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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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It's not as long as I wanted my starting post to be, but there it is ^_^

Excellent. I should have a post up eventually.

<Snipped quote by Lucius Cypher>

I have no idea what the Alter of Ice and Murder is. Also, I was planning to have him appear at the college in the first post and detail his journey to the college as the post went on.

The Alter if fairly self-explanatory: it is made of ice and you murder people on it. Thus I want to know, given your character's current abilities he has, what he will do if he has to kill someone onto the Alter of Ice and Murder. It may decide whether or not I approve of your character, as I want to see what you think your guy is capable of, and how you intend to use him, should such a situation occurs.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Survivor
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The Survivor The Deviant

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Alter if fairly self-explanatory: it is made of ice and you murder people on it. Thus I want to know, given your character's current abilities he has, what he will do if he has to kill someone onto the Alter of Ice and Murder. It may decide whether or not I approve of your character, as I want to see what you think your guy is capable of, and how you intend to use him, should such a situation occurs.

Well, does the alter itself have any special properties, what is the area around it like. He would need a valid reason to kill someone, period. If a voice in his head tells him to do it, he'll probably do the opposite. His grandfather taught him to manipulate water, ice, and snow to a basic degree. So if it's in a snowy area, he would probably try to make it harder for his opponent to see, therefore manipulating the fallen snow and falling snow to his advantage. Obviously not at the level of a blizzard, but just enough to disorient his enemy. If the alter enhances power or gives whoever's touching it special properties, he would definitely make sure he stayed near it, especially if he was fighting someone stronger than him. While obviously having skill with cryomancy, he would not rely on it to fight, at least not at his skill level. That why his grandfather trained him to survive without it. He's skilled enough with a sword to be able to fight and possibly kill someone. Now if the area has a lot of water or his particularly icy, it benefits him. He has a better grasp of manipulating ice than snow and has the hardest time manipulating water. He would most likely try to catch his opponent off guard with a sudden burst of ice, probably by touching an icicle to cause it to grow in size and sharpness, at best wounding his opponent, at worst startling them. I can write a few paragraphs of a fight here in the OOC if you wish.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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<Snipped quote by Lucius Cypher>

Well, does the alter itself have any special properties, what is the area around it like. He would need a valid reason to kill someone, period. If a voice in his head tells him to do it, he'll probably do the opposite. His grandfather taught him to manipulate water, ice, and snow to a basic degree. So if it's in a snowy area, he would probably try to make it harder for his opponent to see, therefore manipulating the fallen snow and falling snow to his advantage. Obviously not at the level of a blizzard, but just enough to disorient his enemy. If the alter enhances power or gives whoever's touching it special properties, he would definitely make sure he stayed near it, especially if he was fighting someone stronger than him. While obviously having skill with cryomancy, he would not rely on it to fight, at least not at his skill level. That why his grandfather trained him to survive without it. He's skilled enough with a sword to be able to fight and possibly kill someone. Now if the area has a lot of water or his particularly icy, it benefits him. He has a better grasp of manipulating ice than snow and has the hardest time manipulating water. He would most likely try to catch his opponent off guard with a sudden burst of ice, probably by touching an icicle to cause it to grow in size and sharpness, at best wounding his opponent, at worst startling them. I can write a few paragraphs of a fight here in the OOC if you wish.

Excellent. Do so. It has been too long since the Alter has tasted blood. But there is one more thing you must do: You must choose a sacrifice among the player characters. Anyone else will be meaningless.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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<Snipped quote by The Survivor>

Excellent. Do so. It has been too long since the Alter has tasted blood. But there is one more thing you must do: You must choose a sacrifice among the player characters. Anyone else will be meaningless.

Yeah, so I just got here so...

Sorry, that was crass, wasn't it?

Please don't sacrifice the new blood
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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<Snipped quote by Lucius Cypher>

Yeah, so I just got here so...

Sorry, that was crass, wasn't it?

Please don't sacrifice the new blood

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

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I...don't know what to say. Hmmm.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Survivor
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The Survivor The Deviant

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Blood Kombat Arena

Enzius Zarbath VS Annabeth Gulch


Enzius steeled himself for the coming battle. It was the last thing he wanted to do, but he had no choice. They forced his hand. He agilely climbed a rock formation in the icy cave, reaching the top he could see the entire cave. Behind him resided the alter, sitting cold and ominous at the center of the cave. Strangely enough, it emitted it's own light. Enzius crouched behind a boulder at the top of the formation, hiding out of view from the entrance from the cave. He wanted to gain the element of surprise on his coming enemy. He didn't have to wait long. A few minutes later he heard the clopping of a horse's hooves on the icy stone. As he peered over the stone, his stomach dropped. He saw a maiden, a beautiful girl. But worst of all, her demeanor and grace reminded him of his mother. He hid back behind the stone and silently cursed Them. They knew his weaknesses. Bastards. He silently drew his sword, peeking over the stone again. She was almost under him now. Damn Them, damn Them to hell. He gripped his sword tighter to where his knuckles turned white as snow. He peeked over again. She was right under him now. Enius gritted his teeth and leaped over the stone, falling silently towards the woman. Impossibly, she turned and drew her own hidden blade. He swung against all of his morals and will and there was a clash of sparks. He fell into a roll on the other side of her horse, immediately on his feet and pivoting to face her.

She was a giant on her horse, which whinnied and stared at him with caution. She seemed surprised and slightly shaking, no doubt his ambush startled her. But she should already be dead, how did she predict his move? He stared at her with anger, angry at her, angry at Them, angry at himself. He simply said in common tongue "I'm sorry it has come to this." He leaped at her horse with astounding agility, grabbing a leather strap and thrusting his blade into it's neck. Enzius vaulted off of the horse's shoulder, slitting it's neck, a shower of blood following the snow elf. In a horrific gurgling sound, the horse collapsed to the ground, Enzius looked behind him to see the girl scrambling off the horse, avoiding being trapped under the horse's dying body. She looked at the horse in shock, then looked at the elf with hate he had never seen before. "You son of a bitch!" she screamed, grabbing her sword and charging him. He simply kneeled to the ground and placed a hand on the cold stone floor. He concentrated on the cold, and how it spreads over everything. Nothing can escape from the cold, not in this place. Frost spread out in a fan pattern from his hand, solidifying as it went. Annabeth didn't realize what he was doing until it was too late. Within 2 feet she slipped on the ice, stumbling and falling towards Enzius. He put pressure onto his back foot, preparing to spring forward. Three, Two, One. He sprang forward towards the girl, a perfect shot towards her back. He could end the fight now. Just do it, just end it. He yelled in frustration as he maneuvered his sword and sliced open her left thigh, leaving her to crash onto the icy stone.

She yelped in pain, her hand going to her thigh, which was profusely bleeding. Enzius paced in front of her a few feet, his sword dripping with blood. He was angry, angry at his weakness, angry at Them for putting him in this position, angry at her for being here. Angry at everything. Grandfather discouraged this kind of emotion, as it led to deadly consequences. He looked back at the girl, who had drawn her bow and and was aiming straight at him. He barely avoided getting an arrow to the heart, the arrowhead grazing his arm, leaving a nice sized gash in his right arm. He immediately put pressure onto his wound, cursing his carelessness as he raced to the wall of the cave, an arrow barely missing his head. He dove into a tunnel, scrambling up higher into the cave. Army crawling through the jagged tunnels, he received several scratches and scrapes. A small ledge jutted out from the wall, high above the Alter. The ledge ran about to the middle of the cave, where the young maiden was getting to her feet and approaching the alter. More specifically his direction, she drew back, seemingly staring straight at him. Enzius's eyes widened as he realized what was happening. He dragged himself off the ledge and plummeted towards the alter. He heard the arrow fly past him and heard the thunk of it in the stone.

He landed nimbly on the alter, sword in hand. He felt the ice creep up into him, fueling his power. It was just a block of ice, but it made him more confident. She sent another arrow his way, which he narrowly avoided. He dropped down behind the alter as a flurry of angry arrows were launched at him. He felt the ice against it's back, this...alter of death. He would have to spill her blood here. Damn it. He grew angrier as he thought about it, the injustice of the situation, the innocents who would die. He heard her draw closer, he estimated she was within 3 feet of the altar. He screamed and jumped up onto the alter, seeing her so close, sword in hand. He felt the ice shift beneath, fueled by his rage and frustration. A spike of ice shot out from the alter, impaling her. Her eyes widened in fear and pain. There was several moments of silence. Annabeth coughed up blood, crimson liquid dripping down her chin. He dropped to his knees, unable to stand. He was staring into her eyes, a single burning question. "Why?" Her blood was being absorbed by the spike, small rivers of crimson zooming up and down the ice. It was pleased. Enzius faded into darkness. When he awoke he felt sick. The alter was pleased. But he was horrified and disgusted with himself when he saw the corpse of the young woman, still impaled. Her eyes glazed over, blood dripping from her mouth. She was pale as snow, the spike which she was impaled red as... well, blood. He struggled to get to his feet. He felt nauseous, his arms and legs like noodles. He rested on his haunches and wept silent, angry tears. He would make Them pay.

For @Lucius Cypher
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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<Snipped quote by Apokalipse>

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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<Snipped quote by Lucius Cypher>

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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<Snipped quote by Apokalipse>

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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<Snipped quote by Lucius Cypher>

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Survivor
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The Survivor The Deviant

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

UserName: The Survivor

Character name: Enzius Zarbath

Age: 19

Mageblood type: Aqua

Favoured Magic Class: Cryomancy

Previous Magic training: Given some minor training by his grandfather, taught how to manipulate water and ice to a basic degree.

Race: Snow Elf


First of all, Enzius doesn't have those tattoos. He's also a bit paler, though tanner then other Snow Elves due to his life on the coast. He has a scar going through his left eye from an incident with a pack of wolves. He's physically fit from a life of hard work and rather tall for a Snow Elf, standing at 3'7. His chin has white hair on it, giving him a half-goatee look. He's usually wearing fur robes, but his journey to the college has forced him to adapt his attire to something like this. He wears a simple steel sword on his side, the hilt wrapped in leather and sitting in a leather scabbard. More like a large dagger for anyone but a Snow Elf. Around his neck rests an amulet made of everlasting ice in the shape of a wolf.

Short Bio: Enzius Zarbath was born to the coastal clan of Enfeah, which is located on the frigid coasts of the frozen plains. Living in Enfeah was hard. Fish were smart and wily, nothing save for the rare snowberry bush would grow and packs of snow wolves roamed the territory outside where ever the clan members made camp. The Snow elves had to get smart quick if they were to survive. They learned to build long boats and trained in combat developed by generations of Snow Elves. Due to the less than common occurrence of a magic user, especially in Enfeah, all mages were sent to the Twilight Academy to be trained in their prospective school. It was tradition for young elves 18-20 to travel to the college. A Mage was invaluable in Enfeah, as wolves were twice the size of Snow Elves and especially vicious. Wolves would often attack the clan in hope of dragging an elf away for a filling meal. The magic line in Enzius' family started with his Great Grandfather, who was the grandson of one of the first elves to settle Enfeah. A Cryomancer of legendary skill, he traveled all over the world before returning home to help build up Enfeah.

The second in Enzius' bloodline to receive magical abilities was his grandfather, Enyor. Enyor became a Cryomancer of incredible skill, continuing the family tradition of becoming a master of his abilities and returning home to make Enfeah stronger and larger. Enzius' father however, did not receive magical abilities and many thought that was the end of the Zarbath Mage Line. Until the reveal of Enzius's abilities when he was 15. One day Enzius accompanied his mother outside the clan's current campsite to meet a foreigner trade caravan, which held trinkets from exotic foreign lands. However, the largest pack of wolves that Enzius ever seen attacked the camp site, about 3 miles outside of Enfeah. Enzius and his mother were able to hide during the chaos of the attack and watched in horror as the humans were torn apart. But these beasts could smell the elves and it wasn't before long that they ripped apart their hiding place. Enzius was slammed in the face with a clawed paw, sending him flying and slashing open the left side of his face. Desperate to protect her son, his mother tackled the wolves and was ripped apart. Seeing the person he loved the most being brutally murdered, something snapped inside of him. Standing up, his face covered in blood, Enzius screamed in rage, he summoned a whirlwind of ice power thought to be impossible from such a young boy.

The ice ripped through several of the wolves, killing them instantly, while others had a slower painful death, the rest retreated into the wilderness yelping. Though definitely impressive and no doubt fueled by strong emotional distress, this display of power nearly killed young Enzius. He collapsed in the middle of the camp site massacre, standing on death's door. His grandfather soon found the camp and saw the scene of carnage unleashed by his grandson. He knew then that Enzius would be the most powerful mage Enfeah has ever seen. He brought Enzius and his mother back to Enfeah, to a mourning town. Enzius' father was in despair, but felt it was a blessing from the gods that Enzius had survived and acquired this power. Enyor knew that he would have to train the boy to keep his emotions from fueling his magic. So after that day, Enyor began training Enzius to control his power. Enzius began to work on the dock, building and rowing long boats. Enyor taught Enzius to control his emotions and how to manipulate water, ice, and snow. He trained Enzius to wield a sword, which would save him if magic failed. But Enyor knew he would have to go to the twilight academy if he was to gain true control of his power. So, one day Enyor gave Enzius an amulet carved from ice in the shape of a wolf and told him "Keep this to remind you of the power of ice." And Enzius departed for the Scorched lands.

Good Attributes:
Ingenuity- Working and repairing ships and maintaining weapons gave Enzius a rather creative mind.
Resourcefulness- Living in Enfeah, one learns to use his surroundings to the best of his ability.
Basic swordsmanship- Enzius' Grandfather taught him to defend himself when magic fails. While Enzius is by no means an expert, he is competent enough to survive.
Caring- While not a people person and definitely not polite in most instances, Enzius cares about other people. he doesn't want to see anymore innocent people die.

Bad Attributes:
Distant- Enzius is rather distant with anyone who isn't family. Perhaps that'll change.
Cold- Enzius' grandfather's rigorous training hard wired his brain for survival and along with his harsh lifestyle, he isn't among the friendliest of people.
Easily Irritated- Enzius isn't very patient, especially when it comes to others. At this age, he would make a horrible teacher.
Has a weakness for women- Facing a woman on the battlefield will hurt Enzius greatly and while he may fight just as hard, it would tear him apart inside for months to come. It reminds him too much about the gruesome death of his mother.

Secret Word: Rebirth

Alright, edited and improved.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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<Snipped quote by Apokalipse>

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Survivor
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The Survivor The Deviant

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

UserName: The Survivor

Character name: Enzius Zarbath

Age: 19

Mageblood type: Aqua

Favoured Magic Class: Cryomancy

Previous Magic training: Given some minor training by his grandfather, taught how to manipulate water and ice to a basic degree.

Race: Snow Elf


First of all, Enzius doesn't have those tattoos. He's also a bit paler, though tanner then other Snow Elves due to his life on the coast. He has a scar going through his left eye from an incident with a pack of wolves. He's physically fit from a life of hard work and rather tall for a Snow Elf, standing at 3'7. His chin has white hair on it, giving him a half-goatee look. He's usually wearing fur robes, but his journey to the college has forced him to adapt his attire to something like this. He wears a simple steel sword on his side, the hilt wrapped in leather and sitting in a leather scabbard. More like a large dagger for anyone but a Snow Elf. Around his neck rests an amulet made of everlasting ice in the shape of a wolf.

Short Bio: Enzius Zarbath was born to the coastal clan of Enfeah, which is located on the frigid coasts of the frozen plains. Living in Enfeah was hard. Fish were smart and wily, nothing save for the rare snowberry bush would grow and packs of snow wolves roamed the territory outside where ever the clan members made camp. The Snow elves had to get smart quick if they were to survive. They learned to build long boats and trained in combat developed by generations of Snow Elves. Due to the less than common occurrence of a magic user, especially in Enfeah, all mages were sent to the Twilight Academy to be trained in their prospective school. It was tradition for young elves 18-20 to travel to the college. A Mage was invaluable in Enfeah, as wolves were twice the size of Snow Elves and especially vicious. Wolves would often attack the clan in hope of dragging an elf away for a filling meal. The magic line in Enzius' family started with his Great Grandfather, who was the grandson of one of the first elves to settle Enfeah. A Cryomancer of legendary skill, he traveled all over the world before returning home to help build up Enfeah.

The second in Enzius' bloodline to receive magical abilities was his grandfather, Enyor. Enyor became a Cryomancer of incredible skill, continuing the family tradition of becoming a master of his abilities and returning home to make Enfeah stronger and larger. Enzius' father however, did not receive magical abilities and many thought that was the end of the Zarbath Mage Line. Until the reveal of Enzius's abilities when he was 15. One day Enzius accompanied his mother outside the clan's current campsite to meet a foreigner trade caravan, which held trinkets from exotic foreign lands. However, the largest pack of wolves that Enzius ever seen attacked the camp site, about 3 miles outside of Enfeah. Enzius and his mother were able to hide during the chaos of the attack and watched in horror as the humans were torn apart. But these beasts could smell the elves and it wasn't before long that they ripped apart their hiding place. Enzius was slammed in the face with a clawed paw, sending him flying and slashing open the left side of his face. Desperate to protect her son, his mother tackled the wolves and was ripped apart. Seeing the person he loved the most being brutally murdered, something snapped inside of him. Standing up, his face covered in blood, Enzius screamed in rage, he summoned a whirlwind of ice power thought to be impossible from such a young boy.

The ice ripped through several of the wolves, killing them instantly, while others had a slower painful death, the rest retreated into the wilderness yelping. Though definitely impressive and no doubt fueled by strong emotional distress, this display of power nearly killed young Enzius. He collapsed in the middle of the camp site massacre, standing on death's door. His grandfather soon found the camp and saw the scene of carnage unleashed by his grandson. He knew then that Enzius would be the most powerful mage Enfeah has ever seen. He brought Enzius and his mother back to Enfeah, to a mourning town. Enzius' father was in despair, but felt it was a blessing from the gods that Enzius had survived and acquired this power. Enyor knew that he would have to train the boy to keep his emotions from fueling his magic. So after that day, Enyor began training Enzius to control his power. Enzius began to work on the dock, building and rowing long boats. Enyor taught Enzius to control his emotions and how to manipulate water, ice, and snow. His grandfather trained him to wiled a sword, which would save him when magic failed. But Enyor knew he would have to go to the twilight academy if he was to gain true control of his power. So, one day Enyor gave Enzius an amulet carved from ice in the shape of a wolf and told him "Keep this to remind you of the power of ice." And Enzius departed for the Twilight College.

Enzius's journey to the college was an interesting one. After trekking for miles through the frozen plains, Enzius crossed the border into Eania. He fond it so hot that he traveled with his shirt off for the first couple days. When he arrived at a thriving town, he modified his winter attire to better suit the weather. He learned much about the humans and their culture as he traveled. He was astounded by all the green and the docile animals and the sheer size of everything. As he traveled he encountered a variety of strange creatures called demons. After one unpleasant encounter with what seemed to be a enormous bull, he made a point of avoiding them. As he got closer, the landscape started to turn grey and dead. He had learned about this from the humans as he got closer, about the various curses that destroyed the landscape for miles. After 2 weeks and a day of traveling, Enzius rode to the college grounds, marveling at the size of the building. And apparently, he had arrived during some sort of festival.

Good Attributes:
Ingenuity- Working and repairing ships and maintaining weapons gave Enzius a rather creative mind.
Resourcefulness- Living in Enfeah, one learns to use his surroundings to the best of his ability.
Basic swordsmanship- Enzius' Grandfather taught him to defend himself when magic fails. While Enzius is by no means an expert, he is competent enough to survive.
Caring- While not a people person and definitely not polite in most instances, Enzius cares about other people. he doesn't want to see anymore innocent people die.

Bad Attributes:
Distant- Enzius is rather distant with anyone who isn't family. Perhaps that'll change.
Cold- Enzius' grandfather's rigorous training hard wired his brain for survival and along with his harsh lifestyle, he isn't among the friendliest of people.
Easily Irritated- Enzius isn't very patient, especially when it comes to others. At this age, he would make a horrible teacher.
Has a weakness for women- Facing a woman on the battlefield will hurt Enzius greatly and while he may fight just as hard, it would tear him apart inside for months to come. It reminds him too much of the gruesome death of his mother.

Secret Word: Rebirth

Alright, final edition of my CS waiting for the third vote of @Rtron, @Lucius Cypher and @Fallenreaper have given me the greenlight. Feel free to scold me for lack of detail on Snow Elves.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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@Demonic Angel


Also have Rtron see your CS too, in case he has anything to say about it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by The Survivor>

Alright, final edition of my CS waiting for the third vote of @Rtron, @Lucius Cypher and @Fallenreaper have given me the greenlight. Feel free to scold me for lack of detail on Snow Elves.

Alright, currently Rtron's having net issues due to rain taking out his net but he says the racial traits have the green light. And since you have 2/3 GMs, you can put your CS into the proper section.

@Demonic Angel

Go ahead and post your CS in the section as well and get in there.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Next! ^-^
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I feel as if there should be evil laughing in there somewhere or at least in the background sis.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

I feel as if there should be evil laughing in there somewhere or at least in the background sis.

Shush, we're laughing on the inside so we don't terrify you away!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

You terrify me now! Your like Walter!
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