Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 21 days ago

"Its the original formula brewed by my mother" Soul eyes,flicked done his potion sack His mother brewed most of the advanced potion only one or two did he make. and he made all the basic ones

Soul's eyes flicked. Back to the woods they only had a mile and a third to go
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

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"fire magic is the grand and powerful ability he had been blessed with, aofie the magic child has the ability she knows as greek fire, she enjoys the technique very much" red spoke quietly as he could see the town in front.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 21 days ago

"what do you mean she enjoys using it" Looking at the Girl on Reds back With Slight anticipation he wanted to see this with his eyes "may i see a display of this power" Soul asked Curious to how powerful this girl was. he was also unwilling to show his Hell-fire because if it catch's on something it will won't stop burning it till its ashes the larger something is the longer it takes but his hell-fire still makes Greek fire look like a campfire.

Soul turned back to the woods as the last creatures slunked off to return to their dens they would not go near towns because they would be hunted for one reason or another Smirking soul turned back to face Red and the girl his most of his face still hidden by his clothing "well what you waiting for show me your moves"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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Shade laughed, which made him seem abit crazy." Ouch! You cut me up pretty bad.." the claws withdrew in his back and glanced at Leon with reptile like eyes." Wanna see something cool?" Hard scales had grew in his body, his eyes glowed red and black. His size increased slightly. " do you think its ture...that humans can really turn into dragons? "
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Red chuckled as he heard his young fire wizard say the words he expect to come from her mouth. Her little finger swayed back in forth as she smiled sadistically. " I wont be bought out that easily not even for three candies" the girl said clearly hopping for a bride. Red chuckled at the girl as it was such a strange thing for such a young child to say. "fear not my helsing friend, for when we dismount upon the land that is colonized with the cephalophores we preserve such dynamism she shall dine on the honeydew and milk of paradise that is the hokum of sweets" red began to speak slightly louder.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 21 days ago

"thats nice" Soul Said Quickly Trying not to laugh at the girls version of a bribe Something large Snapped Soul Turned around Ploughing through the trees at a slow pace was a Ent Its Veins Cracked with the Green Fluid of life and it was mad as it made a large but Slow Sweeping Blow Towards Them. it was 50 meters High its arms about 15 meters but it was slow They could take it... Probably Soul Jumped As the Creature Slammed its fists down
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Red managed to dodge the attack as he let the girl down, he would need complete strength to win the battle.Both the girl and the man were ready to take on there attacker, in stances that were clearly based on dodging, legs bent with feet on there toes and hands out to push things out of the way but close enough to look as if he were telling the being to calm down. The to nodded as they then looked to the third man in there group. "helsing, thou must prepare for the altercation that this quarrel shall become, the beast is slow and weak to fire so we have an advantage" (maybe a bit to big)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 21 days ago

(well the largest tree is over 80 so i just shaved off 30 metres plus its gotta be huge its a Rare creature like a hydra or dragon)

"fine then" soul said His eyes glancing back to the creature that was preparing another blow as he moved to dodge it he was grabbed by its over Hand and Thrown High into the air He looked Down as he Started to fall Towards the back of the creatures Head... the wind making small cuts on his skin he was moving to fast. he Shot his pistol distracting the ent As he went hurtling into a tree Cracking the branchs as he fell and maybe one or 2 of his ribs
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlueAjah
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BlueAjah Dance The Night Away

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Layla heard Ashkii's voice and toughened up. There wasn't time to be afraid, she had to save her friend.

"Scorpio, Taurus! Combined attack, we can do this!" She eyed at the snake. It didn't stand a chance. Quickly Scorpio performed his sand buster, which Taurus, using his axe, controlled the sand, sending it straight for the snake. Before the attack reached the snake, however, it disappeared. What?! Where did it disappear to?what was this creep's magic? Before Layla had time to think, a 40 foot robot came out of nowhere. Layla's jaw seemed to drop all the way to the ground. She needed to seriously get out of this alley, how could she fight a robot here? Scorpio's and Taurus's gates closed as Layla snatched the painting of Ashkii. She couldn't help yelling as she ran. While the robot chased after her, she passed by Shade and Leon. Thank goodness! Wait were they fighting? She dismissed the thought right away.

"Hey you guys, a little help here please!!" She practically yelled at them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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"Cool!" Crystal said
"Yea some help would be nice!!" Ashkii yelled from the painting as she tried to use her magic but it didn't work
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

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AcetheKidd said
Shade laughed, which made him seem abit crazy." Ouch! You cut me up pretty bad.." the claws withdrew in his back and glanced at Leon with reptile like eyes." Wanna see something cool?" Hard scales had grew in his body, his eyes glowed red and black. His size increased slightly. " do you think its ture...that humans can really turn into dragons? "

"Yes, I believe they can...overuse Dragon Slayer Magic and you could potentially turn yourself into a dragon...but if I were you, I'd rather stay human. The town may not take kindly to a dragon popping out of nowhere.." As he speaks, Leon creates an exact copy of himself so that he can keep Shade at bay and still help Ashkii and Layla. The clone goes after them while the original stays behind.
Luckily, Leon can speak through the clone and assess the situation with equal cleverness. Seeing that the giant robot was an obvious problem, he quickly moved between his comrades and the robot. "Amaterasu!" With this said, Leon's right eye seems to bleed as he releases destructive black flames on it, stopping it in its tracks and turning it into a molten pile of metal. "Are you two alright?" He asks Layla and Ashkii as he faces the clown in all of its creepy glory.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

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booksmusicanime said
"Cool!" Crystal said"Yea some help would be nice!!" Ashkii yelled from the painting as she tried to use her magic but it didn't work

Morgan giggles. "I know! It's so cool!" She says.

((*is laughing irl because of how short this post is in comparison to the one done before this*))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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"As good as I can be even thought I'm stuck in a god darn painting!!" Ashkii yelled
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlueAjah
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BlueAjah Dance The Night Away

Member Seen 8 mos ago

As some clone of Leon came to help them, another Leon and Shade stayed behind.

"Why are you fighting Shade!? This really isn't the time! And no, Ashkii is stuck in a painting! Can you buy me some time? I need to figure out how to get her back in this world. But it's the clown! He's doing all this, watch him."

"Open gate of the lion, Leo!" Leo the lion appeared from the celestial world. "Leo, help Leon please!" Leo smiled at Layla and nodded. "You guys can do it!" Layla yelled as she ran a little bit away from the action. Close enough though she could see the fight.

"Ashkii? I'm going to get you out. Do you have any ideas?" She asked hopeful.

(Edit- the clown can be controlled by anyone, just to let you know :))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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"I can't use any magic!" Ashkii said she was still trying to use her magic.
Crystal nodded
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlueAjah
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BlueAjah Dance The Night Away

Member Seen 8 mos ago

"What?" Layla eyes widened in shock. "You can't use any magic? That doesn't seem right.. Is this how he kills his victims? Ashkii, do you feel tired or anything? I think I've figured out his magic." Layla said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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"A little tired but that's all." Ashkii said and she pounded on the painting walls again
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

BlueAjah said
As some clone of Leon came to help them, another Leon and Shade stayed behind. "Why are you fighting Shade!? This really isn't the time! And no, Ashkii is stuck in a painting! Can you buy me some time? I need to figure out how to get her back in this world. But it's the clown! He's doing all this, watch him." "Open gate of the lion, Leo!" Leo the lion appeared from the celestial world. "Leo, help Leon please!" Leo smiled at Layla and nodded. "You guys can do it!" Layla yelled as she ran a little bit away from the action. Close enough though she could see the fight. "Ashkii? I'm going to get you out. Do you have any ideas?" She asked hopeful.(Edit- the clown can be controlled by anyone, just to let you know :))

"I'll answer your questions later. The clown is our priority right now. Leo and I will buy you as much time as we can." As he speaks, he summons up a kunai and waits to see what the clown does next. The clown pulls out a few throwing knives from its sleeves and hurls them at Leon, laughing its creepy laugh as Leon blocks them with his single weapon.
"So, what're you here for, if you don't mind me asking?" Morgan says to Crystal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlueAjah
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BlueAjah Dance The Night Away

Member Seen 8 mos ago

"Don't fall asleep, whatever you do. Okay? I don't think you'll wake up. Anyway, the clown has the ability to bring and take things out of pictures. I don't know how to get you out!" Layla said frustrated and attempted to stick her hand in the painting.

Leo called up the power Regulus. His hand glowed gold and a large beam of light attacked the clown. The clown dropped the rest of his knives and gave the two boys a death stare.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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BlueAjah said
"Don't fall asleep, whatever you do. Okay? I don't think you'll wake up. Anyway, the clown has the ability to bring and take things out of pictures. I don't know how to get you out!" Layla said frustrated and attempted to stick her hand in the painting.

"Okay." Ashkii said, her hands were shaking.
"I was supposed to be doing a job but the client cancelled the job as soon as I got there." Crystal said
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