Human name:
Demetri Novasa God/Goddess name:
Ursa MajorParents: The
Uncreated God unlike many other Ursa Major does not understand his creation or who made him.
Age: 18
Powers: Sheer Strength which causes Intimidation (reducing the Physical Aspects of Other powers)- Regeneration- Control over natures Animals
Human Appearance:
God/Goddess Appearance:
A Bone scythe made from the tooth of most aggressive dinosaur. Unbreakable.
Followers: Animal lovers. Any human the strong and the weak asking for strength.
Animal: Bear
Ursa Major, the constellation, whose name is the Latin for "Great Bear". Ursa is born into nature unknowing he was a God defeating any creature standing in his way brought up to fight for himslef and his pack soon becoming the king of his forest in just two months of his ''birth'' in which he was not created sumply an Uncreated God who simply Exsisted. Being leader of the pact at such a younger age he learned to master strength and nature to bring his pact to victory untill one day he was too weak to fight for his pact even after calling all the animals aggresive humans attacked his forest he lost everyone and everything. He blamed himslef. He now wants to go to school to further make him stronger.