Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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Tony took out a credit and waved it in front of Tors face before dropping it back into its pocket and putting a hand on his back. "What my diplomatic friend here means is it would nice to have been previously informed about a partnership with, I presume, these lovely beings entering the hanger now." He nodded to the two people who had just walked into the hanger. "In our line of work people aren't always friendly with one another, so we don't really want to worry about any issues arising on the job such as previous employers not wanting us to live or anything like that. They make doing the job take so much more time and harder."

The man barely said anything. "You'll be getting paid enough for any disputes to not happen while you are in my employ, if you do turn on eachother in my employ don't expect to be getting the full cut as don't expect to complete your mission. It is as simple as that."

"You hear that Tor, it's as simple as that."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 8 days ago

Sirka'ith stepped into Bay 5 just as a human male was finishing up yelling at another man being guarded by a Weequay. She did not catch the beginning of the conversation, but by the way he was saying he could not be persuaded to accept the job, Sirka assumed there was some kind of catch. The man's scent was agitated and offended, and the credits did seem too good to be true, so it wouldn't surprise her.

Just as Sirka was about to give her own input, however, another human gave a bit more clarification about his friend's issue; apparently, he just didn't want to work with anyone else. Seeing that he made such an issue out of something so simple made Sirka chuckle, as she never really cared whether or not she worked alone. Having a team usually made a job easier, even if the others were just laser bait.

As Sirka stepped up to the group, she gave a slight grunt. "Hmph, personally, I'm here to get paid. I don't care if I'm working with a team, an army, or a defective protocol droid, with how much you're apparently paying I'll do whatever." She commented before turning her head to the less reasonable of the pair of humans. "If you're afraid of being outclassed by your team, then that's more credits for me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ColonelCaboose
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ColonelCaboose Vengeful Paladin

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"A simple as that attitude is it what gets you killed on the battlefield." Tor grumbled as Tony decided for them that they would be taking the job. The walking giant lizard had to put his two sense in as well to Tor's annoyance. To make matters worse he insulted Tor's skills, and dared to say that he a Mando was afraid of anything other than maybe his ex-girlfriend. "Listen here you shabuir (jerk), no one ever outclasses a Mandalorian, especially not some lizard brain di'kut (idiot) such as yourself. I've killed gundarks with my own bare hands, have hunted and brought down some of the most dangerous criminals in this galaxy. I fear no creature, and no job. I just hate dealing with incompetent teammates." Tor said with an aggravated tone to his voice.

Tor would have shown this lizard some manners, but he didn't want things to get too crazy or get himself worked up over someone who isn't even worth his time. Whatever job this figure had in store for them Tor was more than confident he and Tony could pull off themselves, there hadn't been a job yet that they couldn't handle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kangutso
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Kangutso The High Dracomancer

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Well, the mandalorian was the aggressive and... childish, of the pair, while the other one was more sensible and calm. Well, the latter he could get along with, but the former just seemed a little too troublesome. There was more going on with this job, that much he knew with how the current interactions were playing out, but they hadn't received any details just yet. He had to admit, the mando's instant assumptions on his skills were insulting, but he wasn't going to add fuel to the fire, at least not now.

Then went Sirka'ith walking up and chiming in, and Dazan couldn't stop the corner of his mouth from curving up in a smirk, a silent laugh in the back of his head. He walked up to the group as well, the smirk now gone, and listened to the mando complain and boast. "If you really have such confidence in your skills, then keep us safe oh mighty warrior. But then, that doesn't seem to be a challenge you want to accept, now does it?" It was more meant to shut him up, the complete insistence that he and the Ssi-ruu were incompetent or less was getting annoying.

He looked to the employer, ignoring any retort the mando would've said, and asked, "Will you tell us the job? Or are there going to be more mercs you offered in?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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The Mandalorian's response produced a laugh from Sirka. It was somewhat of a hobby of hers to rile up some of the supposed "tough guys" she tended to meet, especially if she felt like having a good fight. A lot of them were more bark than bite, but there were some whose skills were actually somewhat close to their bravado. This one certainly had a lot of bravado, but given that he was being offered this very well paying job as well, she actually had to guess he was more towards the latter. At first, she had just thought he was two-cred merc with an overinflated opinion of himself, but learning that he was mandalorian gave her a bit more context to his words. The armor might have been an indicator for her, had she not seen so many imitation suits on Nar Shaddaa from thugs looking to capitalize on the Mandalorians' reputation. She supposed he could be lying, but again, the fact that he had been invited here suggested otherwise. A fight with him could be interesting; of course, as a teammate, she wouldn't want to do anything lethal, but sparring was fair game. That, or having a competition to see who could kill more hostiles.

It seemed that Dazan had his own input on the matter, though he seemed more genuinely offended than she did. During her time on Lwhekk, she recieved more verbal abuse than most people did in a lifetime, so insults had essentially lost all effectiveness on her. If she picked a fight, it was probably just for the fun of it. "Eh, I wouldn't be too hard on him. This one seems to be a mando to the core; he certainly has the arrogance of one. Still, he's got that Mandalorian honor going for him. I actually like that. Gives them a reason to fight when credits aren't enough. I've thought about joining before; I hear they'll accept anyone who can prove themselves." Sirka commented, shifting her gaze directly to the Mandalorian. "And if you don't think I could prove myself, well, talk is cheap. My actions will speak volumes."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ColonelCaboose
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ColonelCaboose Vengeful Paladin

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Tor was now being harassed by yet another individual that he without a doubt guess was yet another person hired to be apart of this team this figure was putting together for a job he assumed was very large. Tor still believed he and Tony could handle any job, but the more people that kept arriving to this invite only social gathering did make him think about the volume of this mission. Tor wanted very badly to pummel the new arrival into spice, but he had to refrain from killing his new "partners" as Tony would put it. "Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur..." Tor said softly at Dazan, knowing he wasn't listening and not that he would understand what he was saying.

He turned his gaze back towards Sirka who was commenting on his culture. "I am as Mandokarla (epitome of being mando) as they get aruteii (outsider). Its also not arrogance if you can stand behind your words and if a Mando doesn't have honor than he is dar'manda (lost his heritage/soul/identity) until he can regain it. The kyr'tsad (death watch) are a prime example of being dar'manda." Tor said to the over grown lizard. Tor was huge on Mandalorian traditions and could easily be distracted when someone seems interested in his culture whether its genuine or a ploy. "The Mando'ade (sons and daughters of Mandalore) are always looking for those interested in our ways of life. However proving yourself encompasses more than how fierce you are in battle... but it is definitely a good place to start..." Tor said picking up on Sirka's hints for a tussle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 8 days ago

Sirka stood with her arms crossed, though in more of a curious stance than an aggressive one. She found it odd how his entire demeanor seemed to shift in a second, but then again, if there was one topic that mandalorians just loved to discuss, it was mandalorians. Despite the pretenders on Nar Shaddaa, she had met her share of genuine mandalorians. It was easy to tell by their asking price which ones were real; no mandalorian would be working at a discount. "Yeah, yeah, I know. Follow the guidelines of the Supercommando Codex, abide by the Resol'nare, I know what it takes. Wear the armor, speak the language, defend yourself and family, contribute to the clan, heed Mand'alor's summons, and raise your children the same way. I know all that, but a mandalorian who can't fight isn't a mandalorian. Literally."

With her response, Sirka mostly wanted to show that she had been more interested in the mandalorians than just a passing thought, as she had done actual research into the idea. Of course, she had little knowledge of the specifics of mandalorian society beyond what she had already said, and she certainly didn't speak the language, apart from a few words she could recognize from her research. There had been a phase of her life where she was almost certain she wanted to join them. After living in a society that treated her worse than an animal simply for the caste she was hatched into, joining a group of warriors that cared not about birth or origin, but only merit was an enticing concept. She had pursued that research for a while, but ultimately abandoned the idea. She herself did not even like her own reasons for stopping her pursuit, and she would not admit them to anyone else. More likely, she would just use a more pragmatic excuse if asked, and if she had judged this mandalorian properly, he was definitely going to ask.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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The Man with green eyes put up his hands. "The deposit was accepted. You are in my employ, any further details you can discuss along the way." He turned to Tony. "You're one of the best pilots in the galaxy, especially with a ship your size and as you know have a substantial pool on you for beating Han Solos Record off the Kessel Run-" Tony just shrugged. "I keep meaning to get around to it." The man with green eyes continued ignoring the interuption, "-Not to mention you can hack into computer systems without breaking a sweat."

HE turned to Tor. "You're the other side of that coin, good with tech and machinery. You can find new ways to kill someone with a toaster. Your quick and deadly, and the tech you make is deadlier." He turned to Sirka. "You're hid deflects blaster bolts, you're as strong if not stronger than a wookie and you're definitely deadlier you're a living tank." Then he turned too Dazan. "If you want something blown up, and blown up good. There's only one man I would go to for that and thats you." He swept his hands around encompassing the whole station. "I work for a conglomeration who prefer to remain anonymous and we own this station and several like it throughout the galaxy. We're currently paying good money for mercenaries. You're the best, are you ready to make history?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 8 days ago

From the way it looked, the man seemed to be taking the strategy of complementing his mercenaries to sell his job. She wondered if he was exaggerating in any of his descriptions of the others, though her own description seemed pretty accurate. She had based her career off of exploiting her own strengths to her advantage. Given that there were very few, if any, other Ssi-ruu in the galaxy outside the Imperium, she was probably the only Ssi-ruu mercenary they knew of, and maybe the only one at all. She did not even pretend that her uniqueness was not the reason for her success. Sure, she had skill built up over almost a decade of experience, but there were far more experienced mercenaries out there. She carved out her place in the galaxy by tailoring her skills to her own natural attributes, making her far deadlier than she could have been otherwise.

Personally, all Sirka needed was to hear her pay to accept the job, as long as it was not an absolute suicide mission. The only reason they would hire her is to make her fight someone, and she was not at all concerned with who the enemy might be. Military, criminals, civilians, anything was fair game as long as the credits were fair. Of course, even if it did not influence her decision to accept the job, she was still curious about what they might be doing. "Look, as long as history pays like you say, you've got my muscle for this. Though, it'd be nice to know exactly what I'll be shooting."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ColonelCaboose
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ColonelCaboose Vengeful Paladin

Member Seen 3 mos ago

It seemed everyone at the table had their own reputation about them, his was the best no doubt, because it was the most awesome out of everybody else's reps. "You can do the kessel run when you pick me up a liter of anoobas like you said you would. Given a few months we would have our very own highly skilled pack of trackers, killers, hunters, and lupine sled team for the annual sled race on Hoth. On the plus side, the ladies love an animal lover. Plus I promise you it will go a lot better than me strapping explosives to swamp rats and training them to run into power generators." Tor said going on with yet another one of his side rants as usual. The man was right, he was always looking for new ways to kill people, and Tor preferred to think himself a master artist in the field of killing.

"Making history is always a nice bonus to getting paid, but that all depends on the mission. I prefer making history and live to tell about it, and making it in a good way not a bad way. When I say bad too I mean I don't kill innocent people for the hell of it, transport slaves, or steal from those who have nothing." Tor said in a serious tone as they followed the stranger. Some Mandalorians didn't care about any of those things, to them a job was a job and it just sucked to be people on the other end of the stick, but Tor held himself to some moral standard. One would be surprised as to how many times people look to hire mercs to terrorize farmers, common folk just trying to make a living to show how powerful their leader is, or to collect taxes from people who are already starving from being over taxed. "Though I image as special a mission as this probably doesn't involve any of those."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Cormminna looked at the man across the table from her and she smiled a coy smile. "How bout a drink here for my friend." She shouted across the catina and the bartender just nodded. She took in the man across from her some more and pulled the knives out of her sleeve and the pistol out of her boot setting her holstered blaster on the pistol. "No tricks, here mister. Only reason that man got what he deserved was I wasn't drunk enough, and he didn't buy me a drink." She said, her voice soft almost inviting, as she took another drink. She was going to say more but a sudden beeping from her datapad brought her back into reality. "Excuse me." She stated, looking at her datapad quickly the message telling her to head to Bay five. "I got to go." Her voice was hurried and she quickly gathered her things and paid her tab leaving the man behind.

As she made her way to hangar bay five she found it quite crowded, but she knew she was late the ship sat there the two strange aliens she saw in the Cantina standing there talking with each other and a group of others, the one in the robes stood out and her hand slowly went down to her blaster, Slowly she approached them. "Are you guys who I'm supposed to meet, what's the job?" She asked to nobody in particular.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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The green eyed man turned to the newcomer. "You're late, at least you will be getting kept more punctual by the use of the Nightfury" He indicated to the ship sitting in the hanger bay. He then turned to Tor. "You will not be getting paid to raze a town full of citizens or anything like that. If I wanted something done easily I wouldn't be hiring you to do it. This will be a tough mission that requires all of you to use every skill you have and work together as a team in order to complete your objective." He took out a holoprojector and sat it down, a beam of light appeared as a planet was visible. "This is Belona. A small world on the outerrim, completely unimportant. Other than the fact its used as a prison." He brought up an older map.

"It used to be a thriving settlement with five industrial cities based around large mine shafts and now they are all connected with a vast expansive prison colony. It's shielded like coruscant which does not allow ships in or out without the proper authorisation, which I don't have. I do however know the shipping schedule so you can chose how you are going to get past the shield. Once there I need you to collect someone for me, he has valuable intel that I require. I need to know now, if you're in or out."

Tony shrugged. "If my co-wokers are in, I'm in."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 8 days ago

Sirka'ith gave a glance to the Human woman as she approached, though she did not really care how many teammates she ended up with as long as they were competent enough to be at least a distraction. What Sirka was more interested in was the mission itself. She had never heard of this planet, Belona, before, though it wasn't as if she had a particular reason to be familiar with remote prison colonies. Sirka had been on jobs in the past that involved protecting clients, and a few of those were rescues, but never from high security, heavily guarded facilities. Regardless, it didn't sound too easy, so she would probably be earning her paycheck.

Keeping her eyes on the hologram, Sirka gave a slight grunt as she tried to see if it had any actual important information. "Hmm, a prison colony. So is this a Remnant settlement, or something else? I haven't done a prison break before, but you know what I'm good at. If you want someone to make a lot of noise, I can do it. You want me to carve a path for some squishy prisoner to escape? I'll do that too. Basically, I'll do anything that ends in a firefight. As long as you keep me doing what I'm good at, I'll do this prison break." She answered.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ColonelCaboose
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ColonelCaboose Vengeful Paladin

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Tor's heart skipped a beat when a female newcomer came up to the group, another teammate by the sound of it. "I thought I had good looks, but my oh my I've been outclassed once again by yet another gorgeous young lady. I am Tor Maximus ner (my) cyar'ika (sweetheart), bounty hunting extrodinaire, supreme survivalist, and even better lover..." Tor said sweet talking the young woman. Tor was sure that it could go either way, he had experienced both results, and the one led to awesomeness and the other led to him being tied up and left dangling over a vornskr pit. Both we're always a good time.

The green eyed man soon took Tor's attention at the mention of their mission and more importantly with the planet Belona. "What you described as Belona is an understatement. Breaking into there is a garunteed ticket to history, and besides worst case scenario you're already at prison! Won't have to wait for a long dreadful trip to a cold, damp, dark cell where no one will hear your woes for all eternity. Count Tor Maximus in, because breaking in and out of prisons is good for job resumes especially in this day and age." Tor said throwing the thumbs up he was down to do some breaking and entering.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Corminna smiled at the Mando and gently tapped his side gently. "Be a good boy and go get my things from bay 3 please? It should be a big gray trunk inside the shuttle there." She asked smiling widely at him and throwing him her puppy dog eyes, at the mention of Belona she perked up and interjected. "If I may, my father served as a storm trooper on Belona before it was a prison colony. And he still serves on that rock as a prison guard. Perhaps it would be easier if we contacted him on the way and asked him for his clearance." She said, looking around at the others.

For a moment she studied the other human, he was pretty handsome and seemed more her type. For a moment she thought about flirting with him in the presence of his friend but thought against it. She frowned for a moment and thoughts about getting in and out of the prison began to flit through her head. "We can always just knock politely." She joked, and looked down at her feet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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The man with green eyes just shook his head, after raising an eyebrow at the exchange between Corminna and Tor. "The guards who volunteered to remain or even return to the surface of Belona have no control over the shield. Though they do have my respect for being stuck on a world full of convicts, and from the reports they have created some... semblence of order. Though for all we know that could mean anything from that prisoners aren't just instantly killed to a utopian society." He shrugged. "You can't rely on using him to get through the shield, however if you feel that he will help you obtain your objective or even escape... I won't dispute you using him." He then turned to Sirka.

"No-ones really sure who it belongs too, the Corporate Sector transfer funds out to dump prisoners on it and the Imperials do too. However the ships in orbit are old Separatist warships presumably to remove any chance of bribery being used. You can't exactly go ahead and bribe most droids. In terms of your package... getting to her is one problem. Getting her to come back is another problem. She may not be entirely willing, and I'd prefer it if you didn't beat her up. She'll probably be getting frail and fragile in her old age." He shrugged. "I'll send details to you when you arrive in orbit above Belona." A Wookie walked into the room, with one briefcase for everyone and handed them over. "Two million credits in advanced payment." He turned to walk out the room, turning around as he reached the door. "I hope to see you soon."

Tony just shrugged as the man left, and moved up the ramp and stood in the middle and raised his arms to stop anyone boarding. "House rules, you get the rooms you're given. You don't touch or go near engineering and leave my shit alone. If you can do that, we'll get along fine. As Tors going to go help our latest arrival move her stuff-" Tony nodded to Sirka and Dazan. "You two come with me, I'll get you settled."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 8 days ago

Sirka looked down at her case almost in disbelief as she cracked it open slightly to peer inside. She had known going into this what kind of credits these employers would be offering, but to actually have such a large sum in her hands brought it all into reality. The amount they were paying seemed too good to be true, but she could see for herself how true it really was. And this was only the advanced payment.

"Two million credits." Sirka began, giving a slight huff as she closed up her case. "I guess this really is happening. It's an awful bold move giving a buch of mercenaries a two million down payment on their services. Luckily for them, I realize that anyone who can give out ten million credits in advance payments is not someone you want to anger. "

As Sirka was stepping up onto the ramp, Tony started explaining his rules for his ship. While Sirka would do pretty much anything for the credits she was being paid, it was nice to hear that she wouldn't have to put up with anything ridiculous on the way. "Yeah, yeah, I'll follow your rules...or maybe just pay you a few hundred thousand credits to do whatever I want, depends on my mood." She said with a slight chuckle. "Anyway, just put me somewhere with enough space for me to lay down and I won't have a reason to complain. I'm from Nar Shaddaa, so it's not like I'm high-maintenance."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ColonelCaboose
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ColonelCaboose Vengeful Paladin

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"I'm not one to be an errand boy, but for you miss I would punch my way through a stampede of reeks and trust me its a lot harder than it sounds." Tor said wit a smirk before running off to Bay 3. He was gone no more than 10 minutes before he was seen toting a large gray trunk over on his shoulder. The container was quite large and an impressive feat for one man to carry in such a manner, however Tor was a very strong individual. He was always boasting to people about his strength and the fact he beat a Wookiee in an arm wrestling contest. He headed up the Nightfury's ramp. "You can follow me ner (my) cyar'ika (sweetheart) I'll show you to your quarters." Tor said panting slightly.

Tor lead her to the cabins on board the ship near the bridge. Most of the rooms were vacant since only Tor and Tony used two of the many they had. He led her to a room that had a feminine aspect to it in décor, except it had weapon racks, armor statue, and a computer with hundreds of weapon, armor, and gadget designs on it. "This is my niece's room when she comes aboard when bounty hunting season is high. She is quite the little merciless little hunter, feel free to use her racks and computer and everything else really."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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Tony walked into the ship flanked by the reptile. He hit a key opening a door which opened into one of the bedrooms. "It isn't exactly made for a member of your species but we can retrofit the bed to however it is that you sleep so that you can rest comfortably, you should be able to fit the rest of your things in the room anyway." He leaned back looking at Tor as he guided the female companion into the ship. "Yeah and the computer isn't networked into any of the ships systems if you have any idea. Also your niece is 19, she isn't as little anymore." He felt like adding an aside, though he felt that would be pushing his luck especially with a Mandalorian. He pointed to the room next door "That ones yours Mr.Other person." He shrugged.

"I guess I'll need to power up the ship and get us on our way." He looked at Tor. "If you want to show our friends to the firing range and the armory if they're interested I'll go get us set off on our next adventure in space. Recovering a prisoner from Belona, who we won't know the identity off until we get there... though the money is good. I like the money, the money is good." He turned to the right and headed for the cockpit where he sat down and began flicking switches, the first off which was to raise the ramp before powering up the ships repulsors, lifting the ship gently off the floor of the landing bay and turn turning out into space. As the engines ignited in a blue flare the ship rocketed off out of the station. He turned to his astromech. "Lay in a course for Belona." There were a couple of long toned tweedles. "Yes you can meet our guests-" The droid began to turn. "Once we're safely in hyperspace. Set a course for Belona."

Another set of chirps eminated from the droid. "Hey, I heard that. Just do as you're told."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 8 days ago

As expected, Sirka's room wasn't really designed for someone of her size, but she could manage. As the Human had said, they could figure something out along the way. Besides, just looking around the ship at all of the exposed wires, it wasn't like these guys cared about the looks of their ship; they wanted function. Respectable, in Sirka's eyes.

Sirka wasted no time in making herself at home in her room. There were compartments large enough to hold her heavy repeater if she packed it properly, but she elected to keep it propped up against her bed regardless. If it was needed, she liked to be able to know exactly where it was and to be able to grab it quickly. The same was true of her E-11, which she pulled from its holster and slid underneath her pillow, though its holster, and all of her other bandoliers and other belongings she was fine with putting away in the storage compartments. For the moment, she packed away the case full of credits as well, but she did not like the idea of just keeping it in her room. Honestly, she didn't know how to deal with all of that money, but it seemed like a bad idea to keep it all in one spot, in or out of a bank. It would probably be a good idea to spread it around in different places, though she would need to do some research on how exactly to do it all. For the moment, she at least wanted to see if this ship had any hidden compartments she could use.

Once she had found a place for all of her belongings, Sirka stepped out of her room to find one of the others, not really caring who it was. This ship, the Nightfury, was large, but she couldn't just avoid everyone else for the duration of the mission. As such, she might as well try to talk to them, or at least learn all of their names. Tor and the Human woman were the first people she came across, so she figured they were as good a place as any to start. She leaned up against the door frame of the room with her arms crossed. "So, how long's it going to take to get to this 'Belona'? I guess we should at least all get introduced or something. Name's Sirka'ith. I'm from Nar Shaddaa, and no I wasn't hatched or raised there, but I'll be in my grave before I call Lwhekk my home."
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