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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Raze quickly slipped through the legs of one of the Death knights. "Your main strength is relying on others to fight for you? ...Odd..." He said in the same growling voice. He then jumped and made a quick slashing motion at the back of the head of the Death knight he maneuvered under. If the blow met it would of cleanly removed the knight's head from it's shoulders. Regardless if that succeeded or not Raze would of launched himself forward by kicking off the body of the Death knight he just attacked and bringing his knee into the face of the Death knight directly in front of him with enough force to easily break a face plate.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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"I'd rather get to know you more, Roxy. You seem like the kind of girl who lives multiple lives. Now what i want to know what you learned from all those lives. Like how would you react to.... This!" Lucius flung something out his sleeve towards Roxy, and it was a collapsible baton. This told Lucius that he had some of his weapons back, though he will have to wait for the right time to see if he has his Morning Star.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Lucius Cypher said
Lucius flung something out his sleeve towards Roxy, and it was a collapsible baton. This told Lucius that he had some of his weapons back, though he will have to wait for the right time to see if he has his Morning Star.

Roxy had no idea what he was talking about. She didn't know anyone that lived several lives. She had just the one. She tried to learn for her experiences. But she was slow and unnatural. She easily dodged the item that he threw at her. She didn't bother looking at the item so she didn't know what he threw at her. "Interesting."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

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Saarebas said
Raze quickly slipped through the legs of one of the Death knights. He said in the same growling voice. He then jumped and made a quick slashing motion at the back of the head of the Death knight he maneuvered under. If the blow met it would of cleanly removed the knight's head from it's shoulders. Regardless if that succeeded or not Raze would of launched himself forward by kicking off the body of the Death knight he just attacked and bringing his knee into the face of the Death knight directly in front of him with enough force to easily break a face plate.

The armor of the Death Knight protected him, but he was sent falling down, but now the three other knights are striking him, on slashes from left, one from right and the other from behind him, in front of him was the other knight who was now getting up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KindledBeast
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KindledBeast Lazarus

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Lucius Cypher said
Lucius flung something out his sleeve towards Roxy, and it was a collapsible baton. This told Lucius that he had some of his weapons back, though he will have to wait for the right time to see if he has his Morning Star.

Alastair watched a another god challenge Roxy he started to panic he ran towards her and the other god grabbing te hit of his sword on the way he spun the blade in his hand and stopped I don't of Roxy and Lucius. "You're going to fight me instead." Alastair said standing In front of Roxy, "I told you I'd keep my word." He said with a smile facing lucius.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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Perry smiles her expression pure an predatory
"This is more like it" she thinks as she stands
Her blood red wings appear though remain transparent
In her hand appears Arbitrator
"Strange" she thinks "I haven't yet decided to become involved or on who's side"
The latter part of that thought causes her to giggle
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 1 day ago

Saarebas said
Claw Raze attacked two of the knights, one with his claw the other with a knee to the face

The two knights are pushed back by the strike but the one in the back plunges his sword into Raze's back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius looked as Alister intervened in his fight with Roxy. A smirk appeared on his face. "Oh? You would have two opponents now, Alister? Come now, at least let Roxy fight her own battles." Lucius shot a quick glance at Zed, who he knew was Alister's opponent. "You don't mind if I fight Alister, do you? He was your opponent after all." Not that Lucius was particularly waiting for an answer. If Alister wished to champion for Roxy, that was his prerogative. Lucius's body began to glow ominously bright. As the seconds past, it grew more and more difficult to look directly at Lucius due to how bright his body was becoming, until eventually the entire room was covered in a blinding light.
Machina had to cover her eyes as Lucius was starting to brighten up the entire room, but she was also a bit concerned with Alister's opponent. She didn't know why he suddenly decided to stop fighting Zed to fight Lucius, though this was certainly a sudden change of events that pique her interest. More importantly, some of the side-line fighters began to draw their weapons. Machina didn't want to falter and tried to summon her armor onto her, which she succeeded in doing. She began to float just a few inches off the ground as her legs were covered in thick metal armor, and a set of wings made from blades appeared on her back. These weren't just normal blades however; each one was a different type of gun which she could use interchangeable. She didn't have her Blood Scythe however, not that she was going to rely too much on it. But Machina didn't attack anyone, rather, she was getting ready for the inevitable melee that would occur.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

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KatherinWinter said
"Come in." The Supreme Being called to them.

Athena and Magnus walked in first and then Ares, he lumbered over magnus and placed his hands on his shoulders and patted them, Athena sat down and looked at the supreme, "we came to talk about my son Supreme, i understand he caused a fight today"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KindledBeast
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KindledBeast Lazarus

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lucius Cypher said
Lucius looked as Alister intervened in his fight with Roxy. A smirk appeared on his face. Lucius shot a quick glance at Zed, who he knew was Alister's opponent. Not that Lucius was particularly waiting for an answer. If Alister wished to champion for Roxy, that was his prerogative. Lucius's body began to glow ominously bright. As the seconds past, it grew more and more difficult to look directly at Lucius due to how bright his body was becoming, until eventually the entire room was covered in a blinding light.Machina had to cover her eyes as Lucius was starting to brighten up the entire room, but she was also a bit concerned with Alister's opponent. She didn't know why he suddenly decided to stop fighting Zed to fight Lucius, though this was certainly a sudden change of events that pique her interest. More importantly, some of the side-line fighters began to draw their weapons. Machina didn't want to falter and tried to summon her armor onto her, which she succeeded in doing. She began to float just a few inches off the ground as her legs were covered in thick metal armor, and a set of wings made from blades appeared on her back. These weren't just normal blades however; each one was a different type of gun which she could use interchangeable. She didn't have her Blood Scythe however, not that she was going to rely too much on it. But Machina didn't attack anyone, rather, she was getting ready for the inevitable melee that would occur.

"I beat my opponent he was in the ground and my sword was at his throat, you're my new opponent." Alastair smirked seeing him start to glow Alastair snapped his fingers and his sword disappeared. He had to retain a blance so that he could use his powers getting rid of his wepon and using his powers instead would restore a balance. Alastair put his hands out to his sides and started absorbing the incandescent light turning it black the veins in his arms started turning black and became more obvious. In a matter of seconds he would have absorbed all the light.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Thantos said
Athena and Magnus walked in first and then Ares, he lumbered over magnus and placed his hands on his shoulders and patted them, Athena sat down and looked at the supreme, "we came to talk about my son Supreme, i understand he caused a fight today"

"Yes he did. While I understand that fighting is part of his nature it is against the rules. If he continues he could threaten the treaty and this school. " The Supreme Being told him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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As Alister absorbed the light, Lucius set up the field. He moved a bunch of the gym equipment into the battle, partly to use as cover, but also because he had plans for them. Lucius tossed his Morning Star over to Alister, expecting him to either get beaned or catch it. Either way, Lucius wasn't where he was before. He was actually right next to Roxy. "So, are you really going to let him fight for you, or will you give up without a fight?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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"I'm good. You can challenge him Alastair. I was beaten fair and square." Zed says walking behind Alastair puting a hand on his shoulder." Heck I'll even give you some of my magic." Zed eyes glowed a purplish color same with his hand on Alastair's shoulder."Kick his ass." Zed laughed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KindledBeast
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KindledBeast Lazarus

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lucius Cypher said
As Alister absorbed the light, Lucius set up the field. He moved a bunch of the gym equipment into the battle, partly to use as cover, but also because he had plans for them. Lucius tossed his Morning Star over to Alister, expecting him to either get beaned or catch it. Either way, Lucius wasn't where he was before. He was actually right next to Roxy.

The morning star hit Alastair in the chest and I come him back he caught it in his hands though Lucius was foolish though he had the slip on Alastair intel he talked, Alastair quickly hanged his footing and gave Lucius a firm kick to the chest that should send him back a few feet. "I already told you, I'm your opponent not her." Alastair said throwing the morning star behind him it hurt to get hit with it but he would live, Lucius was a worthy adversary. "Hell yeah!" Alastair said thanking Zed, keeping his eyes on Lucius.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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... At least, that's what the Morning Star should have done. But this was Lucius's magical Morning Star. Instead of being tossed away, the Morning Star was stuck to Alister's hand. Additionally, the weight of the Morning Star would prevent Alister from even lifting it off the ground. He couldn't move a step as the Morning Star would have been rooted to the spot, and enchanted so that none may release it after they hold it, it practically kept Alister immobile. "Ow... Nice kick, but it's checkmate. My Morning Star has been made for my hands only. Those who wield it would find that they cannot take it out of their hands, nor lift it from it's spot. Only I can release you, and I'm choosing not to." Lucius patted the dirt off his chest and looked at Alister. "Oh, and don't worry too much about my lightshow. That was just a distraction so you wouldn't see me move some stuff around." Lucius mentioned as he leaned against a basket of various balls.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KindledBeast
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KindledBeast Lazarus

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lucius Cypher said
... At least, that's what the Morning Star should have done. But this was Lucius's magical Morning Star. Instead of being tossed away, the Morning Star was stuck to Alister's hand. Additionally, the weight of the Morning Star would prevent Alister from even lifting it off the ground. He couldn't move a step as the Morning Star would have been rooted to the spot, and enchanted so that none may release it after they hold it, it practically kept Alister immobile. Lucius patted the dirt off his chest and looked at Alister. Lucius mentioned as he leaned against a basket of various balls.

Alastair started laughing, "You're foolish and Condescending, You don't anazliyze the situation or your opponent. This will be your down fall, You're more then a grossly incandescent fool." Alastair said laughing as he disappeared. He reappeared behind Lucius, Alastair quickly dropped his feet forcing the morning star that was stuck on his hands as it start to crush Lucius throat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

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"Teleportation eh? I guess that's one way to get around getting stuck to the ground." Lucius said calmly, holding the Head of the Morning Star with his hand. He simply moved it aside, still stuck to Alister's hand. Lucius got to his feet and jumped back. "But let's see how you fly." With the Morning Star still attached to Alister's hand and rooted to the ground, Lucius sprouted his wings and took to the air. No doubt that Alister was going to try to teleport behind or near him again, but unless Lucius willingly takes the Morning Star out of his opponent's hand, he'll be dealing with dead weight this entire battle. "There's only one way you'll be going Alister, and that's down. You can decide how high of a fall you take though."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Perry lay back and relaxed after dispelling her bow and wings
Hand to hand fights between 2 opponents was nothing more than a mock gladiator contest.
A true test was between several foes matched unequally and in mixed fighting styles
War, that included these factors and in those situations Gods an Goddess who normally stayed clear of violence. It was in War all were expected to take up arms and address the enemy not in duel by arms
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Raze let out a low roar that slightly shook the floor of the gym as the sword broke his skin and dug into his flesh. His eyes filled with a rage as his arms reached back and grabbed the knight by the head and tossed it over his own head and into the two other knights in front of him. Raze's eyes burned with the pure hatred of an animal when it is cornered. He let out inhuman growl as he pulled the sword from his back. He then launched the sword forward with such force and speed that if it didn't hit it's target, which was the knight's that stab him head, it would impale itself in whatever or whoever that was in it's way. As the sword flew at said knight Raze charged forward and started attacking the other three, weaving between their attacks and tearing off their armor until their flesh was exposed at which point he would start digging into them. All the while a steady stream of black liquid was running down Raze's back and down his legs.
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