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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Melina leaped to the side, using the scythe like a pole to give her some extra distance. As she slid to a stop,Penny's fire exploding and the ash hitting the ground, she pulled a vial of blood, popping the cork off and drinking it before dropping it and charging Penny head on. Fire and Ash, how cute, She thought. As she progressively got closer to Penny, she made use to watch out for her fireballs, but now when she launched them, Melina seemed to change their course very slightly as she moved out of the way, using her scythe as the medium, and trying to direct them towards any nearby civilians or at other important things in the station. Oftentimes not being able to direct it enough. Good thing I had some of Mayt's blood kept away, but would've been better to have more, or have Mithera. She thought, knowing the little bit of power she now had over Penny's fireballs would fade in minutes.
Mayt carefully took the letter from Sasha, looking it over. "That's... The blackmailer's handwriting all right. Hell, what is she up to? I don't think it can include Mithera though. Contact Jarvis, see if he has news on your sister." Mayt looked up at Sasha, more than a little worried. "I don't think a fight would go in Penny's favor if Mithera had reason to stick with her. Hell..." He set an elbow on the table and rested his head in his hand, murmuring something about his mother. "We need to find that bitch." He started to stand up, glancing at Angelo.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

He smiled and sighed a little at mayt "well let's see blackmail, a family member in trouble and finally someone who needs there as kicked." Angelo said as he ate the fries then got up patting mayt shoulder encouragingly "if you need it you have my help, can't let my teammate go through an experience like this alone and if it's a serious fight then I'll be useful" Angelo said picking Mark back up and putting him back in his pocket ready to go
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Master Jamie snorted and said "the magical council couldn't find water even if they were on a boat. They are useless" he said, "we will never be crushed. We will protect this land, and we will survive for all time. It's been 100 years since zeref was taken down. While we have forgotten much, we have also gained much" she said, "we will take down the dark guilds, and we will create peace"
As soon as the blood witch deflected her fire balls, Penny would make them disappear, so they wouldn't hurt any civilians. As the witch got closer, Penny increased her flames, so that they danced around her, and she growled, "Phoenix flame!" She directed a torrent of flames towards the blood Mage, keeping the flames funnel, and making them as hot as she could make them. If the witch deflected her attack this time, Penny was sure she would at least get burned. She made sure none of her attacks would effect Nolan, as she wouldn't want to hurt a comrade. She glanced about for Nolan, but did also maintain her attention on the dark Mage, not wanting to be surprised. She hovered back a few feet so that she wasn't near the witches weapon, and therefore her blood couldn't be used against her.
"I contacted Jarvis not too long again. He said that Penny was alright, or had been when she contacted the guild, and that she had been diverted by a cry for help" sasha said, rising as well, taking the note and putting it in her pocket once more. "If Penny is in danger, she will take to the air and should be alright" but she was worried. She bit her lip, more then worried
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 5 days ago

A grin formed on his lips. "It's good to be back, Master Jamie," Maddox spoke up, chuckling as he shook his head. With that, he stopped leaning against the wall and uncrossed his arms. "You need me for anything? If not, I was planning on losing a match against one of the fresh faces that joined while I was out and then relaxing." A smirk grew on the red-haired mage's face. "A lot of people are out doing missions and I don't want to take another and miss their return. It seems I've missed enough as it is... Like Wes..." Maddox grew quiet after mentioning his name. "Do you have any leads on where Wes could've disappeared to? I can drag him back if he just got lost somewhere."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Master Jamie sighed "I do have an idea. It's far fetched, but it's pretty much my only lead. He didn't just walk away Maddox. He...well. It was during the s class exam. He was fighting, and it looked like...he was dead and then a light came...well. Yes. Best to stay around for a bit" she said, "I'll reveal all once I confirm a couple of things"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 5 days ago

The young mage looked at his master silently for a moment before closing his red eyes and letting out a sigh. "If there's a way to get him back, just let me know. I'll do it in a heartbeat," Maddox said, before opening his eyes. "I'll be lounging around the guild until I see some friendly faces. Though, I do need to find my landlady. I have been gone a few months, so I likely owe her a few months rent..." Maddox let out a chuckle, though it was clearly half-hearted. With that as his own form of dismissing himself, he opened the door to the office and stepped out, making sure to gently close it behind him. After taking a moment to stretch, then another moment to adjust his coat, Maddox took a deep breath and sat down at the nearest chair. "It's good to be back..." He leaned back dangerously far in the chair and kicked his feet up on the adjacent table. Time to sit back...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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Mr Nim said
Still not looking at Sho's direction, Riye waited for a moment until she felt the mark stamper leave her skin. She then touched the spot, feeling it was a bit colder than usual, and returned her sleeve back to her shoulder. Turning to look at Jarvis again, she ignored Sho until the bartender finished explaining the way renting a room in the guild hall worked, which sounded like a fair system to her "Very well then. I'd like to rent a room here, to begin with. After I've done a mission or two, then I'd consider moving to somewhere else in the town. For now I have 50 thousand jewels to begin with, and thats all the cash I have." She said.

Finally turning to look at Sho, she gave him a smile "Yo Sho. Not sure if you paid attention, but my name is Riye. After I've set up in my room, would you like going on a mission with me? I know its probably very sudden, seeing we don't know each other, but I work better with others rather than alone. Would you like that?" Riye asked, and took a further glance at him. He didn't look like a bossy type to her, nor like a grown up, so she figured that he was probably an alright person.

"Yo?" Trafalgar thought and chuckled. "Well, I just returned back to the guild from a trip I had and I'd like to take it slow for now and plus, Master Jamie is going to make some announcements from what I heard" he said and looked at Jarvis, "So we might as well wait here until she finishes saying what she wants to say and then we can go on a mission together."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

metagros said
wow the girl actually recovered. normally it takes a while for someone to recover. it appears that kyo is asking him a question. how should he answer this? "um im kind of....not here by choice. there is another person here, a member of Phoenix wing, who has magic similar to mine. she kicked me here. and before you get confused, i am not exaggerating. she landed on my ribs!" there was a bit of a hurt tone in his voice for that last part, as he remembered the kick.

"Well then where is she. Normally you stay with the person you came with. And if you lost her then you should look for her." Kyo said looking around The little creature was gone. She wondered who Galen had come with, her looks and her personality. Was she strong? Was she good with magic? These were all questions Kyo wanted to ask but didn't. It would be rude to ask a whole bunch of questions. Kyo looked at her hand and yelped, a small book falling to the ground. Her hot chocolate had spilled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mr Nim
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Mr Nim Neverhood's Klayman

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

After hearing Jarvis tell her that she can just go pick a room that is empty and let him know, Riye nodded. She then looked at Sho as he told her the guild's master was going to make an announcement "Is that so? Then I guess I'll go find myself a room and then wait for the announcement. So, I will see you in a bit, Sho." She said and gave him a smile before heading up the stairs, going to see which room are open.

After looking between the rooms, she found one which she thought looked nice and placed her things in. She ensured it was no one else's room and noted which room it was before going out and locking it using the key that she found on the inner side of the door after she inspected the room. Riye smiled and went back down the stairs before approaching the bar once again "I found a room that was open and empty and to my liking. So I locked it with the key I found on the inner side of the door. That is fine, right?" She asked Jarvis, wanting to ensure it was fine to do so.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 39 min ago

This damn witch was a force to be reckoned with. She is able to skillfully dodge their attacks even redirect them so that they would hit something else rather than her. She maybe his opponent though there was some amount of skill he had to admire. It's not easy taking on two enemies at once and she was doing it relatively well. Still, it was going to take more than dodging to beat the two of them. Ashes erupted around him as he held both of his hands out in front of him. "Ash God's Maw!" A large skull made of black ashes with a purple tint flew at the witch, it's mouth was side open as if it was going to eat her. If this thing did bite down on her then it would've exploded into a cloud of ash, burning her and hitting her with powerful blunt force.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Melina growled slightly, knowing she'd regret her next move, but she didn't really have a choice. As Penny's fire came close, she used her scythe to vault her into the air, and she did her best to come down on Penny, slashing with her weapon. She knew she was going to get hit by the next attack, as she had no control in the air, but that was slightly preferable to being cooked alive on the ground.
Mayt nodded. "I feel like that cry for help was likely a trap... I hope she isn't alone, at the very least. And you make sure you're never alone either Sasha, please." He sat back down, looking worriedly at Sasha, afraid of her getting hurt. Either physically or emotionally. "Promise me you wont go anywhere alone if you can help it. Okay?" He casted a quick glance over at Angelo, then back at Sasha, worry in his eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

If I can help it of course but you can't make this any bigger then it already is, we just need to be careful and watch where we go from here. Honestly if they set up a trap then let's trap them back. we just need to work together and think of a plan for when we get their. " Angelo said stretcHing a little ready to go and save the damsel in distress so to speak. Angelo was strong and he was smart enough not to go into a dark alley so Angelo was thinking that mayt was going overboard with this but Angelo want going to stop him from worrying.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny flapped her Phoenix wings, rising higher as the witch attacked. She wasn't worried about being cut,'her flames would protect her she was more then certain. But the witch didn't need to know that. She glanced about, seeing citizens huddling near the entrance, watching wide eyed "get out of here!" She bellowed, and they fled.

Now free of the threat of injuring citizens, Penny began gathering her power and her strength. She closed her eyes a minute, locating Nolan by his own power, and then she began to weave her flames, "Phoenix spin" the flames began to whirl, coming at the witch from all sides, spinning like a tornado.

And blood dripped from a cut on her leg.
Sasha gave Mayt a reassuring smile "I promise to try not to anywhere alone." She said "I normally don't take jobs alone in anycase, and I'm normally with someone at the guild" she sighed softly "as long as I get to go to the bathroom in peace, I'm happy" she smiled again, but it was strained as she thought about her sisterx
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 5 days ago

Maddox looked over at the bar, where the new girl and the new guy were standing. Then he looked over at Lazarus. Then he let out a sigh. It's just too quiet in here, he thought to himself, bringing his feet off the table and back onto the ground. May as well decide what job I'll take next. The red-haired mage walked over to the job request board and began scanning. "This one will be a good one," he mumbled out loud, grabbing the poster from the board. Rather casually, he walked over to the bar next to Sho and Riye, before brandishing the poster to Jarvis. "Hey Jarvis. I'm planning on taking this Freedom at Last mission. Got any advice or info?" Maddox explained, hardly sparing a glance to the other two. "I'm gonna head out and complete it once the others come back and I get a chance to say hi."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Lazarus had been thinking about what he was experiencing at this very moment. Another strand had turned black. He tucked it away. He needed answers. But for now, he needed to act natural. The new girl Riye had returned downstairs. He took a deep breath and lumbered forward. She looked young, so this should be easy. Any young wizard would recognize him the weekly sorcerer. He grumbled, but spoke softly. "You." He held out a hand. Being a famous wizard in magazines came in handy at times like this. "Lazarus Rex, you may have heard of me. Welcome to phoenix wing. Maybe we can do a job together sometime. I'm sure my partner Sasha would love you to join us sometime." He smiled falsely. He was pulling off the act, but he knew he was dead inside right now. What he had learned in the last 3 months away couldn't get out. He needed the master's help.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 39 min ago

He was getting aggravated at the fact that their attacks were being dodged so easily. He figured that she was strong but he figured that it would take a lot more to hit her. Thankfully she was in the air where she could not avoid whatever attack she would face though his eyes widened at the sight of something that will screw them over; Penny's leg was bleeding from a wound inflicted by the witch. "Penny! You have to get away right now!"The God Slayer shouted at the Phoenix, fearing that she would get further harmed during the fight and then get in the way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

BlackCat said
"Well then where is she. Normally you stay with the person you came with. And if you lost her then you should look for her." Kyo said looking around The little creature was gone. She wondered who Galen had come with, her looks and her personality. Was she strong? Was she good with magic? These were all questions Kyo wanted to ask but didn't. It would be rude to ask a whole bunch of questions. Kyo looked at her hand and yelped, a small book falling to the ground. Her hot chocolate had spilled.

"yah well i was on my way there and the i saw the magically appearing chair with is a lot more interesting. she is far out of town siting under a tree, and the only thing i know about her is her magic and that she is a Phoenix wing member. and to top it all of we boulth tried to kick each other for a couple of minutes back there. now can you understand why im not exactly exited to go find her. although i might as well go in her direction." he turned towards the location of the tree and started walking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"I think I might follow you," Kyo said, deciding that Galen was a responsible ((?)) person and she might as well follow him. He could probably buy Kyo more food than she could herself. She reached forward and grabbed on to the back of Galen's shirt. The person he came with sounded interesting and cool. Kyo really wanted to meet her. And find a place where she could get money to pay for a place to stay and food, and damage costs as a result of her magic, and other stuff.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Finally. Melina thought as she felt the power from Penny's blood. Penny was immune to fire, she had to be to control it the way she did. Melina waited for Penny's fire to wrap entirely around her and hide her from sight, she felt the sting of the imperfect ability to mimic Penny's powers, but the fire couldn't leave her permanently injured, at least, not for a couple minutes. Once the fire surrounded her, she used her scythe like a pole again, but this time refocusing some of Penny's power into the jump, and she launched up out of the fire and directly towards Penny, slashing at her as she came close enough, not caring for being in the air again, but putting up with it.
Mayt laughed a little when Sasha mentioned going to the bathroom alone. "At the very least, I wont be joining you. But I wouldn't put it past whomever wrote this letter to attack you in the women's bathroom." He shakes his head a little, and prepares to start eating. "I'm sure your sister will be alright, just warn her next time you get a chance to. For now, let's just worry about when our food gets here." Mayt smiles a bit, but can tell Sasha is worried now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 18 hrs ago


As the scythe blade closed in on Penny, a loud shout can be heard from above the pair. "The hell you will!" Damian's hurtling form, still on the striker blade without James, who'd opted to approach from the ground and look for potential back up, intercepts the slash with one of his Hercules Blades. Pushing the scythe blade off of his own, he follows her decent to the ground before dismissing the striker blade and facing her. "So you're the blood mage that the master was talking about when she'd said she'd responded to a call for help against one." James had since entered the train station and rushed over to the area below Penny. "Your fight with my guildmate, no, my best friend, is done. Now you deal with me."

Damian's eyes had a ferocious glow in them and the blades in his hand pulsed with magic energy the likes of which he'd never used in the Alpha skill lock before. He didn't care though, because he could direct the flow of energy at a target. A target who had hurt his friend. A member of his family. He couldn't let that slide, even if the cut was negligible.


First it was bad enough that James was flying through the air on a semi-transparent sword blade towards an unknown adversary to protect a person he didn't even know yet. Then, half way to this location and adversary, Damian informs him the enemy is a Blood Wizard that is attacking the sister of Sasha, Phoenix Wing's Ice Princess, who's name was Penny and used Flame Transformation Magic. Then he also added that the Blood Mage would do their best to draw blood and at that point, he almost backed out. Almost. They had arrived at their destination, mostly and Damian had needed someone to check for potential reinforcements for the blood mage.

Jumping at the chance, James now stood below the bleeding fire mage beckoning her down closer so he could apply healing touch and stop the bleeding so that the blood mage wouldn't turn her magic against them all. Talk about a crazy first mission...
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