Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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I have an idea for two characters.

One who is half Lycan, but does everything to hide it. She has very little self confidence and hates her differences.

The other is a thief just trying to keep her belly full and the rest of her in one piece.

Who do you think would be more interesting? I mean, every RPG needs a good thief, but I've got a hankering to see what I could do with the first character. I'd probably need a lot more knowledge of the lore to pull it off though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dreamer
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dreamer DakotaLDE

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Mistress Dizzy said
*thinks*I have an idea for two characters.One who is half Lycan, but does everything to hide it. She has very little self confidence and hates her differences.The other is a thief just trying to keep her belly full and the rest of her in one piece.Who do you think would be more interesting? I mean, every RPG needs a good thief, but I've got a hankering to see what I could do with the first character. I'd probably need a lot more knowledge of the lore to pull it off though.

Someone already has a thief, Jangel I believe. That being said a lycan in this world is human. There is no half lycan. What I mean is see it as a disease but with benefits. If you have lycan blood in you, it is now a dominant gene in your system. Lycans are human, have a human form, but can change into the "true lycan" form. they also have varying characteristics.

1) They are very strong compared to a regular human.

2) They have a larger range of eye colors than just the regular blue, green, brown of humans. They also have red, grey, orange/gold eye colors as well. These being a result of the wolf genetics. So if you see a human with orange eyes, that's a dead giveaway that they're lycan. If they have green, blue, or brown eyes. You won't know the difference.

3) They can contract human diseases and wolf diseases. The winter the story is going through now will result in an increase in mange, a disease which causes your skin to peel off and possibly death.

So there are positives and negatives but see it as more of a superhuman. As with other super humans you have masses of people who won't trust them, people who will try to kill them, weakneses (such as mange), and things that will set you apart from the pack (eyes).

Hope that helps
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Oh, okay.

So it's like someone in your family having... I dunno, high blood pressure, or a long second toe or something, and you inheriting that. Got it. My mistake.

She looks like that. White hair, orange eyes, dark skin.

I did not draw that picture, and her clothing will be nothing so... revealing, not in the least. In fact she'll make every attempt to hide her differences. I know she'll wear headscarves and use kohl on her eyebrows, but what can be done about such an eye color?

Her name is Kassy, she's a favorite of mine. I know she'll be... afraid to be confident. But have something steely in her soul.

I should get to that profile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dreamer
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dreamer DakotaLDE

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Mistress Dizzy said
Oh, okay. So it's like someone in your family having... I dunno, high blood pressure, or a long second toe or something, and you inheriting that. Got it. My mistake.She looks like that. White hair, orange eyes, dark skin.I did not draw that picture, and her clothing will be nothing so... revealing, not in the least. In fact she'll make every attempt to hide her differences. I know she'll wear headscarves and use kohl on her eyebrows, but what can be done about such an eye color?Her name is Kassy, she's a favorite of mine. I know she'll be... afraid to be confident. But have something steely in her soul.I should get to that profile.

No need to apologize some of these details are still in my head and your questions help bring them out. Sometimes I forget what to mention since there is so much in this world for me to talk about.

I look forward to seeing the character sheet for her and then her coming to life. I will be adding her CS and any other that are posted to the first post asap
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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I want to be a drug dealer/back alley doctor who doesn't care who you are as long as you've got the coin to pay for his products/services. What type of character would that be?

I'd also want to make a friend that is a kind of anarcho-capitalist. Basically, "if it ain't hurting nobody, why's tha King making it illegal?" his missions would be to commit acts of civil disobedience and not get caught, or to do stuff to "stick it to tha man."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dreamer
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dreamer DakotaLDE

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TheUnknowable said
I want to be a drug dealer/back alley doctor who doesn't care who you are as long as you've got the coin to pay for his products/services. What type of character would that be?I'd also want to make a friend that is a kind of anarcho-capitalist. Basically, "if it ain't hurting nobody, why's tha King making it illegal?" his missions would be to commit acts of civil disobedience and not get caught, or to do stuff to "stick it to tha man."

The friend sounds interesting and so does the black market doctor. I would say the second would be a keeper but that would just be in the rp and not the game. Why I say this is because in the game we don't have a traditional item system so purchasing drugs/potions would not be seen in the game. That being said he would be an interesting character to see in the game. If he has "no morals" than he could very easily shift between "good" and "bad". What's to keep him from selling bad meds if it brings in the money?

Either way you go it looks interesting and I look forward to seeing them come to life.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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dreamer said
What's to keep him from selling bad meds if it brings in the money?

Only the risk of losing repeat customers or getting bad press. If you're just passing through and happen to find him, you're probably better off risking a visit to a real doctor and hoping they don't turn you in, or trying to bribe them.
Could he offer medical services, with an occasional status effect happening more often the more injured you are? (ex: If you sprained an ankle, you get patched up with only a bit of residual grogginess, like slightly slower speed. If you're near death, you have full-blown hallucinations for a few minutes.)

I'll work on character sheets for them.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dreamer
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dreamer DakotaLDE

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TheUnknowable said
Only the risk of losing repeat customers or getting bad press. If you're just passing through and happen to find him, you're probably better off risking a visit to a real doctor and hoping they don't turn you in, or trying to bribe them.Could he offer medical services, with an occasional status effect happening more often the more injured you are? (ex: If you sprained an ankle, you get patched up with only a bit of residual grogginess, like slightly slower speed. If you're near death, you have full-blown hallucinations for a few minutes.)I'll work on character sheets for them.

Characters are accepted...lol at the cross dresser rule. I look forward to seeing what becomes of these characters. Also wondering how Hirium doesn't know he's a lycan. It'll be interesting to find out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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One question for you, Dreamer, as I'm working on my girl's backstory.

If a man/woman with lycanthropy had 2 daughters with the same spouse, would it be possible for one daughter to be born a Lycan and the other not?

It would tie in really heavily with my backstory to make that split. If it's not possible...

Is it possible to repress the Lycan parts of yourself?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dreamer
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dreamer DakotaLDE

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I haven't dulged deep into the offspring of purebloods and lycans but I'll give a back story to the disease and if you can make a logical reason that sounds good to me to how someone could be born without it that's fine.

Back Story

Before the collapse the grounds Urbi Lupi is built on was a complex of labs both bio and tech. One of the teams at those labs was focused on finding a way to genetically improve humans by mixing their RNA with that of animals. These studies were never finished and the vials of hundreds of animals were stored away. Over the thousands of years that passed nearly all the vials were destroyed or contaminated by nature. One vial however survived, one with timber wolf blood. One that as written in a journal by one of the scientist, was considered too dangerous. One that caused extreme violence in test subjects.

One of the early settlers of Urbi Lupi before it was a city stumbled across this lab and by mistake, stepped on that very vial which had fell out onto the ground. The glass shattered and cut the man's foot. Mixing his blood with that of the genetically modified timber wolf blood. The RNA was combined with a very aggressive virus and the lycanthropy disease was born.

For years lycans were seen as no longer being human, and a threat. There was also a misunderstanding that the moon had something to do with the transformation process but as it turns out the moon had nothing to do with it. Transformation is actually triggered by strong emotions such as sadness, anger, and fear. So it was due to the fear of the rumor that people would change on a full moon.
Theoretically the virus should be passed down by blood, saliva, or genetics. Also people who easily get mad or suffer from depression or anxiety would easily change without meaning to. People with more control over their emotions could hold back this change.

Do with that info as you will
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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Would there be any lab runes left?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dreamer
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dreamer DakotaLDE

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Charlie said
Would there be any lab runes left?

To some degree yes. The entire city is built upon them. If you look at some of the art you can see concrete barriers, or chunks of wall, and for the most part they have been reused to build the homes and shops of Urbi Lupi. As far as a fully intact building goes, not likely. From my research no modern building would last anywhere near 2,000+ years. The ones that would survive surprisingly are the ancient ones that have already survived 2,000+ years and will do so again, like pyramids.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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dreamer said
To some degree yes. The entire city is built upon them. If you look at some of the art you can see concrete barriers, or chunks of wall, and for the most part they have been reused to build the homes and shops of Urbi Lupi. As far as a fully intact building goes, not likely. From my research no modern building would last anywhere near 2,000+ years. The ones that would survive surprisingly are the ancient ones that have already survived 2,000+ years and will do so again, like pyramids.

I put my place underground because of that. Less effect from the weather means that steel-reinforced concrete might actually last. Though 2000+ years is pushing it. I'm not sure if any Roman works that they made from concrete are still around.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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TheUnknowable said
I put my place underground because of that. Less effect from the weather means that steel-reinforced concrete might actually last. Though 2000+ years is pushing it. I'm not sure if any Roman works that they made from concrete are still around.

..Romans had concrete? *blink*

BTW, I am working on the profile. Just having a hard couple of days. >< Keep getting migraines. Not sure what's causing them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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TheUnknowable said
I put my place underground because of that. Less effect from the weather means that steel-reinforced concrete might actually last. Though 2000+ years is pushing it. I'm not sure if any Roman works that they made from concrete are still around.

..Romans had concrete? *blink*

BTW, I am working on the profile. Just having a hard couple of days. >< Keep getting migraines. Not sure what's causing them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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Mistress Dizzy said
..Romans had concrete? *blink*BTW, I am working on the profile. Just having a hard couple of days. >< Keep getting migraines. Not sure what's causing them.

Of course, modern concrete is stronger and has metal rods running through it, so it should last longer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dreamer
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dreamer DakotaLDE

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Mistress Dizzy said
..Romans had concrete? *blink*BTW, I am working on the profile. Just having a hard couple of days. >< Keep getting migraines. Not sure what's causing them.

Not only concrete but they discovered how they could have concrete that solidified while underwater. They were geniuses that unfortunately had a series of bad leaders that led to their downfall and put mankind about 1,500 years behind where it could have been
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

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dreamer said
Not only concrete but they discovered how they could have concrete that solidified while underwater. They were geniuses that unfortunately had a series of bad leaders that led to their downfall and put mankind about 1,500 years behind where it could have been

Having a priesthood that suppressed science and technology for a while during the dark ages didn't help us out either.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dreamer
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dreamer DakotaLDE

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I have joury duty, not sure how long that is going to last, could be days. I'll post as soon as I have a day off
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dreamer
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dreamer DakotaLDE

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Haven't had a chance to write but we did get some line art in for an inn called, "The Podge Lodge" check it out...

maybe some of you guys might want to go there sometime. Anywho I should be off sometime this week and I'll write then
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