Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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".........Ughhhhhh, why can't i figure out what she used to control those swords.....goddammit..." Alex shouted in frustration. All this time, he had been brainstorming, trying to find a way to disable her spell and completely missed all the chaos that had been ensuing around him, "Huh..What the..." Alex said when he realised that Meruin had completely ignored him and had proceeded to cast another spell, "Great, more Meruins. Just what kind of spell is she trying to cast that would need so many copies of her" Alex thought when suddenly, all of the Meruins dissapeared. Alex shot a glance back at the original Meruin and, surprisingly, the swords hovering above her head had also dissapeared "Oook, well that solves one problem...but now it seems we have another one" He was obviously referring to Marcus and Deus, who had apparently gone crazy.

Alex stood up and turned towards his, now seemingly possesed, friends "I'm afraid I'll have to join Meruin on this one. The fact that you two let yourselves be consumed by your own powers speaks for itself. No matter how much one has gone through in their life, no matter if your goal in life is to exact vengence upon those who did you wron, falling into the abyss in exchange for power is the absolute worst thing one could do. You know why? Because you lose all sense of self, everything and everyone around you is an enemy. Then, after you destroy everything, when you come to your senses, you will have nothing. Do you understand what nothing is? Do you want to know what nothing is? I bet you don't, but I will give you a glimpse of it..."

and with that there was sudden increase in the electromagnetic force fields around Alex, slowly building at first before circular shockwaves exploded outwards. Black mathematical symbols started appearing, flying around Alex, a strange dim green aura enveloping them. Alex raised his hands, his palms facing Marcus and Deus before bringing them together in front of his chest, as in a meditative position.

"Arc of Numeracy: Nihil!" Alex shouted and instantly, Marcus would be stolen from his emotions. Well, stolen is not exactly it, more like, his emotions became nothing. What Alex had just done was to divide his emotions by zero, which in turn made the concept of emotions equal to nothing. What Marcus would feel would be something that could not be explained with mere words.

Alex turned his attention to Meruin, "This spell isn't something I can keep for long. Quickly, put him out of his misery" he told her, already the signs of fatigue showing on the form of sweat dripping from his forehead. Maintaining the equation was tiring and Alex hoped for Meruin to be swift.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 11 mos ago

Liz dodged the lightning bolts by sinking into the ground with her now earth body and letting the ground instead take the whole barrage before coming up "Eh, I will take you on another time Meruin, it wont be fun unless it is a 1 v 1 for us to settle who has gotten stongest over the 10 years." She turned back to her human form and walked to Tony "You though, lets fight for a while." She pointed and pulled out a knife not swapping to an elemental form yet to see what sort of stuff Tony could do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Ryan's eyes widened as Deus burst out of his watery prison. He closed the Gates to prevent Deus from being sucked in, then took the water and hardened it into ice. He then noticed that Deus seemed normal again. He melted the spears and instead kept a hand on Honjo Masamune. "I do hope you're not trying to kill her."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Tony pointed a finger at his chest, "me?" He said innocently. The teenager sighed and pushed himself to a standing position. " I don't believe we've met. I saw you fight Marcus though. A water elemtal eh?" Tony activated his physical buffs. He didn't know how fast or strong she was, so he hoped to catch her off guard.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

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Deus scoffed. "Of course not, just that I've had a realization with my Father and an Ancient Demon, and I need Meruin's input, you can come too, just to prove to you that I don't mean any harm, I already forfeited, not wanting to cause any more destruction, If I used "that" then who knows what might've happened." Deus waved at Ryan and began making his way to Meruin.

Deus stood, or rather, floated next to Meruin. "Hello Meruin, I would like to thank you for earlier. After you are done with the fight with Marcus I need to speak with you if that is alright with you of course."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Marcus wasn't to excited about Meruin's response. As the paper crane flew to his location he fired a quick pulse of negative energy disintegrating them. He looked at Meruin planning to prepare another attack for her until something happened. Marcus spontaneously grabbed his head and began shouting and screaming as if something was eating away at his mind. Oddly he felt like his emotions were being stripped away and it drove him even more insane. "Make it stop!!!!" He screamed as tears began to race down his face. Sanity was making the pain of losing his emotions even more threatening then it should be. Marcus fell out of the sky and slammed into the ground. He rolled threw the grass rapidly screaming and gripping his head tighter. More and more tears rushed down his face as he struggled to stop the process of losing his emotions. Losing his emotions would probably allow insanity to completely take over and Marcus would just be a shell of himself. "MAKE IT STOP!!!" He shouted and pleaded. Not to long after rolling in the grass he began to smash his fist against the ground making a medium sized crater to appear. He continued to smash his fist against the ground not worrying about his defenses. As the pain got stronger Marcus stopped and curled up into a ball. "Make it stop...please...." He asked through weeps and sobs. "PLEASE!!!" His body felt terrible and his eyes reverted back to their cyan color. Blood instead of tears poured out of his right eye for a few moments but stopped. "I-I'll....I'll....just....have...to
...kill m-myself then the pain will go away." He strugglingly stood and limped towards the nearest building planning to throw himself of the roof to end the pain. Marcus was himself but was in a trans like state. He was almost to the door of the building that'll help him meet his fate.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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@BranchOfSin Ryan nodded at Deus and sighed quietly. "Thank goodness, if I killed him he would've held such a massive grudge."
@SlendyHe looked at Markus muttering about killing himself. "Son of a... I swear, losing emotions is not enough to commit suicide. I lose my emotions all the time when I meditate, and I never cry blood." Ryan created a wall of earth in front of Marcus and floated behind him. He raised his hand and hit a few pressure points on Marcus to immobilize him. "I think you can stop now Alex!" Ryan called out.
"Mages these days, I had my aura and life drained, did I break down and start crying blood? No, I got mad and opened up the Gates of Hell instead. Much simpler. Mages can't even stand a paper cut anymore I bet. Not like Meruin. She's so strong, beautiful as well. Scientific, able to blow up continents, she's just so perfect." Ryan didn't realize he was talking out loud as he shook his head. "God is this how Meruin felt when she awakened her Grimoire? I hate vocalizing my thoughts." Ryan floated into the air and continued muttering to himself about Meruin.
@Vec He stopped when he got close to Meruin though. He looked at Alex. "Do you want to save yourself the trouble and surrender? I like you, you're logical." He asked politely. "I don't want Meruin to tear apart your atoms and then I would freeze them. It's impolite. You just saved Marcus from potential Soul Scarring."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Not soon after the spell had reached it's full potential the clones had simply vanished without a trace. Not from his spell, from some sort of nullification. The spell itself was cancelled out as well. Well...that was a complete waste of time. He thought to himself. He just proceeded to walk around, seeing as how his team had just up and left him for some reason or another, heading towards the chaos, he figured if he can't destroy the fakes then the real would just have to do. As he walked he saw the kid named Marcus having another one of his tantrums, running off towards a building crying. He figured he'd continue studying his grimore while he slowly walked to the chaos, maybe even learn something new he could try out on the way there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Meruin stopped for a moment. Marcus attempt to take his own life actually froze her thoughts for a single moment. While she wasn't extreme about it like her Master, or as destructive about it like Lady Chase, Meruin believed that there was value in every life - if only someone would look for it.

She froze for a second or two before snapping back to her senses and was about to launch a spell to stop Marcus in his tracks, when Ryan intervened. Meruin sighed in relief. Looking around, it seemed that everything had calmed down somewhat. She peered at Alex and Ryan. He seemed to have that covered, so she would leave it to him.

"Ah, right, Deus, you wanted to talk to me?" she inquired, barely remembering his question.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Yes..Do you know who Merlinius, or Merlin is? He said that he's supposedly my father...then again I can't remember almost anything about my childhood, whenever I attempt to remember My Head starts to hurt and I pass out. Anyways, Yeah that's what I want to know, seeing as how you are smart... He also said something about me inheriting his power.." Deus asked, worried about Marcus' condition. He scratched his head, he never knew about his father at all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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Alex released Marcus from the equation, he himself obviously tired from the task he had just finished. It seemed that Ryan had taken the innitiative and had prevented Marcus from attempting suicide. When Ryan came to him and told him to surrender, Alex chuckled. "Tear my atoms? You will freeze me? That my friend, I will only believe it when i see it. Nevertheless, it is indeed as you say. There's no reason that would keep me from fighting any longer right now. Actually now that i think about it, was there a reason for me to fight anyway? Hmm..." Alex was lost in thought. He walked towards Marcus and kneeled beside him.

"That was a glimpse in the future. Your future, if you get consumed by the darkness. Keep fighting it and don't ever again fall into its embrace" he told him and with a sigh, teleported back to his room in the school dorms to wait for the test to end. He was tired and didn't care about anything more than resting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Ryan shrugged when Alex dissapeared. "Who here is left! If you want to fight, remember the destruction that we have just wrought!" He proclaimed with a small voice amplification spell. He then turned to Meruin. "We may want to prepare for a fight, just in case someone is stupid enough to challenge us after what just happened."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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@TheHangedMan@JELDare@Eklispe@Vec@floodtalon@BranchOfSin@Slendy@DaDrummer676@Dash375@The ghost in black@Shikaru@ScorpionLantern

Cruz Meister, Pamela Armellia, Lynda "Lyn" Hermit and Agni Blackheart (Devil Lord)
Location: Town Center

The three of them were still watching the hands when they suddenly disappeared from where Slick and Eris where. "They're gone...", she whispered. "I don't like this. For them to suddenly vanish like this ddoesn't sound any good...", Lyn commented. Then, a panel opened, informing Cruz about something dreadful. "What the heck?! This level of power coming from somewhere...!! It's really big!!", he said. When the girls looked at it, they two got surprised. "F-F-From where is this coming, Cruz?!", Pamela asked, completely frightened.

Devil Lord Agni's Theme: The Tyrant -Remix-

Agni reappeared at the center of the entire battlefield. He opened his majestic devil wings and looked around. After that, he started to draw purple lines in space with his fingers. In many directions, in many sizes... those lines would form a net. Agni started to float in the air and his scythes started to fly around him. "... Let destruction ruin incarnate.", he spoke. The two scythes danced in the air, reaping space in the direction of the lines. They were randomly drawed, so the aim wasn't in a single spot. It was on various directions. Those slashed spaces opened holes. Then, with his aura flowing excessive amounts of power, his voice echoed throughout the entire town.
"Omnidirection Decimatio!!"

From those holes, enormous beams of dark fire were shot all at once.

Cruz spied a little from the back of the building they were hiding, until that purple light came. "Get down!!", he said. Pamela and Lynda followed his order and quicly ducked. The dark fire beam passed and destroyed half of the house. It was during for a long time. "W-W-W-We have to get out of here!!", Pamela said. Lyn looked around, trying to find a hideout, but eventually found something else: Cerberus, on the top of a roof. "Look!! It's Blackheart's familiar!!", she said pointing out to him.

"...!! That's...!!", Cerberus said to himself. Upon looking at him, he immediately recognized Cruz. Seeing that he was found, he immediately ran to the other side. "After him!!", Cruz said. After crawling to leave the area of the fire beam, the three of them jumped onto the roof and started to follow him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Meruin chuckled lightly. "Ryan, it's not wrong to want to challenge us. If they want to, let them come, who knows, perhaps it may be enjoyable."

She turned to Deus. "As for your question Deus . . . well, the name Merlin is rather famous, so it would be difficult for me not to have heard it," she said. She then paused and thought for a few seconds. "For what is happening to you, I have a few theories, but I can't be sure of them until I have more information."

She was about to suggest they meet up later when Agni decided that it was time for more fireworks. "Well Ryan, what did I tell you?" she said calmly looking a the dark purple beams. It impacted against a barrier seven meters in front of her, and tore right through it before hitting another barrier which stopped it completely.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Ryan was shocked. "Really, after what you saw you want to fight? How stupid can one man be?" Ryan dodged the Dark beams and frowned intensely. "Grimoire Art: The Emperor!" Lightning flashed in the sky as it began to strike the surrounding area. "Thousand Arms of Lightning!" All of the lightning instantly converged on Agni as Ryan looked at Meruin. "Thats not going to hit. Prepare a bunker buster spell when possible." Ryan was now in tactical mode.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

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Deus looked at Meruin with a puzzled looked on his face. 'My Father was....famous?? Also what does she mean by theories..Oh we-' Deus' train of though was cut in half to see Agni and the activation of a spell. He sighed as the Beams went straight to him. 'I'm not even fighting anymore... Damm, Battle Maniacs..I guess people never learn do they.' He saw as Ryan send the lighting to strike Agni, he then heard him say that they wouldn't hit so Deus got an Idea. He looked at Ryan and then at Meruin. "If I can propose a truce...Would that be okay with you, I have a plan to take Agni out or just stop him.. I can create something called a Spirit Bomb, which if infused with Magic Negation should be able to Negate his spell, and take him out for some time." Deus said as he dodged one of the beam. He sighed. 'What's the use of these things if they won't even hit their targets?'
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Marcus laid limp on the ground. He could stand up and just commit suicide right then and there but that'll only make him even more pathetic. "..I'm just fucking pathetic." Marcus said laying face down in the dirt. He soon felt the pulse of negative energy that Agni was giving off and sighed heavily. Marcus stood to his feet and slowly walked towards the direction Agni was in. He activated his nullification ability and tapped into his negative energy. Marcus wasn't in the best of shap to be in another full heated battle. Blood dripped down the side of his face as he coughed. "I....must redeem...myself" He said between heavy breathes. The way he was walking it was surly gonna take him along time to get to Agni.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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JELDare Trying to improve

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Slick saw the black fire rain down. Smiling, he held his arms above his head and made his skin become blue dragon scales. He absorbed all the fire inside the scales. "Now this should be fun."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Cruz Meister, Pamela Armellia, Lynda "Lyn" Hermit and Agni Blackheart (Devil Lord) & Cerberus
Location: Town Center

BGM: The Tyrant -Remix- still playing

The lightning was completely point blank. And one who knew Ryan's power would never be able to survive that... but nothing made the Devil Lord shken a little bit. He had closed himself into his wings and as he opened, he looked at the direction where he could feel him and drew a magic circle in his front. "... Go.", he said. A giant hand rose from it and lunged at the direction where they were. The most possible target was going to be Marcus, which conditions would only take him to his death. Seeing the hand from the rooftop, the trio kept chasing Cerberus... until Cruz saw who was going to be caught. "Oh no!! Watch out!!", he said, while changing directions to do a leap towards Marcus. Pamela and Lyn stopped momentarily to see it.

Using a Data orb to give him impluse, Cruz leaped and managed to reach Marcus. Still in the air, he shoved the student council member away from the hand's grasp, being caught instead. "Cruz!!!", Pamela screamed, completely worried. Lynda just watched in awe of what he was doing for someone that was weak. The hand retreated back to its master and upon reaching Agni, it threw Cruz a little away from him. Agni's eyes opened widely as he saw the fish he caught. "I've finally got you... now, you'll meet hell, you worthless monster!!!", he screamed. His echo could be heard. Cruz got up and called his Wing Drive Weapon. "Monster? Me? Look at yourself in the mirror and then we'll talk more about monstrocity.", he mocked Agni, but he was nervous. Agni grasped his two scythes and looked firecely at Cruz, who looked back at the same way.

"This is the day you'll die, Cruz Meister, abomination in the world of magic!!!"
"Oh, was that a prejudice against me?! No way I'm gonna let that pass so easily!!"

Agni vanished in a second. When Cruz looked at his back, his head grazed a slash. Agni assaulted him with a quick, yet powerful scythe assault, but Cruz amanged to defend himself with the Wing Drive Weapon shielding him. The technomage slashed back in hopes of countering, but the speed that Agni was possessing at that moment was unimaginable, so it missed.

In the rooftop, Cerberus was distracted and was almost hit by a slash projectile. When he looked, Lyn was in position to fight. He entered in his own position.

Lynda's Battle Theme: Rog limitation

"I will not let you interfere with my master's plan!!"
"You're just a dog. What will you be able to do other than bark?"

Cerberus dashed at Lynda, knowing that his speed is superior to hers. But she was fast too and able to evade his charges. Then, they dueled to see who slashed more: him with his claws or her with slashes of dark energy. "You are good with your kicks! But do you think you will keep up?!", he said. "Dude, I'll outsmart you soon enough!", she said, going with another sessing of roundhouse kicks while trying to cut him. It wasn't easy for him to admit, but Lynda could easily beat him if she wanted to. Their duel wouldn't be something easy.

The roof wasn't that big, so Cerberus eventually planned to jump onto another roof and keep moving. However, he was hit with a sweep slash and fell. Lyn and Pamela dropped down from the roof, getting in the front of Meruin and the others. She looked back at them. "You guys can take care of Blackheart and leave this puppy with us.", she said, while charging back at him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Ryan drew a few magic circles of his own and flashed out of view for a few seconds. He then appeared near Cruz adorned in a suit of Lightning Armor. He drew Honjo Masamune and began attacking Agni. His sword flashed with lightning and every swing boomed like thunder. His strikes easily matched Agni, but Ryan positioned himself so he was defending Cruz.
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