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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stranger
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cassandra simply watched as Lyren stormed off, letting the false blade fade into nothing. "My, someone's serious," she muttered to herself. When the other guy - Kai, was it? - shouted about food, Cassandra was already in better spirits. Food was always a good way to get over things. So, she half-skipped over to the kitchen area and took a portion of the giant slab of meat. It tasted surprisingly good; she had heard someone say something about poison, so she'd been worried about the flavor. She took some note of the people around her, but mostly kept to herself. It wasn't that she didn't like them, but she simply didn't know them that well yet. She was slow to warm up to people was all. As Gildarts posted the mission and everyone excitedly began forming up for it, she finally spoke out loud to everyone.

"Ah, if there's still room, I'd love to go too!" she said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Redwing


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Lyren tried to relax when Kai mentioned something about it. He just got so angry when somebody joked about dark magic, because they usually didn't know what it was like to own it. "I'm Lyren." He said when the other mage reintroduced himself. He heard the Guildmaster mention something about a Class A job for a team of six. He was dying to go on a mission and prove his stuff, but A Class might have been a little much for his first job. He was tough, but having never taken a job before he didn't know how tough A class was. Another person joined him and Kai, it was the strange new recruit who had just barged into the Guildmaster's office. He couldn't remember her name so he'd have to ask about it later.

Suddenly he was being dragged over to what looked like a job board. As Kai pulled the job off the board, Lyren read it over his shoulder. There wasn't much details about the mission itself, just the A class and team part. But with Kai actually wanting him to go on the job, there was no way he was going to refuse. It wasn't in his nature to be scared away by things like how hard a job was. "I'll join you. Its sounds like a good opportunity to get to know some of the other members of the guild." Another of the guild members came over wanting to join the team, he remembered his name being Jason. Then shortly after him, it was the guy who had almost gotten into a fight with Kai and had nearly punched Lyren in the face along with him. To be honest though, he didn't mind him coming along at all. It might be fun actually. Though the hug was a little much.

Then Cassandra came over wanting to join too. Though Lyren was still mad at her, he wasn't going to say no to her joining because he was butt hurt about dark magic jokes. In the span of just a couple of minutes they had their entire party of six. it looked like a really fun and interesting group and Lyren couldn't help but wonder what kind of job needed six people. But he was excited and ready to go either way. "If we can all keep from killing each other, I think we'll be unstoppable." He joked, referring not only to the fact that Kai and Marcus had gotten into a fight. But also the fact that he was mad at Cassandra.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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Kai laughed as soon the party of six was formed. It was awesome to him. Things seemed to work out so quickly. "Alright everyone. If we're gonna do this we're gonna need to go talk with the master." He said with a small smirk. Luckily he'd ducked out of the hug before it happened having been used to this after Marcus drank. It was Likely Jason had moved too prompting the newbies to get caught up by themselves.

Lyren's comment regarding the group keeping from killing each other made him laugh a bit more. "A little playful brawl is still good every so often though." He said with a cheerful smile before snatching the paper back from Marcus, who'd taken it from Jason, who'd previously taken it from Kai. "Now. We should hurry. When it comes to a job every minute counts." He paused. "Oh yeah. Anyone need to do anything before we go report to the master?" He wanted to make sure. They'd head out as soon as possible after all. Would suck to be delayed by any unfinished business. Although... What kind of unfinished business could they possibly have?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

When Marcus went for the hug, Jason had ducked out of the way of his arms, laughing at the three newbies as he ropes them into his group hug. In the time that he'd been a member of Fairy Tail, he'd only gotten caught by two of the Titan magic user's hugs. Once when Jason himself was just as drunk and again when Jason was too worn out from a job to care. Marcus meant well with them, letting his guild mates know that he cared and was there for him, but he had a tendency to underestimate his own strength at the breathing capabilities of his guild mates. Listening to one of the new people talk, the blue haired guy he'd tackled to safety, Jason nods.

"Well, if we're all going to be working together, names would be good. I'm, for those who don't know, I'm Jason. I use God Slayer magic." He looked over the three new people and stopped on the red haired girl, something about her seeming both different and familiar. Maybe she's another slayer? But...we have four Dragon Slayers, a Demon Slayer, and me, the God Slayer. Maybe, if she is another slayer, she's another Dragon Slayer. Shaking his head, Jason dismisses it. It was a mystery that could wait. He listened to Kai speak as well.

"Now. We should hurry. When it comes to a job every minute counts." Kai paused, making Jason wonder what had come to mind. "Oh yeah. Anyone need to do anything before we go report to the master?" Shaking his head, Jason looks at Kai.

"I'm ready to roll when the rest are."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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Member Seen 8 mos ago


OH well it seems we have some guests. Hello all and welcome to Fiore a kingdom in the world of Earthland and in this kingdom is the town called Magnolia. With in this town is a guild called Fairy Tail one of the most power of the legal guilds in Earthland. Inside a party started just after the new recruits sign up. The welcoming party, each is different in its own little way and is signifies new members joining. At this party however a job was posted but the Guild Master Gildarts. Little did any of them know but this job would lead them down a dark path on their return.

-----Fairy Tail Guild Hall-----

Guildarts loved these parties, it meant he got to slow down and actually be part of the guild again instead of approving this or watching over that. During the merriment Gildarts noticed Kai and the others converging on the Job Board. "Hmm so the newbies, Ice boy, short stuff, and joy buzzer? I don't know how this is going to work out but so far they meet the requirements. At that moment Cana came over and leaned on Gildarts. "Well old man you better get back to your job before Erza gets back. You know she will have your hide if they aren't sent on the job properly." Gildarts winced at the fact the Erza would indeed kick his ass if things weren't done right. He might have been the face of the guild but Erza was the back bone that kept things running smoothly. "Alright alright quit ya yammerin. I will go get the brats on the road. He playfully pushed Conna to the side with a smile and began to lumber through the crowd.

He reached them slowly but surely as he was trying not to kick people's asses to get them to move. Approaching the group he put on a great smile. "Well well look who got the job. You lot are in for a treat! So I am going to start of by saying that since this requires a team that you form one....now! Also come up with a name during the job! NOw to get down to business." Gildarts pulled over a table that some others were sitting at. They looked at the guild master and he back at them. They knew they needed to scram for now so they ran off in a poof of smoke. "Now them please take a seat." Gildarts said as he grabbed the chairs and through them into their spots. He didn't wait for them to sit before he started talking about the job. "Alright ladies and gents to start of with this is a slaying job much like the one that Kai just got back from. This time though there seems to be a bunch of monsters terrorizing a town to the east of Magnolia. This town is just starting up so there is little pay but you can keep anything you may find. The monsters usually leave the town alone but something is stirring them up. THe monsters also range from giant spiders to beasts the size of houses. The town has had to rebuild several times already and is thinking about just stopping production all together. We at the Fairy Tail Guild don't want them to quit on their dreams so lets help'em out right!?" Gildarts then took a flagon of ale from the nearby table and drank it down. The guild member it belonged to stared in horror and disbelief as his drink disappeared down the guild masters throat. "So what do you say everyone are ya interested?" Gildarts said as he wiped his mouth then gave a satisfied look.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Jason listened closely as Master Gildarts spoke, considering each aspect of what he was saying carefully. Several monsters ranging from giant spiders to vulcans to monsters that could probably swallow the members of the team in one gulp, probably not all at once, but the thought was still something to cause pause. Still, Jason wasn't about to back down from the first team job he'd done in several weeks just because they could get eaten. For the members of Fairy Tail, jobs like that were almost a regular occurrence. Besides, Kai won't be able to keep from making jabs at Marcus when the times appropriate, he enjoys a good brawl and the one they would have had earlier got interrupted by the guild master himself.

Reaching a decision, he stands and nods to Master Gildarts, a fire burning in his eyes. "Count me in, Master. No one should have their dreams ruined, not for any reason."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stranger
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Rather than concern, Cassandra found the prospect of monsters kind of exciting. She always enjoyed finding new things to use in her illusion magic, and if the monsters were giant, horrifying monstrosities, hey, all the better! "I'm in too," she told the Guildmaster. "I haven't had a chance to show off what I can do yet, so this should be fun."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Redwing


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Lyren listened quietly as the Guildmaster explained the job to them. He wasn't too happy about having to deal with monsters. Monsters were attracted to Dark Magic like moths to a flame. It would certainly make things more interesting that was for sure. Besides, monster hunting was his specialty because of that very reason. He had always found it easier than killing people. And those were pretty much the only types of jobs Dark Guilds got. Assassinations and hunting monsters for their body parts. He was more than ready to be hunting monsters for more than that. Finally he would have his chance to help people, to really make a difference. Even if just for a little town. "You can count me in, monster hunting is what I do best."

He was glad his first job involved monsters. That meant he would really be able to show what he was made of. And if all else failed, he could call every monster in the area to him by releasing some dark aura. Letting him act as a decoy to protect the people of the town, or his new comrades. Or just bring something out of hiding. It wasn't in his nature to let people die, and he certainly wasn't going to let that happen on his first job.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Marcus had a big smile on his face as he listened to the Master talk about the mission that they were all about to go on. He was hoping that there would be some of the beasts that would be able to give him a run for his money and put up a fight instead of the normal case of him being bale to grow bigger than them and just squashing them into dust, there wasn't much that could stand up to him when he grew to his full size and went all out. "Don't worry Master. Now that we are on the case there is nothing to worry about. We could be back by tomorrow is we leave right now." He told the guild master as he cracked his knuckles and looked around at the other members that were going to make up his team.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kai's excitement grew more and more throughout the explanation and details the master gave. And how lucky that they had what, in Kai's mind, would be such a great team. "There's no way I would back out of this job. We'll make sure those people can finish establishing their village. Those monsters won't even know what hit 'em." He said with a smirk as he pounded his right fist into his left palm. He smirked and almot as if on cue Chewy leaped up onto the Gildarts's head and spring boarded off to Lyren's shoulder and from there to Cassandra, to Marcus, to Jason and finally to Kai. The small dog let out a bark, agreeing with what had so far been said as it laid on Kai's head. The Ice dragon slayer laughed a little as the spectacle as many other's probably had if they weren't stunned silent. "Chewy thinks so too. now we should definitely head out!" He said pumping his fist into the air with a cheerfully confident look on his face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

-----Guild Hall----

Gildarts let out a Oaafff as the small dog had jumped on his head. He gave Kai a short glare but then a wide smile. "Alright then seems we have our team! You guys need to come through with this one. This will open up new jobs for us in the future with is upstart village if you all get it right. Oh one bit of bad news before I let all of you go. It seems once the coach that takes you out there won't return back soooo you will be walking back and it is quite a ways there." He handed them a map with a road marked that ran through the woods and lead to a circle. "Well everyone it seems that the other newbie has disappeared into the crowd so she is isn't going to be going with you it seems. So off you go then. Kai, Jason, and Marcus do me a favor and don't butt heads and teach the newbies some good manners. Also if you don't appoint a leader unless you are sure they can lead." He wink winked at all of them and got up. "Oh one last thing. When your ready to leave go see Mira at the bar. She will call the coach for you." Gildarts left them with those words and lumbered up the stairs before grabbing a turkey leg and a pint.

----Cromwell Mansion----

The evil spirit had taken complete control of Rowen's body now. There was nothing in the house to help the boy free himself or give him surges of emotion. He had also trveled to some far away places to obtain some very powerful wizards that he learned about through his Archive magic. Some he had to spread the darkness to but others were very willing to side with him. Soon the war on Fairy Tail would begin. He gave each of them a room and an extra dimensional area to practice their magic in through manipulation of his Contain magic. He layered each door with it so that it would activate when the door was opened. Then the extra dimenson would open whne the person stepped though. It was genius but then again he had plenty of practice himself. "Soon everyone....soon."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Jason looked at the others, giving Kai and Marcus a sidelong look. He could usually keep from picking fights, but he wasn't sure Kai would be able to resist the urge to get Marcus riled up where there was little chance of collateral damage to anything but trees. He turned to the others and smiled, though he would much rather not waste time. "So we're a team. What will our name be?" It was a tradition of sorts for the teams to have names when they did jobs and those teams were always stronger together than they were apart. Natsu, Grey, Erza and Lucy formed what many called Fairy Tail's strongest team ever. Jason hoped to be that strong some day.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Redwing


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Lyren couldn't help but smile when a small dog jumped onto the Guildmaster's head, then used him and everybody else standing there as springboards to get to Kai. He wasn't the biggest animal guy around. But who didn't think dogs were cute? Besides most animals were wary about him because of the dark aura. So when one did decide to approach him, he almost instantly fell in love. He really was a big softie deep down. You just had to dig deep to find it. And that wasn't a part of him that he liked people to find, so you had to earn his trust to even begin to dig.

Though the team he was on looked like a good one, he was a bit concerned that they would end up fighting each other and not the monsters. If that happened he wouldn't hesitate to lure the monsters away from the village. The people and buildings there were top priority on this job. At least in Lyren's eyes. He didn't care about his reputation that much, he had once been a member of a Dark Guild, you don't earn much a reputation past that. He was ready to get out of here already. Talking and strategies weren't really his thing. He preferred the shoot first, ask questions later method. His brain just didn't work like other people's did.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KiltmanBagz
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

A soft snoring sound rose up from a bundle of various blankets and sheets upon a hammock that seemed to rock back and forth gently from movement caused by whoever laid buried and sleeping in all that comfort. The mage beneath preferred the hanging bed to a traditional one, she spent a few years before seeking out a guild to join working on various ships doing various jobs. It was in a way proof to her, in some small way, that she didn't really deserve the title her magic gave to her. She knew what happened to other, proper dragon slayers when they were on modes of transportation. But years at sea was the natural place for her to start honing her magic, even if she could only go so far with trial and error. It also helped her look for some things, but it was too early to think about that.

As the sun rose higher and higher into the morning finally a shaft of light broke through her curtains and managed to find a crack through the cocoon of bedding and caused the figure beneath it all to stir and moan complaint at the sky. Like a mole grudgingly leaving it's hibernation spot for a nearly spring Klisa Bay dug herself free from her sleeping pile. The young woman was not what you would call a morning person by any means. Her alarm clock laying half smashed in a puddle of salt water all the way across the room was proof enough for this. She looked at the wreckage of it blearily and mumbled "Drat...my aim is getting better." She roll from the suspended bed and put her pair feet on the cold floor shiver a bit at the contact. She walked over to a drawer and pulled out a new alarm clock to place on her night stand.

More out of chance than really meaning to she glanced at the time on the clock and all but dropped it on the ground. "OH PUDDLES!" she yelped, fumbling for the time piece before regain her hold on it and looking at the time again. "T-THAT LATE! OH NO! THE NEW JOBS ARE SURELY POSTED BY NOW!" She knew her being a new member that getting jobs before the more senior ones would be tough if she didn't show up early. It had barely been a week since she got her Fairy tail guild stamp, a sea-foam green on the top of her left AND right foot, what could she say she liked being symmetrical, and she was going to be jobless right off the bat.

She through on her sandals and light blue dress that rested lightly on her small frame, quickly pulling her long black hair into a twin pair of low hanging ponytails and ran out the door. She exploded out of the hole in the wall apartment she lived in with all the hast her young legs could manage turning corns so fast she nearly lost her footing a few times before half tripping through the guild door.

What greeted her almost completed the tripping job, the site of a proper guild bash going on. A full on party with drinking and eating and merriment to spare. She blinked a bit, surprised and confused by the revelry. "Oh...uh, did I forget something? Is today special? Is it someone's birthday?" She questioned, more to herself than to anyone inparticulare.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Marcus shooed the dog away as he was jumped on for the second time that day and thought that that was one to many times to be jumped on. "Well, I need to stop by my house to get some supplies before we leave anyway so if you could have the coach stop by my place to pick me up when we are ready to go." He told the rest of the group before be disappeared back into the party as he made his way to the front door so that he could head back to his own house. Near the front door he saw a girl standing there that seemed to be confused about what was going on. "Your Klisa right? You joined last week if I can remember correctly. You seem a little confused but don't worry this is pretty normal around here, this party is for welcoming some new recruits into the guild as of today." He told her with a smile before he headed out the front doors as he hurried back to his apartment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Why should we pick you up?! Just meet us at the train station in 15!" The ice dragon slayer called out to his bud sounding a little annoyed. Of course, he wasn't. Marcus was likely to understand that. But if childish antics such as that was the least of the budding team's worries. Even so he he couldn't help, but get a bit restless. Things were taking a bit too long for Kai's taste. "We'll worry about things like team names and the formalities later. Right now there are people in dire need of us and we shouldn't be wasting time with this." He said quickly. He was ready to head out now, but he paused.

Kai sniffed at the air for a moment. It was noticeable. The scent of a fellow dragon slayer. If there was one thing he was proud of it was his nose and he caught the scent of the week old newbie. "Heh... By the way Master. We'll be adding a member to the team." He said calmly. "Um... You know her... The other dragon slayer. Klisa i think. Put her down as a member of the team. I wanna see what she can do." He said in a rather cheerful manner before pounding his left fist into his right palm. "Now. Let's hurry up and get out of here." He said as he began to walk towards the entrance.

He didn't feel they had time to explain completely. So as he was passing by Klisa he grabbed and lifted her onto his shoulder. "Come on! We're heading out on a job!" That was the most information he gave her. And the most he would give her until he decided to listen to her and let her down. “Hurry up everyone! We don’t have time to waste!”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Jason watched Kai give a joking chastisement to the guild's resident titan and sighed. Couldn't he let something go without making a remark? Despite all that, he nodded in agreement when Kai said that they should get going. "I am in agreement with Kai. The longer we wait, the longer these villagers go without any safety." He turned to head for the door just before Kai did, passing Klisa with a friendly smile and heading for the station. It would be an interesting trip to say the least, at least with this group. Let's see here...fists fights, magic brawls, drunken brawls...I could keep going, but it would be a waste of time better spent getting to the village.

"Come on! We're heading out on a job!" Jason turned when he heard Kai speak to see him sling poor Klisa over his shoulders. That had to be somewhat embarrassing for the Sea Dragon Slayer. Even Wendy, to his knowledge, had never been picked up like that, but he could be wrong. Facing forward again, Jason took in the peaceful bliss of Magnolia while they were still in it, since it would probably be the last time he saw it for a couple of days at the very least.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Gildarts nodded everyone away as the party began to die down. "Alright now off you go everyone!" The coach had pulled up outside and it was an extra long magic coach. Every member fit comfortably and the old driver whaled to them. "Alright everyone sit your asses down!! Things are about to get a little bumpy!!!" The coach lurched forward with such speed that it was almost impossible but they were moving along at a great speed. "YEE-HAW!!"

8 Hours later.....

The coach stopped in the middle of a wooded area. Several men and women were gathered around some log cabins and others were chopping down some trees off to the side for building new homes. In the center of the log cabins that were piled around was a slightly bigger log cabin. It was adorned with antlers and skins and on the porch sat an older man. Sitting there waiting on the heroes to arrive.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Jason had sat quietly for most of the ride, and had, with little embarrassment, fallen asleep after about an hour. As he slept, he did two things; the first was snore so loudly that he would surely wake the dead. The second was dream of happier times with his family when he was young, even going so far as to dream up ways that he could have been happy with them as he got older. But it always went the same, it would start happy and then the Unending Shadow dark guild would appear and turn it into a blood bath, with him tossing and turning, with the occasional small spark of lightening shooting of of him. When the coach finally stopped, he jolted awake with a gasp and quickly looked around, relaxing when he remembered and recognized where he was.

Stepping out with the others, Jason spots the bigger cabin and indicates it. "I think we should look there first. Anyone else?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kai fumbled out of the cart with a loud groan. "I... Hate... Everything..." He growled as he tried to regain his footing. On top of dealing with the motion sickness of the ride, there was also the whole Jason sleeping and sparks flying thing. He couldn't imagine it would have been much better for Klisa. Of course, Chewy spent most of the ride with her. Little traitor Kai thought as the pup remained with the girl nibbling on her hand and tugging lightly to try and get her up and out of the coach. Thought she might not feel much more than a tickle as Chewy, in his casual pup form, didn't have much power... He literally couldn't hurt anyone by biting as he was. Though most would be surprised as his ferocity when transformed. Stil the fact of the matter was that in truth the pup just felt bad that his master had forcefully abducted the dragon slayer.

"Jason... I'm gonna need you to handle the talking for a bit..." Kai said still out of it as he placed his hand on his friend's shoulder. He didn't really think Marcus should do it. Someone might make a snide comment about his height and he'd go off. Couldn't have that now could they. "Guys... Hurry... Up..." He then struggled to raise his voice to the rest of the group.

(Kai may be a bit over dramatic about the motion sickness. XD)
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