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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 4 days ago

Hana Oshiro - The Last Samurai

The pink-haired woman made sure to keep looking away from Revan, even after he explained himself. "Yes, we can find you some clothes at the hall," Hana affirmed. She wasn't sure if there actually was any spare clothes he could borrow, but she would make sure he was clothed if she was going to be drinking with him and Matisuki. Rather than continue pouting about his indecency, Hana tilted her head slightly to look at Sage as he woke up. Apparently letting Revan slap him enough got him up. "The slapping worked," Hana noted aloud. She thought about the idea for a moment, about slapping someone to wake them up. I'm a heavy sleeper. I hope nobody slaps me in my sleep to wake me up...

After dismissing the thought, Hana looked back to Sage. "You are a minor, yes," Hana confirmed, despite this being obvious and not in need of discussion. "It would be rude not to cater to guests like Revan and Matisuki. Even if they arrive indecent, we must treat them to the best of our abilities. If they want to go for drinks, then we shall oblige them. Jeanne and I will have drinks with them, but you will have milk instead." It didn't even occur to her that suggesting Sage have milk could be taken as rude. In fact she only suggested it because it was the first non-alcoholic drink she could think of that might be served at a bar. "But we must first be presentable, so we must find clothes for Revan."

Ajax Thera - Hellmouth

The moment the magic circle appeared underneath Ajax, the Wizard Saint gave a light hop backwards. The jet of water blasted past him, but he didn't seem the least bit surprised or concerned by the trap. Afterwards his attacker finally appeared from the steam. After giving him another threat, he created a blade of water extending from his arm and launched a barrage of attacks at Ajax. "Lava Dragon's Magma Armor." Lava formed around Ajax's hands, spreading up his arms until they were both covered completely in magma. Rather than moving from his position and risking stepping into another trap, Ajax held his ground against the high-speed assault.

For a man of his size, Ajax proved how fast he could be. Moving only his upper body, mainly his arms, he blocked each strike by the empowered water blade. The heat of his magma armor not only weakened the water before it would even connect, but the strength of the armor itself wasn't daunted by the attacks once they did. Steam would explode from the impact point with every block, though the continuous heat would lift the steam after a few seconds, preventing the space around Ajax from becoming too clouded. And once Ira backed away to attempt a ranged attack, Ajax continued to hold his position. The thin jet was blocked by crossing his arms over his chest. The steam cloud that erupted from this connection also dispersed after a few seconds, but Ajax was revealed to be unharmed.

"You have impressive power behind your attacks," Ajax complimented, looking up the moment Ira appeared overhead. He was preparing some kind of powerful attack, coming down on Ajax while within a violent torrent of water and red energy. "But..." The Wizard Saint held his right hand back, forming a tight fist. The ground underneath him visibly began to crack from the magical pressure building up. "It's not enough." At the last second, just before Ira would crash into him, Ajax thrust his lava-coated fist forward. As he swung the lava expanded, growing thicker and brighter as the swing left an arc of lava droplets in its path.

"Lava Dragon's Iron Fist!"

The two powerful spells collided, immediately sending a gust of power across the plateau. The violent winds brought forth by the collision banished most of the flames, on top of entirely ripping some of the burning grass out of the ground. Underneath Ajax the cracked ground completely shattered, sending dirt and stone flying in all directions and leaving him in the center of a crater. Then the explosion occurred. Magical power exploding outwards from the impact point between the two spells, bathing Ira and Ajax in white light. But within a split-second of the collision a pillar of orange shot vertically through the explosion. A plume of lava, resultant of Ajax's spell, burst through the magic, going into the sky.

As the dust settled and the light levels returned to normal, Ajax was alone in the crater. Ira had been quick to retreat immediately after his attack, but Ajax's attack would've likely left him somewhat seared. Or at the very least concerned. Meanwhile the big man himself still had his arms coated in lava, standing upright and strong like a proud soldier. His armor had always been scarred, so it was difficult to tell if it even took damage, but the black cloth around it was notably tattered now. "Now that I have a taste of your magic," Ajax spoke, his voice as monotone as ever. "I will take the initiative."

"Lava Dragon's Maw." Ajax jumped up into the air, above the demolished plateau. After taking a deep breath, he faced the ground below and opened his mouth wide. Lava began to pour out of his mouth like a flowing river, so much that it would cover the entire plateau and then some. Turning the battlefield into a sea of lava was, ultimately, lethal for most mages. Ira had already proved he was of a caliber high enough to survive or circumvent the change, so Ajax wasn't worried he would lose the opportunity to interrogate him later. He hadn't pinpointed Ira's position just yet, but the lava attack before would finally eliminate the mist. He would have nowhere to hide by the time the lava reached the ground, let alone Ajax himself. "You picked the wrong Fragment holder to attack today."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


For awhile, Harpi continued to embrace Sable with a purr, knowing that she finally reunited with him. However, it ends quite short. She feels a warm blanket being wrapped around her, making her squeak in curiosity.

"Hm?" she groans, "W-what happened?"

Sable then answers that they have to unfortunately have to part ways again.

"Why?" Harpi asks like an innocent curious child while blinking two times with her big yellow eyes.

Her answer came in an emotional statement. Sable did care for Harpi a lot, and that he wants her to be happy with her friends. She wouldn't make any if he were with her father. She was also instructed not to mention of this to anyone, not even speak his name, and head back to the guild and rest up. Harpi understood what he said and nods, in return getting a nice peck on the cheek. Harpi felt warm inside afterwards, and continues to look at Sable as he walks off into the night. Then she began to cry silently, with tears coming from her eyes. However, it wasn't the cry of sadness, but rather of happiness. Despite the brief encounter she had with him she was still very happy to see her again. She now knows that he is indeed alive and well and will perhaps come back one day. She can still feel the warm feeling in her heart as she grips her chest very gingerly.

"Sable-Sempai..." she says to herself, "Please come back to me soon..."

"Harpi-Chan!" a friendly voice calls from the opposite of where Sable left.

The girl turns around quickly to see a lone female character slowly approaching her. She was tall, had blonde hair, blue eyes, elegant clothes, and carries a bow in her left hand. This was Samir Saron, one of Harpy Wing's S-Class mages. She slowly approaches
little Harpi as she sat down right next to her.

"Oh Harpi," she says with her soothing, angelic-like voice as she embraced Harpi, "Where've you been? I was just looking at some jewelery until I noticed you weren't around."

Harpi squirmed for a bit in her seat before answering.

"H-Harpi-chan just wanted to take a closer look at... at the fountain." Harpi replied back.

"At the fountain?" replied the S-Class mage, "What is so urgent about the fountain? And where did you get this blanket?"

There was another long pause before the response.

"H-Harpi-chan just wanted to look at it closer... b-but then I felt cold... and then this kind man gave me th... this blanket."

Samir then looked to the direction where Sable left and could just barely see his outline as he went out of sight. She could tell that Harpi saw a friend... and old friend perhaps... and that she was hanging out with him, though she didn't know that it was Sable, she knew it was another mage. All Samir did was smile warmly. She then turns to Harpi and picks her up.

"C'mon Harpi," Samir said as she put the little girl on her shoulders, "Let's take you back to the guild."

As the two walked the other direction, Harpi looks back one more time to see Sable fade off into the night quietly like the fog. She feels like they will see each other again... one day. When will that day will be? Who can say when. But Harpi was sure that they will see each other again. She then slowly closes her eyes as she began to fall asleep...

Matisuki Kiryuin

Matt was listening in on the whole conversation as he issues another grunt.

"There's also clothing store close by the bar." he says, "You can get some clothes there. But for now..."

Matt then takes several large leaves from the tree, was somehow able to put them together, turning them into a hula-like skirt, and slaps it on Revan's waist.

"You wear this..." Matt finishes with Revan as he begins to walk down the road, "Now come. I'm getting thirsty."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akashi Mayhiro

Akashi Mayhiro Some Scrub

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sage Ruzuzaki

"You are a minor, yes," Hana spoke "It would be rude not to cater to guests like Revan and Matisuki. Even if they arrive indecent, we must treat them to the best of our abilities. If they want to go for drinks, then we shall oblige them. Jeanne and I will have drinks with them, but you will have milk instead."

-Milk? Sure.- Sage couldn't care less, right now he just wanted to have come peace, and arguing with Hana or Jeanne could result in something bad, gettin up and dustin himself of, Sage cracked his neck as he pulled out a new pair of clothes from his bag and put them one -I would give you some, naked man, but my clothes won't fit you.-

"There's also clothing store close by the bar." he says, "You can get some clothes there. But for now..."

Matt then takes several large leaves from the tree, was somehow able to put them together, turning them into a hula-like skirt, and slaps it on Revan's waist.

"You wear this..." Matt finishes with Revan as he begins to walk down the road, "Now come. I'm getting thirsty."

Sage nodded as he stayed in the middle of the group, well in the eyes of his jailor, sighing to himself he keep silent for the rest of the way back to the guild.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vongola_Hasayo
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Starbird's Training | Day 2

The sounds of Kyuuten's intense training could be heard from quite a distance. Crashing and explosions riddled the mountain with echoes and startled the wildlife. Flying rapidly in a serpentine pattern Kyuuten closed in on his shirtless master. "Now you're mine!" Orin flexed his muscles and punch the ground beneath him sending a chunk of earth up and striking his student in the abdomen and knocking him back. "Ngh! Damn...he countered with nothing but brute strength...he never fought this seriously before. I guess he really wants me to get stronger this time around. Geez, and I still haven't done Merrian's training for the day..." Kyuuten removed his coat and tore what remained of his sweater vest away. The determination in his eyes flickered and he pushed forward towards his master, intent on completing this training.

"That's right Rallis. Give your inner light form and create your own magic art!" Orin flexed him muscles as sparkles littered his visage. Kyuuten smirked. "I'll never get used to that~"

Day 6

Kyuuten collapsed to his knees panting heavily. This was the routine of the last few days. He sparred with Orin using his Heavenly Body and then he'd practice summoning spirits until he forgot what it felt like to have magic energy flowing through his body. My head is on fire. Every part of my body feels like they weigh a ton...I... Merrian's words echoed in his mind. You've come a long way as a Celestial wizard and I'm so proud of how much you've discovered about your mother's magic. I'm sorry I haven't been able to help with that. But I'm not gonna lie down and let you struggle to progress on your own anymore. Your master told me his idea for your Celestial Unity. Honestly, I think it's insane--he's a very "passionate" man isn't he?--but...I think you can make it work. You'll have to master summoning to degree you've never thought possible to do it. Summoning will become as easy as breathing when you're done~ Kyuuten couldn't help but let out a strained chuckle. "Heh, easy...as breathing huh...? Well, breathing's a little...tough...right about now but..." The snowy haired wizard's ragged breaths slowly but surely settled. "With each summoning...hmph~" Kyuuten shakily stood to his feet. He looked at the Key of the Proxy that rested on his belt. He unhooked it and held it out in front of him. "Open!"

From a distance Orin watched as his pupil pushed himself further and further. "When your training is done I have something to tell you...

Day 7

Kyuuten stretched, preparing for today's spar with Orin. Though his master still outclassed him greatly these spars were fine tuning all of his skills and with every blow he was coming up with new tactics using his Heavenly Body magic. He'd even discovered some new techniques. "As harsh as it is it really is paying off~ The Starbird smiled brightly until a sudden pain turned it into a grimace as a black box bounced off his head and landed at his feet. "Owowowow! Hey, don't throw stuff while people aren't paying attention!" Kyuuten scolded his master as he held his head and held back tears. "I'm sorry. I thought you were. You've been waiting a long time to put those to good use." Kyuuten gave his master a puzzled look and turned his gaze to the box at his feet. "This is..." Orin began to remove his shirt. "Yesterday you forced me to use my own Heavenly Body twice and Miss Merrian's training has done wonders for your stamina as well as your magic management. That item was especially crafted for you and I believe you're ready to add it to your arsenal. Whenever you're ready Rallis. Orin took his stance preparing for what may come of his student's new item.

Kyuuten stared at the black box for a moment. It had been so long since his first disastrous attempt at mastering it that he'd nearly forgotten about what was inside. Back then he wasn't a third as strong as he is now, maybe even less than that. Orin and Merrian's training was really something else. Kyuuten ran his hand over the box and smiled before undoing the clasp. "I'm ready."

Day 9

The flashes of light receded and Kyuuten stood with Getsu on one side and Kara on the other. The young wizard looked at them both, Kara grinning wildly back at him and Getsu gave him a rare wry smile. "Congratulations Starbird~ You've mastered the double summoning." Kyuuten smiled thankfully at Merrian. "Thanks to you~ But we're not done yet, are we?" The tone of his voice told her that he was more than ready to move on to the next step. Merrian nodded. "You're not wasting any time are you? Good~ I have no clue how viable Orin's idea is and my lack of knowledge about Celestial Unity doesn't give it another leg to stand on. Nonetheless it's the only theory we have to go on so it's worth a try. Go ahead and send one of them back and merge."

Kyuuten closed Getsu's gate and unfurled his tail from under his coat before the unity circle appeared beneath him and Kara. Engulfed in a blinding light the two emerged as one. Kyuuten stood with black streaks in his hair, pointed ears, fanged teeth and two blue flames resting open his forehead. "Let's begin." Merriam said never unimpressed by the young wizard's magic. Kyuuten nodded and waved his hand opening two gates at once.

Day 11 | R&R

The warm waters of the mountain hotspring washed away the bulk of Kyuuten's exhaustion. This day of rest wasn't just to prepare him for the final days of his training but to also give him time to reflect on everything he's done so far. The training with the special item was coming along. He was able to control it but he still far from mastery. Orin's theory seemed to be sound but it wasn't as simple in practice. That said Kyuuten wouldn't give up on making this work without a better reason than it might not be possible. This is a chance for me to give something to my mother's magic. All these years and I haven't discovered anything of significance about Celestial Unity. I didn't exactly inherit your mind did I mom? If I can further what your worked so hard to create then I'll keep moving forward.

Day 12 | The Sun Shines in the Dark

"You'll spend these last days training on your own." Kyuuten looked at his master bewildered but had no solid reason to question him. Orin genuinely wanted to make his student ever stronger and Kyuuten didn't doubt that. "I've taught you everything I can about being a Heavenly Body mage. It's up to you to take that knowledge shape a magic art completely your own." Orin removed his shirt and sparkled, speaking the words passionately. He then turned around and cocked back his arm, unleashing a mighty grunt as he punched aside an immense boulder. Displacing the large rock revealed the entrance to a cave. Kyuuten gazed into it but could barely make out the walls of the deep cavern. "This cave system cuts all the way through the mountain. There are dangers that will not only test you physically but mentally as well. You'll make this journey alone and only one of two things will happen in there: either you and your magic will emerge from the other side radically stronger than you were at the start of this training or...you don't emerge at all. I have complete faith that you'll come back to us~" Orin placed a hand on Kyuuten's shoulder with a smile barely visible beneath the golden mustache. "Bet on it~" He turned to Merrian who had her own words to offer. "Don't forget, your spirits are always there for you. If you need their help don't hesitate to ask. The relationship between the Celestial wizard and their spirit is the what makes our magic so special and even more so yours. Whatever you need to complete your magic you'll with there help. So, I'll see you soon~" She gave him a motherly smile and Kyuuten opened his mouth to thank them once more but shook his head and smirked. "I'll save it for the other side~" With that the snowy haired wizard stepped into the cave and disappeared into the shadows.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Marduk was in deep thought, smoking from his pile as the wind flowed through his hair. His ear twitched, hearing a shift in the wind. This caused Marduk to smirk "A challenger already? Smoke Clone" He spewed out a short stream of smoke, kneading and condensing it into a replica of himself. The clone took the hit rather than Marduk, generating a large smokescreen on impact as shards. Marduk dropped from above, a stream of smoke and ice shards right behind him. "Old man?" He crashed onto the ground, chunks of dust of rocks scattering everywhere.

The dust settled, Marduk standing in the crster with his sword on the ground behind him and a pipe in his hand "Gwen?" Marduk was rsther surprised by her sudden attack. It was unusual for Gwen to start a fight nowadays, but Marduk could not refuse. He wanted to see how much stronger she is "How many years has it been since we fought Gwen?" He cracked his neck "Looks like these Grand Magic Games has everyone riled up"

Marduk took a deep inhale of smoke, moving the pioe away from his face and exhaling a large amount of smoke "Smoke Clone x 6" The smokescreen separated as if it was alive, taking shape of 6 seperate Marduks. They all got into a defensive position as Marduk stayed back, his arms crossed. "These clones may not be as physocally strong as I am but each of these clones contains the same amount of skill as I do." The clones scattered, quickly surrounding Gwen in no time. Marduk was testing her, seeimg whst she coukd do. Without wastimg another second, 2 clones charged at Gwen from both sides. One was going to aim for a sweep while the other was planning to send a kick for the back of her head. The others watched, waiting for any openings.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Bleu Chess

Bleu Chess

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Niti Laevis

A fortress of medical books surrounded Niti as he plowed through numerous pages. Dark bags formed under his unusually tired eyes. It wasn’t long before his head drooped and promptly smacked against the table.

“Gah! I’m awake!” He yelped, jolting back up as a piece of paper clung to his forehead. Erg, what time is it? Dazed, Niti quietly looked around before his eyes closed in on a nearby clock.

Oh, isn’t about time he-- Ah crap! Didn’t he promise Yuuka that he’ll train with her? He was going to, but with a whirlwind of events happening (like nearly being blown up, Sage being arrested, the guild nearly being closed down, and Anna’s mysterious reveal about Jeanne), he completely forgot and spent most of his time either studying or panicking. While research and knowledge are all dandy and well, theories are as useful as throwing pebbles in the Grand Magic Games. Besides... Niti looked at the ground, deep in thought. He really needed to get stronger.

Quickly closing all his books and pushing them into a messy pile, he dashed right out of the library room, leaving a trail of dust in his wake, as he ran through the halls of the guild.

“YUUUUUKKKKAAAA, I’M SORRY! TRAIN WITH ME!” He called out with teary eyes. Suddenly, he paused; a thought suddenly struck him. “AND SOMEONE TEACH ME THEIR HEALING MAGIC! GIVE ME THE INJURED!”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 15 hrs ago


As the lava fell towards the plateau, the devastated went up in a blinding glow of blue light as all of the traps Ira had set up before were activated at once, sending a large amount of pressurized water into the air. Ira would appear in the direct center of the plateau, directing the large amount of liquid so that it would fuse together into a single, torrential stream, as well as adding an intense spin to both increase the force of the attack and divert the lava that came into contact with the attack. The two attacks met in a burst of steam, globs of lava being flung all over the area around the plateau, causing a great amount of destruction. By the time both attacks had finished, the plateau was mostly unchanged, with the occasional glob of lava here and there, but the brunt of the attack had hit the surrounding area.

"Armor of the Sea Devil."

Ira would waste no time taking advantage of the mild amount of steam cover the clash had created, drawing forth his power to cloak himself first in a whirling layer of highly pressurized water. He'd then infusing it with pure crimson energy, giving the water an intense red glow to it. The armor would turn his hands into razor sharp claws, but the true danger was their ability to erode away anything they come into contact with over time. Each strike from one of these claws would infect the foes armor with the rage curse, causing it to slow weakened and fade away as the magic slowly ate away at it until their was nothing left.

As soon as the preparations where done, Ira would bound into the air to crash into Ajax before he landed. He'd unleash a savage barrage of attacks with his claws, moving in an unpredictable fashion with the ferocity of a feral beast. Then, in the middle of the onslaught, he'd suddenly change tactics. A bright light would suddenly flash in his hand, quickly forming into his Blade of Ages, which he would swing with surprising speed as he struck. While this was more of a blunt force instrument than an actual blade, it more than made up for it with the amount of force one could put into each strike, which was a rather hefty amount due to Ira's demonic strength. Not only that, but Ajax would find the stone that made up the blade was extremely resistant to even his lava attacks, as Ira would use it to block any of Lava Dragon Slayer's attacks as the engaged in a close quarter's brawl.


Revan mere shook his head as Hana told the boy to have milk of all things, and that the boy was completely fine with it. To Revan, refusing a drink for such a pitiful reason as 'being a minor' was truly pathetic. As he got up from the boy with a click of his teeth in disapproval, he'd find that Matsuki had taken it upon himself to dress him in a type of skirt made from leaves. Such a garment was flimsy and would likely come off in the revelry to come, but it was about as clothed as Revan felt like being at the moment.

"Fine by me, and let's hurry up and make merry, why don't we?" Revan then formed a particularly devilish grin as he walked up to the Viper Mage, an utterly malicious chuckle escaping from his throat. "And don't forget that you're treating, Matsuki, and it takes a awful lot of drink to make me roaring drunk. Hope your wallet can keep up." Rean would continue chuckling all the way to the bar, were everyone would see that one think he was never lazy about was drinking. He didn't bother with mugs, he drank straight froom the barrel, and would chose the most expensive of their beers as well to drink from. Needless to say, Matsuki's wallet would take a significant hit from this venture, and all of it only gave the half-demon a medium buzz, as he had built up quite the toleerance over the centuries he'd been alive. Anyone who had decided to challenge him to a drinking contest, would very much find themselves drunk under the table, as their wasn't a man alive who could out drink Revan once he'd gotten going.
@Akashi Mayhiro
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Nigel Ballard

"I'll put it on but I'm not coming back out..." Piper told him as she grabbed the cloth. "Yeah yeah, just get on with it. If there's something wrong with it, I'll have to sit down and redo everything from the beginning. I don't want to waste time that I would otherwise put on finishing an new piece of equipment" he retorted.

Nigel sat down on a nearby chair as Piper entered the dressing room to test his newest invention. He had of course done numerous testings by himself and was sure that everything would be fine with the suit but, with science, you never know what might happen, especially if its science combined with magic. A couple of minutes passed and Nigel was beginning to get annoyed when suddenly, Piper started making sounds and a second after, she was flinging the curtain open and presenting Nigel with her outfit.

Piper struck a pose, showing off her outfit; "I know you're a genius, but the way you combine magic and technology is always stunning," she complimented Nigel, "I always aim to please but, if there's one thing I can say for sure, it's that that outfit isn't the only thing thats stunning inside this room" he told her with a grin on his face, thanking her with a compliment of his own.

After striking a couple more poses, Piper asked Nigel for a mirror, "Hmmm, the mirror is right there" he told her, pointing behind her at the dressing mirror right next to the entrance to the dressing room. "I thought you had seen it before you entered the dressing room" he added with a slight chuckle.

"Well, after you are all done with checking yourself out on that mirror, why don't you show me that new skill of yours you talked about earlier?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Bleu Chess

"I've been waiting for you to actually say that. We'll be the best team in the Grand Magic Games, don't count on me teaching you healing magic. You'll pop like a bubble!" She teased her friend and her restless days are over as Niti decides to come to her, Yuuka feels happy. At the same time she tongues on him; "Bleehh..." Childish pose coming from a kid, "Catch me if you can!" She runs and yells. "Mokuryuu no Hoko!" The wood dragon;s roar directed at Niti.


Gwen Sniegow

Gwen smiled and froze those clones off. "Requip: Ice Empress Armor!" Ice Empress Armor How does an Ice Make Mage fair off against Aiden the Ice Dragon Slayer? This armor explains it all. "Aurora Blast Wave Dance!" Snowflakes with vehement winds whirls around to the real Marduk while with its widespread eliminates the remaining clones. And then Gwen transforms once more. "And you were saying?" She smirked. "Requip: Rebuke, Arching Exorcist 2.0!" Arching Exorcist 2.0 A refined version of her signature armor that was once destroyed during the Demon's Maw+Isvan invasion. "Luminous: Slash!" She uses her dual swords, appearing behind the real Marduk, expecting him to parry it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Beginnings of Magic and The Grand Magic Games

The Lord of Magic is a tale that will never be told correctly ... what a shame.”

The Lord of Magic was no ordinary man. He had the will to move the unmovable, to carry mountains on his shoulders. The ability and genius to create spells that no mere mortal could comprehend. In the time of Ishgar, when dragons and humans were battled. One being stood above the rest—one who could not be called human, demon, or god—was the hope of mankind.” The female voice, both childish and innocent, rung through the glistening hall of the King's throne room.

He fought the Kings of Dragons but could do little harm them when alone. When it became hopeless and all was lost, he was the one that requested help from the Dragons themselves. He was the first Dragon Slayer. But like all things, such magic came with a price. He lost his immortality and was condemned to death once he ended the bestial tyranny. Even still, he died with a smile.” The little girl stood from her knees and stared hard at the King in the attendance.

And,” said a renowned voice, soothing, deep, and not kindly. “What does that have to do with me? Why have you brought yourself before me? groveling on your knees with pitiful tales. That is a myth. Everyone knows its a tale to explain the Grand Magic Games. The Lord died and the Wizards fought amongst each other to established rule. My ancestor created these games as a means to lessen the chaos … blase blah. Tis the end of your visit. LEAVE.” he ordered with a flourish of immaculate fur-lined coat and a kingly gait to his throne.

The girl raised a brow, a maturity touching her face suddenly. “ You forget the past and surely you'll repeat it.” She turned to leave, her small feet pattering against the cool floor. The echoes granted her last words a godly doom. “ Destruction is ruled by a God and that God strikes when the times are best.”

Broven paused his walk, staring with callous towards the girl. When she disappeared from his sights, he turned to his assistant and told him to begin the announcements for the games.

In the judge's booth, three judges looked around the stadium, all was filled to capacity. The loud cheers and waving flags of guild symbols painted the scene before them, their was no need for them to announce it. But the head judge knew it was his job. The round coliseum that was looked over by four guardians roared with excitement, even as the head speaker spoke.

Greetings ladies and gents. This moments marks the beginnings of the annual Grand Magic Games. Let it be a spectacular show. Our guilds and wizards are still arriving but soon, we will introduce you all to a few favorites and a couple of new ones. Harpy Wing and Viper Bolt for one as returned. And word is that Sabertooth has emerged from the caverns of forgotten guilds,” he chuckled. “Along with a few new ones. Unity is sweeping the requests away within the shadows … I actually had to call in favors to gather that sliver of information. Let's just say this year won't disappoint!”

The cheers of crowd drowned out the last of his words.


Sitting amongst four others, who each was bidding their time, Sable played with a wooden top a young fan had presented to him earlier. The boy was fond of Reign: his facade of a wizard, just as many others were. But he hadn't expected such a heart warming gift. He clutched it tightly. The dark room of which the guild he had entered with had been assigned a rather large room, one much too big for five wizards. Their symbol, a dull crow was on the wall on navy material.

He had imagined that the others would be looking out for his signature Dragon Slayer Magic, a hindrance that, through extreme anger, pushed him to using a long buried magic. Opening his hand, he willed the top forwards before spinning it. It spun as if moved by a powerful hand in mid-air, perfectly stable on the still currents.

Let the games begin.” he muttered to himself, porcelain scarf hanging from his leather belt and onto the floor.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Trissana couldn't sit still in the Vyper Bolt waiting room. She threw lightning fast punches at imaginary opponants, warming up for her fights. "I'm not gonna use my magic in the first fight!" She pomissed to nobody in particular. "My karate should serve me just fine!" Doing a spontanious handspring backwards, she exhibited a kind of boundless energy that would impress a ten year old sugar addict.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

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Matisuki Kiryuin

Matt growls as he hears Revan note how much of a drunk he can be. Ohhhhh this is gonna be one doozy of an afternoon... even if he's gonna have to blast a few coins to satisfy his post-opponent and the rest. This is practically Revan's revenge... something Matt should expected to come.

"Fine." he growls as he leads the others back to the town, "You earned it. But ONLY this time."

The rest would head to the clothing shop to get Revan some clothes and head to the bar where they would drink to their heart's content. It was a doozy as said before. Yet a few days later...

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Flashforward a week later
@Phobos(It's obvious how the spar went down and yeah GMG starts!)

After a week of training with the 5th Wizard Saint, Marduk, it is a wonder on how the battle went but it is known that Gwen must work hard if she ever wants to surpass Marduk as she's leagues below him. Still, her training with Sai was also a good one. The Grand Magic Games has begun and even before that, Gwen had been training her Requip Magic, Ice Make, Kung Fu skills, and a new magic she have yet to use; her training with Sai is all about speed, stamina and endurance. @Kal-El (I give you the idea for a flashback). Her training with Marduk for the last 7 days were the same as refining her power.

"What do you know. Looks like you're sticking around for the Games. Are you done with that SS class mission? It's quiet when Sable and Aiden aren't around. Who knows what their up too. By the way have you decided to form a team because you're gonna form I'm joining too!"

Lamia Scale......

After a week, Yuuka is still quite mean to Niti. "Yeah, it's your win last week, the grand magic games is today." For the last 7 days, she had been giving him the silent treatment due to her defeat against a few spars with Niti. "Hana, Sage! Let's all go to Crocus. Viper and Harpy and even Lunar will tremble with our new member. Even if Jeanne and Anna are not participating in the games, you are enough to put them in place." Yuuka is happy with their new member in the guild. "More girls huh? Sage-kun, you better have a good reason for bringing a beautiful girl like here in the guild. You better not kill Niti so you can call us your harem, don't you ever count on it." Yuuka glared at Sage.

@Akashi Mayhiro @j8cob @Bleu Chess

Sabertooth HQ in Crocus


"Look at it today! Tenshi, the Grand Magic Games have started. Master Sting will be proud once we get #1 again!" She hugs her to death as she electrocutes her unwillingly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 15 hrs ago


"How cold of you Gwen, I've been hear the whole time." Aiden's voice would echo around the room, the source unclear, until water droplets in the air slowly began coalesce together until he was standing right next to Gwen. "Like my new trick, picked it up while I was training, though I've only just gotten good enough with it to make it useful in a fight."

Aiden was decked out in his usual attire, his mixed blue eyes glowing with excitement as he thought of the challenges to come. These shining orbs would focus on Trissiana's energetic form, followed by a chuckle at her exclamation. "Don't give yourself a handicap already, you don't know who you're fighting yet."

In another corner of the room, Xavier was enjoying a cigarette, trying to calm a case of the jitters. An endeavour he was failing if his case of restless leg syndrome was any indication.


Revan was taking a nap in the Haroy Room, dressed in Nigel's special nano-uniform. He currently had it in the shape of a light grey T-shirt and some jeans, the harpy's Wing insignia emblazoned on the froht in a distinguished black. It seemed like Revan was among the least entertained or excited avout this whole thing, and surely on of the least anxious.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Masaki Haruna
Marduk stood beside Gwen, a slight hint of exhaustion on his face. Upon his arrival, him and Gwen had a light spar where afterwards she asked Marduk to train him. Although he was tired from his journey, Gwen was the closest thing he had to family so there was no way he could turn her down. He was amazed by how far she had gotten from all the years they were apart. It felt like it was just yesterday when the two had met and were both introduced into Vyper Bolt. He couldn't help but feel proud of her, as if she was his daughter. She was her own woman now and no longer needed Marduk in her life. He came out of his daze at her statement, a smirk forming across his face as he nodded

"Yeah I actually decided to take part of this years Grand Magic Games. Plus, I got an interesting message this year so there was no way I could refuse. And a break from my mission wouldn't hurt

Marduk paused for a moment at her question. Marduk had lied to her about the true details of this mission. It was believed that this mission was a SS-Class Mission or even a 10-Year mission as rumors began to spread. But in reality, it was a 100-Year Class mission that was incredibly personal to Marduk. He was determined to complete this mission, knowing full well that it could cost him his life. It was for that reason that he lied to her.

"Not yet...I was close behind my target but yet as I grew closer, it seemed like it grew farther away. And well to be honest, I haven't formed a team. I don't really know how these Grand Magic Games work so I was going to go at it alone

He said with a chuckle at the end.

"Although if we're going to form a team, I'd be crazy not to have you in it"

He ruffled her hair with a grin. He raised an eyebrow at the sudden entrance of the young man This is the other Dragon Slayer that Vyper Bolt recruited huh. Interesting, this one seems to be affiliated with Water while the other is affiliated with Fire. Marduk leaned back against a wall, pulling a pipe from his pocket and taking a deep breath. He exhaled a large amount of smoke with a pleasant smell that soothed the body. He wanted to see the events that would unfold in front of his eyes so he remained silent for the time being.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tenshi - Crocus

"So it begi." Was all she manged to get out before she was crushed and electrocuted by her overactive friend. Sigh "M-m-moka stop with the hug and your electrocuting me!" She managed to scream out in a bit of pain before she managed to wriggle her way free from the deathlike grip of her friend's hug. Clearing her throat and smoothing out her comically spiking hair she continued what she was going to say "Yes the the GMG The grand magic games begin now." She said as she tried to regain her "noble" look but to little avail as her hair refused to go down due to the amount of static. With a sigh at her hair not going down she started to leave "come Moka let us see the upfront how the other teams are plus by being a bit early will never hurt." She said as she gently put on her hat as to not disturb the peaches that was growing from the sides a odd thing yes but she found it kind of fun to grow them on her hat. Either way without looking back she left the guild building dead set on heading towards the arena for the GMG as to make sure that she saw what was happening. Plus to be fair this was the first time she was going "out" into public where she could proudly show and display what guild she was in.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vongola_Hasayo
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Kyuuten | The Sun Shines Brighter Than Ever at the GMG

The atmosphere was electrifying. The day everyone's been waiting had finally arrived and no one could be more excited than the ever smiling Kyuuten. He'd just come back from his training stronger than ever and he had grown in more than just power since the last GMG. I'm not the only one. Everybody's been working hard too...that just means this'll be the best games yet~ Kyuuten wore the guild's uniform with pride and thanks to Nigel's expertise they were able to alter them to their liking. Revan did the Revan thing, translation: the lazy thing, and made his as simple as it could get. The Starbird didn't take too many liberties and wasn't too, flashy despite his magic and titles(clothes in new appearance). The stage was set and the players had taken their places. "Look out, Harpy's gonna whip up a storm~"

Meanwhile, in the stands the excitement was just as palpable as the competitor's. However, there was an awkwardly tense section as the audience members there leaned away and stared at the hulking man known as Orin. I'm looking forward to seeing your performance, Rallis. You came out of the passage matured and with a new knowledge of yourself. That once hyperactive smile of yours has been replaced by one that is confident and reassuring. Though that vast well of energy you are still exists you have harnessed it and focused it into your new strength. A sparkling tear rested under his eye and in swift motion he was out of seat, shirt off and his body draped in the light of the day. "Go forth my pupil and show to the world what it means to be Kyuuten Rallis~!" The audience members around him had now scooted away.

Kyuuten, amazingly, could hear the commotion from the Harpy's waiting room. "Hehe, sounds like someone's getting a bit too excited..." He muttered with an amused sigh.

Reina | A Voice Barely Heard But One That Echoes Endlessly

Reina finished putting on the Vyper uniform and looked herself over. She couldn't believe she was standing here in these clothes. She hadn't been a member of Vyper Bolt for very long and here she was representing the guild in the GMG. She stared at the orange guild mark on her right outer thigh. She was only a reserve but that was far more of an honor than she thought she deserved. "Wow, listen to that crowd out there...I'd always heard about games but I didn't realize how massive it all was. Everyone else worked so hard to be here...and all I did was stumble into it..." Reina shrunk into herself as she sat down on a chair. If she ended up having to compete she was sure she'd end up letting the guild down. What should I do, Asa...?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Matisuki Kiryuin

The shirtless Kaiju-Soul user sits down on the mess table as he begins to eat the meal presented to him. It was quite a hefty meal, exclusively designed to Matt's metabolism and size, with a whole chicken with a healthy side of greens and bread, even a sweet chocolate pudding to finish it off and a mug of beer to drink it all down.

"Ahhhhhh! Kudos to the one that exclusively made this delicious meal!" he thanks as he smashes his fist on the table, "This will keep me running through many battles!"

As the butler cleans up, Matt issues one massive burp as another sign of satisfaction of the meal.

Kuroku Nagasai

In the back corner of Lunar Wolf's waiting room, Kuroku meditates as black granite magic swirls around him, providing a sense of peace and concentration. He was indeed lucky to have acquired these new found powers and a certainly intimidating and formal robe that goes with it just before the GMG had begun. Surely this will help him tremendously in getting to be the champion of the GMG.

Samir Saron

A lightning fast arrow explodes its target bullseye as it shatters into a million bits. Samir Saron was training in the GMG's archery deck, preparing her archery skills as she destroys several more targets in her wake. On the side lines, little Harpi was cheering her on. Although she cannot fight in the GMG, she will be Harpi's mascot - as always of - and cheer for the members of Harpy's Wing.

Everyone was just about ready to participate in the games...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Moka Thera

"Don't mean to be a Grammar Nazi but it's you're bleehhhhh!!" She laughed as she enjoys sexually harassing her friend like there's no tomorrow, making her a loveable sex maniac and then she stopped. Following her friend she also looks at the scenery. "The stage has gotten bigger over the last few years and to top it off, how are we gonna take part, there's only three of us?" She frowned and then the S Class Mage of Sabertooth come. "OHHH!!! BTW, did you know that my uncle will be one of the judges in the games?!"

Ruby Wu

Ruby Wu

This woman is an S Class Mage of Sabertooth and a descendant of Brandish Wu one of the 12 Spriggans from the Western Continent Alakitasia. She is not from Fiore as introduced. She is the Minverva 2.0

Her presence alone is woman slayer for rumor has it she prefers women alone and hates men. "Tenshi, Moka... An angelic presence of my cupcakes." She is hugging them too tight more like it's just her voice that seemed like hugging enough to chill them with her pedophilia like presence.

Lunar Wolf

Alec laughed a lot, "THE GRAND MAGIC GAMES HAS BEGUN! I'd like you to welcome our S Classes once more! Reintroducing the S Classes of Lunar Wolf; Kuroku Nagasai, Raven, Oram Maximus and Tremor and a girl in the team. Lunar Wolf is not joking as the team is full of S Classes. Raven is a man with blood crimson hair, "Master Alec, why did you promote a mutt like Oram as an S Class?" He questioned but Alec laughed. "Weak willed aren't meant to be in the games." @Demon Shinobi It's a timeskip so just focus on this. @Kal-El


"Relax. I was just kidding but let's enjoy the now, Marduk's here and Sai will be shortly." She said to Aiden and then stared at Marduk at a brief second. Nobody knows what she meant by that stare but since the eyes are the windows of the soul, Marduk would have understand. She grabbed the old man, "Aiden I just found someone cuter than Xavier! Wanna come along?" While the masters talk and talk, she grabbed Marduk and called on Aiden to meet this cute someone.

"IT'S HER!" She pointed on Reina. They haven't personally met but since Gwen is a black belt, Reina was assigned to her for Kung Fu and Taekwondo sessions. Nobody trained Reina so far. She glomps the girl. "Reina!!" In a flash she glomps her, hugging her while naked, her clothes were on Aiden and Marduk's more like shoved in their faces. Her bra and skirt was on Marduk while her panties and skirt was on Aiden. The naked Gwen seems like she's sexually harassing Reina to others. "You're as cute as Xavier! We're gonna have lots of fun with your training!"

Black Mamba appears in front of Trisanna. "You know, you could always make them fall asleep." He said to his disciple. Suggesting his magic to her.

Harpy Wing

Harpy have now their own guild.

Master Kat is back; "I have assembled the greatest team of all with Merrian being part too. So are there any objections of the team, it's a bit disappointing that Cynthia isn't here, I'm not sure about Caroline." The line up team for Harpy's team for the GMG were:

People like Ms. Oneshot are reserves. @Sharyxe Welcome back this your part.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


"That's cheating though!" Trisana said, kicking at Black Mamba, confident it wouldn't connect. "If I have to use any magic, it's going to be my own. Besides, I don't think I can use that spell like you do, at best, I might put one person to sleep, if they weren't fighting it." She suddenly twisted and sat down on a bench, sighing. "I'm getting bored, how much longer?"


"That it does," Merrian said, rolling her chair forward toward Kyuuten. "But I bet it's not nearly as rowdy as in the Vyper room." She had a characteristic smile on her face, the kind of expression that made it difficult to believe the stories about her fights, unless you happened to have seen one.
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