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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Marcus had been enjoying the ride to their job as he had just got a magic instructional book about physical steam magic and was switching between reading the book and poking fun of Kai's motion sickness which gave him joy. When they came to a stop he put the book away in his backpack which also held a couple of Lacrima crystals just encase he needed them and jumped out of the coach. He looked around at the village and gave a sigh at how new everything was which meant that they had probably just been attacked and than smiled to himself when he realized that the beasts might attack again which meant he would get to fight them soon. "Suck it up Kai." Marcus told the weakened Dragon Slayer and patted him on the back before stepping forward and leading the group in the direction of who appeared to be the village leader.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KiltmanBagz
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And just like that they young girl was swept away by one of the other dragon slayers of the guild. At first she had been too stunned to react. Eventually she began struggle though was in an unfavorable position to struggle. She considered blasting the dragon slayer carrying her off like a bloody Neanderthal with a spray of sea water but her control still wasn't that great and couldn't be sure she wouldn't actually use a proper attack rather than just wet his pants. Before she knew it she was off on a mission with a decent group of guild members. She only half knew most of them given she was rather new over all. And Klisa...well, she was a little bit on the shy side. Not that she didn't like meeting people and making friends of course, but you'd be shy to if you spent 90 percent of your early life in a single manor with the safe handful of people. Traveling the seas had helped alleviate some of that, but it still wasn't her strongest social aspect. She did her best to engage with the others and learn about what exactly they were going out to do, though she did little to contribute to the conversations at large.

She was mostly content enjoying the company of the pup in her lap. The little beastie was playful and adorable. She had always wanted a pet. Her Fathers Wife, she didn't really think of her as a step mother you see...you'd have to have actually acted like a mother for that, had forbad even her half brother from bringing animals into the house. Between the pleasant pups company and seeing Kai's unpleasant reaction to the traveling she more or less forgave him shanghi-ing her off on this quest.

She tried to not address the fact that she didn't really have the same kind of reaction. She had never been caused any kind of grief from travel. 'That because you aren't a real dragon slayer' a sinister little voice in her head whispered. Odd that the voice sounded a lot like her father's wife 'you are a bastard and a thief, unworthy of this power'. With effort she pushed the thoughts from her mind and followed the rest out into the small town. She blinked at the sight "My...not a large town is it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Redwing


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Lyren was silent for the entire coach ride, listening contently to any conversations that were had on the way. He had just barely joined the guild and here he was being swept off into a monster hunt with a bunch of people he didn't know. They would need to learn the magics of each other if they were going to know how to work together. Otherwise it would be even more chaotic than it already was. Different magic types would have different uses, depending on the monsters they would be facing. His Dark Magic would be useful for attracting and distracting everything, while the bladed weapons he created would be able to cut through any none demon there was. Unfortunately demons just absorbed Dark Magic. Which was why Dark Guilds usually just made contracts with them, not hunted them.

Lyren was so focused on his thoughts that he hadn't even realized they arrived until people started getting out of the coach. When he saw the village, an immense feeling of guilt settled in the pit of his stomach. A few years ago he had remembered Crimson Tear getting a job to hunt some monsters in the area. The members who had gone on it had used the village as bait in order to find the monsters. He had been one of the members on the job. He had really tried to stop the monsters from attacking the village, but that was hard to do when three other mages wanted them to attack. He suddenly wished his cloak had a hood so he could hide his face. The villagers shouldn't recognize him, but if they did...

Lyren shook his head. He may not have done anything then, but he was making it up now. Hopefully after he helped save their village they could forgive him for what he had done in the past. Unintentional or not, he still considered himself having a hand in destroying this place.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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The older man sat up in his chair as a couch pulled up and blurry images crawled out of it. "Hey there Clemmines! Dropping off supplies or is it finally those youngsters from the Fairy Tail guild?" He asked as it seemed someone was walking towards him.

Clem stood up from the coach driver seat and waved. "Darwin you blind old geezer its the Fairy Tail group here to kill those damned monsters! Now get your ass on the porch and shake some hands if you can see a foot in front of your face!" Clem sat back down and hooked himself back up to the coach. "Have a good one everybody." Clem said as he drove off leaving the group in a dust cloud.

Darwin got out of his chair and felt along the railing to the steps. "Hello everyone! Come on in everyone. I have snacks for everyone and the details of the location you will be scouting for the monsters." Darwin shuffled to the door opened it and went inside. He then poured himself some water and left it on the table with some glasses. So that the others could do the same. He sat at the end of the table and waited for the others.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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Finally feeling better Kai sighed hearing Marcus. "Whatever Marcus. I just don't want you to ruin things with your temper." He said calmly before shaking his head. "Anyway..." He stoped when he heard Klisa. "Oh right... Klisa... Sorry about bringing you along against your will." Kai said laughing a bit rubbing the back of his head. "I figured it would be a way for you to go on a job and show what you're made up." He said with a smile. Chewy was sitting on Klisa's shoulder. "I suppose you'd like to know what you've been pulled into so." He stopped when the old man spoke. "If the old man doesn't say anything than I'll explain more in detail." He said to her before following Darwin's Orders.

He took a seat once getting inside and smiled hearing the old man. "That'll be great and helpful." He wasn't very thirsty so he didn't grab a glass. "However, I think it'd be best is some of us went and some stay just in case monster's showed up while the scouting is done." He then said since he felt that would be the best answer. "Of course, we'd be taking shifts." It would probably be best if there were two groups. Each group would have a dragon slayers. They could probably sniff out the monsters. For now he'd leave these details for later. It was better this way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KiltmanBagz
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Kilsa gave Kai half frown, though it was obviously not all that sincere. I mean really, who can actually stay mad when they had a puppy on their shoulder? "Well thank you for including me, but it would have been nice to been ASKED if I wanted to go. I did want a job mind you, but still." she replied "As apology, for the time being, I will be keeping Chewy here as company. At least until the mission starts." she said as her frown turned into a small pleased smile, rising up a hand to scratch behind the pups ear. Her eyebrows raised up and her ears nearly visible perked to attention when the man mentioned snacks and water. "Oh! thank goodness! I was in such a rush this morning I missed breakfast." She admitted with only minor embarrassment.

She took a seat and grabbed a few bites to eat and the largest glass of water she could find. She took a few experimental sips of it, seemed to consider the water for a moment, then placed the cup down. She reached into her travelers bag and produced a bag of sea salt. She poured a rather large helping into the cup and mixed it up with a spoon. She then drained the cup in a single long draft ending with a content sigh as the last drops of the home made salt water satisfied her dragonslayers thirst for the sea. She continued to nibble at the provided snacks and listened the planed that was suggested out. Marcus had a good point. Her sense had been superhumanly increased since absorbing the larcim. She was still getting used to the keener sight, smell, and hearing that came with her magic. While working on ships she could smell big storms coming before there was any really evidence that a maelstrom was brewing. It had helped her save many lives on the crews she worked for.

"I'll Volunteer as the defensive dragonslayer." Kilsa stated. "My spells are good for weakening targets, so I could help minimize their potential threat to any of the villagers if they show up here."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Redwing


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Lyren followed everyone inside the cabin and took a seat at the table. He didn't want to be rude, but he wasn't thirsty so he didn't take a glass of water. He was grateful for the fact that the man didn't seem to recognize him, not that there was much risk of that anyway. He'd rather keep his past with the village to himself. Just like anything about his past really. It still unnerved him that the Guildmaster seemed to know everything. Especially the parts before his personality and morals developed and he had carried out jobs for his father. Unfortunately he did have some blood on his hands.

Kai spoke about some strategies that would work. And a girl that Lyren didn't know volunteered for defense. "I can be on both offense or defense." Lyren said, shifting impatiently in his seat. He was definitely the type to sit still for longer a minute or so. And he hated waiting for action to start. "My magic can slay anything type of monster except demons, they just absorb Dark Magic. And my aura will attract them like moths to a flame." He looked at the village leader apologetically. "Sorry sir, I'm afraid you have a Dark Mage among your saviors. But I can assure you that my mind is my own and I'm in no danger of losing it."

Not that it would give the man any comfort. He had probably stopped listening the moment he heard Dark Mage. Everybody always did. He just hoped he could prove himself in this fight. His magic may have been dark, but he himself wasn't. Lyren didn't have much of a choice in the magic type he used, he had literally been born into it. But that wasn't going to stop him from being one of the good guys. Who said darkness had to be evil?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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Jason weighed his own options carefully, having taken a seat near the village leader and thanked him for the food and water, which he ate and drank more out of respect than need. He always did like the taste of lightening better. As Kai spoke, suggesting both an offensive and defensive team, he put even more thought into where he would be needed. His own magic wasn't the best for keeping buildings in one peace..."I'll go offensive. Lightening strikes in a village, especially a freshly built one, is not conducive to it's survivability." He knew no one who knew him well would object, since the God Slayer was infamous for destroying entire town blocks when using his breath attack. Not that he tried to, it just sorta...happened.

"I also recommend you take the offensive as well, Kai. The two of us have made a powerful team in the past." He smiled to himself after putting the Ice Dragon Slayer on the spot, knowing Kai would get him back. The truth was there, their Freezing Lightening Dragon God Roar was a powerful unison raid. That had been used once and totally on accident during a fight with some bandits. Though they still complimented each other well for their fighting styles.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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"Well we didn't have time to waste. Beside you might have said no." Kai said laughing a little before placing a hand on Klisa's shoulder. "Just relax. Help keep the village safe. Show them and the guild what you're made of." He smiled.

After that the meeting had gone down rather well. And his plan worked fairly well. "Alright so I'll go out with Jason and Lyren." He said calmly. With that he felt he should explain a bit. "One dragon slayer should be in each team. Which means that Klisa who volunteered to stay behind on defense should remain. Chewy will likely be a good ally in a fight if any giant beast show up. Marcus for the same reason. These three should be able to repel monster and keep them away from the village with the least collateral damage, if they keep focused on watch their surrounding." Kai was thinking more strategically. It was a mindset most would expect him to have based on his usual behavior and how he carries himself. But thinking was an important part of how he fought.

"Meanwhile, Jason and I who have more trouble keeping the damage to our surroundings to a minimum will need to stay a bit farther away from the city. And possibly even take down some monsters while we're out. Lyren with be a great help since his magic is malleable and great for slaying monsters as well." Kai finished and stood up. "Unless there are complaints we should probably head out right away." He then said before placing a hand on Lyren's shoulder. "And we need to talk about something to as soon as we can." The part was said quietly. It could probably wait a bit, but to Kai it was fairly important.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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The old man clapped his hands together and raised them above his head shaking them appreciatively. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!! We of this town hope to get these monsters out of here. Also my boy with the dark magic. I have something to say to you..." The old man sigh and stood up. "... the behavior of the person makes the magic it may be labled as dark magic but none the less you are a shining light my boy. No matter what you have done with it before this it does not matter." The man sat back down and took a drink. "So it is decided then. Two teams of three?" The old man looked around for confirmation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Redwing


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Lyren was glad that he wasn't the only one who though that Dark Magic didn't mean dark person. It meant a lot of him that the him who ran the village he had unintentionally wronged felt the same way. He looked at the two he would be paired up with Kai and Jason huh? He wondered what kind of group they would make and how well they would work together. Well, only one way to find out. And that was to get out there and fight side by side. No matter what, it was certain to be fun. He looked up at Kai when the other mage put a hand on his shoulder and told him quietly that they needed to talk about something.

Lyren had no idea what he wanted to talk about, but he wasn't going to refuse. "Yeah, sure, we can do it before we head out. I think the monsters can wait for an ass kicking a little longer." He ended with a confident grin, ready to go monster hunting. The Dark Mage stood up, flexing the fingers on his right hand as he did. Both his tell and his habit that he used either before a fight or before he summoned a new weapon. "I'm ready when you guys are. Let's take these things out."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KiltmanBagz
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KiltmanBagz Should have figured out gender before my handle

Member Seen 1 mo ago

As the plan was hammered out the teams divided up Klisa couldn't help be feel excitement growing inside of her. It was her first mission as a member of fairy tail, they had a strong plan and many capable hands, no less than 3 dragon slayers and she was fairly certain that one of the members of their team was a god slayer as well! She could only think of a handful of guilds who could claim practioners of such heavy hitting magical styles; even if this group wasn't exactly as practiced as some the names of these lost magics carried weight for a reason. The power this team could bring down against a foe would be impressive indeed.

But even as her excitement made her heart race as a little apprehension if she was honest with herself. two important things came stood out in her mind. A: When she had spent some time surving on the ship of a retired navy captain he had given her what he considered one of the best bits of knowledge he acquired in his years of working the live of professional combatant. That no plan survives the first enjoyment with the enemy proper. Something always goes wrong, and while she had been on ships before with important jobs that caused men and women's lives to be in her hands this was different. These weren't sailors who knew the risk of the sea. These were people who just wanted to live in peace and if she failed her job their homes or even their lives could be lost. Second, they were members of Fairy Tail. The guild notoriously famous for their collateral damage. She was worried that if fighting did break out that the homes and lives lost would been not because of their monsters but rather their defenders.

She sighed and tried to tell herself that was why she and the other defending mages were in that job, because they were best suited to protect and avoid such issues, but then her mind went back to that little tidbit about how plans never really survive as they are laid out. She shook her head and took a deep, steadying breath. She was a guild mage darn it, jitters or no she was going to do her job and defend these people and kick some monster ass!.

"Plan sounds solid to me." she replied, her voice not quite as confident as it could have been now that she was considering all that could go wrong. "I'm ready when everyone else is."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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-----Cromwell Manor-----

Rowen popped open his eyes. He felt a surge of energy in one of his orbs, which meant someone from Fairy Tail finally entered an area and triggered on of his sensor orbs. He looked into the orb and laughed. It appeared to be a boy. Rowen remotely brought up a data file on the boy. "Well you seem to have been in Fairy Tail for at bit and no one is around to see you disappear so..." Rowen snapped his fingers and the sensor orb that Marcus had triggered expanded and he was now trapped in a null space. Trapped in time and cut off to the rest of the world the orb with Marcus in it winked out of existence where is was and winked back in next to Rowen." SO much untapped potential and knowledge. I will put you to good use." The orb then floated to up into a machine and attached itself like a battery would fit into something. Ever lasting magical energy is what this machine would give him connected to it through his magic he would be able to collect more of these and make himself stronger. First Fairy Tail then the world. Rowen began to laugh crazily.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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"Get to work as soon as possible." Kai said before getting up out of his chair and heading to the door. He glanced back at Lyren and Jason and motioned for them to come along. With that the three were on their way out. "We should probably stick together just in case. And lets not go to far away from the village." He suggested calmly as he walked. "It'll be best to keep at a safe distance and watch for monsters. And then if any show we can make sure to be close enough to intervene before anything major happens."

As he walked he through one of his arms around Lyren's shoulders forcing the mage to hunch over just a bit bringing him closer. It might have been a bit uncomfortable to be honest. "And you. I hope you take what the old man said to heart and just be glad I wasn't the one beating the lesson into you." The ice dragon laughed a bit. "It's the mage. Not the magic. If you dwell on the past it'll only consume you." He smirked. "Wouldn't want that now would we? Right Jason?" He called out to his bud. By now they were already out of the village and continuing to walk a bit further out. Kai really wasn't wasting anymore time. "Just think about it." He finally said after a brief silence as he stepped away from Lyren giving him a little space. "Alright?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Redwing


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When it was time, Lyren followed Kai and Jason out of the cabin. Kai's plan sounded solid, so he simply agreed to it. Ready for anything at any moment. That was rule one of monster hunting, never let your guard down. That's how people got killed. He didn't have to wonder long what it was that Kai wanted to talk about. The other mage slung an arm around the Dark Mage's shoulders, forcing him to hunch over a little bit. Lyren instantly tensed up, not sure what to expect. For all he knew the other mage meant to kill him. But no, it was worse than that. It was yet another, it isn't the magic but the mage speech. Though Kai used the wrong word during part of it. Consume. Lyren could have just brushed it off, if not for that word.

Lyren paused in his steps and Kai moved away to give him some space. "It isn't me you have to give that speech to. Its everybody else. I didn't say that to the old man for my sake, but for his. I'm the only currently living Dark Mage who still has their mind and sanity. People don't trust me and they never will. The past would consume me? My own freaking magic would if not for this." Lyren pulled his shirt to the side, showing Kai the rune that protected him from going insane. Lyren went silent after that, wondering how the others would react to that. Only Dark Mages and those who knew Dark Mages knew the true. This was one case where it really wasn't the mage, it was the magic. Lyren was trying his hardest for people to ignore the magic and see the mage. But with his reputation it just wasn't happening.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Jason stepped between the pair after Lyren showed his rune, putting a hand on both their shoulders. "Lyren, the past is more capable of consuming a man than any magic can, and that's based solely on what I've seen when," he stops and thinks about how to continue, "Well, the most relevant example is when a dark guild mage switches to become a light guild mage after some kind of revelation. Though that mage's magic might be considered dark and consuming, his past is what truly hurts him, and he spends the rest of his life making too many rights to make up for too few wrongs. His guilt at the things he did destroying him far more thoroughly than any other force."

Stepping back again, Jason decides to keep a focus on looking for monsters, listening carefully to the back ground noises and all that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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----Meanwhile back at Fairy Tail----

Gildarts slammed his cup down on the table as he finished off another drink. It seemed the party wouldn't end today which was fine with him. They had been celebrating for a couple of days now since the others had left and as soon as they did Natsu had come strolling in making an uproar about returning from a month long S class mission. First thing he did was challenge Gildarts to a drinking contest.

"Alright gramps you win!" As Natsu collapsed on the table drunker than the normal. "I bet you couldn't beat in a fist fight though." He said as he stumbled to his feet.

"Please Natsu don't embarrass yourself." Gildarts said as he batted Natsu away, who promptly fell. Gildarts looked over at a table and noticed a newbie sitting there. Gildarts strolled over to the table and sat next to the girl. "I am sorry that I am not good with names but weren't you supposed to be on a mission with the other newbies and a couple of the others? They left about a couple of days ago so why didn't you go with them?" He asked slightly concerned for the girl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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A change of atmosphere is settled. Iris looked at Gildarts; "Why would I wanna go with them? My magic is meant for one purpose." She mumbled in a soft tone of voice. For the past two days, Iris can't bring herself to bond with other guild members, she's just doing low ranked missions, and drinking left and right, minding her own business. For her, it's nice to see the guild happy but in her own vendetta, she questions herself all the time,why join Fairy Tail? But scratch that. I joined Fairy Tail on a whim but..... Thinking to herself and making a half assed resolve.

She keeps herself together and talked to Gildarts. "The name is Iris, Gildarts-san. I just got plenty on my mind." Looking embarrassed at herself, she can't even look at Gildarts straight in the face. "Not that I'm shy or anything.......I have no clue on what to do." She sighed. [/i]Sheesh, I can't just be mean and act stupid[/i]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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----Fairy Tail----

Gildarts scoffed at her way of thinking. "Well if that is how you feel I mean who knows what they will run in to out there. The townspeople said they saw monsters and that they ransacked the village at night. Who is to say that devils are among them?" He stood up and turned around about to walk away. "Iris it will do you some good to get to know some of these people here. They are here for you because Fairy Tail is more than just a place for jobs or a hang out...its a place where poeple can count on one another in all situations...its a family." With that Gildarts walked away.

Natsu grabbed at the old mans foot but lost his grip. Suddenly he sobered up quickly and jumped up in front of Iris. "Sooo what were you and the old man talking about? Hmmmmm?" A flaggon flew through the air and knocked Natsu in the head.

"I heard that Natsu! Now be nice!" Gildarts was only messing around of Natsu but had a serious tone to his scolding.

Natsu rubbed his head and mumbled lowly. "So your one of the new guild members huh? Well what ya sitting around here for!? Why aren't you out on a job? I heard a few new members and a some others went out on a job. Wait...that is what you were talking about with Gildarts then? Want to go but needed permission. Yeah no sweat lets just go he won't mind." Natsu got up and took the girl's hand. "We can get there fairly easily just follow me." He smiled as he pulled on her hand for her to get up and come with him. Lucky he knew exactly where they were supposed to be going as Natsu was supposed to be checking on the team anyway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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A family... Iris was struck by Gildarts' speech, she knew what is a family yet she continues to deny it even if the answer is right in front of her. Speaking of what's right in front of her, it was that fiery flame boy Dragon Slayer, Salamander Natsu. "Yeah, we were j--" she was shocked as Natsu grab her hand and it felt a little bit embarrassing but she still stay cool, she coughed. "As I was saying. I'm going out on a job and I want to team up with you." She smiled reluctantly and continued. "I was just going with what Gildarts-san suggested. After all we're both Fire Mages, Natsu. " she can't look him straight but still tries because of the embarrassment of having her hand held. "I'm all fired up..." She smiled reluctantly and embarrassed at the same time, she even copied Natsu's quote, for starters to get the guy lead the way and make him entertained.
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