Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jedly
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*Reads recent posts, looks at OOC count*

ohmygodImpygotthe300thpost. Time to break out the coffee and celebratory snacks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Excidius


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I don't remember the exact system... this was years ago when we were teenagers... Now my friend GMs Shadowrun every now and then and I GM Anima OCCASIONALLY. While ridiculously fun, Anima is a conplicated system... You can have characters do just about anything, but it becomes a very involved process... ESPECIALLY for character creation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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Would you trust a consular who intently observes and studies you?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Imperfectionist
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Jedly said
*Reads recent posts, looks at OOC count

*ohmygodImpygotthe300thpost. Time to break out the coffee and celebratory snacks.

Will there be cookies? I love cookies. (seriously, though, complete coincidence)

Excidius said
I don't remember the exact system... this was years ago when we were teenagers... Now my friend GMs Shadowrun every now and then and I GM Anima OCCASIONALLY. While ridiculously fun, Anima is a conplicated system... You can have characters do just about anything, but it becomes a very involved process... ESPECIALLY for character creation.

Hmm. Well, what's an example? What kinds of things do you have to choose at character creation?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Excidius


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I never wrote anything about intently observing or studying!? It's ok though, I wasn't complaining.

... but yeah. I never wrote anything about intently observing or studying :-p


Well, a lot of abilities have stupidly complex systems in which you create your own. Because all these powers are tailor-made I had to sit down with every player, ask them what they wanted to be able to do and then structure characters based one that. A lot of it is GM judgement calls... They have vasic abilities in the source book, but relatively few "active abilities".

When you get into the game it's fun, but having so much freedom at first is side tracking...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Imperfectionist
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Ah, I see. It does sound like something of a headache, at least for you (as the GM).

So! I was catching up on the IC, and I saw a couple of things that were rather confusing...

1. Jedly, IS Danny a Syker, or is he an insorcery-focused Magestrava? You or Danny seem to have forgotten the difference, even referring to Alexander's Syker abilities as "the path of insorcery", which they most definitely are not. You might want to re-read Hanged's explanations of the magic system, esp. the energies and the Sepcarim. There is a very real distinction there.

2. What kind of sword is Veili's blade, specifically? I mean, what style of swordplay is it meant for? I think that might help me to visualize it more effectively. As it is, I'm having something of a hard time (not that this is particularly important; I was just wondering about it).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jedly
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Jedly Espresso Drinker

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Ah, yeah, I see where I messed up there. He is definitely a Syker, which I should have specified. Oh, and there will indeed be cookies.

Though, just read the two posts in chronological order. Danny wouldn't have been aware that Alex was a Syker, for all he could have known, he just had skills in the magic of insorcery. It wasn't until after Finks pried into the first year's mind, was he informed that Alex was a Syker. But eh, c'est la vie.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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But my understanding of Skyer is that they are literally built from birth to withstand magical back-leashes which is what makes them different from Magistrava. What I gather are Magi are people with full control of all the types of magic but because of it they are a more fragile to magic black lash of one particular type of magic, where as Monks and Skyer are born with the intact ability and mastery of one type of magic, and Shaman's willingly give up the other two magics in favor of making a treaty with Nature allowing them to freely use karma. I am not saying bad things can't happen as a result of using magic in the form of strains and such, and I image it is very possible to light yourself on fire using karma, but the effects are not as violent as if you were a Magi, like a Shaman won't be liquefied for using karma but his contract with nature might be terminated if he over uses his magic. Though I guess we will see what Hanged says.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Excidius


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I think it's all the same but relative. Because those with only one energy type are so in tune with said energy they can achieve higher specialized feats than a full Magistrava could. However, the same rule applies, if they push their own limits, back lash happens. They aren't immune to back lash, their limits for that type of magic are simply higher.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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@ Impy

I'm not sure. It was back when I was in high school. All I remember was that our cleric broke a stone door down with her fists, my rogue stole the GM's character's pants right out from under him, the annoying rider character my boyfriend played got knocked out by the Dwarf and then tied up for easy transport AND (Two teachers played with us.) Hines playing with the Cleric chocolate, making it look like poop. Because adults are mature.

As far as Savage Worlds is concerned, I don't have a very good grasp of the system. My boyfriend would be able to explain it. I just know it's a pulp setting, Crimson Skies. Alternate 1920's an' shit. My current character, who is going to get put on the shelf, is a gun fanatic rich girl. Like... store guns up her ass and in her body. Like... she has to cut herself open to get to it. The setting is very comical and Cartoon/Movie scene. We play it out as if it were a movie with camera angles and all. My newest character, which I can't wait to introduce, is a Damsel In Distress/Ditzy Mechanic. Basically... When being held captive:

Chuck(Leader of Group): Oh! But you don't know.. .do you? We still have someone aboard our plane.
Amber: Uhm... -chuckles- No we don't. I was the last one off.
Chuck: She's lying, of course.
Amber: Nope. Was definitely the last one off.
Chuck: -facepalm-
Amber: Oh... OH! I mean... Hah... Just kidding. That was a trick. Um... Jim... JIM! He's still on the ship.
Jimmy: -facepalm-

Lulz. Should be amusing.

Anyway, time to do Bio stuff. Because I forgot about it until now. and it's due at 12... Sooo... >.>;
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Imperfectionist said l2. What kind of sword is Veili's blade, specifically? I mean, what style of swordplay is it meant for? I think that might help me to visualize it more effectively. As it is, I'm having something of a hard time (not that this is particularly important; I was just wondering about it).

It's a simple longsword, something off a Google search would be similar in appearance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Imperfectionist
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Leotamer said
But my understanding of Skyer is that they are literally built from birth to withstand magical back-leashes which is what makes them different from Magistrava. What I gather are Magi are people with full control of all the types of magic but because of it they are a more fragile to magic black lash of one particular type of magic, where as Monks and Skyer are born with the intact ability and mastery of one type of magic, and Shaman's willingly give up the other two magics in favor of making a treaty with Nature allowing them to freely use karma. I am not saying bad things can't happen as a result of using magic in the form of strains and such, and I image it is very possible to light yourself on fire using karma, but the effects are not as violent as if you were a Magi, like a Shaman won't be liquefied for using karma but his contract with nature might be terminated if he over uses his magic. Though I guess we will see what Hanged says.

Excidius said
I think it's all the same but relative. Because those with only one energy type are so in tune with said energy they can achieve higher specialized feats than a full Magistrava could. However, the same rule applies, if they push their own limits, back lash happens. They aren't immune to back lash, their limits for that type of magic are simply higher.

Well, there's the thing. Sepcarim don't do magic. Like, at all. Magic is the mixing of the three energies to produce effects, and every magic spell (including insorcery) involves the use of all three energies. Magestravi do magic, and Sepcarim are something else entirely: pure. Sepcarim embody their specific energy, it flows through them as a part of their soul... So, no, they really don't have any magical backlash, because they simply aren't magical.

EDIT: I'm pretty sure this is in the interest check, if not the first post.

HylianRose said

:P It sounds like you have quite a group. That Savage Worlds character, though... -shudder- That's pretty brutal, cutting yourself open just to get at your guns. You'd think there'd be holsters...

Zombehs said
It's a simple longsword, something off a Google search would be similar in appearance.


One of these? Or more like one of these?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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The different types of magic are well magical, I think what you're thinking of is that the Seps don't cast spells. Also this line under Maiains: There are four basic units or energies of magic. Each energy has a specific use, and spontaneous use of it without purpose is known as magic.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Komamisa
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Imperfectionist said Has anyone here played a lot of Pathfinder?

Sorry, no Pathfinder, but...

Tabletop Wargaming: Warhammer 40k, a little bit of Warhammer Fantasy Battle, even less Warmachine

Tabletop Roleplay: DnD 3.5, Mostly DnD 4e (used to play every Friday!), a silly thing called Maid RPG, Dark Heresy, Blam! (homebrew homage to the manga Blame!), and a bit of Adeptus Evangelion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Excidius


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You're right Impy... But then... Hmmm... I reread Insorcery and Sykers... it's the same. So unless you're a Syker, you'll only suck at Insorcery and suffer ridiculous backlashes while your Sepcarim colleague laughs and hypnotizes you into thinking you're a chicken. At least Outsorcerers have barriers and healing to seperate them from Monks.

Hanged will be the one making a judgment call, but I think even the Sepcarim need one form or another of backlash, or else they're simply too powerful. Unless I'm underestimating full Magistrava...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Komamisa
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To give some clarification about the difference between Magestravi and Sepcarim:

A Magestravi is someone capable of manipulating energies around or within them to produce "miracles". With training, they are capable of utilizing all forms of energy, in this RP known as Maians.

A Sepcarim is someone born with the innate talent to manipulate a singular Maian. They are entirely incapable of casting magic that utilizes more than the Maian they were born with the ability to control. However, a Sepcarim is capable of manipulating their gifted Maian with far greater efficacy than a Magestravi can even dream of.

For example: A Syker can manipulate the Maian of Sakra. Sakra is defined as "Energy for the mind that is needed for things like clairvoyance, mindreading and telepathy. It's source is from the brain, and overuse of this Maian can cause insanity or blindness." — Sykers are natural adepts at utilizing Sakra. To them, controlling Sakra to read minds or lift objects by looking at them is as easy as moving their fingers. But they're also very physically frail. In conjunction with their complete inability to manipulate anything like Xi, they wouldn't do too well in direct combat.

This is different from an Insorceror who can use Xi and isn't naturally and automatically frail. The trade off is that even the absolute best Insorceror can only scratch at the control over Sakra that a Syker is capable of.

It's a bit of a cruel comparison, but think of it as a regular human with an IQ of 140 versus a high functioning Autistic Savant who is an absolute master at mathematical formulas. The regular human can solve mathematical formulas better than many other humans if he's trained in it, but the Autist does it so naturally and quickly that he might as well be a calculator.

In short, it's a matter of versatility with even performance across the board versus a possibly crippling over-specialization.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Imperfectionist
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^ This! :) Misa knows best. She's much better than I am at questions and answers.

(There are also a lot fewer Sepcarim than Magestravi.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Komamisa
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Imperfectionist said
(There are also a fewer Sepcarim than Magestravi.)

Right. It's not directly stated, but like Ouramancers, Sepcarim make up a very small proportion of Magestravi. Magestravi themselves make up a small proportion of the human race. It's something like 5% of 10%, though don't quote me on those numbers, haha.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jedly
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In Danny's case, even though he is a Syker, which, as we all know excel at and can only utilize insorcery. What caused the backlash which weakened Danny tremendously and took away his left eye was a case which developed over two years' time. Casting mere spells shouldn't pose the slightest of the threat to a Sepcarim, but there is a line which most can not cross. Of course, said line requires immense amount of strain and naive over-usage of one's abilities, something which rarely occurs for Sykers, and Finks just had horrible luck. Since Danny was originally frail to begin with, his body is even in worse shape now. He would rather people take their casting with a pinch of safety, rather than overloading themselves, whether they be Sepcarim or Magestravi. But, glad we were able to smooth that edge out.

So, on another note, who's ready for the opening ceremony?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Komamisa
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Jedly said
can only utilize insorcery

Insorcery actually utilizes Sakra in addition to a bit of Karma, as far as I know. Sykers can only utilize Sakra. It's a bit more complicated than Monks who can only utilize Xi since Sakra's a more abstract thing, but yeah.
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^ That's a bit annoying... You can't have multi-tiered lists unless one of them is a numbered list and the other is a normal list.
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