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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

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Sorry, I'm gonna drop out. Not that I have problems with anything or anyone, I just don't think I'm going to be keeping up very well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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The perverted, drunken, doctor might be funny.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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> Sorry, I'm gonna drop out. > > Not that I have problems with anything or anyone, I just don't think I'm going to be keeping up very well. ah, good luck! If this goes on long enough, I'm sure you can jump in later if someone else leaves or something. Or if you wanna take control of NPCs. lol > The perverted, drunken, doctor might be funny. Yeah. And Raddum dropped out, so Chef is available too. IRL comes first.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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So, still working on this, but had a really, really, _really_ silly idea and I need someone to stop me from doing it. Basically, the navigator has _no sense of direction whatsoever_ and just makes stuff up and gets lucky a lot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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WE WOULD DIE WITHIN MINUTES! But that _is_ pretty funny.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BRXVO
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BRXVO "D" will bring another storm

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Very amusing actually, its hella ironic. Its like the equivalent of Buggy becoming a Shichibukai ![enter image description here](http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_llgvw52Ml81qd5dc0.gif "enter image title here")
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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![enter image description here](http://i.imgur.com/g0MHBOg.gif "Aaaaaaaaaa") - Name: Anabella Manowar - Age: 16 - Gender: Female - Race: Mermaid (Jellyfish) - Picture or Description: [Whee~] (http://www.sta.sh/01wsf05y83vj) - Crew Member, Marine Rival, or Other: Crew member - Crew Position: Navigator - Techniques/Fighting Style: Anabella's fighting style is mostly based around the fact that from the waist down she is a mass of elastic tentacles. Each one is usually about a meter long, but can stretch to about three meters, and is fully prehensile. The tentacles are coated with a poison which causes those that they touch to stiffen up and become paralyzed for a few minutes. Anabella is able to use her tentacles to "walk" on land, although if she spends more than a few hours away from water they will shrivel up and she will be unable to use them until they've been immersed once more. Her lower half is able to regenerate, although the rate depends on how long it has been since she was last in contact with water. She has no actual formal combat training, and mostly relies on wild flailing rather than actual technique for the time being. - Fruit (If applicable): N/A - Personality: Anabella comes off as rather arrogant and haughty, and always acts as though she knows exactly what she is doing. The truth, however, is that she really doesn't and is just making stuff up as she goes along. She believes that as long as she pretends that everything is going to her (non-existant) plan then everyone will believe her. Due to this, she never really (visibly) loses her cool, and is thoroughly convinced that no matter what happens she'll come up with _something._ - Backstory: Anabella would like to regale you with an epic tale of how she ended up in East Blue. She would like to boast about how she risked life and limb to cross the perilous seas, of the many outlandish adventures she had on the way there, of the many rivals and admirers she made. Truth be told, though, none of it would be true. Truth be told, she just got _really_ lost one day and ended up near Roguetown somehow. After finding out about the Golden Age of Piracy and the One Piece, she decided to take up piracy in an effort to find Gold Roger's fabled treasure. Her reasons for doing so, though... She doesn't want wealth, or prestige, or any kind of title. All she wants is eternal bragging rights. Nothing more, nothing less. As long as she has the right to proclaim her superiority she'd be truly happy. - Other: Actually has no sense of direction and is just making stuff up as she goes along. In fact, her sense of direction is so abysmal that it loops right around and leads to her ending up where she actually needs to be, which in turn leads people to think that she actually knows what she's doing when she really doesn't.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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Grey Star

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Is it okay for me to reserve the place of the crew's chef? I wanna draw him up myself before making his bio, which should be up by tomorrow anyways. XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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- Name: Margarita Marianna McManus - Age: 10! ... Physically. She is actually 22. - Gender: Female - Race: Human - Picture or Description: ["What are you talking about? Don't try and say I did weird things like that when I was drunk."](http://safebooru.org//images/361/8ab9796a5744415cc567490cb3ed1c9d7a4c9c42.png?361029) - Crew Member, Marine Rival, or Other: Crew Member - Crew Position: Doctor - Techniques/Fighting Style: Rita was trained from a very young age by her grandfather, studying martial arts. And when she was old enough to handle alcohol... he revealed the McManus family's secret technique to her. The fabled drunken fist! Training in this art, Rita learned how to... beat the hell out of things using alcohol power. It is a very simple style that allows her to hit things extremely hard when drunk. Sober, however, she is about as useful in a fight as she looks. - Fruit (If applicable): N/A - Personality: Rita, as she is called for short, is at first glance quite a polite and refined girl. And... this is not false, at all. She is quite refined, her speech very polite. She gives the impression of the child daughter of some well-off family. Only... she's actually twenty-two so she's not that young at all. And... when she gets angry her politeness begins to fade. Rita will snap, complain, and generally be unpleasant to anyone who makes her annoyed. She also has a remarkably deep adoration of alcohol. She gets drunk very quickly and her personality undergoes a drastic shift. Rita's speech becomes very rough, and she acts like a stereotypical delinquent. She enjoys fighting when she's drunk. Fighting and pretty girls. She also tends to fight by punching things really really hard. And kicking. And anything she can possibly do to cause a lot of physical harm to someone very very rapidly, really. When she sobers up again... she doesn't deny anything but the being way too into pretty girls part. - Backstory: Rita was trained from a very young age by her grandfather, studying martial arts. And when she was old enough to handle alcohol... he revealed the McManus family's secret technique to her. The fabled drunken fist! Training in this art, Rita learned how to... beat the hell out of things using alcohol power. It wasn't long before her grandfather decided that it was time to complete her training, sending her out into the world in order to do so. After a particularly intense fight, Rita found herself lost, and eventually wound up in a pirate crew. - Other: Only competent as a doctor when extremely drunk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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If no one has claimed archaeologist, or historian I suppose, I would like to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

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Name: Sayuri Mujona Age: 18 Gender: Female Race: Human Picture or Description: [Sayuri](http://safebooru.org//samples/785/sample_449a15909549533b5ba5e3dc0f516a5106c576d7.jpg?790830) Except she keeps her hair down and it is waist length. She wears black shoes, black pants, a blood red sash-like belt, a white sleeveless shirt, and white cloth bandages around her hands and lower arm leaving her fingers exposed. She also carries her sword, [Kageryu](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-JPoH-lU-Nik/UnLLy4-0pFI/AAAAAAAAATc/ahNi5hw-1Bw/s1600/lordsofshadow2otrailer_610a.jpg), with her at all times. Crew member, Swordsman. Techniques/Fighting Style: She has her own sword style and also know limited Rokushiki. The Rokushiki moves she knows are Soru, Geppo, and though not well she is capable of Rankyaku. Fruit (If applicable): N/A Personality: She is laid back and carefree almost never getting serious. She is also difficult to anger and extremely difficult to calm down often getting short with those who she's not angry with. She enjoys reading, fighting, and training. She has very few things she actually dislikes. One of those few things is people who use those close to them to further themselves. Backstory: She was raised and trained by a rouge marine in Rougetown until she was 14. At that time the marine was forced to leave. She also worked part time at a local smiths shop starting when she was 11. They began also began giving her actual work when she was 13. They also taught her to make herself a sword and how to repair it. Over the years she met several marines and pirates they intrigued her. Being able so sail where ever and whenever they wanted and that interested her. When she turned 18 she decided to find a crew and set sail. Other: I have a technique list in the works.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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**Name:** Lorna **Age:** 19 **Gender:** Female **Race: **Human **Picture or Description:** [Image](http://www.renders-graphiques.fr/image/upload/normal/Steins_Gate.png) **Crew Member, Marine Rival, or Other:** Crew Member **Crew Position:** Archaeologist **Techniques/Fighting Style:** Lorna style of fighting could only be described as rouge like and graceful. She fights using a form of hand to hand combat that focuses on powerful strikes on certain pressure points on the body. Her Devil Fruit power, while not used to fight directly, still aids in her ability to fight. She uses the vibrations of the air to sense oncoming attacks and opponents and nimbly avoid danger. **Fruit (If applicable):** Furu Furu No Mi. This fruit gives the user the ability to sense vibrations in the air, Such as vibrations formed from sound bouncing off of objects. This works similarly to echolocation, allowing Lorna, although blind, to see. **Personality:** Lorna initially appear as someone who is rather sweet and innocent. She keeps herself reserved and quiet while around respectable people like peers and strangers and has always strives to follow the rules set by her parents form a young age. She sometimes appears emotionless and stoic, but is quite the opposite. And around people she is more comfortable with she might make it a point to make these feelings known, but with people she doesn't know as well she will try to hide her true feelings with a smile. Lorna is a lot smarter then a lot of people think. A lot of people just think she is some young girl who can't think or fend for herself, while it is quite the opposite. She is rarely nervous or scared and can be really confidence in herself. Lorna puts a lot of value into her friends, and is very loyal and protective. However her shy nature might make it hard for her to be outwardly affectionate towards anyone, masking her feelings with small favors and gentle words. It's said she is a good listener and advice giver. **Backstory:** Lorna came from a very rich and very comfortable life. For large portions of her life it was just Lorna and her father, as her mother was terminally ill and often confined to her room with the doctors who were constantly visiting. Despite this, Lorna was a happy child. She was taught the trade of her choice, as well as martial arts, by the best teachers money could buy and was given the best care possible from the slaves servants in the estate. And even with the greatest doctors around on call, Lorna's mother did not survive. Lorna's father fell into a deep rage, blaming everyone and everything for his wife's death, and Lorna herself feel into a deep depression. Soon she began developing strange symptoms, and after being examined by doctors, was discovered to have signs of late childhood blindness. The problems going unseen by the doctors due to them constantly having their attention on Lorna's late mother. Her father, his rage intensifying, began demanding rigorous treatment on his daughter, refusing to believe that his bloodline would be unable to continue if no one wanted to marry a blind bride. Several expensive treatments later finally ended with a Devil Fruit being brought in. That was all in the past, and now with her ailment "cured", Lorna was sent off on a cruise ship, against her will, her father hoping that she would find a future husband there. It didn't take long for the cruise ship to be raided by rouge pirates, being destroyed and killing almost all of the passengers. Lorna was set adrift, and was found by Light. **Other: **Despite her Devil Fruit power helping her see and navigate in her own way, she still sometimes gets confused when people move in strange way. She also longs to be able to see the wonders of the world, or even a sunset, again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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...I'll admit I don't know much about Stein's Gate but I know that the picture you used for Lorna is from that... And is of a guy. ^^;
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Ostarion
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Ostarion The Skeleton King

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### **Den Grimsly, the Gunslinger** ![enter image description here](http://i.imgur.com/XSSMR7E.png?1 "enter image title here") --- **Age:** 16 **Gender:** Male **Race:** Birkan **Picture or Description:** Den Grimsly is a yellow-eyed, dark-skinned, purple-haired late teenager who stands at 5'6. His body build is relatively average for a teenager, although one could say he would fall closer to the thinner side of the spectrum. As a Birkan, he is endowed with two wings protruding from his back, which face downward. **Crew Member, Marine Rival, or Other:** Crew Member **Crew Position:** Marksman, Artillery. - Grimsly is well-versed in marksmanship and is able to effectively operate a ship's ranged weapons. Such as cannons or ballista **Techniques/Fighting Style:** - Den Grimsly is a marksman, and owns a various assortment of ranged weaponry; extending from the basic pistols to a long-range rifle or bazooka. His ranged arsenal even extends to a bow, a slingshot and two crossbows. In combat, Grimsly constantly switches his weapons. He may be found firing a pistol for the first few seconds of a fight, but may switch to his long-range rifle to take a shot at enemy crew member on an another ship. His constant weapon-shifting keeps enemies on their toes and wary. Naturally, Grimsly's focus on ranged weapons leaves him at a very clear disadvantage versus anyone who can close the distance between him and them, as he has no melee weapon to fight with, and wouldn't be very proficient with it regardless. This combat style always makes people question where he actually stores his weapons. Even _he_ does not know. - His eyesight is exceptional, and he is able to see over much longer distances than the average person. He is able to make out people on faraway ships, making him valuable as a ship's lookout (although he tends to get quite bored, doing that). - Den Grimsly is a Birkan. A race that hails from the sky island of Birka; southeast of Skypiea. He shortly moved to Skypiea after birth, however. Grimsly has had access to, and has collected: Dials. He uses these Dials for combat, but some of these can be also be used outside of combat. **Fruit (If applicable):** None. **Personality:** Grimsly tends to be quite calm inside and outside of combat. And is difficult to surprise. He is quite appreciative of many things he finds , as he comes from the sky islands. He approaches most of his problems through thinking, rather than charging in mindlessly. He can be quite obnoxious at times, and enjoys nothing more than poking holes in the supposed foolproof plans of others. In a group, he takes the role of a ['deadpan snarker'](http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DeadpanSnarker), and is normally the voice of reason. When in combat, Grimsly tries to abstain from speaking, maintaining his focus, but he has been known to make the odd taunting remark or two. He also tends to use the greeting 'Heso', as they do in Skypiea. **Backstory:** Den Grimsly comes from a Birkan family of bounty hunters. Before he was born, his family had moved from the warrior-filled sky island named Birka to the more peaceful and organized sky island; Skypiea. This did not excuse Grimsly from the culture of the Birkans, and Grimsly was raised as both a bounty hunter and a warrior. His choice of weaponry had been decided fairly early, as Grimsly demonstrated his gift of good eyesight at a young age. When he walked around Skypiea's beaches with his family, he would constantly point at things somewhat close to the horizon that were difficult to see, and would describe them with relative ease. Since then, Grimsly was trained in such a way that allowed him to use multiple types of ranged weaponry. Naturally, he was given all of these weapons to use for his eventual role as a bounty hunter. What happened for him to now be in Loguetown is the result of an undying desire for even more types of guns. He longed to journey to the fabled land below to collect different treasures in the form of weapons. However, he was certain that he would soon be six feet under (dead) should he attempt to travel from Skypiea to the Grand Line immediately. Through the use of a _four-length_ bird and incredible luck, he had somehow managed to reach Loguetown - despite having no idea where it actually was. **Inventory:** Den Grimsly carries around a small bag which contains most if not all of his Dials: - Two Jet Dials. - A Breath Dial. - An Impact Dial. - A Flash Dial. Grimsly also has collection of weapons which are not stored in a bag, and are instead stored somewhere else. **Other:** None.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

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Writing up a character for Helmsman.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 4 days ago

I fell asleep and we have a lot of submissions so far! Thats good! And I notice this crew will be mostly girls. Why does that seem to be a trend with RPs with most characters being girls? BRXVO have you decided on what your going to do? Thats alright Grey, just make sure you get it done. We're almost ready to get started. Rin, The idea is very funny and all that, I'm just wondering how it'll hold up in the later parts of the Grand Line, unless your making her luck so massive that she can navigate the new world by its sheer magnitude. If so I'm fine with that, just want a clarification. If thats the case, just add the character to the character sheet section. Vita your ok, add it in the character section Demous Thats alright. Guess we'll be having two swordsman type characters. character section. Dragonbud, your Ok, add it to the character section. I have a feeling your character will get sick 'watching' light's cartoony movements xD. Ostarion (Skeleton King), your fine. add it to the character section. And so far thats 8 characters total if my math is correct. did I forget anything? At anyrate, shipwright can come later in the sagas. I will say, a fishman, a merfolk, a skypiean, and a panda zone user. That looks completely natural for Loguetown xD.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scrub Mage
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Scrub Mage Ascended Sleeper

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I heard shipwright! --- ![enter image description here](http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs22/f/2008/027/0/5/Dagon_by_Onikaizer.jpg "enter image title here") **Name:** Tark **Age:** “28” **Gender:** Male **Race:** Fishman **Picture or Description:** Tark is, well, big. When navigating around the ship, he has some difficulty but is able to manage, albeit uncomfortably. To counter this, he does not wear any clothes, instead relying on his natural fishman build to protect him. He doesn’t even need clothes, really, as his body is lacking any real features. **Crew Member, Marine Rival, or Other:** Crew Member **Crew Position:** Shipwright **Techniques/Fighting Style:** - Tark is a shipwright, having access to a wide variety of tools used for repairing the ship. These tools include, but are not limited to: Hammers of varying sizes, wooden planks of varying sizes, logs, ropes, chisels of varying sizes, and saws of varying sizes. These tools can be utilized as deadly weapons that would make him a much more formidable opponent; however he does not use these tools for combat. “**Ain’t their proper use.**” - However, Tark is not unwilling to fight. He uses his raw, brute strength, both naturally acquired and earned through years as a shipwright, to defend himself. During combat, Tark tries to stay out of the way and focus on keeping the ship afloat. When this fails, he is not above flying into a rage brought on by damage to the ship, and will attack *anyone* responsible for damaging the ship. Or anyone that just pisses him off enough. - One noteworthy technique that is rarely seen utilized by Tark is the “**Fishman’s Fisherman Fist**”. What this technique is, however, remains a mystery as Tark hasn’t actually used it in the presence of his current crew. **Fruit:** Tark has a Zoan Type Devil Fruit, but, he has not eaten it and has no idea as to what it may do. He resents Devil Fruits, but understands that they are valuable to those willing to swear off the sea. **Personality:** Tark is serious, not caring for humor. Those telling him a joke will find that he in fact does not care, even going as far as to voice his disappointment that he has allowed his time to be wasted. Tark is also very irritable when being approached for no good reason, hating when his time is wasted. He takes his work very seriously, constantly meandering about the ship, constantly looking for even the *slightest* hint of harm. He also cares very deeply about his tools, and those that touch them will find themselves in a brawl with the large fishman. Calling him anything but Tark will also earn you the fishman’s scorn. **Backstory:** Tark is the result of a strange lineage. On his father’s side, is fishmen. The fishmen, however, are so varied and wild that his family’s genetic diversity has become so great that it is very, very, very, unstable. On his mother’s side, is a strange and twisted lineage, which is in fact, nothing but meetings of chance. His mother’s grandfather was a Wotan and her grandmother was a giant, but his mother’s mother was a Wotan, and her father was a fishman. His mother and father were both fishfolk, so it was only logical that Tark himself was a fishman. However, his lineage meant that he was destined to be a giant. While not nearly as big as his Wotan ancestors, he still stands taller than two men and wider than them too. Tark would have grown up underwater, but *something* took his family from the depths. Tark does not much talk about his life, but the skills and discipline he has, coupled with his gruff and cynical attitude, make it difficult to approach the question. However, if one were to watch the way he works, look at the way he tends to tools, and just generally look at his unwavering work ethic, it becomes obvious; Tark was, at some point, a slave. Tark has been hanging around Loguetown for a while, repairing ships to earn a living, however, Tark is homeless. He knows the ins and outs of making, repairing, and even improving a ship. Once, he was even paid with a Devil Fruit, by a drunken captain that didn’t seem to realize what he was doing. Tark took it all the same, hoping to sell it. That Devil Fruit, however, has drawn some unwanted attention and Tark wants to get out of Loguetown as soon as he can, as long as he can do it on a ship that he can occupy himself repairing. **Other:** Tark is fond of the water, as well as hard liquor, though he hardly touches the stuff.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 4 days ago

Sorry, Not a fan of that character there scrub. Maybe later on in the story, but right now we've got a lot of 'non humans' already. lol. plus the no fruit description, just one that he has with no detail, yeah thats not a good thing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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> Rin, The idea is very funny and all that, I'm just wondering how it'll hold up in the later parts of the Grand Line, unless your making her luck so massive that she can navigate the new world by its sheer magnitude. If so I'm fine with that, just want a clarification. If thats the case, just add the character to the character sheet section. That is basically the idea, yes. XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Aww, I didn't notice the second swordsperson! )= I guess it _would_ be kinda dickish to demand exclusive claim to that anyways but what will the Panda Ninja do now?
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