Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Welcome to Aesteria! A new fantastical world of radically different climates, peoples, and environments that has only recently been born from my imagination. Though I have yet to be able to produce a map for my world, I shall do my best to give you a feel for what it looks like. This Roleplay will revolve around the main continent of Lucenrai.

Technology and Magic

If you've read my tag behind the title, you'd have guessed that this is a fantasy-with-steampunk-elements RP. Therefore, it has fantasy/steampunk tech. So that means airships and steam and magics galore! A large amount of the technology in this RP will be 'explained' by a large mixture of magic with steam technology (Also to be known as Magitechnology). Any overly intricate/advanced/somewhat unfeasible piece of technology? - Magitechnology.
As far as weapons and combat goes, there will be a good mix of melee weapons, firearms, and melee-firearm contraptions, as well as magically enchanted items. I'll get into a list of the more common armaments you'll see below:

Magic in Aesteria is different than magic in other fantasy realms. Whether or not anyone is inherently talented in magic, no one can simply 'pick up' magic. You can't just stare at a little grimoire all day and then all of a sudden be able to cast a fireball and burn down villages, no, it doesn't work like that. In Aesteria, all magic is governed by the use of summoned spirits.

Summon spirits typically aren't like your fancy and powerful Final Fantasy Summons. There are tens of hundreds of thousands of spirits all over Aesteria, each with their own element and classification, just waiting for you to nab them. It is only with the help of these summoned spirits that you are able to cast any sort of magic whatsoever.

Spirits generally fit into one of three categories:

Welcome to Meduzart! A prominent city in the confederacy of western City-States. Meduzart is commonly called the Adventurer's Hangout, as it houses the founding branch of the Adventurer's Guild, commonly referred to as, 'The Guild'. The Adventurer's guild is the West's largest source of paramilitary mercenaries and couriers, as the Guild is a collection of small bands of mercenaries, errand runners, explorers, summoners, and mechanics. When people need something done, they usually come to a Guild house to get it done, provided they have the coin. Meduzart, the hometown of the Adventurer's Guild is known for having some of the most reliable adventurers in the West. We shall, or most of us shall play as members of this hardy guild, whether or not we are in the same band, or know/of eachother is up to us.

A strange air has taken over the Varisie Empire recently. While always arrogant and pompous, the Varisie have never been outright violent, so the Varisie's sudden expeditions into Western territory has taken the City-States aback. With formidable technology, and an organized force, the Varisie had already taken by force the north eastern City States before the remaining states could begin to muster a defense. Without giving a reason, and ignoring all diplomats, the Varisie began a steady advance into the western territories before the Confederacy could force the Varisie to a halt, at the expense of grievous losses. The Varisie have for the moment stopped their advance, consolidating their position on their captured city states, still ignoring all diplomats and messengers from the western cities.

One day, a pair of youngsters, one male, one female, burst into the main hall of Meduzart's Guildhouse. With a sum of coin unexpected of their age, the two have requested a group of adventurers to take them to the City-State of New Eden. The only problem is, New Eden is the heart of the Varisie operations in the western regions. The pair avoid all questions regarding their reasons for making such a foolhardy adventure, and request only the bravest and most willing Guildsmen accompany them. And this is where we come into the picture.

As members of the Adventurer's Guild, we the players will undertake this adventure to guide these young people to the City of New Eden, facing whatever troubles we will along the way. There will be a good amount of in-city adventures and combat, as well as airship travel and land travel. As we travel with these youngsters, we will eventually discover the 'Arks' and their true powers. I'll accept a group of 4 or 5 players at the most. Players are limited to one character per. Due to the small amount of spots, this will not be first come, first served.

Character Skeleton

My Character


Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I have arrived to claim my place both as player and as Co-GM!

*Bursts into Thread*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Terminal
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Terminal Rancorous Narrative Proxy

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Kuro said "Death is always taking life from the living for nothing. I would prefer to employ death and get something back in trade, than to be waylaid by it."

Age: 33
Archtype: Ruthless Tactician
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

One character per.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Terminal said
Interested.Are we permitted to create more than one character, or when you imposed the 'five player' limit, were you referring to characters rather than posters?

Its kind of both. We're only admitting up to 5 posters, and as Rtron says, only one character per person.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Terminal
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Terminal Rancorous Narrative Proxy

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Noted. Character profile under construction, expect it shortly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

My own character and his spirit has been added to the opening post for those needing an example/idea of how to write their character.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nib
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

I'd like to express my interest. Would it be possible to have been or currently be an Air Pirate?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Former probably, current, eh maybe. The Guild might not want the trouble an Air pirate living in their building might cause. My CS: Appearance: [hider=Face] [img=http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130923064702/borderlands/images/1/17/BL2-Axton-Head-Grizzled_Veteran.png][/hider] Typically, Eli wears light steamplate armor (strong enough to block a low caliber bullet or two, and a blade between the ribs, but light enough to allow him movement), underneath a leather duster. Both the armor and duster look worse for wear, the armor only cleaned enough to look functional and the duster never really cleaned unless it reeks badly. He wears black gloves. They are clearly well made and are the nicest thing he owns, obviously well kept and cared for. An emblem used to be on the palms of both, but had been ripped out and the resulting hole obviously repaired. One can see the marks where this had been done. He wears metal shod boots, with steel toes, as was favored by the Varisie Empire’s soldiers once upon a time. Like everything except himself, his weapons, and his gloves, they are unkempt. The most unclean of his gear, they are caked with mud and filth and who knows what else. Name: Eli Rondell. Age: 33 Guild Band: N/A. Eli prefers to work alone. Backstory: Power comes at a cost. Eli knows that better than most. Before he even came to the Western City-States, Eli was born into the Varisie Empire to a mother and father who had both served in the army. There wasn’t really any choice in the matter of his career. He was going to follow in their footsteps, and he was going to serve the Empire to the best of his ability. It was not only his duty, but also his destiny. His parents trained him as much as they could before he joined, wanting to have him as spend as little time as possible learning and as much time as possible serving. When it was revealed he had a talent for subduing spirits( by the time the officers found out he had several simple spirits in pacts with him, albeit the pacts were shaky and the spirits were just waiting for the perfect opportunity to kill him), he was immediately put in their training program for Summoners and put into the registered list of summoners the Church of Aer demands every nation possesses. After a few years of learning how to word his pacts, how to work in unison with spirits, and how to better wield magic, Eli was sent into the Aest Wetlands with his squad of summoners(9 people in total, counting Eli). They had only one order. Get a Gargantuan spirit for the Empire. If they came across any other spirit, it was up to them what to do. That was how Eli got Eredan, and soon after, Shreckt. It was an experience he’ll never forget. Magical artifacts that would have been sold for thousands of coins in the Empire were traded for things that everyone in the Empire could gather. What was rare and powerful to the Varisie was common enough to the people of the Aest Wetlands. Spirits were seen daily, though few were interested in entering a pact. Eventually Eli and his squad found a local who claimed to know the location of a Gargantuan spirit. In return for some of the magical artifacts they had and some help along his farm, the local lead them to the cave where the Gargantuan resided. However, he flatly refused to go into the cave, claiming that all who went in died. Undeterred, Eli and his companions entered the cave. Ragnarok was waiting for them. He attacked without warning and without mercy. Luckily for them, they all had humanoid and simple spirits with them, and were able to avoid being killed in the battle, though all were injured in some way. By the time the battle ended and Ragnarok was subdued and ready to make a pact with, everyone but Eli paused to catch their breath. Eli didn’t. Eli was thinking about what was to come next. The Gargantuan would demand a blood pact, and his other companions weren’t strong enough to make the necessary decisions. Before they could react, he summoned Eredan and Shreckt and killed them. By their spilt blood he made his pact with Ragnarok(using the same one he used with the other spirits). Every year he would give 8 humans to Ragnarok. The spirit agreed, and Eli set out to leave the Wetlands. Due to Ragnarok’s constant needling, however, what he had done finally got to and broke Eli. He had killed his friends, murdered them in cold blood, all for power. He killed them for Ragnaroks unrelenting voice in his head, constantly stirring his guilt. Suicide was a tempting option, as he headed steadily for home. But he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He was a soldier and he would die in a battle. But he wouldn’t return to the Empire. They would hang him for his crime, and probably take and use Ragnarok for even worse things. No. He’d join this ‘Adventurer’s Guild’ he had heard so much about. Maybe he could find a death in battle there. That was 5 years ago. Or at least, it will be soon. Eli still hasn’t died, though he’s gained a reputation in the Guild for taking the most dangerous jobs they could find. As of late, he’s gone into Varisie land repeatedly. So, when the children came bursting in through the doors, more than a few people looked at him, and none were surprised when he joined. Skills and Abilities: Life time soldier: For Eli, becoming a soldier wasn’t a choice. It was his fate. He’s been fighting as long as he can remember. As a result, he has become fairly good at the art of killing. Be it with gun, blade, or whatever happens to be at hand. Varisie Summoner: The Varisie train their summoners well, and Eli was one of them. He’s skilled at subduing spirits, and using them in combat. Equipment: -A steam rifle powerful enough to go through light armor, but only denting anything higher. Has 4 clip magazines. -Armor stated in appearance -Two steam revolvers, located in each boot -A simple short sword. Spirits: (Note: Eli has used the simple spirits on pretty much every mission he’s been on. Everyone knows he has them. The humanoids are much rarer, but a few people know he has them. No one knows of Ragnarok’s existence.) Simple [hider=Lumin] [img=http://community.riftgame.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Spirit_Fire_Greater_01.jpg] Pact details: In return for a constantly filled pipe, Lumin agreed to a complicated pact that basically assured he wouldn’t do anything to harm or kill Eli or his allies, and do everything in his power to ensure they weren’t killed or injured. Age: 700. Lumin has been around long enough to learn the value of a good smoke, as he constantly informs Eli. Skills and abilities: Lumin can throw a fireball, or hold it for a while. He has given this ability to Eli.[/hider] [hider=Zaz] [img=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/268/b/c/raijuu_2_by_lightning_spirit-d4aw17a.jpg] Pact details: In return for a constantly electrically charged trinket, Zaz agreed to a complicated pact that basically assured he wouldn’t do anything to harm or kill Eli or his allies, and do everything in his power to ensure they weren’t killed or injured. Age: Unknown. Eli was never able to get a number from the pictures shown. Skills and abilities: Zaz can throw a lighting bolt or hold it for a while. She has given this ability to Eli.[/hider] [hider=Kal] [img=http://www.savlenstudios.com/products/61/images/344/hawksbill_sea_turtle_art__12333.1405448250.1280.1280.jpg?c=2] Pact Details: In return for a shiny rock Kal agreed to a complicated pact that basically assured he wouldn’t do anything to harm or kill Eli or his allies, and do everything in his power to ensure they weren’t killed or injured. Age: Unknown. Eli could never get a number from the pictures Kal shows. Skills and abilities: Kal can create shields for a brief amount of time, of varying sizes. Just long enough to block an attack or two, if he pushes it. He granted this ability to Eli as well. [/hider] [hider=Saruk] [img= http://www.natureinmetal.com/bmz_cache/3/3936ce8702d2e568a27025629b96fd73.image.200x301.JPG] Pact Details: In return for an ever changing puzzle box, Saruk agreed to a complicated pact that basically assured he wouldn’t do anything to harm or kill Eli or his allies, and do everything in his power to ensure they weren’t killed or injured. Age: 400. Being an unusually intelligent simple spirit, Saruk was able to tell Eli his age. Skills and abilities: Saruk can increase the sharpness or piercing power of any single weapon or bullet. He gave Eli this power. [/hider] Humanoid [hider=Atra] [img=http://www.wallpaperup.com/uploads/wallpapers/2013/01/08/28309/a8366539c8ad7fc5829ca22df3e1f4c7.jpg] Pact details: Atra’s pact is rather…unique. Atra was picked up after Eli gained Ragnarok. She made him an offer. She would agree to all of his terms(as with all other spirits), and grant him powers, in return for being able to feed off of his fear, guilt, and despair. Eli agreed. Age: 1000. Atra has been feeding off of the despair of humanity for quite a while. Skills and abilities: Atra can manipulate the very emotions she feeds off of, the emotions physically manifesting as the tentacles on her body (these tentacles can be made into armor, weapons, etc. Their properties changing on how much of them there are and what they’re being used for) She exudes an aura of despair, weakening the will of any and all around her(except for Eli, because she feeds on his despair). She gave Eli the ability to manipulate his guilt and desire for death(in the same way she does) [/hider] [hider=Eredan] [img=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/079/1/f/wind_warrior_by_razwit-d5yqnfc.jpg] Pact details: In return for a box that could unleash hurricane force winds, Eredan agreed to a complicated pact that basically assured he wouldn’t do anything to harm or kill Eli or his allies, and do everything in his power to ensure they weren’t killed or injured. Age: 700 Skills and abilities: Eredan has the ability to solidify air, primarily using it to create blades of wind to slash opponents(with his sword) or compressed balls of air for concussive attacks(with his mace). Eredan gave this ability to Eli.[/hider] [hider=Shreckt] [img=http://www.flash-screen.com/free-wallpaper/uploads/201207/icos/fantasy-warrior-girl-facebook-timeline-cover-photo-06.jpg] Pact Details: In return for a scroll that opens to a new story of her ‘homeland’ each time it’s opened, Shreckt agreed to a complicated pact that basically assured she wouldn’t do anything to harm or kill Eli or his allies, and do everything in her power to ensure they weren’t killed or injured. Age: 500. Skills and abilities: Shreckt can manipulate her own blood, and blood that is outside a person’s body. She granted Eli the ability to manipulate his own blood. [/hider] Gargantuan [hider=Ragnarok] [img=http://th01.deviantart.net/fs34/PRE/f/2008/308/b/f/Anima__Earth_Elemental_boss_by_Wen_M.jpg] Pact details can be read in Eli’s backstory. Age: Unknown. He claims to have been alive before mankind learned how to dominate spirits. Skills and abilities: Ragnarok is a powerful earth Gargantuan, capable of both finesse earth magic and brute force destruction. He can manipulate his own form to suit the situation, in addition to any and all earth or things from the earth (metals, gems, etc) around him. Except for the items of earth tampered with by humans (I.E He won't be able to crush people in their armor, or break swords/guns, or stop bullets.) To Eli he grants this same power(except for the ‘manipulate his own form’ bit, and with the same limitation)[/hider] Misc. Details: -Eli has a soft spot for children. -While the rest of his equipment looks like a mess, just kept barely clean enough to function, his gloves and weapons are almost religiously taken care of.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Terminal
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Terminal Rancorous Narrative Proxy

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Character profile is up - check the third post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wind Wild
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Wind Wild A sprinkle of Weird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I believe Rtron's got me hooked. I'll try to come up with a character today.

So just a question - are we playing a human and a spirit or a human OR a spirit?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Squrmy


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'm interested in this. I think there's still room, if I can count?

Anywho, I'll get to work on a character sheet over the next few hours. Should be up today or tomorrow if there's still room. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PlantEater
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PlantEater Eat Your Greens!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Interested, will work on a CS soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Squrmy


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Here's my sheet. It's still a bit of a work in progress (as I've yet to give him any Spirits, or decide if indeed he will have any), and I need to add some more background in about what he does once a part of the Adventurers' Guild - which I was hoping I could work out with people, so we could build some already-existing relationships prior to the beginning of the roleplay. :) I kinda want him to have been on an airship for a few years, so if I could work that in with someone it'd be awesome!

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Wind Wild said
I believe Rtron's got me hooked. I'll try to come up with a character today.So just a question - are we playing a human and a spirit or a human OR a spirit?

If you're a human character, you can have control of a humanoid spirit if you wish. If you want to play as only a spirit, its a bit more difficult because you have to find someone to partner up with, but its also allowed- and a potentially interesting way to go about things.

If enough people want to play as spirits, but don't have enough partner, I'd be happy to ditch my character's own spirit for a player controlled spirit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wind Wild
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Wind Wild A sprinkle of Weird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Or maybe some players can play each other's spirits/humans, just an idea. :3 I'm still trying to decide what kind of character I want but I think I'm getting closer. /concept art always helps.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 1 mo ago

This looks up my alley. Trying to decide if I want to play a "kid with the leash"-esque young mage with a Gargantuan spirit, or a wandering Kusagi mercenary.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nib
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

I'll try to have a sheet up by tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Wind Wild said
Or maybe some players can play each other's spirits/humans, just an idea. :3

Thats... what I was implying...

Dead Cruiser said
This looks up my alley. Trying to decide if I want to play a "kid with the leash"-esque young mage with a Gargantuan spirit, or a wandering Kusagi mercenary.

Thats debatable. It depends on how well you can pull off the the character... Its highly unlikely a child is going to have the power/wit/ability to control a Gargantuan- much less start a pact with one. Especially since the Gargantuans require blood pacts.

So unless you murdered your whole family as a sacrifice to a Gargantuan....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Terminal
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Terminal Rancorous Narrative Proxy

Member Seen 1 mo ago

vietmyke said
Thats... what I was implying...Thats debatable. It depends on how well you can pull off the the character... Its highly unlikely a child is going to have the power/wit/ability to control a Gargantuan- much less start a pact with one. Especially since the Gargantuans require blood pacts. So unless you murdered your whole family as a sacrifice to a Gargantuan....

Or somebody murdered their family to bind the gargantuan to the child - I imagine controlling a summon by proxy has certain advantages and disadvantages.
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