Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Imperfectionist
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Imperfectionist Pathological

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Komamisa said
Right. It's not directly stated, but like Ouramancers, Sepcarim make up a very small proportion of Magestravi. Magestravi themselves make up a small proportion of the human race. It's something like 5% of 10%, though don't quote me on those numbers, haha.

20% for Magestravi and 2% for Sepcarim (it's somewhere in the info post), and I'm pretty sure the 2% is actually out of the total population, them being relatively separate.

Again, as to insorcery and Sykers Misa knows best.

Why don't you have Danny be a Magestrava with a focus on insorcery? You wouldn't have to change anything, it is much more in line with how you understand his history, and it even allows him to draw from the other branches of magic in a pinch.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Komamisa
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I had a runaway (incomplete) character sheet

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jedly
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Oh, I see. Alright, thanks for setting my future mindset straight. Welp... Let's see, so far for Impy's 300th post party, I've got cookies... coffee... bit of tea... steak and probably cake. Now, to find a gif to express our congratulations.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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I think it is best if Danny wouldn't be a Skyer, since it really does go against the lore of skyers. Skyers are people who are literally built from birth to use and handle Sakra, they literally have their bodies and immune system be weaker and completely forgo the other two, possibly three (I am not sure if Seps can use mana, probably not but maybe.) other forms of magic. I feel like a Skyer's brain would literally shut it self down over snapping over pressures since it is built to handle Sakra and would have some form of safety valve that would auto-correct itself over taking bodily harm. It just does not make any sense to me that a body built from the ground up to handle a certain type of magic wouldn't have some kind of safety against that magic. Shamans obvoiusly have their contract with nature that I am pretty sure includes "Don't kill me Mother Nature please", but I think that Monks and Skyers would have some biological safety, I am not saying that they don't get blacklashes, it is just there bodies handles them so they are not as bad.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Excidius


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Thank you Misaaaaaa!!! The cruel comparison actually helped me understand.

Question though... My character can basic toy with the energies composing a spell. So he could, in theory, mess with a Sepcarim's powers, but obviously it would be much more difficult. Right?

YESSSSSSS! Opening ceremony please!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Komamisa
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Komamisa Retired Magical Girl

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Now I'm just being silly:

I have a feeling that a Syker managing to use another Maian would burst every blood vessel in their body, or their skin would automatically flay itself and they'd become a human circulatory system exhibit. It's just so naturally wrong in this world.

Probably like how if a human in the real world tried to use The Force, they'd probably burst a blood vessel in their head before they actually manage to do anything.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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I just took it as they was physically incapable of using other magics as the other magics just would be "No, I don't like you, you won't bend me to your will"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jedly
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DEARGOD, I POSTED AND FIVE POSTS GENERATED AROUND IT AT THE SAME TIME. Just read through them, I agree that Danny is better as a Magestrava with a focus of Insorcery. I'll proceed with that background.

Ohshiz, it's madoka magica

Wonder how Hanged will react when he logs on. He'll probably say something like: "...Oh. Well. Damn."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Komamisa
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Komamisa Retired Magical Girl

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Excidius said
Thank you Misaaaaaa!!! The cruel comparison actually helped me understand. Question though... My character can basic toy with the energies composing a spell. So he could, in theory, mess with a Sepcarim's powers, but obviously it would be much more difficult. Right?

You're welcome. Metaphors, similes and inferences are a strong point of mine :P.

It could be more difficult depending on the complexity of the spell in question. However, one must remember that a Magestrava's spells are intricately weaved programs that use all of the related Maians working in harmony with each other, meaning they're actually more complex than something that uses only a single Maian. A Sepcarim's power is a matter of scale and efficacy.

In a sense, it'd be like building a house of bricks without using any mortar or reinforcing beams. Pulling out even a single break can make the whole thing tumble down, no matter how great and overwhelming it might seem. However, due to the sheer power and ease in which a Sepcarim can manipulate their single Maian, it MAY be as hard as manipulating a force of nature.

So yeah, it's just a matter of scale and complexity. Ruining the purity of a Sepcarim's spell-works might have disastrous results for absolutely everyone involved, and even those that aren't involved, or it could backfire at its caster catastrophically in your character's favor.

Jedly said
Ohshiz, it's madoka magica

T'is one of my quintet of obsessions. I'm very into Madoka Magica.

Edit: Oh right, gif... gif...

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Imperfectionist said
One of these? Or more like one of these?

All of the swords from the second picture could qualify, the leftmost and second from the right swords in the first could possibly fit the bill too.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Imperfectionist
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Imperfectionist Pathological

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Zombehs said
All of the swords from the second picture could qualify, the leftmost and second from the right swords in the first could possibly fit the bill too.

Alright, something of an arming sword, then. At the least, not a hand-and-a-half. :) Thanks.

By the way, Misa, I caught a sneak peak when your unruly CS got away... And it looked fabulous. Thought you'd like to know.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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I feel like the gender alone is going to be twice as long as my entire character sheet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jedly
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Jedly Espresso Drinker

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It would be as tediously written as the debate over Chihiro Fujisaki's (Dangan Ronpa) gender.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Komamisa
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Komamisa Retired Magical Girl

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Zombehs said
All of the swords from the second picture could qualify, the leftmost and second from the right swords in the first could possibly fit the bill too.

Random and possibly pointless information ahead:

Hmm... In the first picture, the sense of scale feels a bit off, but everything in there is either a hand-and-a-half longsword, or in the case of the middle, a zweihander. Though I do suppose the dagger was throne in for size comparison. Mind you, they're all practice swords, probably meant for some kind of reenactment or LARP or something. Still, if you're going for longswords, they mostly qualify.

Coincidentally, the rightmost is a Side Sword, the medieval ancestor to the Rapier. In that case, having a thin blade really makes sense.

Everything—save for second from the bottom and the one on the right, which are more of a Viking swords—in the second picture is an arming sword, better known now as medieval broadswords, making them rather period appropriate, though really meant to be used with a shield.

Imperfectionist said
By the way, Misa, I caught a sneak peak when your unruly CS got away... And it looked fabulous. Thought you'd like to know.

Thank you~

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Komamisa
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Komamisa Retired Magical Girl

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<Damn it, the one time I posted and three posts didn't appear>
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Excidius


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Oooooooh... I have been itching to watch Madoka Magica... Is the dub terrible? Or should I stick to subbed?

That's very interesting Misa, the brick wall explanation. While reweaving a standard spell can change it's effects, meddling with a Sepcarim's craft denatures it so there's no telling what the outcome would be. Hanged... This must happen at some point, and you will roll a die to decide the consequences :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Komamisa
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Komamisa Retired Magical Girl

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Excidius said
Oooooooh... I have been itching to watch Madoka Magica... Is the dub terrible? Or should I stick to subbed?

That's very interesting Misa, the brick wall explanation. While reweaving a standard spell can change it's effects, meddling with a Sepcarim's craft denatures it so there's no telling what the outcome would be. Hanged... This must happen at some point, and you will roll a die to decide what happens :P

If it isn't Cowboy Bebop, always stick with sub.

Also, I suggest Tri4 Subs. The group is dead now, but their translations are over-par (as opposed to sub-par, get it? *shot*). Depending on how deep you're willing to go into context and references, it may or may not live up to hype. Also, no matter how good anyone tells you it is, go in with as low as expectations as you can manage, and you'll likely enjoy it far more than thinking about how good it may be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

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Komamisa said
HmmHmm... In the first picture, the sense of scale feels a bit off, but everything in there is either a hand-and-a-half longsword, or in the case of the middle, a zweihander. Though I do suppose the dagger was throne in for size comparison. Mind you, they're all practice swords, probably meant for some kind of reenactment or LARP or something. Still, if you're going for longswords, they mostly qualify. Coincidentally, the rightmost is a , the medieval ancestor to the Rapier. In that case, having a thin blade really makes sense.Everything—save for second from the bottom and the one on the right, which are more of a Viking swords—in the second picture is an arming sword, better known now as medieval broadswords, making them rather period appropriate, though really meant to be used with a shield.

I've missed your random tidbits about weaponry and what not.

Also, subs or dubs?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Komamisa
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Komamisa Retired Magical Girl

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Here I am wondering why I didn't take majors in pre-modern history and weaponology. Well, I guess I can switch.

Wait... why would I take pre-modern? I love my 20th century as much as I love my 16th and 15th centuries...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Excidius


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Yeah... After D Gray-Man I've killed any pre-emptive expectations for animes. I WAS SO INTO IT AND THEN IT STOPPED! Grrrr....


Anywho. Thanks, I'm looking it up now! I must say though, I "didn't mind" the Evangelion dub. Emphasis on the DIDN'T MIND. FLCL in english wasn't too bad either.


It's not downloading waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
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