Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Marcus started to calm down the minute that the Master got involved and knew that there was no more point in fighting if the Master got involved so he slowly started to shrink back down to his normal size. "We should finish this another time where there are less collateral damage around." He told Kai be he picked the tail up and placed the meat on his shoulder with a smile on his face. "That sounds like a good idea. I was getting pretty hungry anyway." He said while neglecting to mention that he had just had a sandwich not ten minutes ago.

He hefted the block of ice on his shoulder as he headed toward the kitchen leaving Kai behind to just stand there. "Come on Ice boy." Marcus called out before disappearing into the kitchen as he wondered how the new recruits would hold up with Gildarts. He wanted to see how they were and wondered if he would ever get a chance to train with at least one of them, but knew that he would only be able to do that if the other members kept quiet about his true strength with his magic.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Gildarts saw both of the recurits come in and sit down. The girl looked like she was going to end up back under the table asleep later no matter what happened and the boy who had come in well Gildarts had already knew about him. "Each of you applied to this guild for one reason or another and I plus the rest of the guild will be glad to have you. Cass I understand that that you use Illusion magic and Lyren you use Dark Maker magic specializing in weapons. Both of you seem to have a good fit here." He said as he shuffled through some papers. He never liked the paper work so he tossed it in the air and used his crash magic on it. The paper popped into little tiny squares and rained over all of them like confetti. "So with that being said yes I knew about you the whole time Lyren. Don't worry no one here judges anyone and if they do then they have to speak to me." He gave a cocky smile to the both of them and opened a drawer. Taking the offical guild stamp out he stamped both of his hands. He then got up and smack both of their shoulders. "This is the mark of Fairy Tail and it will protect you and give you strength in the time of need. It will also take it's color and place on your body in a few hours when it finally asses you. Usually it chooses the place and color of your choosing so think really hard where and what color you want it to be." He then went back and sat in his chair. "Sooo newbies you have any questions?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Redwing


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Lyren looked at the other newbie when she introduced herself. He took her hand and shook it. "I'm Lyren. Likewise." He said with a small smile. He turned his attention back to the Guildmaster as he began to speak. He experienced a very confusing mix of emotions in a very short period of time. Confusion and excitement as the Guildmaster said he was accepted. Horror, fear, and confusion and the man mentioned his Dark Make. And he didn't remember ever telling him about it. He kind of just went numb when the paperwork was turned into confetti. His brain was trying to register what was happening. From what he had seen already, he wasn't too sure about the whole nobody judged anybody part.

It wasn't until the Guildmaster smacked him on his bare shoulder that his brain began to work again. And he felt sheer joy at being accepted. He was finally part of a guild, a real guild not a Dark Guild. He wasn't sure where he wanted his Fairy Tail mark to be, somewhere visible. Maybe an arm? He knew he wanted it to be blue though. "How?" He asked when the Guildmaster asked if they had any questions. "How did you know about my magic? I don't remember saying anything about it." He wanted ask another question but left it unspoken. Because he didn't really want to know the answer. Just how much did this man know about him, and his past?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stranger
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cassandra smiled happily as the "initiation" completed itself. She'd very much enjoyed the confetti; this guild was looking more and more fun by the minute. She was also keenly interested in Lyren now, learning about his Dark Make magic. She'd heard of Making magics before, but never Dark Make. That sounded really interesting, so she stuck around to listen as Lyren questioned the Guildmaster. If she was completely honest with herself, the fact that he'd said "no one here judges" made her all but certain that he knew exactly who she was... and who she had been. She really hoped that the Guildmaster would be the only one to know about her past until she was ready to reveal it, but she'd accepted already that anyone's recognition and reviling of her would be exactly what she deserved, and she would have to accept it. Still, it was nice to know that the Guildmaster was willing to look past mistakes like that.

"No questions from me," she said after Lyren had asked his. "Just... Thanks... for, y'know, accepting me. Into the guild," she added quickly. She smiled a bit and looked away; shame still had a place in her, but she was determined to be past it. A new guild. A new start. A new life! And she'd be sure that, this time, she wouldn't mess it all up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

It seemed that both of the newcomers had connections to past Dark guilds and pasts, but Gildarts like Makarov wouldn't turn down someone just because their pasts weren't on the right track. That was one thing that Fairy Tail was about, new beginnings. "Well kids I think you should both go down and enjoy the guild! I will be posting jobs later today so look forward to that. Oh and don't let those knuckle heads that were ruff housing earlier make you think anything bad about us. Just a little harmless fun. Who knows they might even be good as team mates if you decide to form one. Anyway I have to go over the jobs that are to be posted so run along, I have work to do." Gildarts had already started shifting through papers while grumbling that Erza was supposed to do this. Sadly she was going to be out for the next week with money matters and what not.

-----Cromwell Manor-----

Rowen had been walking around the manor observing things and anytime he felt that he was loosing control on the body he would cast the object out. "It seems that you might not have a manor left if you keep this. Fight me all you want but I have had fifty years off taking control of your body and I won't be drove out of it by a few memories that you have lying around!!" Rowen then made it to the library and felt that it was time that he caught up on some reading before he went and trashed Fairy Tail. After all he had all the time in the world.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

And a young lady is sitting down alone in a corner, eating rigorously without minding her surroundings. Eavesdropping or not, she only pays attention to something that is worth the fun of playing later but the truth shall bring justice, if that were to be the case, being aloof amongst guild members is in fact dishonor and disrespectful. Now is the perfect time to ask questions, or would she? As long as it gives her the gain and the benefits to get what she needed.

*Later upstairs*

While munching the large meat, she asked, "Pardon me for asking this, is there any chance that there will be job requests related to demons Master?."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Gildarts had just begun looking through the papers of jobs. Most he knew he would approve but it was assigning rank that was the pain. The others had not left yet and Gildarts had not noticed the door opening or anything of the sorts but suddenly a girl had asked him a question about jobs with demons. Gildarts jumped out of his seat with a start and almost used his crash magic in the direction of where the voice had come from, but he stopped himself when he saw a young woman to the side of him. "Oh gods you almost gave me a heart attack kid!!" Gildarts sat back down and looked at the girl sternly. "So I am guessing you are the last new recruit I was supposed to get today. You are a bit late but ehh that's ok. Umm I am not sure if there are any that are going to involve demons. I just got started. You are going to have to wait with the others downstairs until I post the the jobs later today." Gildarts stamped his hand and then smacked the kid on the shoulder as he had raised he sleeve. "Now all you scram. I have work to do." Gildarts went back to looking through his papers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stranger
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cassandra shrugged and left; she hadn't noticed the other girl either, but if she was just another recruit, there wasn't anything worth sticking around for. She and the others filed out and headed back to the main room. As they headed down the stairs, she couldn't contain her curiosity any longer, and when they finally reached the ground floor, she turned around and looked at Lyren.

"So... Dark Make magic, huh? What's that look like?" she asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Redwing


Member Offline since relaunch

Lyren frowned, the Guildmaster seemed to be purposely ignoring his question. After asking if they had any questions. Oh well, it wasn't super important. Only about how the man knew about his past, which he hadn't told anybody about. Yeah. He too jumped when another person entered the room. And nearly created a Dark Blade. It turned out to just be another new recruit. Lyren though that she was strange asking a question like that. What did it matter if the mission contained demons or not? Everybody had their own reasons for entering a guild though. So maybe hers was to hunt demons?

Lyren rose to his feet when the Guildmaster told them to scram. After bowing respectfully to him, he left and made his way back down the stairs. It felt nice to be part of something for once. Something that shared at least similar morals to his own. Those people he had met early, and everyone else in the guild was now his family. He was ready to go on his first job, to prove himself to the Guildmaster and the rest of the guild. He wasn't too picky on the mission he got, but he wasn't sure if he wanted to pair up with somebody or not. If somebody asked if he wanted to pair with them, or offered, or whatever he wouldn't say no. But he wasn't going to approach anybody just yet. Not until he got to know them first and knew how they fought. It was important for teams to fight well together after all.

Lyren glanced at Cassandra when she spoke. It seemed that she was curious about Dark Make, not afraid of it, or hated him because of it. He decided to humor her because of that very reason. "Well, it looks like dark energy taking the shape of what you want it to. For example, I personally create weapons, like this one." Splaying the fingers of his right hand out he focused his dark energy, shaping it into what he wanted to. A short sword made purely of dark energy appeared into hand. He curled his fingers around it and held it out so that Cassandra could see it. Dark energy was a beautiful mix of colors, mainly purple and black with some red mixed in. "Its like any other Make type magic really."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stranger
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cassandra's eyes widened as the dark magic appeared and took form. Outwardly, she looked like someone watching a fireworks display: eyes wide, mouth slightly open, and she even threw in an "Oooooh!" for effect. Inside, however, she was carefully memorizing every detail she could about how his magic worked: what did it look like? What sound did it make? Did it give off any strange scents? She watched very carefully, and when it was done, she smiled. It was actually very nice to look at.

"Wow, that's actually pretty cool. Here, let me try!" she said suddenly. She grinned; she always loved seeing people's reactions to this, especially if they didn't know she could do Illusion Magic. The Guildmaster had mentioned it upstairs, but even so, she hoped Lyren wasn't expecting this. Cassandra held out her hand, just as Lyren had, and concentrated her magic. She closed her eyes, focusing on every sensation she could remember from his demonstration. When focused, an almost exact replay of what Lyren had just done happened in her hand, and when she opened her eyes, they were both holding a blade of dark magic. She grinned again and winked. "Like that?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kai followed after Marcus calmly. Once they reached the kitchen he dispelled the ice. The Meat had been perfectly preserved. "Alright..." He calmly began putting on gloves. "I'll be commandeering the kitchen." He said calmly as he began to grab knives and cut the meat up just as he'd seen the villagers do when preparing it. He was a fast learner after all and had to learn how to cook when he was living with Azuron. He continued to cut it skillfully and soon began to season it. He was working very quickly. He didn't even need Marcus there. Or any other chef for that matter. But they could enjoy the show as he moved around prepping pans and other utensils to cook the meal.

Soon he was cooking the slabs of meat he'd cut and a delicious aroma began to fill the air. "That's right... This is the scent." He spoke to himself before looking at Marcus. "Don't dare try to sneak a bite. Eat anything before it's done and you could die." He said with a slight chuckle. "Oh... Um... If it isn't cooked properly it could prove to be deadly. That's what the villagers said." He further explain as he continued to cook. Soon he was even getting plates ready. "Marcus. We have some new members." Kai finally spoke again. Just watching one might have noticed that he was always careful not to speak over the food just in case. He would turn his head, cover his mouth. Something. "So it's time for a good old fashioned Fairy Tail welcoming party." He grinned as he began to serve the meat along with some sides of rice that had been made, fries, etc.

"What do ya think?" He asked as he finished placing each plate and drink on rolling carts used for serving. There were a whole lot. The scent of the food was strong. Good enough to make a person's mouth water with one whiff. And even more pleasing to the eye. Just one of the various Kai had picked up. "Hey... Where's Chewy?" Kai then asked noting his furry friend hadn't been on his head. In fact Chewy was not on Marcus' shoulder sitting. The little thing barked. Chewy was practically weightless and quiet. It wouldn't be surprising if Marcus hadn't even noticed him.

But the fun was soon ended. Chewy leaped from the Titan Mage's shoulder and began to exit the kitchen leading the march out to begin the party. "Well isn't he the little leader." Kai laughed as he began to roll the carts out. As he entered the main room he took a deep breath. Once again the aroma of the food was enough to fill the room. "NEW MEMBERS OF FAIRY TAIL!" Kai shouted to get everyone's attention. "I HOPE I'M NOT INTERRUPTING ANYTHING IMPORTANT! BUT!" He was cheerful as ever. "

AS NEW RECRUITS! LET ME BE ONE OF THE FIRST TO OFFICIALLY WELCOME YOU!" His voice boomed through the guild. "NOW COME GET SOME FOOD! AND THEN!!!!" He paused and took a deep breath. "LET'S PARTYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!" He shouted even louder, if that was possible calling the new members don to him so they could get their serving of the delicious meal. Of course, other's got some. But there were three special plates for the newbies. Yes three. Even without seeing. Kai could smell them. Of course, Marcus' Plate was off to the side with an bit extra as Kai promised.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Jason watched the pair joke around as they headed into the kitchen as he ate the rest of his burger and fries. He sat quietly for the rest of the time, watching the maker wizard summon a sword from dark energy as he turned to look over the rest of the guild. A Dark Make wizard was odd, especially outside of the Dark Guilds, but he supposed it could happen, especially considering that he was a God Slayer not bent on being crazy and evil and finding someone specific to hate and want to kill. Stereotypes hurt and sucked and just didn't need to be around. Shaking his head, he watches the guild go about it's business.

He smiled when Alzack and Bisca and their daughter, Asuka, sat in a corner and joked around, probably remembering some of the times when Asuka was much younger. Jason then looked away in sadness, wishing his parent were there as well. It was hard to deal with sometimes, them being dead, but he always dealt with it in the end. As he finished the burger, he finally noticed the smell of the cooking meat and shook his head. The two of them must be enjoying making the meat if there weren't any blows being thrown yet. Wonder what the other two newbies can do. And...what their names are as well. Making a mental note to ask them later, he almost falls out of the chair when Kai brings out the meat on serving trays.

"NEW MEMBERS OF FAIRY TAIL!" Kai shouted to get everyone's attention. "I HOPE I'M NOT INTERRUPTING ANYTHING IMPORTANT! BUT!" He was cheerful as ever, something that always impressed Jason. He also wondered if Kai could be that cheerful when he was loosing. "AS NEW RECRUITS! LET ME BE ONE OF THE FIRST TO OFFICIALLY WELCOME YOU!" Kai's voice boomed through the guild. "NOW COME GET SOME FOOD! AND THEN!!!!" He paused and took a deep breath, causing Jason to quickly cover his ears. The Dragon Slayer could get some air in his lungs, even when he wasn't using a breath attack. "LET'S PARTYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!"

The rest of the guild practically jumped on the meat, but Jason stayed back and waited, deciding that it would be prudent to let the people that the party was for get their food before his own. Not to mention he'd just finished a burger and didn't have the bottomless belly that the Dragon Slayers all seemed to. Well, except for Wendy. But then again, Carla's like a mother hawk... As if on cue, the white Exceed flew in from outside, landing near Wendy and watching things unfold. "Last time I do that," he mutters, still watching the guild have fun with it. He had no doubt half of them, including Cana, would be drunk by evening time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Redwing


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It seemed that Cassandra was fascinated by Lyren's Dark Make. It was pretty cool in his opinion, especially it if was ones first time seeing dark energy. When the girl mentioned trying it and conjured up a Dark Blade of her own, all the color drained from his face. Almost every single one of the dark mages he had met were insane, it was what dark energy did to one's mind. It corrupted the spirit and ate away at a person until there was nothing left but a mindless killing machine. Some, like his father, could resist it naturally. But he had literally watched the dark energy eat away at his own father's mind. The only reason he wasn't insane himself was because of the magic rune on his chest. Which would only work within six months of birth.

It was then that he remembered what the Guildmaster had said before. She had illusion magic. And the horror turned into anger. The Dark Blade in his hand disappeared as he let the dark energy disappear harmlessly "Dark magic will literally destroy a person from the inside out, steal their sanity, their personality, until nothing is left but a mindless killer. Don't you dare ever joke about it like that again." He said, his voice nothing but a low hiss. He could usually take a joke pretty well. But not when it involved dark magic, especially when a person was naive about it.

One of the mages from earlier, Kai, started yelling something. About welcoming the new members to the guild. He found it hard to feel happy about that with the anger towards Cassandra. But instead of taking it out on her, he turned his attention to Kai, not wanting to hurt anyone with his temper. He wasn't exactly hungry at the moment, but he though it would be rude to not take some. So after a moment, he went over to Kai like all the others were doing. Purposefully ignoring Cassandra for the moment. At least until his anger settled down. He hated his temper, it was yet another gift from his father. But he was doing his best to not take it out on anyone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Marcus didn't really feel like messing with poisonous meat if he could help it so he let Kai do most of the preparing of the meat and only helped out when he was asked to help. He enjoyed being in the kitchen as it reminded him of his travels around the land when he had to prepare his own food to survive. "I've missed our Fairy Tail parties. Though we did have one last week but that is beside the point because this if for some new members." He said to Kai when he was asked what he thought about having a party for the new recruits as his mouth started to water and it took all his focus just not to take all the food and eat it all himself.

When Chewy leaped off of Marcus' shoulder and followed after Kai, he was knocked to the ground and was surprised that he hadn't even noticed that creature sitting on his shoulder for who knows how long. Marcus picked himself up and grabbed several plates to carry out into the main hall where the rest of the people were waiting with watering mouths for the food. He gave a small smile as he heard Kai shout out to everyone that was in the hall and knew that the ice dragon was over doing it just a little bit but didn't matter as he saw his plate set off the the side.

As he settled into a seat in front of his food and watched as the party continued he didn't really feel like being a part of the party all together for some reason. Marcus had a strange itch in the back of his head that he always seemed to get whenever he really wanted to go on a mission and was hoping that the Master would post up the new missions soon so that he could pick a really hard one to do, maybe he would even ask some of the others to join him as he didn't have a set team made.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Gildarts had heard the party start down stairs after all the newbies had made it down. He had sorted through about four jobs that looked promising. Sadly they were all S class jobs except for one. This was a job for a team of six and was a level A Gildarts normally wouldn't post this type of job but he felt confident that someone would rise to the challenge and make a team to take on the job. The details of the job would be explained by himself once there was a team to do so. The other S class jobs were just going to sit there until The others got back. "Wow so only one job that Fairy Tail is going to be able to take care of...well as long as there is going to be a team up to the challenge." Gildarts smiled and got up from his chair. It was party time there was no time to go through the other jobs so he grabbed this one and walked downstairs. Everyone was lively and having a good time, Gildarts was about to have fun to but first he made his way to the Job board and posted the job. "There we go. Now its time for me to party!" Gildarts went to the bar and got his drink and plate. "Kai my boy you have out done yourself!!" Gildarts shouted to Kai as he wolfed down part of the food. "Now everyone have a great time!!" Gildarts was now lost in the fun but he would stay around the bar just in case someone brought the job to him. It had read "For details see Gildarts. For a team of five. Class A job." Now who would it be to bring it to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Iris looked totally devastated in a way, seeing how Gildarts chowed down the food just as instantly, "AND I WAS ABOUT TO EAT!" Ironic for a girl who ate before her guild mates at the first place. She noticed a blue haired guy with a dog and looked at him nonchalantly, she wanted to talk him but then again she does feel a bit lost and can't totally relate with Fairy Tail's relationships, hate to tell herself that she's alone.

Oh well, she approached that guy asap, "Hey, what's up.... ". Her eyes were looking sideways, she can't even look at him straight in the eye, blushing she can't say anything properly as everything were in the tip of her tongue yet she tries to keep her cool, "Can I....I.....I......" Instead she sighed fire out of her mouth not knowing what she would say, Iris was too tense and doesn't seem to be getting in the mood of the party since her focus was bent on demons.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kai laughed a bit. Everyone was eating and enjoying themselves. Still when on of the new recruits approached he could tell the guy didn't seem to happy. "Don't look so down Newbie. Look around. Everyone is celebrating you joining." He said cheerfully giving Lyren a smile. "Oh yeah. I never got your name before." He added with a slight chuckle. "I'm Kai, in case you forgot." He added reintroducing himself happily. Kai was quite pleased with the reception the food and the overall celebration was having so far.

Soon enough though his eyes were met with the sight of Gildarts placing up a new job. Only one? The other's must have been S-Class... Maybe higher. He couldn't really gripe about it though. In truth, the dragon slayer was ready to rush the job and take it for himself as Gildarts joined the party. However, he paused upon hearing the master's words of praise. "It was nothing! Really!" He said in a somewhat bashful tone while rubbing the back of his head. He laughed and enjoyed the words of praise a bit longer before turning his gaze back to the paper.

However, he still couldn't manage to get over there. The reason? A girl. She was stuttering and blushing. "Um... Hi..." He wasn't really sure what she was trying to ask. It was kind of cute though. The way she was acting that is. "Do you want a plate of food?" He asked trying to figure out what she was trying to ask. "Um... I'm Kaito Glacias. Just call me Kai." He then introduced himself while holding out a plate of the food to her. Occasionally, he would eye the paper. not only did he want the job, he was curious about it. Maybe it would be an awesome job. "You're a new recruit too right? What's your name?"

He waited patiently for an answer from each for all of five seconds before he noticed someone moving towards the job board. "AH!" He gasp afraid he'd lose the chance at getting the job. "Let's talk over here!" He said to the two as he grab there hands and pulled them away from the original positions they were standing in. He dragged the two recruits over to the job board and once there released them from his grip and pulled the request from the board. "OOOHHH!!!! It's an A class job!" He said excitedly before reading that a team was needed. There was a certain gleam in his eye as a smirk appeared on his face and he threw his arms around Lyren and Iris. "How would you two like to form a team with me?" He asked presenting them with a new topic of conversation altogether than simple greetings and introductions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Jason had been right behind Kai to look at the job, nodding to Master Gildarts as he passed him. He'd seen him put the job and up and could only ignore his curiosity for so long, even if he had decided to give himself a day off for once. He noticed Kai had grabbed two of the newbies and chuckled quietly to himself. They couldn't have been the only two who were curious about it after all, not with it being the only new job going up while the party was still going. Should be good. Kinda disappointing that the other jobs are probably S Class though, means that all that's left is old jobs that are getting put off because we all are too busy trying get strong enough to take on the S Class guys...

Jason knew he was no exception on the matter, having been doing the same himself over the last few weeks. Of course, it helped that there were plenty of other Fairy Tail members who took the jobs that didn't pose the challenge that he was looking for. Regardless, he still felt guilty about being so picky for his jobs and decided that after checking this one out, he'd go do one of the delivery jobs to pay penance for his pickyness. As he stepped up to get a look at the job, Kai got excited. "OOOHHH!!!! It's an A class job!" That got Jason going as well, it was just where he was qualified. While Kai asked the two newbies about forming a team, Jason snagged the flyer and read it over.

"For details see Gildarts. For a team of five. Class A job." Jason read aloud, looking at the three. "Mind if a God Slayer joins you on this fine adventure? Kai and I don't often get to work together and I'd like to get to know you both."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

The Titan mage was enjoying himself with delicious meat as well as a good amount of drink as he watched everyone partying around him. Gildarts caught his eye when he saw him walk over to the message board and post only one job which made Marcus raise an eyebrow at how few missions under S-rank were showing up which made him curious. He was kind of bummed that he couldn't be the first one to the mission as he saw Kai dragging two of the new recruits over with him to read the mission and than Jason showed up to read the mission as well. He jumped up from his seat and quickly made his way over to where the group was hovering over the page and soon found out he couldn't see over any of them to see the mission. His solution was to walk around until he stood in front of them all and pulled it out of Jason's hands so that he could see the paper for himself and read the mission over.

"Well, looks like this one needs to have a team for the mission to be accepted." He muttered to himself as he looked up at the group of four with a smile. "How do you all feel about going on this mission together? Don't worry this will be fun." Marcus then waved the paper in front of their faces as he felt that they would all want to join no matter what and than expanded his arms until he could envelop all four of the other guild members. "Now bring it in for a group hug." Marcus said to them as he started to feel the effects of the alcohol that was now in his system from his previous drinks.
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