Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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@Demonic Angel
Guys no

Agreed, though if you two are bent on this, I suggest a pic war. We at least get some pretty things to look at on the OoC.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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<Snipped quote by Demonic Angel>

*cooks toast aggressively*

*sharpens butcher knives and fangs*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

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<Snipped quote by Sento>

Agreed, though if you two are bent on this, I suggest a pic war. We at least get some pretty things to look at on the OoC.

He started it. I can't get pic in here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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@cqbexpt I hope Keri gives you heartburn!

Image from sunnyskyz.com/uploads/2014/03/8ce72-ca...
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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@EthTenshi: GM comments are in the quotes in your quote.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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Now, it may not apply to me or anything, but I'm sure you know that I just can't help but to apply my knowledge if there's a place for it. You mentioned in that critique that with really sensitive hearing, you could hear the inside of your own ear. Technically true, but it wouldn't matter. The brain blocks out constants, it's why you can't see your own nose, or constantly smell yourself. You can already hear your own blood with your normal hearing (it's right next to it, after all), it's just that your brain ignores it. Really interesting, the brain is.

Anyway, no other comment on anything. I just couldn't help but to say that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by EthTenshi
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Ooooo, I'm excited, I've been waiting to find someone who doesn't mind looking into the holes and asking about them.

So. Necessary apologies first, forgiven or not ;D
I made that at like three am, and forgot to find the picture. I don't normally get wrapped up in a good cs idea like this one, consider this one of my better ones, not the best though.

Now explainations from the top.
Age: will edit.
Appearance: Noted, said something, will look for as soon as I'm done with this.
About the curse: I was more or less waiting to hear back to see what I was allowed to get away with before I expanded upon it, and will get with the appropriate GM about details and further things. I hope that I can use two runes, air and sensativity.
About Archery: I'll add a few things like his father showing him how to hold the bow, but other wise I kind of mentioned that to practice he smeared a type of berry at where he wanted to shoot. Also further along I mentioned that he could find where things were by air flow, or even dead air, if I wasn't clear enough I actually meant the arcanite in his blood could feel where the air was. If that was overlooked or I miss wrote the importance of this I don't mind changing it if it is not allowed.
About smithing: ok maybe saying that basic smithing is a bit too far for what I intended, as far as for what I meant for the future I had been hoping that the curse, if the aspect a fore mentioned was allowed. That as for shape, later through trial and error I intended for the heat radiation to tell him the shape through the air. Yeah all his major abilities kind of hinge on air detection/sensativity. My intentions for heating up, mixing, and other such things more or less relied on the memory that most blind people have about locations, and timings. That one was my bad for not saying haha. Although yes, messing up his system would make him have to botch that part of the program, if able to in the future I see a certain fallen orc torturing him by doing such things. If that character is still alive, and willing to put up with Sinys.
Getting to the college: George Lucas on triple espresso, I'll think of something reasonable.
Lie detector: Nix that sadly, but that was also air flow in blood cells. Speed demoting certain emotions, but not fine tuned, just to explain my reasonings.
Drainage: Nope, just less arcanite, in stead of beginning to regenerate it he more or less is at plus/minus zero if that makes sense. Although when he actually is casting arcanite drains a bit faster for him due to the curse, if runes work that way. I brushed up to a certain point on that the first night. Also I saw something about one of the dragon types having runes engraved into his body, by the by that was my ulterior motive with the curse. A price to pay for help his mother had gotten previously in life.
Smell and hearing: smell I had included though not detailed I admit, hearing I forgot... I'll think of whether I want to botch that or if it is just a higher aspect of the curse. Also I was kind of thinking of that movie "Sensless" from 1998. Mind over matter type deal, then again I am referring to a comedy........

Otherwise thank you to @EliteCommander for that insight, and scratch the comedy comment...

I think I covered everything? At least for deliberations, don't really want to move forward too much with out knowing if the main idea is acceptable. Thank you all for your time!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EthTenshi
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EthTenshi The anti-lucky charm.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Oh god.... I've become.... A monster. My explainations are bigger than my CS.. *comical tears*
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


Ooooo, I'm excited, I've been waiting to find someone who doesn't mind looking into the holes and asking about them.

So. Necessary apologies first, forgiven or not ;D
I made that at like three am, and forgot to find the picture. I don't normally get wrapped up in a good cs idea like this one, consider this one of my better ones, not the best though.
Now explanations from the top.

We're all human. The GMs are here to help with story, establish fairness and some sort of balance, and either make things work or give you other possibilities. That's not including keeping order but I usually assume that's automatically acknowledged.

Age: will edit.

Appearance: Noted, said something, will look for as soon as I'm done with this.

About the curse: I was more or less waiting to hear back to see what I was allowed to get away with before I expanded upon it, and will get with the appropriate GM about details and further things. I hope that I can use two runes, air and sensitivity.

There's actually another option other than cursed as I'll mention in the PM.

About Archery: I'll add a few things like his father showing him how to hold the bow, but other wise I kind of mentioned that to practice he smeared a type of berry at where he wanted to shoot. Also further along I mentioned that he could find where things were by air flow, or even dead air, if I wasn't clear enough I actually meant the arcanite in his blood could feel where the air was. If that was overlooked or I miss wrote the importance of this I don't mind changing it if it is not allowed.

One issue we had, and those comments are from all three, it seemed like you made it sound where he was overly talented for archery. Where he hit the tree with ease, albeit, not a bull's eye, and had no issues with using the bow in the least. For a blind person we found that rather hard without elaboration on the details and since your PC has been blind at birth, he would never have learned this before or have anyway to relate to such a thing. Even with the 'natural' talent of his magic which could've been triggered at birth, his understanding/control would be rather difficult since he's not had any real training. He treats it as a 6th sense from our understanding which is possible, but not easy.

There's also many ways to explain his familiarity with a bow, like his father had begun to teach Sinys to repair the father's bow. This allows your PC to learn the bow by touch and its parts, feeling each aspect and getting an image how it's put together, how it works when properly done, etc. Then his father could've helped him, at the start, by telling him how a bow felt when drawn which could allow him to learn how a bow is used. Then Sinys could've done the shooting and practice on his own.

Lucius and Rtron might be able to add more suggestions and such they believe might work as well.

About smithing: ok maybe saying that basic smithing is a bit too far for what I intended, as far as for what I meant for the future I had been hoping that the curse, if the aspect a fore mentioned was allowed. That as for shape, later through trial and error I intended for the heat radiation to tell him the shape through the air. Yeah all his major abilities kind of hinge on air detection/sensativity. My intentions for heating up, mixing, and other such things more or less relied on the memory that most blind people have about locations, and timings. That one was my bad for not saying haha. Although yes, messing up his system would make him have to botch that part of the program, if able to in the future I see a certain fallen orc torturing him by doing such things. If that character is still alive, and willing to put up with Sinys.
Getting to the college: George Lucas on triple espresso, I'll think of something reasonable.

Lie detector: Nix that sadly, but that was also air flow in blood cells. Speed demoting certain emotions, but not fine tuned, just to explain my reasonings.

Some Races anatomy aren't like others. Naga for example have a ridge control over their emotions and also their anatomy has serpent elements in which can possibly influence stuff. In addition, individuals are all different and some are well practiced at lying down to an exact science where their body doesn't show any effects. So they would still be lying but he wouldn't be able to tell and personally, the GMs much rather not make every single NPC liar into the perfect one to counter this aspect and prevent things from being too soon. This pretty much means your PC will know the lies before everyone else and every time making surprises rather hard.

Drainage: Nope, just less arcanite, in stead of beginning to regenerate it he more or less is at plus/minus zero if that makes sense. Although when he actually is casting arcanite drains a bit faster for him due to the curse, if runes work that way. I brushed up to a certain point on that the first night. Also I saw something about one of the dragon types having runes engraved into his body, by the by that was my ulterior motive with the curse. A price to pay for help his mother had gotten previously in life.

So less arcanite magic in his blood in general. One worry I have with this is that it can likely hurt him in later stages as he grows into Advance and Master, mainly because you have a set amount of Arcanite. You can see Khan, which I'm slightly flattered you used him for inspiration, isn't as powerful as a full, none rune demonomancer like Tyrael. If these two went head to head, full out and no holding back, Tyrael would most likely win in the end due to his flexibility since Khan's limited by his runes. However, both have the same arcanite amount.

Smell and hearing: smell I had included though not detailed I admit, hearing I forgot... I'll think of whether I want to botch that or if it is just a higher aspect of the curse. Also I was kind of thinking of that movie "Sensless" from 1998. Mind over matter type deal, then again I am referring to a comedy........

I don't think I've seen that movie so I can't fully relate or understand the humor I'm afraid. Either way, smell would still be a crippling weakness when encountered with intense scents. I should know as Zabrak, a race I play in SW, has blood hound like scent and strong scents like rot, perfumes, or intense/powerful scents can easily distract her and even hurt her sense of scent that breathing it in could cause her to flinch. I'm not sure if you intended this high of scent or something milder though for sure.

Otherwise thank you to @EliteCommander for that insight, and scratch the comedy comment...

I think I covered everything? At least for deliberations, don't really want to move forward too much with out knowing if the main idea is acceptable. Thank you all for your time!

Oh god.... I've become.... A monster. My explainations are bigger than my CS.. *comical tears*

They still help the GMs, mine get rather lenghty tbh. So you're not alone in that aspect. In addition, Rtron and Lucius will most likely adding their thoughts and suggestions when they get the time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EthTenshi
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EthTenshi The anti-lucky charm.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I have no problems editing to your wishes, not then not now, you are very right about the bow aspect.... I was a little (lot) hungry, more than willing to admit. Although this was a crash run Cs, nothing ventured nothing gained, also I think I did it that way because of the low age... Makes sense... Maybe, not really haha.

No not actually less, like an upkeep cost, tcg reference anyone? *casts spell, ooops pay constant trickle cost for additional effect, fifteen minutes after last spell arcanite starts to recharge* although I don't mind not having a cost at all. I figured that having a bad ass extra ability needs a draw back. I mean a sixth sense using air itself as a medium? As well as a booster effect to at least three other sensory organs? Just stating air carries particles of what ever you happen to smell/taste, like not just some random weird reaction our body has, that steak you smell. Yeah particles of it are floating into your nose/mouth. At least that blew my mind when I first heard that. Though admittedly I don't think a normal humanoids tongue would be all that extra sensitive, perhaps unpleasant. Enough rambling about that though.

Well if this tells you anything it is a wayens brothers film, it's freaking fantasmil, essentially the main character signs up for an experimental drug that hightens all of your senses to inhuman levels. And at first it does drive him mad, hahaha at the sceen with him wearing glasses, ear plugs, ect. trying to block it all out. Though afterwards he pulls it under his control through willpower or something. Very well worth watching. Not that that is full what I wanted, just a meaningless recap.

And I'm glad you're flattered, but in my mind if you can't pull ideas from nearly anything you see to try and make things fit, then you are not growing enough. Now make me more talented my whet stone bwahahahahaaaaaa.... Yeah don't take me too seriously *sweats*
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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I have no problems editing to your wishes, not then not now, you are very right about the bow aspect.... I was a little (lot) hungry, more than willing to admit. Although this was a crash run Cs, nothing ventured nothing gained, also I think I did it that way because of the low age... Makes sense... Maybe, not really haha.

I often feel it's needed to explain and at least offer solutions to players when I deny something or need details. It's only polite and it help show what I would find acceptable, making it easier for both of us in the long run. Rtron's replies won't come until much later since he's doing RL stuff, but he also had some issues about range and depth in how your PC can read the air which stems a bit into advance aeromancy for my tastes. When he gets this reply up, and if you have any questions, I can elaborate more.

No not actually less, like an upkeep cost, tcg reference anyone? *casts spell, ooops pay constant trickle cost for additional effect, fifteen minutes after last spell arcanite starts to recharge* although I don't mind not having a cost at all. I figured that having a bad ass extra ability needs a draw back. I mean a sixth sense using air itself as a medium? As well as a booster effect to at least three other sensory organs? Just stating air carries particles of what ever you happen to smell/taste, like not just some random weird reaction our body has, that steak you smell. Yeah particles of it are floating into your nose/mouth. At least that blew my mind when I first heard that. Though admittedly I don't think a normal humanoids tongue would be all that extra sensitive, perhaps unpleasant. Enough rambling about that though.

So, additional charges apply type thing? As in he can't control how much he uses? I'm sorry if I'm a little confused, mainly as I'm trying to understand what you're trying to explain. Right now, it now sounds like an issue untrained novices have where they use too much blood per spell rather than able to regulate how much they use.

And yes, having a draw back is a good thing but I think we should chose one that makes sense for the curse/rune incident first. This both seems like a tacked on one and not fully thought out/explained flaw. Range, also, is a limited factor too that could help in balance as what you're describing is tapping into advance aeromancy if the range is beyond personal zone of 3 feet btw, which he doesn't have the training to achieve that far (it's more in control than power).

Well if this tells you anything it is a wayens brothers film, it's freaking fantasmil, essentially the main character signs up for an experimental drug that hightens all of your senses to inhuman levels. And at first it does drive him mad, hahaha at the sceen with him wearing glasses, ear plugs, ect. trying to block it all out. Though afterwards he pulls it under his control through willpower or something. Very well worth watching. Not that that is full what I wanted, just a meaningless recap.

And I'm glad you're flattered, but in my mind if you can't pull ideas from nearly anything you see to try and make things fit, then you are not growing enough. Now make me more talented my whet stone bwahahahahaaaaaa.... Yeah don't take me too seriously *sweats*

Goofiness is welcomed in blood, encouraged as it lightens the mood and creates a fun atmosphere. Just don't expect the GMs to stay out of it. :p
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EthTenshi
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EthTenshi The anti-lucky charm.

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Honestly that is the opposite of everything I've known about making a CS since '06. At least never in this depth or usually turned away. I'm extreamly greatful that you feel this way. As far as Rtron goes I do not mind waiting in the least bit, I prefer to gather strength from as many resources as I can. Even if it is just foundation and structural.

Yes that is exactly it, he can't control how much is used. But in the case of the rune it is a constant, not a novice mistake, so it is a bit harder for him to get sick. Ok maybe this is a better example?

Sinys casts a novice spell, it costs him one of ten, oh yes rune ability is active, it costs plus one more. So two of ten. Or Sinys casts a novice spell incorrectly using too much, it costs him two of ten, plus an additional point to make three of ten. Just as basic as I can think of it right now.

Yes the range... I will admit that puts a dampening in my kindle, how about five feet? :DD

From this point onward I declair shinanigans!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Honestly that is the opposite of everything I've known about making a CS since '06. At least never in this depth or usually turned away. I'm extreamly greatful that you feel this way. As far as Rtron goes I do not mind waiting in the least bit, I prefer to gather strength from as many resources as I can. Even if it is just foundation and structural.

No problem. And yes, certain aspects we tend to pick apart more than others. We literally were peppering @Sentowith questions and pointing out stuff we didn't understand. I think we scared the poor player.

Yes that is exactly it, he can't control how much is used. But in the case of the rune it is a constant, not a novice mistake, so it is a bit harder for him to get sick. Ok maybe this is a better example?

Sinys casts a novice spell, it costs him one of ten, oh yes rune ability is active, it costs plus one more. So two of ten. Or Sinys casts a novice spell incorrectly using too much, it costs him two of ten, plus an additional point to make three of ten. Just as basic as I can think of it right now.

Alright and still my issue applies. This becomes a concern later on in the story because as the students grow in levels, so do the enemies. This would make your magic rather short lived and your PC more dependent on physical attacks and others, which has its own limitations. It would alright for this rp, as most of the monsters are novice and intermediate (Yes, Free, the nitemare is intermediate :p), but in later Acts this might put him at a disadvantage and one he can't out grow unlike the others. Granted, he could cover those with special weapons or Runes, but he would still be pretty limited and not able to get those all the time. Are you still sure you rather not find another massive flaw or you still fixed on this?

Yes the range... I will admit that puts a dampening in my kindle, how about five feet? :DD

Novices only get 3-4 foot max, and that's after they are trained. Not very fair, even with the blind aspect, to allow your untrained novice an extra foot or more when he didn't earn it. However, in the next time skip he would be able to obtain the range I mentioned without much difficulty so he would only be limited to 3 foot for one IC day, which is just his intro. See Blood Act IC tends to do months timeskips, then focus on one day in between each skip which the GMs allow the players to play in until enough are bothered and want to move on. The missions are going at a nice pace which will likely leave everyone to relax in a lull and normal day until we skip another 2-3 months into winter or fall. This is because it takes about 10 years to learn magic total.

From this point onward I declair shinanigans!

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

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You are a pipsqueak... a cute one too.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

You are a pipsqueak... a cute one too.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Grey could be of immense help in the Catacombs, if what I have in mind is something that works. Your last post gives me plenty of ideas.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by EthTenshi
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EthTenshi The anti-lucky charm.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Can you find waldo?


I was kidding about the five feet haha ^-^;

I'll think of something else... I feel as though I'm not grasping a mechanic here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Can you find waldo?

I'm afraid I can't even find the picture.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Ayo Free, good post, but there's only one "official" entrance into the Catacombs, holes from the ceiling or the Ravine Entrance aside.

Also I found Waldo. Bottom-left section, find the Eletrode and slowly move your way right and he's between the wartortle and munchlax.
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