Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thread Generator SIN
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Thread Generator SIN

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Cycle of Life and Death.
The fundamental law that keeps the universe in balance. Without it, the world as we know it would end. We are born. We live. We die. What more is there to it then that? But not all things abide by the balance. Every so often, there are disruptions in the natural order of all things. Hiccups in the cycle that can result in miraculous events, causing amazing...or horrendous things. We are a product of this universe, subject to the world we are born into and the cycle it provides for us. Some would have it no other way, adhering to the guidelines of life and death. But others push against the bonds of reality, creating change all around them. Now you are born onto this world, living and dieing as a apart of this endless cycle. What you make of you destiny is in your hands. Destiny itself is in the hands of all of us, as is the fate of the world, as is the fate of the cycle and all things. Forge your path as you face the many challenges that arise before you. Find your purpose and pick your role wisely. Acquire allies and face enemies. Protect those you care for and/or destroy those you hate. Whatever the story, whatever the outcome, make it your own.

Welcome to the Bleach sandbox. The theme is Legends because we'll be making up our own cast of characters and story. If you're a fan of the original manga then this is your chance to create your own character in the role of your choice. Roles like head captain of the 13 court guard squads or mayor of Karakura are open for play. For those unfamiliar with the series, there are very few limitations to character possibilities as long as you stay within the general universe. In other words we'll not be seeing any aliens or time travelers. Other then that feel free to review the character classes below and go crazy. If you have knowledge or ideas for a character not listed then feel free to bring them up for discussion in OOC or message me with any inquiries. Also, don't be too shy to refer to the Bleach Wiki for any and all relative information. The possibilities are endless.

Once you've read over the character classes and rules, pick a location to start at and post a character sheet in the OOC. Everyone is welcome to join and you are permitted to as many characters as you like, keeping in mind that characters who are inactive for a week or two might be eaten by a roving pack of hollows. A plentiful amount of non player characters will be provided by me including but not limited to civilians, soul reapers, hollows, villains, and heroes. There is not much of a plot since this again is a sandbox thread made primarily for character development, however I will have a few big events just to keep things interesting. With that said, don't shy away from creating a big event of your own. Just try not to overlap these events too much or the world might end. We don't need an army of hollows and soul reapers all fighting for the fate of humanity on the first day because a couple people don't know the meaning behind build up. It's fine if you wanna make a big intro, just make sure it's the only one happening at that moment. Random, normal, regular intros are all fine in the masses. If you're not sure you know what I mean by this, or don't feel like reading the last 10 posts, just send me your intro and I'll give you the green light.

Per popular request, there won't be any canon characters. IE no Ichigo, Rukia or son of Aizen. In fact this will be taking place in a alternate universe with similar but ultimately different events and no characters from the series. That said, any fan art or pictures you can find on google or deviant art are permitted. Though I don't hold you to the same obligations, I often give credit to the artist if the picture came directly from the creators page. This may also help with the creator tearing the picture down from the site for unauthorized use. You'd be surprised how often that happens to people.

Once again welcome to Bleach - Legends and have a good time. -SIN

Character Classes

Living Beings
Human - Mortal beings that reside in the world of the living. Humans are for the most part unable to detect or interact with spiritual beings such as hollows(corrupted spirits) or Shinigami(soul reapers.) They usually possess little to no Reiatsu(spiritual pressure.) However, in very rare instances, humans may develop acute Reiryoku(spiritual power) and sensitivity to the afterlife which will allow them to see and speak to spiritual entities and even use lesser abilities. Unfortunately, this also makes them the target for Hollows in the human world. Each human possesses a soul which is bound to their physical body by a chain of fate. If this chain is broken, or the human body expires, then the soul separated from the human and becomes a Plus(Ghost).

Quincy - A bloodline of humans who through rigorous training have developed the ability to manipulate Reishi(spiritual matter particles) which allows them to materialize various weapons, though most often create forms of ranged weapons due to their mortal disposition. They are also capable of pushing themselves off the reishi in the air, allowing them to move at inhuman speeds as well as change directions mid jump. Along with bending and wielding Reishi, Quincy specialize in fighting hollows similar to soul reapers. However, instead of purifying the hollows corrupted souls like a soul reapers Zanpakutō(soul cutter sword), a Quincy's attack will instead exterminate the hollow which in the long run can cause an imbalance between the worlds of the living and dead. Thus Quincy mostly act as support, subduing hollows until a soul reaper can arrive, only slaying the hollow in the case of emergencies.

Bount - Living beings similar to the Quincy with the difference being that they have the ability to consume souls. Originally created accidentally by scientist within the Soul Scociety, Bounts took up residence in the human world, surviving by devouring souls from dead entities. Through this ability, they have gained immortality, stopping their aging, as well unique abilities that can vary with each Bount. Bounts also gain more power through devouring souls of the living and soul reaper souls. Due to the rather deviant nature of their abilities, they are naturally sought out by soul reapers as they can prove to be dangerous to humans as well as a threat to the balance of life and death, though their miniscule population among humans makes them a low priory as well as hard to find.

Fullbringer - Spiritually aware humans who have the ability to draw out and manipulate the souls of material objects. Fullbringers gained their abilities through mothers who have survived hollow attacks, leaving traces of that hollows energy within them. As they grow, these powers manifest, allowing them to bend the souls of inanimate objects such as jewelry or terrain. This allows them to, for example, change the form of a wrist watch into suit of armor through object affinity. Or bend the soul of the ground beneath their feet to allow them to jump higher. A flickering of a green luminescence called Bringer Light appears during the use of these abilities.

Spiritual Bings
Plus - A soul in the world of the living that has yet to pass on the the soul society is known as a Plus. The plus is connected to it's human body through a chain of fate, which slowly corrodes the longer they remain in the human world, eating away at itself until nothing is left but a hole in the core of the Plus, causing them to become a hollow. Pluses are for the most part docile, sometimes unaware of their own death. They maintain the personality of who they were in life, though don't show much sorrow for their own death, as if numbed to it. Pluses are able to freely wander the world of the living, though sometimes may be bounded to a person or place by their chain for various reasons, most often due to unfinished business or unresolved issues. Upon hollowfication, it is usually the people closest to the Plus that become their first victims. To avoid becoming a hollow, a Soul reaper must perform Konsō(Soul Burial) which will send them to the afterlife.

Soul - The residual spirit of deceased humans that have passed from the world of the living into the Rukongai area of the Soul Society. While most of them come from the world of the living, there are those who are born within the soul society. People within the Rukongai live in families, although they are usually not related. Since people die at different times and places, and it is rare for a person to find their real family. When a soul arrives in Soul Society, they are given a ticket according to the time they died and are sent off in different directions. From there, they live out the rest of their existence within the massive Rukongai.

Soul Reaper - The spiritual guardians of souls, soul reapers are tasked with safe guarding the passage of souls into the soul society through purifying hollows and performing Konsō on Pluses with their specialized weapons known as Zanpakutō. They are also responsible for protecting the order of the soul society from any dangers to it's organization. Soul reapers make up the entirety of Gōtie 13(The 13 Court Guard Squads) which keeps them disciplined through training as well as dispenses a salary just like any other profession. It is the proverbial military of the afterlife, mobilizing in the event of an invasion or attack. Through the honing of their own unique abilities as well as communication with the spirit inside of their Zanpakutō, Soul reapers are able to attain higher levels of spiritual power and can potentially gain higher ranks within Gōtie 13 up to the level of Captain of a squad. At the highest level of strength, A soul reaper is able to manifest their Zanpakutō's power in short ritual called Bankai(Final Release.) This ability is unique for each soul reaper.

Visored - Previously soul reapers, Visoreds have, through various means, acquired hollow powers causing their original soul reaper powers to become augmented as well as giving them access to the rudimentary hollow abilities. These abilities become accessible through summoning a hollow mask for short periods of time, blending hollow riestu into their own and dramatically increasing their basic abilities including speed and strength. Being that this power comes from hollows, Visoreds are treated as criminals among the Soul Society and are considered outcasts and traitors never to return. Because of this, most Visoreds return to the human world and live as humans, honing their abilities and/or fighting hollows.

Hollowfied Beings
Hollow - When a human soul that has passed from it's mortal form remains in the world of the living for too long and doesn't cross into the soul society, its chain of fate wares away leaving a hole of emptiness in their heart that corrupts and transforms them into a hollow, a monstrous creature who wears a white mask. Hollows reside for the most part within a dimension of vast white desserts and eternal night known as Heuco Mundo, though they do cross into the human world to feed. Hollows eat the souls of the dead and occasionally those of the living in a futile effort to fill the emptiness in their soul, as well to gain more power. The more souls a hollow devours, the more powerful it becomes, and the more of it's humanity it loses. Hollows have various strengths and abilities based on how much spiritual power they had in life and how much they accumulate.

Gillian - Most hollows only hunger for the souls of humans. However there are a few occasions when hollows gain a taste for their own kind. When this happens, these hollows will attack and devour each other, gaining the accumulated power from those they've eaten until they meld together into one giant mass which takes the shape of a single towering hollow. This beast is known as a Menos Grande and have three different forms. Gillian are the first and lowest form of menos and also most common, wading through the emptiness of Heuco Mundo in packs like walking black forests. These gargantuan hollows are capable of using energy blasts known as cero which are capable of massive destruction. Having lost most of their individuality, Gillian class menos tend to look the same, though on rare occasions, one will differ from the rest, maintaining the individuality of the most powerful soul within itself and even retain it's cannibalistic tenancies, driving it to continue to grow and change.

Adjuchas - Gillian who have devoured their own kind may enter another transformation, taking on more unique properties and gaining more powerful and intricate abilities. They become Adjuchas, the second and more powerful form of Menos. While very few Adjuchas retain the size of their former Gillian bodies, they do gain back some of their sanity as well as more potent powers and a better understanding of their hollow nature, becoming intelligent and capable of planning. At this stage, these hollows are strong enough to be a challenge for soul reapers and can even be deadly if not dealt with carefully. Other then their individual powers, Adjuchas may gain the ability to open a Garganta(Gate to Hueco Mundo) to the world of the living along with the traditional cero. Adjuchas must continue to devour Hollows, or their minds will be absorbed by the many other Hollows comprising their reverting into a Gillian.

Vasto Lorde - The rarest and most powerful of all Menos, Vasto Lordes are the rare final evolutions of hollows who have devoured their own kind. Along with the continued appetite for hollows, Vasto Lordes hold immense powers, contestable and even potentially greater then that of soul reapers. Unlike their many brethren, Vasto Lordes are the smallest of their kind, not counting hollowed animal souls, and often resemble humans in their general shape. Despite their size, Vasto Lordes posses highly destructive power and great intelligence. For the most part, these rare hollows live solitary lives in Hueco Mundo.

Arrancar - When a hollow at any stage removes it's own mask, it gains soul reaper like powers including a Zanpakutō, and takes on a more humaniod form. This also returns most of their sanity though none of their human memories. Arrancar possess far more power then their hollow counterparts, with Gillian level Arrancar matching up to Vasto Lorde Menos. However once the mask is removed, their power can no longer increase. All Arrancar retain a hole in them somewhere, as well as fragments of their hollow form, most often remnants of their hollow mask. While having no particularly prevalent goals, Arrancar do still posses the instincts they developed as a hollow including the urge to devour powerful souls as well as a natural dislike for soul reapers. Just like soul reapers however, an Arrancar can access the powers of it's Zanpakutō in combination with hollow powers to achieve Resurrección which reawakens their hollow abilities, returning the essence of their hollow form to their human bodies. This is the equivalent to a soul reapers Bankai.

Miscellaneous Beings
Zanpakutō Spirits - The fractured soul of a Soul reaper that forms within a Asauchi(nameless Zanpakutō) which is assigned to each soul reaper. These spirits live within the Zanpakutō in a contained world that varies with each individual. Each Zanpakutō Spirit remains dormant until its wielder learns its name, at which point the spirit and the soul reaper can begin communication with each other. It is through this bond that the powers of the Zanpakutō are unlocked. At the final stage of the bonds strength, the Zanpakutō Spirit is capable of being materialized in a form best suited to the soul reaper in control during Bankai. Other then during this time, Zanpakutō Spirits have no ability to interact with the world outside of the weapon. The relationship between a soul reaper and their Zanpakutō Spirit can vary though the spirit is at its core always loyal to it'\s master.

Togabito - When a soul in the world of the living is evil and has committed wicked acts even before becoming a hollow, that soul is damned to be sent cast into the depths of Hell, where they are bound by indestructible chains and condemned for the rest of eternity. Normally, Togabito are incapable of leaving their prison, for they are constantly watched over by Kushanāda(the guardians of Hell.) However, some Togabito are capable of leaving Hell and entering the Human World, though they must conceal their faces and forms in white masks and black cloaks. The purpose of the mask and cloaks are to conceal the Togabito from the watchful eyes of the Kushanāda. However, at the same time, the cloaks hinder their power to some extent, which can be quite fearsome. Should too much of this garb be removed, the Kushanāda will immediately be alerted to the Togabito's escape, and will immediately chain up the Togabito and drag it back through the gates of Hell, where the Kushanāda will promptly punish it and then lock it in the lowest levels of Hell.

Mod Soul - Mod Souls are artificial souls created at a time by the department of research and development within the soul society to even out soul reaper numbers against hollows. However the original use for them was deemed unethical and thus, now they are few and far between. Condensed into tiny, candy-like orbs, Mod souls enter a soulless body in order to animate it. For the most part, this is done with stuffed animals and Gigai(artificial human bodies) since use on human corpses in forbidden though possible. Mod Souls have their own personality as well as the ability to grant enhanced physical abilities to the body they possess, though comparatively are about as strong as a lower ranking soul reaper with no Zanpakutō. While possessing no spiritual pressure, Mod Souls can freely interact with spiritual and living beings. This makes them virtually invisible to hollows unless they interact with them directly.

Karakura Town

A settlement in the Human World, located in Western Tokyo. It's also a hot bed of spiritual activity.

Kagamino City

A population center of unknown size located in Japan in the Human World. It is situated 22 km east of Karakura Town.

Naruki City

A city which borders the west of Karakura Town. Xcution, a group of Fullbringers, have headquarters located in the Chōbara district of Naruki City.


Divided into 320 districts, the Rukongai is the largest portion of Soul Society and the most populated, being home to souls that have passed over from the human world as well as souls born in the Soul Society.


sitting at the very center of the Soul Society, the Seireitei is as a large circular citadel with four main entrances being a ten day walk apart, each protected by a guardian. The Seireitei is host to several noble clans and serves as the center of operations for Gōtie 13.

Hueco Mundo

Hueco Mundo is a seemingly never-ending white desert, with a multitude of dunes, littered with boulders and tree-like objects made quartz-like minerals that protrude from the ground in scattered places among the sands. It lies in between the Human World and Soul Society and is home to the majority of the hollows in existence as well as the Arrancar.

Forest of Menos

An area below the surface of Hueco Mundo's desert where average Hollows hide from the Arrancar. The forest is filled with large trees made of a silvery quartz substance. These trees extend to the surface and dot the landscape of the desert in Hueco Mundo. Along with average hollows, packs of roving Gillian roam aimlessly about.

Las Noches

A massive fortress which can be seen for miles. It consists of a main building with a domed center surrounded by several large towers and smaller buildings. Atop the dome are five smaller towers. Within the large fortress are several hallways, chambers, and throne rooms. Las Noches serves as the base of operations for the Espada, the most powerful of the Arrancar.


Made up of five levels, Hell is the place where Hollows are sent if they were wicked when they were humans. Hell is home to the Togabito, who are damned souls imprisoned within. Hollow powers within this realm are enhanced by the corrupted spiritual energy that fills the air.

Character Sheet

Name - Hollows often take on names different from their previous human existence. Zanpakutō Spirits full name is included in the chant to release it's powers.
Appearance - Pictures are preferred however a detailed description is acceptable in it's place. Multiple pictures of a single character or extra large pictures should be placed in hiders.
Age - 10,000 years of age is the absolute extreme limit. Nobody is that old here. Otherwise just list as unknown.
Gender - Some hollows, Zanpakutō Spirits, and Mod Souls are genderless. List as N/A.
Class - See Character Classes listed above.
Powers - Soul Reapers should include Zanpakutō abilities including Shikai and Bankai if they have one. Hollows should list unique abilities. Arrancar should list unique abilities as well as their Resurrección if they have one. Any commonly held abilities such as Kido or Cero and so forth do not need to be listed unless they have been modified, refined, or enhanced.
History - A brief or detailed back story behind your character such as how they came to exist, how they attained their powers if they have any, and/or any past lives if they are a spiritual being.
Details - Any additional information that would be helpful toward the development of your character.
Staring Location - See Locations listed above.
Evolution - Big changes to your character or newly acquired forms and/or powers achieved during the progression of this thread should be listed here. For example a hollow becoming an Arrancar or a human becoming a Plus.

Current Characters

1-Baldir Odingrad
2-Jin Kanazaki
3-Angelo Ortega
4-Aaron Nagato
5-Nekketsu Keiko
6-Minamoto Kotohime
7-Kichigai Jigoku No Inu
8-Yukihime Tomoko
9- 'MC' the 'Mage'
11-The Crimson Knight
12-Yamada Sakura

GM Characters

Alexander Garner
Current Visored leader and previous 12th Division captain, Alexander is a cunning scientist with a fair amount of secrets and mysterious personality. While a part of the department of research and development for Gōtei 13, he researched the workings of hollowfication and how it effected human souls. His research led him into dark places and ultimately had his work seized, forbidden to look any further. However Alexander's curiosity ultimately got the better of him, leading him to disappear in the dead of night in order to do further research into hollows and their evolution process. Eventually, he was discovered by a few of his squad members. Luckily for him, they volunteered to help, having similar curiosities, as well as seeing benefits in the research. During a secret experiment involving Plus who was undergoing hollowfication, a horrible accident occurred resulting in the destruction of his lab as well as infecting himself and his associates with hollow reiryoku. Though they survived the incident, they all ultimately underwent individual hollowfications, transforming them into Visored. As a result, Alexander and those who helped him were subsequently banished from the Seireitei. Alexander was prosecuted and sentenced to be executed for his forbidden research. But on the day he was due to be executed, he vanished from his cell with out a trace of evidence as to how. Since then, Alexander Garner has been on the run, leaving the soul society and migrating to the world of the living where he has remained ever since. In the few decades that he's been in the world of the living since then, he's worked to control and master his hollow abilities and searches for other Visored to help them do the same.

"It doesn't matter if you win...as long as they lose."

Akihiro Igarashi
The fairly eccentric captain of the 5th Division within Gotie 13, Akihiro Igarashi is best known for his unconventional behavior and strange sense of humor. He's often refereed to as the mad captain by those that know of him. The name is mostly earned by his random behavior and bizarre habits. While many question how he came to be a captian, any who have seen him in action hold no doubt toward his combat abilities. Though his methods can come off as being improvised or out right crazy, his ingenuity, intelligence, and skill make him quite a deadly adversary. When not on missions or reluctantly filling out paperwork, Akihiro spends most of his time out and about, roaming the seireitei, and when he can the Rukongai, looking for interesting situation, comfortable relaxation spots, or general reason not to do actual work. It's hard to notice when he comes and goes due to his nomadic nature and a lack of greetings or farewell. As a leader, Akihiro tends to be rather lax with his squad accept during a battle. He excels at battle readiness and using kido in unexpected ways, and this transfers onto his subordinates. He's also very quick to celebrate any victory, carrying a vase of strong Nigori and a small set of sake cups. Somehow, his vase never seems to run out, even on long missions.

"I don't care where I'm going as long as I arrive there early!"

(Alasdair) Kenpachi Baragai
Current captain of the 11th Division in the Gotei 13 and one of few most fearsome soul reapers to date due to his overbearing spiritual pressure and explosive abilities. Alasdair appears calm and collected at all times, even in times of great distress or conflict and rarely speaks unless it's necessary. When he does speak, his voice bellows with the worn and commanding tone of a scottish king. Much like himself, the majority of the members of Alasdair's squad hold a strict belief in justice, honor, and glory. This quality shines on the battlefield, as no soldier of squad 11 retreats from a fight, even at the expense of their lives. Thankfully, only the most skilled of swordsman among soul reapers find their way into Alasdair's ranks, as admission into the squad is supervised by him personally. Only the head captain and a finite number of officers know of Alasdair's Zanpakutō abilities, as he rarely releases his Shikai and uses Bankai even less. Instead, he focuses on melee tactics, utilizing his exceptional swordsmanship and formidable hand to hand abilities. Only when faced with the greatest threats to the soul society or his allies, will Alasdair even consider releasing his Zanpakutō.

"Fight harder boy!"

"You'll not be goin anywhere lad."

Junko Matsubara
Previous 12th division lieutenant, the fiery mannered Junko is an intelligent young woman who served with Alexander Garner back when he was captain. She's very loyal toward her comrades and willing to go out of her way to perform her duties with the utmost diligence. Her quick wit and high intelligence are accompanied by a sarcastic sense of humor and a fairly short fuse. During the laboratory accident, she too became Visored. Originally, she was intended to be executed just as Alexander. However, due to her impeccable service and contributions to Gotei 13, she was instead stripped of rank and expelled from the Seireitei. Fortunately for her, the effects of the accident didn't take effect until after her sentence had been carried out. Many years later, after migrating to the world of the living, she was found by Alexander and a small group of other Visored. Since then, she's learned to control her Visored powers, and has continued to stay with the group, as her soul reaper training never faded. Other then her intellect and temper, Junko is a vicious warrior. Though not the strongest in terms of strength, her agility and speed along with a merciless style of combat, make her quite the frightening opponent.

"Sorry about that...I was tired of seeing his face."

"Don't let the senkaimon hit you on the way out!"

"The next one is takin off a limb! You hear me?!"
(Work In Progress)


  • 5 sentence minimum per post.

  • Keep OOC in the OOC and IC in the IC. That also goes for placing OOC in parentheses. Just put it in the OOC.

  • [*No controlling other players characters without consent from that player.[/*]
  • Inactivity for longer then 2 weeks without a reason why means death for your character. Message me please first if you must take a leave.

  • Keep all criticism toward other peoples posts to inbox messages.

  • Make sure your character has been accepted before posting in the IC. This thread is always accepting. Always.

  • Be courteous and respectful to everyone. Good fact of life. Apply it here too.

  • Try to give everyone a chance to post. We don't want people getting left behind in a flurry of speed posting.

  • Use common sense. Most important rule.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Morric
Avatar of Morric

Morric Roleplay Enthusiast

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Baldir Odingrad
The Lightning Rider.

Age - Died in battle at the age of 32 about 2300 years ago during the time of the vikings.

Gender - Manly Man

Class - Previously the Captain of squad 11, Baldir became a Visored while spending too much time slaying hollows in Hueco Mundo. The massive amount of hollow energy around him as well as the constant contact with hollows finally awoke the hollow powers within him. Because of this, Baldir was stripped of his rank and banned from the seireitei.

Zanpakuto - Ragnarok

Shikai - Baldir's blade takes the form of a battle axe and a buckler. The axe is charged with electricity, summoning bursts of lightning each time he swings it. The buckler is capable of absorbing massive amounts of concussive force with severely reduced recoil, allowing Baldir to stand his ground against most heavy attacks. When struck, the shield produces a resounding sound similar to thunder.

Bankai - Alger Eldingar Ragnarok, Crushing Lightning Armageddon. Baldir's zanpakuto combines taking the form of a massive hammer tipped with a blade. The zanpakuto's spiritual pressure becomes extremely heavy, weighing many hundred tons, and can only be wielded by Baldir himself, as to him it's no heavier then a few pounds. The impact of his strikes equal the explosive force of two trains colliding with a box of dynamite at high speed. While in this state, storm clouds will form above Baldir, allowing him to summon volleys of lightning at will from every direction.

Visored - Baldir's hollow powers fuse with his zanpakuto, increasing the power of his attacks, the swiftness of his movements, and fusing the lightning he summons with cero power, also changing them black black. While wearing the mask, Baldir becomes resistant to pain, allowing him to think clearly while enduring wounds. He also gains a sense of blood lust, causing him to attack in a unrelenting manner. In addition, Baldir's arm becomes hollowfied, allowing him to summon surging electricity from his bare hand and even control the direction in which it arcs.

Bio/Desc/Personality/History - Born and killed as the prominent leader of a Viking Clan, Baldir became a soul reaper just a few years after entering the soul society. However he did so expecting the place to be like Valhalla, a land of glorious battles that never end. Having a pretty vast tactical knowledge as well as a fiery spirit, Baldir advanced through the ranks quickly eventually becoming captain of squad 11. However, in order to satiate his hunger for combat and glory, Baldir frequently requested access to Hueco Mundo to train. This inevitably led to him becoming a Visored and being removed from his seat as well as the soul society. After his dispatch from the court guard squads, Baldir made his way back to the world of the living by bartering with people who had access to an illegal senkaimon. Since then, Baldir has lived a thrill seeking and rebellious lifestyle, traveling the world and enjoying the conveniances of modern day advances. He cant help but look back on the days of war and combat however, and will often jump at the chance to have a brawl.

While technically being a master in Hakuda, Baldir developed his own fighting style. It's appearance is much more reminiscent of a Brawler and Glima(Viking Wrestling) fighter. Not appearing as refined as Hakuda, but no less deadly and effective. Often, Baldir resorts to a berserker style of fighting, leaving few chances for his foes to attack. He is also extremely proficient at wielding varied weapons, including swords, maces, axes, shields, spears and hammers. Being a highly perceptive combatant and master strategist & tactician thanks to his life as a human, Baldir can prove to be a valued ally, or frightening enemy. Possessing a rigorously trained and discaplined body, Baldir is one of the strongest Soul Reapers to date in terms of physical and muscular strength. Despite his keen skills on the battle field, Baldir lacks the ability to use kido and also chooses not to learn it. Similarly, he also stirs away from using shunpo.

Staring Location - Karakura Town

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jeez, my Visored with a focus on raw physical strength and melee power has been in the works for a while now. It would suck to have that concept taken from me because Baldir has arbitrarily been crowned the strongest physically...

Regardless, would you like to discuss possible relations between my char and yours, Morric? Once she's finished, that is.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Morric
Avatar of Morric

Morric Roleplay Enthusiast

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

haha I'm sorry. I'll change that line. I figured I was shooting for the stars with that one.
Edit: There. Now we can both be tough guys XD
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

My character will be posted in a sec, I'd love to talk to you over PM about things then~!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Morric
Avatar of Morric

Morric Roleplay Enthusiast

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hey I'm down for that. I never sleep O__O so message me whenever
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Morric
Avatar of Morric

Morric Roleplay Enthusiast

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

By the way what anime is that in your siggy?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yuyuko, Tachibana(Kenpachi)



TL;DR, she used to be baller, now she's a retired, exiled Visored. Isn't it sad? Was Captain over a hundred years ago, too, so a lot of newer shinigami don't know a lot about her. Oh, and she runs a food delivery service in the mortal world. Visored often find themselves connected to her, to the point where she's considered the local expert on the subject. (Expect this to be expanded when I have more time~!)

Once killed a Hollow with a flying bathtub.
Likes fried food.
It's often hard to tell whether she's an idiot or a genius, but most of the Captains in her time seemed to think she was the latter.
Hates soggy things.

Starting Location-
Karakura Town
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

You go on about someone else stealing your idea, then you nearly do the exact same thing to me. :P
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Name - Angelo Ortega
Appearance -

Age - 190
Gender - male
Class - visor
Powers - while Angelo was once a lieutenant his speed and flexibility that is greater then any captains speed. Angelo uses his speed to out maneuver any captain and his disability to dodge and avoid attacks making it difficult for any opponent to get a direct hit on him. His reflexes are also honed to a sharp point using his battle instincts to better dodge attacks and his advanced cunning uses that time to figure out a plan of attack against his opponents

while Angelo is very fast and flexible his strength is greatly reduced to that of only a seated officer that hasn't learned bankai yet making a strength based confrontation difficult on him although if he uses his hollow mask he will be on par with any captain for a few precious moments.
Shunpo- thanks to Angelo's increased speed and flexibility his shunpo can easily out match his opponents speed and dodge his opponents major strikes thanks to his previous training as a lieutenant to make Angelo tell tales almost unseen by his opponents making it seem like Angelo can flash step without any warning to his enemy almost making it seem like an ambush attack
stealth hoho
Although Angelo is not part of his squad anymore he is still able to use the stealth technique to use incredible speed to make a decoy of himself when Angelo is attacked with a direct hit allowing him to gain the space he would need to make his incredible speed work for his favor again or to use the opportunity of confusion to backstab his enemy
sonic boom
thanks to Angelo ability to go at high speeds he is able to create a sonic boom from his movements, as an example if need be he is able to snap his fingers at a high frequency of speed and create a much smaller sonic boom for confusion of his opponents. he is able to control it at will and can create sonic booms whenever he makes a high speed move to make false trails to his enemies making them think he is their when he is not or to use his speed enough to make the enemy confused by the noise itself. if need be Angelo could use his sonic boom to make a loud thunderclap when he is in point blank range of his opponent although this is used as a last resort considering it harms Angelo as well
Angelo's hollowfication allows him to use his mask for 50 seconds (10 seconds for each clawed finger) each finger allows him to enhance his strength as strong as a captains and enhancing his sonic boom techniques during his 50 seconds the claw on his mask will start to break removing a finger for every 10 seconds warning Angelo to his remaining time of enhanced strength and enhanced sonic boom abilities although it will temporarily strengthen him Angelo will loose the natural speed he has and will be forced to use sonic booms to maintain his high speed attacks as before
unsealed form=
suffering strengthen my resolve
to turn into its shikai form the blade of the sword Angelo must first stab the sheath with the sword then the sheath will extend the blade into two and turn it into a double bladed spear giving Angelo the ability to use his wind abilities onto each blade end extending his reach and make his sonic boom attacks reach farther.

bankai!....Ō no kurushimi purotekutā

roughly translates to suffering protector of kings. in this form allows his sonic boom attacks to take the form of a pointed blade instead of a general blast in the direction of the target and thanks to its curved blades it allows Angelo to easily counter enemies attacks and make them wide open for a counter attack allowing Angelo the luxury of much easier dodging and form change of the sonic boom blasts and while in this form the curved blades allow Angelo to spin his blade at high speeds like a buzz saw to generate more power into his strikes when he attacks

History - Angelo was once a lieutenant for squad two the known assassin squad and as such he was taught how to sneak around and kill in shadows and silence as expected it took him years to learn how to use his bankai properly but before he was allowed to be judged by the other captains to take up the captains position as captain of squad two he was told he was needed for a job to kill a scientist researching the use mod souls. while Angelo thought that mod souls were all destroyed it came to a small shock to him wondering who would be dumb enough to start up a dead project once again but he went with his gut and left anyways. when he got to the scientists lab he did his best to sneak past his general security and get inside although what Angelo didn't count on was that mod souls wasn't what the scientist was researching, it was actually hollowfication. Angelo was stunned to see hollows in tubes everywhere and before he knew it their was a bomb thrown into the room and he tried to cover his mouth but the smoke came out before he could cover his mouth and he ended up getting the partials into his system and before he knew it he was barfing white stuff and something was covering his face and a great darkness fell on him and he was staring at this black and white version of himself in the dark seeing that it was screaming in pain or ecstasy Angelo couldn't tell which as it said "embrace pain! love the pain! be its king!" the copy yelled as it attacked Angelo and a large battle took place and it was only with sheer will that Angelo was able to overcome his hollow side "ill be back, you will see" the copy said as it disappeared into the darkness. Angelo was caught and put into a cell and when he woke up he wondered what happened to him but his captain explained everything and Angelo couldn't believe his life as a soul reaper was over, he used his hollow powers and got his zanpacto to get out and get to the mortal world where he became a visor. he may be part hollow but he still believes in good and does his best to be a good person...
Details - Any additional information that would be helpful toward the development of your character.
Staring Location - Karakura Town
Evolution - Big changes to your character or newly acquired forms and/or powers achieved during the progression of this thread should be listed here. For example a hollow becoming an Arrancar or a human becoming a Plus.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

I know its not done just bear with me here
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 15 hrs ago

I get the feeling I'm going to be the only one doing a vanilla Reaper. XD
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nichinichisou
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Once killed a Hollow with a flying bathtub.

Best. Ever.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

fyi still working on it if any suggestions anyone wants to make go ahead
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thread Generator SIN
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Thread Generator SIN

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'm pleased to see those of you who have decided to join. Once we get a few more characters, I'll open up the IC.
Morric Accepted
Tatsua Aiisen Accepted
Jangel13 Really just need a location to accept you. Otherwise not bad.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rin said
I get the feeling I'm going to be the only one doing a vanilla Reaper. XD

It can't be helped.

Thread Generator SIN said
I'm pleased to see those of you who have decided to join.
Tatsua Aiisen Accepted

Yayifications! One quick question, is Soul Society publicly aware of Visored? Do they discriminate against or hunt them at all? Is hollowfication public knowledge?

LowKey123 said
Best. Ever.

Thank you. She also used to have a spiritually sensitive parrot named Charles~!

Jangel13 said
fyi still working on it if any suggestions anyone wants to make go ahead

Since you're a Visored too, it's probably a good idea for us to talk about inter-Visored relationships at some point. How did your character gain their Mask, anyways?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ChibiYuki


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Oh snap a Bleach Roleplay RESERVE ME PLS SENPAI :O
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Online

Still do want to join just need to work things out. ^^;
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

I am currently stuck on naming this sword. Stupid thing. >:T
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Raineh Daze said
I am currently stuck on naming this sword. Stupid thing. >:T

It's one of the hardest parts!
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