The people outside had already broken into the garage. There were only a few cars left, but thankfully one of them seemed like it could get them all out of here in one piece.
"Guys, get out of the way!"
Jade looked over to see a boulder rolling at them. If Roger hadn't gotten in front of everybody, it probably would have hit her. It seemed to just bounce off of him, and it wasn't until now that Jade noticed the boulder had arms and legs. That walking boulder must have been pretty confident if he thought he could take on all of them. He was outnumbered 10 to 1.

Roger went into a rage and single-handedly beat the crap out of their attacker. It seemed like he was pretty tired afterwards, which was understandable. He probably used up most of his energy there.
"Let's get out of here before more thugs show up." Jade said. She got into the truck, and waited for everyone else to do the same.