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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slenderpman
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Slenderpman Czar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Somehow, I knew that." Chrome's mood darkened as Dan remarked about his freakishness. Regardless, Chrome knew that they were harmless to him and he had potentially found some allies. His judgement against Dan might have been unfair, but by god was he an asshole.
"Radito Danito, interesting. Regardless of who ever is made of whatever, be chromium or crap" His eyes seem to drill into Dan as he says this. "I think I might have made a good choice in coming here... I hope, that is to say." he glances around at everyone and takes it all in.
"Let me introduce myself formally, I'm Chrome... Was named that at birth... kinda ironic wouldn't yo- Back on topic. I represent Chromium. I can control Magnetic Waves and Conduct electricity and all that metal stuff... Kinda cool, right... I think it is" Chrome say's this last part rather sheepishly.
"But this is where I shine." He holds up his fist's showing off the metal spikes melded onto them, glaring at Dan again. "I can augment my body with other metals as long as they have a bit of Chromium. Neat-o." Chrome said, starting to sound really sheepish.
"So uh... let's get some conversation going... 'Ahem' anyone wanna... ya know? Share their element?" Chrome glances around, very unaware of how awkward the situation has just become

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xenonia
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Xenonia QT3.14

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Ya know what? Shoah. I'm Copernicium. You a fan a' canceah? Because, y'know, I can give ya a lotta that. An' let me tell ya, mistah big shiny metal fist man, all ya punchin' an' metal body an' what not ain't gonna stop a slow painful death with coughin' up blood. So fuck off with yoah intimidation shit. We already passed that stage about a day ago. Jigsaw ovah heah," Dan motioned to Jaden, "he tried ta kill me with a whip oah somethin'. He's iron, got powahs real similah to yoahs. That sweetheaht Chloe theyah," he blushed as he mentioned Chloe, "She's chlorine. Don't try nothin', she's taken. Soaht of. Also, she can kill ya with chlorine. Rust ya up oah whatevah. The sistahs theyah, Aria and Aura, they'ah Helium an' Hydrogen. Don't know which is which. Don't cayah too much, neithah." He crossed his arms. "So, what ah yoah thoughts on Skunk Apes?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slenderpman
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Slenderpman Czar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Chrome's eyes widen at the mention of Copernicium. "T-That's a... Never mind. Seeing as I can't understand half of what you say because you sound like a redneck on a joint, I'll try to ignore that you just threatened me with death almost three times." Chrome was beginning to grow annoyed with Dan's accent, if it could be called that. He was still glad though that he found more frien- Non Hostile Elements. He glanced around and noticed that his skin was rather rough. It was most probably because of Dan being Radioactive. He cursed as he realized he was in for one hell of a welding some time in the future. He wished there was a way to protect his body without oxide. "So what's the deal. I'm not going anywhere, rejoice!" Chrome said. The awkwardness was not born from Chrome himself, but his situation. Regardless, he hoped that it was only Dan that appeared to be annoyed with him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CLIW
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CLIW ( ರ Ĺ̯ ರೃ )

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Hey, I am not--! Whatever. Whatever," muttered Chloe, crossing her arms and looking the quite metallic-looking newcomer up and down. If this guy turned out to be hostile, she wasn't sure if her chlorine could do the job. She wondered if he even had proper lungs that were made of flesh. He had to, right? He was a living being...although he looked more like a moving sculpture or something.

"And he does not sound like a redneck on a joint! You just have to get used to it." Why was she defending him? "...Anyway, yeah. I can breathe out chlorine if I want to and that stuff isn't a fan of the human body. Pleasure to meet you, Chrome. I would never have guessed your element." She extended her hand for a handshake, although a bit timidly, hoping that this guy wouldn't give her some electric shock or something.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nerevarine
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Nerevarine Frá hvem rinnur þú? - ᚠᚱᚬ᛫ᚼᚢᛅᛁᛘ᛫ᚱᛁᚾᛅᛦ᛫ᚦᚢ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alessandra Guillory

Alessandra told the waiter her order, a glass of sweet tea as Jason replied to Tecumseh's question.

"Jason Delaney, I'm one of the technicians." He spoke, immediately afterwards ordering a simple coke.

Alessandra had to giggle at the stark contrast between the two men; Jason was so plain and simple, while (at least now) Tecum was anything but plain, his clothes and choice of drink quite stood out significantly to her. He certainly had made her curious.

As Alessandra was sipping from her tea, she spoke up once again. "It really is nice around here. It's much differant than New York or Languedoc." She mused, thinking back to the urban world or the rough, dry hills of Southern France. If anything though, it was closer to Languedoc.

Jason commented how it wasn't that differant than Virginia.

Zaynab Rousani

"Ms Bhati" left her room, sipping from a bottle of Apple juice, dressed in a blue and black stripped hijab, a black cardigan, navy blue long sleaved shirt and black pants. Zaynab was hungry, a week of running had left her deprived of anything other than conveniance store snacks and fast foods, so an actual meal would be greatly appreciated.

Zaynab walked over to get food, greeted with a pleasant surprised. Free food for a week, courtesy of the resourt owner. She was caught off guard, but happy none the less. She would get something, an order of a steak and some steamed vegtables. Enough to staisfy her, which wasn't difficult at all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slenderpman
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Slenderpman Czar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The Chromium Element

Chrome grasped her hand firmly and shook it. "A redneck on a joint doesn''t work, eh, what about JFK with a mouth full of salt-water?" He chuckled to himself. He realized he was the only one laughing. (#NOTMETAGAMING)
"I must apologize if I appeared here at a bad time... or if I've been a bit rude. My... well... predicament has left me with very little socialization for a few years. I'm just glad for sure that I found friendly Elements. Not everyone just lets you hop into their train car for no apparent reason.." Chrome exclaimed. He looked over at Dan, then Chloe and a sly grin escaped his mouth. He was not very ignorant contrary to his behavior, and he noticed that Chloe perhaps had feelings, hate if not love, for Dan.

"You two make a nice couple" Chrome said with a well disguised poker face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scarlet Angel94
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Scarlet Angel94

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Uhuh....my name is Jaden - not Jigsaw! I am not a creepy doll from a horror movie!"

Jaden looked at the new person with questioning before listening to the other statements. At least Dan had gotten his element right - he half expected the guy to give him the wrong element, and still get his name wrong. He knew the radioactive basket case was going to keep poking fun at him, but he hoped that the other would eventually state his real name and maybe remember it. He sighed as the person known as Chrome stood there looking out of place in his opinion - at least Chloe was being nice to him. Aria and Aura? Well he still wasn't so sure.

"So...why did you jump into the train car with us?" he asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tracyarmav
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Tracyarmav Aliit Or'dinii

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The waiter arrived with Tecumseh's second glass, as he finished his first. Tecumseh smiled brightly at the impeccable timing of the young waiter, who announced that the first course would be out shortly. Which reminded Tecumseh that he should probably inform his guests that he had already ordered their dinner, and his, especially now that the cat was out of the bag anyway.

I hope you two don't mind, I took the liberty of ordering for all of us. On the plus side, sine neither of you ordered I can't expect you to pay for it, so this meal's entirely on me. Alessandra and Jason, I like to be frank, so forgive me if I'm a bit too forward. I invited you here so I could finish the little chat we started down the hill. I pause briefly to let that sink in, knowing it was going to cause some tension but really wanting to be certain of a few things before I got to far ahead of myself. Jason, you're up first. I want your professional opinion on what happened to that blower from the time you handed it to Alessandra to the time I handed it back to you.

The waiter returned with a tray holding three ceasar salads, and a variety of dressings. Tecumseh took one and poured some ranch dressing over the top, before offering the bottle to who ever wanted it next or returning it to the tray if the youngsters had other tastes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nerevarine
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Nerevarine Frá hvem rinnur þú? - ᚠᚱᚬ᛫ᚼᚢᛅᛁᛘ᛫ᚱᛁᚾᛅᛦ᛫ᚦᚢ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alessandra Guillory

Jason thought hard about what had happened to the blower. He couldn't think of anything that could have caused such damage to it. He had seen this before, when similar, plugged machines would short circut or when incompatable voltages where used.

"The blower looked like it had been overcharged with a high voltage source. I've seen very similar effects on plugged blowers when using incompatable power sources, but never as bad as this. Its as if something put a rediculously amount into the motor in a very short time., the technician replied. He tapped on the table, searching for some kind of explanation. "But that couldn't have happened, it was nowhere near any electrical sources at the time. It passed simply between my hands and into Alessa's"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RomanAria

RomanAria 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕟𝕦𝕘𝕘𝕝𝕖 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕪

Member Seen 13 days ago

Aura frowned, streams of liquid helium running off of her, chilling the air. "At least I'm not making everyone squeaky anymore. Though I think the door to this compartment is frozen shut by now." she muttered to Aria. But she forced a smile onto her face and bowed to the man. "I'm Aura. My element is Helium." Then she turned to Dan. "Okay, Dan, here's how you tell us apart. Aria's the really puny one. I'm just sort-of short. You can remember that the bigger sister corresponds to the bigger element."
"I am not puny. I just haven't hit my growth spurt yet." Aria complained.
"Well, until then, face it sis. You're teensy. There are third-graders taller than you." Aura went to punch her sister, again saw the helium beading up, threatening to freeze whatever she touched. She carefully folded her hands in her lap again. "Guys, can we at some point figure out how to make me quit leaking so much supercooled liquid? I'm going to freeze us all at this rate."
"Got you covered, sis." Aria muttered, biting her lip as she formed a sphere of hydrogen just above her hands and snapped her fingers to throw off a spark, making a big globe of fire hanging in the air and vaporizing the liquid that Aura was throwing off. She grinned, ecstatic that it had worked. "I'm Aria, my element is Hydrogen." She said to the man. "and in case you missed it, I can light things on fire. If I need to. Also when I get scared I don't always have the greatest control over it, fair warning."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GeneralChaos
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kira Nikostratos: Carbon

"Are we there yet?" sighed the young girl on Kira's back.
"Not yet Bettina, just a little bit longer." replied Kira. He was carrying the child piggy back style, trying not to touch her calf muscle. Bettina had received a slash on her right, lower leg seven days ago, and the wound had become seriously infected.
"It's hot as Hell"
"Hey now, watch your language." Kira never liked it when the children used foul language. But she was right; it was a hot day in Venice. It didn't help that he was wearing a sleeveless hoodie to conceal his pistol and the kunai knives that once belonged to his father. "Man, dad sure did love his anime." Kira thought to himself. He reached into the big pockets of his cargo shorts, making sure no one noticed. He had painstakingly lined the inside of his two larger pockets with plastic so that the ground up graphite would not make a mess, causing people to ask why he was wearing silver looking shorts. He concentrated on the molecular structure of the graphite, forming it into what he had called carbon clay. He often would fiddle with the clay to keep his hands busy.
"You need to stop doing that," said the little girl, "If someone sees you messing with that stuff, they might put one plus one together and realize that you're la procedura guidata di carbonio"
"Don't worry about it, I've gotten to where it hardly leaves any residue on my hands." Kira had had two years to practice his powers. He could mold the softened carbon to any shape he desired with his mind. He could then turn the clay into diamond; however, he could only keep the carbon in its diamond state for up to an hour. He had used his powers to defend the children from anyone trying to hurt them. His actions had killed one man and landed five in the hospital. Due to his actions, the people gave him the persona la procedura guidata di carbonio, or The Carbon Wizard. Only Bett and three other of the children under his care knew of his alternate identity.
"Still, if people find out about you, they would take you away. Then what would happen to us?" Bett said right before her stomach growled. The two hadn't eaten for three days.
Kira reached into his smaller pocket. He had a few euros that he had scammed off of some tourist. "Americans are way too gullible." he thought to himself. There wasn't enough to take Bett to a real doctor, but, instead of for food, he was saving up to pay the witch if she healed Betts leg. "Just hold on a bit longer. Hopefully the witch will feed us." Kira said.
As they approached the outskirts of Venice, Kira could see the house he had been told about. Their destination was close at hand.
"God" Kira prayed out-loud, "Please let this Maria person be a good witch."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slenderpman
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Slenderpman Czar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Chrome flinched as the heat brushed against his skin. Aside form the fact that it was a heavy metal, chromium was ridiculously brittle. The heat was pleasant but it also was making his skin, already rough from the oxide depletion, shiver. He moved away from Aria and looked around the train, finally realizing the real weight of the decision he just made. He had found more Elements, friendly ones at that, and had joined them in the Train car. He also discovered that he had no idea where, why, or what they were going to.
"Excuse me for asking but... where would we" In order to confirm his decision he emphasized the we "be going.." Chrome said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CLIW
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CLIW ( ರ Ĺ̯ ರೃ )

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"We're going to Italy to visit Jaden's crazy...family friend." Chloe had her doubts that this Maria was a witch, but she decided that sidestepping the word 'witch' altogether was probably a better idea than saying 'alleged witch'. She gave some distance to Aria and the hydrogen bubble and continued. "We're on the run because of a pretty bizarre series of events that started with Aria and Aura, then later me, walking into a café where Jaden happened to be a waiter. Then we ended up in a bookstore. Then we ended up in a pretty-nice looking house that is probably either full of chlorine gas or no longer in existence now. Now we're here with yet another elemental. What a trip, huh?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xenonia
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Xenonia QT3.14

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Dan spoke up. "My favorite paht was when you all tried ta kill me. Except foah you, Chloe. You would nevah do that ta me. That's what I like most about you, that you don't want ta kill me. That, and yoah physical appearance. And yoah personality is pretty good too." Dan smiled, confident that he still 'had it'. Not that he knew what 'it' was. So, he just flashed a toothy grin. "And aftah we get help from the witch lady in Italy, we'ah gonna go ta Florida ta see Skunk Apes."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The Video of Medical Miracles- PBS Station. New York, New York. 1:00 PM

It was a standard set-up for the public news station. Herschel Orenstein was sitting on the left side of an oval desk made of maple. The reporter, sat on the opposite side. The reporter glanced at Hershel and spoke in a dry tone, one practiced and honed through the years. "Mister Orenstein, we will be one in about two minutes. The card's still up thanking viewers, and mentioning our donors."

Hershel gave a nod to the interviewer, "You aren't playing the overly sappy one are you?" The man shook his head, as he glanced back at Hershel. "Standard one, we aren't in a crunch to get more donations just yet."

The anchor was a fairly jaded yet dull looking individual. His most interesting feature were his sunken cheek-bones. Other than that he was a fairly boring looking individual in a grey suit with a black tie. The camera light turned on as the anchor looked into it.

"Welcome viewers, old and new. I'm Douglas Smith, and my guest is Hershel Orenstein. He is a local to the city, founder of the local business, Orenstein Jewelers. But more importantly he has come to our attention from the JREF, due to his special nature concerning arsenic. Today we are discussing the medical miracle that he is." Meanwhile a individual in the sidelines with the camera, tried to get Orenstein to glance into the camera.

He did not and simply focused on Douglas. The anchor returned his attention back to Orenstein as he spoke again in his dry voice. It was as if he trained himself to avoid appearing too interested or invested in the subject.

"So Mister Orenstein, when did you find out about your gift?" Hershel held back a cough, as Douglas looked on a tad nervously. The fact he could get poisoned by this guest, did seem to break the act a bit. "Are you feeling alright? Ne-" He said as he nervously fidgeted with his right foot.

Hershel wagged his finger in an accusatory manner, as he glared at the man. With a bitter scowl on his face he spoke up, "I was gettin' ready to answer. Is this what the youth of today have become!? Unable to wait patiently!" Hershel attempted to push his torso up from his wheelchair to get a higher elevation. However it was a strenuous task and as such was unable to do it, so he wagged his finger again. "And if my grandkids and kids are watching at home, why don't you call!?" He glared into the camera as Douglas coughed and tried to reign the conversation back into the intended one.

Douglas blinked as he shook his head. "My sincerest apologizes. Our viewers would love to hear about how you learned how you realized you were a medical miracle." Hershel gave a soft nod, "Ah good, at least some of the youth can learn to apologize and respect their elders. I'd be delighted to answer. I learned of my condition when I went in for a daily check-up with my doctor." The anchor noted the revelation with a, I see, I see sort of nod.

"What do you plan to do with this newfound knowledge? Have you checked to see if any of your relatives may have the condition as well? And do you know how important this discovery can be? As we know arsenic is a rather dangerous" The anchor asked as Hershel scowled at him for a moment.

"Sonny, what's with all the quick questions!?" Hershel said visibly temperamental at the situation. Douglas realized his err as he bowed his head again, "My apologizes, I ju-" Hershel glared, "Just what? Oh, come on tell the nice viewers at home. My back hurts, I -" He shook his head, "It's an honor to be on the show. As you can imagine it's quite the change, and I haven't fully gotten used to it yet, let alone think of what I intend to do with this newfound knowledge. My apologizes for snapping."

The anchor just stared bit before giving a nod. Hershel paused as he continued on, "Well yes, I would like to check if my children and grandchildren have the same ability. I know arsenic is dangerous, just trust me on that." Hershel said with a really depressed tone of voice as he glanced down and mumbled out a hasty, "I miss them." A small tear came from Hershel's right eye, which he quickly wiped away.

He returned his attention back on the anchor, "Anyway, the scientists out there should find something from a sample of my phlegm, I don't mind giving it to them."

Douglas pressed his hand against his right ear, as the camera light went off. "Well, we are going to need to cut this interview a tad short. I hope you don't mind returning in, say a week? We have another story to cut to, and we can't give your story the attention it truly needs with only this short knowledge." Hershel gave a nod, "Yeah, I'll gab about it."
Somewhere in Long Island

In a run-down looking apartment, a man sat alone, on a worn leather couch. The man was dressed in a black trench-coat, dark beige trousers, and some dark dress-shoes. He glanced at the television, that occasionally flickered with some signs of static, that was broadcasting the news of both Fargus and Hershel's stories. He tapped his right hand on the arm-rest, before reaching for a pristine dark brown fedora that was on-top of a dusty coffee table.

"The mindless sheeple, they are going to buy into these two aren't they? They don't realize the white light of optimism has burned out long ago, due to the nature of foul succubi and manipulative impish creatures. I've been waiting for such an opportunity. The chance to quell a light in which they claim to have belief in." The figure smirked as he placed the fedora on his head.

"Our paths will cross, and I will extinguish the hope. There is only darkness and pain, and I can't allow such-" He growled as he spat down on the floor, as a bug skittered past. "Heroes who claim to only represent niceness, when I know the truth. I shall show them all the dark and terrible truth."

With his right thumb and index finger, he tipped his fedora as a cord and some collapsible blades emerged from the brim. Pulling down the cord he flung the hat into the tv, as it shot out an explosion of glass and electrical sparks.

"It is time, for the Cyni-Cap to rise above these betas." The figure said as he got up and began cackling maniacally.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slenderpman
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Slenderpman Czar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Chrome's eyes flashed darker for a moment as he said "Thats nothin' compared to my hell of a past I had..." He didn't mean to bore them with his speech so instead he busied himself by taking out a heavy piece of iron that looked suspiciously like a curling iron. This was what Chrome called a welder, and was a needed item if he was going to be made of chromium. Every once and a while he had to run this over his skin in order for it to not peel off.
"Heh... uh... you guys know where I could find a bathroom or somewhere private. If you think the metal makes me ugly now... well... lets just say that you shouldn't even dabble on what this look like. Plus it's painful. I don' think ya'll'd take pleasure in watching me be in pain... I'd hope you wouldn't at least" Chrome said. He also took out a piece of heavy lead cloth to put around the area to make sure only his skin is being melded.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tracyarmav
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Tracyarmav Aliit Or'dinii

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Tecumseh sat quietly and seemed to ponder the response, he was hoping the young man would continue. When it became apparent that he wasn't going to continue of his own accord, Techumseh washed down his last bite of salad, and asked Jason another leading question, hoping that Alessandra wouldn't try to bolt. That could get ... complicated. He wouldn't stop her, so much as keep an eye on her if she fled, but he really hoped he could get her to talk to him about this.

So when exactly did the damage occur then? It was fine when you picked it up correct?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CLIW
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CLIW ( ರ Ĺ̯ ರೃ )

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

All Chloe could do at Dan's hilarious lack of tact was shake her head slightly and roll her eyes. She supposed that it was kind of cute, in only the weirdest possible way of course. After that she sat down and raised her eyebrows questioningly at Chrome. She was curious, but at the same time just a little annoyed by the man's attitude. She looked even further weirded out when he took out...what was that thing?

"Well that's sort of gross," she mumbled very softly to herself, and then spoke up and pointed. "That way. Have fun."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nerevarine
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Nerevarine Frá hvem rinnur þú? - ᚠᚱᚬ᛫ᚼᚢᛅᛁᛘ᛫ᚱᛁᚾᛅᛦ᛫ᚦᚢ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alessandra Guilory

Jason pondered over the events once more. "It was working perfectly that morning when I checked them over, aside from a minor crack in the caseing that exposed some wires." he pondered more and more. "It only stopped working after Alessa was shocked by it.."

Alessandra was getting uneasy at the mentions of what happened. It wasn't like she had any way to counter or an excuse why she hadn't been burned or hurt.

"Alessa," Jason spoke up once more. "Why was it that you didn't bring an alarm with you?"

Alessa paused for a moment.

"They..they break a lot for me. Most alarms dont last more than a few weeks." Alessa just used her phone, which was safely locked up in a rubber case to prevent any electrical shocks or exposure.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slenderpman
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Slenderpman Czar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

((Literally have like five seconds so sorry for the post's length))

Chrome looked around the train car and silently, as much as a metal man could, walked over to the bathroom. He took out the iron and it began glowing white hot. He frowned as he touched it to his skin. It wasn't as painful as he said, he was being dramatic, he really only felt a dull lukewarm pain. His brow's furrowed as he looked at himself in the mirror... Who the hell was he to just jump in on someones quest all of a sudden for no reason other than to be around people who understood, or at least could relate to, his issues. He got the feeling that even if he stayed he would be the odd one out. He moved the cloth to the side and began to weld his skin.
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