Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


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Gray suddenly glanced up, dark eyes narrowing as he felt something...wrong with the atmosphere. The boy was standing in a large crater near the entrance of Mount Moon, hands resting calmly in his pockets as he stood on the unconscious figure of the Rocket member who had attempted to mug him not even a second earlier. Let's just say that a quick, powerful kick to the throat dissuaded that foolish thought almost immediately.

"Unbelievable..." He murmured in annoyance, watching a small group of Rocket members squabble into the mountain with a large sack, which most-likely held a body, or bodies. Gray sighed, suddenly dashing forward, keeping to the shadows as he followed the Rockets.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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booksmusicanime said
James let out a low growl in the back of her throat. "C'mon Erza! Use Tail Whip!" James yelled

The Tail Whip lowers Leif's guard, but uses Growl on Erza, preparing for another round of Confusion. "Steady...we're almost there." Neku thinks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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"Erza use Ember now!" James yelled her hands were clenched into fist which were turning white. Erza shot flames at the other Pokemon.

((Sorry it took me forever to reply. I just got home from my job.))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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Hemmy looked at a patch of grass, clearly confused. It seemed so odd compared to the other patches of grass. Kimbo looked to the boy before sniffing and attempting to pull it out of the ground. A loud :ooodoood" was heard before a blue pokemon was uprooted and managed to stand back up and yell it's name it the boy. "oh so I take it your oddish, I think I've heard about you before, how'd you like to be mine" he said grabbing a pokeball and getting ready to throw it. "oooodish oooooooooooood" it said screaming and throwing a tantrum, clearly not welcome to the idea. Kimbo looked it down stopping the bud pokemon in it's track. "fine then, if you won't come peacefully then I guess I'll have to make you" he said watching his pokemon bash it's head into the pokemon as it fell to the ground and tears hit it's eyes. A sweet, sugary smell hit the area as it got up, and hammy felt himself cracking. The thing was just to cute, in truth he only wanted it for that reason, he knew he'd get no were thinking like that but it was all to come later. As the blue pokemon began to get up hemmy yelled "now feint attack" he said watching his foe do so and seeing the oddish fell down. Quickly he threw his pokeball and watched it swivel.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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booksmusicanime said
"Erza use Ember now!" James yelled her hands were clenched into fist which were turning white. Erza shot flames at the other Pokemon.((Sorry it took me forever to reply. I just got home from my job.))

((It's quite alright!))

Leif is hit by the Ember, but it doesn't inflict any burns. "Get confused.." Neku says as Leif uses Confusion again, slamming Erza into the ground. This time, Erza actually becomes confused, stumbling a bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 29 days ago

Soulless was hastedly bundled out of the bag His body hit the stone floor... Hard He grimaced in pain as he reached for his hair. A Boot Crushed his hands Breaking the Wrist of his right hand. "we already took your riolu" said a Voice who a delightful undertone "Heave him into the chair" Soulless was Roughly Pulled and shoved into a wooden chair Metal Cuffs Clasped around his hands. and feet "soulless Help us" he heard Ralts Voice which was follewed by some very audible Growling.

The Gruff Voice Spoke again "Do you know what Houndooms can do? no? well there burns never heal without extremely rare medicines causing alot of pain throughout your entire life Houndoom use ember on his legs" Instantly a huge Pain Shot Through Soulless Body It hurt more then any fist It felt like he was in a Cremetorium. like he was dying alive but he was not dying It was the pain it hurt so badly. he wished he would die. Then the Fist Blow Hit Snapping Soulless Head to The Right "Can you Speak To pokemon Answer me And have you told anyone" Soulless Stayed Silent he would not rant out his friends and he would not fail ralts. The next Blows Connected Snapping his head left right left and then a Extremely Malevolent one straight into the middle of his face. Soulless Felt the hot Trickle of blood Crawling over his face but he could not see the damage while he was blindfolded.

The pain from the Houndooms Fire Was getting worst by the minute... "Go on Speak We will make it stop" the voice said Fake pleading Soulless Stayed Silent "houndoom use Ember on the Boys pokemon. Soulless Heard Great Yelps of pain. (hold on guys don't Falter Soulless Hoped) The voice turned back to soulless. "still Silent Boy well i hoped i did not have to do this but i think i must" Soulless Felt the blood before he felt the knife being Dragged roughly across his Skin the bleeding was horrific.

(Help me Please someone Soulless Thought as he slowly felt the Signs of bloodlose taking its toll... but whos gonna get through hundreds/Thousands of Team rocket elite grunts )
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


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Gray silently followed the Rockets into the Mountain Moon, and up a few layers. They seemed to be hastily organized and rather...grunty, meaning that he should be able to take care of them with enough grit and determination. The boy didn't know exactly why he wanted to help the person trapped - but, from what he could tell, the person in the sack was familiar...as if he had fought him before.

Watching the Rockets enter some sort of hidden cave entrance, followed by the shutting of a wooden door, Gray swiftly dived between the door, grabbing it with one feet while he climbed into the cave room with his gloved hand, small spikes coming from his glove's hidden compartment, helping him clamber up the stone and into the room. However, at the appearance of that boy from before; the one he had beaten with the Riolu...being tortured by Rocket grunts...Gray's eyes narrowed slightly.

Due to his father being a Rocket admin himself, the boy wasn't a stranger to life-threatening combat or gruesome scenes. He would often come home to something like this. But...this wasn't something you'd often see in the Pokemon World. Scum like this...it was disgusting.

He quickly scanned the room. There was the Rocket torturing the boy, Soulless, and there was a Houndoom nearby, guarding a ruck-sack; most-likely containing the boy's Pokemon. Beside the Houndoom and ruck sack, he could see two other Rocket guards. Silently, the boy quickly took out his two Pokemon; Nidorino and Gible. The two Pokemon appeared surprised, but Gible quickly narrowed his eyes, whispering something to Nidorino. Shortly after, Nidorino nodded, looking pissed.

"..." The three nodded to each other, with Gray taking out two daggers, all three partners keeping silent and hidden. They would wait for an ambushing opportunity.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

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Hemmy smiled as the ball stopped and clicked, with a cheer he grabbed it only to see odd men in black suits. The red R on there backs brought a sudden anger to him. Team rocket had ruined much for him, they took away the first pokemon he had gotten, a swaddle one of his 'step-fathers' had managed to catch a swaddle without a pokemon and gave it to him, they had always been mean to those around him, and weren't against stooping as low as to rob his family. Grinding his teeth he began to follow them, a moving sack was seen and he began to think they had some sort of pokemon they had stolen. Usually he would have burst out after them, but to fight off all of them alone was preposterous. As he followed he managed to find his way out of the forest, he assumed he could atleast thank them for that. Now in his natural habitat hemmy wandered the streets after them, slowly going towards mount moon. Seeing Gray, Hemmy smiled, a great trainer would be at his side at least. Following the older boy, hemmy realized they were not after a pokemon, but a boy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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"Clutching arm with his hand. to stop the bleeding Soulless Called for them to come closer So he could tell them The Secret he had enouth he did not want to die so he said a few things the language of the pokemon Keeping them distracted While his pokemon Crawled out of the sack.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


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Gray narrowed his eyes, keeping low to the ground and silent as he dashed for Soulless's trapped form. Thankfully, he and his Pokemon were quiet enough with their sprint, and he stopped by the boy, dark clothing blending in with their surroundings. "...?" He questioned silently.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

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Soulless Looked up As the team rocket Elite and admin were busy trying to recapture his pokemon Standing their in all his Glory stood the grey headed Kid "hey we need to get out here" he looked at the gible "do u think your pokemon could Cause a cave in that will block the door it will force the rest of the grunts to go the other way which will take them 2 or 3 hours.. but then you'll have to fight the admin... and some of the elites" Soulless whispered Rasping between breaths. "But hurry... I need to get somewhere where i can tend theses wounds until i got to a hospital." He said more quietly then the first...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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Hemmy snuck up behind the tied up boy, now seeing that gray was here as well. He was glad he'd have such a strong man helping them out. Looking the the others he pulled a small yet sharp knife from his pocket. "hey, need any help" he whispered. Normally his pokemon, kimbo the scraggy, would be out with him, but thanks to the boy's pokeball he was able to conceal the hoodlum pokemon. Smiling somewhat that he actually had a reason to use the weapon, something he had for years but never truly needed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

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"Before you do that Block the door with Something that will hold for a hour or 2 theires to many to do that straight away" Soulless said glaring slightly at the newcomer
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


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Gray narrowed his eyes, standing up and gazing out into the cave. There was dozens of Rocket Members all congregated...but...if he could cave in the entrance. "Nidorino, dig downwards..." He murmured to the Pokemon. It nodded, sharp horn tearing silently into the stone as it easily dug into the ground, making a passage way for the three to escape in.

"Okay...get ready." He whispered to the others, before standing up. Gible stood as well, and the two smirked, turning their eyes towards the ceiling of the cave. A group of Houndooms noticed them, sending embers their way, but Gible leaped in front of the fire, batting it away and glowing blue, Dragon Rage forming in it's throat.

"Dragon Rage."

Gible roared as loud as it could, a massive beam of blue and golden energy blasting from it's maw and slamming brutally into the cave's ceiling. Grunts began yelling as giant stalagmites fell from the ceiling crushing Rocket members, and blocking out both the entrance. Immediately after, Gray nodded to the others, returning his Pokemon and leaping into the hole, which lead farther into Mount Moon. He did what he could to help. Whether they took the chance to escape and come into the tunnel after him...it was their choice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

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Soulless Saw the Opening made by The Grey headed individual who he really need to thank. "ralts Throw me down the hole" Soulless Shouted as the cave came closer to complete cave in "you sure because it will hurt alot" Ralts responded "DO IT!" Soulless Cried as he was thrown down the hole with confusion. his pokemon quickly Following Suit. Soulless Rolled through the Tunnel and landed on his Back. He got up Clutching his arm as he Staggered towards the grey headed individual. "hey you Thanks" he called after the grey headed boy as he caught up to him. his wounds bleeding quite frequently his large cut on his Held closed by ralts Confusion. his Burn hurting more by the minute. "got any burn medicine" soulless added as a parting remark as he collapsed Finally starting to succumb to his injurys...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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"Fine you win!" James yelled and she sprinted to her Pokemon and scooped her up
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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Hemmy followed the two boys, ribbing a bit of his under shirt off to use as a bandage over the boy's cut. "gez man don't hurt yourself more than you already are" he said feeling bad he didn't have burn heal for the boy and that he couldn't help out much. He wanted to help the boy out of his ropes but wasn't sure how ask.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


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Gray glanced down at the wounded boy, his emotions undecipherable from under his hat and hair. After a second, he quietly sighed, taking out three bottles of Full Heals. Not really caring about causing him pain, Gray tore off his pants leg, crushing the Full Heals onto his burns, along with a dose of Burn Heal for good measure. After he was done, Gray easily picked up the slightly smaller kid, throwing him over his shoulder as they continued walking down the tunnel.

"...When we get to the surface, do me a favor, and take him to Nurse Joy." Gray finally spoke up to the boy behind him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 29 days ago

Soulless's Eyes Opened. he looked down He was floating above his body which was been carried by the grey headed individual was he dead... No he was having one of those out of body Experiences... He felt something... Like a Mutiply powerful auras. It was coming from the over side of the cave wall... His Bodyless Spirit Drifted Through the Wall. he was in a huge Cavern with what seemed to be the ruins of a ancient Civilization. Its was great architures but it was one of the cave paintings that drew Soulless's attention

it was a huge Painting that Depicted mega Evolution it showed the stages of how to teach a pokemon to mega evolve fluently It amazed Soulless To see this wonder.and then he looked down to see them Sitting their mega stones what could be used to access mega evolution... But then he saw The Sign "He who takes Without Reason Shall be hung and slaughtered for deadly treason" Soulless Touched the Signs which seemed to respond to his Touch as the entire Defense system seemed to shut down...

then Soulless's Sprit Felt a tug as he was returned to his body... Soulless opened his eyes and jumped out of Grey's Grip. his eyes Blazing with knowledge... as he commanded Riolu To smash down the Cave Wall... revealing the cavern... in all its architectural glory...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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James summoned Erza back into her Pokeball and walked back to the Center. She wondered where Soulless went
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