I'm not going to bother with the usual fluff in this as everyone who is in this RP has been invited already. This Roleplay will base around the small group off us going through adventures in the Star Wars criminal Underworld while making money and names for ourselves. Our characters (Unless otherwise stateD) won't know or have relations with one another but will be brought together by the common goal of money or credits or fame or women. Using or skills together in order to beat up both the good guys and the bad guys!
You're all veteran roleplayers so I trust you all to make your own character sheets.
Year is 22ABY and we've all recieved a call, and advanced payment, for a job within the Corporate Sector. The money is too good to refuse but very little is released in the opening message however the credits are that good that nobody could refuse, or nobody greedy would be able to refuse. From this first mission onwards we will be working as a team to complete missions and make some easy money.
Sep - The Smuggler/Slicer
EliteCommander - Tank
Colonel Caboose - Tank/Tinkerer
Enalais - Infiltrator/Assassin
Vietmyke - Sniper
Kangutso - Explosives Expert.