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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Sirka’ith was alone, as was common between jobs, at the cantina with the strongest drink she could buy, as was common at virtually all times. She did not actually know what it was she was drinking, just that the bartender assured her it was strong. With her body mass, it took more alcohol to have the desired effect than with Humans and other, similarly sized species. This particular cantina looked old, run-down, and with a clientele that, for the most part, seemed just as likely to rob you as look at you. In particular, there was one group of two Twi’leks and two Humans by the bar that kept passing glances in her direction, but they kept their distance for the moment. Overall, the cantina fit quite nicely with the rest of the station. Prior to this job offer, she had not even known the station existed. From what she had looked up about it, the station’s name was Pondut, and it apparently used to be some kind of research station, but beyond that, she had no idea what happened to it. She assumed it had been abandoned at some point, because she highly doubted it still had its original owners.

The booth Sirka was using was the most spacious she could find, but it was still uncomfortably cramped, and her tail was hanging out quite far into the isle. She was used to being too big for basically everything, so it didn’t bother her much, but she still wished she could be back at her regular spot on Nar Shaddaa. She was a regular at a small cantina on the moon, to the point that the owner actually put in a booth specifically for her. It was cheap and tended to fall apart under her weight, but she appreciated the thought. Honestly, she was not even sure why she agreed to come all the way out to this station in the middle of nowhere. The pay seemed far too good to be true, but against her better judgment, she was taking the risk to find out. If they started asking for credits, though, she would be out of there.

Eventually, the group of four that had been eying her stood up all at once and started walking in her direction. Considering the exit was on the other side of the room, she assumed they were not looking to leave. Both of the humans and one Twi’lek were male, and all of them had a certain thuggish look about them. Sirka flicked out her scent tongues to get a sense of the hormones they were putting off, which served to confirm her suspicions. The Twi’lek male in particular was starting to grow more anxious the closer he came, so it did not come as a surprise when he “accidentally” stumbled over her tail and spilled his drink.

Sirka let out a sigh. Cantina brawls could be fun, but she wasn’t in the mood for one at the moment. She just wanted to drink in peace, but these idiots probably were not going to let that happen. Just as she expected, the Twi’lek slammed his empty glass down on her table and put on his best “tough guy” impression.

“Hey, stupid lizard, get that fat tail out of the isle…and get me another drink!” The Twi’lek shouted, his words slightly slurred.

Of course, no matter what kind of a mood she was in, Sirka was not going to put up with such a fool, so she gave a low growl and gave a simple warning: “Leave.” By this point, some of the other cantina patrons had their eyes on her table. She hoped they wanted a show, because she was not backing down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kangutso
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Kangutso The High Dracomancer

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Sitting in the back of a corner booth in the cantina, a tall and intimidating figure sat with its back against the wall and its eyes closed. To the unintelligent, or drunk, it would seem they were taking a nap. As it was, Dazan was simple resting, what was left of his drink sitting in front of him on the table and both pairs of arms crossed. He'd opened his eyes a few times before, only to see when people entered or left, and only long enough to take note of them. A Ssi-ruu had made it way in earlier, seemingly tired or annoyed, being such a rare sight he observed her for longer than the others, but not much more.

From then on, he took a few more drinks from his glass as he mulled over what brought him here. He'd been out of the game for long enough that he thought he would miss such an opportunity, so he was suspicious of the fact that he had been offered a job worth this much. But, like most others, he couldn't resist the pay, so he hitched a ride up here when he found one. His thoughts were interrupted by a ruckus at the bar, and he opened his eyes to see what was happening. It seemed like what one would usually see, only stupider. Four xenos, two humans, two Twi'lek, three of them male, had somehow gotten it into their heads that they could act as though the Ssi-ruu owed them drinks. Well, they were in for surprise, he leaned forward to rest his arms on the table, intent on seeing just how the Ssi-ruu would deal with them, preferably without too much blood.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ColonelCaboose
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ColonelCaboose Vengeful Paladin

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"You know how I really don't have a preference for clientele Tony? Well that is true for the most part, except when it comes to rich nosed snobs of the Corporate Sector. They always hire you to do some job, then they keep adding onto what that job includes and they always forget to leave out important details like they almost want you to fail. On top of that, in all my experiences I had to fight tooth and nail to collect my payment, because after promising me some large crazy amount they hire someone to take me out and it doesn't work and I have to gut them till they pay.... Very exhausting work when it comes to these snobs." Tor said over his headset as he continued to weld the metal plates onto his prototype TX-130T fighter tank that Tony and him had procured from the fungi jungles of Felucia during their last job.

The Nightfury was a large ship for two guys, and each usually kept to their own sections when things got slow or boring. Tony would usually be working on new upgrades for the ship or new encryption modules, while Tor was adding new toys to their arsenal of gear or counseling his clan on where they stood in Mandalorian politics. Besides when they hung out on the bridge, Tony and Tor didn't see much of each other while aboard the ship, each busy with working on something. Each had only known each other for a short time, but the brotherly bond they shared was stronger than beskar, but if Tor had learned anything from growing up in a large clan it was that brothers could quickly get at each others throats if they didn't time to indulge in their hobbies. "The only time I thought it was acceptable they hired someone to kill me was when I got the guys daughter pregnant on accident. It turned out to nothing more than a scare, but man that guy was pissed. Was killing bounty hunters everyday for at least two months."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

“Leave?” The Twi’lek male said with a scoff, glancing around to his friends with a smug expression. “He wants us to leave. Now, that doesn’t seem very nice.” He gave an exaggerated laugh for a few moments, then suddenly slammed his hands down onto the table. “Now, what makes you think I’m gonna let you go that easily?”

Sirka’ith showed signs of anger and annoyance, but one emotion she did not show was fear. The group had her outnumbered, which was probably why they felt they could take on someone who was obviously physically superior to all of them. Considering that they were all only lightly armed, it was an idea that almost made her laugh. It was rare for someone to even know what a Ssi-ruu was, so they were likely unaware of what she was capable of. Regardless, she maintained a threatening demeanor as she stared the Twi’lek down. “I don’t know who you think you are, but I can tell you have no idea who I am. I’ll say it again, leave. If you think I can’t handle a few two-bit thugs like yourselves, then you’re dead wrong. Doesn’t matter how many of you there are. Also, I’m a woman, idiot.”

“Hmph, as ugly as you are, I bet you have to clarify that all the time.” He responded, producing a few chuckles from his entourage. “Well, I don’t care how big or tough you think you are, ‘cause it doesn’t matter. I’m the fastest shot in the sector; I’d burn a hole through your head before you could lay a finger on me. Now I’ll say it again, buy me a drink.” The Twi’lek demanded. He definitely seemed to believe his own threats, as he had an obnoxiously strong air of confidence about him. He glanced to the woman in his group with a smug grin as he waited to see if Sirka would give in to his demands.

Sirka took in the man’s scent once again, giving her a good sense of his mood, which gave her a good idea of what this was all about. Adrenaline was pumping through him; he was anxious for something, and had heightened confidence and libido. Sirka had the feeling this was all just to put on a show and make him seem tough, likely to impress the Twi’lek woman he kept glancing at. If he would have tossed a few credits Sirka’s way, she might have even helped him out, but now, she was going to make him regret it.

After letting out another, heavy sigh, Sirka slowly stood to her feet, causing a few of them to take a step back. She towered over all of them, but the Twi’lek seemed undeterred, though with his hand now hovering over his hip.

“Enough of this. I gave you a chance to back off, and you schuttas know as well as I this isn’t about drinks. What you looking to show how tough you are? Pick a fight with the biggest person in the room to show off and impress this girl?” She began, shifting her glare to the Twi’lek woman for a moment. “Don’t know why you’d even go through all the effort. From the looks of her, it seems like you pulled her straight out of a brothel…”

Sirka’s efforts to rile up her aggressor were successful, as he suddenly shouted out in anger. “That’s it!” He screamed. To his credit, he was actually reasonably fast on the draw, and while his shot did not hit her head like he bragged, it did hit her straight in the chest. Normally, that was enough to essentially fry any unarmored foe, but much to the Twi’lek’s horror, the same was not so for Sirka. There was a burn on her chest, but it had obviously not penetrated her thick, blaster-resistant scales. Any pain it might have caused, she was not showing in the slightest. There were a few, brief moments where the cantina was dead silent and the Twi’lek stood speechless, unable to bring himself to do anything but stand in fear. Eventually, he released his grip on his blaster pistol and let it drop to the ground, but Sirka was not letting him surrender so easily.

Before the Twi’lek could flee, Sirka snatched him up by the neck and lifted him up off the ground with one hand. She pulled his face close, almost to the point of touching her muzzle, and spoke in a low, growling voice. The others, despite being armed themselves seemed to offer no help to their “friend.”

“You know those stories about wookies pulling the arms off of stormtroopers? Let’s just say I can do that too. And you know what? You’re really making me want to give a demonstration.” By this point, pretty much everyone in the cantina had their attention on the scene unfolding before them, including the barkeeper whom Sirka locked eyes with for a moment. Like most other barkeepers, he obviously wanted to avoid killings in his cantina, and if Sirka still wanted to order drinks after this, she would need to oblige that preference. Focusing back on the Twi’lek in her grasp, she decided to leave him with one final warning. “You’re going to go give the barkeep a tip for the trouble you’ve caused him, then you’re going to get out of here before I crush your skull and turn your head-tails into soup.” She threatened before throwing him straight onto his back on the ground. “Now, move.”

As Sirka sat back down at her table and the Twi’lek started to skulk away, she flicked out her scent tongues once more, allowing herself to take in that sweet, sweet smell of shame from the thoroughly embarrassed thug.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Tony would have shrugged, if he wasn't surrounded by so many wires. Most of the upgrades he had done to the Nightfury over the years had been for speed, one of the largest smuggler vessels did have to be fast after all. As a side effect most of the corridors lay barely accessible due to wiring and various other parts most of them not factory issue some of them weren't even being used anymore but were kept around "Just encase". Meaning that Tony couldn't be bothered to clear them out, the same way he couldn't be bothered to tidy up the extensive wiring that lay around most of the corridors. Luckily due to the fact that the Nightfury was a heavily retrofit Consular Class Cruiser he still had more than enough space for cargo, even with Tors little pet project sitting in one of the bays. He clipped two wires together wincing slightly as they shocked him, he heard a tweedle from his astromech.

"Shutup Bleep. Do you wanna swap? I didn't think so." He tapped his ear piece. "You know, that pretty much sums up all your previous employers." He put his hand out as Bleep gave him another wire. "Besides, you should have thanked him for getting rid of some competition for you. You should be less picky about your clients. At the end of the day credits are credits and they buy you new toys." There was a ding that rung throughout the ship, carefully he pulled himself out among the wires. "Either you were attempting at cooking again and I really karking hope you weren't or we're at Pundit station. I'll catch you on the bridge." Picking up his trenchcoat and donning it he ran up to the bridge, his trusty little yellow and black astromech trundling along behind him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ColonelCaboose
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ColonelCaboose Vengeful Paladin

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"Tis true clients are clients, and money is money, and alive people become dead people! The cycle of life." Tor said as he finished welding the part he was working on and put his tools away. He grabbed his helmet and placed it on its holder on his lower back and headed for the repulsor lift. It took only a few minutes to make his way to the bridge through all of Tony's wires and circuits that were strewn about everywhere. The doors opened and he headed for his usual seat and propped his feet up on the dash and picked up his datapad and scanned over the news and possible new bounties in the area. Never hurt to make a little side money on the way to making a lot of money.

"Hey don't me making fun of my cooking, I make a mean Gundark Rangoon. I guess though you aren't accustomed to the hardcoreness of Mando'a culinary savoryness." Tor joked as he scanned Imperial channels for any news that might be relevant to the duo.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kangutso
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Kangutso The High Dracomancer

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Step one, give the problem makers a chance to stop being stupid. Check. Step two, upon their failing to get the message, adopt full intimidating posture. Check. Step three, if they still persist... Dazan's think of the groups actions was interrupted when the one Twi'lek fired his blast at the Ssi-ruu's chest, unsurprisingly ineffective. Everything was quiet in the cantina for what seemed like awhile, then the aggressor dropped his weapon in a to avoid punishment, shock and fear still plain on his face, in his posture, and on his... pants. Just as he turned to flee, the Ssi-ruu caught him by his neck and lifted him up to her face, the others showing no intention to try to help. Pitiful and pathetic group of thugs they were, how they were still alive, he had no clue.

Then the Ssi-ruu made a story about doing the same as wookies did, and he didn't doubt she could. Final step, give the aggressors something to think about, make them apologize to someone they bothered, and send them on their way. She did the added bonus of throwing him onto the floor. As they made their way out, he noticed the other three keeping their distance, likely due to the dark spots on his pants. The toothy half-smile Dazan had as he watched the event unfold were adding to by a chuckle that slowly turned into laughter that caused a few to give him looks, and a few others to join in when they realized why. After ending his laughter with a pleased sigh, he grabbed his glass and got up, making his way up to the main bar to sit next to the Ssi-ruu. "Tender, two drinks, one of whatever she's having and the other what I got here." As the bar tender got the drinks he looked to the Ssi-ruu, "It has been a long time since I seen someone produce such fear in an idiot that they, well... made a mess of themselves."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

For a few minutes, Sirka'ith was able to drink in peace for a few minutes. She did not think anyone would have the courage to bother her after that display, but to her surprise, someone actually sat down at her booth with her. The fact that he ordered her a drink tempered her reaction, but she was still naturally suspicious of any stranger in a place like this. She had no clue what kind of strange four-armed species he was, which meant she couldn't judge his emotions from his scent. She did doubt that anyone would want to fight her after showing her capabilities, but the galaxy had many varieties of scum that operated in many different ways. Still, she was in the mood to drink, not fight, so she wasn't going to start anything.

"Hmm, buying me drinks, are you? What, did you come over here to try and seduce the big, tough Ssi-ruu merc? I know I'm irresistible, but I'll have you know that you'll at least have to buy me dinner before you try to hook up a power coupling with me or something." Sirka said, giving a moderately strong laugh as she finished off her original drink. Regardless of anything she said, however, she was more than willing to take the drink he bought. Unless it was poisoned or something, it was her policy to never refuse a free drink, no matter who was offering.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"On Mandalorians would purposefully go out and hunt a gundark for its meat. I mean what's wrong for a good old nerf steak? I mean they're good." Tony sat down and pulled them out of hyperspace. "Also feet off the dash, that's just rude." He pulled them in slow, sublight engines not even powered up. Running on silent so to speak so that they could get a scan of the area before being detected. "Apparently nobody told these people that this station was abandoned." he indicated to the incoming and outgoing traffic, various freighters and a couple of gunboats. The Nightfury was probably one of the biggest ships in the area.

He flicked a switch turning on the sublight engines and activating the transponder, and as soon as he did he got a message. "Thankyou for coming. Bay-5."

Tony just turned to face Tor. "You know, if this turns out to be that religious nutbag who I met last time I was here you can do this mission by yourself. He was a pain in the arse to work for." Tony shook his head. "Anyway lets go in, see what's going on. Beat some people up or blow something up and then get our money and move on to the next job." He turned to Bleep. "Bay 5, have fun Bleep." He stood up and walked away to a stubborn tweedle. "Hey, less off that. You know what you did and why you don't get to leave the ship. Once you behave you can come off, until then you're grounded." He rolled his eyes. "Droids are a pain in the neck."

He stood at the door turning to Tor. "I guess we better grab our gear."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kangutso
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Kangutso The High Dracomancer

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"No offense, but you're a little out of the species range for me. I'm buying you a drink because what happened just a bit ago really entertained me." It was at that point the fresh drinks came, "Though watching him make a mess of himself was quite the bonus." He finished his previous drink before grabbing the fresh one, "What's a Ssi-ruu doing all the way out here? One doesn't see many of them in the first place."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Sirka'ith and Dazan-Ka


"Hmph, you're not the first to give that answer. Not exactly a lot of men out there looking for a reptilian over twice their size. Still, I'll take that drink; better than a blaster bolt, at least." Sirka'ith answered. Once the new drinks came, Sirka was quick to start on hers. If she needed to, she was capable of downing the whole thing in pretty much one go, but she preferred to pace herself, if only to savor it. "As for why a Ssi-ruu is out here? Work, naturally. I couldn't care less about the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium. They can all go fall into a sarlacc pit for all I care. Honestly, I'm surprised you even know what a Ssi-ruu is; I sure don't know what in the blazes you are."

Drinks are definitely better than blaster wounds, he would know. Dazan sipped his drink, something he usually did to start a glass, before speaking, "I'd ask what caused such a dislike, but that would be prying a little too mush, eh? And while Ssi-ruu aren't that common, word tends to get around, you just need to be at the right place. As for what I am," He took a swig, "I am a Codru-Ji, and most people who call me a derogatory nickname for that, I tend to make regret it." He leaned back in the booth a bit, bottom pair of arms crossed, "I'm here for a job as well, in case you're wondering. Shady as it is, couldn't resist the creds."

Sirka was at least somewhat interested in the job he mentioned, as it sounded something like the one she had been offered, by the way he described it. "Hmm, contacted by some shady people for some shady job? Sounds like a scam, but worth too many credits for any good merc to turn down? You might be after the same job as me, if that's all the case. It was probably a stupid idea to come here, but I've gotten pretty far with stupid ideas. If it is legit, though, I'd expect to make heavy use of your blasters. It's the only reason anyone would hire me."

"Well, if your guess is right, I will watch your back if you watch mine. If it isn't legit, I expect I'll have to go through the hassle of finding and teaching the... idiots a lesson, and get some money out of them." It wouldn't be the first time he's had to do something of the sort, "I'm hired likely because of my skill with explosives. Want something blown up? I'm one of the first people thought of. Although, I'm a little skeptical about this offer, as I've been out of the game for four years. Still, good a time as any to get back in it, need the creds anyways to make up for that time."

Sirka gave a chuckle as she continued with her drink. She was actually starting to feel some effects from it, though it would take a fair amount more for her to be drunk. One downside of her body mass was how comparatively weak most of the drinks were for her. She assumed her people had appropriate strength alcohol, though it wasn't as if she would know. Brown-scaled Ssi-ruu were not allowed drinks.

Shaking off her displeasure at the Imperium, Sirka continued with the conversation. "I hear you on that. I came all the way out here from Nar Shaddaa to shoot something up, and I intend to do that, no matter what. Though, if they're really paying what they say they're paying, it'd probably be best to go along with whatever job they offer. That kind of credits can buy a lot of power, and I wouldn't want to fight it unless someone richer is paying me to."

This second glass was probably going to be the last one, for now, it wasn't wise to get drunk before seeing an employer. The Ssi-ruu wouldn't have that much of a problem, judging by how large she was. "Mhmm, a danger with such high paying jobs is the possible enemies made, especially if something goes wrong. What is it you'd say you do best? Aside from seemingly being a damage sponge." A moment passed before he realized something, " We've been talking so much and we don't yet know each other's names. Mine is Dazan-Ka, Daz or Dazan for short."

"Sirka'ith" She answered simply, finishing off her drink with her next swig. Since it seemed reasonably likely that they would be working together, she didn't see much harm in telling him a bit about her. Normally, she liked to keep some of her capabilities hidden in case she needed to use them...unless she felt like boasting. In that case, she would say anything.

"Well, you heard that comparison to a wookiee? That wasn't random; I'm about as strong as one of those walking carpets, which means I can do things most species can't. Like, for instance, carrying a blaster cannon big enough that a human would have to mount it on a tripod. I can bring firepower, and scales as good or better than armor. I think you can tell what all that would be good for. Like I said, expect a big, straight up firefight at some point." Now that she was out of drinks, and wasn't willing to buy anymore for herself, she had nothing more to do in the cantina but talk to this Daz person. He wasn't boring her or anything, but at the same time, she did not tend to like sticking around too long in a place after causing a fight, purposefully or not. "Say, since it seems like we're going to be working together, want to get out of this place? The other patrons won't stop glancing at me, and they smell nervous."

"I'm not against a firefight, they always do get the blood flowing." Sirka finished her drink, and Dazan looked around at said patrons, several of them certainly seemed nervous enough, "It probably didn't help that we weren't so descreet when we spoke." He downed the last of his drink in quick order before slowly standing, checking that everything on his person was in order before speaking again, "Well, you lead the way. I was planning to see what else was on this station anyway."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ColonelCaboose
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ColonelCaboose Vengeful Paladin

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"Woah woah woah, weren't you the one to just tell me clients are clients? We common folk aren't allowed to be hypocrites, we leave all the hypocrisy to the politicians remember?" Tor said as he took his feet off the dash console. Admittedly Tony had, had his fair share of religious zealots and freaks come his way, usually with spears and force powers if he was really unlucky. He stood up as their ship slowly began making its way towards the docking bay. "Droids usually are a pain in the neck, especially assassin droids. Always trying to kill you and with no sense of humor, very unpleasant." Tor retorted as he headed towards their rooms. His was very Spartan, a simple bed, large open area for working out, simple desk for drawing up new schematics of vehicle designs, and an armory for a closet. He began grabbing missiles, darts, grenades, jetpack fuel, power cells, everything he needed to eliminate a small army. Tony relied on Tor to identify and possible threats and reduce them to a smoldering pile of ash and then some.

"After this job we'll need to make a stop at Mandalore for a few days, Mnada'lor is having a meeting with the clan chieftains and its a mandatory one. Face time only, no hologram sittings allowed. I'm sure you'll find yourself something to keep you occupied. Both Mandal Motors and Mandal Hypernautics, both leading edge companies on starships. No doubt you could do a little digging and find some new schematics to retrofit the ship with even more wires running down the corridors." Tor joked as he stepped out of his room and locked his helmet into place, waiting for the sound of the sucking to his neck seal. Space stations always made Tor nervous, the idea of getting sucked out a gaping hole into the void of space was unsettling to him. However with his suit and his jetpack he could survive a good half hour in need be in the vacuum of space.

"Now lets get down to business shall we?" Tor whirled his pistols before sliding them into their holsters.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"True, but clients that think they're going to be the next lord of the sith and emperor of the Galaxy when they can't even lift a tea-spoon with the Force and then don't pay aren't really clients in my opinion. They're just annoyances that waste everybodies time." With that he left the cockpit before going into his own room, his was smaller as he didn't need the space as the whole ship was his. Besides, his workout was a couple of laps around the ships obstacle course. Which was the ship itself with all the obstacles in all but two corridors. The corridor to the living quarters and the corridor from the bridge to the cargo holds and loading ramp. They were the most important corridors anyway. Everything else was just un-needed space, though it was handy to hide things through several corridors of wires and spare parts.

He donned his blasters, his ankle blaster charged and on stun so it could be pulled in the middle of a fight and be ready to fire and slung his carbine onto its strap and over his shoulder. Then he pulled on his goggles and picked up his datapad. Walking out he swiped the datapad. "There's the schematics on the station including some basic programs to open locked doors. Though that won't let you access secure areas only if they lock us in a regular room and only then unless they've upgraded their software." The ship shook slightly as it lowered itself down onto its legs. "To the roading ramp! You go first. You've got better armour."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ColonelCaboose
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ColonelCaboose Vengeful Paladin

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"I'd be insulted if you didn't let me go first." Tor said as he took the lead. They'd both been in plenty of bad situations when the "welcoming party" was less than welcoming. They found that letting him go first reduced those unwelcoming welcoming parties by almost half. Mandalorians were very well known as some of the Galaxy's greatest warriors, however many people had never seen one in person. So when Tor came walking down the ramp armored to the teeth most people had second thoughts about messing with the duo, and if they were too arrogant to listen to coming sense we went on a slaughtering spree of explosions, fire, and caused overall mayhem that ended in lots of bloody screaming and panicking. It was always a glorious site to see lesser foes crying in pain and realizing their own stupidity.

They reached the lowering ramp and Tor hit the button and the ship creaked as its hydraulics moved and extended the ramp. "Today is a good day for someone else to die." Tor said with a smile. It was something he said before every mission, for it was a Mando saying that he found particularly funny. He opened the lock on the blast door and it shot upward revealing the ramp and the bay. At the bottom there was a squad of Weequay waiting for them in a not threating stance. "Well the good news is, we won't get shot. Weequay couldn't hit the broadside of a Star Destroyer."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Corminna walked through the station, for the most part getting a feel for her surroundings walking around one of the many cantinas contained with in, it was a habit of hers just in case she ran into trouble. Taking in every entrance and exit, making escape routes and places she could hide out at if things went south quickly, not that she was expecting it to be a ambush but a girl needed to be prepared. Content with her work she walked towards the front door, and nearly got bowled over by a group of fleeing men and twi'leks who were heading out in a hurry, almost reluctantly she entered the cantina.

Almost instantly she felt at home it wasn't any different from every other cantina within the galaxy rife with the riff-raft that made her feel comfortable. She took a booth behind a Ssi-Ruu and some other alien she didn't recognize. Both of them seemed out of place, exotic even. She took them in with a curious interest ordering her drink and taking them in further, but then a man interrupted her from her thoughts plopping down next to her and speaking in a slightly slurred voice. "Hey baby, I'm Krak. Can i head up your loading ramp?" He asked, looking at her and touching her thigh. Normally she wouldn't mind what this guy was doing, especially if he was buying drinks but she could feel the sleaze coming off of him so she sucker punched him hard in shock he moved out of the booth. "You Karking idiot." He shouted, reaching for a blaster pistol but Corminna was quicker and before he could even pull it from it's holster she delivered a sharp kick to the chest dropping him to the ground gasping for air, content she sat back in her booth muttering curses and looking at her datapad.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Isaac sat quietly at the bar, his helmet resting on the counter, hand casually wrapped around a drink as he took in his surroundings. He sat only occasionally glancing back away from his drink, relying on his sharp hearing and other senses to get a picture of his surroundings. Standing next to him in a deceptively casual stance was another armed and armored figure, his body's silhouette masked by a hooded overcoat and helmet. Scanning the crowd from beneath its helmet, Bix, Isaac's custom BX-series commando droid- dressed in typical merc clothing- relayed information to an earpiece that was looped around Isaac's ear.

"I would be considerably more efficient if I didn't have to wear a helmet and armor." The droid said through Isaac's earpiece for what must have been the fourth time. "A Ssi-ruu appears to be engaging in combat with a group of humans and twi'leks." Bix added, almost as though it was an afterthought.

"I heard you the first time, Bix. Tough luck." Isaac replied coolly. "And as long as blasters aren't pointed at us, it isn't our problem."


Isaac debated whether or not staying here was a good idea. Pundit Station was nothing more than a black-market. An abandoned research station or other 'reclaimed' and retrofitted into a cantina- among other services. By its very essence it was a seedy and shady place- not that Isaac was unused to it. Granted, Isaac had been in a bit of a slump of late, he had either been skimped on for payment, though whoever thought trying to cheat a trained killer out of his money was either incredibly dumb or incredibly ballsy, or he had been burned by contacts. The upfront money was good, and the offer was good, almost too good. But Isaac needed this job, this payout could help pave his way to an early retirement.

There was some commotion behind him as a woman kicked some thug in the chest, sending the ruffian sprawling to the ground, in front of Isaac's feet. The drunken sleazeball gasped for breath, his hand grasping for a blaster pistol that had fallen out of his coat. "Firearm detected." Bix stated mechanically as he drew his own blaster rifle and leveled it at the thug.

"Put it away Bix." Isaac said calmly as he reached down and plucked the blaster pistol off of the ground. He examined it in his hand. It was a DL-18, a respectable weapon in most circumstances, but this one had been used and misused to the breaking point. With the amount of abuse this weapon had gone through, Isaac was surprised it didn't explode when the thug tried to shoot with it. Casually pulling the weapon's power cell out, and flicking it into the crowd, Isaac carelessly dropped the now-useless weapon on the ground in front of the thug.

"Are you always that violent when people hit on you?" Isaac asked, his voice low and almost bored sounding, but the arch of his brow and implied some measure of amusement.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Tony walked down the ramp. "That's mean, or not even an insult. What kind of range is the Star Destroyer from them? What kind of weaponry are they using?" He flashed a wink to the Weequays. "Don't worry about my friend here, he's a big kidder aren't you Tor?" He gave Tony a pat on the back. "So... take me to your leader." They just turned to a figure wearing robes. Tony turned to his companion. "Oh lord. Please don't let this be a nutbag."


Elsewhere on the station everyone who was brought by the mysterious call got sent a simple message via their commlinks, datapads or however they kept track of communications.

Simply read "Bay 5"

Tony and Tor

"I'm not a religious nutbag. That is not a nice way to adresss your Employer, Tony." The man took down his hood. In all he wasn't very imposing. Almost six foot tall, not very broad shouldered. White hair with a well trimmed beard. What got Tony was the green eyes, they seemed to pierce you if you looked into them. Like he wasn't looking at you he was looking into who you were... He was a man who obviously a man who knew what he was doing. "What do you think of my little investment?""You could do better. It's a bit dirty, and a bit broken."

The man merely shrugged. "It's supposed to be, this stations on a hyperspace lane. Eventually the authorities are going to shut it down no matter how much I bribe them. It's expendable.""So, pleasantries aside, what's the job?""I'll tell you that when your teammates get here."

Tony just gave Tor a look of confusion. "Teammates? We don't really need a team."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

It was not too long after Sirka'ith left the cantina with Dazan when she heard a buzz from her datapad. Pulling the device from a pouch on her bandolier, she saw she had a new message. After seeing the sender, she stopped immediately to check it. It was a simple, direct message, which was honestly the kind she preferred from employers. "Looks like we're done waiting. Bay five it is, I'm just going to stop by my ship on the way there." She said, not really caring if Dazan followed, or headed straight there.

Sirka's own ship was docked not too far from bay five, so she did not have to go far out of her way. Her ship was old, small, and perpetually close to breaking down, but it was reasonably capable of getting her from place to place. It gave her a secure place to sleep at spaceports, as she could lock it down tight. As well, it had a few smuggling compartments where she kept her less-than-legal belongings, such as the item she wanted to pick up. Her heavy blaster cannon was large and heavy enough that most species had to use it mounted on a tripod, but her strength allowed her to carry it with few issued, along with the backpack that contained its power cell. Carrying the weapon itself was, for her, equivalent to some of the heavy personal blasters made for Human-sized species, and the backpack, compared to her size, was not too much of a hindrance. Regardless, there were a few reasons she did not tend to carry it with her into cities when she did not expect to use it, but for this meeting, there was a certain kind of appearance she wanted to convey. Not to mention, if she needed to shoot the place up, it would be helpful to have it on hand. She kept it on her back alongside its power source, so she did not actively threaten anyone, but its mere presence could be passively threatening.

After gearing herself up fully, Sirka made the short walk to bay five. Stepping into the bay, she made sure that her stance was intimidating, not so much in the sense that she was wanting to kill someone at that moment, but that she was always ready to kill just in general.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ColonelCaboose
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ColonelCaboose Vengeful Paladin

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"Woah woah woah there you snuggie wearing osik (shit), when you request the great Tony and Tor to do a job for you, that's all you need. Me and Tony don't work with anyone else besides each other. Whatever job you need done we can handle it ourselves without other aruetiise (outsiders/foreigners) . It's a straight takisit (insult) to me and ner (my) vod (brother) that you would dare hire anyone else to tag along for this job." Tor said as he raised his voice at the robed figure. The Weequay took hostile stances as Tor became more threatening to their leader. However Tor wasn't too worried, he could turn them into ground Nerf meat if they dared to even attack him.

Tor focused on the leader, but on his HUD another figure was soon highlighted in yellow as he made his way onto the scene. It was a large reptilian looking creature. He had run into a few of them before, but the things species escaped his mind. Not that it made much difference to him. As long as it wasn't looking for a fight with he didn't what the hell it was, but his hunch told him that it was one of his and Tony's supposed team members. "I don't think there is much you can say to convince me to change my mind about not taking this job now, gar (you) chakaaryc (rotten) osik'ika (little shit)." Tor said with a heated tone in Mando'a, no doubt the figure would understand it, but he could pick up on the insult nonetheless. Now it was up to Tony to calm him down and rescue the conversation from Tor's Mandalorian stubbornness.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kangutso
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Kangutso The High Dracomancer

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Dazan and Sirka walked the station for a bit before she got a notification on her datapad, saying something about Bay 5 before heading off to her own ship. He wondered if she had the same job as him after all, and decided to check for himself. He reached behind him with one hand to grab his datapad and... Nothing, his datapad wasn't there. He seemed to freeze in place for a moment, his face blank, before he realized he must've left it with his gear.

He made his way through the station, going to a small, rundown cargo area he had left his pack and weapons in, including his pad. Dazan went to where he had hidden them, behind a bunch of old cargo containers and crates, to find someone poking through it. The human did not notice him there, so he slowly walked up and casually put a hand on the man's shoulder, "You know, its not polite to go through stuff that isn't yours." For the next few moments, any passersby would hear some thudding, grunting, and other sounds. Dazan casually walked out from behind the containers datapad in hand, "Hm, Bay 5 it is. Guess I really am working with that Ssi-ruu." As he walked off, one could hear pained groaning coming from where he walked, sometimes accompanied by a popping noise.

Gear all in order, he made his way to the bay, arriving there just a few moments after Sirka, coming in with a fairly casual yet alert disposition. He stopped a few feet to the left of Sirka, watching somewhat amused as a fellow in armor yelled at who he assumed was the employer.
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