Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

BGM Rat A Tat By Fall Out Boys

As Marcus was shoved to the ground he watched as the hand took the random guy that saved him. He didn't know what to do. All his strength was gone and he had no more motivation. So he thought. But he was on the student council and he should be the one up there fighting that Agni guy. Marcus stood to his feet and clenched his fist as the ground around him began to shake. "I'm tired of this bull shit!!!!" He shouted as negative energy shot out of his body like an E.M.P. Marus began to walk towards Angi's direction with a not so happy look on his face. This time when Marcus tapped into his negative energy he had control and he knew what was right and what was wrong. "I'm gonna redeem myself!" Marcus shouted as his aura went from black to a dark blue color. His sounds were healed and he was probably in the most controllable form of his negative energy. "I'm gonna prove myself!!!!" He shouted as he held his palm out aiming for Agni. A large about 10ft tall orb spawned in front of him. It was giving of great amounts of negative energy. It disintegrated the ground under neith it making a small crater. "The Void's Pulse!!!! Marcus shouted releasing the gigantic orb.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Cruz Meister and Agni Blackheart
Location: Town Center

Agni's slashes were in symphony with Ryan's, as both of them were equal in speed. However, he had no plan to keep this duel. So, he kept slashing until they changed sides and he was close to Cruz. This was his plan?!, he said. Agni changed his emotionless face to an enraged one in the moment they faces each other.

Call it luck or the reverse, he was caught on the gigantic void sphere that Marcus shot. However, he reappeared after a few seconds."This has nothing to do with you bastards!! Leave me to kill Cruz alone if you don't want to go with him!!", he said, calling more magic circles that called hands to attack them. After that, Agni returned to violently assault Cruz. The technomagician wouldn't last long with his defense.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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"If you feel that you are capable, then do what you wish," said Meruin. She paused as she reviewed the situation. "Why is it that everyone here aims to kill someone for whatever reason?" she thought aloud, her mind going to Cornelia, then Marcus, then Deus, and now Agni. "A little bit more control over oneself isn't too much to ask, is it?"


A few moments later, Lyn and Pamela dropped in front of Meruin, facing Cerberus. Rather than taking their suggestion, the small mage stepped forward. "I think that Ryan, Deus and Marcus together is more than enough for that boy, although you should probably help Mr. Cruz get out of there," she said, then she looked at Pamela. "Besides, I would think that you dislike being separate from your lover. Don't let this thing keep you here."

A few strides later and she stepped in front of Pamela and Lyn, facing the Cerberus with a rather bored expression. After everything that's happened in the span of a few minutes, a giant three-headed dog from Hades was the least interesting thing for the day.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

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Deus nodded. "Alright then, just give me one second, if you can please protect me." Deus's Aura shifted colors to indigo, and began to speak to Marcus telepathically. 'Marcus, If you Can, no, I need you to share some of your Nullification energy with me so that we can Defeat Agni, You may think you can defeat him alone or something like that but that is incorrect, I sense that he is a Demon Lord, just like Lucificus....Anyways, please share the Nullify energy with me!' He then began to fly higher up into the sky, and began to speak with everyone telepathically except for Agni of course. 'Everyone, You may not agree to this but it is still worth a try. Agni could defeat us easily probably he is a Demon Lord. All I need from everyone is to Protect me while I collect energy to stop Agni. Please, I'll owe you all in the future, so Help me!' On top of Deus, a Blue Spirit Bomb could be seen, small in size although Increasing in size.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Ryan easily kept up with Agni and dodged the Void Pulse from Marcus. He glanced at Marcus and let a small grin cross his lips. 'It appears as if he has taken control of his destiny.' He quickly refocused on Agni. "I'm afraid not. There are three reasons why I can't leave Cruz Meister, Technomage and Student, to die." Ryan slashed through the hands with a boom of thunder. "One, I am a Student Council Member, and as such I must look out for the well being of the school and it's students." Ryan easily dashed back towards Cruz and Agni and began his defense once more. "Two, Cruz Meister has just stopped Marcus Gracy from destroying a large portion of land, and prevented Marcus Gracy from obtaining a fair amount of Soul Scarring." Ryan then began to go on the offensive as he became faster than before, as the clouds in the sky began to darken and rumble. " And my third and final reason," Ryan flashed out of sight for a brief moment before reappearing. "This is my personal atonement, for my father ordered that the Technomages be wiped out! I will not let you kill the last one!" Lightning flashed from the sky and hit Ryan as he absorbed the raw power that came from it. When it was over Ryan's armor had changed from a simple knight's armor, to what appeared to be the armor of a king. "You may be a Devil Lord, but I am The Emperor!" Ryan let out a shockwaves of pure energy and pushed forward into Agni.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Elza watched amused from her tower avoiding the stray shots that came her way riddling the tower with holes. At this rate should have to find somewhere else to watch, and she did so enjoy watching this. All of this silly pompous people trying to one-up each other, she wished idly that she could record this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Marcus nods and vanishes instantly placing his hand on Deus's back. " Do your stuff man!" He transported his nullifying abilities to Deus and vanishes again reppareing a few meters behind Cruz. Marcus clapped his hands together and then removed them from each other. " The Void's Roar!" He shouted as another sphere appeared before him. Although this time it was bigger and had a destructive nature to it. Marcus let the sphere lose firing it a Agni. Dodging the sphere will be tricky but not impossible. Right now Marcus focused on ranged attacks. He didn't know and didn't want to know what he can do physically on this level. "Techno Dude! Your gonna have to move or find a way to match Agni's strength." Marcus knew he was being captain obvious but he had to lighten the mood of this choatic battle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Deus nodded. "Thanks Marcus!" With the Nullification Energy this would be a sure hit. He began to charge up the Spirit Bomb. As he charged up the Spirit Bomb, He made Kusanagi appear, and then inserted it's power into the Spirit Bomb, also inserting some of the Dark Flames, changing the color of the Spirit Bomb to a darker color. "Come on! Almost there, Need more energy!"

Posts until Neo-Spirit Bomb is ready: 2


Cornelia saw the battle, she was itching to kill some one. She then noticed Marcus and frowned at the point that he was still alive. 'Tch...this is the second time my prey gets away from me, I'll kill him now.' Cornelia began to run towards Marcus, as she drew her knives. She threw them at Marcus, supercharged with electricity.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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Cruz Meister, Pamela Armellia, Lynda "Lyn" Hermit and Agni Blackheart (Devil Lord) & Cerberus
Location: Town Center

Agni had been hit by Ryan's charge and by Marcus' Void once again. But he returned. "Like I care about what THE HELL YOU WANT!! I'll just peacefully grant your deaths and end him next!!", he shouted.

"... That's enough. You won't be killing anyone. I won't let you.", Cruz said. Taking the front, even knowing he was the aim. It wasn't the time to be scared. "Everyone... thank you. I knew I should never give up on others... on my friends.", he said. "Friends... they just pity you because of who you are!! They don't like you a SINGLE bit!!", Agni said. Cruz grinned. "... I hope you guys watch, I'll show you all how we technomages fight.", he said. Then, he showed that he was gathering stray parts... just like he always did in the past...

Cruz's Battle Theme: Clockwork Doll

"It's time to reverse the roles! Summon: Maverick MK-II!!", he said, summoning a blue and golden musket at his hand. "A musket won't defend your life!!", he said while charging at him. But in the moment Agni slashed, Cruz spinned and aimed directly at his head. "Are you sure?", he said, while pulling the trigger. A blue beam was shot, pulling Agni back. One thing that the Devil Lord didn't imagined: Cruz's actual strength. Gggh... I didn't knew he was that strong..., he thought.

As he kept thinking, when he looked, a big barrage of missiles were coming at his direction. "What the?!", he said. "Boom yourself up with that!!", Cruz said, as the missiles rained downward Agni. There were many explosions and the ground shook for a while. When the dust cleared, there was Agni, defending himself with his wings. "That... won't be enough to defeat me!!", he screamed. "I can see that. So how about this?! Code: Illusion/CREATE!!", he said. When he dashed, two Cruz appeared. Two of him?!, Agni said.

The two jumped and shot their beams in a synchronism that make every double with their special moves jealous. The beams were point blank and Agni was able to defend them with his scythes, but for some reason or another, he wasn't being able to defend that so easily as he did with one of them. The two stood back to back and aimed at him again, with a magic circle floating in their front. "Blue Barrel Unload!!", the two screamed. The beams they shot at the magic circle combined and grew into a giant energy beam. Agni tried to defend once again, but his guard finally shattered for once and he was driven by that power.

"M-M-My master!!!", Ceberus said, dashing back to Agni. "He's... powerful... and so AWESOME!!!", Pamela commented. So that's the power of a technomage... I never... thought someone like him would be able to..., Lyn thought in awe to Cruz's potential. After the beam disappeared, there was Agni, who howled to the sky. "GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! You... INSOLENT PEST!!! I'll kill you!! I'LL EXTERMINATE YOU!!!", he screamed in pure rage. "Alright... but before that... Code: Data/CHAIN!!", one of the Cruz used another one of his codes, but this time... it was directed to Cornelia. Chains made of Data, represented by the symbols in Cruz's panels wrapped her in arms and legs. Then, the two aimed their muskets at her, summoning the same circle. "Sorry, but no murders in the battlefield!! Repeat: Blue Barrel Unload!!", they shot the beam at her.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ryan moved back after seeing Cruz could handle himself and moved to the ground. He sat under a tree and sighed. "I have not atoned for my father's sins yet. But this is a start." Ryan looked at the sky. "Why do they keep forgetting that death means nothing to them right now? If they die, they would come back after the battle."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Cornelia got pissed as the beams passed through her brain and heart. She was dead, supposedly. She didn't have enough time to think. Who did he think he was, was all Cornelia could think about. "You're just Human, a Technomage but Human....I'll show you it, maybe we can have a fun time?" Cornelia fell backwards as Blood spilled over the grass. Muramasa appeared on Cornelia's hand, Something was about to happen. She had the power, all she needed was the Key, and Cruz had just given her the key. The Key to an Unbound World. Muramasa began to float above Cornelia, if she was Dead Muramasa would go straight to the next owner, and that would be Cruz, yet instead the Sword Impaled her in the Lungs.

BGM: Fate's Demise

Cornelia stood up as Muramasa was Impaled in her body. The parts of her body that were blown off were already recovered. She was charging up her energy, and releasing it at the same time. She was about to go into Unbound World State. A transformation were you have full control of your powers in exchange for your sanity and humanity, to be fair she wasn't Human in the first place. She took out Muramasa from her lungs. It was covered in a crimson red blood. The Sword began to emit an Evil Aura in a 10 in radius. She was laughing. If she killed him then Deus would get mad at her more. She kept charging up, as a small force field was placed around her. Purple marks began to appear all over her body, she was ready. The force field disappeared as a wide psychopathic grin appeared over her face. If you got near her the evil could possibly consume you if you aren't strong enough, something like the perfect defence. Now, Who should I kill first? Hahaha, I know I'll finish off that Pest Marcus and deal with that Cruz guy later.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Marcus watched in excitement as an unspeakable amount of negative energy flowed through the air. "I happen to find powerful women very attractive Cornelia." He said tying his hair into a pony tail so it wouldn't get in the way of his site. Marcus removes his suit jacket and drops it onto the ground. He bumps both of his fist together walking closer to Cornelia. "I'm about to give you a love tap that's gonna hurt like hell! He laughed vanishing and firing a negative sphere of energy behind Cornelia as he reappeared. Marcus focused his best on not using his physical abilities just yet. He kept a great amount of distance between him and Cornelia.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Ryan wanted to yell. "Does everyone here want to kill someone! Jesus!" Ryan got up with a grimace and looked at Cornelia. "She should he dead, yet here we are." Ryan snapped his fingers and Honjo Masamune appeared in his hand. He aimed carefully than threw it at her like a spear. As it came flying at her it began to elongate and get thinner until it eventually was a spear. It took on a golden like quality and continued its course for her lungs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Cruz Meister and Agni Blackheart
Location: Town Center

BGM: Clockwork Doll still playing

Distracted with the other fight, Cruz was almost hit by Agni, saved by his illusion. The second Cruz vanished as he was hit and the flash began again. However, Cruz was having the upper hand. Darn it... I'm not using 100% of my power as a Devil Lord... and he's able to battle me!, Agni thought.

Cruz dashed back and opened a panel. "... Setting code. Time limite set. Changing battle plan.", he said after setting his magic.I nerd to hold myself back for now. I'll abuse on illusions until the time comes...!, Cruz planned.

Time set for Spell Release: 20 posts

Lynda "Lyn" Hermit, Pamela Armellia & Cerberus

Still not far from the chaos, Lyn returned to her duel with Cerberus, that stood in his human form. Pamela wanted to dash and help the others with Agni, but she wasn't able to simply leave. Then, she saw Arcadius and called for him.
"Heeeeey!! Elemental mage that is in our team and that I forgot the name!! Come here for a second, please!!!, she screamed.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Meruin, about to face Cerberus, paused at the arrival of Cornelia. Apparently, Agni was not the only one that was feeling particularly murderous today. She sighed in exasperation; now there were two of them (four, if you included Marcus and Deus from earlier) running around.

Hm, who to deal with first? she thought. Cerberus was certainly a threat, but Pamela and Lyn were facing it together, while Cornelia was facing Marcus alone. Before she could decide who to go after, Ryan launched a spear of magic against the girl. Ah, well that's decided.

Meruin floated in between Pamela and Lyn. "It seems you're bent on facing this thing. I will help you," she said in a tone that offered no room for argument. "Afterwards, I will deal with Agni and Cruz."

Facing Cerberus, the tiny mage tilted her head. "Now, you're certainly smaller than I had thought. I can only hope you can prove to be an interesting subject of observation."

A light tap from her foot resulted in a sudden explosion of glowing white chains. They snaked around Cerberus on all sides, burning all traces of demonic influence with it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

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Cornelia got pissed, not at the fact that Marcus was flirting with her but at the fact that Ryan was interrupting her fight. As the Negative Sphere got closer to her she got an idea. She used Meta-Teleportaion to teleport behind Ryan and used another of her powers which was called, Fact-to-Fiction. This power allowed her to turn any reality into fiction and Vice-versa, making events that should have happen, never happen. "Fact-to-Fiction! The Negative Sphere hits Ryan." The Negative Sphere would be heading for Ryan now. She then teleported behind Marcus and began slashing him with Muramasa, which would drain his life if slashed by it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Ryan rolled his eyes and moved out of the way of the sphere of negative energy. When it began coming back at him, he summoned Honjo Masamune back into his hands and sliced the orb in half. "You better be damn glad I'm helping you Marcus, because you're not even on my team." Ryan teleported in between Marcus and Cornelia and blocked the slashes. "You should be dead." He stated. He felt Tue evil radiating off of her and smiled a bit. Just two years ago and he would've been consumed by it. But not today. "Could you die for me? I don't feel like fighting anymore." Ryan suddenly began glowing as he looked her in the eyes. "Actually, I think I'll take you both out. Grimoire Art: The Chariot!" Ryan than exploded in a burst of fire and hit air. He began to reform near where Meruin was and collapsed on the ground panting with exhaustion. "Note to self, exploding hurts."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Thanks for the help anyways." Marcus laughed as he retreated from the explosion with a simple step. Although his back got burned a bit from the blast. His happiness turned into a frown when he realized that Cornelia could of gotten hurt in the explosion. "Aww what the fuck Ryan. If you messed up my dates face I'm coming after you." Marcus dusted himself off and walked back towards the blast site. He didn't want to admit it but he was having a lot of fun. "Cornelia, my love please tell me that your okay?" Marcus asked. Which was weird because he was charging up two more negative spheres to fire at her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Cruz Meister, Pamela Armellia, Lynda "Lyn" Hermit and Agni Blackheart

Agni kept attacking Cruz with a violent and heavy assault of scythe slashes. The technomage was abusing of illusions just like he planned. However, that wouldn't last long. Thin are the chances that I will be able to keep this up... If someone has a plan, do it now!, he thought.

Meanwhile, Lynda and Cerberus were attacking each other in the same rhythm. Clashes between her slashes and his claws were common. Until Meruin used her power, removing the dark energy índice the hell hound. "Ggh... This light...!, he said, kneeling. "Thanks a lot for that! Shadow Wind!!", she declared. With a roundhouse kick, Lyn generated a small tornado of dark slashes that hit Cerberus without any difficulty.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Cornelia sighed as the explosion went off. This wouldn't hurt her one bit, but it did blow off her arm and one leg. She began to laugh maniacally. It had been a while since she could use this power, it was time to use Fiction's full power. The blown off limbs began to regenerate which was also a part of her powers, Absolute Restoration. "Gah,fine, you want to see power, I'll show you real power!" Cornelia teleported again a few feet backwards. She began to charge up her powers. She was ready, and so it was time to use Fictional Dream Land. The sky turned a blood red and the ground purple. Marcus and Ryan were both now in Cornelia's Fictional Dream Land. Where she was a kind of god. Wlecome to my Dream Land, Where I am God and Overseer. Now time to die Sweet Marcus!


The spirit bomb was ready, he also had a clear shot. His aura turned Indigo as he began to speak telepathically to everyone. "Get out of the way, NOW!"

BGM:God of Destruction's Sorrow

Deus launched the Neo-Spirit Bomb at Agni. This spirit bomb was nearly impossible to dodge, and if you teleported out of its way, Deus would have a backup plan. This Neo Spirit Bomb would negate the effects of spells for a 10 Mile radius when it hit it's target or the ground, it could also KO an opponent if he is not strong enough. The perfect attack. Deus used Ability Create: Wind Manipulation to make the Spirit Bomb extremely fast. The Spirit Bomb was about the size of the moon.

@Slendy @MagusDream @floodtalon
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