Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


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Gray uncrossed his arms, a gray and black Poke-Ball gripped in his gloved hands. The boy outreached it towards the silent Nidorino, and the Pokemon was recalled in a beam of silver light, stored into the odd Poke-Ball, which was promptly settled back onto Gray's black belt. "And your Ralts' mental prowess is impressive." He complimented likewise, nodding his head in respect. The boy stashed his hands back into his pocket. Glancing at the clock once more.

"The Gym Leader awaits." He murmured, heading towards the exit with a hand half-raised in salutations. The small amount of trainers that had been watching the fight promptly moved out of the way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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Hemmy walked though the foliage, muttering to himself with each hit or trip or scratch. The boy and his pokemon had been looking for a pokemon there heard dweller in these forest. It as a bug type, something hemmy knew as great for beginning trainers, but also understood that it wouldn't do much against his next foe, the gym leader. They evolved quickly and were usually quick. Walking around he had to battle yet another boy, one who told him of electric mice that lived in the picachu and with that he set off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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Neku watches the boy leave, a small smirk gracing his face. "If anyone wants to battle me, stay here. I need to go to the pokemon center." He announces as he takes his leave as well, heading straight for the center. "Welcome to the Pokemon Center!" Nurse Joy's greeting was all too familiar to him. He put on a smile for her as he handed her the pokeball containing Ralts. When he receives it back, he thanks her and releases his pokemon from the pokeball in flash of white light. "Glad to see you're alright, Leif." He says. "Ralts!" Leif says happily as the two of them walk out of the center.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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Carson smiled as he looked at cole" nice job buddy. I think there's a cave we have to go through." He said. He saw a group of shady men near by" what's going on."

( yep, skipping his gym battle)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


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((Er...so did he win or lose? xD Considering the level and such, I don't think it would be a good idea to control gym battles yourself, nonetheless skip them.))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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James saw the town and ran ahead of Soulless so she could head to the Pokemon Center so she could get Erza healed up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


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Gray entered the Pewter City Gym, easily bypassing the annoying guy who attempted to give you tips before the battle. There were a few gym trainers dollying around, doing absolutely nothing other than giving him the 'evil eye'. He walked up to the nearest trainer; a 10 year old kid with a blue baseball cap.

"You have to get through us!"


A quick battle ensued; a Geodude vs Gible. The Geodude was quickly knocked out due to a Dragon Rage to the face, and Gray moved on. The other gym trainers were knocked out just as quickly; with Gray using his Gible the entire time, until, finally, the boy made it to the true Gym Leader...Brock.

"I see that you are not one for talking...so let us battle!"
"Geodude, Tackle!"

"Gible...Dragon Rage."

The large Geodude shackled forward at an impressive speed, but the Dragon Rage easily overcame him, slamming the rocky Pokemon into the bleachers, and disturbing the onlookers of the match. Before Geodude could recover, Gible released another searing Dragon Rage, knocking the Pokemon out completely, and sending him completely through the Gym's wall. A beam of red light followed the rock-type.

"Onix, let's go!" Brock yelled, sending out his last Pokemon. Gray was a strong opponent for sure, and it was obvious that the boy's Pokemon were all trained to their maximum potential for their current level range.

"Gible...Take Down."


Gible charged forward, glowing gray as it blasted through the air and, with impressive physical strength, slammed against the Onix, throwing both of the Pokemon against a large bolder. Onix utilized the momentum, tightening around Gible, who only grunted in discomfort. "...Dragon Rage." True enough to Gray's plan, the Dragon Rage was released point blank into Onix's face, forcing the rock snake to roar in pain and let go.

Gible fell onto his feet, glaring ominously at the writhing, burned rock-type.

"Onix, Tackle!"

"Gible, Dragon Rage."

Onix slammed forward, attempting to belly flop onto the smaller Pokemon - which would knock it out for sure. However, just as it seemed as if he was going to do it, a large ray of blue and golden energy slammed upwards, blasting straight into the Onix's mid-section and sending it flying through the ceiling, knocked out completely. A beam of red followed after, recalling the Pokemon...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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booksmusicanime said
James saw the town and ran ahead of Soulless so she could head to the Pokemon Center so she could get Erza healed up.

Neku sees James walk past him as he exits the center. "Did Gray defeat her too?" Neku thought to himself, but he then shook his head. "No..I'm giving him too much credit. It must've been him.." Neku thinks as he sees Soulless.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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James reached the Pokemon Center. She handed Erza to Nurse Joy and within a few minutes Nurse Joy came back with Erza fulled healed. Erza hopped up onto James's shoulder and she left the Center
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


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Gray silently crouched, gazing into the eyes of his Gible and Nidorino. The Gym Battle was surprisingly easy, but the boy knew that it would only get harder as time went on. In his left hand, he held the Rock badge, and in his right, the TM for Thunderbolt. The boy pressed the TM onto Nidorino's horn - the Pokemon had a decent special attack from what he could read on his Pokedex. He pinned the badge on the inside of his left glove.

"Good job, friends..."

For once, one could see the hint of a smile tilting at his lips. His Pokemon smiled as well, and Gray stood, returning the two and hooking their Poke-Balls onto his belt.
Gray exited the Gym, his gray eyes turning towards Route 3, and therefore, Mount Moon...his next destination.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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booksmusicanime said
James reached the Pokemon Center. She handed Erza to Nurse Joy and within a few minutes Nurse Joy came back with Erza fulled healed. Erza hopped up onto James's shoulder and she left the Center

Neku looks up just in time to see James exit the Center with what appears to be a Vulpix. "You feel like fighting again?" Neku asks Leif. When Leif simply nods, he walks up to James. "Hey there. You feel like sparring with me and my partner?" He asks her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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James looked at her Pokemon who nodded. "Sure." She said as Erza hopped off her shoulder.

((Next fight Erza wins she'll level up!))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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booksmusicanime said
James looked at her Pokemon who nodded. "Sure." She said as Erza hopped off her shoulder.((Next fight Erza wins she'll level up!))

((Nice. May the best trainer win!))

Leif moves from Neku's side to now face Erza, preparing for any incoming attacks or directions from his trainer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


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Gray rested his gloves hands in his pockets, heading towards the East exit of Pewter City. The path eastwards was rather rocky and dusty, and it seemed a tad barren, other than a few trees as you headed deeper into the Route. As a precaution, seeing as he could see a few Pokemon trooping around, Gray allowed his two Pokemon to come free. The two large Pokemon, combined with the tall, mysterious figure of Gray, made for an intimidating sight, as they made their way into the Route.
"Halt! I challenge you to a battle!" A rather large, overweight Hiker yelled, leaping from the undergrowth. Gray merely arched an eyebrow, Gible walking forward and readying itself for the battle.

"Silent, huh? Go Geodude! Defense Curl!"

A stony Geodude leapt from the hiker's Poke-Ball, settling itself into the dust and focusing intently. Meanwhile, Gray shook his head. "Take Down." He whispered simply, and Gible charged forward, crashing against the Geodude and launching it towards the side of the mountain. "Dragon Rage." A large, powerful beam of draconic energy blasted from Gible's mind, slamming against the airborne Geodude and forcing it at least a feet into the mountainside. Needless to say, it was knocked out.

"..." Gray took the money from the Hiker's shocked hands, and began walking down the rocky terrain once more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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"Erza start off simple use Tail Whip!" James called out as she turned her hat around so it was backwards again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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Leif counters with a Growl then takes the small window of opportunity to back up a few feet. "Leif.." Neku says as he extends his right hand toward Erza, At that very same moment, Leif utilizes Confusion to lift Erza up and then slam her down unto the ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

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While Erza and james was fighting another trainer with a ralts He scribbled a note and left it on the Floor For James to pick up explaining a few things and to burn it once she read it. he did not need everyone knowing what he could do or what he was doing.

He had a one more thing to do before he skipped town and that was defeat the gym leader. so he could get the Stone badge. Riolu Tapped his leg "Soulless we are going againt'st Rock types So i think me and empress should fight after all we can use moves that are super-effective plus ralts is hurt so that leaves just me and empress " Riolu Said Calmly "ok fine ill use you two and riolu u just want to fight don't you..." soulless asked looking at his childhood friend "no" riolu paused "yes" it said defeated. they neared the front of the gym. Standing their stood the gym trainers after a couple of minutes they where all defeated thanks to a flurry of double kicks from empress and Quick attacks and counters from riolu.

Standing there on his podium stood Brock "ah so your the challenger who easily swept away my apprentice trainers your just liked that gray headed individual who was here a few hours ago Soulless nodded not trying to speak he did not need a gym leader knowing what he could do telling everyone. brock hesitated "silent eh well then actions speak louder then words GEODUDE Go!" The rock type pokemon appeared in front of Soulless

"Geodude Rock Throw" Geodude picked up a Sizable Boulder and threw it at Empress Who was soulless pokemon of choice for this battle empress dodged Effortlessly And responded with a quick double kick. the geodude Fainted due to a past scar from what seemed to be a dragon rage "you have a strong Nidoran but can it Surpass Onix!" the huge Boulder pokemon appeared "Onix Tackle" with surprising speed for such a heavy Pokemon it Barreled straight into Nidoran who went flying out of the ring Caught at the last minute By Soulless Who placed her down to rest next to ralts who was eating a oran berry.

Riolu Took the spot as it attack Onix with a barrage of attacks "onix Bide" The onix was biding its time to attack with Extreme power But the riolu was trying to faint it before it did But to no Avail as the Onix unleashed its power Cutting Riolu causing it to bleed and throwing Towards the edge of the room. most gym battles could be brutal but this was a special challenge as one of the more brutal gyms it siphoned those who could win from those with no chance. Riolu Stood up a grimance on its Face It charged towards The onix with all its remaining strength Soulless could take it no longer another attack like that could kill riolu "Riolu Counter" the words exited his mouth before he could stop them But brock probably did not her to focused on onix. who was sent propelling across the room by the extreme power of riolus counter. Brock handed soulless the gym badge who thanked him.

As soulless exited the gym Empress and Ralts were suddenly Taken and stuffed into a bag Riolu on the other hand was hidden in its pokeball in Soulless Hair. who suspected something like this would happen if the wrong people saw it. he had a bag shoved over his head and was bound and placed into a bag. Soulless heard voices "We gotta take him to mount moon lets see how the our leader will take care of him" "but what if hes a fake" "well our leader is great at interrgation" "you got that right" Something hit the bag and Soulless was Knocked out... in his last whisps of consciousness he hoped someone would find him
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Erza yelped. God why does all the other Trainers have Pokemon that have confusion?! James thought. Erza staggered back. "Erza use Ember!" James yelled
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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booksmusicanime said
Erza yelped. James thought. Erza staggered back. "Erza use Ember!" James yelled

Leif sidestepped the single flame and used Confusion once more on Erza. Neku could only guess that by Jame's look of annoyance in her eyes suggested that she had encountered a psychic type pokemon before their match.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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James let out a low growl in the back of her throat. "C'mon Erza! Use Tail Whip!" James yelled
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