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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Member Seen 3 days ago

You can totally use the ooc. Hell, might be a good thing to breath some life back in here, Dust off the old stuff.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Can't get skype to work bc I'm at my aunt's house and using her computer right now. So I was wondering if I could use this for now or not? If not my gmail is available to all in this rpg. angelwithashotgun290@gmail.com

Yes, use the OoC, sis. It's what is there for!!!!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Looks good to me. Welcome aboard new meat. Your first task: Draw first blood. Show us your skills in combat and fight someone to the death! I COMMAND YOU!
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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@Apokalipse She has my stamp of approval.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago


CS is approved, welcome to blood my dear. Now if you would please put it into the CS section and I'll edit the op added her to the list. ^-^
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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So what has happened so far in the IC that should be noted? I plan to read one or two previous pages, but it'll be hard to get the entire picture.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Sorry for the late reply, but here's a summary of the events:

Today is the Annual Feast, where people gather from around the world at the college to marvel at things the college has accomplished, as well as meet with other important people and/or allies. This is also the opportunity for new prospective students to attend and see what the college can do for them.

Many of our characters are hanging out with one another, talking about their futures, having fun, getting into trouble, and so forth. Recently, the teachers just completed presenting their Magical Demonstrations, where they use their respective mageblood to show off to the people gathered at the feast. There is also some individual things that have been done which you may want to participate in.

Tyrael, meirin, Ssarak, and Lyn at in the courtyard, just finished watching a puppet show. They were debating whether to take Lyn to the carousel or to the petting zoo, and the tension between Tyrael and Meirin is palatable. Tyrael is the professor of Demonomancy and the honorary uncle of Lyn, while Meirin is a student who is something like a smothering big sister to Lyn. Ssarak is Meirin's boyfriend and the only one with his head on straight. Lyn is a little girl, daughter of one of our PC's. As I mentioned, they're at the courtyard.

At the dinning hall Ovak was having a conversation with Leith and Grey. Grey just delivered some tea to Ovak on Lucilia's orders, while Leith is just chatting him up. Ovak is the Archmage of the college, the most powerful person on the college, though recently his health has made him fairly inactive to the college's day-to-day affairs. Grey is a guardsman of the college who was helping out Lucilia, both escorting her around the college to protect her from people who have grudges against her, and to make sure she doesn't stir up trouble. Leith is a student who has a demonic gauntlet grafted to his arm due to an incident a long time ago. he looks like a vampire, but he's human, albeit very pale. They're at the feast itself.

Lucilia also just finished having a conversation with Colette about the Marrow Draught, an invention which will help vampires sustain their thirst better than the usual way (Drinking blood) and even grant them a bit of their humanity back. Lucilia is the professor of herbmancy but also the Master of the Vampires at the college, while Colette is one of her fellow vampires. Colette is a demonomancer, but despite her power over her demons she's a good, if shy, girl. Currently they're both on the patio near the feast.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

So what has happened so far in the IC that should be noted? I plan to read one or two previous pages, but it'll be hard to get the entire picture.

Lucius has more information on that, his summaries are better, but I'll give the basics.

Season: Summer, College is holding an Opening feast which is when new students arrive to register with Lucilia.
Location: The college is listed as Deathold upon the map-we revived after our last GM was hit by real life and couldn't change the map, surrounded by grey and cursed landscape thanks to Djarkel's curse spreading gradually (like a few inches every year) and trying to consume the world. The area itself is always shrouded in twilight, either dawn or dusk, but no one has ever figured out why. It often is why many vampires can reside within the area without suffering drastic weakness or penalty in more harsher areas like Yarsomere or Eania where it's normally sunny all the time.


Outside the College, merchants have set out stalls for games, food, and wares to sell for a few copper, silver or gold pieces depending on your tastes. The goods can range from enchanted items to simple trinkets. Many students are currently out about exploring the grounds. Inside the mess hall is a feast, various meats to veggies, fruits to bread, and more are set out for students to grab and eat. Teachers have finished their demonstrations of each of their bloods. Meanwhile, a few students have collected information over the diplomats about the world's current troubles from Snow Elf tribes wiping themselves out to rebellion in Yarsomere, there's barely any place without an issue.

Other notes: Everyone has heard or know Twilight College, it's the biggest and only independent school to learn mageblood for free. They do this because they use missions, given and paid for by Djarkel, Yarsomere, Scorch Lands, etc, students go to fund their existence. It also helps the students as they don't have to pay for room, board, or other needed essentials while still getting a minor percent of the profit. This also allows them to stay out of the war-well more like rivalry now with minor boundary skirmishes- Eania and Djarkel have been raging since 1315, which we've yet to determine a year for the present, and many have forgotten why it even begun. (Reality, it was due to the Gods influencing them and creating conflict. Which they let taper off a bit since due to boredom.)

Key events since

Eania- Getting frustrated and irritated by the College's refusal to pick sides, and severe all connections with Djarkel. Jordan, Lidda's father and influent diplomat is addressing and hindering this.
Djarkel- Vampires are rebelling against the Barons, trying to assassinate them bit by bit.
Yarsomere-Their system, ruled by a royal family, being over turned by rebellion and the family heir slaughtered. It's now in chaos and the current ruler is bent on eliminating a Race known as the Naga, half human and snake creatures who dwell often near the Demon infested Ravines. They help keep a natural balance and lower demonic numbers on the surface. With their numbers dying off, demon numbers have grown drastically since and the Desert has become a dangerous place even for common desert dwellers.
Frost Plains- Snow Elves tribes are ripping themselves apart, mysteriously without any known cause. Their numbers in danger and dwindling slowly since they have both to compete against their environment as well as this new threat.
Scorch Land- Leadership, usually held by the Jev Clan, is in contest by a newcomer to the lands. Rumored to be extremely powerful, even for a master, and called the Emperor. He wants to toss out the current system and replace it with a more single rule rather than a council type aspect. Each party, the Chieftain and Emperor, have sent diplomats and students to the college. The latter is hoping to involve the college or the student has possible instructions to sabotage the school. In addition, mysteriously the Jev clan population has dropped. Their eggs no longer producing living offspring and numbers for the future gen dropping. They have little to no idea of the cause.

Past ones

College was attacked by demons, their powerful rep pretty much being questioned by all the nations and races. So there's high tension there.

Those are the highlights off the top of my head.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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Banned Seen 3 mos ago

Okay, sweet. I'll hopefully will have a post up tomorrow (:
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

UserName: Demonic Angel

Character name: Keri Wolf

Age: 21. The reason for coming to the college is that she’s searching for answers to what is happening to her.

Mageblood type: Hydromancy

Favoured Magic Class: Aqua

Previous Magic training: Novice

Race: Vampire

Appearance: Keri wears a red ribbon which sticks out in with her dark brown hair. She has ruby red lips naturally from her time as a human. Keri is petite in figure build. She wears a wooden carving of a wolf necklace which was made by her brother before her family’s untimely death. She is Narsean human which helps this sentimental object take attention off her red eyes. Keri is 5'9” tall. On her right her up towards the sleeve of the tunic is a tattoo of a vine with thorns, her family crest long since forgotten. Keri has three swords wher, two solemnly used swords which held links to her father and older brother spirits. Her main sword was linked to her mother’s spirit. The main items she usually has on her is her carving knife with a hunk of wood, and her favorite necklace.

Short Bio: Keri Wolf’s childhood was normal and fair. She was the youngest of three siblings all of which was adopted. Keri was the only girl in the family so she was somewhat spoiled by their mother. She grew up with best friend Satori in Djarkel during her childhood so she has experience with her oddness. Growing up she was taught by her father on how to defend herself a little bit with a carving knife when she wasn't helping her family’s wood carving.

Keri’s older brother’s were what their mother claimed to be troublemakers. The children all were close to age, a year apart, in fact. They would each take turns going to catch something small to frighten each other to their hearts content. Close as they were as children was soon adults with different attentions on hand. Her oldest was married to a woman just a few days younger, with his first child on the way still being part of the family business. Keri’s second oldest was engaged to a woman with a per started family. Her second eldest decided on a clergy life when the attack happened.

Keri was easy going as a teenager but was in trouble a lot since she hung around Satori. Not much happened throughout her teen years which are mainly faded from her memories except for one event. On her 21 birthday her family was slaughtered by a nest of vampires. On instinct she fought back not knowing how dangerous her attacker was. Keri never knew, she was bitten on the her right hand, by a vampire until a constant headache to sunlight for the morning hours of the days. In a panic she headed to her long lost friend’s last know location, which helped her begin the journey to discovering her powers. As the thirst floods her mind Keri is often found carving at the wood in her pocket as well as applying other attributes to keep the sharp.

Good Attributes: easy going, observant, helps those who are in trouble, soft hearted, kind, mostly cool headed, great of getting out of sticky situations, tries to avoid violence, good with different people, loves animals

Bad Attributes: sunlight, hatred against any vampire outside the college walls, keeps feelings in check, which let out the outcome is dangerous, for whoever is in her way, cruel manner of speaking, thirst for revenge

Secret Word: rebirth

Approved, I see no issues that need to be addressed or altered. Well done.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Btw, @Lucius Cypher feel free to sick the diplomats on Ovak with Leith present hahaa.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Survivor
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The Survivor The Deviant

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

UserName: The Survivor

Character name: Enzius Zarbath

Age: 19

Mageblood type: Aqua

Favoured Magic Class: Cryomancy

Previous Magic training: Given some minor training by his grandfather, taught how to manipulate water and ice to a basic degree.

Race: Snow Elf


First of all, Enzius doesn't have those tattoos. He's also a bit paler, though tanner then other Snow Elves due to his life on the coast. He has a scar going through his left eye from an incident with a pack of wolves. He's physically fit from a life of hard work and rather tall for a Snow Elf, standing at 3'7. His chin has white hair on it, giving him a half-goatee look. He's usually wearing fur robes, but his journey to the college has forced him to adapt his attire to something like this. He wears a simple steel sword on his side, the hilt wrapped in leather and sitting in a leather scabbard. More like a large dagger for anyone but a Snow Elf. Around his neck rests an amulet made of everlasting ice in the shape of a wolf.

Short Bio: Enzius Zarbath was born to the coastal clan of Enfeah, which is located on the frigid coasts of the frozen plains. Living in Enfeah was hard. Fish were smart and wily, nothing save for the rare snowberry bush would grow and packs of snow wolves roamed the territory outside where ever the clan members made camp. The Snow elves had to get smart quick if they were to survive. They learned to build long boats and trained in combat developed by generations of Snow Elves. Due to the less than common occurrence of a magic user, especially in Enfeah, all mages were sent to the Twilight Academy to be trained in their prospective school. It was tradition for young elves 18-20 to travel to the college. A Mage was invaluable in Enfeah, as wolves were twice the size of Snow Elves and especially vicious. Wolves would often attack the clan in hope of dragging an elf away for a filling meal. The magic line in Enzius' family started with his Great Grandfather, who was the grandson of one of the first elves to settle Enfeah. A Cryomancer of legendary skill, he traveled all over the world before returning home to help build up Enfeah.

The second in Enzius' bloodline to receive magical abilities was his grandfather, Enyor. Enyor became a Cryomancer of incredible skill, continuing the family tradition of becoming a master of his abilities and returning home to make Enfeah stronger and larger. Enzius' father however, did not receive magical abilities and many thought that was the end of the Zarbath Mage Line. Until the reveal of Enzius's abilities when he was 15. One day Enzius accompanied his mother outside the clan's current campsite to meet a foreigner trade caravan, which held trinkets from exotic foreign lands. However, the largest pack of wolves that Enzius ever seen attacked the camp site, about 3 miles outside of Enfeah. Enzius and his mother were able to hide during the chaos of the attack and watched in horror as the humans were torn apart. But these beasts could smell the elves and it wasn't before long that they ripped apart their hiding place. Enzius was slammed in the face with a clawed paw, sending him flying and slashing open the left side of his face. Desperate to protect her son, his mother tackled the wolves and was ripped apart. Seeing the person he loved the most being brutally murdered, something snapped inside of him. Standing up, his face covered in blood, Enzius screamed in rage, he summoned a whirlwind of ice power thought to be impossible from such a young boy.

The ice ripped through several of the wolves, killing them instantly, while others had a slower painful death, the rest retreated into the wilderness yelping. Though definitely impressive and no doubt fueled by strong emotional distress, this display of power nearly killed young Enzius. He collapsed in the middle of the camp site massacre, standing on death's door. His grandfather soon found the camp and saw the scene of carnage unleashed by his grandson. He knew then that Enzius would be the most powerful mage Enfeah has ever seen. He brought Enzius and his mother back to Enfeah, to a mourning town. Enzius' father was in despair, but felt it was a blessing from the gods that Enzius had survived and acquired this power. Enyor knew that he would have to train the boy to keep his emotions from fueling his magic. So after that day, Enyor began training Enzius to control his power. Enzius began to work on the dock, building and rowing long boats. Enyor taught Enzius to control his emotions and how to manipulate water, ice, and snow. His grandfather trained him to wiled a sword, which would save him when magic failed. But Enyor knew he would have to go to the twilight academy if he was to gain true control of his power. So, one day Enyor gave Enzius an amulet carved from ice in the shape of a wolf and told him "Keep this to remind you of the power of ice." And Enzius departed for the Twilight College.

Enzius's journey to the college was an interesting one. After trekking for miles through the frozen plains, Enzius crossed the border into Eania. He fond it so hot that he traveled with his shirt off for the first couple days. When he arrived at a thriving town, he modified his winter attire to better suit the weather. He learned much about the humans and their culture as he traveled. He was astounded by all the green and the docile animals and the sheer size of everything. As he traveled he encountered a variety of strange creatures called demons. After one unpleasant encounter with what seemed to be a enormous bull, he made a point of avoiding them. As he got closer, the landscape started to turn grey and dead. He had learned about this from the humans as he got closer, about the various curses that destroyed the landscape for miles. After 2 weeks and a day of traveling, Enzius rode to the college grounds, marveling at the size of the building. And apparently, he had arrived during some sort of festival.

Good Attributes:
Ingenuity- Working and repairing ships and maintaining weapons gave Enzius a rather creative mind.
Resourcefulness- Living in Enfeah, one learns to use his surroundings to the best of his ability.
Basic swordsmanship- Enzius' Grandfather taught him to defend himself when magic fails. While Enzius is by no means an expert, he is competent enough to survive.
Caring- While not a people person and definitely not polite in most instances, Enzius cares about other people. he doesn't want to see anymore innocent people die.

Bad Attributes:
Distant- Enzius is rather distant with anyone who isn't family. Perhaps that'll change.
Cold- Enzius' grandfather's rigorous training hard wired his brain for survival and along with his harsh lifestyle, he isn't among the friendliest of people.
Easily Irritated- Enzius isn't very patient, especially when it comes to others. At this age, he would make a horrible teacher.
Has a weakness for women- Facing a woman on the battlefield will hurt Enzius greatly and while he may fight just as hard, it would tear him apart inside for months to come. It reminds him too much of the gruesome death of his mother.

Secret Word: Rebirth
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 3 days ago

UserName: The Survivor

Character name: Enzius Zarbath

Age: 19

Mageblood type: Aqua

Favoured Magic Class: Cryomancy

Previous Magic training: Given some minor training by his grandfather, taught how to manipulate water and ice to a basic degree.

Race: Snow Elf


First of all, Enzius doesn't have those tattoos. He's also a bit paler, though tanner then other Snow Elves due to his life on the coast. He has a scar going through his left eye from an incident with a pack of wolves. He's physically fit from a life of hard work and rather tall for a Snow Elf, standing at 3'7. His chin has white hair on it, giving him a half-goatee look. He's usually wearing fur robes, but his journey to the college has forced him to adapt his attire to something like this. He wears a simple steel sword on his side, the hilt wrapped in leather and sitting in a leather scabbard. More like a large dagger for anyone but a Snow Elf. Around his neck rests an amulet made of everlasting ice in the shape of a wolf.

Short Bio: Enzius Zarbath was born in the coastal village of Enfeah, which is located on the frigid coasts of the frozen plains. Living in Enfeah was hard. Fish were smart and wily, nothing save for the rare snowberry bush would grow and packs of snow wolves romaed the territory outside the village. The villagers had to get smart quick if they were to survive. They learned to build ships and trained in combat developed by generations of Snow Elves. Due to the less than common occurrence of a magic user, especially in Enfeah, all mages were sent to the Twilight Academy to be trained in their prospective school. A Mage was invaluable in Enfeah, as wolves were twice the size of Snow Elves and especially vicious. Wolves would often attack the village in hope of dragging an elf away for a filling meal. The magic line in Enzius' family started with his Great Grandfather, who was the grandson of one of the first elves to settle Enfeah. A Cryomancer of legendary skill, he traveled all over the world before returning home to help build up Enfeah.

The second in Enzius' bloodline to receive magical abilities was his grandfather, Enyor. Enyor became a Cryomancer of incredible skill, continuing the family tradition of becoming a master of his abilities and returning home to make Enfeah stronger and larger. Enzius' father however, did not receive magical abilities and many thought that was the end of the Zarbath Mage Line. Until the reveal of Enzius's abilities when he was 9. One day Enzius accompanied his mother outside the village to meet a foreigner trade caravan, which held trinkets from exotic foreign lands. However, the largest pack of wolves that Enzius ever seen attacked the camp site, about 3 miles outside of Enfeah. Enzius and his mother were able to hide during the chaos of the attack and watched in horror as the humans were torn apart. But these beasts could smell the elves and it wasn't before long that they ripped apart their hiding place. Enzius was slammed in the face with a clawed paw, sending him flying and slashing open the left side of his face. Desperate to protect her son, his mother tackled the wolves and was ripped apart. Seeing the person he loved the most being brutally murdered, something snapped inside of him. Standing up, his face covered in blood, Enzius screamed in rage, he summoned a whirlwind of ice power thought to be impossible from such a young boy.

The ice ripped through several of the wolves, killing them instantly, while others had a slower painful death, the rest retreated into the wilderness yelping. Though definitely impressive and no doubt fueled by strong emotional distress, this display of power nearly killed young Enzius. He collapsed in the middle of the camp site massacre, standing on death's door. His grandfather soon found the camp and saw the scene of carnage unleashed by his grandson. He knew then that Enzius would be the most powerful mage Enfeah has ever seen. He brought Enzius and his mother back to Enfeah, to a mourning town. Enzius' father was in despair, but felt it was a blessing from the gods that Enzius had survived and acquired this power. Enyor knew that he would have to train the boy to keep his emotions from fueling his magic. So after that day, Enyor began training Enzius to control his power. Enzius began to work on the dock, building and sailing ships. Enyor taught Enzius to control his emotions and how to manipulate water, ice, and snow. But Enyor knew he would have to go to the twilight academy if he was to gain true control of his power. So, one day Enyor gave Enzius an amulet carved from ice in the shape of a wolf and told him "Keep this to remind you of the power of ice." And Enzius departed for the Scorched lands.

Good Attributes:
Ingenuity- Working and repairing ships and maintaining weapons gave Enzius a rather creative mind.
Resourcefulness- Living in Enfeah, one learns to use his surroundings to the best of his ability.
Basic swordsmanship- Enzius' Grandfather taught him to defend himself when magic fails. While Enzius is by no means an expert, he is competent enough to survive.
Caring- While not a people person and definitely not polite in most instances, Enzius cares about other people. he doesn't want to see anymore innocent people die.

Bad Attributes:
Distant- Enzius is rather distant with anyone who isn't family. Perhaps that'll change.
Cold- Enzius' grandfather's rigorous training hard wired his brain for survival and along with his harsh lifestyle, he isn't among the friendliest of people.
Easily Irritated- Enzius isn't very patient, especially when it comes to others. At this age, he would make a horrible teacher.

Secret Word: Rebirth

Looks good to me, and this guy is perfect to make an offering onto the Alter of Ice and Murder! Do so at your most immediate convenience, and he'll have my approval.
1x Like Like
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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Banned Seen 3 mos ago

I have no idea what to write >_< Should I just have her wandering around or something? LKSDJFLAD I DONT KNOW!!!!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 3 days ago

Hmm, perhaps I could have my Annabeth run into her? Or perhaps your character could also be waiting in line at the carousel, where Meirin, Ssarak, Lyn, and Tyrael are heading towards. Tyrael and Ssarak are unfortunately not going to be able to ride due to the individual weight limit of the mounts (They can't take anyone over 200lbs), so assuming you fall under that category perhaps you could play along?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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Banned Seen 3 mos ago

Hmm, perhaps I could have my Annabeth run into her? Or perhaps your character could also be waiting in line at the carousel, where Meirin, Ssarak, Lyn, and Tyrael are heading towards. Tyrael and Ssarak are unfortunately not going to be able to ride due to the individual weight limit of the mounts (They can't take anyone over 200lbs), so assuming you fall under that category perhaps you could play along?

Ight, I'll have her be in line at the carousel. ^_^
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 3 days ago

@The Survivor

I'm serious, I want to see you spill blood onto the Alter of Ice and Murder. No joke. Don't do that, and you don't get my approval.

So tell me Survivor, IC, how would Enzius go about this dire quest?

<Snipped quote by Lucius Cypher>

Ight, I'll have her be in line at the carousel. ^_^

Excellent. Feel free to add additional details of the carousel that may make it more... Questionable, for the excitement of our readers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Survivor
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The Survivor The Deviant

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@The Survivor

I'm serious, I want to see you spill blood onto the Alter of Ice and Murder. No joke. Don't do that, and you don't get my approval.

So tell me Survivor, IC, how would Enzius go about this dire quest?

I have no idea what the Alter of Ice and Murder is. Also, I was planning to have him appear at the college in the first post and detail his journey to the college as the post went on.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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Banned Seen 3 mos ago

It's not as long as I wanted my starting post to be, but there it is ^_^
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