Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Annalee Diaz

Annalee found herself suddenly pushed to the ground, as Megumi closed the door and pulled out one of her swords. "What? Why can't I trust them? They might really just be lost." She stood up and tried to pull the doll away from the door, but couldn't.

Then she heard what must have been the boy's voice, so similar to her brother's. Annalee ignored Megumi's warming and called through the door. "Yes, you are welcome here. There just seems to be some confusion that needs to be cleared up first." She said the last part with a pointed look at Megumi.

Lowering her voice, Annalee spoke in a harsher voice than she had meant to. "We can't just leave them out there. Besides, I don't believe that they're dangerous."

MiRRor (Ashling)

Ashling easily caught and read the note that Ryan had written. Makes sense. He doesn't want to be caught sneaking out at night, he still cares what his parents think of him. He sat near the wall of the house, so he wouldn't be so easily seen by passers by, and waited for his master.

He hadn't been waiting long before Ryan came running up to him. Ashling stood and dusted himself off. "Alright, let's go then. Where are they now?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Urbanliner

Urbanliner A Certain Magical Lazy Student

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ryan Macfield

"I heard they hang out in a dark alley in the town, and it isn't far from here. Follow me." Ryan stopped running as he spoke to his Doll, while trying to regain full breath. He quickly started walking after the short talk, trying his best to actually go to the alley they were hanging out. "They'll have to apologize and swear they won't repeat the mistake... or get brutally punched, before they finally apologize. Either one works, but the last one is definitely better."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Adorabadass


Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Mathew remanifested in the apartment, forming into a medium height humanoid thing with no face and long, spindly arms and fingers.

"This place could use some tidying up, Alex," he scolded, before looking at the money Alex set aside.

"I may not quite approve of how you got a hold of it, but I do want you to know I'm proud of you for helping the church. Now, I'm going to make dinner. How does rhubarb pie sound for desert?"

The shambling, faceless horror that was Mathew tied on an apron and washed its hands in the sink, before it began cooking. More arms sprouted out of his body, before washing their respective hands and handling multiple jobs at once.


Eren hesitated, before sighing.

"No, they weren't clear, at all. I thought you were talking about the Hunter," Eren whispered, before setting off for the basement.

It irked her how terrible she was at working with her doll. She wished she'd not been forced into such a partnership. But then, if she hadn't met Nuul, she would have been killed by those dollhunters when she was a marionette.

What especially irritated her was that neither of them truly trusted the other. From what Eren knew, doll and master were supposed to be friends, at least. But Nuul, Eren just saw the doll as an asset, and an irritation. Eren's feelings about Nuul were a mixed up conviction of resentment, fear, irritation, fondness and bitterness.

Well, however she felt about the doll, she had to work with her.

Eren stepped into the basement, and saw Viper. The thug was on the ground, arms around his knees, breathing heavily.

"Viper," Eren said, "Are you ready to talk?"

Viper looked at him, blinking, as if surprised.


Eren waited for him to continue, before shrugging.

"It doesn't matter, for now, come with me."

Eren went back upstairs, Viper in tow. Eren stepped quietly along the wall to her room, then opened the window. For some reason, without explanation, Viper was complying. He followed her out of the window.

Eren thought for a moment. She could take Viper to her father's, but that would put Dad at risk. She could use one of the abandoned warehouses nearby, but then how would she properly secure her prisoner in so short a time. Maybe she cou-

She felt hands wrapping around her throat before slamming her face first into a wall. Eren winced in pain, before biting down on her enemy's hand as hard as she could. He cried out in pain, and Eren followed it up with a flurry of punches to the face. Viper responded with one intense punch to the stomach, knocking the wind out of Eren's stomach, before lifting the detective and tossing her into the wall.

Eren fell to the ground, gasping for air, and Viper grabbed her by the throat amd lifted her.

he is yet to awaken...

Eren cursed her own thoughtlessness. Nuul had said he was ready to talk, and yet he'd been close lipped. Nuul had said he was unconscious, and Eren had disregarded that when she saw him awake. Eren had made stupid mistakes by ignoring her partner and not trusting her. Perhaps...


Eren kicked Viper in the face hard, once, twice, three times. Viper became more and more dazed each time.

Finally, Eren slammed her foot into his temple and he dropped. Eren drew her pistol and aimed it at Viper.

Eren had always done best on her own. She wasn't going to reduce herself to bring some demonic lawyer's pet human. She would not rely on Nuul.

The man returned to consciousness quickly, eyes glowing yellow a moment.

"Tell me all that you know if you want to live," Eren said.

"O-okay, fine. Just please let the nightmares end," Viper said.

Eren knew she had limited time. If Nuul could defeat the dollhunter, that would be great. But if the dollhunter managed to escape, he could come across Eren. As she was, there was no way she could face a dollhunter. Hell, Viper could have killed her had he any skill to match his supernatural strength.

"Where can I find him?" Eren said.

"At this pub, the Alabastor Python. The bartender keeps an extra room for us. That's where I report my goings about,and where Mr. White, where he...where he..."

Viper looked at his hands.

"Where he made me a god," Viper said, suddenly grinning.

"Speaking of which, what are you?" Eren said.

"The future," Viper said, before standing up.

"Don't move or I will blow your fucking brains out," Eren said, cold and calm.

Viper began laughing, then stepped toward Eren. Eren fired into the man's skull, and he collapsed.

"...well, I have a location," Eren sighed, climbing back through her window.

"The trail's not cold yet..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 5 days ago

After a long time of staying in cover and observing the beams that the Doll launched, Gehrman came to a conclusion: the doll was stalling him, for reasons unknown. It came apparent in the entity's never-ending barrage of attacks, and also at the fact the demon didn't do anything else but stay vigilant towards the door, even though it could have retreated or advanced if it wanted to. Gehrman realized he had to act now, or whatever the doll was planning would come to fruition, and looking at his opponent, he imagined it wasn't anything that could benefit humanity in any form.

He relocked his Nail Driver and placed his bandaged hand over it for a moment as he inspected it.

This may only have the slightest chance of succeeding, but it is one I must take! Fortune favors the bold, and the Eye of Infinity watches those who see with clarity.

With conviction in his heart, he charged forward, using the large weapon as a shield, hoping it would protect him long enough for him to get into close proximity to the doll. He actually succeeded in dodging some of the beams that were shot at him purely due to the trained reflexes he's attained over years of combat against otherworldly creatures like these. However, he knew his weapon would become soon broken by all the blasts it now absorbed, and so he took a jump towards the living room.

It was there when he heard a loud gunshot coming from the backyard. Gehrman thought that whatever the Doll was trying to hide must be there, and so he jumped out the window and headed there.

He found the still warm corpse of a man, and cursed his lateness. He shouted:

"Curse you! As a vanquisher of dolls, I will exact justice upon you!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Gambol was about one foot into the house when he heard Gehrman scream. As soon as he heard the shout, Shane ran into the house, armed with his Peerless Nail. He looked around, pointing his Nail Gun at any corner he'd turn when he was in the house, only to find nothing. As soon as he noticed something in the window, he realized whatever made the noise was in the yard.

Gambol walked out of the house and to the backyard. As he made it there, he saw Gehrman. He had recalled that the shout said something about him being a vanquisher of dolls and put his Nail Gun away. He gagged upon seeing the corpse. He composed himself and spoke up to Gehrman.

"So... I guess a Doll did this to him, huh?" Gambol asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiinen
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Shiinen The Grand Imagineer

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Oh, Cynthia is such a darling little name. You shall be our little Alice, from now on. Consider it a loving gesture for our new darling."

With the Sentinels disappearing, the soul of the Puppeteer that she had absorbed gave her a bit of a boost in sensation as she rubbed the back of her neck and sighed contentedly. She had found her beloved little Alice -- and oh, what was this? The young one had questions! Oh well, she would have to fill in for that damned Hatter and Cat since neither of them were around to perform their jobs correctly. Where to begin...It seemed she had a general concept of what had just occurred at the least, thus her job was not as terrible as she assumed it so.

"Yes, dear Alice. That was a terrible Puppet controlling that human -- Marionette, to be specific in the terms they are called. In our eyes, they are but peasants trying to hurt our dear girl. Thus, we will protect you from them while you play your games and explore this world for all that it is. For now, where would you like to go? We will take you wherever you may wish.~"

Ah, there it was. She had kept up that beautifully nice demeanor, kept her Doll Master safe, and managed to keep it all going well so far. Well, whatever worked, simply worked. One simple step. and she hopped back up with the girl to the rooftop in which she had perched herself earlier to let her obtain a grand gaze over the city itself.
"The world is your oyster, and we are your ship. Where shall we set sail?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 3 days ago

"Yeah I know, I'm awesome," Alexander said in response to Mathew. Alexander was also pleasantly surprised at the mention of rhubarb pie. "Oooo, rhubarb pie sounds good," Alexander said. Alexander then turned his attention back to the small piles of money, taking each one and putting them in different pockets so he'd know which one goes where.

Megumi silently cursed Annalee's lack of sense of caution. "The girl's a Doll," Megumi explained. "Other Dolls can't be trusted." Megumi refused to budge, staying at the ready for a potential conflict. Thankfully, neither side seemed to be willing to begin a fight, but one could never be too careful.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RoflsMazoy
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RoflsMazoy Enjoyer of cute animals~<3

Member Seen 7 mos ago


"And how would you expect to do that?" Nuul said, appearing behind the pair. "Even if you have another hunter, your weapon is almost broken." The Beholders swarmed around her legs, each one aiming their eyes forward.

"You had best think fast, Hunters." She said, "Your death approaches on swift wings."

The swarm's eyes glowed red, and she unleashed a massive barrage of lasers at the hunters.

The Boy

He could hear some voices through the door, it was clear that the one who had close the door was a doll protecting her master. Now he was in a predicament, how would he prove that he meant no harm? There weren't really many options.

"We're not going to do anything," He said to them, "We just need somewhere to stay for tonight."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Annalee Diaz

"A Doll? Like you?" Annalee could tell that Megumi was trying to convince her to leave those two alone, but what she said just made up Annalee's mind. "Then they're like you and me, except that he's a lot younger than I am, and seems like he needs help as well." Annalee tried again to pull Megumi from the door, failing again as she heard the boy's next words.

"See? They really do just need help. No need to worry." Annalee then quoted something her father had told her many times about his clients. "You don't have to trust them, you don't even have to believe anything they say, but they came to me for help so it is my duty to help them." Annalee unlocked the door and added, "I don't think father's words have ever been more accurate, do you?"

Taking a step back, she looked Megumi in the eyes. "If you don't let them in, I'm gonna have to do something you won't like. I should also probably mention that It's something stupid too, so now it's up to you whether they come in that door or if I have to do this stupid thing that I'm planning."

MiRRor (Ashling)

Ashling followed Ryan easily as he led them to an alley not too far away, and Ashling could sense a small group of people around the corner. "I'll go with whichever plan you like, however I recommend that you keep your voice down now." He stood as close to the wall as he could and peeked around the corner at the group. There's... 4 of them. This shouldn't take too long.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Urbanliner

Urbanliner A Certain Magical Lazy Student

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Masami was hearing what the people on the other side of the door was saying, and she heard a Doll arguring with a person because the Doll cannot trust other Dolls, which in context, meant the other Doll cannot trust Masami, and thus is not letting her and her Master in.

Hope the Doll understands our real motives; We're not going to harm them or thier Master, and we're here because the Master needs a place to stay for the night...

Ryan Macfield

"Is it possible to clone yourself with a small mirror? Just asking" Ryan whispered to his Doll, analyzing the group. He found out the group is composed of four people, which could be all the main bullies, and the group is unarmed. "There's four of them and they're all unarmed." Ryan whispered the information to his Doll.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 3 days ago


Megumi made a half-annoyed half-pained facial expression. Her role was to keep her Master safe, yet here she was making her one job incredibly difficult. Knowing Annalee, she may actually end up doing what she threatened, and Megumi couldn't have that. She still didn't trust the two outside, and Annalee's father's words sounded like a fool's words, but Megumi couldn't convince either party to agree with her.

After a few moments, Megumi let out a pained sigh, then said, "Fine, but if they do anything, you know what I must do." With those words said, Megumi moved away from the door and turned invisible again. Her weapons would still be at the ready for potential conflict.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Annalee Diaz

"Thanks, and sorry. I wasn't sure what I was actually going to do if you kept refusing, I was bluffing." Annalee spoke quickly before opening the door again and smiling at the boy and doll there. "Sorry, but it's sorted out now, you can come in. Um, what are your names? I'm Annalee." Annalee didn't bother to introduce Megumi, if she wanted these two to know her name, she'd tell them.

MiRRor (Ashling)

"Yea, do you have a mirror with you?" Ashling kept watching the group. In case Ryan didn't have a mirror he could possibly use the slight reflection of a darkened window to make a physical reflection, although it might not be a perfect copy. "I'll come up with something if you don't."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Urbanliner

Urbanliner A Certain Magical Lazy Student

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ryan Macfield

"I carry one of them in a pocket." Ryan whispered to his Doll, before pulling out a small mirror from one of his pockets. "Shall we proceed forward?" Ryan whispered to the Doll, still wondering when to go. He could go now and try to have his Doll beat him up, or wait for the best moment to have the Doll beat them up in a surprise.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Adorabadass


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Eren Deville

Eren saw the hunters outside, and saw Nuul unleash the barrage of beams. It was the second time Eren had witnessed such a great portion of his doll's raw power, and he had to admit it was impressive.

Eren dropped back out of his bedroom window then, knife in hand. The beams had kicked up dust, and he couldn't see if his hunters has survived.

"If you're alive, then I offer you a chance to stay that way. My doll and I are both competent fighters, and the only reason that the first one of you survived so long was because I had a marionette's minion to deal with."

Eren cocked his pistol. 5 shots left.

"I am not an evil person. I merely search for the truth behind the disappearance of someone precious to me, and I seek to take down someone who I believe may be the source of some puppeteer presence in this city."

Eren paused, "If you want a chance to kick your wounds, then walk away. If you want to stay and fight, however, then I promise you one thing."

Eren spoke calmly.

"I'll kill you like I would any other thugs that stand in my way."


Mathew baked and cooked, whistling an old tune under his breath. It was a wistful tune, and one that few had heard before. Mathew stopped whistling, and after a moment, chuckled.

"You know, Alex, I've been around for a long time," he began, "And humanity has always impressed me. You guys live such short lives, yet you live them with such gusto. The millennia would have passed by slowly if it weren't for you guys. It's a shame that puppeteers are trying to ruin that."

He sighed, "But I suppose that is life. There's good and bad. Some dolls are heroic, some are almost as bad as I was, one, so long ago. We are not so unlike humanity as you might think, truly. Whether we admit it or not, we want for things. Love, friendship. A family. And it's always sad when you have to watch the funeral of a good person that you watched grow up, and saw do good deeds, and you're just a cloaked figure in the back who their family and friends will never know about."

Mathew seemed almost sad, as he spoke.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 5 days ago

Gambol walked out of the house and to the backyard. As he made it there, he saw Gehrman. He had recalled that the shout said something about him being a vanquisher of dolls and put his Nail Gun away. He gagged upon seeing the corpse. He composed himself and spoke up to Gehrman.

"So... I guess a Doll did this to him, huh?" Gambol asked.

Gehrman immediately realized the man was a hunter, just like him; the mask, the weapon he put away, his knowledge of Dolls, it all matched up. He turned to look at the man with intense eyes. He had no reason to keep his guard up around him, since he would have already attempted to kill him if he were seeking that from the beginning. While he doesn't outright hate other hunters, he has strong disdain for them. There's been bad blood between him and the church of hunters ever since he was outright kicked out, refused access to the church's library, and made a laughingstock due to his unique view on his job.

"Most likely. I'll have you know the Doll is my prey, and mine to hunt alone."


"And how would you expect to do that?" Nuul said, appearing behind the pair. "Even if you have another hunter, your weapon is almost broken." The Beholders swarmed around her legs, each one aiming their eyes forward.

"You had best think fast, Hunters." She said, "Your death approaches on swift wings."

The swarm's eyes glowed red, and she unleashed a massive barrage of lasers at the hunters.

The Doll created more minions?
Gehrman was expecting the Doll to follow them, but was distracted by the arrival of the other hunter, and so wasn't as prepared as he should have been. He looked at the other hunter, and knew there was no time to warn him; he was on his own. The demon was right, his weapon was already at its limit in terms of endurance, so he had to come up with something else if he were to draw his next breath.

Then it came to him: from his position, there was a maneuver he could perform which gave him a chance, even if just the slightest, of evading the onslaught of glowing spears. It was only possible due to the close range of the Doll, and would have otherwise resulted in him taking the full brunt of the assault; he went down to the ground faster than one could blink, and rolled under the floating Doll. He didn't escape the attack entirely unscathed, though, and had a beam hit him on his thigh, stinging him like a cold dagger. He did not know if the beam had any other side-effects other than causing pain. He didn't have antidotes with him, so if he was poisoned he wouldn't be walking out of this alive. Nonetheless, Gehrman decided not to think of it at the moment.

Once he was behind the Doll, he attempted to stand up, but his injured thigh betrayed him, and instead he could only rise to a kneeling position at that very moment. However, Gehrman was intent on attacking back, and drew his nailgun. He was about to shoot the Doll when a new distraction happened:

Eren Deville
"If you're alive, then I offer you a chance to stay that way. My doll and I are both competent fighters, and the only reason that the first one of you survived so long was because I had a marionette's minion to deal with."

Eren cocked his pistol. 5 shots left.

"I am not an evil person. I merely search for the truth behind the disappearance of someone precious to me, and I seek to take down someone who I believe may be the source of some puppeteer presence in this city."

Eren paused, "If you want a chance to kick your wounds, then walk away. If you want to stay and fight, however, then I promise you one thing."

Eren spoke calmly.

"I'll kill you like I would any other thugs that stand in my way."

"You are Eren Deville?" Gehrman asked, his aim still held on the Doll. He had the chance to shoot, but he didn't take it, for he had a suspicion he was himself targeted by a gun based on the sound he heard and the man's words.

Gehrman wanted to confirm if the man speaking to the two of them indeed was his target. The man who was possessed by the Doll, like a marionette. However, it was then that Gehrman immediately noticed something the man said. Though he was compelled not to sound vulnerable on the inside, his thirst for enlightenment had to be quenched.

"Wait, what did you say about marionettes?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RoflsMazoy
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RoflsMazoy Enjoyer of cute animals~<3

Member Seen 7 mos ago

The Boy

"Ah!" He said excitedly, they were going to be let in! "My name is..." The words caught in his throat. He still didn't know his own name yet, but he had to think of something quickly... "...My name is Leo." He said. "My Doll's name is Masami, and I don't have a name for my cat yet."

The girl that let them in looked to be about his age, which was rather unexpected. She also seemed to be alone, which was also unexpected. He was sure he'd heard another voice... "We're sorry if we're inconveniencing you, but we need somewhere to stay for tonight." He said. Truthfully, they might need more than a night, but he didn't want to push his luck.

"You have good instincts, Hunter, but you are terribly blind." She said with a sigh. She didn't bother turning around, she was ready to move quickly if need be. "Do none of the tomes of the church herald out arrival? Dolls only persist while Puppeteers still exist in this world."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Gehrman immediately realized the man was a hunter, just like him; the mask, the weapon he put away, his knowledge of Dolls, it all matched up. He turned to look at the man with intense eyes. He had no reason to keep his guard up around him, since he would have already attempted to kill him if he were seeking that from the beginning. While he doesn't outright hate other hunters, he has strong disdain for them. There's been bad blood between him and the church of hunters ever since he was outright kicked out, refused access to the church's library, and made a laughingstock due to his unique view on his job.

"Most likely. I'll have you know the Doll is my prey, and mine to hunt alone."

Seeing a fellow hunter was one thing. Seeing a fellow hunter talk of how he'll handle the Doll on his own was another. Even if his knowledge on Dolls was low, hunting was a sport appreciated better in teams. However, that was during a time where he and his father would engage in fox hunts. These were Doll Hunts. Perhaps the rules are different.

"Alright, suit yourself. Think you have it patted down and-" That's when the lasers burst from the Doll. "SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT!" Gambol fired nails blindly at Nuul, more than likely missing the target, as he ran for cover. As he leaped into the bushes, a laser hit him on the ankle and he fell into the bushes, its branches cutting into his skin. As the Doll put it, he'd be a dead man if he wasn't swift, so he got up, risking more cuts and scratches. He grunted in pain and listened to Eren's offer. He was more than willing to accept it, but then something came up:

Nuul mentioned "Puppeteers". His time training to be a Hunter was brief, so it contained the gist of what he was fighting. Not once in his training did he come across "Puppeteers" or "Marionettes".

"Wait, I'm confused here. Aren't you lot supposed to be puppets or marionettes?" As a sign to Eren that he's willing to cooperate, he put his weapon away, even taking out the nails in its chamber and putting it in his pocket for good measure as he began to step away from the house. He held his hands up to Nuul. "Forgive me, I'm new to the hunting business."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Adorabadass


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Eren Deville

Eren paused a moment.

"God, I have not witnessed men so clueless since I had to explain gender fluidity to my father. Let's hope you're understanding and fantastic like he is."

Eren chuckled.

"And follow suit with the gentlemanly hunter one. Drop the weapon. Then, I will drop mine. Know that, even unarmed, I could end your life, as could my doll. Nuul is likely one of the most powerful dolls alive right now."

Eren then paused.

"Actually, if you'll come inside with me, I'll make us some tea and we can discuss this like civilized beings."

She then addressed her doll.

"Nuul, can we classify the dead thug as a 'sacrifice' or will I have to bury the criminal scum? I really don't want to have to move. I'm just glad this part of town has gunfire all the time, or else tonight would be quite suspicious."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
Avatar of Ariamis

Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 5 days ago

"You have good instincts, Hunter, but you are terribly blind." She said with a sigh. She didn't bother turning around, she was ready to move quickly if need be. "Do none of the tomes of the church herald out arrival? Dolls only persist while Puppeteers still exist in this world."

The Doll knows of the church, as is expected of the Keeper of Secrets. But what is this about Puppeteers? I've heard of that somewhere, but where?

Gehrman noticed how the Doll seemed to obey the will of the man, which was confirmation that he was indeed Mister Deville. The situation had developed in a direction he did not see coming: he was losing, yet he was still alive.

Strange events surround mortal existence blessed by eyes, as was foretold in the book of Kosm.

"Wait, I'm confused here. Aren't you lot supposed to be puppets or marionettes?" As a sign to Eren that he's willing to cooperate, he put his weapon away, even taking out the nails in its chamber and putting it in his pocket for good measure as he began to step away from the house. He held his hands up to Nuul. "Forgive me, I'm new to the hunting business."

Figures, Gehrman thought to himself. There were many hints in his behavior pointing to the case, but he wasn't interested in dwelling on it. More importantly, the greenhorn surrendered, which tipped the already tilted favors against him even further.

Eren Deville
"And follow suit with the gentlemanly hunter one. Drop the weapon. Then, I will drop mine. Know that, even unarmed, I could end your life, as could my doll. Nuul is likely one of the most powerful dolls alive right now."

Eren then paused.

"Actually, if you'll come inside with me, I'll make us some tea and we can discuss this like civilized beings."

She then addressed her doll.

"Nuul, can we classify the dead thug as a 'sacrifice' or will I have to bury the criminal scum? I really don't want to have to move. I'm just glad this part of town has gunfire all the time, or else tonight would be quite suspicious."

"But-" Gehrman spouted out from his gritted teeth, before he sighed. This was checkmate for him, and he knew when to fold his cards. He was given a chance to live, and that is what he was going to choose. Not because he wanted to survive, since he was willing to die for his cause, but because he wanted to learn more about what he's been talking about. Gehrman thus dropped his nailgun on the ground, and lifted himself slowly up from the dirt.

"You won this battle, Dollmaster."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Urbanliner

Urbanliner A Certain Magical Lazy Student

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Masami looked at the boy happily, herself being happy too since she could be let in, too. Listening to what he is saying, she quickly memorized that the boy should be called "Leo" for now, until he finds out his true name. Looking at the girl that let her Master and herself in, Masami came to know that the girl is alone unless her Doll was taken into consideration, and that she looks about the boy's age.

"Please..." Masami said, adding to what her Master said.
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