Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

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"Well, hello, Ris! Might I say you look radiant as always." Dremmick said with a bow. The last time he saw Ris was the same time his group had met with fairytale in the past, before Ander's memory was taken. Though, like most Jailers, he didn't show much emotion -save for his knack for being overly polite- Dremmick was obviously smitten with Ris, always taking the chance to compliment her. Though he wasn't sure if she felt the same way, he had always continued to do so none the less.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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"Hi Dremmick." Ris said smiling, her face blushed red. "I just got back to town from my job when I saw you confronting Ander. I heard the conversation. I'm willing to get Terra out of there. On my way back I took a slight detour and found a way into where they're holding Terra. I saw her and got out before anyone spotted me." She said turning to her sister.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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Leon faintly smiled at Ris' explanation, impressed by her findings. "I see...you wouldn't mind if I accompanied you, would you, Ris? Of course, if you'd like to go in alone, I'll simply make sure you don't have anyone tailing you." He offers, happy to know that the mission would go by a bit smoother with Ris present.
Meanwhile, Inigo is just as surprised as Cilia by Ris' appearance, but quickly collects himself after she explains the events prior to her arrival here. "Well, it's certainly good to see you again, Ris." He comments, sending a smile her way.
Morgan smiles as well, more than happy to see a long time friend of hers. "It feels like it's been so long since we've seen each other last. I bet you've gotten even stronger from then!" She comments, actually curious as to how the strength of her own Dragon Slayer magic would compare to Ris'.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

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"That was you!?" Dremmick said perplexed that she knew where Terra was. It was the same place he left after....'dealing' with the messenger from earlier. He heard a slight commotion from scouts, but they didn't believe it was much. With Dremmick secretly cutting his ties with the Jailers, however, he didnt pay it any mind. "Well, I'll be... I knew you were my favorite. Had the they not become so corrupt, I think you would have made an excellent Jailer." He said as he pulled out a map and spread it on the ground.

"That's the place there. They keep it guarded heavy both days and nights, but I think they slack off a bit during the day. After all, most Jailers work in the shadows. Once you get there you may want to take this path he-...." Dremmick's sentence was cut short by a sickening thud. He slowly rolled forward and caught himself with his arm as he hit the ground. When he fell to his hands and knees a short spear was sticking out of his side.

"You are sentenced to death, Traitors. Your words just confirmed it." came a large booming voice from a rooftop. The man was huge and well built. he had a pouch full of short spears and large gauntlets with heavy studs on the knuckles. He wore black pants that were tucked into leather boots, long leather faulds starting at the belt, and a black hood at his head. on his broad chest was a black lock with a red keyhole. Dremmick recognized him instantly. It was one of the head executioners within the jailers, Grom.

"Grom," Dremmick said as he attempted to stand. "You all need to leave....HURRY!.. I'll deal with this." He looked over to Leon as he grabbed at the spear in his side. "I'll meet back with everyone....when I can."

Grom jumped from the building and landed on the ground across the square, cratering the earth beneath him. "There will be no escape for you, vermin." he spat as he started to walk across to them.

"RUN!" Dremmick yelled at them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Ris started to run for Dremmick but Cilia stopped her. "Cilia I'm not leaving a friend to fight a battle alone." She said trying to get out of her older sisters grasp
"Ris we have to go. I know what you believe but it's too dangerous." Cilia said dragging her sister away.
Crystal grabbed onto Ris's other arm and helped Cilia pull the Earth Dragon Slayer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

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Grom pulled out three more short spears as he picked out another target, or targets in this case. He then griped all three in his massive fist as he threw them straight toward Ris and the two girls hauling her off.

"NO!" Dremmick screamed, and in an instant he subconsciously used his real powers. A burst of blood magic erupted from his bandages arm, tearing away the bandages. A large shield formed in front of Cilia, Ris, and Crystal. It was a dark metallic crimson red and shrouded in a black misty haze. It also had the very distinct smell of blood. The three spears hit the shield and they fell to the ground with a woody clatter, doing little to nothing against it.

There was a momentary silence as the scene sunk in. Dremmick had never used his power openly before without covering it up as something else. His arm now exposed from under the bandages it could now be seen for what it was. it was all gnarled and scarred up. I was a horrific and macabre thing covered in wounds and sores. From those wounds and sores, there was a terrible amount of bleeding, however, it was from this that the crimson construct that shielded the girls came from. Dremmick retracted his shield and turned away from the rest of the group. He was ashamed of his hideous arm and now the secret of his vile cursed magic was out. He couldn't bare anyone to see it. He pulled his hood back over his head as he said in a low tone, "Please leave. This is not how I wish for you to see me."

"Blood magic..., you never cease to disappoint," Grom said, "I'll put you out of your misery worm." The hulking figure started to run toward Dremmick. Dremmick, in return, painfully pulled the spear out of his side, though it seemingly healed immediately because he went on to charge at his foe.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Ris stopped fighting Cilia and Crystal and she stared wide eyed at Dremmick for a moment. The she started fighting again. "I have to help him." She said trying to get out of their grasp.
With her empty hand Cilia pulled a sleep bead from her pouch. "Sorry Ris." She said crushing the bead over Ris's face and her sister fell asleep.
Crystal shouldered Ris and pulled her off into a alleyway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

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Dremmick sidestepped a hammering blow from Grom just as he came within arms reach. His sidestep went low, forcing him to use his arms to flip himself back around to his feet. When he landed he drew his damaged arm back summoning the pool of blood he left behind him. Three crimson lances shot out of the puddle, leaving little to no blood behind where it was. Grom heard them hissing through the air and was able to dodge two before deflecting the third with his gauntlet. However, this left him a momentary widow of vulnerability, which Dremmick capitalized on. Dremmick quickly launched his rope dart and it burried into the hulking figure's left arm, not where he was aiming but it would have to do. He then hopped p and yanked against the rope, launching himself forward, wielding a long blade that formed of of his right palm. His blade was just starting to make contact with the executioner's side everything came to a halt, starting with his face. Grom caught Dremmick by the head as he was flying toward him. The masive hand engulfed Dremmick and the strain on his neck was anything but comfortable.

"You should have ran with the others, worm. I will make this place your grave." He then clenched his hand putting an emencse amount of pressure on Dremmick and then slammed him head first into the ground, only to toss him back up and launch him with a bone shattering punch. When Dremmick crashed into a wall, he wasnt surprised to find another spear with an odd purple ribbon buried in his gut. He started to cough up blood as he got up, the spear falling out by itself.

"You seem to forget...Grom..," Dremmick's body was starting to have a black haze around it. Slowly, he was fixing himself, but no completely. "A blood mage is most dangerous... when it bleeds." From his body a red crimson armor started to from, much like the armor seen on a knight. a long lance formed at his right hand. "COME" He taunted. Grom took the bait, he charged in full throttle. Dremmick lifted his let arm and opened his palm. "BLOOD SALVO" and immediately bolts of energy traded for blood were shot from his hand, blasting away at Grom and the terrain around him. When he stopped his arm drew back and recharged while he blood quickly replenished. Grom, now heavily injured, was still charging, enraged and in a frenzy. Dremmick charged at the man for a second time, this time however, he used his lance to pole vault up in the air. once in the air and above Grom he turned and transferred all the armor to his lance, making it larger and heavier, and threw it down at the behemoth below. It struck home. The man was hit directly in the heard and died shortly after. All the excess blood outside of Dremmick's body quickly evaporated away as Dremmick went unconscious in midair and fell to the ground. He had used an excess amount of magic and blood, causing him not to be able to create blood fast enough for himself. On top of that, it seemed that there was poison on that last spear and it seemed he lost his medical bag somewhere during the struggle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Cilia heard the fighting end and she looked at Crystal. "I'm going to check on Dremmick. If Ris wakes up hold her down." She said as she turned and sprinted out of the alleyway. The sight that greeted her was a surprise. She saw the dead man but ignored it, she had seen so much death when she had been gone that she wasn't fazed. Instead her eyes focused on Dremmick's unconscious form. She finally reached where he was lying and knelt down beside him. She reached into her bead bag and pulled out a handful of the bright pink healing bead. She crushed them over him. "I'm only doing this because Ris cares for you so much." She said to no one in particular, thinking about how her sister was fighting to go help Dremmick.
Crystal looked at the sleeping Earth Dragon Slayer. She had never met Ris before now and her biggest thought about her was how willing the girl was to help someone she cared for.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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Both Leon and Inigo were both impressed by Dremmick's magic, unused to seeing blood used in such a manner. Morgan, fortunately, had located Dremmick's medical bag. She rushed it over to to where to he and Cilia currently were and began going through it, hoping to find some gauze and an antidote for what she believed to be poison that was marked by the suspicious purple ribbon tied to the spear from Grom. After a few minutes of processing and memorizing every bit of the fight they just witnessed, both Inigo and Leon scouted for any possible reinforcements that had tagged along with the now dead executioner.
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Crystal pulled Ris to her feet and dragged the still unconsious Earth Dragon Slayer from the alleyway. She felt safer if she could see the others, especially with Ander targetting her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

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Although the beads helped heal Dremmick physically, he was still fairly drained of magic energy. While he was still unconscious, Morgan should have been able to find some various poison antidotes in Dremmick's bag, however, with the poison type unidentified, it would be risky to pick just any vial and use it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Cilia stood up and walked over to where the spear sat and she crouched down and looked at it. She was trying to figure out the posion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

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In Dremmick's bag there was a small handbook that he takes notes in. It held various information that he gathered on different medicines, healing techniques, personal notes, and profiles of people he found noteworthy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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"Have you found anything Morgan?" Cilia asked going to crouch beside the girl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

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"Yup! He's got all sort of remedies in here..especially poison. Fortunately, it looks like Dremmick kept everything written down in this notebook.." Morgan responds, removing the notebook from his bag, treating it with the utmost care as she flips through it, searching from any info he may have on the form of poison that's currently running through his veins.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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"Okay. I can't tell what kind of poison is on the spear though." Cilia said crouching down beside Morgan.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

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Flipping through the book Morgan cam across Grom's profile. It was a grim on at that detailing his prowess in non-magic combat and poisons that earned himself a position among the four executioners. Upon reading further, it went on to explain the different poison tips that he used on his spears, each marked with different ribbons. He had a chart written out labeling what kind of poison was with which spear and what antidote to use. In this case, he called for a mini syringe with a yellow fluid and red stripe painted on it. In his bag there were many pouches, fasteners, and loops to hold everything without a thing being loose so that it never jingled or clanged around. the syringes would be in a leather roll out hit in one of those pouches. the leather roll had the words "Anotidotes" tapped into the leather.

All other information about the executioners are vague, save for their names: Grom of the Spear, Drax of the Blade, Sphyl of the Scythe, and another known as the Black Wisp. Unlike the others, there was no known information on the Black Wisp thus far, not even a picture.

A messenger nervously walked up to the large imposing metal door. with a shaky hand he quickly knocked a few times and took a step back as he tried to gather himself.

"What is it!?" A voice promptly replied, irritation already evident in his tone.

"I-its Grom, sir. He h-has fallen to the traiter Dremmick.... And the girl. She is starting to stir."

Uncaring to the fate of Grom the man inside the door merely shook his head as he stood from his bed.... More irritated that he was woke from his mid day nap than the death of his comrade. However,...this other matter..."What do you mean she is stirring?" he exclaimed as he made his way to the door. He slid open a small panel for his eyes to see though, "The curse always holds until the final judgement has passed."

"Understood, sir, b-but once in a while, she still moves! The Grand Judge is baffled and requested to see you at his court at dawn." the messenger explaind starting to calm down a bit.

"Message recieved, send word to the other executioners, Draz and Sphyl, to meet me here afterwords, I fear there is some cleaning up to do for Grom."

"Understood, sir"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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