Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Meruin placed the bracer she received on her right arm.

"Not quite," she said, frowning at the bracer. She didn't quite like the color - reddish brown didn't seem to fit her, for some reason. "I only got the rank because I wanted to see how much I had improved. Afterwards, it was a near endless stream of challenges that got tiring extremely quickly." She didn't elaborate anymore than that, although she did change the color of the bracer with magic - it was a dull emerald jade color now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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Slick engulfed his left arm in blue fire and his bracer absorbed the colour and became a navy blue. "Well at least you've got more ,magic pOW-" Slick cut off as the bracer dug into his arm and began to pump magic into his veins. "-er." He went into a sweat. "Never did understand how these would work, either way it hurts like hell."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 28 days ago

Meruin tilted her head. The pain from the bracer never did bother her, as the various experiments she'd preformed on herself had let her get used to pain, but the sudden injection of magic was uncomfortable - she disliked having magic asides from hers running around her body. "I'd rather be able to finish my research," she said, staring at Slicks now navy-blue bracer. She raised a brow at his display of power. "Interesting. Now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever observed your abilities first hand. Have you ever dueled anyone before?"

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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"No I never wanted to fight. Just pass exams to get through." Slick looked up and down Meruin. "What do you wanna see my power for? I'm a good for nothing student, who has the world's weirdest DNA.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Meruin was just a little surprised at Slick's self-depreciation. Lately she'd been dealing with people who, if not possessing a large ego, were at least reasonably confident in themselves. She nodded her head in approval to Slick's statement on what he aimed to do here.

"A reasonable goal, if a bit different from the others here. As for why I want to see your abilities, I am a research before I am a fighter," she said succinctly. "Who possess what power and whatever manner of creature they are means nothing to me; you have something I am interested in, so I will express my interest, that is all."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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Cruz Meister, Pamela Armellia, Lynda "Lyn" Hermit and Agni Blackheart
Location: Common Room

After running a little, the three of them managed to reach the common room, where some people had already got their braces. Amidst the people, there was Agni, getting his bracer from the teacher. He used his power to give it a dark purple color and felt the bracer insert its magic on him. Useless magic... for what reason this ridiculous bracer did this?, he thought.

Cruz moved forward to one of the teachers and greeted it formally. He got his bracer and equipped it. "Hmm... let's see how it looks like when I use Data on it.", he said to himself, inserting a flow of Data into the bracer, which became light blue. Then, he felt the same magic being inserted. "Ow! This thing hurts!", he said, not commenting about the magic being inserted on him. Soon, Pamela and Lynda grabbed their braces, equipped them and used their magics on it to have a pink and a dark gray bracer, respectively. And then, the pain came. "Ow, ow, ow, owww!! Heeeeeey, what is this?!", Pamela complained. "The bracer inserted some magic on us. I don't know what kind of magic it is, but I'm used to have energy painfully inserted into me...", Lynda said. Cruz looked at it one more time and then noticed Meruin and Slick. He was going to talk with them, but someone stood in his way.

"I want to talk with you, last of the technomagicians.", Agni said. "About what exactly? If it's about the skirmish we had, I don't want to talk about it.", Cruz answered. The dark magician still kept his cold gaze. Then, as Cruz moved towards his old friends, the pendant swinged a little. "... I see. Then, I won't bother you anymore, Your Majesty.", he spoke. Upon hearing those words, Cruz looked directly at Agni with a surprised face, while the latter opened the Word of Hatred and left reading it. What the... how the hell does he know about that?!, Cruz said, looking at the exit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Since she was not particularly waiting for Slick to respond, Meruin diverted some attention to the newcomers: another student from the previous years, and also one she'd scarcely interacted with, accompanied by three she did not recognize. Her eyes narrowed for a moment as she sensed magic pass through the bracer, one she was unfamiliar with.

It seems that three people managed to pique her interest today.

"Technomage, is it?" said Meruin, her eyes boring straight into Cruz's own.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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Cruz Meister
Location: Common Room

Waking up from his surprise at Agni's words, Cruz turned his head back to Meruin. He does remember about her, but certainly wasn't on the best way possible. "Yeah, Meruin. We barely talked back at the old academy, but it's me, Cruz. Cruz Meister, the last technomage alive...", he said, sighing hard. That wasn't the way he wanted to be known throughtout.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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JELDare Trying to improve

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Slick brushed off Meruin's comment. Who doesn't care what people are like "Wait a sec, what do I have!?" It had taken the boy a minute to work out what she had said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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@The ghost in black
Sol glanced at the scales rapidly covering Eris's body with interest. A strange magic that seemed to increase her strength, no matter he had no intention of letting her regain momentum. Logically it would be best to cancel the match and then retrieve their braces before continuing but it would be no fun to end mid-match. Sol's eyes narrowed as he traced the path of the rapidly moving metal orb and as soon as it crossed onto his side of the court Sol was there smashing it straight down, coming down on Eris's side mere centimeters from the net. Simultaneously he caused a distortion to warp into existence around the bubble slowing down time all around it, even if Eris would normally be able to move fast enough to block the attack the time warp should've been more than enough to slow her down long enough for him to score the winning point. Even if he didn't score a point he was still in a good position to spike the ball once again, he thought grinning confidently.


Elza yawned and looked around dazedly when she heard some announcement about bracers, it seemed she had accidentally fallen asleep again. Oh well she was fresh and ready to go now so she eagerly grabbed a brace from the teacher. Her eye's flickered into shadow as she viewed the strange magic of the bracer flow into her and meld with her own, an interesting device. Her eyes returned to their normal color and she glanced around, Meruin was here along with several other people she didn't know very well. Elza retreated to a corner and examined her new device thoroughly curious to see how it worked and waited for classes to be announced.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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@MagusDream, @JELDare

As Cruz gave what she assumed was his title, Meruin's eyes suddenly had a very disturbing glint in them. It was by no means malicious, but it was suitably manic - the kind you see on mad scientists. The cause, of course, was not so much that Cruz mentioned he was a technomage - which had perked her interest enough - but because ue had mentioned he was the last of his kind. That sent Meruin's interest flying into the realm of the unhealthy.

"The last Technomage, you say?" she muttered audibly. "Very interesting . . . tell me, would you be willing to partake in a few experi- tests?"

For now, Slick was now pushed into the back of her mind, though part of her was resolute in talking to him more later on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 11 mos ago

Liz waved to Meruin, she planned to walk over on her own anyway. When she arrived at the classroom she quickly went up and claimed a bracer "oh, a new design." She smiled happily and put it on her wrist and winced a bit when she drained her magic in it, for a while the bracer did not settle on its color but finally it came to a light blue clear, the color of the sea. Smiling and breathing a sigh of relief from that being over and the pain subsiding. Looking around it seemed like most people had arrived to collect their bracer as well.

Looking around the room Liz walked over to Meruin "Just a quick update~ Euphie says you are good to have a fight with her after classes today as long as she gets to have a chat with you first, if she mentions Chase just lie and say you don't know where she is though please." Liz chuckled and looked at Elza who had retreated to a corner "Talk later Meruin." She quickly dashed off and jumped in front of Elza likely spooking her "Hi there, you must be new here! Whats your name? Any questions?" Liz asked bombarding the new girl with questions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Marcus stood to his feet slowly and slipped his hands into his pockets. He turned towards the school and walked deep in thought about his battle with Liz. He didn't care about how he looked like a giant mummy roaming and hunting the school. To him his appearance didn't matter. What really mattered was what the hell actually happened during his battle with Liz. He entered the classroom silently and retrieved his bracer from the teacher , applying it onto his right arm on top of the bandages. Although he didn't react to the tiny pain the bracer caused. Marcus noticed the others but was to caught up in his thoughts to acknowledge any of them. He grabbed a seat in the front row by the window and kicked his feet on top of the desk. Marcus stared out the window not noticing his bandages slowly stretch over the bracer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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The announcement woke Alex up from his daydreaming. About time... he thought while getting up from his seat, yawing. He made his way towards the classroom and watched as others in the line in front of him each took their braces. He saw Slick using some kind of flame power to change the color of his bracer, Huh...that's a pretty neat feature

Once he received his bracer, Alex wore it on his left forearm and quickly felt it digging in on his skin, "so this is how the whole concept works huh?" Alex said to himself out-loud. He turned and walked towards one of the seats in the class and sat down. So...let's see if I can do the same as him... Alex thought and looked at his bracer for a moment. He closed his eyes and pictured his ability as an aura and focused it on his forearm. Suddenly the bracer turned white and mathematical symbols started appearing on it until everything was covered with said symbols. Alex opened his eyes and took a look at the changes, ...whatever he thought, pressed the button on his MP4 and continued listening to music. Although he didn't need to attend the rest of the lesson, Alex was too lazy to stand up from his seat again...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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Eris rushed towards the ball but suddenly felt the effects of magic similar to time dilation, when she felt this she stopped and had her sword appear under the ball and launch it into the air above her before she jumped and slammed the ball over sol's head surrounding I'd with spinning light blades to cut through his wind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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@The ghost in black
Sol grinned, as he thought his opponent had quickly reacted appropriately to the situation, but he wasn't done yet. Just before she launched the orb with those strange swords of hers Sol wrapped the Orb in devastatingly powerful wind currents and hurled it past Eris to the furthest corner of the court. The bubble of slowed time followed the ball catching Eris in it and hopefully stopping her from being able to react fast enough to stop his assault.
Elza blinked rapidly and looked up startled her shadow already forming itself into a spear and nearly launching itself at Liz before Elza realized that she wasn't under attack and her shadow quickly returned to its original form. "Um sorry didn't see you there, My name is Elza. Everything has been pretty simple so far so my only question is, what kind of classes do we have here?" she said still somewhat surprised by the sudden conversation but her natural curiosity quickly taking over.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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Cruz Meister, Pamela Armellia and Lynda "Lyn" Hermit
Location: Common Room

Of course, that look wasn't pleasuring in the very least and it made Cruz think about what kind of tests and experiments she wanted to perform on him. But as he was going to ask, Pamela came forward to interrupt and do a scandal. In her mind, she needed one. "Whoa whoa whoa, hey hey hey, hold on! Performing tests on him? He's not your lab rat! And plus, I don't think that your intentions are good in a single bit!", she said, taking front. "Hey... Pamela? I don't think that you know, but she isn't the kind of person that likes to be disturbed...", he said. But she wasn't going to give attention to him. Not when she was doing something that the paparazzi would come and take photos to publish on the journals. After all, every worldwide diva makes a scandal here and there, so why she wouldn't make one?

Lyn sighed. All that scene just proved that Pamela was an idiot and that the level of respect between them was going to be really small. Lynda isn't the kind of person that likes the weak. She just has a friendly acquaintance with Cruz because of who he is. She never saw his power directly, but she had expectations.. "I'm heading to the classroom. You coming, Cruz?", she said. "I guess I'm kinda in trouble here, so I'll go later...", he said. "Hey, no going in class until I take some answers out of this girl!", Pamela butted in. With a face of diappointment, Lyn left the common room towards the classroom, leaving Cruz and Pamela behind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Ryan recieved his bracer and didn't even flinch when the painful magic was inserted into him. The bracer turned somewhat crimson. His head snapped towards Meruin when he heard experiments. He glided over to Slick, Cruz, and Meruin and barely restrained a grin. "Did someone say, experi– I mean tests! Tests, not experiments. Experiment implies pain." He muttered to himself that last part.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

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Deus watched as the Bracer was inserted into him. He didn't feel any pain, he began to laugh. He was already used to this kind of pain, but worst. He walked up to Agni seeing as how Cruz and He had arrived at the same time. 'Agni...He really interests me.' He looked at Agni for a long time before he began to speak. "Hello Agni we meet again at last. My name is Deus if you didn't hear me before, the one who had that little skirmish with you yesterday. So how are you doing?" Deus was extremely interested in him, not in the experimental way but the way that he would like to know about him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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Agni Blackheart
Location: Common Room

As he was leaving the common room, a dialogue against his will started. While reading the Word of Hatred, Agni simply moved his eyes looked at the person who was talking to him. The question that Deus asked made Agni know that he wanted to make some kind of friendship or another thing. However, he was just cold as he ever is to answer. "... Why do you even ask? If you are expecting any sweet answer from me, throw those hopes in the trash. I don't believe in the slightest that you care about how I'm feeling and how I am now.", he said, walking towards the exit. But before leaving, he closed the Word of Hatred, looked forward and spoke one last thing. "... You all are liars. More of those people who use masks to hide what they really feel. I don't have reasons to be speaking with people that prefer to fake happiness instead of throwing out the hatred they feel. After all, inside of your tiny little heart... You. Hate. Me.", he said. After that, he opened his grimoire once more and finally left the room.
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