Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ColonelCaboose
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ColonelCaboose Vengeful Paladin

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Tor huffed as Tony pointed out his niece wasn't all that little. "She may be 19 but she will always be my dala'ika (little girl) to me!" Tor shouted at Tony. She was in fact very mature for her age, having to babysit her uncle more so than vice versa when they went on hunts together. However Tony was off on his way to set their destination to Belona and he could feel the ship lift off and move through the atmosphere and eventually away from the planet. The gargantuan lizard made its way over to Tor and hopefully soon to be girlfriend if he was smooth enough to pick her up. It finally introduced itself to him in a polite manner, Tor figured she either wanted to get greetings out of the way or realized they would be stuck with each other a long time.

"It shouldn't be too long to Belona, Tony has modified the Nightfury to be incredibly fast for its size, faster than a blockade runner at least. I would say it could almost give the Millennium Falcon a run for its money, but ship specifics, hyper drive engines, and all that is my vod (brother's) department." Tor explained answering Sirka'ith's first question. "I am Tor Maximus, Chieftain of the noble Maximus clan of Mandalore. I have many places I call home, but Mandalore is where I am most drawn to protect."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Sirka looked around at the walls around her as Tor was describing the ship. "Hmm, looks like you pulled it out of a junkyard, but as long as it's got it where it counts. I was never one for looks, it's all about how it performs. Goes for pretty much anything, really." She commented.

Turning her gaze to the human woman, Sirka sized her up and flicked out her scent tongues to get a sense of her and Tor's mood. The fact that she was late to even show up might not reflect well on her, but then again, it wasn't like Sirka hadn't done the same thing in the past. Depending on if she was busy, distracted, or drinking, getting to meetings on time might not seem all that important. She didn't look to be equipped for heavy combat, so Sirka guessed her skills lay elsewhere. For a prison break, Sirka guessed that they would need a lot of different kinds of skills, though that meant herself and probably Tor would have to pick up their slack in a straight up fight. From the way she manipulated Tor as soon as she met him, Sirka guessed that seduction was perfectly within what she was willing to do, which could be useful. Of course, their introduction also revealed that Tor was particularly weak to seduction, so she would need to keep an eye on him when they ran into any females that could be working against them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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Tony leaned against the wall in the hallway. He then tapped the ships hall with his knuckle twice. "I think you will find I did not find her in a junkyard, I found her as a shipwreck and then managed to convince an old boss to give her too me. Also just because I don't tidy up doesn't make it junk. She'll give a ship a fraction of her size a run for her money. I've outrun TIES in this thing, and those buggers make up for lack of shielding in speed and manueverability." he looked into the room nodding at Tors new toy, or was Tor her new toy?

"If you guys are really wanting to get all chummy if we're going to be doing some missions together all you need to know is this ships my baby, my names Tony and I'm a slicer and ship mechanic. If you want anything else you go to Tor he does the guns and the vehicles and thinks he's a good pilot but last time I saw him use his jetpack I needed to save his ass on the same day he tried to collect a bounty on my head." He shook his head. "I'm sure it was so embarassing, before we left a couple of kids called him Falling man I found it quite amusing."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Sirka gave a chuckle as she looked over to Tor. "Hmph, that sounds like a story. A 'great' Mandalorian bounty hunter swoops in to claim the life of our...dashing pilot. Then what happens, you fall into a sarlacc pit or something? I hear that has happened to your Mandalore way too many times. What is it about an unmoving pit on Tatooine that attracts him so much? Anyway, I can only imagine Tony staging a daring rescue, which turned into what I can only assume is a thriving romance between you two." Sirka joked as she found another spot on the wall with few enough exposed wires that she could lean against it.

"Well, anyways, you know what I'm good for. I'm the woman you want between you and the enemy's blasters. I don't really care about what you're planning for this prison break as long as you give me something to shoot. Or cut, or crush, or bite. I'm fine with some variety. Aside from all that, I like gambling, drinking, fighting, mating, drinking, shooting, and of course, drinking." She added.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ColonelCaboose
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ColonelCaboose Vengeful Paladin

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Everyone has their off day alright? Lucky for Tony it was that day, and I already told you that it was a prototype jetpack! I was working on a new king of power source for unlimited flight, and you know me. The only good test is in an practical setting." Tor said defending himself. "Also I'll have you know that the Mand'alor is the only person to escape a Sarlacc Pit, not once, but twice and each the fault of that dreaded Han Solo..." Tor grumbled crushing his fists. "On another note I will let it pass since I did not give you fair warning. Do not disrespect my family, my culture, or my Mand'alor in anyway please. I will not take much offense at poking fun at my culture and you are more than welcome to poke fun at me, but I hold my family and my Mand'alor in high regards and will not stand for them to be insulted in anyway." Tor said in a polite way. Tor didn't even really let Tony poke fun at Boba Fett, but Tony was pretty much family and had come very close with his brothers and sisters so he didn't care much if he joked about them, but Tor wasn't going to let this new member to the team insult his leader or family without corrective action.

Though to lighten the mood that Tor had dampened a little bit Tor nodded with approval at Sirka's hobbies. "I myself am a fan of all of those as well. Tony on the other hand isn't as much of partaker in celebrations... He finds his enjoyment in less than ideal fun stuff, or maybe its just because I'm too hardcore at all that stuff that Tony is a little overwhelmed in it haha."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Sirka almost rolled her eyes when Tor started going on about avoiding any jokes on his culture, though she did manage to stop herself. Tor had to be about the most stereotypical Mandalorian mercenary she had ever seen, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. She had, after all, taken a great interest in their people at one time, and she could pretty much predict how he would act in most situations. She liked to make fun of pretty much anything, but she supposed she could hold off on that particular topic. Sirka held up her hands and gave a slight laugh. "Fine, fine, I'll give your people all the respect in the galaxy. Besides, it's not much of an insult to say your Mand'alor escaped from that sarlacc twice. That thing's brutal; digests you for like a thousand years or something. I'll just make sure to make fun of you relentlessly instead."

Once the mood lightened and the topic shifted to recreation, Sirka gave a glance to Tony and looked him over and take in his scent. "You know, that really doesn't surprise me at all. You do got that look about you, Tony. 'Course, your kind also tend to be level-headed when you need to be, so you've got that going for you. Me...well, don't get in my way if I'm mad. Might end up ripping your arms off. I'm just glad at least one other person on this ship shares my idea of a good time." She commented as she slowly walked over close to Tor and looked almost straight down at him. "Maybe we should get together sometime and partake in some or...all of them." Sirka said suggestively, a slight smirk stretching across her reptilian visage.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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Tony just rolled his eyes "Sabaac is a true sport, not like your gambling on pods. Oh look lots of people going fast! This ship can go faster than them while we're asleep." He watched the exchange between Tor and Sirka. "You two, should just. Please don't, not anywhere within public eyesight or within earshot. I mean please, no offense to you Sirka but that is something I do not want to see." There was a ding that resonated throughout the ship. "We're going to be arriving at the rendevouz soon, which means it is almost time for us to decide how the hell we're going to get into a shielded prison that has a shield thats de-activated via a command centre in orbit. From the RV it's only a short hop skip and a jump away so if you need to get any rest or anything to eat or get yourself ready I suggest you do it now as there won't be a lot of time to do so."

He stood straight, stretching his back and then cracking his knuckles. He then turned to go to his room to grab something before they dropped out of hyperspace. However as he turned he faced the others in the room. "I got ten credits riding on the fact that there'll be an unexpected surprise for us once we drop out of hyperspace." With that he walked off and into his room. There he clipped his weapons into their respective holsters, the DC-15 charged and ready to fire. He had had Tor set it constantly to stun with two buttons to fire, it was easy to take out and fire in a fight as it was always ready if he was knocked down or sitting down at the time and he wouldn't accidently set it off. With that he donned his coat and head for the cockpit, where he tapped Bleep on the head and then sat himself down in the pilot seat just in time for a ding to resonate throughout the ship as it reverted to real space. The stars stretching and then returning to their normal visage.

Sat there waiting for them was an old Munificent class frigate. He tapped the intercom. "Hey guys, I'm going to need those ten credits."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kangutso
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Kangutso The High Dracomancer

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Dazan had gone to the room presented and, after moving the mess of old parts to a corner of the room, set his stuff up near the bed. Once he was sure everything was there, he laid down to get some rest, as he hadn't had any good rest time in a couple days. Lo and behold, he wouldn't get any now, as he could hear them talking outside his room. He was still in enough of a trance that he couldn't hear everything they said, but a word hear and a couple more there were enough to keep him from napping.

Eventually, the captain of the ship said something about nearly arriving at their destination and them preparing themselves. That figured. Letting out a quiet sigh, he sat up and went through his things once more before loading up. Once done was when the message came across the intercom, "... Already things aren't going as planned."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ColonelCaboose
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ColonelCaboose Vengeful Paladin

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"15 Black Mandalorian Ales then ask me if you wish to partake in certain festivities." Tor said not missing a beat. Mandalorian Black Ale was known to be a very rough drink across many races, but Tor was a veteran drinker of the stuff. It wouldn't kill him to have that much, but he definitely wasn't remembering anything other than the fact the bartender would probably refuse to serve him more. "Either way I feel we have a few options. Get aboard the command station, shoot, kill, slaughter, and murder our way to the dude who can deactivate the shield. Or perhaps me and Spacezillo here can do the whole bounty hunter routine. Technically you are still wanted by Tyber Zann. We could be transporting you here for holding. Wouldn't surprise me if Tyber Zann has spread his corruption to a place like this, man has a way of doing things that even a Sith Lord could fear." Tor said as Tony and them made their way to the bridge.

"Also I am not giving you 10 credits, because you still owe me money for the bantha milk you had me pick up at the food market back on New Alderaan." Tor said as he stared out of the huge window that showed the aging capital ship. "Don't let its looks deceive you, more than likely the weapons systems have been upgraded to more current standards than what the ship originally had."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Sirka gave something mixed between a grunt and a laugh. "Hmph, be careful with the offers you make. I might just be willing to accept, and you might find yourself waking up with a broken bed and a sore-" She began before a loud ding interrupted her. Tony explained that they would be arriving soon, which meant it was time to get serious. Honestly, she had not expected to arrive so quickly, but she supposed that they weren't too far away to begin with, and this ship was supposed to have a good navicomputer.

As everyone was getting ready, Sirka did the same. She returned to her room, then strapped back on her bandoliers and holsters, grabbed her sidearm, then put on the backpack that contained her heavy repeater's power supply. The repeater itself was currently clipped to the backpack as well, and was tethered to the power pack by a reasonably thick cable. It wasn't the most elegant weapon to carry around, but she could put out an entire squad's worth of firepower with it. Given that they were definitely going to be outnumbered, and probably by a lot, it was worth every bit of hassle.

Sirka rushed up to the cockpit once she had finished arming herself, her heavy footsteps echoing through the hall as she ran. "Alright, I'm here, so what'd I miss? We going to end up boarding that frigate or something?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Tony sat looking at the ship just sitting there, by itself. Tors comment was completely unhelpful. "Yeah, but we're not in a standard ship ourselves. We'll be fine. Though I have no idea what we're supposed to be doing. We didn't get a full set of instructions, remember?" He sat there tapping his fingers on the dash of the ship. He then just flicked the comm switch trying to open a channel. On it appeared a Zeltron woman, a recognisable one too. "Hey Tony, Tor.""Fierfek, why is it you Dela?""What do you mean?""We save your life one time, and you turn up everywhere. Did you not get enough of Tor before you tried to kill us both?"

She gave the camera a wink. "Tor can visit me anytime.""Yeah, great. Fun times, what do you want?""I'm here to give you a ride-""Let me stop you right there.""I mean I'm here to take you to your job.""That's better.""Yeah I got this ship about a month or two back, jealous?""Not really, I could run rings around you and still beat your ass.""Is that ship envy I hear?""Get to the point Dela.""I run people to the prison, I was persuaded to carry your ship down to the planet through the shield. Once you're there, on your own. But I can at least get you to the surface, so are you ready yet or-""Give us a second." Tony flicked off the comm unit spinning his chair around to face the others.

"Whose up for a terrible idea?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Sirka shrugged her shoulders. She didn't like the fact that there was essentially nothing she could do at the moment if things went wrong and someone tried to shoot them out of the sky. On the ground, she could be in control, but in ship-to-ship combat, her skills meant nothing in anything except boarding actions. Although she didn't know if she could trust Tony to get them to ground safely, she definitely knew that she wouldn't trust herself to do it, so there wasn't anything she could do but follow his lead. "Most of my ideas are terrible, so it won't be anything different from what I'm used to. Seems like this Zeltron knows what we're up to, so it's your call from there. Just make sure we don't get blown up in orbit, alright? If I die, I want to be able to look my killer in the eyes...then gouge them out. Oh, but before we do whatever you're doing, do you have any smuggling compartments or somewhere to hide things on this ship? I'd like somewhere to stash my credits if someone ends up searching this ship while we're away." Sirka asked.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ColonelCaboose
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ColonelCaboose Vengeful Paladin

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Tor jumped with excitement for a minute when he saw his sweet Dela on the hologram. It was indeed true that considering how large the galaxy was and to keep running into the same person repeatedly was astronomicly crazy, but if he did ever after to keep running into someone Dela would be his number one pick. She knew how to push all his buttons and grab a few as well. "Hey hey hey, no need to to get angry Tony, people try to kill us every day, at least Dela knows how to do it with a beautiful smile." Tor retorted. "You know I'm always up for horrible ideas, but does this one involve me plus Dela equal happy face?" Tor asked with a giant smile underneath his helmet.

Sirka also threw her vote towards this terrible idea, not like the had many options besides other maybe even worse ideas. Tor was always the first thing that comes to mind kind of guy anyway so might as well they go with this one opposed to another, saves them time on having to think and exert unnecessary energy to think. Next worry on the list was what to do with the goods, Tony's ship was pretty tight on self defense when it came to boarding parties, but one never could be too sure. "We have plenty of smuggling spots, but I took the liberty to turning one of the rooms into a treasure vault if you will. I a good year designing the system myself. The walls are reinforced with Mandalorian Iron, weaved with Cortosis. If this ship was to be obliterated to dust, the room would still be intact without a scratch. The door requires two people to open it. It works by placing your hand into two circular chambers, it takes a scrap of blood, skin, and nail from both users and scrambles the chromosomes randomly throughout a tiny datachip that is then inserted into the other persons hand. From there it generates millions of random false datachip codes to hide the true code that was imbedded in the users hands to prevent someone from hacking the system and trying to make a replica of the datachip to open the door. I know one might feel uneasy about trusting someone else's vault with a lot of credits, but you have my word sworn upon my honor no trickery will be involved."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Sirka crossed her arms and looked at Tor with a hint of skepticism. What he described for their vault seemed rather excessive in her mind. "So...let me get this straight. You spent all the effort and money to get this room turned into a small fortress for your valuables, complete with a complicated and high tech security system that can only be opened by you two? You went through all of that to protect your money instead of, like, a bank account with an insurance policy? I'm sure there are plenty of ways to get illegal funds into the system without much issue; politicians do it all the time."

Sirka gave a chuckle as she shook her head slightly and shrugged her shoulders. "Ah, whatever, at least you have it here and now. I'll trust you not to try anything. After all, you're the ones that'll have to deal with an armed and enraged Ssi-ruu in the middle of your ship if you double-cross me. I'll be right back with the case." She said before turning to exit the cockpit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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Tony shrugged as he turned around. "Let me set things straight. He set up the vault, he built it and the reason he's trying to sell it as since he made that waste of space he hasn't got anyone else to get tuned to it so it's just sat closed. I think your niece can act as a second user but I'm personally not registered for it. If you want to use it, go ahead. If you want to use a smuggling compartment, you can ask. At the end of the day it's your call." With that he began moving the ship closer to the frigate, instructions came through apparently to a rather large bay. He sighed as he navigated the ship into it, turning his head to Tor as he did so. "You know, this ship is probably terrible with all the space they took out to add in this hanger. Though on the bright side we're inside it, so once Dela delivers us through the shield we can blow up her ship from the inside."

He clapped his hands. "It's the perfect plan! Nobody will ever see it coming."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 8 days ago

Sirka hurried back to her room to retrieve her case of credits, and fortunately, had a memory good enough not to get lost on the way. As she picked up the case. she paused and stared at it a moment. It still seemed unbelievable to her that she was holding such an amount in her hands. The upfront payment from this job was far greater than the overall payment from any job she had ever taken before. It wasn't as if she was some well-known bounty hunter or mercenary in the galaxy. Granted, she was unique, but she was not quite sure how or why her current employers heard about her to even offer this job. Perhaps she had simply impressed the right person who passed on her information? She had taken some jobs recently that culminated in some pretty intense firefights.

Shrugging off the thought for the moment, Sirka rushed back to the cockpit, as she assumed they did not have too much time before they would be heading down to the surface. "Alright, got the case. Who wants to take me to this vault?" She asked as soon as she entered the cockpit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ColonelCaboose
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ColonelCaboose Vengeful Paladin

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"That vault isn't a waste of space, I store precious trophies from our adventures along with schematics to ground breaking weapons and armor. Also it is already attuned to me and you because I may or may not have given you a sleeping serum once and used your hand to test the system. Let's say it was a successful test and that's why your hand always feels sore behind your middle finger...." Tor said as he moved out of the bridge and towards Skirka. "I will attune the system to mine and your hand as it will just make things easier." Tor said as he led Skirka to the cabins again. At the end of the hallway looked like another regular door to another room, but once Tor opened the door it revealed a blast door with a pad in the middle of two openings for hands.

He accessed the pad and tapped away on it and the vault door slowly opened. "Usually it requires two people to open with all that stuff I said earlier. However it stays in a safety mode that keeps it unlocked with the right pin until the ship recognizes that hostiles are boarding or that Tony and I bio signatures are no longer present on the ship." He finished as the vault door was fully opened. Inside were tables with interesting items on them, however the awe awarding piece lay at the back of the room. A mannequin was set up with ancient Mandalorian Armor with lightsaber attached to its belt underneath a large tapestry that depicted the same armor on a Mandalorian standing a pile many dead bodies and creatures, the Old Sith Empire lead by a Sith Lord, and Old Republic burning under the Sith's power. "You can set the crate down anywhere, it neatness of this room isn't too much of concern to me.

Tor could hear Tony's crazy plan to destroy a ship from the inside over his comlink. "Over... you could not blow Dela's ship from the inside, because she is a beautiful young woman that admires my awesomeness, and she is a beautiful young woman... Did I mention she's beautiful?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Sirka placed down the case on the first table to the right of the door, though she couldn't help but to look around at the items the vault contained. She probably should have expected it from a vault commissioned by Tor, but the most prominent piece on display was a set of old Mandalorian armor. Very old. With the tapestry behind it, the armor was about the only thing in the vault that had any care taken to how it looked. Given how the Mandalorians prized their armor, it wasn't a stretch to say that this thing was probably Tor's most prized possession, or at least in the top few.

"Well, that thing's definitely ancient. Did you have that tapestry made, or did you find it too? I don't ever remember hearing anything about a Mandalorian being a Sith before, if that tapestry means something. Not that I'm a historian or anything." Sirka commented, glancing to Tor and waiting until either he answered the question, or Tony decided to destroy that ship for whatever reason.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ColonelCaboose
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ColonelCaboose Vengeful Paladin

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"The Sith and Mando are two different people. The Tapestry is a family heirloom passed down for millennia. It tells the tale of my ancestor Koteyc Maximus, one of the greatest Bounty Hunters to have ever lived. He won the Great Hunt during the Galactic War, brought entire planets to their knees, hunted the Galaxies greatest warriors, and even killed one of the Dark Emperor's hand appointed Sith Councilmen. The Sith Lord was his brother by blood, who started off a slave and rose through the ranks slaughtering everyone in his way and eventually joined the Sith Council. He looked to become Emperor himself, but the other Sith feared his power was too great and betrayed him. The Tapestry says that he will rise again one day and bring the Galaxy to utter chaos. Entire systems will be ripped apart from his power, people will worship him as a god and Jedi will pass from existence as a shadow engulfs the universe."

Tor said as he read the ancient markings on the lower end of the tapestry. He turned and began to head out the vault waiting for Sirka. "I believe its all crazy talk, if I could I would remove that part of the tapestry and keep the part about Koteyc Maximus, but I wouldn't dare ruin such a relic over some foolish fable to scare Jedi. I just take it with pride that awesomeness I guess just runs in my family." Tor said waiting for Sirka to step out to seal the door and set up the security system.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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"You have pride in your family? I never would have guessed." Sirka joked as she stepped out of the vault. "My family consists of a Ssi-ruu spy and one of his guards who decided to hook up a power coupling when they weren't supposed to. They passed me off to their servants to raise then turned me into a slave, so you can guess at about how much pride I have in those two wastes of flesh."

Sirka glanced back into the vault as Tor was closing it up. "Should have known that tapestry would have some crazy story like that behind it. Jedi and Sith alike are really big on all that mystical bantha fodder they're always spouting. If they weren't so tough to kill they probably would've been wiped out ages ago; the galaxy would be better off without the both of them around to pull everyone into their wars. We can ruin the galaxy perfectly fine without them."
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