Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kuroko Nagasai

"Ice Make: Lance!" the Winter Spirit shouts as he sends it directly at Lu's back, then quickly shooting one at Renji.

"You're fighting the wrong mages at the wrong time." Kuroko says with a tsk of his tongue at the mages, "Your facing more then you can chew. Get out of town before we ALL exterminate you from existence!"

An aura of light-blue energy emits from his hands as he prepares for another powerful move, ready on stand by. He should be long gone by now, as he decided to walk away, but he couldn't turn back on his friends... considering Xavier also being in battle.

Samir Saron

A sudden flash shrieks through the forest air as it hits a big round target. Suddenly, it was followed by several other arrows, coming from different angles and locations, all hitting its target without error. Leaping down from a tree, a female archer lands softly on the ground, wearing a light, yet gracefully fancy, green and white colored dress, followed by yellow and turquoise jewelry, black-leggins, and in her hand was an impressive looking golden bow, its style unlike anyone has seen before. This is Samir Saron, one of the S-Class members from Harpy's Wing. She has been in the forest for two hours now, long before the events of Augustine Town took ahold. As a result, she is oblivious to what was going on beyond. Yet she enjoys being here, as she feels at total peace here. Nothing would aught to disturb her...
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Bleu Chess

Bleu Chess

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Niti Laevis

"Ma’am, yes, ma’am!" Upon hearing Yuuka, Niti gave her a light-hearted salute and quickly started toward the direction of the shrine. He ran past all the chaos that erupted around him, and could see the green flaming sigils above their heads. With a swipe of one arm in the air, a bubble barrier materialized in an instant, forming a small dome around him, Yuuka, and any nearby allies. At the very moment the fireballs touch the surface of his barrier, vast amount of bubbles engulfed and extinguished the flames, and turned the meteors into mere rocks. They slid off the shield with a sound THUD and left cracks in the ground with its massive weight.

"Don't bother destroying these meteors! They’re not even worth the effort!" Niti called out as he continued his charge toward the shrine like a scrawny yet well-oiled tank, moving his bubble barrier to follow his movements as more meteors ricocheted off his magic. Unfortunately, his barrier doesn’t block out the heat radiating from the flaming rocks as he could feel perspiration building up against his skin. "I'll watch your backs and block the stupid rocks! We’re going to grind that bastard into the ground!"

Suddenly, Niti felt a shift in air pressure and looked over his shoulders in curiosity. He made a face at the very sight.

“Tornado incoming!” He pointed at the gale of wind that was taking meteors right out of the sky and adding its blunt destruction to its own. Knowing their luck so far, it was coming their way. Fast.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jeanne - The Archangel

Much to her satisfaction, and the gross underestimation of her by the enemies that had made themselves present; the six dozen blades of holy fire wrought remarkable destruction on the vines. So powerful was it that their controller soon gave up on such a tactic. Pausing for a moment as even the blades themselves hung suspended in the air, Jeanne contemplated for a moment. The presence beneath their feet was still slowly growing, and it seemed that everything that had been done to simply buy time, which now was a valuable resource that they could no longer afford to waste.

Instantly, all fifty-nine of her blades that weren't wielded by Sage converged back to her. Each of them combining into one another while they collided into the sword she already held, as thin lines of luminescent gold began to trace about the woman's figure. Before long, the blade she held grew in both radiance, length, and width. As if it were made of the most monstrous and purest light. While two dozen swords still swirled in the air around them, Jeanne calmly spoke to Hana while the maelstroms of whirlwinds further desolated the ruined city in the distance.

If Hana were paying any attention, she would undeniably notice the absolutely monstrous build of magical energy that now lingered in Jeanne's grasp.

"Hana. We shan't be playing games any further. Time to take a shortcut. Please stand back." Finally, the thin lines converged and across her beautiful form spread, and rapidly growing across her form was an angelic form of armor. Colored white akin to the purest of Ivory and engraved with beautifully intricate accents of gold, the helmet of a weeping Saint closed about her fair face and thin lines of black tears traced downward from the eyelets.

The Archangel had gained her true form.

"Prepare to descend." With one flap of her wings, the brilliant star that was her ascension was plain for all in the city to see as she took The Ashbringer into the grasp of both her hands while she rose into the air. All the while meteors fell, her two dozen spare blades rose with her to deflect or strike them down with ease. Once enough altitude was gained, a powerful horizontal slash from Jeanne pointed downward from the heavens would cause the light of the sun itself to rupture forth in righteous flame. This wave of superheated concussive magical energy collided in a calamitous cacophony into the temple and the grounds and collided with the might to make the foundations tremble in fear.

Far beneath it, Lu and Renji would feel it while the smoke cleared.

This was horrific might of sixty blades combined into one.

Once the dust settled, a massive crater could be seen to be carved out of the earth itself as Jeanne then swung once again. A second sun ruptured the heavens as a deafening roar of destructive magic sundered the very earth that dared to resist it. This time however, as the smoke cleared, a hole into the abyss where Renji and Lu had hidden themselves within to buy time was open for all to see as the distorted sunlight that rippled through Niti's barrier and the falling dust. Folding her wings inward, Jeanne dove towards the darkness and fell into it like one might observe a falling star passing through the heavens at night.

Only to open them as a literal beacon of light in the dark.

As light as a feather, her feet touched the ground with a fair distance from Renji and Lu and Jeanne's resolute silence was finally broken. Ashbringer, the magnificent sword of holy flame that she held in her grasp seemed to pulsate in her grasp before her calm settled before the storm that stood before her.

"Good evening, gentlemen. I must ask you, why do you have to stir up trouble on my day off?" A sigh whispered past her lips while Jeanne continued to stare them down. Yet another chilling presence brought the side of her gaze to see Kuroko who seemed still so bitterly cold after an icy strike, and Jeanne would wordlessly add onto it. Swinging vertically, the dark cavern would be filled with flooding, fiery light once again as a tidal wave of holy flames would surge forward towards both Renji and Lu alike.

Righteous vengeance singing for their demise.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 22 hrs ago


Renji's attack did break through Xavier's guard, but the result was the same as before. The armor simply reformed, and took another stance, Xavier poised to try another attack, when he heard a voice in his head, and it wasn't Cassandra's. It was a man's voice, a deep, stern baritone that seemed to echo through his mind.

My Liege, please allow me to handle this, you don't have the skill to defeat this opponent, even with my help.

Who are you?

This is not the time, My Liege. First we must finish the battle, then comes the explanation

Xavier didn't like being kept in the dark, but the voice was right. The middle of an intense battle that was way over Xavier's head was not the place to have a conversation. SO he withdrew from Knight, and just in time too. He looked up to see a Meteor coming straight for him. He was just barely able to avoid it, putting his new wings to work to give him a speed boost and move him out of the way. He looked over at all the others, giving it their all, and wanted desperately to go out and fight with them, to not slink away like a coward again. But he knew that this was not the time to do such things, that he was no were close to fighting these guys, even with his new demon abilities, but his Knight would provide good support, so it was best to hide in a nearby building until this all blew over. He'd be in the way otherwise.

After swallowing that bitter blow to his pride, he found a nearby building to hide in. . . again. No matter what reason he gave himself, he still felt like such a coward for doing this, and the self-loathing stuck in his chest like a ball of burning pitch. The wisp of shadows that flowed around him, closed in and seemed to be trying to comfort him, telling him that it probably had a voice as well, though it refused to speak. Still, the thought was nice, and Xavier appreciated it.

"Thanks, I guess I needed that."

While Xavier hid in a building, Knight turned to where Renji and Lu were facing off against the angel woman. He gripped the greatsword handle that had been formed in his hand, the only weapon he had, pumping the strange blue energy into it to form the blade. This would be his first time fighting in this body, and the first time he had entered combat in a long while, yet even after death, the thought of rushing into glorious combat sent a chill through his veins. The fact that he currently had no veins was a moot point.

Turning his attention back to the battle at hand, he whispered to himself in a low voice.
“Knightmare Rush.”

And the very next moment, he was right next to the two Isvan foes, taking a powerful stances as he swung his blade at the two with extreme speed and dexterity, due to both the blade being energy and thus weightless and his own skill. He would continue his frenzy of rapid strikes, this time with much more skill than before, until the Holy fire came upon them. He would then give a quick, retreating slash to get the two to back away from him(and subsequently into the Holy attack),before using Knightmare Rush to escape the current situation and take his place next to the allies of his Liege lord, ready to face his foes again if they do appear.



Aiden’s eyes twitched as everything he did had virtually no effect on the apathetic bastard, his comment about how he expected more making him extremely vexed. Then he pulled out his little Lava trick, creating the largest Dragonslayer Roar he had ever seen, and he no longer felt annoyed, just the tiniest bit overwhelmed. He had easily dodged the attack, trusting Oriel to be able to dodge it as well, before turning his attention to the battle at hand. Oriel was choosing not to use her flames, smart considering how close Lava was to fir and the uncertainty of whether it even have an effect on him.

Whatever Oriel did, Aiden used the time she bought him to charge up an attack he’d been working on. “Water Dragon’s Roar: Pressure!” HE took in a deep breath and held it for a while, before letting out a stream of highly pressurized water from his mouth, the stream cutting through the earth like paper as it rushed to Ajax’s position.

The second he could, he made his way to the ground at high spped, hands in his Ice Make position as he charged up another attack. “Fluid Ice Make: Fallen Dragonic Ascension: Weiss Phoenix Dual Strike!” As he hit the ground with a boom, causing an explosion of dust to surround him, a bright white flash came into being, followed by a freezing winds, as two large phoenix constructs, made from ice and having freezing cold water form their joints and the majority of their wings, rose up high into the sky, surrounded by an intense icy blue aura. They then entered a steep, screeching dive, towards Ajax from two opposing directions, Aiden making sure to use Water Dragon’s Flying step to get Oriel out of the way if she wasn’t already, crashing into the Wizard Saint with a resounding “BOOM!!!”

Before the explosion was even finished, Aiden struck with his last attack, taking another deep breath before releasing his strongest Roar to date. “Weiss Dragon’s Blizzarding Typhoon!!” The Roar was big, not as large as Ajax’s had been, but still pretty big. It was a conglomeration of Freezing winds filled with shards of ice swirling around a large vortex of water, the inner and outer edge being filled with ice debris and razor sharp water blades. And in the center of that was an large amount of pure magical energy in the shape of a Dragon’s Roaring Maw. The moment this attack would crash into Ajax, it would rupture, causing a chain reaction throughout the rest of the vortex as it smashed into the man, covering him within thick layers of Ice that would equate to a small hill in total size.

After the attack, Aiden would drop to the ground, breathing heavily as he caught his breath. It had taken a lot out of him to send all of those powerful attacks at him in such rapid succession, but he’d made sure to keep enough magic at the ready so that he could still pull of Ascalon if he had to. That would get the bastard for sure, as no matter what attack he sen it’s way, the energy would get absorbed by the spear and leave the attack powerless against it. The heat from his lava attacks would probably dull it, but the tip isn’t what caused the most damage anyway.

Still, Aiden took a second of rest to recover from the strain of his actions before he got back up, entering a fighting stance after he summoned his by now trademarked Naginata, staring at where Ajax was. “That good enough for you, you Magam Bitch.”

In hindsight, it was very unwise to call his future boss “Magma Bitch”, but Aiden was at this point a bit too tired to care and still a little miffed at the man for his earlier comments.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saltwater Thief
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Saltwater Thief The Wild Card

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Annabeth Stagitta- Lamia Scale

The natural spring that poured out from the mountain near the town Lamia Scale called home was a peculiar little spot, and a popular one to boot. Despite the somewhat lengthy hike required to reach it, denizens of the town would frequently make the trip to play, picnic, and refresh themselves in and around the cool waters. Especially today, with the weather around the town as blisteringly hot as it was, the spring was surrounded by families seeking shelter from the heat. A young mother stood ankle deep in the water, gently cradling her newborn babe as her youngest, a boy of 9, tossed a ball about. When he tossed it toward her, she gently kicked it back to him... only to have him miss it and go sailing toward the trees. As she moved to stop the boy from chasing it into the woods, however, the ball was gently lobbed through the air to land in front of him again. When the mother looked to see who had returned the ball, she gasped in pleasant surprise- stepping through the trees was Annabeth, a cheery smile on her face. It so happened that the spring was one of Annabeth's favorite places in the world, which is why she always made a detour to the spring as she returned from a Mission, no matter how out of the way it took her. And now, having returned from her years long Mission, she was welcome sight to most everybody there.

"Oh! Miss Stagitta!" cried the mother, "You're back!"

"Alicia," Annabeth replied with a wave as she set her things down, "How many times must I tell you to call me Anna? And who is this in your arms?"

"Ah, I'm sorry," Alicia answered, "Quite a bit's changed in the past six years, as you can tell. This is Lily."

"I see. Hello, Lily..." Annabeth said as she gently tickled the baby's chin, using the high-pitched voice reserved for pets and little children, "Is all well at the Guild?"

"Nothing's amiss that I've heard. Quite a few of them left this morning, but I'm sure all is well."

"Well, that is good news. Perhaps I'll..."

Annabeth's speech died in her throat as she looked past Alicia toward the horizon. Something there caught her eye, a bright flash of light in the distance. Anybody else might have missed it, but Annabeth's eyes were well accustomed to picking out such things. All of a sudden, a feeling of dread came over her. Something was wrong. She could feel it in her bones, much in the way a mother could simply feel it when their child was in danger.


"Excuse me Alicia, it seems I may have something to attend to. Could you see that my things are dropped off at the Guild when you head home please? Thank you."

With that, Annabeth jogged back to her things, grabbed Hylias from her pack, and began to channel her magic. A large arrow appeared in the air above her, floating steadily in midair. With a graceful hop she leaped up to it, gripped the shaft, and swung herself to sit atop the arrow like a witch on her broomstick. A snap of her fingers followed, and the arrow took off through the air, soaring toward the site where she had seen the great flash of light. All the while, her worry grew. What was happening over there?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago


"You seem to be having fun, come over here I got something I want to show you, it's better than being a spectator." The Wizard Saint said to Stacy after watching such battle.


"Wood Dragon's Amazon!" Yuka unleashes a defense that spreads in that area which covers them in forest like wood, she catches her breath after the taxing spell she casted. "Niti... I'm getting tired here, I need to eat some wood or plants..." The forest defense is meant to defend everyone from the raining showers and tornadoes, its rigid defense of wood, tree, plant, grass, and flowers makes sure to defend them from the assault. "I need to be at help right now, I can't fall." She said while exhausted.

Black Mamba

"Shadow Dance!" His shadows swallowed up some demons afterwards throwing them out which leaves nothing but dust. "Kyuuten, I need you and Trisana with me but you need to hide. Catch up." He said to his disciples and ran away, hoping that Trisana would be able to catch up to the sensei. Mamba's thoughts are scattered right now but he still remains calm.

After such time, Mamba made it to his desired place. "......." Silent as ever, he appeared in mid air and casted some feather attacks of sleep magic. "It is a sin to such deed you people are committing, I wouldn't call you people at all. That term is visionary. No matter the sin, it is meant to be hated, the sinner however is forgiven not unless they embrace the sin."

Mamba vs Lu!

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ajax Thera - Councilman - Hellmouth

The big man adjusted his body slightly, actually bringing his hand up and catching Oriel's tonfa. The power of the blow cracked the ground underneath their feet, but Ajax himself didn't budge an inch. "Fire, I cannot eat," he answered her question plainly, still keeping her gripped by her weapon. "But the two of you are at a severe disadvantage against me, as compared to other members of the Magic Council." Despite how easy it would've been to throw Oriel at Aiden, he instead tossed her to the side and out of her partner's path of attack.

The very moment she was out of the way, Aiden began his flurry of attacks. Ajax stepped to the side, dodging the high pressure jet of water with room to spare. The two ice and water phoenixes that came from above were blocked, with Ajax allowing them to hit the palms of his hands. The explosions still happened all the same regardless, but there was no direct hit. The following roar attack, however, scored a direct hit. It even lifted Ajax into the air before encapsulating him inside a small glacier.

While it seemed this was successful briefly, the ice surrounding him quickly began melting and cracking. Releasing some of his magical power, Ajax blew the ice apart and landed on the ground. After taking a moment to wipe some half-melted ice shards off his shoulders, Ajax looked back at Aiden and Oriel. "The disadvantage you two have is that your magics won't hurt me." His gaze went to Oriel first. "There are no flames that can burn my skin. I feel no heat. Though my clothes are fire resistant, perhaps they can be damaged by a Fire Mage."

Now he looked to Aiden. "And neither ice nor water can counter lava. My body heat alone protects me from ice, though your water presents a danger in a high pressure stream like before." Now he stood before them again, noticeably more intimidating than before despite his expression not changing. "Elemental magic is useless against me. There is no element more powerful than Lava." The moment of intimidation washed away, and Ajax let out a sigh. "So far, between the two of you, it is Oriel that poses the biggest threat to me. Her strength is acceptable, and taking direct hits from her would damage me more than the Water and Ice."

"Though... Aiden is demonstrating acceptable magical power. It is simply an unfortunate fate that the magic will not work against me. Perhaps if one of the other commanders was here you two would leave a greater impression." His yellow eyes seemed to grow darker now as his body seemed to lose some of its tension. "I think I've got a good read on your power. Problem is... I've seen little magic coming from Oriel and little strength coming from Aiden..." His hands clenched into fists now. "So I'm going to need to fix that. And I'll start with testing Aiden's physical capabilities before moving on to Oriel's magical capabilities."

Ajax rotated slightly, taking a fighting stance. "So you two have a new objective now: rather than fighting me..." His eyes seemed to have a dangerous glow about them now. "You two must survive me." For a big man, he moved rather fast. In the blink of an eye, he was standing before Aiden with his arm already coiled to strike. Giving him no mercy, Ajax let out a fast jab to the young Dragon Slayer's gut. While it seemed weak by watching, the blow would surely knock the wind out of Aiden. A blow that could defeat a typical mage, though a physically conditioned one would survive. After his initial attack, Ajax gave pause to let Aiden counterattack. After all the goal was to find how strong these two are, not brutalize them.

Stacy Kaiser - White Tiger

Stacy barely reached the ground when Kyou appeared behind her. The pale girl jumped in surprise, but after seeing who it was she let out a sigh of relief. "Hell no I'm not spectating that," Stacy responded, wiping some sweat from her forehead. "Last time I was near Ajax when he used magic, he set my hair on fire. It took forever to grow it back to this length." A grin formed on her face now. "But I'm curious to see what you have to show me.~"

Hana Oshiro - The Last Samurai

The pink-haired woman stopped when Jeanne began powering up. Despite the dangerous environment the two women were in, Hana seemed oblivious to the incoming attacks. Perhaps she was confident in Jeanne and knew that she was safe. Perhaps she simply didn't realize she was being attacked. Both were plausible truths. "A shortcut?" Hana responded, confused by what Jeanne meant. Though the confusion didn't last because the meaning was soon demonstrated.

Hana watched as Jeanne moved on to attack Renji and Lu, her eyes wide in awe. "Wow," she let out, before letting her gaze wander from the holy flames. "But the leader still needs to be beaten. Taking out those two won't stop this from happening again..." Hana tightened her grip on her sheathed sword, still looking around. One of the meteors was heading straight for her, yet she didn't budge. Just before it reached her, the flames were suddenly sliced into tiny pieces. So small they scattered around Hana and burned out at her feet, doing no damage to their intended target. And to anyone watching it seemed as if Hana didn't even move.

Her gaze went up now, towards the green magic circle where the meteors were coming from. "I think that's where he is," she spoke to herself, though she seemed a bit unsure. "The magic coming from there certainly feels like it... but it's not the biggest threat..." Another one of the meteors came directly towards her, but this time Hana started walking and it only barely missed the target, slamming into the ground behind her while she didn't even seem to detect it. "It's hard for me to focus with so much stuff going on..."

One of the massive tornadoes was heading on a course towards Hana now. Her hair was whipping across her face and she was forced to brush it out of the way. "I can't think straight with all this magic... It's so distracting..." Hana stopped and looked at the oncoming tornado, taking a moment to admire the power behind it. "... It's too loud. I... can't function in this environment." Her hair changed direction, now being pulled towards the tornado before her due to the closing proximity. The very ground around her began tearing apart as it was sucked into the powerful cyclone. Hana's right hand reached across and latched onto the hilt of her sheathed blade.

Her figure blurred for a split-second before returning to normal. Though it appeared as if she didn't even move, it became apparent what she did. The tornado before her dissipated rapidly, the magic binding it being sliced into pieces. But the tornado in front of her wasn't the only thing destroyed. The other disasters across Augustine were also slashed into pieces, quelling the tornadoes and the noise of the wind. Even the green magic circle in the sky that was raining meteors suddenly had several clean slices through it, disabling it and ending the raining meteors.

With all the magic that Hana destroyed, Augustine Town became much more quiet. The pink-haired samurai let out a sigh of relief as she let go of her weapon's hilt. "Much better... now I can concentrate," Hana spoke to herself. She looked up at the sky now. The clouds above Augustine were all split into pieces. Did I do that? she wondered briefly before remembering the problem at hand. Right. The bad guys. Her pink eyes went to Lucifer now. Her target was spotted. Without another word, Hana's body began breaking down, transforming into cherry blossoms that began floating into the sky.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Ajax was incredibly tough, having withstood that attack of hers, even without her magic activated, was quite a feat. The hole made into the ground was proof that. She flew through the air after Ajax threw her, before rolling and landing on her feet. Ajax surely had more than one trick up his sleeve. Oriel smiled. What Ajax said was certainly true. It seemed simple fire would not do anything to him. Simple fire that is. But, what about exorcism fire? Fire used to extinguish the life of demons? What about that? Her magic was precisely that. She snapped her fingers and her tonfas became surrounded by fire, a bright, scarlet fire that seemed to burn forever. If just magic wouldn't hurt him, then what about martial arts infused with fire magic? Heck, she was sure it should at least hurt like hell.

"My, then the solution is simple. We just hafta keep ya at bay from using your fuckin' lava attacks. I'm pretty sure I can do something to keep you busy while Aiden-chan gets through your body with another of those roars." Oriel said, getting ready for her next attack, this time taking up another stance. "You'll soon find out my strength is not only 'acceptable', but also something really dangerous. Martial arts are my specialty, after all." Oriel was still plenty confident that her strength was enough to face off with Ajax, he didn't seem like the type to be too instructed in them.

"Come and have a test of me, then. You will be burnt like a little bitch after I'm done with you." And then, Ajax said they had to survive him. Oriel wasn't sure as to what he meant, was he finally getting serious? He disappeared before long and was ready to punch Aiden's gut. Oriel could do nothing but stand there and see how Aiden was about to get hit. It seemed almost a mortal strike, for anyone at least. "Aiden, dodge!" Oriel shouted, without thinking it twice. She knew a powerful strike when she saw one. The councilman's strength was definitely in another level entirely. "You fucker!" Oriel too dashed forward, ready to wrap her arms and legs around Ajax's arms to immobilize him. It was the best she could do, so that Aiden could charge up his next attack. She still had no time to stop Ajax's attack, though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Yunin Awakens! - Yunin vs Nigel

"If only all men were as intelligent as you, Nigel," Hah, thanks i guess.. Nigel thought as he launched Piper then morphed back to his human form. He looked around and his eyes caught a glimpse of Lucifer right before he summoned three gigantic tornadoes, followed by a rain of flaming meteors, threatening to kill everyone. Amidst the chaos, Nigel heard Aran shouting at him, "Nigel, I'm going to help Gwen. Keep everyone safe!" She said and a moment later, she was in the sky, seemingly flying into one of the tornadoes. A second later, Nigel heard the sound of an explosion coming from within the tornado Aran had jumped into which proceeded to break apart, with Aran shooting out of it, heading towards Gwen.

"Well, you go do that. I on the meantime... " Nigel mumbled and raised his hands in the sky. In an instant, millions of nanocameras left his body, flying upwards, surveing the battlefield. Once everything was set up, Nigel brought up his heads-up display and saw the footage from the cameras. One word could summarize what was happening, Chaos. Everyone was fighting everywhere. Suddenly, vines starting shooting up from the ground and started twisting around Nigel's body; "What the fuck..." Nigel yelled in surprise. He quickly commanded the nanomachines to form a scythe from his left hand and started slicing away at the vines, which seemed to not want to go away and instead each time he cut one, five more shot out of the ground taking its place. Ugh, i've had enough of you! Nigel thought frustrated and sliced one last time before he commanded the nanomachines to grow a jetpack on his back which he used to take off the ground and away from the vines reach.

Free now from the vines, Nigel was able to analyze the footage from the cameras. However, while analyzing, something unexpected caught his attention. A strange, black, cocoon-like shaped thing was hovering just above the ground, far away from all the fighting. That piqued Nigel's interest and so he used the cameras to make a makeshift map of the layout of the town. He followed that map and after a while, he arrived at the location of the cocoon.

"Woah.." Nigel exclaimed as he landed besides the cocoon."This thing is practically brimming with magic!" he thought when he touched it with his hand, feeling the magical power inside it growing steadily. "There's no way something like this could be found in a place like Augustine Town, even in all this mess...unless..unless this has something to do with that bastard Lucifer and that masked man... Should i try to destroy this? I don't have a clue as to what will happen if I do attack it. Nothing happened when i touched it...Ugh.."

Deep and twisted black thoughts filled Yunin's mind, consumed his consciousness. He was barely aware but he felt his soldiers one by one weaken. Their magics slipping from them... or perhaps he was just reclaiming what was his. He was unsure, the moments before rebirth and during was always a blur of hastened recognition.

A hand fell upon the surface of his sphere but he deemed it unworthy, a non threat. He was so very close to emerging. His strength felt immeasurable, too much for the world to handle. The barrier pulsed a malicious intent, whipping up the air and cracking the solid earth that hid him from the conflict.

...So very close.

Suddenly, the sphere started pulsating, a dark aura emanated from it. "Shit.." Nigel thought and jumped backwards, gaining distance from the black cocoon. The ground beneath it had started cracking and the air around it was filled with dark magic. Nigel couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Shocked by the sheer amount of pressure the sphere emitted, Nigel couldn't do anything but observe...

Creation, destruction, pain, sorrow. Absolution...resolve. Dragons. Demons...E.N.D.

Words that meant little to him now but was once detrimental. What did they mean? where did they come from? Ishgal was his home, he thrived in a land ruled by dragons. No, he reigned during the time of dragons. He was strong.

My name... what was it?

Another force pulsated from the cocoon. This one greater than the last and filled with a depressing, overwhelming sense of loneliness. A loneliness backed up by a steel heart and royal presence. Faraway columns broke apart and covered the area with a shattering clamor of rock on rock.

"What in the..." and then another, even more powerful wave shot outwards at every direction from the cocoon. When it hit Nigel, he was instantly overcome by a deep sense of loneliness. He grabbed his head in pain, "Who... what... is it even possible for one creature to be this lonely? To feel this.. this unbearable sensation?"

Nigel fell down on the ground and started rolling around. The emotions were so strong, they had overcome him so much that he didn't notice the huge columns collapsing.

Minutes passed before the next pulse left the cocoon, this one weaker but inverted. The energy in the realm was drawn to the black orb like the winds to vortex. Before long a inky aura dripped from it, slowly at first then rather quickly. It pooled the ground beneath with a depth-less puddle and perfectly contained circle.

Inside Yunin found himself clenching his knees to his chest in a loose hold. His memories returning bit by bit, his strength and magics being drained from their current hosts. He could feel his body changing but he was unsure what it looked like, unclear of what a king or god would appeared to be.

All he knew was that he would be something that inspired fear in others. A tense moment suddenly saturated the air around him as he snapped his eyes open. A shock wave strong enough to shake the atoms in the air created a conduit for the entirety of the realm to tremble under his rousing.

I'am... the Savage God, he whispered, though his mouth failed to move and his terrifying words invaded everyone's thoughts.

Nigel stopped rolling. Weakened by the emotional rollercoaster he had just experienced, he struggled and managed to stand up. Through blurry vision, he saw a black liquid starting to form around the cocoon, dripping on the ground beneath it, forming a pool of the stuff.

Then it came again. The shock wave brought Nigel down to his knees once again, he grabbed his head in pain. He felt like every part of him, down to the very last nanomachine, was throbbing.

A second later, he felt an alien sensation invading his thoughts, a voice boomed in his head, "I'am... the Savage God." Through his pain, Nigel raised his head and looked straight towards the cocoon. "This...It must be destroyed!" he thought.

He once again stood up, his body aching, complaining. Nevertheless, he gathered his strength and commanded the nanites to form an ethercannon from his right arm. Eternano started being absorbed by the cannon, charging it up...

A swirl of activity enclosed around the cocoon, the wind became visible from the compression it experienced. Excruciating moment after excruciating moment was measured by the sudden shrinkage of the cocoon, until it was but a inch across and its magical essence was to the point that mages across Fiore could feel his presence.

Overwhelming, terrifying, and indomitable. These were the emotions that carried on the eddies that his magic shook. But these somber feelings held a adverse symptom. The chaotic world that had surrounded him was calming, calming to a very sad downpour. A gray drizzle fell on Lucifer's world, such was Yunin's presence that not even a fabricated world could contain his magic.

A mere second after its shrinkage, the black orb turned a vile, dull green. Fractures cracked it like broken glass and when a piece fell to the ground, a yellow eye was revealed, a black slit narrowing at the sight of the man in front of him.

A shallow breath echoed in the man's head.

Then the orb shattered, bursting apart with a fierce cry and crushing air. Through the debris and dust, the realm had met a beautiful repose, the gray drizzle obscuring the world and putting out the magic of every individual within.

The thin man--coated in black and trimmed with a soft sable fur--stood with his back partial to the man. His eyes fell onto him with a utter calm. Bow, once again Yunin's words entered everyone's mind but his lips did not move.

Then the black cocoon started shrinking. It shrank and shrank and at the same time, the pressure emitted from it was growing. Nigel pondered whether or not he should shoot but everytime he steeled himself, doubt would arise in the corner of his mind, "Is it enough? Will this much be able to destroy it?" were some of the questions that prevented him from shooting.

Something that proved to be a grave mistake. Nigel watched as cracks started appearing in the surface of the cocoon. Then a piece of it fell down, revealing an eye. A yellow cornea encasing a pitch-black slit, an eye so frightening, Nigel thought it was able to see the pits of his soul.

In his head, Nigel could hear something akin to a breath and a second later, the cocoon in front of him shattered in pieces, releasing immense magical power. From within, a man appeared, well it had humanoid appearance but Nigel suspected it had nothing to do with humans. And then he looked straight into Nigel's eyes, the same voice from before echoed once again into his mind, commanding him to bow down before him.

And he did. Nigel brought down his weapon, his body not listening to his will. He slowly knelt down until both his knees touched the ground and brought his head down. What am i doing...Ughhhh.. "

Yunin swept his massive wings back, stepping forwards until he walked pass the man. He held no fear for any being in that realm, all were mere infants to him.He spared a glance towards the presence of his meager left overs, the two humans he had blessed with his magics.

What were their names again?

None of them came to his mind but they were important to him, he needed to reclaim the rest of his powers. He needed to gorge on them to fully return. In a moment that could only be considered instant, he appeared in front of the man he had so effortlessly walked pass.

My servants... where are they exactly? he asked, the presence of other infants were obscuring them from him.

Nigel couldn't bring his eyes up to fully see the face of the one who was commanding him. When he walked passed Nigel, a weight felt as if it had left his shoulders. That sensation didn't last long though as the man returned once again, this time asking Nigel about the whereabouts of his servants. "His servants? What servants? Does he mean those two who were battling it out with Xavier and Lamia Scale's Jeanne?"

Nigel raised his hand and a display appeared in front of the man with live footage of the battles that were taking place right then. "If you mean those three" he said, meaning Lu, Renji and Lucifer, "They are currently fighting with my fellow guildmates" he finished. In the display, the man would be able to see where his servants were along with a map of the town

Yunin stared at him without interest. The names he was thinking were unfamiliar and unbecoming. Once a magical window of sorts had appeared, Yunin glanced over at it to confirm the cloudy faces and once he was sure who they were, he honed in on their location in comparison to his own.

He turned his back to the man and began to walk off, his outward words were lingering his head. Guildmates. he repeated to himself. Such a weak word with a equally weak meaning. That too seemed just as repugnant as everything else in the current Ishgal he walked in. Unstoppable and unseen, his wire-thin tail whipped out and snatched the man's head from his body. It rolled with a thud onto the wet ground. A subtle calm remained along the gray drizzle as he vanished from the area, his speed so great that it literally shook the realm.

Lu & Renji - Yunin's Awakening

Weakened to a decrepit state, the two of them settled together, a horrible impulse shaking their core as if the plague had gripped them. They shivered viciously, too fearful to considered the multitude of opponents coming there way. Renji vaguely noticed the attack from the Knight but his shield remained in regards to his attacks. The flames however...those would shatter his shield and consume him in its blaze. Whatever was happening was sapping him of his massive reserve of energy and it was doing it at such a rate, that he literally shriveled up in front of them.

He and Lu became elderly. The two of them closed their eyes and waited for the flames and other attacks to come... but they never did. Instead, a sad wetness fell upon their heads, a drizzle that had completely extinguished the flames and covered the realm. Weird, considering the rain wasn't heavy at all and those flames were burning godly beforehand. It was just a soft downpour, a very sad and very soft downpour. Lu fixed a very cocky smile on his wrinkled lips and Renji--for the first time--smiled contently.

In unison the two announced the presence of what no one else had noticed standing behind them all; sitting on a looming pillar, a black and earthen throne. "Our Savage God, we praise you," they hummed, tears flowing from Renji's eyes and Lu breaking into hysterical laughter.

The skeleton thin figure opened his eyes, revealing yellow orbs that pierce each of the wizards with equal amounts of terror. It was obvious that he held no fear of any of them and that there was some undeniable truth behind why. He raised from his throne and in the same moment appeared behind Lu and Renji with mute steps. In his hands rested two palpitating hearts, each of which he bit into without regard for the wizard's watching him. As soon as he had, the rain ceased and a complete and ominous silence took hold.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 4 mos ago

--Vzzzztt vzzzt


Only the faint sound of rain and the constant moving of millions of nanites could be heard. A faint smile formed on Nigel's lips...
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jeanne - The Archangel

Roaring with the ferocity of her conviction, the flames she controlled washed over the two in an overwhelming wave of righteous punishment. Yet then they stopped, as a softened rain trickled in down to the darkened pit that she had brought to light. Her eyes narrowed, as swords the twenty four blades she controlled about her flickered and rotated. Extending her sense to see where the source of this rain might have come from, Jeanne did not have to search far.

It was right behind her.

Slowly she turned as two blades spiraled through the air and struck a final blow to the callously wicked Renji and Lu alike; digging hilt-deep through their sternums before returning to their position. It was simple, there would be no reprieve for those who wrought the suffering of others, even if they descended into crippling old age. There be no absolute relief from her in the least. Yet as her eyes settled upon Yunin, and recognized him for what he was, most would expect her to falter, for her courage to fail. Instead, the state her form contrasted even more sharply against his rainfall, as even her footsteps caused this darkened rain to boil and evaporate immediately around her. She was the beacon of light against his darkness, as it were.

Yet there was still something that was direly important. There were others still here, they needed to escape. As quickly as possible no less.

"Everyone here, evacuate the city. I will hold him off so that you can regroup." She spoke solemnly, with little more than resolution for her future actions echoing in her voice. Even if she failed to walk away from this, her sacrifice would buy time so that the Guilds could steadfastly take on this being with the strength required to eliminate him.

Jeanne took a step forward towards the ominous being, and raised her sword so that while it pointed skyward, the flat of the blade kissed the forehead of her plated ivory helm. It was a salute to this opponent, as silly as the noble thought of honor in likely what was to be a fight to the death was. And then behind her, something changed about her form entirely.

And it all began with a prayer.

"Pater noster, qui es in caelis."

The luminescent wings upon her back fluctuated while her gaze did not fade from Yunin in the least. Slowly, as if they had descended into a liquid state, the two melted into four. The very heat in the air around her intensely grew even further, redoubling the paramount of strength that she had already been known to remarkably possess. Slowly for a moment, the four wings grew into an even more beautiful state that rippled with the fair breeze.

"sanctificetur nomen tuum."

"Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua,"

The Ashbringer was cast to her side then as the air continued to further gain and intensify in terms of warmth. The rain itself no longer reaching the ground in her vicinity, the dark was failing against the light. Like the torches of those who sought out evil to vanquish it, around her they began to appear swiftly. Well over the eighty swords she was known to control, over two hundred of them now rotated in an orbit about her through the air.

"sicut in caelo et in terra."

"Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie,"

Instantly after all of them were summoned, her free hand extended outward. Converging into that hand, one hundred blades converged into a singular point, and forty more into the existing Ashbringer. Two of them she now wielded. Two blades being the combined efforts of one-hundred in the malevolent destruction that she was knowingly capable of. All the while, forty swords then continued to rotate in their flickering might about Jeanne, while even the sapphire eyes she once held seemed aglow with gentle, resolute light within the abysmal eyelets of black that was her helm.

"et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut"

"et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris."

Faster than most could blink, as even her own speed and agility had been doubled, Jeanne swept her blade across the horizon towards Yunin. A high pitched whine whistled through the air as the monstrosity of her magic could finally be revealed. Pure light ruptured forward then, no longer was it flames, no longer was it a simple, meager fire. Pure, unadulterated Light Magic now ruptured the very air and earth as it consumed absolutely everything in outright destruction. Silhouetting even the Saintly looking warrior in its blinding effects. Stone, Steel, Flesh, and Bone, it mattered not. All who would dare to stand in its path would cease to be. Purify all that was dark and dared to stand against her, it would.

"Et ne nos inducas in tentationem,"

"sed libera nos a malo."


Yet Jeanne was no fool, she knew Evil still existed in the mealstrom of divinity that she had created. Easily, her wings lifted her feet softly off the earth, and she charged knowingly into the light. Wherever darkness was, she could sense it. Wherever darkness may hide, she would hunt it down. Yunin was no different. Upon finding the monstrosity that was the Dark, she sought to bring both of her blades down upon him like an avenging angel.

She would not offer any reprieve.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 1 day ago

Hana Oshiro - The Last Samurai

In the blink of an eye, a blizzard of cherry blossoms surrounded Lucifer, swirling like a powerful cyclone of pink. He had plenty of space to breathe in, but should he touch the vortex he would find the blossoms have incredibly dicing power. Hana's calm voice began to echo from the blossoms surrounding him. "You cannot escape," she told him, her voice devoid of confidence. She sounded like she was stating a mere fact. "You will pay your debt... I will defeat you quickly." The cherry blossoms began spinning around him faster, though they did not close in.

"Senbonzakura..." From the blossoms in front of the evil man, Hana's form sprang forth. She no longer had her sword, but instead her right hand held two fingers out like a blade. It was all in a split-second. The young woman was going to back up her words. But in that split-second it would've taken to end Lucifer, Hana heard a voice inside her head. The pink-haired samurai stopped, now merely floating in the air several meters before Lucifer.

I am the Savage God.

A powerful heartbeat resonated from Hana, so loud even Lucifer could feel it. Rather than attacking the man in front of her, Hana had frozen in place. "God...?" she repeated, confused. She couldn't understand why there was a voice in her head. But she could tell one thing: it wasn't God. Though her expression before had been rather neutral, a darkness began to loom over Hana now. The cyclone of cherry blossoms that had trapped Lucifer began slowing down and fading away, the pink petals slowly scattering into the breeze. "This voice..."


Once again, another powerful heartbeat came from the young woman. But this time she winced in pain, grabbing at her chest, specifically over her heart. As the initial pain began to wear off, Hana's neutral expression didn't return. Instead she had a solemn, angry face. At this point, it seemed she had entirely forgotten about Lucifer, despite him standing right in front of her. "I can't stand for this..." Hana spoke to herself, removing her hand from her chest. "I bow to no one... this isn't a real God... nobody can mock my honor..."

She turned away from Lucifer now, facing the direction of Renji and Lu. Hana was already attune to Yunin's destination before he arrived. "I must... kill this false God," she declared, clenching her fists. Though she was floating several feet in the air, small bits of debris began lifting up from her magical power. Once the rain began, the droplets around Hana began defying gravity as well. "Nobody can make little of my honor!" She ceased her magic, reinstating gravity and allowing the soft downpour to begin drenching her.

If Lucifer wanted, he could've easily escaped without her detection by now. Or even attempted an attack of his own, however unwise that may be. "Even a God cannot deny me!" Before Hana could begin her charge towards Yunin, she was surprised by Jeanne's powerful attack. In her own rage she had forgotten that she had allies, and this served as reminder. The sight of Jeanne's attack also calmed Hana down, allowing her to take a few breaths. "That's right... I'm not alone... but it matters not." Her body began to scatter into cherry blossoms again. "For I will defend my honor."

Piper Hatfield - Ms. One Shot

Just before Piper could fall into the growing vines, they all stopped moving. Taking advantage of the saving grace, Piper adjusted her fall and landed gracefully, sliding down one of the vines to safety. "That was almost bad," she noted before looking back into the distance. Her jaw dropped when she could see Lu leaving, without a hole in his head. "I missed!?" she screeched, a look of comical shock on her face.

"This is impossible! I don't fucking miss! That goddamned bastard has more luck than the goddamned world combined!" Piper began spewing curses almost incoherently now, directed at anything and everything. After a few seconds of yelling to herself, it seemed as if she got woozy and began to sway. The sniper almost fainted, but she regained her footing and the anger returned to her face. "I missed! Argh!"

She pointed her pistol towards the sky now. "I won't miss my next shot! I swear!" Before she could begin tracking down Lu, or anyone else worth shooting, Piper felt an enormous magical presence in the distance. So powerful it was frightening. A cold sweat broke out across her face. "What... is that?" Then she heard the voice. "A... god?" Piper began shaking slightly. "This is bad... the power is incredible... we don't stand a chance..." Her eyes darted around, looking for comrades. She had to warn everyone. They may all hear the voice, but Piper was more attune to sensing magic than the rest. She could feel the power well before anyone else could.

"I... have to tell everyone!" She picked up her legs and began to run, in the direction she could feel the nearest guildmates. Before she could reach them, however, she felt the power suddenly arrive in Augustine Town. "I'm too late!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Oram Hellios, Lunar Wolf

Oram had beared with the sort of punishment he'd been put through. He was practically stripped, reclothed and given a forced haircut. This was all against his will and he couldn't even fight it. Not with Alec there. Or the other old fuck. He was subject to whatever they had in store. "This is so fucking stupid. Why couldn't you just mess with my old..." He stopped. "Oh fuck it. What I think doesn't matter anyway. I just hope whatever you have in mind works. Because I'm really not in the mood to have anymore of my time wasted." He glared at all of them and finalled the woman before shifting his focus back to the old man. He was interested to say the least, but he wasn't expecting much from this. And why would Alec want him to get that strong? he must have been really confident that Oram wouldn't try anything. He sighed and cracked his knuckles. "Keep up that attitude and you'll end up crushed under your own ego." He mumbled quietly to himself regarding Alec.


Nicolas Grimmond, Harpy's Wing, Formerly Augustine town

Nicolas was absolutely freaking the hell out. He was even entirely sure what was happening. All he knew was that it was probably too much for him to handle and he would just end up in the way. His heart was pounding. He felt like he couldn't catch his breath. Had it just been Augustine Town he probably could have done something. But right now... He was afraid. Terrified even. That's why he found it best to just hide. Yes, he was hiding. He was laying low until he could maybe figure out what to do, if he could do anything at all. "Crap..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Bristlebane looked around angrily, way to much stuff was happening and at this rate he would get no chances to do anything heroic. He may not have an apocalypticly destructive sword of magical awesomeness, but he did have a shiny sword of cut everything he had found so far and he would be danged if he didn't get a chance to use it on something other than plants.

The ace of hearts in his hat flickered wildly from the various explosions and Bristlebane grabbed it somewhat irritably as waited for a chance to strike at the strange entity that had shown up, to be honest he had no idea how the thing stayed where it was but he found it incredibly amusing, except for when it smacked into his head repeatedly. The strange creature was obviously some kind of weirdo, it looked like it had just eaten some strange kind of fruit, although currently it was being exploded in a blinding flare of holy might and even if the magic couldn't hurt him it was still blinding bright which made it hard to do much of anything.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago


"I don't need to tell you what is it I want to show you but whatever it is, just be prepared for what's coming to you." Giving some motherly advise to Stacy, her boss caresses her long white hair and cute cheeky cheeks, reveling at her to have a moment of silence, no homo. The Wizard Saint, pats her head, "Indeed your hair is beautiful. We can talk about stuff later once you're back from your trip and you might even thank me for it." Whatever the intention of Kyou for Stacy, it is not just a mission or would it be counted as a mission for what's bound to happen. With a snap of her fingers, Stacy is teleported in a place far away, with no clothes on because that's how Kyou's teleportation magic works. It leaves every object behind and only transports living things. Stacy is transported into a barren waste land that's on fire, a place that is Augustine Town, now destroyed. Back to Kyou, she's smiling deviously and thought; "How bad can it be? Show me the status, Gladys." A telepathic message is engraved in her memory, "So it seems things haven't changed yet."

"Ajax. Going easy as you can won't make a breakthrough of showing their potential, after all a flower that is unripe won't bloom instantly if bees do not sting them to pollinate . Mr. Cross and Ms. Assier would only benefit less from such performance you are displaying. Sometimes ones life depends on what is given and so shall it be reap." The 5th Wizard Saint joins in the fight.

"I commend you for giving a balance regiment but physical gauging isn't enough. You must gauge their mental capacity as well!" Kyou casts an illusion replica, harmless, multiple illusions of Ajax and the ground appearing like lava but it still harmless. "After all, you are a man and I am a woman, these seedlings are our children. Let's give our children a parental love." She flirts with Ajax, she had been at it for as long as they can remember, Kyou being Yin to Ajax's Yang. Defining her superiority and authority once more as the acting like leader of the council.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sharyxe
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Sharyxe An Abstruse Conundrum

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aria Hunterblade

Amidst the chaos, Aria was observing. The enemy attacks cast were all taken care of by her comrades, without her feeling the need to act except to defend herself and such. Before she could reply to Gwen, another attack came. She figured she'd spare some clothes for her later, after the turmoil died down.

Aria noticed it. The cocoon that supposedly held Yunin, the 'god' they were saying he would turn into. It caught her attention. The pressure and magical power emanating from it was considerably growing larger--fast, at that. She saw Nigel approaching it, making her feel an ominous vibe somehow.

The cocoon pulsed, a dark aura overflowing from it. This time, she was fully occupied with watching the cocoon, as the power she felt from it grew larger and larger. Another pulse from it came, but it was then of a voluminous emotion of emptiness, loneliness. Despite not getting hit, Aria still felt it gushing out of the cocoon, and it was relatable.

"I am the Savage God." The voice resonated loud in her head, causing her to cringe and raise both shoulders little, head tilting down, frowning even more. However, still she stood, strengthening her will to oppose. "Bow, once again."
Never, she willed herself, overpowering her own body to follow. Looking up again after the tremor in her mind stopped, she saw the far-away cocoon had cracked open, bursting out a tremendous amount of magical energy. It revealed Yunin in his new form, all demonic-looking.

Red eyes grew wide, the whites that the lazy eyelids had covered becoming so palpable, witnessing the decapitation of a comrade. She muttered his name under her breath, wondering if he could still regenerate. She put her trust in him to do so, but was going to get to him anyway.

Her attention diverted to Jeanne then as her eyes relaxed a little, who told them to evacuate themselves. The Lamia member then started chanting a prayer which changed her form. Although she knew Jeanne wouldn't notice, Aria nodded anyway, before teleporting to the airspace beside Nigel's head.

She kneeled beside it.
"... Nigel? ...Something I can do to help?" she spoke with a firm voice, despite the anxiousness evident in her expression, forgetting that she initially had set for the shrine.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Akashi Mayhiro

Akashi Mayhiro Some Scrub

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sage Ruzuzaki

With Jeanne's sword in one hand and his rail gun in the other. Sage continued to run towards the shrine, He was Pretty sure Gwen was behind him, but right now he was more Focus on that Cocoon that continued to emanate power from it.

'Interesting..will something hatch from it?' Sage spoke before as skidding to a halt.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me!" Sage faceplamed himself.

Standing before him were a countless Wave of Slimy...disgusting Tentacles. 'Am i so lucky i ain't a girl!"

'Second that.' the Beast spoke. Steeling his nerves Sage gasped Jeanne's flaming sword while pulling out his Railgun out.

'Hah...here goes nothing!' Sage aimed quickly at the first bunch of vines and fired

A blue Elctromagnetic Current shot past them before exploding into a plum of Orange. Instantly disintegrated them. Sense that danger was fast on it's way, the rest of them went for the instant kill, turning into a massive drill.

'No Dice!: Bushido Style 54: Way of the Digger!' Rushing at them with full steam. Sage carefully pinpointed the tip of the drill before cutting deep into the creature's) attack before pulling out and cutting the rest in one quick motion.

A stray vine caught him off guards as he sliced his cheek, wincing quickly as jumped above as 5 or 6 tentacle went for his mid-section, follow by a ambush from about, Sage turned around as Fire another Current at it, Blowing it to kingdom come.

'Oh yeah, who do you like-!?' he couldn't finish that sentence in his mind as the vice wrapped around his waist as hurl him down into the ground in a Suplex motion. Sage gritting his teeth as the 1st attack stop.

Oh...he was wrong. the Vine then proceeded to pick him up and suplex him again: 20 times more to be Exact.

On the 20th one it let him go. Making him crash into the ground hard. Also losing his rail gun and Sword. His orientation was far from okay as he tried to get up, only to fail.

The Purple Tentacles slowly traveled all over his body as the ensarled his wrists and ankles. Lifting him up they started pulling his body in Different Direction, making him (silently) scream.

'Fuck...this is painful!' Pulling back his body in, he resisted the vines. Both locked in a stalemate.

"I am the Savage God." Sage were wide open. "Bow, once again."

This voice has commandment laced, it was almost certain that whatever called to him wanted his loyalty. It wanted his Surrender.

'Uh....ku......hahahahaha' Sage smirked as he stop resisting. the vine once again tried to rip him apart. 'Oh wow...I'm surprised: do you really think i would bow to god?' Sage looked at the Cocoon that was hatching. the immense pressure was all over the Ruined Village.

'Savage God...I don't bow to anyone' Sage close his eye and Meet with Bakuko.

"If you want out: I can help you." the Beast spoke

"yes: Unplug me for 5 seconds' Sage nodded before opening his eyes again. 'this pressure should mask it....'

Closing his eyes once again. he smirked.


In a Torrent of Black and Red rising up from the ground, the Tentacles that was surrounding and Trying to kill him all disintegrated to death. his Yellow eyes returned to Blue and his Hair returned to normal. Landing in a safe position he quickly looked around to see if anyone saw him.

'Nope...good...where did Gwen go? Oh well, doesn't matter now.' Sage picked up his weapons and stared back at the remained Tentacles that were slowly burning. 'next stop: the shrine.

He looked at the Sky again, seeing a Large figure with Demonic Wings floating.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 22 hrs ago


Aiden growled as Ajax shrugged off their attacks with little to no effort, the growl deepening as the scale marks took on a deeper glow. His eyes seemed to frost over slightly, filled with a deep seated anger and frustration. He hated feeling helpless more than anything, and here he was, unable to even scratch this bastard with any of his magic. It was beyond aggravating to him, reopening old wounds that had never healed properly in the first place.

The ice that formed his claws seemed began to get thicker and darker, the edges of the claws becoming wickedly sharp. HIs teeth began to elongate into fangs, spikes of ice began to form on his back. Deep inside of him, he could feel a deep cold seep through his body, coursing through his veins with the force of a rushing river. And with it came an ice-cold anger, but he held that back. He didn’t want to lose himself in a fight with Ajax, or else he could get himself seriously hurt.

When the Wizard Saint launched himself at Aiden, aiden was able to muster up a meager defense before he hit, able to redirect some of the blow. The hit still pushed him back some, as it had been a hard blow indeed, but he remained standing. When Councilwoman Kyou decided to enter the fight with her illusions, Aiden ignored them, using his senses to sniff out the real Ajax as he burst forward, TDS making him faster and stronger than he was normally.

He made a passing slash with his Naginata, the blade and upper half of it now being made of highly pressurized water, making sure to use as much distance as he could. He turned around for another passing attack, and would continued to make them until Ajax attempted to stop it in anyway. Once he did, Aiden would use his wings to assist him in backing away quickly from the altercation before going in for a closer engagement, though still using his Naginata to it’s maximum range and ability. He was rather good with it, but since he had only been training with it for little more than 2 weeks, he was no master and thus still created openings with a few of his swings that would be quite easy to capitalize on.



Xavier called back Knight as soon as Yunin showed up and made way to flee the scene for the S-classes to handle the situation freely. A part of him thought he should stay and do something to help, the rest of him thought that single part of his mind was insane and ignored it. Xavier made sure to stay hidden in the buildings, only exitting one to cross over to another as he made his way from the battlefield. When he reached the edge of an area, he flew up and away from it to the next, one that was above the present battlefield, taking refuge in a small building to watch the events from high up above.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Bleu Chess

Bleu Chess

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Niti Laevis

“Oh, Yuuka, you should’ve let me handle the blocking,” Niti hurried to the Dragon Wood Slayer’s side, his lips thinned at the situation and his own incompetence since Yuuka had to tax herself to finish the job he claimed he would do. He looked around frantically, unsure if a flower shop or even a tree had survived the massive battle and wasn’t lay waste. After an enormous storm of meteors, tornados, and gigantic beams of light, there was no doubt that the ruins of this town have little to offer in greenery other than Yuuka’s self-made forest. As far as he could see were bricks, ashes, some surviving guild mates, and a bunch of giant rocks and… Oh!

“Wait! I’ll be back in a jiffy.” He patted her once on the shoulders before he ran off and disappeared into the wall of leaves. He came to the edge of Yuuka’s forest defense, searching the ground before his eyes landed on the very thing he was looking for. It was a bunch of vines that had once tried to attack everybody, but then suddenly stopped for one reason or another. Without hesitation, he dug his nails in and, with all his scrawny might, pulled at a vine that hung loosely from the rest.

“C’mon, you stupid piece of--!” Before he could get a sharp object to cut the darn thing, his breath hitched as he felt an enormous magical presence bearing down on his shoulders. It had appeared so suddenly, so heavily, it made his stomach lurched. Goosebumps broke out across his skin as his hands began to shake. This presence… is so dark. It has a heavy tension to it that made him think of a pitch black swamp. “I… What?” Then he heard the voice. “Savage God…? A god is here…” Niti looked grim as he stared at the vines before him. Even more so than before, his skin was a deathly pale.

His eyes darted to the massive column of blazing light that erupted from the skies, but even then it didn’t mask the dark magic that demanded submission. He let out a shaky smile and tightly gripped the vine once more. “I… I got no time for this. C'mon, move it! They can handle it... J-Just trust them! I got other things to do!" Reluctantly, he willed his numbed hands to pull and managed to tear a fairly large vine out from the rest. He then hurried off to Yuuka at light speed, a quivering smile forced on his lips.

“Yuuka, think you can… you can eat this?” Niti held out the limp vine to her, catching his breath as he struggled to keep his heart under control. “It’s from that one evil guy’s magic though so…” He trailed off as his eyes darted to Yuuka’s, tired yet determined. His hands were still shaking from the presence he had felt. “If not, then I’ll help you over to the shrine. Focus in reserving your magic until then.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Yunin vs The Wizards, Overwhelmingly Strong

He could feel them all. The fleeing children, the rebellious teens, and the dumbstruck infants... they were of no threat to him but they did not go unnoticed. Obviously uncaring, he sped passed the holy woman as she ended her words and continued on to his two servants. As he gorged on the hearts of his magic holders, he stared--with an unsettling--calm at the brilliant explosion that wrecked the obsidian column he stood on before. The white glow of which glared through the darkness in a nova like fashion.

Then die, he said, his voice touching the mind of every wizard in the realm.

Dark green whips of energy flooded from underneath his black talon-like feet, erupting through the hole leading to the surface. The shockwave sent the pierced-through corpse of both Lu and Renji whirling into the air. It pushed through the others with enough force for them to acknowledge that his strength was worlds from their own. If they could not realize that, than they would perish under their own ignorance.

The green energy became thin and soon formed into a long, ethereal lance. It pulsed with death and danger, the energy was cool in his hand. So this is the power that Renji held. Hmp, he handled it poorly, he observed, launching it towards the woman the lance disappeared with the speed of his throw, simply vanishing but bringing behind it the unprepared and loose footed with a powerful draft.

Once it impacted, whatever it impacted, a massive explosion broke apart the area and the surface above, unveiling the distorted sky of Lucifer's land. It was stronger than he thought it would be, for he wanted only to obliterate them, not the entirety of the mountain enclosed around them. Yunin dodged the dirt coming at him with such speed that it appeared he did not.

Suddenly he grabbed his chest as a small pressure built up. Rise. I know you still live, he beckoned to those that survived the expansive blast.


The Masked one arched his hands up and drew energy from a long forgotten demon, a being of extraordinary strength. It siphoned into Yunin, filling him up even more until his perfection would be reached. For Obinari had not been devoured and his power, not adsorbed. It was needed for Yunin to become perfect. For him to be useful to the plan.

"More, Walpurgisnacht. Continue on, make Yunin perfect!"
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