Hi, I thought I might join in on this RP.
Just to be clear, this is set in Japan, right? I would assume so, but there's a healthy smattering on English names and places that I can see.
I decided for the location of the group to be in the United States, Mid-California to precise, New Lights has a high Japanese population and has a popular Japanese district called Sukoshi Nihon which is classified as the fourth official Japantown in the United States. I made the setting take place in the United States because I always feel the setting always take place in Japan a bit weird and to let more varied character be able to join. And there will be plot reasons for the location later in the RP.Thank goodness. |) It get's old that every Persona RP is in Japan. Surely other places would have Shadow issues too. xD And I suck with names.
To whom were you referring to @RoflsMazoy?I was referring to you
Death on the other hand is the Arcana of the cycle of change and rebirth. I thought The Hatter and Cheshire embody that much better than others seeing as in their story they are constantly changing.Alice herself is also under Death, so you may as well keep the Alice in Wonderland Personas together. xD How do you have two Personas?