground to fuse in the heat and pressure of their clenched fists into igneous rock. These, Dmitri guided his arms to carefully place beneath where Indigo floated, ghostlike. Zander, using his ruby sword as a conduit, mortared the blocks together with his signature magic substance.

To hasten the labor and turn at least ten minutes' work into one minute's, Indigo uttered another incantation. ”Tailwind!” At her call, silvery gusts of wind blew in to surround her guildmates, drastically increasing their speed. With the aid of Hyun and Owen pitching in where they could, Zander and Dmitri piled the stones together into the shape upon which the soldiers had agreed only moments earlier. The biting cold of Indigo's cyclone helped cool the heat-infused stone, tempering it, and as precious seconds ticked by, Frenzy Plant's objective took shape. From outside, all that anyone could see was the imposing shadow of a large, cylindrical mass taking shape.

Before long, the twister began to grow thinner. With surprising speed it shrunk, becoming only about a fourth of its original diameter, but something else became apparent as it did. Sitting on the top of the cyclone was a tower, the stones of its walls burned black and sealed together by dazzling red ruby. Rough-hewn, it nevertheless looked remarkably like the guard tower of some medieval castle, complete with a doorless entryway near the bottom and holes in the walls to be uses as windows. Atop the tower stood Zander, Hyun, Owen, and Dmitri, looking down at the competition from on high. A white glow from within, closer to its base and the whirling cyclone that stretched from its underside all the way to the ground, confirmed the presence of Indigo keeping it aloft.

A very small smile graced Hyun's face. ”We must be silly fools to make such a grand spectacle of ourselves. Still, it is quite amazing what we can do.” She took a deep breath of the sky's clear, free air before moving toward a hole in one side of the roof. Through it she could drop from platform to platform until she was at the bottom, but before she did, she glanced at her teammates. ”I'll do my duty, then. Give them hell.” With that, she disappeared.

For a few seconds, Dmitri's hand had hung in the air, waiting for a high-five. Zander took his time returning the gesture, though it was not begrudgingly. Creating the Howling Djinn's Keep from nothing in such a short span of time had been nothing short of a titanic effort for them, but the battle hadn't even started. ”Here we go,” Zander declared. ”You two know, I'm sure, that there are a few mages down there who can fly. I expect them to come for us any moment now that the barrier storm has been converted into our propulsion system. Fortunately, they will be our only challenge. From here, we three may rain spells on our enemies unhindered. We can also simply chase them down; the tornado keeping us up can also ruin the day of anyone it happens to bulldoze over. No matter where they may flee into the city, we can chase them down. They may attempt to fight us, but we have every strategic advantage we could ask for, and there is no way to split us up.”

Owen grunted in approval. Rapier in hand, he remarked, “A fortress's got only one weakness, in that it don't move, an' it looks like we conquered it. All's left is t'conquer these guilds.” His comrades did not nod, knowing that despite this advantage, each would have to put all of their strength and their wits into the coming fight to beat monsters like Nolan Waltz, Ammy Silver, and Damian Gerard. Here, more than a hundred feet up, the soldiers of Frenzy Plant would wait for their foes to come to them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

@Zarkun@Caits@CirusArvennicus@Joshua Tamashii

Deciding not to even bother arguing with his guildmates, he had followed out begrudgingly with the rest of his team despite believing that trying to separate Frenzy Plant would only be an overly dangerous risk to take. However, Nolan was going to try and be a team player even though he obviously wasn't pleased that he would have to follow a suicide mission. While the rest were scouring the buildings in order to set their positions for a strike, Nolan was on top of the buildings acting as a look out for enemies. His Shaman Magic allowed him to see the souls of others even if something was obstructing his view, an ability that he took advantage of when he had faced Indigo three days prior.

His white pupils scanned the area and haven't seeing anything noteworthy to report to the others. Well, that was until a tornado ravaged in the distance and Nolan, someone who experienced this specific attack, knew it was Indigo's White Sky Eye. There was a massive swell of magic in the distance coming more than just one source. "What the hell?" Nolan looked up at the sky and saw that on top of the tornado was a fortress, somehow balancing on the top. He grabbed his communication lacrima from his pocket and spoke into it, which is team members would hear. What he told them only made him feel ridiculous. "Frenzy Plant has created a mobile sky fortress. They're bringing the battle to us."

Soon Nolan was riding a cloud of ashes into the air to go combat the roaming air base and spoke into the lacrima again. "Penny I'll need your help! Damian, Joshua, Trinity! Stay on the ground and do what you can to thin out the opposition" He was quickly approaching Frenzy Plant's mighty fortress, knowing that he was going to be at the enemies range soon. "Eat this! Ash God's Dual Explosive Cinders!" Two basketball sized spheres of ash morphed on his hands and he blasted them forward straight towards the tower. The attacks if it makes contact would create powerful concussive shock waves that would damage the tower should they meet their mark.


"That they are! I can imagine that they are all just ready to go and decide which guild is the best in Fiore!" Ferris matched Jessie's postivity, nuzzling into her. His eyes widened when he felt an incredible spike of magical energy all the way from the otherside of Crocus. He moved away from Jessie and poked his head outside of the carriage's window and saw that a tornado dwarfing its surroundings in the distance with a tower on top of it. Amazing! Frenzy Plant has created a mobile air fortress! This event is what Frenzy Plant needed to win it all, but will this be enough?And it's Nolan Waltz from Phoenix Wing is the first to take action against Frenzy Plant The only reason why he even knew it was Frenzy Plant was because the entire match wa being streamed to portable lacrimas so anyone could watch it on the go.


Zev's daughter pouted and looked away from the white haired boy, her arms folded as she didn't want to say anything to the stranger. Her hand was soon gently grabbed her grandmother and slowly had begun to lead her away from her father and the boy. Well Zevvie, make sure you get to your guild soon! I don't want you to miss much! The grandmother and daughter said their goodbyes and wandered off to some place else before they take the train back home.

"Ugh, that's a pet name I'll never get over." He muttered under his breath though his attention was brought back to Ezekiel. "Let's walk and talk kid. We shouldn't miss out on the last day of the games!" Zev walked with a spring in his step followed by the potential recruit. "You sure have a lot of questions don't ya country boy? Well the Guild Master I can say is definitely one of the strongest in Fiore; his title as Wizard Saint is not for show. He is one of the most formidable men I have ever met though he has an odd quirk..." He glanced at the cat that Ezekiel was holding and chuckled. He decided that he would keep the master's fear of felines a secret just so he could see that look of terror on his face.

"As for what mages do when we don't have any job requests, it depends. The guild is not just a place of work, it's a place where we can gather to relax and have some drinks. Some people actually rent out some rooms in the dorm to live in. However people also have personal lives, like me. I'm a single father so when I'm not away on a job then I'm taking care of my kid. The only reason I have any freetime in my life is because my mom is helping me raise her."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago


"Ah shit, I had one too many drinks last night." The Exceed groaned from the aching pain caused by his hangover. The previous night before he had ended up in the red light district drinking booze and other acts that would deem questionable especially for a three foot tall talking cat. It had hit him all at once when he woke up and nearly decided that he wouldn't leave the room today, but that got boring very fast.

He flew around lazily looking for the Phoenix Wing stands when he noticed that Ariel was sitting in the stands. Dalton flew towards Ariel and plopped down on her lap. He reeked off the excessive amount of hair gel that he used to maintain his oversized pompadour. "Yo Ariel, did you and Nolan have some fun last night?" He asked with a playful tone.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 5 hrs ago


"I see . . . I do hope I don't disappoint him or anything. I'm not really much of a fighter, and from what I heard back home, that's all guilds really seem to do." Ezekiel didn't quite know what he'd do if he was rejected by the Guild Master. He didn't want to go back to wondering the countryside, it was rough going on him, not to mention really dangerous. Not to mention, he doubted he'd be able to find out the truths of his magic if he didn't join a guild.

Shaking his head free of his thoughts before they started to mess with his head, Ezekiel slapped his cheeks slightly, focusing on the current situation. He hadn't met the man yet, so it wouldn't do to think he'd get rejected just yet. Turning to pay attention to Zev as he spoke about what guild members did in their off time, he nodded slowly, particularly interested on that part abut living in the guild hall. When the man mentioned his daughter, Ezekiel couldn't help but smile fondly, the amount of pride the man had in his daughter more than apparent from the way he spoke about her.

"Your daughter seems like a very good person, so I'm sure you're doing a good job with her. She's very lucky to have you for a father, I'm sure."


Argus Leandros

Argus listened as the man talked about his interest in the guild, nodding along until the man asked him his opinion about the guild. The question was met with thoughtful silence as Argus looked up into the sky, trying to formulate his thoughts sufficiently.

"It's alright, I guess. I've only been hear for 4 days, I think, and more to the point, my membership is much more . . . complicated than most, and has given me a bit of a bias against the guild for reasons that aren't really their fault. Argus rubbed the back of his neck in thought, his gaze never leaving that one space in the sky. "That being said, there are worse groups to be apart of, and these guys certainly have their shit together. I'd say stick around for a couple weeks, see how it treats ya, and then head out if you don't like it.
@The Wild West
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ariel - Phoenix Wing Stands
The last match started and before any of the other teams could react Frenzy Plant started with a spectacular display of power, control, and cordination. Before everyone they combine their magics to create a fortress that could move freely via tornado. For a moment there Ariel just sat in awe, all of the feats well beyond her own ability much less them together. What snapped her back to reality was Nolan's Exceed partner, Dalton, flying around her and lighting on her lap.

Ariel had never really had that much interaction with the Exceed. She recalled he had a dirty mind and drank a lot. Her first reaction was to pet him, he looke like a cat after all. It was shortly after that the excessive smell of gel hit her. Leaning back a bit she coughed lightly. As per her observation Dalton insinuated something right away. "No, we didn't. I don't know how much Nolan has had the chance to tell you but we are taking things slow." She wasn't quite sure how to bring up being trapped in a painting for a month when it was only a few hours in reality.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny sighed with fury as Nolan went off half-cocked. And that's the problem with this guild. "Nolan!" her voice was sharp as a whip through her own lacrima, but it was too late. Nolan was already attacking the Solider Guild. "Oh, for the love of-!" She threw up her hands, frustrated. Her Phoenix Flames engulfed her body, and she leaped into the air. "Watch our backs, while I go bring him back"

She moved easily through the air, knowing she shouldn't be going off, but if she didn't, Nolan was going to get himself taken out the event. "You're damn Fool, Nolan!" Penny cursed, but now that Nolan had attacked the fortress, there really was nothing she could do. With a sigh, she sent forth a stream of flames, embedded them in the ash of Nolan's attack, essentially to keep them hidden and create a sneak attack.

She was more then certain that they would be outnumbered, but since when had that been an issue?


Jessie watched the match through the lacrima, "It will be interesting to see how this fortress lasts! surely it uses a lot of magic, and a lot of skill! Frenzy Plant are favorites for the win, but Phoenix Wing always seems to surprise us! and Look at this, Fire and Ash together! Haha, these two slayers seem to be showing us just what they are capable off! Its certainly shaping up to be a fiery match, even in its beginning moments!' She said, enjoying the commentary through the carraige, it was certainly a little more private and she liked that fact as she shifted to move against Ferris again.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Frenzy Plant's Elite

In their bastion in the sky, the soldiers waited. Dmitri could only do so a short time before he ground his teeth. ”Why aren't they doing anything? Barely anyone's moved!” Scarcely had the words left his mouth than he narrowed his eyes, having spotted a black stream on the move. Only one person's impetuousness and magic suited that oncoming haze. ”Ah! Spoke too soon. First on the chopping block's none other than Nolan Waltz himself!”

Zander snatched up his blade, having come to the same realization only a second sooner, and leveled in in the God Slayer's direction. ”The very one we wanted to take out as fast as possible...and all alone, it looks like. Yet it can't be this easy. He must know we know that his power increases as he gets angry and hyped up. To try and take us on by himself right at the start...be on your guard.”

A fiery stone finger was outstretched as Dmitri pointed. ”Look! He's not alone. Firebird's coming along for the ride.” He shrugged. ”Makes sense that the two fliers would attack together. Still, makes our job a hell of a lot easier.” His veins began to glow with volcanic heat. Taking his cue, Owen took the opportunity to couch his rapier in order to cast a spell. Neither of them took any notice of the ashen orbs hurtling toward the Howling Djinn's Keep. Not even Zander, most careful and deliberate of protectors, paid it any mind.

At the very bottom of the tower, a lone woman watched from the floating fort's doorless entryway. Flamberge in one hand and parrying dagger in the other, she glared at Nolan and Penny when they launched an attack. Her eyes tracked the fire-infused projectiles as they drew ever near her, and Hyun muttered to herself, ”The insolence of it. Instantly splitting up and trying to attack us when we've got every advantage...what do you take us for!?” She assumed a pure offensive stance, holding her jagged sword above her head. ”Maybe this will teach you imbeciles the price of arrogance.” With a kiai, she swung her blade, and a wave of white distortion passed from the metal into the air. It traveled quickly, leaving no trace in its wake, and it grew in size as it did. Nolan's ash orbs, with Penny's explosive flames hidden inside, screamed toward Frenzy Plant's tower, but when they collided with Hyun's wave they fizzled out like candles snuffed out between someone's fingers. All they could do was hiss weakly before vanishing, completely nullified.

Though they almost certainly couldn't see her from this distance, Hyun gave the two members of Phoenix Wing a condescending smile. She lent an ear to listen, and in quick succession heard her allies call out,

“Steel Sky!”

“Hekaton Meteor!”

“Scarlet Sunbeam!”

The air glimmered in a broad area around Nolan and Penny. Magic circles appeared by the dozen, and from each protruded a long rapier blade. Quite suddenly, the sky around them was filled with spikes. From his position atop the Howling Djinn's Keep, Owen watched carefully, ready to summon walls of spike-protruding magic circles from afar in order to cut off a foe's attempt at escape. At the same time, Dmitri brought to life six flaming magic circles, from which launched large hunks of molten rock at high speed. Barely contained in solid, meteor-like form, they would return to lava if subjected to any trauma. Like cannons firing in sequence these circles launched the meteors at the area defined by Owen's bladed boundary. The icing on the cake was Zander; his outstretched ruby sword began to glow with brilliant red light, and from its end burst a laser beam about six inches in diameter that effortlessly closed the distance between the warriors of the two guilds. Though difficult to aim at this range, the Scarlet Sunbeam would not be fun for anyone hit by it. Just as planned, the enemy fliers were in a predicament: in order to avoid the agonizing heat of meteor and laser alike, they would need to dodge or counterattack. Any dodging risked impalement on Owen's floating remote blades, however, and any counterattacking meant either spreading lava or attempting to take the brunt of a concentrated laser straight on. All the while the tower floated closer. By now, it had left the arena, much to the chagrin of the captivated audience.

Hyun continued to observe, ready with her blades to cancel any more magic attacks that came her guild's way. She wondered what the enemies would do to counter three calculated spells at once, but she figured they'd find a way somehow. Still, the absolute defense her Nullification Magic afforded her guild plus the brutal ranged offensive of her allies, which many might have underestimated, added up to a seemingly flawless strategy.
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