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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

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Deus scratched his head and then put on a serious face. 'Liars huh, that word resembles everyone including you.... Lies are what shapes us, at the end of the day we are just human, nothing else....Our hearts can rot, all that matters is what we believe in..' Deus thought, his thoughts weren't in order more like Disarray, that's why everything he thought was unclear, he didn't even know what he was thinking. 'A dark aura, surrounded by loneliness and hatred...He must have gone through a lot.' He walked around the common room for some time. He noticed Marcus and walked to him. "Hey Marcus, you alright now, that was a pretty good fight out there, all you need is training and you'll master that power if yours, Anyways how are you feeling?"

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Meruin frowned. "I assure you, whatever my intent, what I have planned may benefit the both of us," she stated. She gave a questioning look to Cruz. "I'm afraid she's an unfamiliar face to me, Mr. Cruz. Is she yours, or is she playing a joke on you too?"

She was referring to her interaction earlier with Sol and Cornelia, but of course, neither of them knew that.

"And yes, Ryan. I offered to preform a few . . . tests for Mr. Cruz, not on. I'm quite generous, aren't I?" said Meruin in an awkward attempt to make her offer seem better.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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Cruz Meister and Pamela Armellia
Location: Common Room

Cruz looked at Pamela and looked back at Meruin. "Uhh... how am I supposed to answer that? Let's see... well, she's just a firend I met here in the academy.", he said. Inside her own space, Pamela was heartbroken for hearing that, but she still stood up for him. "A-Anyway, you totally changed the phrase! Now you said for, when in a moment ago you said on! And what's this about benefit both of you?! I don't see ANY benefit in this thing for him!", she said, angry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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"Are you making this difficult on purpose?" stated Meruin bluntly. The girl was starting to get on her nerves, mostly because she was very loud. "This is a matter between me and Mr. Cruz, if you want to get involved, I will not stop you, but kindly have the sense of grace to at least be polite and tone down your volume, otherwise I will disregard everything you have to say."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 11 mos ago

Liz chuckled and took a seat on the floor in the corner beside her "What kind of classes, well I guess its split into 3 main types. Fitness classes like gym and such, Magic classes to help us refine our magic skills and finally academic classes like math and other languages." She paused "However, you don't really have to go to all of them just enough. For example someone like Meruin over there might not go to the fitness classes as much but makes up for it with going to the other two types where as I would likely skip basic classes and just focus on fitness and magic." Liz finally explained "Does that make sense?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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Cruz Meister and Pamela Armellia
Location: Common Room

"Hrrrrgrrrr... you're getting on my nerves...", she said. Cruz took the front this time and spoke. "... Alright. We'll do this test for me and on me. After class, you decide where we're going. Pamela will come with me.", he said. "But Cruz-", she tried to speak, but he held her back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 28 days ago


Meruin raised a brow. "Are you sure? I haven't even explained the nature of the tests. Do not get me wrong; I am glad you accepted, but this whole affair has become needlessly complicated."

Why it became complicated, Meruin left unsaid, but her pointed look at Pamela was a dead giveaway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Ryan nearly screamed in joy. Performing tests on a Technomage was insane in theory. "You can take the lead on these tests. I am just glad I can participate."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

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Eris looked down quickly counting her shadows and grinned at Sol bringing another blade up underneath the ball wrapping it in light and bringing it over to her before she spiked it down directly on the other side of the net hoping it would be fast enough to keep Sol from returning it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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JELDare Trying to improve

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Slick stood there, a little mad at being blown off by Meruin, but his thought passed as the intercom started up again. "I would like all students to leave for class now, anyone who is late will be punished severely. Please report to the classes I will now announce.
Class one students, the best of the best; Hazy, both Hart siblings, Lyndwyrm, Elza, Alon, Gracy, Godsend, Ira, Armellia, Hermit, Blackheart, Meister, Gamma, Faulkner, Moon and Zairos."

Slick stood up and was surprised, considering his rank, so he left for his class down the hall. "Just my luck to get stuck with the student council."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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Cruz Meister, Pamela Armellia and Lynda "Lyn" Hermit
Location: Common Room

"Oh, we're together in the same class! How fun~!", Pamela said, happy. Cruz nodded to her as he looked back to Meruin. "I know things have turned to be exaggerated, but in my opinion it's best that way. After all, not many people had seen how I battle.", he said. As they talked, Lyn came to them. "Hey, how much will you make me wait to go to class, dude?", she said to Cruz. Pamela got even more angry. What was with those girls wanting the boy of her destiny? "Oh, didn't knew you were waiting. We're going now.", he said, walking towards the exit of the common room. Pamela and Lyn followed him.

Agni Blackheart & Cerberus
Location: Classroom N° 1

BGM: Lost Capital of Lifeless Blasphemy

Hearing the announcement made Agni writhe slightly. Having to share the class with those people were truly disappointing. He walked a little more, eventually reaching it. Cerberus was already waiting him at the door. "My master, there is a space at the far left corner of the classroom.", he said. As Agni entered the clasroom, the corner Cerberus mentioned seemed lonely enough. "As always, a nice work. I would never expect less from you, Cerberus.", he said, giving his familiar a little smile. Cerberus bowed as he entered, but a barrier stood on his way. "... A familiar preventing barrier. Surely the person who set this is completely against servants.", he spoke disapponted. Cerberus tried to break it with his agile claw slashes, but Agni requested him to stop. "But, my master...!!", he tried to argument. "I will endure this. Start lingering in the shadows and then you meet me outside, when the class is over.", he said. Although complelety reluctant, Cerberus bowed and disappeared into the shadows. Agni proceeded to his seat, while he waited for the class to begin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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JELDare Trying to improve

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Slick got up, there was no point waiting in the common room, while the principle was announcing the rest of the classes, he made for the classroom he'd be attending. He noticed a few people in there already. He smiled quickly and went to sit on the thrid row up, by the window.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Cornelia: Courtyard

'Die, Die, Die! A dead cat layed helpless on the grass. Blood began to cover her arms and face. She stood up. 'Ha...ha....That drained me...If I want to exterminate everyone here, then I can't get tired by killing a cat..I need to grab the brace thing...that's just useless. Preventing deaths... honestly the school should at least permit one death at the hands of moi. Cornelia began to make her way to the common room.
As she arrived, she saw that almost everyone already had gotten their braces. Almost everyone, meaning she hadn't gotten one yet. She walked up to the braces, and watch as one was inserted unto her arm. She couldn't feel any pain. As she got up, she noticed one extra face. Deus. She had killed his family, and Deus did not know that Cornelia was actually his sister. She sighed. 'I can finally finish my plans but not today, or anytime soon.. Cornelia was in deep thought when her name was called, at least her last name. She began to make her way to the classroom. She then realized something, as a wide grin appeared over her face. She was in the classroom with the student council, not to mention, with Deus as well. She attempted to contain her excitement. This would become her Assassination Classroom. But in the future.

Deus: Common Room

Deus began scratching his head. He didn't consider himself one of the best just because he was in the council, There were more people that were better than him. 'Oh well no use in ponder- Deus's trail of thought stopped when he saw a familiar face. He began clenching his fists as his aura began to increase. Cornelia. She killed his family, now she was after him. He felt his aura rising above natural levels, and began to calm himself down. He would be in the same class as her, so he'd better stay calm. He walked out of the common room and began to make his way to the classroom, passing Cornelia on his way. He arrived and sat down in the far seat in the back to the left.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Meruin paused to listen to the announcement. It seemed that that class roster had finally been decided . . . and she was stuck with most of the Student Council. Hardly surprising considering that she was one, but Meruin knew there was only one way for that many strong and clashing personalities to end up: utter, complete chaos. It wouldn't happen immediately, but it would happen, that was certain.

She watched as Cruz and his harem walked away. She sighed, but she decided to save her intrigues for later. For now she had a class to get to.

She turned to face Ryan. "I'll inform you when it begins."

Meruin took a single bound and her surroundings changed instantly. She knew where class one was and therefore knew where she needed to change her surroundings. Meruin was now inside Class One, at the very front of the room.

She noticed several people already inside, most of them she recognized.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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JELDare Trying to improve

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Slick noted Meruin's appearance, yet he was just staring out at the hills and the forest. He could see a new colour in the room, a sort of dark grey, that of a hazy uncertainty. He could see the red of Deus' anger and the purple from the chaos of the Cornelia's heart. he noted the colours but only turned toward the town he could see below.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 11 mos ago

"Oh, well it looks like you will have a chance to find out what classes are like right now." Liz responded after she listened to the announcement from the speakers "I am going to run on ahead, don't want to lose all the good seats now!" She grinned and ran out of the classroom heading to the announcements destination while jumping around other students to avoid them during her run. Once she arrived Liz carefully ran her eyes over the classroom, they were much nicer then the old schools. Looking around Liz could already see Meruin and wondered if she should sit with her but being on the front row would be a pain so instead she looked at the back of the classroom seeing Deus was already there she made her way up to sit beside him. Taking a seat she looked at Deus and introduced herself "Hey there again, we met back in the cafeteria earlier today I believe, Deus was it?" She asked rather happily.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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JELDare Trying to improve

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Again another one, more vibrant colours filling the room, a yellow tint came to Slick's eyes but then it was gone as soon as he blinked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


'I must kill her...That Cornelia...' His fists were clenched ready for action. He noticed Liz stop in front, he gave a little sigh. "Yes that is correct, You are Liz right?" Deus said not paying attention at all to anything. His mind was a complete blank currently, many thoughts were flowing in and out of his head, as well as his mouth. All people could hear was an ancient language. He was cursing in Latin, cursing his powerlessness back then. He looked at Liz. "Sorry If I come of as rude, but what do you need?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ScorpionLantern

ScorpionLantern A Poisonous Light

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mithrail started. She didn't expect her name to be called so soon after she'd applied. Still though . . . best of the best, was it? That certainly sounded like her.

"Michael, I'll leave Numina with you, okay?" she said, handing the one-year old to her lover. The small child just gazed at his mother curiously, before clinging to Michael. "It seems I have a class to attend. Try not to miss me too much?"

The young man just laughed. "Yeah yeah, Mits, just go on ahead. I'll see you in a bit."

The blue-haired Celestial laughed lightly, and put a foot in the ground, right before going to class is the most showoff-y way possible: By riding on a tornado.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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JELDare Trying to improve

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

So many colours, shining. That's when it hit him, he starting to squint in pain and grunted.
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