"I can blow up whoever I want to blow up-" he began muttering to himself as he brought the ship round to the hanger. "Stupid Tor, saying we can't blow up Delas ship when I want to blow up Delas ship. Who does he think he is? Boss of me. It wasn't his lifes work that almost got blown up. No matter what he'll always have his armour as long as he lives, and his trusted weapons." He patted the ships controls. "Theres only one of you and if you get blown up, I will destroy whoever it is that blew you up. That bastard won't get to see a cup of CAF again. Let alone take another step planetside." He coughed as the ship shook as it was grabbed by a mag clamp to hold it in place during transit, the bay below them closed shut and the whole thing shuddered as he presumed the ship entered hyperspace. He hit the comm unit.

"Looks like we're underway. If you guys are through having you're quickie you better go have your next one Tor before we get there."

((We can skip this straight for the planet if you guys want))